Raw skin on the face how to treat. Healing abrasions on the face: ointment, folk remedy

The face for many, especially for women, is a symbol of beauty and attractiveness, on which mood and general well-being depend. Therefore, even the slightest injury to the skin of this area gives a person great anxiety. We will tell you how to quickly heal injuries and not leave scars that disfigure the most noticeable part of a person.

Shulepin Ivan Vladimirovich, traumatologist-orthopedist, highest qualification category

The total work experience is more than 25 years. In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Medical and Social Rehabilitation, in 1997 he completed residency in the specialty "Traumatology and Orthopedics" at the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. N.N. Prifova.

The face, as an open part of the body, is quite often injured. Moreover, the impact on the skin is not only external, but also under the influence of internal processes. Let's take a closer look at these options:

  • abrasions. Their distinguishing feature is a violation of the integrity of the most superficial areas of the skin. Bleeding usually does not happen at all, or it is insignificant. Abrasions cause trouble due to pain syndrome (the skin on the face is well innervated) and cosmetic problems.
  • Cuts. Injury with a sharp object, the danger of which depends on the location and depth. Bleeding can be quite strong, sometimes nerves are damaged, which leads to a violation of facial expressions. The treatment of such wounds should be entrusted to a specialist to prevent irreparable consequences and complications.
  • Ragged wounds. Occur as a result of car accidents, animal bites. They are characterized by a massive rupture of soft tissues with damage not only to the skin, but also to muscles, and profuse bleeding. Deep wounds are dangerous due to the addition of a secondary infection and the development of purulent complications.
  • self-injury. This group is conditionally distinguished due to the fact that a person himself often damages the skin of the face as a result of improper care: wounds after acne (squeezing), burns from poor-quality cosmetics and others.

Most facial injuries require a visit to a doctor, as this area of ​​the body has its own characteristics that affect healing and the possibility of cosmetic complications.

Features of damage to the face

The treatment of even superficial abrasions on the face is very different from the healing of wounds in other areas of the body. This is due to the anatomical features:

  • Enhanced blood supply. Facial tissues are literally permeated with small blood vessels. As a result, even a small injury causes severe bleeding. There is a positive point in this - the better the blood circulation, the faster the wound heals.
  • Prolonged and extensive swelling. Swelling of tissues is due to their impregnation with blood plasma. On the face, due to the large number of capillaries, this symptom is maximum, spreads to neighboring areas and persists for a longer time.
  • Mimic muscles. One of the successful conditions for tissue regeneration is their complete immobility. This is difficult to achieve on the face, since when talking or emotions, an automatic contraction of facial muscles occurs. The edges of the wound diverge, healing is inhibited. That is why, when traumatizing the face, doctors recommend applying cosmetic sutures even to small cuts.
  • Pain . There are many structural elements on the face: small bones, facial muscles, teeth. All of them have good innervation, so the slightest injury leads to severe pain.

The described features have a positive consequence - wounds on the face usually heal faster than in other areas of the body and are less likely to become infected.

Suturing in this place can be postponed up to 36 hours (in other places this period is limited to a day).

Principles of treatment

The body's ability to heal itself is enormous. Wounds on the face in the absence of infection have a favorable prognosis for healing. It is important to correctly process them in the first hours and then follow medical recommendations. The following approaches are used for treatment.


The following recommendations will help speed up the recovery process without consequences:

  • Before starting treatment, you need stop the bleeding. To do this, apply a sterile gauze bandage to the damaged area. If bleeding persists for several minutes, see a doctor immediately, as deep vessels may be affected.
  • Antiseptic treatment. This is a mandatory procedure for all injuries. associated with skin damage. But traditional remedies (alcohol, iodine) on the face can cause a burn. Therefore, they are recommended to be diluted with water. Solutions of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide and furacilin are safe for disinfecting wounds on the face.
  • For cuts on the cheek or around the mouth, it is best to suture immediately. These places are constantly in motion (talking, eating), so the edges of the wound will constantly diverge, and as a result, a visible scar may form.
  • If the face is not just torn skin, but a deeper wound, immediately follows see a surgeon. He will professionally treat the surface and give recommendations for further treatment.
  • In order for the wound to heal without a scar, it is necessary to shorten the period of tissue regeneration as much as possible. For this there are special ointments and creams:

"Healer", "Astroderm", "Actovegin", "Levomekol", "Bepanten", "D-Panthenol", "Sinyakoff", cream "911", "Xeroform" and many others. Before using them, you need to consult a doctor, as each remedy has its own characteristics and contraindications.

  • The right choice of dosage form. This is a fundamental point. If the wound is weeping, exudate is released from it, a solution or jelly should be applied, only after drying, treatment with oil-based ointments is indicated.
  • To improve the functioning of the immune system, the patient is prescribed multivitamin course. If infection is suspected, broad-spectrum antibiotics are recommended.

IMPORTANT! The peculiarity of the use of external medicines should be discussed with your doctor.

