Classes with a 5 year old autistic child. Corrective training program for children with early childhood autism. Childhood autism - the beginning of all beginnings

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Director of MBOU BGO Secondary School No. 6

Kaverin V.V.

Correctional program for children with early childhood autism

Teacher-psychologist:__________ Evseeva N.I.

Explanatory note

Distorted development is a type of dysontogenesis in which complex combinations of general psychological underdevelopment, delayed, damaged and accelerated development of individual mental functions are observed, which leads to a number of qualitatively new pathological formations. One of the clinical variants of this dysontogenesis is early childhood autism (ECA) (I.I. Mamaichuk, 1998). The word autism comes from the Latin word autos - self and means separation from reality, separation from the world.

The main signs of RDA in all its clinical variants are:

Insufficient or complete lack of need for contacts with others;
- isolation from the outside world;
- weakness of emotional response towards loved ones, even towards the mother, up to complete indifference towards them (affective blockade)
- inability to differentiate between people and inanimate objects. Often such children are considered aggressive;
- insufficient response to visual and auditory stimuli forces many parents to consult an ophthalmologist or audiologist. But this is a misconception; children with autism, on the contrary, are very sensitive to weak stimuli. For example, children often cannot stand the ticking of a clock, the noise of household appliances, or the dripping of water from a tap;
- commitment - overcoming negativism when communicating and establishing contact with an autistic child;
-development of cognitive skills;
- mitigation of sensory and emotional discomfort characteristic of autistic children;
-increasing the child’s activity in the process of communicating with adults and children;
to preserve the immutability of the environment;
- neophobia (fear of everything new) appears very early in autistic children. Children cannot tolerate changing their place of residence, rearranging their bed, and do not like new clothes and shoes;
- monotonous behavior with a tendency towards stereotypes and primitive movements;
- various speech disorders with RDA;
- children with RDA exhibit various intellectual impairments. More often it is mental retardation.

Relevance of the program:

For children with limited developmental opportunities, the problem of conducting activities that stimulate development is very relevant. In order to prevent severe lag or, if possible, reduce the damage from it, it is necessary to promptly carry out stimulating corrective actions to positive influence on the child and bringing him closer to the behavior of healthy children.

Program goals:

Overcoming difficulties in organizing goal-directed behavior.

Program objectives:


Mitigating the sensory and emotional discomfort characteristic of autistic children

Increasing the child’s activity in the process of communicating with adults and children;

Orientation of an autistic child in the outside world;
- teaching him simple contact skills;
- teaching the child more complex forms of behavior;

Formation of socially acceptable behavior;

Learning to understand one’s own feelings, recognizing the emotional state of another person;

Learning to verbally express your desires and feelings;


Development of self-awareness and personality of an autistic child;
-development of attention;
-development of memory, thinking;

Speech development;

Educators:- to develop interest in artistic activities;

To develop in children the ability to see beauty in the world around them;

Develop the ability to work in a team;

Formation of social and everyday orientation and self-service skills.

A distinctive feature of this program is the synthesis of simplified tasks, as well as the ability to vary tasks in order to differentiate them.

Main stages psychological correction:

This program is designed for 1 year of study. The age of children is from 5 to 14 years. The correctional and developmental program is based on individual lessons. Classes are held 2 times a week for 1 hour. The program is divided into the following stages.

First stage

Establishing contact with an autistic child. For the successful implementation of this stage, a gentle sensory atmosphere of classes is recommended. This is achieved with the help of calm, quiet music in a specially equipped training room. Importance is attached to the free, soft emotionality of classes. The psychologist should communicate with the child in a low voice, in some cases, especially if the child is excited, even in a whisper. It is necessary to avoid direct looks at the child and sudden movements. You should not approach your child with direct questions. Establishing contact with an autistic child requires quite a long time and is the core moment of the entire psychocorrection process. The psychologist faces specific task overcoming fear in an autistic child, and this is achieved by encouraging even minimal activity through the sensory system.

Second phase

Strengthening the psychological activity of children, stimulating children to repeat actions, imitation, and develop self-service techniques. Solving this problem requires the psychologist to be able to feel the mood of a sick child, understand the specifics of his behavior and use this in the correction process.

On third stage

An important task is to organize the purposeful behavior of an autistic child and play intellectual and social games that are close to reality. As well as the development of basic psychological processes.

Thematic planning


Program section

Number of hours

"Safety in the classroom"

Introduction of the concepts: “pedestrian crossing”, “traffic light”, “carriageway”. Story game: “Pedestrian crossing.” Drawings - stencils


Questionnaire, Assessment of basic skills. Drawing up an individual work plan


Diagnostics of cognitive, emotional spheres, fine and gross motor skills. Drawing up an individual work plan.

"Me and you"

Game No. 1 “Swinging on a hand hammock”

Purpose: proprioceptive and vestibular influence, joint attention.

"Me and you"

Game No. 3 “Sausage in a blanket”

Goal: proprioceptive influence, communication, body awareness, development of the vestibular system, preparation for learning

"I myself"

Diagnostics of self-service techniques. Completing training tasks

"My capabilities"

Game No. 2 “Feel in the bag”

Goal: correlation of tactile and visual information, tactile recognition, speech development, reduction of tactile hypersensitivity.

"My abilities"

Psychotechnics "U-SIN"

"Security basics traffic»

Working with cards - tasks where it is necessary to recognize and anticipate danger and make an effective decision. Exercises - games: “Needle in a haystack”, “Walking along a line”. Drawing of road signs.

"My capabilities"

Game No. 4 “Tic Tac Toe”

Purpose: touch, autonomy of finger movements, hand-eye coordination, visual perception, motor planning (praxis) and thinking

"My capabilities"

Game No. 5 “Funny Bubbles”

Goal: visual skills, visual-perceptual development, hand-eye coordination, taking turns, body awareness, speech development, articulation training and improving breathing techniques.

"My capabilities"

Game No. 6 “Hidden Treasures”

Goal: tactile development, tactile influence, reduction of tactile hypersensitivity, initial learning skills.

"My capabilities"

Game No. 8 “Who is hiding in the tower”

Purpose: tactile habituation, training the muscles of the upper limbs, visual memory.

"My capabilities"

Game No. 12 “Knitted swing”

Purpose: vestibular effect, proprioceptive effect, calming effect, stimulating effect.

"My capabilities"

Game No. 15 “Tinnitus”

Purpose: auditory sensitivity, auditory discrimination.

"My capabilities"

Goal: visual-motor control, breathing training, articulation control and training.

"Fundamentals of road safety." "Prevention of accidents on water"

Designation of dangerous places on streets and roads, around schools and houses. Exercises - games: “Attentive Eyes”, “Traffic Light”, reading a fairy tale about traffic rules, followed by discussion. Traffic light drawing.

"My capabilities"

Game No. 17 "Conveyor"

Goal: gross motor coordination, visual-motor integration, visual skills.

"My capabilities"

Game No. 18 “Wheelboard crash”

Goal: proprioceptive input, gross motor skills, vestibular system.

"My capabilities"

Game No. 20 “Floating ball”

Goal: trunk rotation, motor control, visual tracking, hand-eye coordination, bilateral coordination, physical endurance, trunk stability, socialization. auditory integration.

"My capabilities"

Game No. 22 "Safari on a gurney"

Goal: movement planning (praxis), strengthening the muscles of the upper limb, bilateral (bilateral) coordination, vestibular influence, following in a given direction, proprioceptive influence, visual-motor skills, speech development.

"My capabilities"

Game No. 23 “Byking through the labyrinth”

Goal: movement planning (praxis), vestibular influence, strengthening the muscles of the lower extremities, visual attention, vestibular-visual integration.

"My capabilities"

Game No. 24 “throwing balls”

Goal: motor planning (praxis) visual-motor skills, visual tracking and fixation

"My capabilities"

Game No. 26 “Catcher with a Bucket”

Goal:: movement planning (praxis), visual-motor skills, proprioceptive influence

"Fundamentals of Road Safety"

Introduction of concepts: “first aid”, “road traffic injuries”. Discussion of road situations that require help from others. Game: "Road Signs".

"My capabilities"

Game No. 27 “Catching on the eight”

Goal: vestibular-visual integration, motor coordination, auditory input and integration.

