Synopsis of GCD in the first junior group. Topic: “Tea utensils. We treat the dolls with tea. Synopsis of the GCD in the first junior group on cognitive research activities "Vodichka Didactic game" Be attentive "

Synopsis of directly educational activity "Wild Animals"

(Ijunior group)

Target: Continue to introduce children to the animals of the forest.


Learn to listen and observe carefully.

To form the ability of children to dialogic speech, to teach them to answer questions with a word and sentences consisting of 2-3 words, to enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic, to cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

Exercise children in the ability to examine objects (using the example of a fox toy), highlight color and size.

To develop tactile sensations, to teach to name the properties of an object, to contribute to the enrichment of direct sensory experience.

Preliminary work: reading poems, guessing riddles and telling tales about wild animals. Examination of illustrations "Wild animals". Conducting outdoor games and physical education.

Materials and equipment: Fox toy, laptop. Developing environment: Soft toy - fox. Notebook. Listening to the music disc "Sounds of Nature".

Location: group room.

Time: morning.

Integration of educational areas: socialization, reading fiction, cognition.

Sounds of classical music "Sounds of Nature".

Educator: Guess who came to visit us today.

“The tail is fluffy, the wool is bright,

And cunning and cunning.

Know the animals in the forest

Bright red... (fox)"

The children solve the riddle.

The teacher picks up a soft toy fox.

Educator. The fox is beautiful, bright, red. Her fur is soft. The tail of the fox is fluffy.

Gives children to feel a soft toy, to stroke it.

Educator: What is the fox's coat like? (soft wool) And what kind of tail does a fox have? (fluffy tail) What color is the fox's coat? (red fur coat) The fox is big, her tail is long. What fox? (big fox) What tail does a fox have? (long tail) What a beautiful fox we have!

At the request of the teacher, children show and name parts of the fox's body, while using the words: red, fluffy, soft, beautiful, long, big.

Educator: The fox lives in the forest, hunts mice and hares.

Physical education minute

We walk on socks

And then on the heels.

Let's go softly like foxes

And like a clubfoot bear,

And like a hare-coward,

And like a gray wolf.

The teacher shows the children the presentation "Wild Animals".

1 slide. Winter forest. This is a forest, many different trees grow in the forest: firs, birches. In winter, there is a lot of snow in the forest and the wind blows. Listen. (the record on the disk of the howl of the wind is turned on). How does the wind blow? (oooo) What grows in the forest? (trees and birches) What color is the snow? (White snow)

2 slide. Hare. Hares live in the forest, they run through the forest, gnaw on the bark of trees and branches. What are the ears of a rabbit? (Long ears) And what color is the fur coat? (White coat)

The teacher offers to tell a poem about a hare.

Bunny Bunny,

little bunny,

Children are afraid

Bunny coward.

3 slide. Fox. A fox lives in the forest, she runs in the forest, hunts for a hare. What color is the fox's coat? (red coat) And what a tail (long tail)

Offers to tell a poem about a fox.

fox - fox,

Red sister.

Fluffy tail - beauty,

Come on, fox - fox.

4 slide. Wolf. The wolf is gray, big, he has a mouth with sharp teeth, he also lives in the forest, makes holes, roams, hunts for hares. What wolf? (gray, large) Who is he hunting for? (chasing rabbits)

A poem about a wolf.

The wolf roams hungry in the forest,

Looking for a rabbit under a bush.

5 slide. Bear. The bear is big, clumsy. The bear's coat is brown. In winter, he sleeps in a den, and in summer he walks through the forest, eating berries. What coat does a bear have? (brown) What does a bear do in winter? (sleeping in a den).

A poem about a bear.

Walks without a road in summer

Near pines and birches.

And in winter he sleeps in a lair,

Hides the nose from the cold.

Educator: A fox, a hare, a bear, a wolf are wild animals, because they live in the forest and get food and build their own housing.

The teacher offers to play with the fox.

Mobile game "Fox and hares".

In the forest clearing jump-jump bunnies, jumping bunnies,

The bunnies sat in a circle, digging a root with their paw,

Here are some bunnies, jumping bunnies.

Here runs a fox, a red-haired sister,

looking for where are the bunnies, jumping bunnies,

And here they are!!!

The fox is chasing the rabbits.

After the game, the teacher asks questions to the children, treats the children and the fox with sweets and offers to see the fox off.