Some are effective from the first hours after the injury, others should be used at the final stages of treatment. It has been proven that hydrogen peroxide is justified only in the treatment of deep open wounds; with minor damage, the agent causes only an unjustified skin burn.

Folk remedies

There are many natural remedies in nature that help to cope with wounds at home. We list the most effective and proven:

  • Aloe. The juice of this plant is a natural antibiotic, has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces swelling. It is squeezed out of the lower, "oldest" leaves, moistened with a gauze cloth and applied to the wound for several minutes 2-3 times a day.
  • Plantain. Wound healing with leaves has been known for a long time. For the face, you need to make a gruel: the plantain is scrolled through a meat grinder and mixed with petroleum jelly (1: 5 ratio). It turns out an ointment convenient for application, which is used to treat wounds several times a day.
  • Kalanchoe. The action and method of application are similar to aloe.
  • Horsetail. The grass is dried or bought at a pharmacy, crushed into powder and sprinkled on the damaged areas.
  • Calendula. An ointment is prepared, 10 g of crushed calendula are mixed with petroleum jelly or butter (1: 5).

Usually wounds on the face have a favorable prognosis and heal within 7-10 days. If the use of folk remedies does not give an effect for a long time, the wound does not heal during this time, you need to consult a doctor to correct the treatment.

Peculiarities of treatment in children

It is especially difficult for young patients to endure facial injury due to pain and other unpleasant symptoms. They cannot spare damage, so the edges of the wound diverge much more often than in adults.

In case of facial injuries in children, you should urgently go to the emergency room, where cosmetic self-absorbable sutures will be applied to the child for any incisions.

This will shorten the recovery time and reduce the incidence of complications.


With an unfavorable course, wounds on the face can leave unpleasant consequences:

  • Suppuration. Often this complication is the result of improper treatment. A wound, even the smallest one, must be regularly treated with antiseptics. Deep incisions must be sutured. If the recommendations of doctors are violated, long-term non-healing wounds on the face become infected with bacteria, and the process becomes purulent.
  • Scars. The formation of connective tissue at the site of injury is a natural regeneration process. On the face, it delivers a lot of cosmetic problems. The more extensive the damage and the longer the recovery period, the more visible the scars will be. To eliminate them, there are conservative methods (absorbable creams) and surgical (plastic).
  • Facial nerve injury. This is a more serious consequence, which, unfortunately, is much more difficult to fix. Symptoms depend on the site of damage and are expressed in the loss of sensation and movement of individual parts of the face.

Wounds on the face are always unpleasant. In this case, more than ever, it is important to follow all the recommendations of doctors. It is better to neglect the appearance at the first stage, suturing if necessary, and treating the damage regularly, than subsequently treating complications for a long time.

How to quickly treat wounds and abrasions on the face. First aid

Often, abrasions on the face become unpleasant companions for several days, or even weeks. It all depends on the degree of damage to the skin, the type of abrasion and the measures taken for the speedy healing.

Abrasions on the face of a child

Creature babies are very nimble and unpredictable. Therefore, abrasions on the face of a child are not uncommon. Mom had only to turn away, and the tomboy already has a bump or wound adorning his forehead or cheek. Knowing the activity of their child, many mothers always have an antiseptic, healing ointment, plaster and cotton wool on hand. It would seem a simple set, but it alleviates the condition of the baby and allows you to cope with the problem as soon as possible.

Abrasions on the face of a child can be treated with both a simple solution of hydrogen peroxide and Miramistin. The second drug, in addition to cleansing the affected surface, also has a healing effect. It is important to remove all foreign particles from the wound and clean it well. If there is no antiseptic at hand, then even plain water will help in cleaning the surface.

Among the most common ointments that can be used to lubricate the delicate skin of children, it is worth highlighting Bepanten, Sulfagin or Sudacrem. They not only have a healing effect, but also do not allow bacteria to breed.

If there is no patch at hand, then you can make a sterile bandage. Although, the child is unlikely to repeat his feat and bring new dirt into the wound.

Get rid of the lack quickly will not work. Especially if it's a bleeding wound or bruise. Help can come from folk methods, and a pharmacy kit. The most proven ointments that have a beneficial effect on the skin include "Rescuer". Treatment of abrasions on the face with its help is accelerated. Although it will take at least a week to eliminate all the consequences.

Among other ointments, children can also be adopted: Bepanten, Sulfagin and Sudacrem. Having a mild effect, they quickly dry the abrasion and help in its speedy healing.

How to treat abrasions on the face?

Treatment of facial abrasions primarily involves their careful treatment with an antiseptic. No healing ointment will have the desired effect if foreign particles and bacteria remain in the wound. Hydrogen peroxide will be enough to neutralize the work of bacteria. The use of alcohol-containing solutions will be a mistake. Although the wound will be washed, some tissues will get burned. Their death will prolong the healing process and aggravate the situation. As mentioned above, the Miramistin solution will help neutralize bacteria and treat facial abrasions properly.

How to get rid of abrasions on the face?

