How to get rid of diarrhea quickly in a child. Diarrhea in a child: signs, causes, treatment. Who do they contact for diagnosis?

Diarrhea or diarrhea is a frequent or one-time bowel movement, characterized by the release of stool of a liquid consistency. In the vast majority of cases, diarrhea is a consequence of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

For example, diseases such as colitis, enteritis, enterocolitis, as well as a number of other diseases that are not related to pathologies of the digestive system can cause loose stools in a child. In addition, the cause of childhood diarrhea can be poisoning, taking antibiotics or severe nervous shock.

What is it like?

Modern medicine distinguishes the following types of diarrhea:

  • infectious;
  • medicinal;
  • toxic;
  • dyspeptic;
  • neurogenic;
  • nutritional


In most cases, infectious diarrhea is caused by a viral infection of various types. Intestinal viral infections are quite easily transmitted from one person to another through close contact or, for example, when an infected person prepares food for others. Children under 5 years of age are most susceptible to such infections.

In some cases, the cause of diarrhea is food poisoning from various types of bacteria. The most common bacterium is salmonella, which can enter the body with contaminated water, food and other pathogens (common in countries with low sanitary standards).

Symptoms of infectious diarrhea in children can range from mild stomach upset for a couple of days to severe pathology with severe watery diarrhea. The infectious course of the disease is characterized by acute abdominal pain.

In this case, the pain may subside each time the child’s stomach empties. Additional symptoms of infectious diarrhea may include:

  • temperature increase,
  • vomit,
  • headache.

This type of diarrhea in most cases lasts for several days, perhaps even more. On average, a child's stool remains liquid for about five to seven days, after which it returns to normal. In particularly severe cases, symptoms may take much longer to appear.


Drug-induced diarrhea arises against the background of suppression of the natural, physiological environment of the intestine or the development of dysbiosis. The main symptoms can be considered vomiting, which is considered the primary symptom that occurs against the background of loose stools.

A secondary disruption of the digestive system is indicated by belching with a foul odor, which is formed due to rotting processes in the stomach. Often this type diarrhea occurs from antibiotics, which partially or completely destroy the intestinal flora.


Toxic diarrhea in children is necessarily accompanied by vomiting, which gradually leads the body to dehydration.

In especially difficult situations with children under two years of age, diarrhea in this group can provoke various disorders of brain function.

In the vast majority of situations, such diarrhea is a consequence of diseases of the intestines or some other organ and develops mainly in the warm season as a result of overheating.

The symptoms of toxic diarrhea mainly include severe diarrhea, when watery bowel movements follow one after another. When vomiting, all the food eaten leaves the stomach.

The child's complexion changes from natural to gray, and spots form around the eyes. dark circles. The baby becomes lethargic and constantly wants to sleep. Reaction to environment slowed down The most characteristic symptom is eyelids that are open during sleep.

Dyspeptic diarrhea

Diarrhea of ​​the dyspeptic type occurs on the basis of disorders of the digestive processes that develop as a consequence of insufficiency of the secretory pancreas, liver or stomach of the child. Such diarrhea usually does not have characteristic symptoms, and at the same time requires closer attention from the pediatrician.

Neurogenic diarrhea

Neurogenic type diarrhea may appear as a consequence of a disorder in the nervous regulation of intestinal motility. Most often, neurogenic diarrhea occurs when the child is in a stressful situation or nervous tension.

Feelings of fear and anxiety can cause such diarrhea. The situation does not require any special treatment. The stool returns to normal as soon as the child’s psychological state returns to normal.

Alimentary diarrhea

Diarrhea of ​​nutritional origin occurs due to disruptions in the child’s nutrition or due to his consumption of foods that provoke allergies. Treatment requires exclusion from children's menu foods that provoke loose stools, as well as taking antihistamines.

Usually, nutritional diarrhea disappears the very next day after the start of treatment.

Symptoms of childhood diarrhea

The digestive processes of most children are almost identical to those of adults. The consistency of stool, as well as its frequency, is usually the same for both the child and the parents. The only exception is infancy: in newborns and infants, stools are normally looser and more frequent.

Thus, it is quite simple to determine diarrhea in children aged one year or more. Diarrhea can be called liquid-like feces with a predominant water content.

Diarrhea is uncontrollable, accompanied by a sharp urge and spasmodic pain in the abdomen. The daily number of bowel movements significantly exceeds the norm. There is also a certain pattern: the more watery the stool, the more often the baby runs to the toilet.

Any type of childhood diarrhea requires immediate treatment. Parents need to be especially vigilant when the child's bowel movements are very profuse, have a greenish tint and foam.

Why is prolonged diarrhea dangerous for a child?

Having bowel movements seven to eight times a day poses a great danger to the child, since diarrhea can cause dehydration, which quickly deprives him of nutrients.

In some cases, diarrhea leads to disturbances in the electrolyte composition of the blood. If acute symptoms occur, the parent should call a doctor or take the child to the hospital.

How can you tell if your baby is dehydrated?

To determine dehydration of a child’s body, it is necessary to monitor the condition of its skin and mucous membranes. When dehydrated, the mucous membranes and skin dry out and begin to crack.

The general condition of the body also changes. The baby becomes lethargic, restless, and completely refuses food. A sure sign also considered concentrated, dark color urine, which is excreted much more rarely and in smaller quantities.

A parent can check their personal guesses about dehydration in their baby at home. To do this, it is enough to conduct a “wet diaper” test. In an infant, the number of urinations per day should not be less than 10, in an older child - four to five times.

Vomiting and excessive regurgitation can also aggravate the dehydration process. In some cases, for example, with infectious diarrhea, children even develop a fever.

How is childhood diarrhea treated?

Diarrhea in a child must be treated from the inside. That is, it is not enough to get rid of the symptoms, you need to identify the root cause. Therefore, in order to specifically cure diarrhea in a child, and not to eliminate its symptoms for a while, you should consult a doctor.

In addition to the prescriptions given to the baby by the pediatrician, during the treatment of childhood diarrhea, parents must adhere to the following principles:

Pause “fasting” or gentle diet

In most cases, a child with diarrhea refuses to eat on his own. Force-feeding your baby is strongly discouraged. The exception is when the child is under one year old. Long periods of hunger in such young children can cause weight loss and disruptions in protein balance.

In this case, the fasting pause should be replaced with a diet excluding fatty foods and dairy products.

Prohibition on taking antidiarrheal drugs (unless prescribed by a doctor)

It is forbidden to immediately give your baby antidiarrheal medications. If a child picks up an intestinal infection, the body will rid itself of it through vomiting and diarrhea.