GCD for the development of speech with elements of oral folk art in the 1st junior group

"Journeys of Hens - Ryabushki"

Target :

Give an idea about the chicken and the chickens (mother's chicken is big, motley, her children's chickens, small, fluffy, yellow, go after the chicken and squeak.

Continue to teach children to distinguish and name primary colors, to find objects of the same color.

To consolidate the correct use of the words big, small in speech, to activate the speech of children, encouraging them to answer questions.

To cultivate responsiveness, goodwill, love and interest in the living world.

preliminary work:

Reading the Russian folk tale "Ryaba Hen", learn the poem "Cockerel" by looking at illustrations of chickens, chickens.

chickens, game - exercises "Find the color".

Equipment :

A toy chicken, jars of grain, a piece of bread, a drawing of a chicken, shapes depicting a chicken by the number of children, a green path, a path of pebbles, a path of sticks, a puddle path, an egg layout, an audio recording.

Lesson progress:

Children stand around the teacher.

Educator: We have guys, a large kindergarten "Squirrel"

Children: Yes! (raise hands up.)

Educator: And the hare has a small house.

Children: Yes! (squat, hands down)

Educator: Our bear went home.

Children: (waddling)

Educator: The hare also jumped.

Children: (hands in front of you and jump on toes)

Educator: Guys, who came to visit us?

Children: Hen Ryaba.

Educator: What is Hen Ryaba in appearance?

Children: Ryaba Hen is beautiful, big, colorful, kind.

Educator: Guys, what's on the chicken's head?

Children: The hen has a comb on its head.

Educator: Show me where the chicken has eyes?

Children: Show and name eyes.

Educator: Show me where the wings are?

Children: Show and name the wings.

Children: Show me where the tail is?

Children: Show and name the tail.

Educator: Show me where the beak is?

Educator: What does a chicken eat?

Children: Grain, bread, grass, worms.

Children come to the table, on the table we have small jars of millet.

Educator: Take a jar and pour millet with me, from one jar to another.

Hear the cackle of a chicken. (audio recording)

Educator: Guys, why is the chicken screaming like that?

Let's ask her.

The teacher imitates, listens to what the chicken says.

She is very worried, her chickens are lost.

How to help her? Guys, let's make her chickens.

Approach the table where the forms with the image of chickens lie.

Application "Chicken"

Purpose: to teach with a brush to glue the forms of chickens and sprinkle them with millet, making sure that each form is covered with grain. Cultivate accuracy.

Educator: Guys, look, the chicken has stopped worrying, she was delighted. (The teacher, together with the chicken, examines beautiful, round, fluffy chickens)

Educator: Children, tell me what color are our chickens?

Children: Yellow chickens.

Educator: What did we sprinkle the chicken molds with?

Children: Millet.

The hen starts clucking restlessly again. (Audio recording)

Educator: Again, is our chicken something to worry about?

Where is she interested in calling you? Probably take a walk in the meadow. Let's go for a walk with the chicken on the green grass shuh-shuh-shuh.

Children, take off your sandals and get on the path - health.

1. Walking along the path - pebbles. (On the pebbles skok-skok-skok).

2. Walking along the path - sticks. (along the track top-top-top).

3. Walking along the path - puddles. (On the path plop-plop-plop).

Educator: Guys, let's play the game "The chicken went out for a walk."

Target : The teacher reads the text, the children perform the corresponding movements with the teacher.

The chicken went out for a walk (the children follow the teacher).

Pinch fresh grass (squat, imitate pinching grass).

And behind her are the children (children follow the teacher).

Yellow chickens. Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko (they threaten with a finger).

Don't go far! Row with your paws! (stomp their feet).

Looking for a grain! Ate a fat beetle. (tap finger on the floor).

They drank vodka. Full trough. (bow down).

Co-co-co, co-co-co. Don't go far! (the teacher moves away from the children).

Teacher: Well done guys! How well did you do the exercises.

Our chicken wants to play the game "Cockerel" with you.

Target : Learn to perform simulation exercises, showing the beauty, plasticity of movements.

Cockerel, cockerel (hands down).

Golden scallop (cross arms up).

Butter head (show the head).

Silk beard (show beard).

You don’t let the kids sleep (hands on palms).

Educator: That's how wonderful we walked!

And now it's time to return home.

Let's go back along the path - health.