"I myself"

"My capabilities"

Game No. 29 “Sliding ball”

Goal: gross motor skills, vestibular-visual integration, visual-motor integration, visual convergence

"My capabilities"

Game No. 30 “Hit the target with the ball”

Purpose: visual-motor coordination in the eye-hand system, planning movements (praxis) according to a verbal command, recognizing letters on a command

"My capabilities"

Game No. 31 “Turtle Shell”

Goal: movement planning (praxis), visual-motor integration, strengthening the muscles of the upper limbs, development of hand muscles, body awareness.

"My capabilities"

Game No. 32 “Coins in the piggy bank”

Goal: development of pincer grip, one-handed actions, gross motor skills

"My abilities"

I paint “Christmas tree” with finger paints

“Safety in the classroom” “Fundamentals of road safety movement"

What types of traffic lights are there? Left, right, middle of the road

"My capabilities"

Game No. 33 “We hammer in the pegs”

Purpose: visual-motor coordination in the eye-hand system, motor control, training of the hand, stabilization of the upper limbs.

"My capabilities"

Game No. 34 “City on the River”

Purpose: formation of the arch of the hand, training of the muscles of the upper limbs, training of the muscles of the hand, tactile influence, training of the muscles of the hand.

"My capabilities"

Game No. 36 “Collecting for speed”

Goal: training hand muscles, thumb opposition, attention, consistency when performing tasks.

"My capabilities"

Game No. 38 “Tasty Necklace”

Goal: bilateral bilateral coordination, one-handed actions, hand-eye coordination

"My capabilities"

Game No. 39 “Sculpt and cut” Goal: bilateral bilateral coordination, one-handed actions, proprioceptive influence

"My capabilities"

Game No. 40 “Avant-garde painting”

Purpose: pincer grip, opposal of the thumb, tactile influence, development of gross motor skills (shoulder girdle muscles)

"My abilities"

Working with salt dough

"Fundamentals of Road Safety"

How to cross an intersection

"My capabilities"

Game No. 41 “grab before you run away”

Goal: bilateral bilateral coordination, hand-eye coordination, hand, fine motor skills, visual skills

"World of Emotions"

Game No. 42 “Peek-a-boo”

Goal: understanding the elementary properties of objects, joint attention, social interaction

"World of Emotions"

Game No. 43 “Red light” green light»

Goal: body control, following cues, speech development, initial learning skills, proprioceptive influence, social influence

"World of Emotions"

Game No. 44 “Looking for a couple”

Goal: working memory, following rules, taking turns, speech development.

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"World of Emotions"

Game No. 45 “Where in my world”

Goal: Formation of spatial concepts, speech development

4 7

"World of Emotions"

Game No. 46 “Favorite hero is in command”

Goal: following instructions, auditory skills, speech development,

4 8

"My abilities"

Application for the holiday

"Fundamentals of Road Safety"

How to behave at a bus stop, rules for boarding and disembarking at a bus stop.

5 0

"World of Emotions"

Game No. 47 “Pretending Prepositions”

Goal: speech development

5 1

"World of Emotions"

Game No. 48 “Remember the word”

Purpose: speech development, auditory memory, vestibular influence

5 2

"World of Emotions"

Game No. 49 “How it ends”

Purpose: auditory memory, imagination, emotional intellect.

5 3

"World of Emotions"

Game No. 51 "House Order"

Goal: ordering skills, visual memory, skills Everyday life

5 4

"Me and you"

Game No. 52 "Tickle"

Goal: social interaction, eye contact, joint attention

5 5

"Me and you"

Game No. 53 “What’s missing on the face”

Purpose: emotional recognition, visual memory, holistic perception

5 6

"My abilities"

Application "Flower"

5 7

"Fundamentals of Road Safety"

Discussion of help-seeking patterns and how to effectively provide help. Orientation using road signs. Drawings on the topic

5 8

"Me and you"

Game No. 54 “Guess Who”

Purpose: face recognition, visual memory

"Me and you"

Game No. 56

Purpose: Finger pointing, joint attention, finger pointing, visual tracking, visual discrimination

6 0

"Me and you"

Game No. 57 “Description of people on cards”

Goal: observation skills, emotional intelligence, speech development

6 1

"Me and you"

Game No. 59 “I see I do”

Goal: motor imitation skills, conjugate imitation skills, tactile influence, social interaction

6 2

"Me and you"

Game No. 60 “Showing with the body”

Goal: body language, joint attention

6 3

"Me and you"

Game No. 62 “Don’t drop the ball”

Goal: emotional intelligence and social development, distribution of attention

6 4

"My abilities"

Working with plasticine “Decoration” easter egg»

6 5

"Fundamentals of Road Safety"

“Prevention of accidents on water

Discussion of traffic rules when riding bicycles, skateboards, roller skates. Requirements for clothing that provides protection. Board game - “On the Street”. May

6 6

"Me and you"

Game No. 69 “Cards for every day”

Goal: correlation of a word and its meaning, visual skills, visual-perceptual skills

6 7

"I myself"

Diagnostics of self-service techniques. Completing training tasks.

6 8

"Me and you"

Game No. 70 “To the puzzle through obstacles”

Goal: formation of logical conclusions, movement planning, visual-spatial skills

"Me and you"

Game No. 74 “Racing on paper”

Goal: fine motor skills, speech development, concept of directions, initial learning skills

7 0

"Me and you"

Game No. 19 “Jumping Bears”

Goal: speech development initial learning skills: motor planning visual tracking proprioceptive input vestibular-visual integration

"Me and you"

Game "Potato Head"

Goal: emotion recognition, emotional intelligence

7 2


Diagnostics of cognitive, emotional spheres, fine and gross motor skills. Assessment of basic skills.

Expected Results

Application of social and everyday orientation and self-service skills;

Increasing the child’s activity in the process of communicating with adults and children;

- orientation of an autistic child in the outside world;

Development of cognitive skills;

Develop conceptual apparatus and hand motor skills;

Development of self-awareness and personality of an autistic child.

To determine the results, observation, assessment of the development of basic skills, and interviews with students’ parents are carried out.

Material, technical and educational support for the program

Teaching aids, books, household items various colors, shapes, textures, dummies, toys, games, cards, creativity kits, sensory boxes, video and audio discs.


1. Babkina N.V. The joy of learning. Development program cognitive activity junior schoolchildren: Book for teachers. - M.:ARKTI, 2000.
2. Varga A.Ya. Psychological correction of communication disorders in younger schoolchildren \\ Family in psychological consultation \ Edited by A. A. Bodalev, V.V. Stolina.- M., 1989.
3. Klyueva N.V., Kasatkina Yu.V. We teach children to communicate. - Yaroslavl, 1997.
4. Kagan V. E. Autism in children. L., 1981.
5. Mamaichuk I. I. Psychocorrectional technologies for children with developmental problems. -SPb., 2003.
6. Ovcharova R.V. Practical psychology in primary school.- M., 1998

7. Lyutova E., Monina G. - “Crib for adults: psychocorrectional work with hyperactive, aggressive, anxious and autistic children” - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2006

8. Hiltunen E.A. - “Montessori Children” - M.: Astrel: AST, 2008

9. Monakhova A.Yu. - “Psychologist and family: active methods of interaction” - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2004

10. Khukhlaeva O.V. - “Fundamentals of psychological counseling and psychological correction” - 11.M.: Gummanit. Ed. Center Vlados, 2001

12. Zakharov A.I. - “Day and night fears in children” - St. Petersburg: Soyuz Publishing House, 2004 1.

Autism is a complex of disorders in behavior and reactions in which the skills of communication, adaptation to the social environment and control of one’s behavior in society are greatly affected. With such manifestations, it is difficult to exist normally in a world where dialogue and interaction are the basis for a full life.

Therefore, correctional activities and games are needed, aimed at the child’s social adaptation and improving his contact with the environment.

Every child is special. Because of this, games for children with autism must be selected individually, transforming them into a single lesson program. Moreover, it should include a set of measures, starting from taking medications prescribed by a doctor, and ending with exercises aimed at the development of the child.

One of the main factors for success in the fight against the disease is the correct behavior of the child’s parents. After all, panic and horror have never brought anyone any good, just like indifference.

Therefore it is worth:

  • accept the child's condition;
  • carefully observe what is interesting to him;
  • make a plan of tasks for each day and teach your child to follow the schedule;
  • every day tell your child everyday moments and the basics of morality;
  • provide him with comfort while studying at home, and do not leave him alone at important events.