It will not be possible to instantly return the face to its former freshness and even skin. Treatment of abrasions on the face involves a long process. If time does not endure, then you can contact a beautician who can quickly cope with the problem.

When there is no opportunity to go to a specialist, but it is necessary to act immediately, then help can come Foundation. But, its use is advisable only when the wound is not deep or a bruise is a problem. It will not be possible to completely recreate the previous appearance, but it will be possible to smooth out the situation.

Deciding for yourself how to get rid of abrasions on your face, you can adopt a regular band-aid and use it to hide the affected area. And although it will still be noticeable, the impression of what you see will be less significant.

Ointment for abrasions on the face

When there are no specialized tools at hand, then the wound healing ointment should be selected. The nearest pharmacy can easily offer about a dozen of the most affordable offers:

  • "Panthenol".
  • Contractubex.
  • "Sulfagin".

The ointment from abrasions on the face does not give an instant effect. But, regular lubrication of the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin for a week or two will definitely give its result. The main thing is that scars do not appear on the site of the previous abrasion.

Folk remedies for abrasions on the face

Human wisdom has been accumulated over the centuries. In her piggy bank there are a lot of options for getting rid of shortcomings. Folk remedies for abrasions on the face can be used completely different, but they have the same result - speedy healing.

  • Dry horsetail, ground into dust, is applied to the wound. A cotton-gauze bandage is applied over the powder. It is advisable to change the horsetail 2 times a day.
  • Carrot juice helps heal wounds and abrasions. During the day, the affected area should be wiped 4-5 times.
  • Raincoats, mushrooms which include penicillin, tighten the wound well. Mushrooms are applied to the problem area and covered with a tight bandage.
  • Kalanchoe leaves help cure facial abrasions very quickly. Having removed the upper skin from the sheet, it is necessary to attach the sheet to the abrasion and attach it with a plaster. Repeat the procedure 3 times daily. On the fifth day, the result will become obvious.
  • The foil applied to the affected dermis accelerates the process of wound healing.

There are a dozen more tips with which you can remove abrasions on your face. But, they do not always lead to the desired result in the required time frame.

Spot after abrasion on the face

An unpleasant consequence after a healed abrasion on the face are spots. They appear on the site of the affected area of ​​​​the skin and cause a lot of trouble with their unaesthetic appearance. In most cases, a spot after an abrasion on the face appears in the spring and summer in people who are prone to excessive pigmentation. Therefore, to reduce the intensity of the color, it is advisable to use sunscreen with a maximum level of protection. Whitening creams soften the severity of spots. In order to get rid of the deficiency, in the autumn-winter period it is advisable to carry out cosmetic whitening peelings and general skin therapy aimed at eliminating the deficiency.

How to remove a stain from abrasions on the face?

With this question, it is preferable to contact a specialist. Dermatologists and cosmetologists will determine the nature of the appearance of the stain. Pronounced pigmentation, insufficient healing, scar tissue can be the basis of the spot. And in order to get rid of them, in each case, you need a special cream, ointment or a set of procedures. The stain after an abrasion on the face will pass if you follow all the recommendations of specialists and do not delay the solution of the problem.

Abrasions on the face are a vital, but unpleasant phenomenon. They need to be disposed of immediately. Therefore, it is better to look for the right assistant in solving this issue in advance and apply as needed.


Cover the marks with plaster. Apply a wound-healing composition to the skin, cover the abrasion with a piece of gauze and cover it with adhesive tape, preferably flesh-colored. At night, the masking must be removed to control the healing process and provide a drying effect.

Cover the sore with foundation. Corrector is best. If your abrasion is fresh and a thin crust is predominantly red, then neutralize it with a greenish corrector. Apply the product with gentle strokes, being careful not to damage the crust. liquid foundation can be spread on top and set with a layer of translucent powder. In this way, it is impossible to hide the extensive ones, and the small ones will not completely disappear, but the face will look more aesthetically pleasing.

Cover the wound with a headdress. If the abrasion is located on the forehead, then the easiest way is to cover it with a hat or cap. When you are on the street, this method “works”, but it is customary to walk indoors with your head uncovered - in this case, you can tie a scarf or bandana on your forehead. Choose a color that suits your style of dressing, find an acceptable way to tie a scarf and experiment. You can change your image every day - a scarf on your head can be fixed in several ways.

Cover the abrasions with hair. You can let go of the bangs on one eye - the strands will hide most of one cheek. Cut off the straight bangs - you will disguise the bruises on the forehead.

Use face art. If you need to go to solemn event, and an abrasion flaunts on the face, then you can hide it under a layer of decorative pattern. Choose an ornament that will match your defect in shape and use all your skill to portray something unusual on your face. Face art will become part of your look, so make sure that the motifs are combined with clothes, hair and accessories. The second option is to seal the wound with a band-aid, and apply the drawing directly to it (if the sore is fresh and has not yet covered). You can close up the abrasion with a special multi-colored sticker of a suitable size - bright flashes, etc.