1. On the grass, shuh-shuh-shuh.

2. On pebbles skok-skok-skok.

3. In the puddles plop-splash-splash.

4. On the tracks top-top-top.

Here we come! Guys, the chicken liked you very much. Look, she laid an egg, but not a golden one, but not a simple one.

The teacher opens, and there is a treat.

NOD "Journey through the fairy tale kolobok"

Target: Development of motor activity, vocabulary, fine motor skills.

Tasks :

1. Teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text; teach them to jump, clap their hands, run away after hearing the last words of the text.

2. Development of coordination, fine and general motor skills.

3. Formation of communication skills.

3. Cultivate attention and care for others.

Material and equipment: soft toys: bun, fox, hare, wolf, bear; clothespins, cardboard suns, glue, drawing paper, brushes, napkins, brush holders, pictures based on the fairy tale bun, basket.

Musical accompaniment: calm music, soundtrack of the song “we are going, we are going, we are going.


Guys, look who came to visit us? (correctly kolobok) today we will travel through a fairy tale called "Kolobok". But first, let's join hands and say hello.

Children stand in a circle with their mothers, perform movements in accordance with the words of the teacher.

Hello sun! (hands up).

Hello Me! (point to themselves).

Hello my mommy! (pointing to mom).

Hello, grass and meadow! (hands down).

Hello my dear friend! (hands to the side).

So we said hello, it's time to go on a trip. We sit on the train with our hands clasped in our elbows and we will go, what sound does the train make (choo-choo) (mothers and their child form a couple, but do not hold hands, as they will rotate them) (music sounds, everyone is driving, stopping in a clearing, where the hare sits hidden under the leaf).

Here we come to the field. Who in the fairy tale did the bun meet first on its way? That's right, bunny. Let's eat him. Here he is hiding under a leaf. Bunny wants to play a game with us. Shall we play with the bunny? (the game "a little white bunny is sitting").

Little white bunny sits

And wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this, He moves his ears.

Children move their hands, raising them to their heads.

It's cold for a bunny to sit

You need to warm up your paws.

Clap, clap, clap, clap,

You need to warm up your paws.

(Children clap their hands at the word "clap").

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Bunny needs to jump.

From the words "skok-skok".

(children jump on both legs).

The gingerbread man scared the bunny, the bunny jumped and galloped away.

The teacher shows a kolobok toy, and the children run away to their places (the game is repeated 2-3 times).

So we played with the bunny, say goodbye to him and get back on the train. (mothers with their child form a couple, but do not take hands, as they will rotate them) (music sounds).

In this clearing, a wolf meets us, because the second bun met him in a fairy tale. (a wolf toy appears) guys, the wolf wants to ask you to help him. It froze, and the sun hid its rays. You and I need to put on such rays (clothespins) for such suns (showing a circle made of cardboard). Can we help the wolf? (calm music sounds, children attach clothespins to the circle). Well done, how many suns we got, let's give them to the wolf and put them in a basket. (ready-made suns are added to the basket).

So we arrived, look here the bear meets us with a bear. Let's play with the mouse. (song "bear clubfoot" repeat 2-3 times)

And now we are going with the bun to visit the fox, who wanted to eat the bun in a fairy tale, but our fox is not like that, she loves to play and have fun. We sit on the train and go (music sounds).

We arrived at the clearing, and there the fox sister wants us to play with our fingers.

Fist like a bun

We will squeeze it once.

little ball

How good is

(children perform movements, accompanying them with a poetic text. One hand is clenched into a fist - “kolobok”, with the other hand the child strokes the fist, squeezes it several times. Then the position of the hands changes).

Chanterelle wanted to draw a picture, but she did not succeed and she wants us to help her. Can we help? See what is in the picture? (house, grandmother, grandfather and bun) what do you think, what fairy tale did the fox want to draw? That's right, "bun". Let's remember what animals we saw today? Hare, wolf, bear, fox. Where do these animals all live? In the woods. Look at the table there are a lot of pictures, glue and brushes, let's help the fox create a picture together with moms. (according to quiet music, children with their parents peck at the cut out pictures on the picture) well done, the picture turned out beautiful, the fox is happy and wants to have a little rest with you. Let's lie on our backs and imagine how the leaves rustle in the forest (relaxation to the music).

So our journey ended, it's time for us to return, we sit on the train and go. Here we are, did you enjoy traveling with the kolobok? Whom did we meet along the way? (hare, wolf, bear, fox) and with whom did we travel together? (with a bun) the bun wants to give you his friends. (children are presented with carved heroes of a fairy tale).

