Pirate costumes. Pirate party for adults and children We complement the image with a skirt

The pirate party is always popular among the variety of themed holidays and birthdays. But what if you are invited to such an event with the whole family, or, on the contrary, arrange such a party at home? And after all it is necessary to correspond to an image! In this case, you can create do-it-yourself pirate costumes for the whole family quickly and step by step, and it may not even be too expensive. But how much pleasure you will bring to your children and yourself with your soul mate. After all, the image of a pirate is not limited to the properties of a robber, it is a rebel, a romantic, and a brave hero. Sometimes you want to be such a character at least in the game, but the costume should be as real as possible.

We make do-it-yourself pirate costumes for a carnival for the whole family

The main details of the pirate costume:
  • A shirt with traces of its former beauty (cuffs and jabot collar), but torn and wrinkled;
  • Vest or camisole;
  • Comfortable voluminous pants or skirt;
  • Sash belt or several leather belts;
  • Headdress - may consist of a real wide-brimmed cocked hat or bandana (scarf);
  • Shoes - as a rule, high leather boots, for women and girls it is possible to use black shoes, and for children - black Czech shoes and sneakers.

So, let's look at all the details in order.

The shirt is usually taken in white or cream. But the main requirement for it is that it should be spacious and comfortable.

And the shade can be chosen and dark - brown, black, dark blue. If there is nothing suitable in your wardrobe, then you can easily create a pirate shirt yourself at home. To do this, any suitable shirt is taken, placed on a piece of fabric, previously folded in half and circled along the contour so that the sleeves become wider and the part itself is longer. Don't forget to make seam allowances. Now you can cut the part along the contour. In the shirt, instead of a collar, a neck is made with a slot, of such a size that the head can freely pass into it. Process the neck, as shown in the photo.

It remains to connect the side seams and sew puffy cuffs on the sleeves. The bottom of the shirt can be hemmed, or vice versa, you can make asymmetrical cuts, so that it looks like the clothes are torn. If there is a desire for someone to create the perfect shirt, you can sew a lace jabot to the front of the neckline.

  1. Then everything depends only on your desire and imagination. For boys, it is quite possible to decorate a vest with a Jolly Roger symbol (using a sticker or embroidery). For girls, sew various decorative patches on him so that he is at least a little cute. By the way, for adults, a camisole or, in the absence of such, a long coat, preferably dark in color, will be a worthy element of a pirate costume.
  2. You can also try to pick up a vest from the wardrobe first. It can be purely symbolic - very short, even without fasteners and buttons, or vice versa, long, with many hooks and fasteners. It is desirable that it be monophonic. The leather vest is the best. If someone is still left without a vest, then we will sew it using the old technology.
  3. By the way, when creating a pirate costume for children, the easiest option for a shirt is to take a regular T-shirt and sew a lace frill on it in front. Only it must be worn with either a camisole or a vest.
  4. For one of the family members, an ordinary vest or even a striped T-shirt may well be suitable.
  5. Take a comfortable T-shirt, fold along the axis of symmetry and attach to the fabric and cut out three pieces without sleeves. One for the back, two for the front. It is better to deepen the armholes of the sleeves, and make a triangular cutout on the front details. Details of the vest will need to be processed along the edges and sewn along the sides and along the shoulder seams.
  6. Trousers or a skirt are the simplest element of a pirate's clothing.
  7. It is enough to take any old pants, sew picturesque patches on them, cut and fray their bottom - and now the pirate trousers are ready. For young pirates, any old, unnecessary skirt is taken, cut off asymmetrically along the bottom and tied with a wide sash.

For girls, even ordinary leggings in combination with striped leggings can be suitable.

By the way, a sash belt can be made from any scarf tied to a belt, better than red. And if this is not found, it is easily made from red fabric.

A pirate hat is almost the main attribute by which a pirate costume is recognized. For the head of the family and for the little pirate, they can be made of cardboard or felt, and the female half can do with bandanas. In the photo below you can see how to tie a simple scarf so that it turns into a real pirate headdress.