So, you can create an optimal environment for the child in which he will feel comfortable. It is also important to understand that correctional classes for autism are not just designed to develop certain skills. They are aimed at improving communication, increasing awareness of one’s own goals and desires, as well as regulating behavior to achieve them.
Exercises for children with autism will also improve their routine skills. The baby will better understand how to interact with the family, how to take care of himself without outside help, etc. Plus, the child will understand his involvement in the world, the need to communicate with adults and peers.

Exercises for autism are quite effective. However, their implementation requires care and the right approach. So, the child must very clearly understand why he is carrying out certain actions. The instructions for an exercise or game must be clear. It is possible to use cards with hints.

You can also play on the characteristics of the disease and direct them in a good direction. For example, each time a class for children with autism is held, you can keep diaries, take one new photo, or feed the fish each time after the end of the class. This taps into the love of collecting and doing similar activities. And at the same time, he develops new skills and horizons. However, at the same time, other types of activities should not be of the same type, because then the child can quickly lose interest.

Educational games for children with autism: types and purposes

Organizing play activities with an autistic child is not as easy as it would be with a healthy child. Therefore, you need to prepare yourself for long and painstaking work. However, over time, you will begin to notice the first changes, an improvement in your child’s condition, which is the greatest reward for a loving parent.

Types of educational games:

  • Subject;
  • Role-playing;
  • Stereotypical;
  • Sensory.

The first type of game is subject-based. It teaches the child to pay attention to the characteristics of objects, to establish contact with an adult to play together. The options for doing this are described below.

Object games for children out
“Ball, roll!” The teacher or parent sits opposite the child on the floor and pushes the ball towards him. You need to give instructions to return the ball in the same way. You can play in a group when the child gets used to it.
"Open - close" It is necessary to prepare boxes, jars, cases, etc., with different types fasteners And place beads or small toys in them. Invite your child to get them. If difficulties arise, help your child cope with the clasp by showing how it works.
"Dinner for Dolls" Invite your child to prepare food for the dolls from plasticine, clay, kinetic sand, etc. So, you can get sausage, bread, cake, pancakes, sausages. An adult must demonstrate how to “cook” a particular dish.

The program for children with autism consists of games that are aimed at the comprehensive development of the child.
So, probably the most difficult are role-playing games, and you can involve your child in them only when he himself is interested in it. However, the biggest difficulty is the reluctance to come into contact with other children and work in a group. Therefore, such games should be started only in a comfortable environment for the child and adaptation to the environment.

The basis for interaction will be a stereotypical game. It is understandable for the child; goals and rules are clearly established in it. The authentic person takes part directly. The conditions of the game do not change, the actions are repeated over and over again. Moreover, the most important thing in it is the presence of comfort and experience positive emotions. If during classes with a psychologist a child has bright negative emotional outbursts, it is necessary to switch to his favorite activity.

In addition, stereotypical play is an activity that can be truly calming. Measured actions, comfort and pleasure will allow the child to relieve tension and return to normal after emotional outbursts.
Therefore, it is advisable to allow him to periodically return to it during class. For example: together with your child, toss construction pieces or beads, imitating fireworks, or make snowflakes from cotton wool, tossing them up, creating a kind of snowfall.

The next type of games is sensory. It performs the following tasks:

  • finding contact with an adult, establishing a trusting relationship;
  • experiencing positive emotions, obtaining information about the world around us;
  • relieving tension, experiencing new sensory impressions;
  • introducing a new understanding of social interaction, getting used to playing a certain role (when introducing a plot into the game).

There can be a lot of options for such a game. For example, games with paints, water, soap bubbles and shadow, which perfectly captivate little ones. Below is a list of possible forms of conducting the exercise.

  1. "Mixing paints." The goal of the game is to create a new color. Explain to your child which two or three colors can be used to get a new one. Give him free rein in his fantasies, and guide him carefully and gently.
  2. "Doll's Lunch" Place dolls and other available toys in a circle at the table. Place in front of them glasses of water simulating a certain drink (white water - milk, red water - cherry juice, etc.). In this game you can add scenes, imagining that you and your child are in a cafe. Or you can suggest counting the number of guests at the table.
  3. Games with water. Here you can pour it from one vessel to another, bathe dolls in it, make a fountain by placing a spoon under the tap, etc.
  4. "Foam Castle" Pour water into the vessel, add liquid soap or detergent, lather up. Insert a cocktail straw into it and start blowing into it. The foam will begin to increase in volume and take on bizarre shapes. Invite your child to try the same.
  5. Games with candles and shadows. A striking example is the game “Shadow Theater”. There are also many variations of the procedure. You can simply create curly shadows on the wall that appear at certain positions of your fingers. Or you can approach the process thoroughly and use the child’s toys. For example: Using a sheet illuminated by a lantern or candles from the back, perform a performance using puppets. You can involve the child in this, or ask them to comment on the unfolding events on the “screen”.
  6. "Collaborative drawing." The game helps to establish contact and positively influence the child’s emotional state. Moreover, depending on the degree of trust between the psychologist or mother and the child himself, the form of the exercise can be modified. In the early stages, you can simply demonstrate the drawing process or create drawings that the child wishes. Further, when the child is emotionally involved, you can develop a plot and stretch it over several lessons. Then try to draw parallels between what is happening on paper and real life.

By the way, you can track the development of the plot using books. Choose a magazine or book with colorful and beautiful pictures, and try to determine together with the child what is happening in the image. If he doesn’t make contact, start on your own, adjusting your intonation and making your story as exciting as possible.

Try playing with the grains. The child will not only develop motor skills by feeling crayons and large grains, but will also receive pleasure, gradually relieving the tension that has arisen. For such purposes, working with plastic materials such as plasticine, clay, etc. is also good. You can sculpt animals, household objects, or do without specific outlines at all, focusing on creating purely geometric shapes.

Also demonstrate natural phenomena to your child using simple examples. By kicking your feet hard on the floor, imitate an earthquake, or build a house out of matches or cards and blow it away, demonstrating the power of the wind. real life. Such games and exercises for the correction of autism will demonstrate to the child natural phenomena and their manifestations.

How to properly organize interaction between a psychologist, teacher and parents
As already mentioned, treatment for autism should be carried out in a complex manner. This also applies to the interaction of parents with teachers and psychologists. After all, success in treatment depends on joint efforts. Even if the psychologist draws up an effective correction program, and the teacher carefully monitors the child’s condition and accompanies him at school or kindergarten, mom will still have to try hard at home.

Classes with a psychologist to correct autism should be held not only for the child, but also for the parents. This is necessary for psychological support of mothers and fathers who daily have to deal with the difficulties of raising an autistic person.
It is also important to properly organize an activity program for autism at home. To do this, provide your child with a comfortable place, set a clear schedule for games and exercises, and try to stick to it every day.

The main thing is not to think that speech therapy sessions or exercises performed with a psychologist do not need to be repeated. Of course, they may not be exactly in the same form, but you will have to work on the acquired skills.
So, by directing all your efforts to the adaptation and development of your child, you can achieve noticeable results. The main thing is to understand the importance of consistency and regularity, which cannot be violated.

Video - Educational games. Arina, autistic, 4 years old

Video - Lesson at a table with a boy with autism. 6 years


Distorted development is a type of dysontogenesis in which complex combinations of general psychological underdevelopment, delayed, damaged and accelerated development of individual mental functions are observed, which leads to a number of qualitatively new pathological formations. One of the clinical variants of this dysontogenesis is early childhood autism (ECA) (I.I. Mamaichuk, 1998). The word autism comes from the Latin word autos - self and means separation from reality, fenced off from the world.

The main signs of RDA in all its clinical variants are:

Insufficient or complete lack of need for contacts with others;
- isolation from the outside world;
- weakness of emotional response towards loved ones, even towards the mother, up to complete indifference towards them (affective blockade)
- inability to differentiate between people and inanimate objects. Often such children are considered aggressive;/
- insufficient response to visual and auditory stimuli forces many parents to consult an ophthalmologist or audiologist. But this is a misconception; children with autism, on the contrary, are very sensitive to weak stimuli. For example, children often cannot stand the ticking of a clock, the noise of household appliances, or the dripping of water from a tap;
- commitment to maintaining the immutability of the environment;
- neophobia (fear of everything new) manifests itself very early in autistic children. Children cannot tolerate changing their place of residence, rearranging their bed, and do not like new clothes and shoes;
- monotonous behavior with a tendency towards stereotypes and primitive movements;
- various speech disorders with RDA;
- children with RDA exhibit various intellectual impairments. More often it is mental retardation.