Synopsis of GCD in the first junior group

"In Grandma's Yard"

Integration of educational areas:"Communication", "Health", "Cognition", "Artistic creativity", "Socialization", "Music"

Target: Consolidate children's knowledge about domestic animals (dog, chicken and cow).


· Educational: Learn to distinguish cubs from adult animals, highlighting some characteristic features of appearance, use words denoting signs (barks, squeaks, lows, wool, beak, horns).

· Developing: Preventive work to prevent speech disorders, the development of phonemic hearing. Strengthen your sculpting skills. Form the correct posture.

· Educational: Continue to form emotional responsiveness to works of fiction. To develop a sense of respect for animals.

Equipment: toys of chickens, dogs, hens, cows, medallions of chickens and hens; salt dough, napkins, modeling boards; house, birch, flowers, sun, green rug, telephone, tape recorder, screen, labyrinth, bench, audio recording with animal voices.


Educator: Children, spring has come. Now we will spend a lot of time on the street with you. You have learned and grown a lot. That's why we have guests today. They came to see how you behave, how you learned to speak, to play. Let's say hello to them. Now join hands and become a big circle. Let's show our guests the game.

Knock - current, knock - current, (knock fists)

That's how the hammer hits.

Tick-tock, tick-tock, (tilts to the side)

The clock ticks like this.

Tuki-tuki-tuki-cha, (forward movement

The train rushes by. folded arms)

So - current, so - current, (jumping in place on 2 legs)

Jump, bunny, my friend.

And our hare is tired, (shortly and often breathe through the mouth,

Often - often suffocated. elbows beat themselves on the sides,

tilt, exhale through the nose "shhhhh")

(Phone ring.)


Hello. Hello, grandmother Anna Ivanovna, this is Lyudmila Ivanovna. Do you want to know what kids are doing? Children play, health strengthen. Thanks for the invitation. Goodbye. Children, this was Nastya's grandmother calling, she invited us to visit. Do any of you also have a grandmother? What is her name? Where she lives?

(Children talk about their grandmothers)

Our grandmother lives in the village of Iglakovo. The path is not close, but you can walk. On the road, kids! But do not cry and do not eat!


caregiver : our legs are walking along a flat path. Stones ahead (what shall we do?).


Educator: a tree has fallen ahead (what to do?). (They crawl through the tunnel.)

(Vos-l puts on a scarf, an apron, becomes a grandmother. Opens a screen, a house with a garden is visible.)

Grandmother: Hello, my dear. How smart and beautiful you are. I have been waiting for you for a long time. Look, who's meeting you? (Recording with the voice of a dog, a dog toy comes out). That's right, this is my dog ​​Bug.


Here is the dog Bug! sharp teeth,

Squiggle tail, Motley fur.

Grandmother: What color is our dog's coat?

Why are teeth needed?

Can you play with a dog?

What can't you do with a dog?

Children: (teasing, hitting)

Can you approach someone else's dog?

Children: no, it can bite.

Grandmother: bite, and why then does a person need it? (house guard)

And what are the names of the cubs of the dog (puppies)

What is the difference between puppies and dogs? (the puppies are small, the dog is big) - How does the big dog bark? (Children bark loudly)

How do puppies bark? (children bark softly)

Grandmother: oh, your barking scared my chickens. In order for them to come running to us, they must be called. But how to do it? Call like this: chick, chick. Let's call together.

Children: chick, chick.

(Record chickens on a tape recorder, put chicken toys.)

Grandmother: what color are the chicks? (Yellow)

What do they look like? (Round balls)

What is their mother's name? (Chicken)

(Showing a chicken toy).

Grandmother: how many chickens? (A lot of)

How many chickens? (One)

How is a hen different from chickens? (Chickens are small, chicken is big, chickens are yellow, chicken is white).

Grandmother: The hen takes care of her chicks. Hides them under the wing during rain and danger. When he finds food, he calls the chickens to him.

What does she call?

Children: ko-ko-ko.

And how do chickens squeak in response? (pee-pee-pee).

And what do they feed on? (Beak).

Grandmother: Now I will turn you into chickens. (Puts on medallions of chickens). (Song: "Tower chicken for a walk" with movements according to the text).