  • how to get rid of abrasions on the face

An abrasion is a superficial damage to the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes. An abrasion must be treated with a disinfectant solution such as hydrogen peroxide, a solution of furacilin, a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate. Washing the abrasion with water is not recommended - this can lead to infection. For quick healing of abrasions, traditional medicine uses infusions or oil tinctures of medicinal plants.

You will need

  • To heal abrasions, prepare the following components:
  • - St. John's wort;
  • - calendula;
  • - celandine;
  • - unrefined sunflower oil.


St. John's wort oil is effective for healing. Fill 2/3 of a half-liter jar with St. John's wort flowers and add oil to the top of the jar. Put this jar in a boiling water bath for 40 minutes, then turn off the heat, but do not remove the jar from the water until the water in the saucepan cools. After 2 hours, remove the jar with the composition from the pan and leave to infuse for 3 days. St. John's wort lubricate any 3-4 times a day. So they leave no trace.

The celandine also has a similar effect. It, like calendula, can be used, although it is possible for this with an aqueous infusion of celandine. To prepare such an infusion, take 1 tablespoon of dry celandine, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. With this infusion, wash the abrasion 2-3 times a day, without wiping anything.

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You can not lubricate abrasions with iodine, alcohol or gasoline - this leads to cell necrosis, which causes suppuration and severe pain.

Helpful advice

The juice of nettle, yarrow, lungwort and other plants has a good healing effect.


  • how to quickly remove abrasions

abrasions abrasions


The first step is to clean up the damaged area. If the wound is not very dirty, it will be enough to rinse it with running water. With severe contamination, there is a high risk of attachment, so it will be better if you wash off the dirt with soapy water.

As a rule, there is no heavy bleeding, but if it does occur, you need to apply a pressure bandage in order to stop it. To do this, apply sterile gauze to the affected area and bandage it.

An abrasion will heal faster if kept moist. This requires several times a day local hot baths. If sea salt is added to the water, healing will occur much faster, although the first procedures will be quite painful. Try to prevent the appearance of a dry thick crust on the wound, this does not have the best effect on the healing rate.

Make sure that the abrasion is not. If there is no swelling and redness for a long time, or the wound begins to fester, it is better to see a doctor. Also a reason for a medical consultation are abrasions on the face. As a rule, they heal less well and may leave scars. In order to avoid such complications, it is better to entrust the wounds to a specialist.


Try not to sunbathe until the abrasion is completely healed. This will not do you any good, and the tan will turn out uneven.

Helpful advice

If you were vaccinated against tetanus more than five years ago, you should get a booster shot within three days of your injury.


  • facial abrasions treatment

Wounds on face- an unpleasant phenomenon. When treating this disease, it is necessary to take into account a number of important features: slowing down healing, superficial location of blood vessels, swelling of tissues, etc. If the wound has deep damage, you should immediately seek help from a specialist, with superficial skin damage, use simple and proven folk recipes.

You will need

  • - St. John's wort grass;
  • - beeswax;
  • - pork fat;
  • - resin of coniferous trees;
  • - Birch buds;
  • - cabbage leaves;
  • - alcohol;
  • - water.


Use an excellent wound healing agent on face- infusion of St. John's wort. To prepare it, pour 2 tablespoons of herbs with 1 cup of boiling water and cover the mixture with a tight lid. After 30-40 minutes, strain the infusion. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting product and apply to the wound 3-5 times a day for 15-20 minutes. For greater effect, warm the infusion before use. After 2-3 days the wound face will gradually tighten up.

Prepare yourself an analogue of a special ointment for wound healing. To do this, mix 100 grams of beeswax, 100 grams of pork fat (internal), 100 grams of coniferous resin (spruce resin). Mix these components thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained and boil for 10-15 minutes. After that, cool the ointment and transfer to a glass container. Before using the product on the wound face rinse with a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide. Apply the ointment in a thin layer at night. After 3-4 days you will notice a clear improvement.

Painful wound on face can be cured with an infusion of birch buds. To do this, pour 4 tablespoons with 2 glasses of alcohol (vodka). Leave the infusion for 5-7 days, covering the container with the product with a tight lid. Wipe the affected area of ​​the skin with the resulting solution 3-5 times a day until the wound is completely healed.

Make a healing ointment from fresh birch buds. To do this, grind 2 tablespoons of the kidneys and mix with 3 tablespoons of butter until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Apply the resulting ointment in a thin layer 2-3 times a day on the problem area of ​​the skin.

Apply cabbage leaves to heal wounds, they are no less effective in helping with various wounds. Pass 50-100 grams of fresh cabbage leaves through a meat grinder. Add 1 egg white to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly. Apply this remedy 2-3 times a day for 30-40 minutes.


  • how to heal a pimple wound

Treatment of wounds face has no fundamental differences from the treatment of those on other parts of the body. Ointments and infusions made from natural products and plant materials soften and disinfect damaged skin. They also help speed up the healing process, which is especially important because it prevents the formation of rough scars.