Therefore, during the first hours of illness, it is necessary to allow toxins to come out, and only then give medicine for diarrhea. To speed up the process, you can give your child an enema, the water temperature in which should be no more than 23-24 degrees.

It is also prohibited to give a child anti-diarrhea medications when there are blood clots in the bowel movements and there is a rise in temperature.

Drink plenty of fluids

In case of diarrhea, the baby must maintain sufficient drinking regime. How older child, the more fluid he needs. At the same time, he should drink a minimum of 50 milliliters of water per kilogram of weight.

Water should enter the body after each bowel movement or vomiting. Throughout the day, the baby should drink in fractional portions. You can’t limit your baby’s drinking; if he wants more liquid, you need to give him more.

In addition to drinking water, the child can also be given compote and alkaline mineral water. Compote made from dried fruits is an excellent remedy for treating the intestines; it contains magnesium and calcium salts. Alkaline mineral water for a child should be warm and without gases.

Taking saline solution

The use of a solution of electrolytes helps restore and control the water-salt balance in the child’s body. A universal remedy for diarrhea in both infants and children three years of age and older is pharmaceutical powder - Regidron (to obtain a solution, it is enough to dilute it with water).

If Regidron is not at hand, you can prepare an electrolyte solution yourself from a liter of boiled water, half a teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of soda, one tablespoon of sugar. This solution can be stored for no more than a day.


Medications that can be used to treat diarrhea are divided into several groups. Let us remind you once again that any of them can be given to a child only after consultation with a pediatrician.


The first group is enterosorbent substances, which are endowed with sorption properties that promote the rapid removal of toxins from the body. These include such well-known drugs as Activated carbon, Enterosgel, Polysorb, Smecta and others.

Smecta is the most preferred absorbent for children. It contains an absorbent astringent that can quickly restore the intestinal mucosa.


Probiotics replenish the level of beneficial bacteria in the child's body, some of which may have died or been eliminated naturally during diarrhea.

It is worth noting that this group of drugs is prescribed not only for the treatment of prolonged diarrhea, but also for dysbiosis, intestinal infections and after taking antibiotics.

Antimicrobial drugs

Sometimes, for diarrhea, antimicrobial medications are also prescribed, which reduce the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and stop the baby’s diarrhea.

Folk remedies for diarrhea in children

As additional measures to get rid of diarrhea, you can use folk recipes. However, before treating a child's diarrhea with traditional methods It should be noted that they can give quite unexpected results.

Unfortunately, folk recipes often provoke allergic reactions in children. Therefore, if there is even the slightest doubt about a particular remedy, it is necessary to consult with your doctor before using it.


The most popular remedy for diarrhea, including in children, is rice water. It is prepared quite simply. For 0.5 liters of water, take two tablespoons of rice, which is cooked over low heat for thirty minutes, after which the broth is evaporated under a closed lid for about twenty minutes.

The resulting decoction should be given to the child 50 grams three to four times a day, starting from the first day of diarrhea. It has an astringent effect, normalizes intestinal function, and also fully nourishes a weakened child’s body.


Traditional medicine also believes that taking berry or oatmeal jelly, which has an excellent intestinal calming effect, helps to effectively treat diarrhea.

To prepare this medicinal drink from fresh or frozen berries, you will need 0.5 liters of water, 1.5-2 tablespoons of potato starch, half a glass of granulated sugar and 0.5 kg of any berries.

The method for preparing jelly is extremely simple: the berries must be boiled until tender, removed from the water and rubbed through a sieve. Add the pureed mass back to the water in which the berries were boiled, add granulated sugar and starch, previously diluted in cold water.

Put the drink back on the fire, wait until it boils, and turn it off. After cooling, the jelly can be given to the baby.

Prevention of diarrhea in childhood

The first most popular and effective method of prevention is proper nutrition and compliance with basic hygiene rules - handling fruits and vegetables, as well as regular hand washing with soap (after visiting the toilet, walking outside, contact with dirty things).

The child is prohibited from giving raw water and questionable products, as well as allergenic products (if he has allergies).

You should treat antibiotics with caution (in no case should you prescribe them to your baby on your own or exceed the duration of the course prescribed by the doctor).

Sometimes cases of diarrhea occur among children with an unstable psycho-emotional state. Prevention of diarrhea for such children will be the correct daily routine (which, however, is important for any child), protection from unnecessary emotional worries and worries.

It has been proven that if the baby is in good mood, is not subject to stress and nervous overload, the likelihood that he will suffer from diarrhea is reduced.

For all parents, the most important thing is nothing other than the health of their baby. Every child at least once has been exposed to an acute infection that causes loose stools.

Diarrhea in a child is the most common occurrence, which can mean a serious disorder of the digestive tract. Diarrhea is caused by failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.

Most often, childhood diarrhea is a sign of disease of the small or large intestine. But in medicine, diarrhea is divided into several types depending on what is causing it.

There are food diarrhea, toxic diarrhea, infectious diarrhea, drug diarrhea, nervous diarrhea and caused by disruption of the stomach.

Every parent should know how to cure children's pathological bowel movements and prevent their recurrence. Let's talk about what causes diarrhea in a 2 month old baby.

What is diarrhea

Diarrhea is a long-term digestive disorder that is accompanied by loose stool and frequent bowel movements. The most common manifestations of diarrhea are rumbling in the stomach, false urge to defecate, and flatulence.

Diarrhea is dangerous because it can cause dehydration and digestive problems.

To determine childhood diarrhea, you need to know criteria such as age norm and quality of bowel movements.

  1. In newborns and infants, frequent and loose stools are not a criterion for diarrhea, since they can defecate up to 10 times a day and eat liquid food.
  2. In an infant under one year of age, diarrhea is characterized by watery, unformed stools with a frequency of more than 4-5 times a day.
  3. In children over two years of age, diarrhea is manifested by very loose stools and frequent bowel movements, reaching 5 or more times a day.
  4. Normally, in children aged two years and older, stool consists of formed excrement up to 1-2 times a day without pathological impurities.

Any deviations from the norm in children's stool require examination and laboratory tests.

Causes of diarrhea

Diarrhea occurs in children in each case for individual reasons.

It is almost impossible to understand on your own which factor caused the appearance of loose stools (except when parents initially know that the baby took an allergenic drug or was poisoned by bad food).