We make additional accessories for a pirate costume

Additions to a pirate costume are sometimes almost more important than the robe itself. It is they who complete the creation of the image and, as it were, announce to everyone around them that it is a pirate in front of them. As they say, there are never many of them, and from all of the following, you can choose either individual elements, or even use all at once, if possible.

  • The eyepatch is an essential piece that can easily be made from either black-dyed cardboard or dark fabric with an elastic band attached to it.
  • Jolly Roger (image of a skull and crossbones) - can be added to any piece of clothing, most often a headdress, shirt or vest.
  • Purse with "gold" - you can hang a small bag on your belt, sewn from velvet or satin, stuffed with tin or metal parts that ring when you walk.
  • Weapons - pistols, sabers or daggers in the belt. You can buy toy weapons, or you can cut them out of cardboard and paint them in bright, gilded colors.
  • The tube, hook, treasure maps are also the easiest to make from cardboard and paper.
  • Many rings on the fingers, an earring or earrings in the ear, a variety of baubles are suitable for decorating older pirates.
  • A parrot on the shoulder, a spyglass or a treasure chest are already quite complex and rarer accessories.

Video on the topic of the article

For those who need more ideas for creating pirate costumes, we offer a video selection on this topic.

What kid didn't dream of being a pirate as a kid? Everyone dreamed of going to sea on a ship under black sails, to meet dangerous, but such an exciting adventure! Therefore, if your child is planning a costume party, and you don’t know how to make a pirate costume with your own hands, then you should familiarize yourself with our master class.


To make a pirate costume, we need a few old children's things:

  • White T-shirt;
  • White shirt;
  • black or blue trousers;
  • vest;
  • an old coat or an elongated jacket.

It will also be necessary to use decor materials that will help transform ordinary clothes into a true masterpiece.

Handy materials:

  • scissors;
  • scotch;
  • acrylic paints in blue and white;
  • roller for painting walls;
  • eyelets;
  • lace;
  • patches for clothes with skulls;
  • a sheet of A3 black paper (you can take 2 sheets of A4);
  • glue;
  • belts and scarf.

Manufacturing process

Our T-shirt will play the role of an old vest.

Therefore, you need to thoroughly “age” it by cutting off the neck, the lower part of the sleeves and the bottom, and then make a good hole.

In order to make even stripes on a T-shirt, it will be most convenient to use adhesive tape. We glue strips of adhesive tape along the product to the very bottom. acrylic paint pour into a flat plate or any other container, we will dip the roller into it. Then everything is simple - with the help of a roller we paint over the T-shirt from all sides, let the paint dry slightly, and remove the adhesive tape. Thus, without making any special efforts, we will get a cool pirate vest!

We will also need to “age” the shirt. To do this, we rip the seams on the collar and cuffs to give it the effect of wear by time.

Then we insert the eyelets under the cord, right in place of the loops and buttons, cutting off the latter. We thread the cord into the finished eyelets. If you do not have eyelets, then you can simply make holes in place of the buttons, overcasting them by hand, for reliability.

Since you already know how to make stripes on a T-shirt, it will be no problem for you to remake the trousers. In this case, take white paint and glue the tape strips closer together to get a thinner drawing.

You can take any old vest or sew it yourself. If you chose the second option, then be sure to sew with lacing. But the most important thing is to give it a pirate look. For this, sinister patches with skulls will be enough, which can be purchased at any sewing store where there is a department with accessories. Usually the patches are transferred to the fabric with a hot iron, but they can also be sewn on with thread on the sides of the vest.

A pirate hat, called a cocked hat, can be cut out of cardboard. We draw the silhouette of the future pirate hat and carefully cut it out.

Separately, we make a cardboard headband that will fit perfectly on the head. We glue the two halves along the edge, let the glue dry. Glue the ring on the inside of the cocked hat.