Grandmother: and who among you knows what a chicken gives a person? (Showing eggs) Grandmother: now guess the riddle: "Hungry mooing, full chewing, giving milk to small children."

(Sounds like a cow mooing.)

Grandmother : why did you say it was a cow?

How can you affectionately call a cow? (Cow, cow)

(I show a cow toy. Children name parts of the body.)

Grandmother: hooves on the feet. They clatter when the cow walks: clack-clack-clack. Show how a cow walks.

(Children go and say tsok-tsok-tsok)

Grandmother: Cows use their horns to protect themselves from enemies. It can gore, you can’t get close to it.

Grandmother: what is the name of the son of a cow? (Calf)

Grandmother : Oh, how I love my cow. I feed Burenushka with fresh grass. You go home my cow. I will give you spring water to drink. Grandmother: what does the cow eat? (Weed)

And what does a cow give a person? (Milk)

Grandmother: children, how does a cow speak?

Grandmother: cow's milk gives health to everyone.

What is made from milk? (Cottage cheese, sour cream, butter, kefir, cheese)

Grandmother: They also add gingerbread, kalachi, buns, pies, cakes, cookies to the dough and bake.

(Grandma kneads the dough, draws the attention of children to the sun)

Grandmother: And then the sun peeked out from behind the clouds. Smile at him, stretch out your arms, warm your back, reach for the sun.

Finger gymnastics:

Hello golden sun!

Hello blue sky!

Hello free breeze!

Hello little oak tree!

We live in the same region

I welcome you all.

(Children sculpt a treat from salt dough - gingerbread. Grandmother puts them in the oven. Children wash their hands. Then they treat guests with gingerbread.)

Grandma sings a song

Don't tease the dogs

Don't run cats

Have no pity for the birds

No grain, no crumbs

And then the birds of you

Wake up with songs.

And scratch and bite

Nobody will be you.

(Grandma takes off her scarf, apron.)

Educator: Goodbye, grandma. Thanks for the gingerbread! Be healthy!

(Children say goodbye and leave to the music).

Synopsis of a comprehensive lesson in a nursery group

"Journey of the Bun"

Program content: Continue to expand and enrich children's vocabulary with nouns, verbs, adjectives. To develop emotionality and voluntary attention, fine motor skills, the ability to imitate the words of a poem. Cultivate kindness and compassion.

Material : Screen, house, dolls: grandfather, grandmother, bun.. Semolina on trays for drawing. Models of trees, path. Toys: bear, bunny, fox, bun.

preliminary work: Reading the fairy tale "Kolobok". Demonstration of the table theater "Kolobok". Drawing rounded shapes: sun, ball. Examination of illustrations for the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".

(Children enter the hall, greet guests. Sit on chairs).

Educator: The sun came out from behind the clouds

Illuminated the dense forest,

House on the edge of the forest

Who lives in it?

(The teacher takes out grandfather from behind the screen)

Children: Grandpa!

Educator: (pulls out grandma) Who is this?

Children: Grandma!

Educator: The grandfather asked the grandmother to bake a kolobok.

Grandma baked a bun. Guys, look, the bun is round. Feel the bun.

(Children examine the bun)

Here's a round-round bun.

Educator: Guys, do you want to draw a round bun?

Children: Yes!

caregiver : We are now going to draw a gingerbread man.

(children go to the table where they will draw, sit down)

Educator: Guys, the bun is round. Here's the one (shows a bun).

Here's how we will draw a round bun with a finger (show by the educator)

(Children draw, while drawing, praise the children and pay attention to what a beautiful, round bun they drew) (Children get up from the table) Educator: Guys, and the round bun rolled along the forest path (the teacher rolls the bun along the path and draws the attention of the children to what: The round gingerbread man is rolling.

The round bun rolls. A round bun rolls.)

Educator: Sasha, roll a round bun.

(child rolls a bun)

Educator: A bun rolls, and a Bunny meets it. Bunny is kind, fluffy, he wants to play with the bun. Skok, hop, hop Bunny wants to jump, Someone scared the bunny, Bunny jumped and ran away, (children imitate jumping hare)

Educator: And the round bun rolled on.

Vanya, roll a round bun. This is how the round gingerbread man rolls and the gingerbread man meets Mishka.

Educator: Misha is big, clumsy. How Mishka walks.

(under the poem, children imitate the Bear):

A clumsy bear walks through the forest, collects cones and puts it in his pocket.

caregiver : The bear played with the kolobok and went into the forest.