Pour 30 g of leaves with a glass of olive or some other vegetable oil. Place the vessel with this contents for a week in a dark place and shake it periodically. Then heat in a water bath for three hours. Strain the mixture twice and boil for 30 minutes. Immediately add 30 g of yellow wax to the mass. Apply the resulting ointment to wound.

To provide antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and healing to the wound, apply an ointment prepared from plantain leaves to it. To prepare it, pass the leaves through a meat grinder and mix with petroleum jelly and lanolin in a ratio of 1: 8: 1 or make a mixture by combining plantain with in a ratio of 1: 9.

Mix 100 g of olive oil, 5 g of white wax, 8 g of yellow wax, a tablespoon of butter and 20 g of pine resin. Heat over low heat for 10 minutes. Stir the mixture constantly and remove the foam that appears on the surface. Place the mass in a glass dish. Apply the prepared mixture to a bandage or gauze and apply to the wound.

For the treatment of a difficult-to-heal wound, prepare a decoction that follows for compresses. Take 30 g of pharmacy chamomile and horsetail and 40 g of perforated St. John's wort. Pour in a glass of boiling water. Strain and squeeze before use. Drink ½ cup 3 times a day.


  • Wounds
  • facial abrasion treatment

Sometimes it happens that a severe cut can be obtained in such places (in the country, in the forest, on a walk, in a car), where no pharmaceutical preparation: hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, iodine, adhesive plaster and even a bandage. What can be done to stop bleeding, reduce pain and prevent infection from entering the wound?

So let's say you cut your hand.

First, there is no need to panic. In a calm state, correct actions are easier. If the cut is deep, the bleeding is severe, you need to raise your hand high, this will reduce the blood flow to the limb and notice that the pulsation of blood from the wound has almost disappeared. While you keep your arm up, look around - what can be used to cover the wound?

If you are in nature, look for plantain or nettle immediately. They have powerful hemostatic and wound healing properties. Pick a plantain leaf, if it is not possible to wash it, wipe it on clothes and chew. Saliva also has a weak disinfecting effect. Apply the gruel from the leaf to the cut, continuing to hold your hand up. Keep the nettle leaf through your clothes (so as not to burn your hand) until the juice is released and also, like the plantain, chew. Don't worry, crushed nettle leaf won't hurt your tongue. Nettle in terms of hemostatic action is much more preferable! Even a deep wound under its influence can not only stop bleeding, but completely heal the next day.

Tightly wrap the cut over the slurry with a handkerchief, if not, then with a leaf of the same plantain, burdock. Hold the bandage for a while until blood forms and clogs the wound.

If it happened in winter, tighten the wound tightly with a handkerchief. Find clean snow and cover it with part of the hand below the place. Under the influence of cold, the vessels will narrow and the bleeding will stop.

If you are in a room where there is no first-aid kit, also raise your hands up, along with this, look for sugar, salt, cinnamon, ground coffee powder (anything from the list). Pour one of the following directly into the cut.

It will be a little painful, but the wound will never fester, the blood will quickly stop and the pain will also pass quickly.

Sugar, coffee, cinnamon will work similarly. They instantly stop the blood, creating on the wound and perfectly protecting it from infection. Cinnamon is generally excellent at disinfecting a wound, and besides, a bandage applied over it will never dry out and easily separate from the body.

Since ancient times, human urine has been an excellent disinfectant and hemostatic agent. If none of the listed remedies are around, but from the wound without stopping, use this old method.

Babies' urine has been found to be the best disinfectant, but if there's no choice, feel free to use your own. The bleeding will stop and the wound will heal quickly.

The most common type of superficial wounds are abrasions. They occur both in adults and in children, and in the latter - much more often. As a rule, they do not pose a great threat to health, but infection in the wound can significantly complicate the healing process. Therefore, treatment abrasions lies in its proper processing.

The life of an ordinary person is unpredictable, so it is advisable to know in advance how to quickly heal a wound on the face in order to avoid adverse consequences. However, it is necessary to pay special attention to such injuries and take their treatment seriously. What is the reason for such an individual approach to such injuries, why is fast and high-quality wound healing on the face very important?

The treatment of wounds on the face has its own specifics - this happens due to the anatomical features of this part of the body. This is expressed in the following factors:

With significant facial injuries, there is a high probability of a serious divergence of the edges of the wound, which greatly slows down its healing (especially for damage to the facial muscles);

Under the skin of the face, the vessels are located too close to the surface, there is a high probability of severe bleeding even with a small injury;

Treatment of any damage to the face is always associated with certain inconveniences - discomfort, pain, ...

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Wounds on the face can be formed as a result of various factors. This may be an surgical intervention, a consequence of trauma, burns or acne. Also, some diseases, for example, scleroderma, can become the causes of facial wounds.

Minor facial injuries, such as pimples and minor scratches, are usually harmless and heal without scarring. But at the same time it is necessary to adhere to some rules. So, it is impossible to treat wounds on the face with undiluted alcohol and iodine, as they can leave burns or cause irritation.