When the pirate hat is created, you need to help it acquire a robber look. To do this, in the center of the front part, you need to glue the symbols of piracy - a skull and bones, similar to the one that we sewed on a vest. You can draw the label yourself, but it's easier to just print and cut out of paper.

The costume of the little pirate is completely ready and you can dress up! We put on a vest, shirt, vest and frock coat, the role of which can be played by an old coat or an elongated jacket. Pants are tucked into boots that match the image as much as possible - with belts and buckles. Belts are an integral part of the image of a pirate, so it will be great to gird yourself with several leather belts, adding to this set a belt made of a red scarf or scarf.

Now your little adventurer looks like a real conqueror of the seas! Just don't forget to add toy weapons to the look. Sabers, pistols, and swords will help the little pirate feel like a real hero!

Who hasn't dreamed of sailing the ocean as a child, driving a ship? Who has not been fascinated by the feeling of freedom, and who has not been captivated by the adventurous spirit of pirate travels in search of treasure? And it is not surprising, because the pirate costume embodies nobility, the impudent rags add masculinity, seductiveness to the image. To translate into a favorite image in New Year's celebration we offer to make New Year's pirate costumes with your own hands. To do this, instructions are attached describing how to create new Year costume pirate for a boy, photos and tips on how to properly create an image.

Do-it-yourself pirate carnival costume: using a t-shirt

Creating a pirate outfit from scratch is not at all difficult. Even if you have no sewing skills, creating a pirate look is not difficult. To make a do-it-yourself pirate costume, namely the top of the outfit, we need:

    t-shirt (preferably white and large size);


    fabric paint.

The T-shirt should be a couple of sizes larger, because it gives the look of a severe bully, which is typical for the image of a pirate. Since pirates spend most of their lives in the ocean, it's not hard to guess how shabby their clothes should look. Therefore, our T-shirt should be cut so that it looks worn and disheveled:

    inaccurately cut off the sleeves;

    cut a border;

    cut off the gate.

The next step will be painting. Draw uneven stripes across the T-shirt with fabric paint (the more sloppy the better). Wait for the paint to dry. The pirate t-shirt is ready.

New Year's pirate costume for a boy using a shirt

For those who prefer shirts to T-shirts, you can also create a pirate costume for a boy. Again, it is desirable to find a white shirt, large size, with wide, loose sleeves. Since the pirates did not wear rigid collars, they must be disposed of by cutting off and sewing on the ruffled collar. If you are not skilled with a needle, you can simply glue the collar with fabric glue. Also try, without cutting off the collar (if it is not particularly tight), just tuck it into the inside of the shirt. You can decorate a shirt with jewelry:

    buttons on the sleeves and on the chest;

    a gold chain around the neck or in the collar area;

    folds (with the typical pirate lifestyle, folds are present in almost any area of ​​​​the shirt).

Do-it-yourself New Year's pirate costume for a boy - pants

Since a pirate at one time did not flaunt in bright colorful pants, and even more so in jeans, it is advisable to choose dark trousers for the image being created. They can be decorated with fabric paint by painting vertical stripes for a pirate look. The color of the stripes should not contrast with the rest of the colors of the suit.

DIY pirate costume: creating a hat

The New Year's pirate costume, of course, will remain incomplete without the presence of a hat in the image. We need:

    Measure the head along the line of the forehead and the back of the head.

    On two sheets of thick paper, draw the outlines of the hat (the layouts on both parts should be identical).

    Cut along the outline.

    Apply glue to the edges (except the bottom, which will be located on the head) of each cut out part.

    After the glue dries, paint the hat in black and draw a white skull.

    Cut a strip of cardboard according to the size of the head (point 1).

    Glue the ends of the strip, making a ring.

    Insert the ring into the hat to give shape and ease of wearing the headdress.

For a full-fledged image, the pirate costume can be supplemented with accessories: a scarf around the neck, painted stubble, a bandana on the belt, an eye patch, a saber.