Educator: Who is hiding behind the tree?

Children: Fox!

caregiver : Chanterelle is cunning, she wants to eat a bun. Let's hide the bun?

Children: Yes!

caregiver : The round gingerbread man rolled and hid in the grass.

The fox runs around looking for the kolobok and can't find it anywhere,

(the teacher with a toy is looking for a kolobok in the group)

The fox did not find the kolobok and ran into the forest.

And the gingerbread man was delighted, rolled out of the grass onto the path.

caregiver : Oh, guys, but the gingerbread man wants to say something. He says "Thank you" to the guys for saving him from the fox.

Kolobok : Thank you guys, will you take me to the group, I want to play with you?

caregiver : Let's take a kolobok to the group?

Children: Yes!

(We say thank you and goodbye to everyone).

Integrated lesson in the first junior group on the topic: "Grandma Masha came to visit us"

Educational areasand interned in this lesson: "Knowledge", "Communication", "Artistic Creativity".

Program content:

· Create a holiday atmosphere.

· Continue acquaintance with children's folklore (rhymes, riddles, jokes). Recall the poems of A. Barto with children.

· Continue to arouse children's interest in working with plasticine.

· Learn to tear off pieces of plasticine from a whole lump and sculpt balls.

· Develop fine motor skills.

Methods : visual, verbal, game, practical.

tricks : a surprise moment, a word of art, an explanation of the educator, the actions of children, an assessment of children's work.

preliminary work: The study of folklore (rhymes, riddles, jokes), memorization of A. Barto's poems, work with plasticine.

Equipment : modeling boards, yellow plasticine, bench.

Requisites : grandmother Masha's costume - a doll "with a living hand", a house of a teremok, a cockerel puppet doll, a basket with toys, a treat for children.


GAME: "Sun and rain."

The sun is looking out the window, we will play a little,

The sun will shine, the children will all walk.

And as soon as it rains. The house will call for a visit

We will sit in the house and look out the window.

(At this time, the teacher changes into grandma Masha, in her hands is a basket with toys)

Grandma Masha:

There is a teremok-teremok, a teremok,

He is not low, not high, not high.

I'll go and knock.

I will shout to the owners:

"Someone who lives in a teremochka,

Someone who lives in a low place?

(Children with a teacher look out of the tower).


Tanya, Vanya, Ira, Sasha. Our younger guys.

Grandma Masha:

And my name is grandmother Masha.

I came to visit your tower,

I want to play with you, show you toys

And listen to poetry.

(Children sit on a bench).

Grandma Masha:

I have a basket

My friends live there

You look at them and read the poems.

Grandma Masha:

Who are the children?

(Pulls out a toy bear.)



Grandma Masha:

Who knows the poem about the bear?


(Reads from a place).

Dropped the bear on the floor

They cut off the bear's paw.

I still won't drop it

Because he's good.

Grandma Masha:

Who else lives in my basket?

(Shows the children a toy horse).




I love my horse

I will comb her hair smoothly,

I stroke the ponytail with a scallop

And I'll go on horseback to visit.

Grandma Masha:

Children tell me who is this?

(Takes out a toy bunny from the basket).




The hostess abandoned the bunny

A bunny was left in the rain.

Couldn't get off the bench

Wet to the skin.

(Grandma Masha takes out a ball from the basket. The child reads a poem).


Our Tanya is crying loudly

Dropped a ball into the river

Hush Tanechka don't cry

The ball will not sink in the river.

Grandma Masha:

Well done, kids, and the poems are good.

And now do not yawn and guess the riddle.


Early, early, in the morning

Someone sang: "Ku-ka-re-ku."



Grandma Masha:

That's right, it's a rooster. Where is he? Let's call him.

(A cockerel puppet appears.)


Cockerel, cockerel, (hands on head, wiggle)

Golden comb!

Butter head (stroking themselves on the head)

Silk beard! (showing beard)

You get up early in the morning, (arms up, to the sides)

Sing the songs of the sun

You don’t let the kids sleep (clap themselves on the sides)



Cockerel, cockerel

Golden comb.

Look out the window

I'll give you peas, (holds out her hands)

(The cockerel looks, frowns, stomps, there are no peas).

Grandma Masha:

Guys, the cockerel is angry. He needs to be fed. Let's make peas and feed the cockerel.

(Grandma Masha teaches children to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a whole piece, make grains and put them on a board).