The main causes of diarrhea in children:

  1. Food causes (unboiled water, allergic reaction to food, lactose intolerance during breastfeeding, food poisoning, digestive system disorders). Often the baby is exposed to low-quality formula or dairy products.
  2. Medication (allergy to medications), neurological (emotional disorders). As a rule, parents already know about such diseases of their child and are aware of what actions to take to eliminate diarrhea. The use of antibacterial drugs often causes digestive disorders.
  3. Dyspeptic causes (irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, rectal cancer, impaired absorption in the intestine).
  4. Toxic causes (these include acute viral intestinal infections). Consumption of low-quality dairy products or infection with rotavirus infection is always accompanied by persistent digestive upset, most often with vomiting.

The children's digestive system is very sensitive to any kind of irritant and, unlike an adult body, is not able to cope with pathology on its own without consequences.


A pediatrician begins to determine this disease by collecting an anamnesis.

When talking with the baby's parents, the doctor needs to find out how much liquid the baby drank and what it was (tea, water or other liquids).

The doctor also needs to know how many times a day the child has bowel movements: if the frequency is more than three times a day, then this indicates signs of the onset of an intestinal disorder.

The basis of diagnostic measures for diarrhea is to establish its cause. To do this, the baby needs to undergo blood and stool tests. A general examination is also carried out to determine how to treat diarrhea in a child.


The most dangerous complications, both for children's health and for their life with diarrhea, are the following consequences:

  1. Dehydration of the child's body.
  2. Infection.
  3. Lack of vitamins in the body.
  4. Hemorrhoids, appearance of cracks.

Lack of fluid in a child's body, which causes diarrhea, has a detrimental effect on all vital organs. Dehydration combined with intoxication requires emergency medical intervention.

To eliminate harmful and dangerous symptoms, the baby needs adequate therapy in a hospital setting.


It is necessary to begin treating diarrhea in children by introducing additional fluid into the diet, which the child loses in large quantities during diarrhea.

In addition to ordinary water, the small body suffers from a lack of salts, calcium, magnesium and many other important microelements.

To properly restore water balance during diarrhea, it is necessary to give the child together with drinking water special solutions that you can prepare yourself or purchase a ready-made drug at any pharmacy.

Treatment of diarrhea in children includes the following medications:

  1. For rehydration (Citroglucosolan, Regidron). The drugs are available in a convenient powder form. Each sachet contains the required amount of medicine, which can be dosed according to the age category of the child.
  2. Enterosorbing substances (Enterosgel, Polysorb, Smecta). They are responsible for removing toxins from the body that are released by pathogenic bacteria during their life processes, thereby provoking the development of diarrhea.
  3. Antibacterial therapy (Sulgin, Levomycetin, Enterol). Necessary only if a bacterial diarrhea pathogen is attached. Only a qualified specialist can determine the exact causes of diarrhea in a child using these laboratory test results. Doctors try to minimize the use of antibiotics and prescribe them only in extreme cases.
  4. Antidiarrheals (Imodium, Loperamide). Use strictly as prescribed by a doctor. Very dangerous for children's bodies. The medication stops diarrhea and stops the elimination of toxic substances.

An adult can take an antidiarrheal drug without serious consequences, but for a child it poses a serious threat.

The safest way to treat diarrhea in children is with Smecta and Regidron. Follow dietary recommendations for the period of illness. Further actions will be determined upon admission to the hospital or doctor's appointment.

The listed groups of drugs are often prescribed for diarrhea, but how to treat diarrhea in a child must be determined by a qualified specialist.

In the case of a specific cause of diarrhea, the baby may suffer from the use of unnecessary medications and not receive the desired therapeutic effect.

What should you eat for diarrhea?

To replenish fluid, it is allowed to give Regidron to a young child, following the dosage according to the instructions for use.

Children from 1 year to 3 years old should be given regular drinking boiled water and saline solution to drink more often. Exclude from the diet the consumption of fermented milk products, fatty fish and meat, laxative berries and fruits.

In the first days of treatment for diarrhea, give preference to meat and fish broths. You can prepare a not too thick soup from rice and potatoes in meat broth. Replace bread with rye crackers.

It is recommended to adjust the diet of children aged 3 years and older during diarrhea so that food intake is small but nutritious portions.

For breakfast, you can prepare oatmeal without milk or unsweetened tea.

Can't add butter, margarine or milk, as these products have a laxative effect on the intestinal system and can aggravate the course of the disease.

For lunch, serve soup with rice and small turkey meatballs, tea, and a slice of rye bread. For diarrhea in a newborn baby, rehydration is also necessary.

Children under 3 years of age with symptoms of diarrhea should be under hospital observation. Even full compliance with all nutritional recommendations cannot guarantee an improvement in the child’s well-being.

Situations are possible in which a patient at an early age very quickly loses the bulk of fluid with diarrhea.

If parents do not react in time and do not seek help, serious consequences and death are possible. Diarrhea should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor.

Prevention measures

Diarrhea often develops due to violation of banal rules that any adult can follow. The child needs control from the parents.

To prevent various digestive disorders in children, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. Full compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is the main and effective method reducing the likelihood of digestive disorders. This rule applies not only to the cleanliness of children. Adults also need to be more attentive to the dishes, towels, and baby supplies they use. All items for daily use must be in sterile condition.
  2. When preparing food, meat and fish products must be subjected to heat treatment. It is not recommended to store perishable foods outside the freezer.
  3. When switching a newborn to supplementary feeding or completely artificial feeding, take into account the child’s inability to immediately fully digest new food. Unfamiliar foods should be introduced slowly.
  4. Be sure to regularly clean children's toys, pacifiers and bottles.
  5. Strengthen the child's immunity with the help of maximum breastfeeding, gymnastics and daily walks in the fresh air.

Timely contacting a doctor if diarrhea occurs is also one of the ways of prevention.

Proper treatment will reduce the likelihood of repeated attacks of diarrhea and persistent disruption of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.


Diarrhea in children can be very difficult to treat. The large loss of fluid and important microelements that diarrhea causes poses a great threat.

The most the right decision If diarrhea occurs, contact a specialist.

If it is not possible to urgently treat your baby medical care, it is necessary to carry out treatment mainly with sorbents and saline solutions.

Uncontrolled use of antibiotics can increase the effect of intoxication, and the child will suffer even more.

You can determine whether treatment is being carried out correctly by the patient’s behavior and by the frequency with which diarrhea recurs.

If the medications used are effective, the baby will experience an improvement in well-being, appetite and a reduction in bouts of diarrhea.