Do-it-yourself pirate costume, yes easily! It is not for nothing that you have the honor of being the mother of this domestic robber and bully, whose image will be 100% embodied on New Year's Eve and not without your help. If you have a little time, patience, then let's get started. Joint fantasy and our tips will help you make a real pirate costume for your child.

To begin with, let's decide what a pirate costume consists of. From a shirt or vest, pants, bandanas, sash, shoes, and of course, do not forget about the eye patch and weapons. All the details of this costume can be made from improvised materials, because carnival costume a pirate is made quickly and easily! For a better mood and fantasy potential, you can watch a pirate movie or cartoon, perhaps you will get another original idea.

Here are some photos for ideas

So let's start with the pants. If you don't happen to have wide trousers made of a kind of heavy silk that pirates tuck into boots, then any old jeans will do. You can even use worn, dirty or holey ones. The length of the pants needs to be made just below the knee, so you will need to cut them off and ruffle them so that a fringe is obtained along the cut line. This is done with a needle. The edges do not have to be straight, this will make your pirate look more like a real sea pirate. On jeans with a basting stitch, you can sew on patches, cut a few holes and also fray the edges.

Next, we take the top of the suit. It is best to find a vest, and preferably one that will not be a pity to tear and get dirty. Make a few careless spots on it with brown and black paint. Sew uneven patches on the vest, you can make a couple of holes in different places. The vest is girded with a sash from a wide strip of brightly colored fabric. You can wear an old vest over the shirt.

A triangular knitted bandana made of fabric of a color corresponding to the color of one of the elements of the costume is put on the head. On the bandana you can sew an appliqué in the form of a skull with bones. If desired, a second bandana can be tied around the neck. Don't forget to wear black or striped stockings or leggings for your rogue. Shoes can be any, but, of course, not sneakers. Black Czechs, boots or boots will do. Attach yellow metal buckles to it and the pirate costume will look more original. After completing all these steps, it is unlikely that anyone will believe that the pirate costume is made by hand, and not bought in a store.

Also, don't forget about weapons. What a pirate without a saber or muskets, and better both at the same time. With muskets, it's just that in your child's arsenal there are a couple of pistols to match the pirate image. Maybe the saber is lying around somewhere, but if not, it can be cut out of cardboard and covered with foil. Muskets, tuck them crosswise behind the sash, the saber can be attached to the loop on the side. To complete the image of a pirate, find a container for rum, which you sign as “ROM”. you can also equip the pirate with a talking parrot - sew a small soft toy to the shoulder.

You can also add a pirate carnival costume with chains, monists, a bag of coins, black fingerless gloves and other attributes. You can attach a clip in the form of a thick gold ring to your ear. And don't forget the black eye patch! It is done simply: 2 circles with a diameter of 5 cm are cut out of black fabric, the same circle of thick cardboard is inserted between them and sewn together. The circle is sewn in the center of a strip of black fabric (its length should be such that the strip can be tied at the back of the head).

To complete the image of a thunderstorm of the seas, you can apply makeup - draw a mustache and beard on your pirate with a black or brown eyebrow pencil. You can include a couple of bruises in purple or dark blue shadows in the image. On the arm you can depict a tattoo (skull and crossbones).

A hand-sewn pirate costume is suitable for both the New Year's carnival and Halloween. In addition, the child will be able at home, at any time, to put on the image of their favorite character and be transported to the exciting world of pirate adventures.

How to make a pirate costume at home

This costume is made up of:

  • Homemade thread wig,
  • An ordinary hat converted into a pirate one,
  • White shirt,
  • Long black vest
  • scarf long,
  • Real wide belt
  • Gloves made from ordinary children's gloves, fingers are simply cut off.
  • Trousers.
  1. Sew guipure ruffles to the sleeves of a white shirt.

OK it's all over Now! So our pirate costume is ready in one evening.

Good luck!

Every boy dreams of becoming a real pirate, going on an exciting search for real treasures or surf the endless expanses of the sea on a ship. But this dream can become a reality, at least for a while, just by having a pirate party. And in order for the image of a pirate to be complete, it is necessary to carefully consider the costume.