Grandma Masha:

Now let's feed the rooster.

(The cockerel comes up to each child and “pecks” from his palm).

Grandma Masha:

Rooster, rooster!

peck peas

From Dima's palm.

Guys, the cockerel also wants to treat you to his food. He loves to peck at these gummy worms. And gives them to you. Now we will wash our hands and try the cockerel's favorite food.

Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech in the younger group

"Let's put the boat in the stream"

Program content:

1. Sound culture of speech. Work on the sound pronunciation of the sound "y". Teach children to repeat words and phrases with the sound "y".

2. Teach children to correctly build common sentences with homogeneous definitions. Fix four primary colors: red, blue, green, yellow.

3. Finger gymnastics "Snail", "Bunny", "Hedgehog". Develop fine motor skills of hands, teach children to manipulate fingers, correlating finger movements with poetic tasks.


subject pictures depicting a ship; houses with a pipe from which smoke comes; bear, mouse, four paper boats made of multi-colored paper (red, blue, yellow, green); doll.

Direct educational activities:


Masha doll came to visit us today. Let's say hello to her.


Hello Masha.


Masha will watch you do it. Now you and I will get a little angry and sing the song “y-y”.

Children (repeat "s-s")


Guys, look at the picture, what do you see on it?




Correctly. Steamboat. Listen to how he buzzes: "y-y"

Children (repeat, clearly articulating the sound "s")


Look at this picture here. It depicts a house with a chimney, and smoke comes out of the chimney.

Christina, say smoke.




Sveta, say "smoke".



caregiver (conducts a survey of children, clearly articulating the sound “s”):

In the house live: a big bear and a little mouse. Children repeat bear and mouse.

Children (repeat the words mouse and bear; choral and individual answers at an accelerated pace)


And now the Masha doll will listen to the tongue-twister, and you will repeat it:

“Would-would-would-there is smoke from the chimney.”

Children (repeat verbosity):

Would-be-would-there is smoke from the chimney.

caregiver (points to a stream)

Children, pay attention to the "brook" that flows. Let's get closer. Feel the water, is it warm or cold?

Children (answer, development of creative imagination)


And now, together with you, we will sprinkle each other with some water (development of creative imagination). Look how many boats are here. We will play with them, we will let them into the stream. I launched a blue boat into the stream. Artyom, take the red boat and let it into the stream. Tell me what have you done?


I launched a red boat into the stream.

caregiver (says the same thing with each child, with other boats):

Masha, look at what boats are floating along the stream. “Red, blue, yellow, green boats are floating along the stream.”

Children (repeat speech pattern)


Children, sit down on the carpet, we will play with you (finger gymnastics):


At the baby snail

Horns are growing

I'll teach her how to walk

If there are legs.


Bunny gray

jumps deftly,

He has a carrot in his paws.


Small, prickly hedgehog

How good is he!

Children (manipulate with fingers, correlating finger movements with poetic tasks)


Well done guys, good job today. Doll Masha really liked it with us, but it's time for her to leave. Let's say goodbye to her.


Goodbye, Masha.

Synopsis of GCD with children of the 1st junior group

"Journey to the Magical Forest"

Components of the quality of education:

· Subject information:

To fix ideas: many, few, one.

Fixing the shape, size and size of an object, correlating objects by color.

· Activity-communicative:

Development of general and fine motor skills, tactile sensations, aesthetic perception.

· Value-oriented:

To evoke a joyful mood in children, satisfaction from the work done. Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals. To develop the ability of children to listen to others, to express their point of view.

Vocabulary work:

· Activation: many, one, big, small, red, blue, green, yellow, round, square, triangular, under, on, in.

· Enrichment: Multicolored.

Equipment and materials:

Demo: Rubber squirrel (large and small); rubber hare; Hedgehog plastic; baskets (large and small); cardboard houses: round, square, triangular.

Dispensing : Colored, cardboard hedgehogs (according to the number of children); clothespins multi-colored (3 for each hedgehog); Wooden mushrooms (large and small).

Methodical methods:Game moment (letter), P / game "Carousel", Artistic word (riddles, poems, explanations)

Visibility (demonstration and handouts)

D / games "Find the same", "Big-small"

Differentiated Approach

Phys. minute


moment of silence




Children enter the group, stand in circles. They greet guests nicely.