Scar healing takes place in three stages. The first stage of healing lasts 30 days from the date of injury, and the treatment is most effective during this period. The remaining two periods take 10 days and form appearance injury.

For more serious wounds, the use of special preparations that accelerate regeneration is required. Most often, such funds are available in the form of jellies and ointments. To heal wounds...

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If it is possible to take a day off, then you can take it, but if not, then smear the abrasion with ointment, for example, a lifeguard or any wound healing one. You can put a patch on your face. You can cover up with a corrector, toner, and powder)) I wish you to heal the abrasion faster))

Well, if you feel uncomfortable, it's better to take the day off. But if not, it's not fatal - you're not completely drunk and not naked will come to work. An abrasion (gypsum, bruise) is a completely "everyday" thing, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Yes, it’s unpleasant and it seems that everyone is just watching, but it’s not fatal.

I had the same garbage - I slipped on the ice and my face suffered the most - it was a shame, words can not convey! As a result, a severe bruise and abrasion on my forehead. It was all blue-violet and swollen - you know, with such beauty, I felt a little insecure on the street))
And I had to go to the university, whatever one may say.
Covering up this masterpiece was painful, and the doctors didn’t advise! I tried to wear a cap on half my face and ...

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The problem of home treatment of abrasions is especially relevant for children, but abrasions are also not uncommon in adults. Of all the wounds, abrasions are the most common. If abrasions appear on the face, treatment at home can be carried out independently. Of course, such skin lesions do not pose a threat to life, but proper treatment is extremely important.

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Interesting! Abrasions occur due to blows with blunt objects, when falling. The top layer of the skin, called the epidermis, is damaged. First, a red spot appears on the affected area (it can bleed, swell).

When an abrasion occurs, it is necessary to carry out treatment, stop bleeding, if any. Unpleasant painful sensations in case of injury - burning, itching. With severe bleeding, body temperature may rise.

Stages of treatment of abrasions

The severity is determined by the depth ...

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Healing wounds on the face: features and difficulties

The healing of wounds on the face has no fundamental differences from the healing of wounds on other parts of the body. However, special attention should be paid to facial injuries, and the treatment of facial wounds should be treated with particular care and seriousness. Let's see why exactly.

Healing wounds on the face: possible difficulties

The healing of wounds on the face has its own specifics solely due to the anatomy of this part of the body:

Superficial arrangement of blood vessels. Therefore, when healing wounds on the face with the slightest injury, bleeding is possible. Significant divergence of the edges of the wound (in case of damage to the facial muscles), slowing down the healing of wounds. Healing of wounds on the face may be accompanied by pain and discomfort during communication (facial expressions), difficulty in speech. The healing of wounds on the face is usually accompanied by prolonged swelling of the tissues. With caries, a rapid infection of the wound is possible, so it is possible to prescribe antibiotics.

Wound healing on...

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The healing of wounds on the face is distinguished by a number of specific features due to the superficial location of the vessels, prolonged swelling of damaged tissues, facial muscles, which make it difficult to tighten the edges of the wound and the likelihood of its rapid infection.

Wounds on the face: how to speed up healing

However, the healing of wounds on the face has a high regeneration potential due to the increased blood supply and good innervation in the face area.

What can be done at home so that the wound on the face heals as quickly as possible and does not leave behind unaesthetic scars?

How to speed up wound healing

Uninfected wounds (pimple or scratch) heal fairly quickly and do not damage the face, so it is enough to follow certain rules for caring for them. First of all, they should not treat wounds on the face with undiluted medical alcohol and iodine.

Undiluted iodine and alcohol can leave burns and irritation on the skin in the form of indelible dark spots, ...

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Usually, abrasions occur in athletes and children, but no one is safe from an annoying situation.

And if tomorrow you have to go to school or start professional duties, and a noticeable injury appears on your face, do not despair. Learn on the Internet how to get rid of facial abrasions in a short time and act immediately.

It may not be possible to quickly cure abrasions on the face, but you can significantly reduce the recovery period.

And this means that you will start work fresh, rested and full of energy.

Treatment of abrasions on the face - what is an abrasion?

Abrasions are formed on the skin as a result of falls, bruises, blows, and other mechanical influences that violate the integrity of the upper layer of the epidermis. A red spot forms on the surface. Due to damage to the skin, blood can flow, an ichor can come out. The injury is characterized by swelling of the tissues.

The treatment of abrasions on the face begins with the antiseptic treatment of the damaged ...

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Skin inflammatory processes are not uncommon for representatives of any gender and age. They occur for a variety of reasons. For some, they pass quickly and without a trace. For some, it lasts for a long time, causing complications. But both categories of people always try to eliminate a pimple on their own. After extrusion, wounds remain, which should also be removed for the beauty and purity of the skin.