Useful video

Both conditions are unpleasant, but the second often turns out to be even more dangerous and uncomfortable than the first. Diarrhea is usually defined as loose or watery stools at least six times a day - often at the most inopportune times!

Your baby's bowel movements will vary in frequency and consistency depending on their age and diet. Breastfed newborns may have up to 12 small bowel movements per day, but by two to three months they may not have bowel movements for several days. Most children under one year of age have less than 150 ml of stool every day, while older children have up to 210 ml of stool.
Irregular loose stools in a child are not a cause for concern. However, if your baby's bowel movements become loose, watery, or more frequent than usual, it means he has diarrhea.

Diarrhea usually occurs due to a breakdown in the lining of the intestines. The stool becomes thin in consistency because the intestines cannot properly digest and absorb nutrients from the foods the child eats. In addition, the damaged coating may allow liquid to pass through. Along with fluid, the body loses minerals and salts. These losses can only be exacerbated if the child eats foods or drinks high in sugar, as unabsorbed sugar draws more water from the intestines, which only worsens diarrhea.

The body's loss of large amounts of water and salts leads to dehydration, which can be avoided if losses caused by diarrhea are constantly replenished with the appropriate amount of fluids and salts, as described in the "Treatment" section.

In medicine, intestinal inflammation is usually called enteritis. If the disease is accompanied by vomiting or vomiting precedes the onset of the disease, as most often happens, and, as a rule, there is mild inflammation of the stomach and intestines, this condition is called gastroenteritis.

Young children with viral dyspeptic diseases most often present with symptoms such as vomiting, high fever, and excessively restless behavior. The baby's stool becomes greenish-yellow in color and very watery. (If these stools occur every hour, there will likely be no solids at all.) If the color of the stool changes to a reddish or blackish color, it may contain blood; The cause of this bleeding may be a damaged intestinal lining or, more likely, it may be due to irritation of the rectum from frequent loose bowel movements. In any case, if you notice this or any other change in the color of your baby's stool, be sure to tell your pediatrician.

Causes of diarrhea in children

Diarrheal syndrome (diarrhea, diarrhea) - frequent loose stools with a change in its characteristics (color, smell, consistency, inclusions). Diarrheal syndrome can be observed in a healthy baby in the following cases: if a nursing mother uses “inappropriate” foods in her diet; when introducing new complementary foods; if the baby does not receive enough nutrition; due to improper care (overfeeding, overheating); if the child’s intestinal microflora is disturbed. Typically, digestion normalizes after eliminating such unfavorable factors. However, you need to understand that it is best to entrust the determination of these factors to a doctor; You should not conduct experiments on your child - after all, incorrect actions can lead to “disturbances” in the functioning of the baby’s body. In the meantime, you are waiting for the doctor, you can prepare “physical evidence” in the form of the contents of a diaper or potty - this can help in making the correct diagnosis. When caring for a baby with diarrhea, special attention should be paid to hygiene procedures: after each bowel movement, you need to wash the baby so that there is no irritation ; lubricate the skin of the perineum with baby cream, you must remember that if the baby has diarrhea, dehydration may occur.

The reasons that can cause diarrhea in infants are varied: bacterial and viral infections, intolerance to certain indigestible foods, teething. Loose stools can be provoked by any circumstances that upset or frighten the baby.

The bottom line is that if constipation occurs due to too active absorption of fluid in the intestines, then with diarrhea one or another factor, on the contrary, prevents normal absorption.


If diarrhea is accompanied by fever or vomiting, or if the frequency of bowel movements reaches 6 times every 24 hours, take your baby to the doctor.

In young children, the cause of intestinal disorders that lead to diarrhea is most often the so-called enteroviruses, i.e. intestinal viruses. Other reasons may be:

If your baby has mild diarrhea and is not dehydrated, has no fever, is active and has the same appetite, you may not have to change his diet and can still breastfeed or formula feed him. You shouldn't go on a so-called "light liquid diet," which includes only sugary drinks (such as juices or sodas), because their high sugar and low salt content may make diarrhea worse.
If your child has mild diarrhea and vomiting, replace his or her regular diet with a commercial electrolyte solution. Your pediatrician will advise you to use this solution to restore normal water and salt levels in your body until the vomiting stops. In most cases, these solutions must be taken within one to two days. As soon as the vomiting stops, gradually return to your previous diet.

Never give a child with diarrhea boiled milk (skim or any other kind). When boiling, water evaporates, as a result of which the remaining liquid contains too high an amount of salts and minerals, which can be dangerous for the child’s body. (In fact, you should not give boiled milk even to a healthy child.)

Severe diarrhea

If your child has watery bowel movements every hour or two or more often and/or shows signs of dehydration, consult your pediatrician. He or she may advise eliminating all solid foods from the child's diet for at least 24 hours and avoiding high-sugar drinks (carbonated drinks, concentrated fruit juices, or drinks with artificial sweeteners), high-salt foods (packed soups), or low salt content (water and tea). Your doctor may advise you to give your child only a store-bought electrolyte solution that contains the ideal balance of salts and minerals. (See table above). Babies who are breastfed are usually treated in the same way, unless the baby has mild diarrhea and can still be fed breast milk.

If your child has diarrhea and you are concerned that he or she may be dehydrated, call your pediatrician and cut out all solid foods and dairy drinks until your pediatrician tells you what to do next. If you think your child is becoming severely dehydrated, call your pediatrician or the nearest emergency department immediately. At the same time, give your child an electrolyte solution purchased at the pharmacy. If severe dehydration occurs, the child may need to be hospitalized to receive intravenous fluids to rehydrate the body. For mild cases, you may only need to give your child a replacement electrolyte solution as directed by your pediatrician. The table above shows the approximate amount of solution that should be given to the child.

After your child has been taking the electrolyte solution for 12 to 24 hours and the diarrhea begins to subside, you can gradually add foods such as apple mousse or puree, pears, bananas, and flavored jelly to the child's diet. Milk should be excluded from the diet for one or two days, except for small children who are fed milk from a bottle. You can try giving such children a milk formula diluted to half the normal amount. (Dilute the formula in the amount of water you would normally use to make it.) If your baby is breastfed, you can continue breastfeeding while he takes the electrolyte solution.

As a rule, it is not necessary to remove all foods from a child’s diet for more than 24 hours, since the body will need to restore lost strength. After you begin reintroducing foods to his diet, his stool may still be loose, but this does not always mean that he is not improving. Watch for increased activity, improved appetite, more frequent urination, and disappearance of any signs of dehydration. Once you notice all these signs in your child, you can be sure that your child is getting better.