How to make a pirate costume for a boy with your own hands?

At first glance, this task may seem difficult, but in fact, making your own pirate costume is very easy. You will need a vest or shirt, bandana, pants, shoes and appropriate accessories. It is enough to follow the following simple tips.

  • First of all, you need to take care of your pants. The ideal option would be fairly wide trousers made of a material resembling heavy silk. Pants must be tucked into boots. If you wish and have free time, these trousers can be sewn in just one evening. But you can also choose a simpler option - old worn jeans can be a great bottom for a pirate costume. In this case, you will just need to cut off the bottom and do not process the edges. With the help of a basting seam, you can sew on patches that will become a wonderful decoration.
  • Now you can do the upper part of the suit. If the choice was made on wide black silk pants, then it is worth combining them with a snow-white shirt. However, a pirate shirt should have wide sleeves, thanks to which the created image will be complete and fully consistent with the chosen time. Old jeans can be combined with a simple vest. Both the vest and white shirt it is worth adding a sash, for which you need a fabric of a contrasting shade. A dark vest should be worn on top of the shirt.
  • Well, how can a pirate costume do without a bandana? Of course not! Here you just need to pick up a small piece of fabric, the color of which should be combined with any item of clothing. If desired, it will be possible to sew an application in the form of bones or a skull on the bandana.
  • Another main attribute of a real pirate costume is leggings. Wear black shoes or boots on your feet. But the best option would be high boots.
  • Do not forget about accessories, thanks to which the created image of a pirate will look completely complete. To do this, you can buy a saber or a musket in a toy store. You can put on a bandage over your eyes. Make it easy on your own.
  • Makeup is the most important stage in creating the image of a pirate. A beard and mustache can be glued or drawn with a black pencil. The eyes are drawn with a black pencil.

The image of the pirate is completely ready and now you can go to the holiday.

DIY pirate costume: photo

Pirate cocked hat: how to do it yourself?

You can make a pirate cocked hat yourself or buy it ready-made. If the first option was chosen, then the following materials will be needed - scissors, black fabric, pins, interlining.

  • First you need to take a sufficiently strong and rigid black fabric that will hold the given shape well. If necessary, the wrong side of the material can be glued with interlining, so that it will become more rigid.
  • Now we need to start creating a pattern. For this, the girth of the head of the "pirate" is measured. Details for a cocked hat are cut out of the fabric - crowns, two details of the fields, two details for the bottom of the hat. 2 halves of the fields of the hat are folded together, turning to face each other. Next, you need to stitch the details strictly along the edge of the cut. The brim of the hat is turned inside out and not very large incisions are made on the allowances inside. Details need to be well ironed. Now a decorative stitch is sewn from the outside along the edge of the hat.
  • The bottom of the hat should be egg-shaped. They are folded together with the wrong side to each other, and fastened with pins along the edges, while leaving a small allowance for the seams.
  • Scissors make not very deep notches on the sides of the parts. Thanks to this technique, the finished hat will look more neat. Now you need to stab with pins, and then sew the details of the crown together. Next, the bottom of the hat and crown are connected - first bast, and then sew on a typewriter and overcast the cut with a zigzag so that the hat does not fall apart during wear.
  • From the wrong side, you need to iron all the seams. Next, the detail of the fields and the lower edge of the crown are combined. If desired, from the inside you can sheathe the seam with an interesting oblique trim. The seam allowances are folded over the inside of the crown and sewn on by hand.
  • Next, the edges of the fields are sewn on the sides and front to the crown. The finished hat is as similar as possible to a real pirate cocked hat. If desired, you can decorate the hat with additional decorative elements - for example, lace, feathers, etc.

Create a pirate costume for children's holiday- it is so simple! You can sew on such elements of the outfit as a shirt and pants, or take old jeans and a vest. The realism of the image is achieved through accessories, so think them over to the smallest detail!