Acne wounds

Small rashes on the human face are not uncommon, not surprising. Children and adults of all ages suffer. Instead of using drug treatment, they use the elimination method on their own - squeeze out. The action is strictly prohibited. Blood poisoning may occur due to touching with dirty hands. Inflammation can spread over large areas. Squeezing acne, a new problem arises: how easy it is to heal a wound from a pimple.

The question is completely natural. No one wants to walk around with red spots on their face. There are many answers....

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What is needed for the rapid healing of wounds on the face?

Any injuries are dangerous because they are unpredictable. A person who is not ready for them, having received such damage, does not know how to quickly heal a wound on his face and what to do with it in general. Often, due to inept actions or lack of treatment, an infection penetrates into the injured area, which leads to suppuration and the fact that the tissues heal for a very long time.

Wounds on the face are slightly different from the same injuries located on other parts of the body. The anatomical features of the face prevent such rapid healing, as if the wound were on the leg or arm. There are a number of reasons for this:

Often the edges of the damage on the face diverge, so it cannot heal for a long time. This is due to the presence of facial muscles. If the wound on the hand can be left alone, then smiling, frowning and talking, a person constantly makes the damage move. The presence of a large number of vessels under the upper layer of the epidermis on the face often leads to the fact that even ...

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Facial abrasions - an effective treatment!

Abrasions on the face, even small and insignificant, can greatly spoil the appearance. Large abrasions can remove several skin layers at once and can bleed profusely, which is dangerous not only for appearance, but also for human health. With improper treatment of abrasions, all kinds of infections can enter the bloodstream and lead to serious diseases, and if the abrasion is not treated on time and a number of measures are not taken, in the future they will remain on the person’s face in the form of scars or scars. Treatment for an abrasion depends on its depth and size.

In everyday life, various unpleasant situations can occur, which
may result in possible injury. The most extensive and painful of the small
household injuries are abrasions. They can be obtained, for example, when falling. They are most often found in
children, but adults are also not immune from falls. This is especially annoying
If you have to go to...

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Abrasions are painful skin lesions, well known to adults and children. This trouble occurs as a result of a fall, an injury. As a rule, abrasions do not cause health hazards, unless, of course, they have become infected.

Facial abrasions require special attention. They not only spoil the appearance, but can leave scars and spots if they are not treated in time. Therefore, each of us needs to know how to properly treat the damage, prevent infection, what means to use for the fastest healing, skin restoration.

How to speed up the healing of abrasions on the face, ointment, folk remedy which one to apply? Let's talk about it today.

Primary treatment of abrasions

If you do not immediately take care of the damage received, the risk of infection increases. This can seriously complicate the healing of abrasions. So do the following as soon as possible:

Rinse the abrasion thoroughly with running water using ...

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Wound healing.

It is unlikely that anyone wants to receive injuries and wounds on purpose, but many people get them. The risk group includes athletes, people of certain professions, hyperactive children and adolescents; besides - unfortunately - the cause of injuries often becomes a banal non-compliance with the rules of life safety. But here we will not talk about how to avoid injuries and wounds, but about how to heal them faster if they have already appeared.

Means for rapid healing of wounds

If you immediately treat the wound correctly and treat it correctly, then recovery will go quickly: you need to do this as quickly as possible, but carefully, without touching the wound itself, but removing all dead tissue and dirt from it.

Of course, you should consult a doctor, and with sufficiently deep wounds or cuts, it is necessary to do this - it is better if a specialist provides first aid, and if necessary, he will suture and teach them how to process them.

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A wound is a damage to the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane (in some cases also to muscles, tendons and internal organs), which occurs under the influence of mechanical, thermal or chemical factors. Wound healing depends on their area, depth and severity, and can occur both without the formation of cosmetic defects (scars, scars, spots), and with them. In this article, we will look at what stages the wound healing process includes, what ointments and creams for wound healing are used in traditional medicine, and what conditions for rapid wound healing must be met.

What are the ointments for wound healing?

Types of wounds according to the method of obtaining

To determine how long a wound will take to heal, you need to know what the main types of damage are by the way they are received. The healing time of the wounds described below depends on a number of factors, among which the degree of tissue damage, their extensiveness, the presence or absence of ...

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Facial abrasions are skin lesions resulting from injury or a fall. This is a nuisance that anyone can face. A wound of this nature significantly spoils the appearance of a person. Therefore, it is worth knowing how and in what ways you can cure them, or which doctor you should consult.

Facial injuries

Sensations with such abrasions are much more painful than with abrasions on other parts of the body.

In the facial area there are a large number of nerve endings. The tissues of the face are softer and the vessels are located under a thin layer of the skin, which makes it possible to develop a hematoma and leads to more complex damage and tissue ruptures.

Another unpleasant factor is that wounds on the face are not so easy to disguise, unlike, for example, wounds on the arm or leg.

Before starting the treatment of facial abrasions, it is worth assessing their complexity.

Remedies for the treatment of abrasions on the face

How to treat abrasions on ...