Diarrhea that lasts longer than two weeks (chronic diarrhea) may signal a more serious intestinal problem. If the diarrhea continues for such a long time, your pediatrician will ask you to have further tests to find out the cause of the diarrhea and also to make sure your child is getting enough nutrition. If malnutrition becomes a problem, your pediatrician will recommend a special diet or a special type of formula.

If your baby drinks too much liquid, especially too much juice or sweetened drinks, he or she may develop a condition commonly called "one-year-old diarrhea." This condition causes constant loose stools, but does not affect the child's appetite or growth, and does not lead to dehydration. Although diarrhea in one-year-olds is not dangerous, your pediatrician may advise you to reduce your child's intake of juices and other sugary drinks. If the child does not have enough fluid, which he gets from food and milk, he can be given clean water.

If diarrhea occurs along with other symptoms, it may signal a more serious health problem. If your child has diarrhea that is accompanied by at least one of the following symptoms, tell your pediatrician right away:

  • high fever that lasts for 24-48 hours;
  • bloody stools;
  • vomiting that does not stop for 12-24 hours;
  • vomit that has a greenish tint, is bloody, or looks like coffee grounds;
  • bloated stomach;
  • the child refuses to eat and drink;
  • severe abdominal pain;
  • skin rashes or jaundice (yellow color of the skin and eyes).

If your child has any other medical condition or is constantly taking any medications but has persistent diarrhea for 24 hours or more, or there is something else that really worries you, it is best to tell your pediatrician.

Signs and symptoms of dehydration (the body loses a significant amount of water)

When treating diarrhea in a child, the most important thing is to prevent dehydration. Watch closely for the following warning signs of dehydration. If you notice any of these signs in your child, tell your pediatrician right away.

Mild to moderate dehydration:

  • plays less than usual;
  • urination occurs less frequently than usual (less than six wet diapers per day);
  • parched, dry lips;
  • Fewer tears are produced when crying;
  • sunken soft area on the head;
  • if the cause of dehydration is diarrhea, the child’s stool will be liquid; If dehydration occurs for another reason (vomiting, insufficient fluid intake), bowel movements will occur less frequently.

Severe dehydration (in addition to the symptoms and signs listed above):

  • behaves very restlessly;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • sunken eyes;
  • cold pale arms and legs;
  • wrinkled skin;
  • bowel movements only once or twice a day.

Preventing Diarrhea

The tips below will help prevent your child from getting diarrhea.

  1. Most forms of infectious diarrhea are spread by hand-to-mouth transmission or after a child comes into contact with infected fecal matter (stool). This mainly applies to children who are not potty trained. Practice proper sanitation and hygiene at home and in your child's child care centers.
  2. Do not give your child raw (unpasteurized) milk or foods that may be contaminated.
  3. Do not give your child medicine unless absolutely necessary; This is especially true for antibiotics.
  4. If possible, breastfeed your baby throughout early childhood.
  5. Limit the amount of juices and sugary drinks you consume.


Treatment of diarrhea consists of correcting the diet of mother and baby, the baby’s drinking regime and caring for him. Further treatment measures depend on the cause and severity of the disease.

Normal stool is established in a child from the 5th-6th day of his life. A baby receiving breast milk has golden-yellow stools in the form of liquid sour cream with a sour odor.

With artificial feeding, normal stool is light yellow in color, has a putty-like consistency and has a somewhat unpleasant (putrid) odor.

It is not recommended to give children anti-diarrhea medications that are commercially available. Often they only worsen intestinal disorders, and if there is an infection in the body, they do not stop the loss of fluid and salts that should be retained in the intestines. If this happens in your family, your baby may become dehydrated without you even realizing it; in this case, the child may not lose weight, since the diarrhea will stop for some time. It is for this reason that before giving your child any medicine for diarrhea, be sure to consult your pediatrician.

Simple solutions and natural remedies

With diarrhea, a person loses a lot of valuable fluid, so you should always be aware of the threat of dehydration. So that the body of a baby suffering from diarrhea can replenish its losses, give him more cooled boiled water or increase the dose of milk. Also, try to stop diarrhea by using the following tips.

  • If your baby is already weaned, treat him to mashed ripe banana - this will help normalize digestion. To enhance the astringent effect, you can add a teaspoon of pectin-rich Tsaregrad pod (carob) powder.
  • Give your baby some anise water to soothe the bowels and make gas easier to pass. Grind 1-2 cloves of star anise as finely as possible and add half a cup of boiling water. Cool. Give the decoction to your child if digestive problems arise, dropping 3-6 drops into the mouth with a pipette.

Frequently asked questions about diarrhea in children

Why does my child have terrible diarrhea almost every winter?

Rotavirus is the most common, although not the only, infection that causes diarrhea in children. This most often happens during the winter months. Many parents call such infections “stomach flu.” Typical signs are a high fever and vomiting for several days in a row, often accompanied by green, foul-smelling, watery diarrhea that lasts for a week or longer. Older children and adults (who already have a strong immune system) may get off easier with milder symptoms, but young children often have severe vomiting and diarrhea. Children are more likely to be hospitalized due to dehydration caused by rotavirus. Sometimes it spreads like wildfire in kindergartens and nurseries: children there are in close contact with each other, which means they have a higher risk of becoming infected. How to reduce the likelihood of getting an infection? Wash your hands and teach your children to do the same. Fortunately, there is a special rotavirus vaccine that is usually given to 2-, 4-, and 6-month-old children as part of regular checkups.

What should I give my child for diarrhea?

The main thing is to give more fluid. This is often easier said than done, especially when everything you drink immediately goes into the pot. If your child also vomits, it can be even more difficult to stay hydrated.

In newborns, diarrhea can easily cause dehydration, so it is especially important to call the doctor to ask what to do and to determine what is causing the diarrhea. Continue to breastfeed or formula feed unless your doctor tells you not to. He may recommend giving your child water more often, giving him anti-dehydration medications (Pedialit, Infalit or Liqui-Lit) or switching to another formula until the diarrhea goes away. The doctor may examine and weigh your newborn daily or every few days to make sure he is not losing weight.

In addition to what was said about newborns, if the baby is already eating solid foods, he may not want to eat them while he is sick. It's not a big deal if he drinks enough fluids. If he doesn't refuse food, start with rice cereal and then gradually introduce other foods. Avoid juices if possible - they can make diarrhea worse. But since our main goal is to prevent dehydration, if the child does not want to drink anything other than juice, try giving low-sugar juice and diluting it with water.