Program goals:

Overcoming negativism when communicating and establishing contact with an autistic child;
-development of cognitive skills;
- mitigation of sensory and emotional discomfort characteristic of autistic children;
-increasing the child’s activity in the process of communicating with adults and children;
- overcoming difficulties in organizing goal-directed behavior.

Program objectives:

Orientation of an autistic child in the outside world;
- teaching him simple contact skills;
- teaching the child more complex forms of behavior;
-development of self-awareness and personality of an autistic child;
-development of attention;
-development of memory and thinking.

Main stages psychological correction:

First stage – establishing contact with an autistic child. For the successful implementation of this stage, a gentle sensory atmosphere of classes is recommended. This is achieved with the help of calm, quiet music in a specially equipped training room. Importance is attached to the free, soft emotionality of classes. The psychologist should communicate with the child in a low voice, in some cases, especially if the child is excited, even in a whisper. It is necessary to avoid direct looks at the child and sudden movements. You should not approach your child with direct questions. Establishing contact with an autistic child requires quite a long time and is the core moment of the entire psychocorrection process. The psychologist is faced with the specific task of overcoming fear in an autistic child, and this is achieved by encouraging even minimal activity.

Second phase – strengthening the psychological activity of children. Solving this problem requires the psychologist to be able to feel the mood of a sick child, understand the specifics of his behavior and use this in the correction process.

Onthird stage An important task of psychocorrection is the organization of goal-directed behavior of an autistic child. As well as the development of basic psychological processes.

Program effectiveness.

The implementation of a correctional program for children with RDA provides the basis for the child’s effective adaptation to the world. Thanks to these activities, the child is tuned to active contact with the outside world. Thus, the child will feel safety and emotional comfort, which means behavior correction will occur.

Thematic planning of lessons according to the program




Lesson numbers

Primary diagnosis. Observation technique.


Diagnosis of emotional and behavioral reactions

Activity diagnostics

Diagnosis of emotional tone and emotional manifestations

Diagnostics of assessing your behavior

Diagnostics of attention, memory


1. Formation of emotional contact by a psychologist. Games “Hands”, “Round dance”

2. Development of activity: games “Guide”, “Birds”, “Catch-up”.

3.Development of contact: games “Pet the cat”, “Play with the doll”


1.Development of perception and imagination. Spatial coordination. Encrypted drawing. Fold the pattern.

2.Development of visual and tactile perception. Psychotechnical games: find a place for a toy, collect figures (Seguin boards)


1. Development of the analytical and synthetic sphere. Raven tables. Graphic dictation. Continue the series.

2.Development of attention. Corrective test ''Girls''. Tables.

3. Memory development. Remember the words. Find differences.

4.Development of verbal communication. Call the ball. Finish the sentence.

5. Development of the personal-motivational sphere. My family


1. Development of the story game. ''Murzik came to play''

2.Development of outdoor role-playing games. “The monkey is mischievous”

3. Development of outdoor and competitive games. We are building a house for friends. The most dexterous.


Final diagnostics. Diagnosis of emotional and behavioral characteristics.

Final diagnostics. Activity diagnostics.

Final diagnostics. Diagnostics for assessing your behavior.

Final diagnostics. Diagnostics of thinking operations.

Final diagnostics. Diagnostics of memory and attention.

Final diagnostics. Diagnosis of emotional tone and emotional manifestations.


Establishing contact with an autistic child.

Lesson 1: game “Hands”.

Progress of the game. The child sits in front of the psychologist. The psychologist takes the child by the hand and rhythmically pats the child’s hand with his hand, repeating “My hand, your hand...”. If the child actively resists and takes his hand away, then the psychologist continues patting himself or with another child. If the child agrees to contact with hands, the psychologist’s hand continues patting the child’s hand according to type.

Game "Ladushki" We offer this quatrain:

Hands, our hands, play for us,
Knock and squeeze harder right now
We will be friends with you and catch everyone by the hand.

Game "Round Dance".

Progress of the game: psychologist, child, parent take turns entering the center of the circle and greet with the following words:

Stand up, children,
Stand in a circle
Stand in a circle
I am your friend
And you are my friend
Good old friend.

Development of activity.

Lesson 2: game “Guide”.

Progress of the game: The exercise is performed in pairs. First, the leader (psychologist) leads the follower (child) blindfolded, avoiding all sorts of obstacles. Then they change roles.

Game "Birds".

Progress of the game: The psychologist says that now everyone is turning into little birds and invites them to fly with them, flapping their arms like wings. After the “birds” they gather in a circle and together “peck the grains”, tapping their fingers on the floor.

Game "Catch-up".

Progress of the game: the psychologist suggests running away, hiding from him. Having caught up with the child, the psychologist hugs him, tries to look into his eyes and invites him to catch up.

Development of contact.

Lesson 3: game “Pet the cat”.

The psychologist, together with the children, selects kind and gentle words for the “Murka the Cat” toy, while the child strokes it, can pick it up, and cuddle with it.

Game "Play with a doll."

Progress of the game: conducting a role-playing game on various topics, for example: “Let's go shopping,” “Away.” In this case, the doll is an assistant in the development of the child’s social roles.

Strengthening psychological activity. Development of perception.

Lesson 4: Development of perception of “noisy” objects. Forming a child’s activity with the help of game moments for the development of perception.

Progress of the lesson: in front of the child is an image of “noisy” pictures, his task is to recognize these pictures.

An exercise to develop spatial coordination (the concepts of left, right, in front, behind, etc.) takes place in the form of a game.

We'll go right now! One two Three!
Now let's go left! One two Three!
Let's quickly join hands! One two Three!
Let's open up just as quickly! One two Three!
We'll sit down quietly! One two Three!
And let's get up a little! One two Three!
We will hide our hands behind our backs! One two Three!
Let's turn it over your head!! One two Three!
And let's stamp our feet! One two Three!

Psychotechnical games.

Lesson 5: game “Find a place for the toy.”

Progress of the game: the psychologist suggests placing skittles or balls one by one in the box of the desired color and in the corresponding hole cut out in the box. You can organize a competition.

Game "Collect figures".

How to play: The child, on command, assembles and disassembles the boards.

Development of the analytical and synthetic sphere.

Lesson 6: Ravenna table.

Progress of the lesson: the child is asked to patch the rug. As you complete the tasks, they become more and more difficult.

Graphic dictation.
Progress of the lesson: The child is guided on paper under the dictation of the psychologist.

Continue the series
Progress of the lesson: based on the given figures, carry out an analysis, find a pattern and follow it when continuing this series.

Development of attention.

Lesson 7: Corrective tests. "Girls".

Progress of the lesson: the child identifies on a sheet of paper according to a certain characteristic, first one type of girl, and then another.


Progress of the lesson: a table of scattered numbers is given, the child’s task is to find and name them in order.

Memory development

Lesson 8: Remember the words.

Progress of the lesson: children are offered several pictures one by one, which they recite from memory or reproduce in a notebook.

Game "Snowball".

Progress of the lesson: gradual formation of a sequence of words, each subsequent participant reproduces the previous words while maintaining the given sequence, adding his own word to them.

Game "Find the differences".

Progress of the lesson: the children are offered two pictures that differ in some details. It is necessary to find all the different parts.

Development of speech communication .

Lesson 9: Call with a ball.

Course of the lesson: the children stand in a circle, the psychologist throws a ball to anyone, calling that child by name. The child who catches the ball must throw it to the next one, also calling him by name, and so on.

Game "Finish the sentence."

Progress of the lesson: children take turns reading a familiar poem, which they must complete.

Development of the personal and motivational sphere

Lesson 10: game “My Family”.

Situations are played out in a group of children who play the roles of both their parents and their own.

Progress of the lesson: The children are offered several situations in which roles will be assigned in advance with the help of a psychologist. For example: “Congratulate your mom on her birthday,” “Invite a friend to visit.” If the guys find it difficult, the psychologist should join the game and show how to behave in a given situation.

Lesson 11: game “Murzik came to play.”