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Rapid healing of wounds with folk remedies

Violation of the integrity of the body cover by mechanical damage is called a wound. Injuries, cuts, vascular and microbial changes can cause wounds. There is a huge amount of funds that can help in the treatment of wounds.

Means for rapid healing of wounds

Quite a lot of people get various injuries and wounds. Everyone is subject to this and no one is immune from accidents that bring abrasions, wounds, etc. most often wounds are received by children, adolescents, and, of course, people who are actively involved in sports. The reasons for this may be different, so everyone should know what means contribute to the rapid healing of wounds.

Wound healing is a rather complex and often long process that demonstrates the ability of the human body to regenerate and restore. Fortunately, there are many various means, thanks to which the wound healing process can be accelerated and at the same time ...

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Abrasions are painful skin lesions, well known to adults and children. This trouble occurs as a result of a fall, an injury. As a rule, abrasions do not cause health hazards, unless, of course, they have become infected.

Facial abrasions require special attention. They not only spoil the appearance, but can leave scars and spots if they are not treated in time. Therefore, each of us needs to know how to properly treat the damage, prevent infection, what means to use for the fastest healing, skin restoration.

How to speed up the healing of abrasions on the face, ointment, which folk remedy to use? Let's talk about it today.

Primary treatment of abrasions

If you do not immediately take care of the damage received, the risk of infection increases. This can seriously complicate the healing of abrasions. So do the following as soon as possible:

Wash the abrasion thoroughly with running water and baby soap. After rinsing, pat dry with a towel. If the damage is heavily soiled (which often happens when falling), treat the damage with an antiseptic: 3% hydrogen peroxide solution or 2% boric acid solution. You can use a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

If there are small foreign particles that cannot be removed by rinsing, moisten the tweezers with alcohol and carefully remove them.

If the injury is bleeding, apply a sterile bandage, gauze, or just a very clean towel. Hold until the bleeding stops.

After the initial processing, you can proceed to further actions:

Healing of abrasions, alternative treatment

Lotions from oak bark contribute to rapid healing. To do this, purchase a box of raw materials in a pharmacy. Next 1 tbsp. l Pour into a small saucepan. Add a glass of boiling water. Cook the decoction under the lid, at a very low temperature for only 15 minutes. Then remove from the stove, leave for another 1 hour. Your abrasion healer is ready. With a cooled, filtered broth, moisten cotton swabs abundantly, apply them to the lesions.

At the same time, drink a decoction of St. John's wort, make lotions out of it. This remedy has an antiseptic, antibacterial effect. To prepare, pour into a saucepan 2 tbsp. l. dry grass. Add 400 ml of boiling water to it. Cook over low heat until exactly half of the original volume remains. Cool the liquid, strain, add boiled water. Take a small sip three times a day. Make lotions, as described in the first recipe.

You can use a more familiar remedy: chop a fresh, peeled onion on a fine grater. Put the resulting slurry on a gauze napkin or a bandage folded several times. Attach to the abrasion, secure with a plaster or bandage. After a while, remove, avoiding strong redness.

A very good folk remedy is badyaga. With its help, there is a rapid healing of abrasions on the face. To prepare a remedy, pour a small amount of badyagi powder with a small amount of warm boiled water. It needs to be like a liquid dough. Use this remedy to lubricate bruises and abrasions on the face. When it dries, keep it on for another half an hour. Then re-lubricate.

Effective remedy from abrasions - homemade ointment:

An ancient remedy that has long been used in Rus' is coniferous oil ointment (balm). To prepare, put in an enameled saucepan an equal volume of coniferous gum resin and natural, better than homemade butter. Simmer over very low heat until smooth. Apply the cooled agent to abrasions, small wounds (not bleeding).

Very effective homemade ointment for healing facial abrasions based on propolis. It is used for abrasions, skin cracks, minor injuries, itching. It is prepared like this: Grind 20 g of propolis. Transfer to a cup. Pour in the same 4-5 tbsp. l. vegetable, preferably olive oil. Simmer in a water bath until the propolis melts. The process may take up to an hour. If complete dissolution does not occur, do not worry.

Strain everything through several layers of bandage or gauze, pour into a dark glass jar (a medicine bottle will do). When the ointment has cooled well, lubricate the lesions on the face with it.

Pharmacy funds

The fastest healing of abrasions on the face occurs when using special ointments sold in pharmacies. Of these, the most effective are: Bruise Off, Traumeel, Lyoton, as well as Rescuer cream.

Sulfargin ointment helps many. When applied, there is no burning sensation, it does not leave marks on clothes. The product contains silver ions, which contributes to the rapid healing of abrasions, bruises, cuts, scratches and burns.

If the treatment is carried out correctly and in a timely manner, the damage heals quickly. This is evidenced by a decrease in redness, a decrease in swelling, and the absence of suppuration.

If the abrasion is deep, and the skin is badly damaged, you should see a doctor. The specialist examines the injury for infection, will carry out the necessary treatment. If necessary, close it with sutures, or apply a special surgical tape. Be healthy!