If you feel like regular milk makes your diarrhea worse, you can try giving your baby lactose-free milk for a few days. Electrolyte solutions (“Pedialit”, “Infalit” or “Liqui-lit”) will help avoid dehydration. Avoid sugary drinks and juices - they make diarrhea worse. However, if you have a stubborn baby (and this happens often), let him drink what he wants - it’s better than not drinking at all. A regular diet is fine if your child doesn't refuse to eat, but certain foods, such as bread, rice, mashed potatoes, bananas or applesauce, are easier on the stomach and may help stop diarrhea.

For all ages. In addition to anti-diarrhea measures, take care to prevent annoying and potentially painful diaper rash by lubricating your baby's bottom with a cream containing zinc oxide every time you change a diaper. However, despite all precautions, diaper rash may appear. In this case, continue to lubricate with diaper cream.

Call the doctor if your baby refuses to drink, if he has diarrhea with blood or mucus, if he wets diapers less often than usual, if he is vomiting or has a fever, if diarrhea lasts more than a week, or if he has bowel movements more than 8 times a day.

For several days in a row I gave the child antibiotics for inflammation of the grass snake, and after that he began to have loose stools. What is this - an allergy? Should I stop giving the medicine?

This is not an allergy to the medicine. Diarrhea and mild abdominal pain are the most common side effects of antibiotics. In addition, loose stools may be one of the symptoms of an underlying disease. If you give your baby plenty to drink, there will be no harm from loose stools (except, perhaps, for diaper dermatitis). The diarrhea will most likely stop before the course of antibiotics ends and the illness goes away. Do not stop giving antibiotics without talking to your doctor. Sometimes your doctor will recommend giving your baby yogurt with live cultures or probiotics to help make up for the lack of beneficial bacteria that antibiotics can cause.

Call the doctor if the child vomits, has bloody or loose stools more than 8 times a day, or if the diarrhea continues after the child is no longer taking the medicine. In addition, if the fever persists for more than 2-3 days after you started giving the antibiotic, consult a doctor - let him check whether the child's course of treatment is helping the underlying illness or if it needs to be changed.

Diarrhea in childhood is very common, especially in preschool age.

Digestive disorders can be caused by dietary errors, infections or diseases of the internal organs.

To effectively treat diarrhea in children, it is important to correctly determine the cause.

A child is born with an unformed digestive system: intestinal loops are not formed, fewer enzymes are produced. For this reason, food passes through the gastrointestinal tract faster. The formation process is completed on average by 3-5 years, so the norm of stool varies depending on age.

Loose stools are the absolute norm for children under six months of age who are breastfed. During the first 2-3 months of life, infants empty their intestines after each feeding (6-10 times a day), and the consistency of the stool is liquid.

As the child develops, the intestines are colonized by beneficial bacteria, organs that secrete digestive enzymes develop, so the number of bowel movements increases and the density of the stool increases.

For babies whose diet is dominated by formula, the stool norm is different: the feces are more formed, the number of bowel movements does not exceed 3.

After the introduction of complementary foods (at 4-6 months), children's stool changes. Babies walk up to 2 times a day, the consistency of stool depends on the foods consumed.

After a year, most children switch to a regular diet, so diarrhea is watery bowel movements more often than 5-7 times a day with a pungent odor. Depending on the cause of diarrhea, the color, smell and consistency of stool may change.

Classification of diarrhea in children

There are several types of diarrhea in children:

  • Infectious.

Digestive disorder caused by the penetration of viruses and bacteria into the child’s body (dysentery, intestinal flu, salmonellosis).

  • Toxic.

Diarrhea caused by poisoning with chemicals: mercury, arsenic, household chemicals.

  • Nutritional.

Digestive disorders are associated with dietary habits and may be caused by intolerance to some product.

  • Dyspeptic.

Diarrhea is a symptom of enzyme deficiency in pathologies of the pancreas, small intestine or liver.

  • Medication.

Diarrhea develops after long-term use of medications (usually antibiotics) due to disruption of the intestinal microflora.

  • Neurogenic.

Diarrhea occurs after experiencing fear or stress due to a violation of the nervous regulation of intestinal motility.

Any type of diarrhea can be acute - it occurs suddenly, the symptoms develop rapidly.

Chronic diarrhea occurs due to intestinal irritation; loose stools do not stop for several weeks. The disorder may be caused by diseases of the digestive system or lactose intolerance.

In children's intestines, the mucosa is thin, toxins easily penetrate the circulatory system, so diarrhea is often accompanied by vomiting and high fever. This condition leads to intense fluid loss, especially if the child is less than 3 years old. Rapid dehydration is very dangerous, it disrupts the functioning of the entire body and can be fatal.

Causes of chronic diarrhea

Chronic diarrhea, which lasts several weeks or months with periodic exacerbations, is a symptom of a general disease or pathology of the digestive tract:

  • Celiac disease is gluten intolerance.

The disorder is very rare; diarrhea begins after eating foods containing gluten. This vegetable protein is found in wheat, rye, and oats. The disease is accompanied by constant diarrhea and severe gas formation.

  • Dysbacteriosis.

An imbalance between beneficial and harmful bacteria in the intestines. Develops due to taking antibiotics.

  • Lactase deficiency.

Manifested by diarrhea after consuming dairy products. It occurs due to a lack of an enzyme in the body that breaks down milk sugar.

  • Non-infectious intestinal diseases (Crohn's disease, duodenitis, irritable bowel syndrome) cause inflammation of the mucous membrane, increase peristalsis, so food comes out very quickly.

Chronic diarrhea leads to impaired absorption of nutrients, decreased intelligence and developmental delays (mental and physical). This condition requires urgent medical treatment.

If you have celiac disease, you must follow a gluten-free diet for life.

Causes of acute diarrhea

Most often, children experience acute diarrhea. Abnormal bowel movements can be caused by a variety of reasons:

  • Nutritional features.

The intestinal microflora and immune system of children are very unstable, so diarrhea may appear after eating new foods. Such symptoms are often observed when complementary foods are introduced.

In infants, diarrhea may occur due to food eaten by the mother.

  • Medicines.

There may be diarrhea side effect some medicines: choleretic, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics. Diarrhea occurs due to the development of dysbiosis, long-term treatment or dosage violation.

  • Infections not related to the gastrointestinal tract: sore throat, otitis media, rhinitis.

These diseases are accompanied by the formation of mucus in the nasopharynx, which flows into the stomach and changes the consistency of stool. In children under one year of age, diarrhea often occurs due to teething.