Progress of the game: the psychologist shows the children Murzik the Cat, put on his hand. Murzik the cat greets every child. Then Murzik shows the children a transparent plastic bag with the items he brought, and invites everyone to take any number of figures and place them on the table. From the given cubes, Murzik and his children build a house for a doll or a garage for a car. The psychologist encourages children to communicate with Murzik.

Development of mobile role play .

Lesson 12: game “Mischievous Monkey”.

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle, the psychologist shows the monkey and tells how it likes to imitate. The psychologist raises his hand, then makes the same movement with the monkey, then invites the children to perform the same movement themselves or on the monkey. Then the movements become more complex: waving your hand, clapping your hands, tapping, and so on.

Development of active and competitive games.

Lesson 13: game “Building a house for friends.”

Progress of the game: The psychologist divides the children into groups of 2-3 people and says that he has two friends: the toy cat Murzik and the dog Sharik. They are very kind and cheerful, but they have one problem - they don’t have a home. Let's help them build a house, some will build a house for Murzik, others for Sharik. After this, the children are offered cubes and a task to see who can build a house with them the fastest.

Game: "The most dexterous."

Progress of the game: The psychologist suggests taking turns throwing the ball into the basket, counting who has the most hits. Next, the children stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other; at the end of the game, the most dexterous one is called. You can offer other options for outdoor games, the main thing is that children in these games understand that they are able to achieve positive results.


1. Babkina N.V. The joy of learning. Lesson program for the development of cognitive activity of junior schoolchildren: A book for teachers. – M.:ARKTI, 2000.
2. Varga A.Ya. Psychological correction of communication disorders in younger schoolchildren \\ Family in psychological consultation \ Edited by A. A. Bodalev, V.V. Stolina.- M., 1989.
3. Klyueva N.V., Kasatkina Yu.V. We teach children to communicate. - Yaroslavl, 1997.
4. Kagan V. E. Autism in children. L., 1981.
5. Mamaichuk I. I. Psychocorrectional technologies for children with developmental problems. - St. Petersburg, 2003.
6. Ovcharova R.V. Practical psychology in elementary school. - M., 1998

Municipal government educational institution "Baevskaya primary secondary school of the Bayevsky district of the Altai Territory"


Agreed: Director of MKOU "Baevskaya NOSH"

Social teacher of MKOU "Baevskaya NOSH" ______________________/ V.A. Krikovtsova


S.V. Dektyareva


Individual correction program

psychological and pedagogical support for a disabled childWithdiagnosis« autism»

Child's full name

for 2016-2017

Compiled by:

Telichko Yulia Alekseevna

Educational psychologist

Baevo village 2016

Natalia Kundenok
Summary of an individual lesson with an autistic child 5 years old


Equipment: Denesh cubes, “dry pool” with rice and semolina, massage ball, small mosaic, stencils, gouache.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Greetings.

The teacher greets the girl (who is not speaking), seeking a greeting from the child - with a gesture.

2. Denesh cubes.

On the table there is a flat image “Flower”, “Cat” made of multi-colored geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle).

Instructions: Place the flower and the cat in colored cubes.

Goal: to develop the ability to correlate volumetric geometric figures with a flat image.

3. Finger gymnastics.

The teacher shows a soft toy cat, offers to stroke it,

show eyes, nose, tail. The teacher uses a clothespin to pinch the child’s finger on each line.

Bites hard

Fulmar kitten

He thinks this

Not a finger, but a mouse.

But I'm playing

Baby is with you.

And you will bite

I'll tell you shoo!

4. Drawing autumn leaves.

The teacher invites the child to look at a tree with dried colorful leaves. Pays attention to the color of the leaves (yellow, red).

Instructions: trace the leaf stencil with a simple pencil and paint over it with gouache.

Goal: learn to trace using a stencil, develop the ability to use a brush and gouache, lead the child to independently choose a given color (red, yellow). Paint over it yourself without going beyond the outline.

5. Physical education minute. "Teddy Bear"

Goal: to develop the ability to imitate the actions of a teacher.

6. "Dry pool" with rice cereal.

A vessel filled with rice and hidden small toys is offered.

Instructions: find toys.

Goal: relieving emotional stress, developing the ability to follow the teacher’s verbal instructions.

7. Small mosaic task.

Instructions: Lay out the flowers according to the pattern.

Goal: development of fine motor skills, ability to work according to a model,

fix the main colors.

8. Finger gymnastics.

Goal: teach the child to alternate fist-palm.

Knock-knock-knock fists

Yes, yes, let's clap our hands

Can I come to you - fists

I'm always glad - clap

9. Parting.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an individual correctional lesson with a child with rhinolitis in a group of children with disabilities preparatory to school Topic: Preparing the speech apparatus to produce the sound [P]. Automation of sound [Ш]. Goal: development of mobility of the soft palate and development.

Summary of an individual correctional lesson for children with mental retardation 4–5 years old Goals: 1. Development of thinking. 2. Development of visual and auditory perception and memory. 3. Study of attention. Objectives: 1. Cognitive:.

Summary of individual speech therapy lesson “In the circus” Summary of individual speech therapy session“At the Circus” Topic: Sound “SH” Stage: Automation of the sound [SH] in words and sentences Goals: automate.

Summary of individual lesson “Sound Automation [R]” Teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification category Chermyanina Marina Aleksandrovna Automation of sound R (summary of individual lessons).

Summary of an individual lesson on audio automation [Ts] Summary of an individual lesson on sound automation [Ts]. Speech therapy tasks: 1. Teach children to give acoustic-articulatory characteristics.

Summary of an individual lesson on audio automation [Ш] Summary of an individual lesson on sound automation [SH] Goal: Automate sound [SH]. Objectives: Development of phonemic hearing (perception,...

Summary of an individual lesson with a child with hearing loss Goal: Development of speech breathing; work on word stress and consistency of pronunciation; working on correct sound pronunciation; differentiation.

Question No. 1

Primary school development plan - compensatory kindergarten

Purpose of the Program:

Providing an integrated approach to solving the problem of correction, preservation and development of the health of preschool and younger children school age in an inclusive educational institution.

Objectives of the Program:

Provide medical and pedagogical support for each child, contributing to the maximum development of his personality.

To achieve a new educational result in an educational institution of a compensatory type, functioning in the conditions of inclusive education (joint education and upbringing of children with disabilities) disabilities health and normally developing children) through:

Optimization of the educational process;

Professional development of all participants in the educational process;

Updating the material and technical base.

Develop and implement a program for the comprehensive development of the personality of children of preschool and primary school age, including ensuring the educational needs of special categories of children (children with disabilities and children with disabilities).

Ensure cooperation between teachers, specialists, medical workers and parents by physical development and the health of children in preschool educational institutions and families;

To test new organizational psychological and pedagogical forms and methods of work that can ensure the integration of disabled children with impaired musculoskeletal system functions in groups of normally developing children and children with less severe diagnoses.

To guarantee the preservation of a favorable microsociety - one of the main conditions for the formation of children’s adaptation mechanisms, the disclosure of their individuality and personal growth.

Expected final results of the Program implementation

Achieving a new educational result in the state educational institution of a compensatory type, operating in the conditions of inclusive education, through

Optimization of the educational process;

Improving the professionalism of teachers and educators;

Updating the material and technical base, etc.

Program for the comprehensive development of the personality of children of preschool and primary school age.

Creation in the State Educational Institution of a system of medical and pedagogical support for each child, promoting the maximum development of his personality.

Selection of psychological and pedagogical forms and methods of work that can ensure the integration of children with impaired musculoskeletal system functions in groups of normally developing children and children with less severe diagnoses.

Real cooperation between teachers, educators, specialists, medical workers and parents on the physical development and health of children in preschool educational institutions and families;

Successful completion of the educational program of the educational institution, psychological and pedagogical readiness of children to study in primary school (for preschoolers) and high school(for younger schoolchildren).

Preschool development plan

The priority development goals of preschool educational institution No. 4 “Skazka” are:

1. Ensuring the comprehensive, full development of each child based on diagnostics of his development, equal starting opportunities.

2. Implementation of correction in speech development.

3. Carrying out work aimed at protecting and strengthening physical and mental health children, the formation of a healthy and safe lifestyle culture among preschoolers, the creation of a favorable physical activity regime.