  • Food and chemical poisoning.

One of the most common causes of diarrhea in children. Toxic substances enter the body when consuming stale or low-quality products.

  • Intestinal infections caused by bacteria and viruses (dysentery, rotavirus, salmonellosis, staphylococcus).

Children visiting kindergarten and school. Infection occurs through contact with a carrier and failure to maintain personal hygiene.

Dr. Komarovsky's comment that diarrhea in itself is not a diagnosis, but occurs as a result of some disease.

Associated signs of diarrhea

Diarrhea rarely occurs as an independent phenomenon; it is usually accompanied by other symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • flatulence;
  • abdominal pain, usually cramping;
  • the appearance of mucus, blood or undigested food in the stool.

An increase in temperature and vomiting accompanying diarrhea is a sign of penetration of a pathological organism into the child’s body. Symptoms appear 8-12 hours after the onset of diarrhea.

With each bowel movement and vomiting, the child loses from 100 to 300 ml of fluid, moisture evaporates through the skin, which leads to rapid dehydration.

Signs of dehydration:

  • weakness, sometimes loss of consciousness;
  • convulsions;
  • infrequent urination, rich yellow urine;
  • loss of shine in the eyes;
  • dry mouth and lips;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • decrease in blood pressure.

Frequent bowel movements cause irritation of the rectum and anus, and a rash and redness may appear around it.

All colors of mucus: from white to black

With infectious diarrhea, mucus appears in the stool, and its smell becomes very pungent. The cause of diarrhea can be judged by the color of the feces:

  • Red

For bleeding of the lower and middle intestines.

  • Green

If diarrhea is caused by a bacterial or viral infection, the baby will have green stools.

  • Black

This color is characteristic of gastric bleeding.

  • Bright yellow

If a child has yellow stool, this indicates dyspeptic disorders.

  • White

With enzyme deficiency, white feces appear.

  • Bloody feces

The appearance of blood in the stool is a very dangerous symptom that occurs when the intestines are damaged.

How can you treat diarrhea?

Diarrhea in a child is not always a sign of infection or poisoning. If there is no fever, the baby is active, there are no suspicious inclusions in the stool, treatment can be done at home.

You cannot do without professional help if:

  • the temperature rose sharply;
  • vomiting began;
  • the child is very weak;
  • there is blood and foam in the stool;
  • the stool has acquired an atypical color;
  • diarrhea does not stop for more than a day.

Children under one year old deserve special attention. Due to their low weight, they lose fluid very quickly, and dehydration develops very quickly.

If such signs occur, you must contact the infectious diseases department. After examining the child and examining the stool, treatment is prescribed. If a bacteriological or viral nature of diarrhea is suspected, a laboratory examination of stool is performed.

Treatment in a hospital lasts several days and depends on the age, condition of the child and the type of infection.

First aid: what to do to stop diarrhea?

Alimentary diarrhea can be stopped at home. To do this, it is enough to exclude the irritating factor - any food. Loose stools usually disappear after a few hours.

It happens that, against the background of the disorder, the appetite remains at the same level and the child asks to eat. You can offer him a cracker or unleavened cookies with weakly brewed tea.

  • fermented milk products;
  • fresh fruits, vegetables and juice from them;
  • solid food.

The biggest danger with long-term diarrhea is dehydration. To replenish lost fluid, you need to give clean water, weak tea (weakly sweet without lemon), and dried fruit compote to drink after each bowel movement.

If diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, the amount of liquid should not exceed 20 ml, but you need to drink every 10-15 minutes.

Infants do not stop breastfeeding. It must be remembered that mother’s milk will not be able to replace the fluid lost by the body, so between feedings you need to pour 5 ml of water into the baby’s mouth.

While waiting for an ambulance, you can give an absorbent agent (Enterosgel or Activated Carbon). These drugs are not absorbed into the blood, so they are harmless even for babies.

Medicines and preparations for children with diarrhea

Drug therapy for diarrhea in children consists of several areas:

  • Restoration of water-salt balance.

For this, use Regidron or Glucosalan. The drug in powder form is diluted in warm water and given in small sips after 5-10 minutes.

  • Removing toxins.

Absorbent preparations will cope with this task: Activated carbon (in powder, tablets or gel form), Enterosgel. These products absorb not only toxins, but also molecules of other medications, so you need to maintain an interval of 1.5-2 hours between different drugs.

For mothers of the youngest - children under 2 years old - the message from the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Medical Products (ANSM, France) will provide important information. This source said that Smecta® may contain lead and there is a risk of lead in the blood of children treated with this drug if they are under 2 years of age.

The Russian Union of Pediatric Centers has already sent doctors a warning from the French regulator, which recommends using Russian drugs instead of Smecta for children and pregnant women.

  • Levomecitin, Enturol, Furozalidone are used for antibacterial effects.
  • Restoration of microflora is carried out with the help of probiotics and prebiotics: Linex, Enterol, Bifiform Baby.
  • Normalization of peristalsis.

For diarrhea accompanied by uncontrolled contractions of the intestines, Loperamide or Imodium is prescribed.

If diarrhea is caused by waste products of helminths in combination with symptomatic treatment, antihelminthic drugs (Nemozol, Pirontel) are prescribed.

The type, form and dosage of medications for diarrhea in children is determined by the pediatrician. It is strictly forbidden to use medications intended for adults.

Traditional medicine at home

In addition to basic treatment, you can use proven recipes from unofficial medicine:

Rice decoction for stool consolidation

2 tablespoons of cereal are washed once and poured into hot water (about half a liter).

Cook over low heat for 35-45 minutes. The cooled broth is ground until smooth and given to the child 1-2 tablespoons several times an hour.

Bird cherry decoction

A handful of dry berries is poured with 2 cups of boiling water and simmered in a water bath for half an hour. After cooling, the liquid is filtered and given to the child 20 ml after 2 hours. For children under 3 years old, a teaspoon is enough.

Oak bark decoction

It solves several problems at once: it makes stool denser, eliminates the process of inflammation in the mucous membrane and destroys some microbes. It’s easy to prepare: oak bark is poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1:2 and heated in a water bath for 20 minutes. The cooled liquid should be drunk 50 ml 4-5 times a day.

Rosehip decoction

Contains many vitamins, it is recommended to drink it instead of tea if there are signs of dehydration. It is very simple to prepare the product: pour a handful of rose hips with a liter of water and boil for 7-10 minutes. The container with the decoction is left to infuse for an hour under a warm blanket.

Chamomile tea

Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents. Taking it during diarrhea soothes the inflamed mucous membrane and eliminates discomfort. The plant can be added to regular tea or brewed separately (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water).

Despite being completely natural, the listed remedies may have undesirable effects, so be sure to consult your doctor before using chamomile.

Nutrition and diet during treatment

It is advisable to make the first day of diarrhea “hungry”, since any food has an irritating effect. As a last resort, it is allowed to give unsweetened crackers or cookies.

Starting from the second day, you can introduce porridge with water (oatmeal or rice), ground dietary meat, vegetable broths, low-fat cottage cheese, hard-boiled eggs, and omelet into your diet. All food must be prepared without adding spices.

For normal diarrhea, such a diet is followed for no more than a week; if diarrhea is caused by an infection, it is continued until complete recovery.

To prevent diarrhea in children, you must strictly follow the rules of hygiene, heat-treat meat and fish dishes, and wash vegetables and fruits with soap.

Diarrhea in a child can occur due to many diseases. In a similar way, the baby’s body often reacts to various factors: allergies, teething, colds, violations of the regime and diet, pathologies of the digestive system. If diarrhea occurs, you should definitely determine the cause of this phenomenon, and it is also advisable to consult a doctor on how to stop diarrhea in a child. For this you can use various means, both sold in pharmacies and offered by traditional medicine.

How to quickly stop diarrhea in a child

  1. Rice broth. It gives a quick and pronounced effect, eliminating loose stools in a child. An important factor is the consistency of the broth; it should be quite thick and viscous. Also, along with the broth, you can give your baby a small amount of rice porridge, cooked without sugar and milk.
  2. Pharmacies today offer quite a few different medications that can help quickly cope with diarrhea in a child. The action of most of them is aimed at restoring intestinal microflora. Smecta or activated charcoal can also help with diarrhea.
  3. Pomegranate peels. An infusion is prepared from them by pouring boiling water over the shells and peels. Take the product several times a day after meals, a single serving is 1-2 large spoons.
  4. Herbal decoctions and teas. Products based on mint, chamomile, and hawthorn can help with diarrhea.

When using folk remedies to treat diarrhea in a child, you need to carefully monitor the baby’s body’s reaction to the chosen remedy. In addition, it is advisable to consult a doctor about the causes of this condition and methods of treating it.

How to stop diarrhea in a child at home

You can stop diarrhea in a child yourself at home. However, it is important to remember some points:

  • proper nutrition of the child. If you have diarrhea, you need to exclude spicy, fried, salty and fatty foods from your diet, as well as foods that can cause allergies. Also during this period, the baby should not be given poorly digestible foods, baked goods and sweets;
  • During the period of diarrhea, you need to feed the baby in small portions 5-6 times a day;
  • To prevent dehydration, the child should be given sufficient fluids;
  • During this period, it is better to reconsider the baby’s daily routine; he should lie down and rest more;
  • You should not overfeed your baby or feed him while running. While eating, he must chew every bite of food thoroughly.

How to stop diarrhea in a child with rotavirus

One of the possible causes of diarrhea in a child is rotavirus. In this case, folk remedies and medications can be used to stop diarrhea. It is not recommended to rinse the stomach; this procedure is carried out only in extreme cases, when the baby, in addition to diarrhea, experiences severe vomiting and weakness. If the child does not have symptoms of dehydration and his condition is relatively normal, then vomiting and diarrhea should not be stopped, because in this way the baby’s body gets rid of the infection. In this case, you need to feed the child with extreme caution; if he refuses to eat, then there is no need to give him food. If the baby asks for food, you can offer him a baked apple, oatmeal cooked in water, or another light dish.

How to stop diarrhea after antibiotics in a child

Taking antibiotics often causes diarrhea in children and adults. This is due to the destruction of intestinal microflora by such drugs, which leads to dysbacteriosis. And it, in turn, can manifest itself as diarrhea, constipation, flatulence and other symptoms. Diarrhea causes particular harm to a child’s body that has not yet recovered from the illness. Vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances are excreted along with feces.

You can cope with diarrhea after antibiotics if you follow some recommendations:

  1. You should not take antibiotics on your own without consulting a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to choose the right course of treatment and recovery of the body after taking antibiotics.
  2. To eliminate side effects, in addition to antibiotics, children are prescribed probiotics and prebiotics, which restore intestinal microflora. Such drugs include Bifidumbacterin, Linex, Bifiform and others.
  3. Proper nutrition plays an important role during the recovery period. At this time, it is not recommended to give your baby raw fruits, soda, milk and its derivatives, sweets, fatty foods and other similar foods.

How to stop diarrhea in a child using folk remedies

How to stop diarrhea in a child 1 year and younger

Diarrhea in children 1 year of age or younger occurs quite often. You can stop it using various folk remedies. So, in such cases, the use of oak bark, which is sold in pharmacies, is quite effective. It is brewed and given to the child as written in the accompanying instructions.

Raisin decoction also helps with diarrhea in infants. To prepare it, pour a handful of berries with a liter of water and boil for a quarter of an hour, after which the resulting product is ground through a sieve and given to the child a small spoon 3-4 times a day.

Another famous folk remedy Dill tea is a remedy for diarrhea in children of the first year. It helps to get rid of not only loose stools, but also to cope with colic, flatulence, bloating and even vomiting. You can prepare it yourself by brewing a small spoon of dill seed in 400 ml of water and simmering the product for a couple of minutes. After this, the broth is filtered and given to the child warm.

To relieve irritation and stop diarrhea and vomiting, you can give your child chamomile or mint tea.

How to stop vomiting and diarrhea in a child

In order to stop vomiting and diarrhea in a child, you can use the following folk recipes:

  1. Barley flour. A large spoonful of it is added to a glass of boiling water and lightly boiled. The resulting product is given to the child.
  2. Pear decoction. Suitable for stopping diarrhea and vomiting in children over one year of age. They can be given a decoction or compote of pears, but the pulp of the fruit should not be eaten as it irritates the intestinal walls.
  3. Rye crackers. To stop diarrhea and vomiting, they are soaked in warm water, and when the crackers are soaked, the resulting pulp is given to the baby.
  4. Gooseberry. These berries are ground with sugar and placed in glass jars. This product can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, and if diarrhea and vomiting occur, give the baby a small spoon three times a day.
  5. Potassium permanganate. Its weak solution helps to cope with vomiting and diarrhea caused by poisoning and intestinal infections. When preparing the solution, you must ensure that all grains of potassium permanganate are completely dissolved in water.