4. Creation of conditions conducive to the formation of civil, patriotic, moral and ethical foundations of the child’s personality, familiarization with Russian national culture

5. Formation of the foundations of environmental culture, improvement of work on environmental education.

6. Implementation of activities to strengthen cooperation with the families of pupils, involving parents in participation in joint events.

7. Cooperation with city schools within the framework of continuity of education between kindergarten and school.

8. Providing pupils of preschool educational institution No. 4 “Skazka” with additional educational services that provide intellectual, personal and creative development children.

9. Attracting additional resources for the development of preschool educational institution No. 4 “Fairy Tale”.

Program implementation period: 2011-2014.

Expected results of the program:

Strengthening the human resources of preschool educational institution No. 4 “Skazka”;

Improving the quality of education;

Expanding the range of additional services for pupils;

Strengthening the material and technical base.

Main problems

Preschool needs major renovation. The sewerage system, water supply, and electrical wiring need to be replaced.


New play equipment to areas for pupils to walk;

New sports equipment for the sports ground;

New play equipment and furniture for groups;

Multimedia projector for equipping the educational process;

Expected results

The implementation of the assigned tasks should contribute to:

· Ensuring the psychophysical well-being of children in the context of public education, social adaptation to society, developing communication with adults and children.

· Study and generalize the experience of teachers in the upbringing and training of preschoolers.

· Introduction of innovative technologies for raising and teaching children preschool age.

· Improving the material and technical base.

· Building a modern development environment.

· Reducing childhood morbidity, increasing the body's resistance, introducing the child to healthy image life and mastering various types of physical activity.

· Improving forms family education children.

· Ensuring equal opportunities to receive preschool education

Question No. 2

Game as a means of developing the creative activity of older preschoolers

Problem: can play be a means of developing the creative activity of older preschoolers?

Purpose This work is a theoretical analysis and experimental testing of the development of creative activity in the play of older preschoolers

Object: creative activity of older preschoolers

Subject- game as a means of developing the creative activity of older preschoolers

During the work it was put forward hypothesis: the game will be a means of developing the creative activity of older preschoolers if the following conditions are created:

1. Creation of a game-based subject-development environment, and its further change;

2. Guarantee of the child’s independence and freedom in play;

3. Special work carried out by the teacher to develop creative activity in the play of older preschoolers.

To solve the problem raised, the following were posed: tasks:

1. Analyze the means of developing creative activity

2. Determine the influence of means of developing creative activity

3. Empirically explore play as a means of developing creative activity

Research methods:

Theoretical (analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature);

Empirical (pedagogical observations, pedagogical experiment).

Methods of mathematical data processing (calculation of the Mann-Whitney U test, Spearman rank correlation method)

Question No. 9

Corrective training program for children with early childhood autism

Relevance of the problem.

Distorted development is a type of dysontogenesis in which complex combinations of general psychological underdevelopment, delayed, damaged and accelerated development of individual mental functions are observed, which leads to a number of qualitatively new pathological formations. One of the clinical variants of this dysontogenesis is early childhood autism (ECA) (I.I. Mamaichuk, 1998). The word autism comes from the Latin word autos - self and means separation from reality, fenced off from the world.

The main signs of RDA in all its clinical variants are:

Insufficient or complete lack of need for contacts with others;

Isolation from the outside world;

Weakness of emotional response towards loved ones, even towards the mother, up to complete indifference towards them (affective blockade)

Inability to differentiate between people and inanimate objects. Often such children are considered aggressive;/

Insufficient response to visual and auditory stimuli forces many parents to consult an ophthalmologist or audiologist. But this is a misconception; children with autism, on the contrary, are very sensitive to weak stimuli. For example, children often cannot stand the ticking of a clock, the noise of household appliances, or the dripping of water from a tap;

Commitment to maintaining the same environment;

Neophobia (fear of everything new) appears very early in autistic children. Children cannot tolerate changing their place of residence, rearranging their bed, and do not like new clothes and shoes;

Monotonous behavior with a tendency towards stereotypes and primitive movements;

Various speech disorders with RDA;

Children with RDA exhibit various intellectual impairments. More often it is mental retardation.

Program goals:

Overcoming negativism when communicating and establishing contact with an autistic child;

Development of cognitive skills;

Mitigation of sensory and emotional discomfort characteristic of autistic children;

Increasing the child’s activity in the process of communicating with adults and children;

Overcoming difficulties in organizing goal-directed behavior.

Program objectives:

Orientation of an autistic child in the outside world;

Teaching him simple contact skills;

Teaching the child more complex forms of behavior;

Development of self-awareness and personality of an autistic child;

Development of attention;

Development of memory and thinking.

Main stages of psychological correction:

First stage– establishing contact with an autistic child. For the successful implementation of this stage, a gentle sensory atmosphere of classes is recommended. This is achieved with the help of calm, quiet music in a specially equipped training room. Importance is attached to the free, soft emotionality of classes. The psychologist should communicate with the child in a low voice, in some cases, especially if the child is excited, even in a whisper. It is necessary to avoid direct looks at the child and sudden movements. You should not approach your child with direct questions. Establishing contact with an autistic child requires quite a long time and is the core moment of the entire psychocorrection process. The psychologist is faced with the specific task of overcoming fear in an autistic child, and this is achieved by encouraging even minimal activity.

Second phase– strengthening the psychological activity of children. Solving this problem requires the psychologist to be able to feel the mood of a sick child, understand the specifics of his behavior and use this in the correction process.

At the third stage An important task of psychocorrection is the organization of goal-directed behavior of an autistic child. As well as the development of basic psychological processes.

Program effectiveness.

The implementation of a correctional program for children with RDA provides the basis for the child’s effective adaptation to the world. Thanks to these activities, the child is tuned to active contact with the outside world. Thus, the child will feel safety and emotional comfort, which means behavior correction will occur.

Establishing contact with an autistic child.

Lesson 1: game “Hands”.

Progress of the game. A group of 2-3 children sits in front of the psychologist. The psychologist takes the child by the hand and rhythmically pats the child’s hand with his hand, repeating “My hand, your hand...”. If the child actively resists and takes his hand away, then the psychologist continues patting himself or with another child. If the child agrees to contact with the hands, the psychologist’s hand continues patting the child’s hand according to the type

Game “Ladushki”, we offer the following quatrain:

Hands, our hands, play for us,

Knock and squeeze harder right now

We will be friends with you and catch everyone by the hand.

Game "Round Dance".

Progress of the game: the psychologist selects a child from the group who greets the children and shakes each child’s hand. The child chooses who will be in the center of the round dance. Children, holding hands, greet the one who will be in the center of the circle to the music. The children take turns entering the center of the circle, and the group greets them with these words:

Stand up, children,

Stand in a circle

Stand in a circle

I am your friend

And you are my friend

Good old friend.

Development of activity.

Lesson 2: game “Guide”.

Progress of the game: The exercise is performed in pairs. First, the leader (psychologist) leads the follower (child) blindfolded, avoiding all sorts of obstacles. Then they change roles. Following the example, the children themselves repeat the game, alternately changing roles.

Game "Birds".

Progress of the game: The psychologist says that now everyone is turning into little birds and invites them to fly with them, flapping their arms like wings. After the “birds” they gather in a circle and together “peck the grains”, tapping their fingers on the floor.

Game "Catch-up".

Progress of the game: the psychologist invites the children to run away and hide from him. Having caught up with the child, the psychologist hugs him, tries to look into his eyes and invites him to catch up with other children.

Development of contact.

Lesson 3: game “Pet the cat”.

The psychologist and the children select kind and gentle words for the “Murka the Cat” toy, while the children stroke it, can pick it up and cuddle with it.

Game "Play with a doll."

Progress of the game: conducting a role-playing game on various topics, for example: “Let's go shopping,” “Away.” In this case, the doll is an assistant in the development of the child’s social roles.

Strengthening psychological activity. Development of perception.

Lesson 4: Development of perception of “noisy” objects. Formation of a child’s activity with the help of play moments for the development of perception.

Progress of the lesson: in front of the child is an image of “noisy” pictures, his task is to recognize these pictures.

An exercise to develop spatial coordination (the concepts of left, right, in front, behind, etc.) takes place in the form of a game.

We'll go right now! One two Three!

Now let's go left! One two Three!

Let's quickly join hands! One two Three!

Let's open up just as quickly! One two Three!

We'll sit down quietly! One two Three!

And let's get up a little! One two Three!

We will hide our hands behind our backs! One two Three!

Let's turn it over your head!! One two Three!

And let's stamp our feet! One two Three!

Psychotechnical games.

Lesson 5: game “Find a place for the toy.”

Progress of the game: the psychologist suggests placing skittles or balls one by one in the box of the desired color and in the corresponding hole cut out in the box. You can organize a competition.

Game "Collect figures".

How to play: The child, on command, assembles and disassembles the boards.

Development of the analytical and synthetic sphere.

Lesson 6: Ravenna table.

Progress of the lesson: the child is asked to patch the rug. As you complete the tasks, they become more and more difficult.

Graphic dictation.

Progress of the lesson: The child is guided on paper under the dictation of the psychologist.

Continue the series

Progress of the lesson: based on the given figures, carry out an analysis, find a pattern and follow it when continuing this series.

Development of attention.

Lesson 7: Corrective tests. "Girls".

Progress of the lesson: the child identifies on a sheet of paper according to a certain characteristic, first one type of girl, and then another.

Progress of the lesson: a table of scattered numbers is given, the child’s task is to find and name them in order.

Memory development

Lesson 8: Remember the words.

Progress of the lesson: children are offered several pictures one by one, which they recite from memory or reproduce in a notebook.

Game "Snowball".

Progress of the lesson: gradual formation of a sequence of words, each subsequent participant reproduces the previous words while maintaining the given sequence, adding his own word to them.

Game "Find the differences".

Progress of the lesson: the children are offered two pictures that differ in some details. It is necessary to find all the different parts.

Development of speech communication.

Lesson 9: Call with a ball.

Course of the lesson: the children stand in a circle, the psychologist throws a ball to anyone, calling that child by name. The child who catches the ball must throw it to the next one, also calling him by name, and so on.

Game "Finish the sentence."

Progress of the lesson: children take turns reading a familiar poem, which they must complete.

Development of the personal and motivational sphere

Lesson 10: game “My Family”.

Situations are played out in a group of children who play the roles of both their parents and their own.

Progress of the lesson: The children are offered several situations in which roles will be assigned in advance with the help of a psychologist. For example: “Congratulate your mom on her birthday,” “Invite a friend to visit.” If the guys find it difficult, the psychologist should join the game and show how to behave in a given situation.

Lesson 11: game “Murzik came to play.”

Progress of the game: the psychologist shows the children Murzik the Cat, put on his hand. Murzik the cat greets every child. Then Murzik shows the children a transparent plastic bag with the items he brought, and invites everyone to take any number of figures and place them on the table. From the given cubes, Murzik and his children build a house for a doll or a garage for a car. The psychologist encourages children to communicate with Murzik.

Development of mobile - role-playing games.

Lesson 12: game “Mischievous Monkey”.

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle, the psychologist shows the monkey and tells how it likes to imitate. The psychologist raises his hand, then makes the same movement with the monkey, then invites the children to perform the same movement themselves or on the monkey. Then the movements become more complex: waving your hand, clapping your hands, tapping, and so on.

Development of active and competitive games.

Lesson 13: game “Building a house for friends.”

Progress of the game: The psychologist divides the children into groups of 2-3 people and says that he has two friends: the toy cat Murzik and the dog Sharik. They are very kind and cheerful, but they have one problem - they don’t have a home. Let's help them build a house, some will build a house for Murzik, others for Sharik. After this, the children are offered cubes and a task to see who can build a house with them the fastest.

Game: "The most dexterous."

Progress of the game: The psychologist suggests taking turns throwing the ball into the basket, counting who has the most hits. Next, the children stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other; at the end of the game, the most dexterous one is called. You can offer other options for outdoor games, the main thing is that children in these games understand that they are able to achieve positive results.

Question #12

Program of correctional and developmental activities for children 4-5 years old “Veselyutnik and all-all-all”

Explanatory note

Relevance. The emotional sphere of preschool children is characterized by immaturity, therefore different situation they may experience inadequate emotional reactions, behavioral disorders, which are a consequence of decreased self-esteem, feelings of resentment, and anxiety. Although feelings of anger and irritation are normal human reactions, children have difficulty learning to express negative emotions appropriately. Being in a state of resentment, anger, depression for a long time, the child experiences emotional discomfort and tension, and this is very harmful to mental and physical health. You can reduce and remove the negative state of children through positive movement (pushing, knocking, building and destroying towers from cubes, “chopping wood”), drawing, playing with sand and water, psycho-gymnastic sketches that play out basic emotions: joy, surprise, anger, grief , sadness, fear. In the course of studying various emotions, children learn to manage them, overcome barriers in communication, begin to better understand others and themselves, and are freed from psycho-emotional stress.

Goals: development of the emotional and volitional sphere in preschool children aged 4-5 years.


1. introduce children to basic emotions,

2. promote awareness of one’s own emotions,

3. develop the ability to understand the emotions of other people,

4. develop the ability to express your emotions verbally and non-verbally,

5. Build the ability to express yourself negative emotions in socially acceptable ways,

6. development of reflection,

7. formation of adequate self-esteem in children,

8. teaching children ways to relieve muscle and emotional tension,

9. creating conditions for creativity and self-expression of preschool children,

The program has a correctional and developmental direction, a preparatory level.

This program is addressed to children aged 4-5 years attending kindergarten.

The programs of T. Abdurasulova, I. Vezhnovets, T. Gromova, N., Karpekina, S.V. were taken as a methodological basis. Kryukova, N.P. Slobodyanik, V.M. Minaeva, N. Novikova, O.V. Khukhlaeva, O.E. Khukhlaeva, I.M. Pervushina, O.L. Knyazeva.

Classes in this program can be recommended for children with immature emotional and volitional spheres. Contraindicated for autistic, hyperactive children with pronounced traits of aggressiveness and hostility. With such children it is first necessary to carry out individual work.

The program includes 16 classes, held once a week, lasting 15 minutes. The optimal number of children in a group is 6-8 people.

Tested for two years on the basis of kindergartens No. 302 and No. 66 of the Ordzhonikidze district of the urban district of the city of Ufa, No. 30 of Belebey, Republic of Bashkortostan.

Conditions of implementation. Requirements for the premises: a spacious room, tables and chairs for the number of participants, it is advisable that it be locked to avoid outside interference.

Necessary materials: portraits of brownies; flowers with large petals made of cardboard, in the core of which pictograms of emotions are drawn; glasses of water, paints, glitter, brushes, sheets of paper, pencils or markers; satin ribbons scissors 1-1.5 m long; mirrors according to the number of children; ball, ball of brightly colored yarn; a picture with the image of Pull - Pushing, sad - cheerful prince; a target on the wall, rubber balls filled with cereal, sand, etc.; plastic bottles; black paper; audio equipment, cassettes with recordings of melodies for relaxation, a feather.

Expected result. Psychological classes This program increases the communicative competence of children, changes occur in the child’s emotional sphere, their views on the world and relationships with others change, and the ability to recognize and control their emotions develops.

As an incoming and outgoing diagnostic to study the effectiveness of the classes, you can use the “ Wonderland feelings" to study the psycho-emotional state of T.D. Zinkevich - Evstigneeva.

Structure of classes.

I. Ritual of greeting. Exercise "Sun".

II. Warm-up (activation of mental processes, emotional and physical state of children).

III. The main content of the classes (a set of psychotechnical exercises and games aimed at solving the problems of this program).

Games with rules, verbal, role-playing, active, educational,

Acting out sketches,

Free and thematic drawing,

Mirror games,

Games with ribbons,

Relaxation exercises,

IV. Reflection of the lesson (emotional and semantic assessment of the lesson): conversation.

V. Ritual of farewell. Exercise “A trickle of joy.”

Lesson 1.

"Wonderful World"

Goal: Acquaintance. Promote group unity, create an atmosphere of trust, and form adequate self-esteem.

Materials: a ball of brightly colored yarn, a “Sun” toy.

And now we will play a little magic game. This game will make sure that we become strong, strong friends. Children, sitting in a circle, pass a ball of thread. The transfer of the ball is accompanied by statements that the one who holds this ball feels his name, what he wants to wish to others. If there is any difficulty, the psychologist helps the child. When the ball returns to the psychologist, the children pull the thread and see the web that unites them.

Guys, show me where you have good ears, beautiful eyes, and fast legs. Now pat yourself and say “ good boy"or "good girl."

Do you know that brownies live in our kindergarten? During the day they quietly doze off in secluded corners, and in the evening, when we all go home, they crawl out, light a candle and sit around it. And then the brownies begin to talk. They love to talk. They are especially interested in telling different stories that happen to us during the day. But since the brownies themselves sleep during the day, they really love to listen to our stories. They just dream that someone will tell something about themselves!

Moreover, all our brownies are completely different, just like you and me. One loves funny stories, loves to jump on the palm of your hand and waits, eyes sparkling, for the joy to be shared with him! But his friend loves sad stories more. He snuggles up with his fluffy side, listens and sympathizes with the storyteller very, very much. The third brownie likes angry stories. He frowns, clenches his fists and listens, with bated breath, to a story in which there is some villain or offender. Angry, empathetic! The fourth brownie prefers scary stories. Don’t feed me gingerbread – let me listen and be scared! Only the ears tremble slightly and the fur stands on end. The fifth brownie loves amazing stories about things that seem to never happen in the world. He listens with his eyes open and is surprised!


Lesson 2.

Veselyutnik 1.

Goal: To promote group cohesion and the formation of adequate self-esteem. Introducing and playing the emotion of joy.

Materials: toy “Sun”, image of a brownie, drawing of a daisy, mirrors, paper and pencils, glass of water..

Good morning, Guys! I'm glad to see you all. And I want to give you some sunshine. The Sunny toy appears. Hello Sunshine! And now I will give the sun to Lenochka. Hello, Lenochka! I'm glad to see you. Lena will give the sun to Vanya and say: “Hello, Vanya! I’m glad to see you,” etc.

Today we will meet a brownie named Veselyutnik. Look, guys, how cheerful he is, how his eyes sparkle with joy. Let's say something nice to him. And let's welcome him. But as? I will show you now. We'll play with a heart. You need to pass it to the person standing next to you and say pleasant words– compliments: “Lena, you have Nice dress. Vanya, I like your smile,” etc.

What is joy? What do you think makes us happy? Guys, look at the face I drew. I glued the petals around it and it turned out to be a daisy. On the petals we will write what you told me when you finished the sentence “I rejoice when...”.

Guys, you all know that we feel good when everything works out for us, we are happy with everything and love everyone. At this time, our mood is like clear water, and our thoughts are clear and “clean” (shows a glass of clean water). When great ideas come to our minds, the mood is wonderful, joyful and thoughts become like fireworks: they sparkle and shimmer like water in this glass (throws sparkles into the second glass and mixes them with a stick).

Our brownie Veselyutnik really wants to have a portrait of each of you in order to create a beautiful album as a keepsake. Let's make our own portraits for the brownie. Veselyutnik asks you to portray yourself in such a way that you can immediately guess that fun is the most best friend. To do this, children first look at their reflections in the mirrors and together identify the distinctive features of their appearance. A psychologist can help with questions:

What is your hair color, eye color, hairstyle, etc.?

Then the children depict the emotion of joy.

Well done boys. Let's draw something funny - something joyful. Take colored pencils in both hands and close your eyes. Now, without looking, draw something on the pieces of paper.


And now that our lesson has come to an end, let's stand up, hold hands, close our eyes and mentally convey joy to each other.

Lesson 3.

Veselyutnik 2.

Goal: To promote group cohesion. Introducing and playing the emotion of joy. Creating an atmosphere for creative self-expression.

Materials: image of a brownie, soft toy“Heart”, satin ribbons, paints, brushes, paper,

Good morning, guys! I'm glad to see you all. And I want to give you some sunshine. The Sunny toy appears. Hello Sunshine! And now I will give the sun to Lenochka. Hello, Lenochka! I'm glad to see you. Lena will give the sun to Vanya and say: “Hello, Vanya! I’m glad to see you,” etc.

Guys, let's greet Cheerful with a heart. You need to pass it to the person standing next to you and say pleasant words - compliments: “Adele, you have a beautiful dress. Nikita, I like your smile,” etc.

Guys, let's turn into sea waves and use ribbons to show joy, fun, and waves of joy.

Well done, now let's draw a funny, funny blot. Blank sheets of paper and liquid paint (gouache) have been prepared. Children are invited to take a little paint of the color they want on a brush, splash a “blot” onto a sheet and fold the sheet in half so that the “blot” is imprinted on the second half of the sheet. Then unfold the sheet and try to understand who or what the resulting “blot” looks like. Then give her a good, cheerful name.

It is useful to place a calm child with an aggressive child. The latter will use light colors for drawings and see pleasant things (butterflies, fairy bouquets, dragonflies, etc.). Through communication with a calm child regarding the interpretation of the “blot” aggressive child calms down.

Guys, when you are having fun, you laugh merrily, dogs bark merrily and wag their tails, and kittens meow or purr merrily. Show how merrily dogs bark, kittens meow, little sparrows chirp, etc.

Now stand in a circle and let’s play “Good Animal.” Let's hold hands and imagine that we are one big animal. Let's listen to his breathing. Let's all take a breath together - exhale, inhale - exhale, inhale - exhale again. Very good. Let's listen to his heart beat. Here we take a step forward, here we take a step back. Once again the flow is a step forward, the knock is a step back.


And now that our lesson has come to an end, let's stand up, hold hands, close our eyes and mentally convey joy to each other.

Lesson 4.

Veselyutnik 3

Goal: To promote group cohesion. Relieving psycho-emotional stress. Playing the emotion of joy.

Materials: picture of a brownie, toys “Sun” and “Heart”, box of candies.

Good morning, guys! I'm glad to see you all. And I want to give you some sunshine. The Sunny toy appears. Hello Sunshine! And now I will give the sun to Lenochka. Hello, Lenochka! I'm glad to see you. Lena will give the sun to Vanya and say: “Hello, Vanya! I’m glad to see you,” etc.

Guys, let's greet Cheerful with a heart. You need to pass it to the person standing next to you and say pleasant words - compliments: “Julia, you have a beautiful dress. Mitya, I like your smile,” etc.

Guys, listen to what an interesting poem I found.

Clouds floated across the sky

And I looked at them.

And two similar clouds

I wanted to find it.

I looked up for a long time

And he even squinted his eyes,

And what I saw is for you

I'll tell you everything now.

Here's a cheerful cloud

Laughs at me:

Why are you squinting your eyes like that?

How funny you are!

I laughed with him too:

I'm having fun with you!

And for a long time the cloud

I waved my hand after him.

Children are invited to depict a joyful, cheerful cloud floating above the ground.

Guys, let's take a little rest. Music is turned on for relaxation. Children lie down on the carpet.

Sunny bunny,

Our dear friend,

Help us together


Sit down more comfortably

Let's start imagining.

When you close your eyes,

Say in a whisper:

"Sunny Bunny"

Come visit!”

My fingers felt a slight warmth,

It lifts it higher to the shoulders.

The bunny jumped into his legs,

I started warming my knees.

It's good for the legs -

I want to fly.

So he warmed his feet,

Touched my back.

The shoulders are warm,

How nice it is for me.

The bunny warms his neck,

Cheeks, ears, nose.

kind smile

The bunny brought it to us.

The tongue became soft.

The mouth opened slightly.

Our sunny bunny

Invites you on your way.

Into a fairy tale with a friend,

We'll be happy to go.

We admire the flowers

We'll sing songs.

It's time for us to return

We'll meet again.

Everything you saw?

Do you want to tell me?

Now listen to what I brought you. Show the children a box with a lid. Shake the box and let the children try to guess by ear what is there. What do you think could be there? These are candies. But not simple ones. As soon as you eat them, you will turn into wizards and will be able to wish people something that will make them happy. Let's think about what is fashionable to wish for people who live on earth...

Examples of children's statements:

Let them get rid of diseases,

May they never die

Let everyone have a home

Let everyone have lunch

May everyone live well

May everyone be happy.

And then all people will become joyful!


And now that our lesson has come to an end, let's stand up, hold hands, close our eyes and mentally convey joy to each other.

Lesson 5.

Sadness 1.

Goal: To promote group cohesion. Introducing and playing the emotion of sadness.

Materials: a picture of a brownie, a bell, a toy “Sun”, a flower with large petals made of cardboard, glasses of water, paints, glitter, brushes, sheets of paper, pencils or felt-tip pens.