Guys, look what I have in my hands (Letter). It is from the animals from the magical forest (Read). They needed our help. Let's help them? (Yes). How can you get to the magical forest? (children's answers).

P / game "Carousels" - the image of the called transport

Here is a field, here is a river, here is a dense forest.

The children have arrived, stop the car!

Guys, here we are in a magical forest. Who's hiding behind the bump?

He himself is round, not a ball,

The mouth is not visible, but the biter,

You can't take it with bare hands

And this is called ... (hedgehog)

Look how many hedgehogs are here! (a lot of). What are they? (list the colors). And in one word, we can say - multi-colored.

The hedgehogs need your help. They played near a bump and lost their needles. Let's take a hedgehog and help them find their needles, and the needles will be clothespins and each hedgehog has its own needles (needles of the same color as the hedgehog itself)

D / and "find the same"

What is your hedgehog Vanya? Do you have Polina? (children's answers)

Well done guys helped the hedgehogs. Let's go further.

We walk together in the forest

And we collect flowers.

I love mom very much

I will give her flowers.

Guys, where are we going?

I walk in a fluffy fur coat, I live in a dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak tree, I gnaw nuts (children's answers).

Guys, where does the squirrel live? (children's answers). The squirrel was picking mushrooms and when she jumped from branch to branch, she dropped the basket. Look how many mushrooms are there. (A lot of). And the squirrel? (One). Let's help the squirrel collect all the mushrooms. Boys will collect large mushrooms in a large basket, and girls will collect small mushrooms in a small basket.

D / and "big-small"

Here is a swamp on the way.

How can we pass it?

Jump and jump, jump and jump

Have fun, buddy!

Guys, we got to the clearing. Look, in the clearing, there are houses. What are they? (children's answers) And what animals are near the houses? (children's answers). Do you hear what they are talking about? (moment of silence) And I heard! They cannot find their homes. Can we help them find their homes? (Yes). Danya in which house will the hedgehog live, and why? (individual answer).

Polina, what about the squirrel, and what kind of houses will we put the bunny in? Why? (individual answers).

Well done! Help all animals. And now it's time for us to say goodbye to the magical forest and all the animals. Let's take our rudders and go home.

We drive a car, we sing a song

We are going as a big family!

Sings along to us horn bb-bi-bi

And you sing along with us!

Children stand in circles.

Guys, look, the guests have been waiting for us here, I wonder if they liked our trip? Let's ask! And we will tell you what we liked most in the magical forest.

Synopsis of a comprehensive lesson

"A Tale for Katya"

Educational areas: Communication, socialization, cognition.

Program content:

To promote the development of speech as a means of communication. Teach children to listen carefully to the teacher, answer questions, repeat small sentences, accompanying them with game actions.

Learn to distinguish between quantities of objects: many-one (one - many), objects in shape, color and size (ball circle).

Contribute to the creation of an emotionally positive climate and activity of children.

Material: Doll, planar figures for the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen", multi-colored "testicles" (plasticine balls of 3 colors white, yellow, red).


Organization of children for the lesson - a game exercise “How big, beautiful, funny we are” (movements on facial expressions).

The group hears "Katya's doll crying"


Who is crying there? Come on, let's see.

This is Katya doll. Why is Katenka crying? (the teacher leans towards the doll)

Katenka said that she could not find her grandmother, so that her grandmother would tell her a fairy tale about "Ryaba the Hen".

And let's all tell Katya this tale.

Do you know her? Sit down, Katya, and the children will sit down (they sit in a semicircle at the table, where the figures for the fairy tale "Turnip" are located in advance).

I will show and tell a fairy tale with you. Do you agree? Try everything so that Katya likes the fairy tale.

Telling a fairy tale by a teacher:

Let's start the story together

Lived, who? (puts the pieces in order). They had it, who? The chicken took it, what? Which?

Grandfather beat-beat (how beat?) (shows fist to fist)

Grandmother beat - beat (how did she beat?) Didn’t break (shrug and wipe her forehead from “sweat”)

The mouse ran, waved its tail (how did it wave?) (standing turns to the side) and the testicle broke.

Crying grandfather, how? (boys show).

Grandma is crying, how? (girls show).

And the chicken cackles. What does the chicken say? (do not cry grandfather, do not cry woman, I will lay you not a golden, but a simple egg).

Here's what she took down! (shows a big white egg)

Which? (white, large, round - children repeat).

So we told Katya a fairy tale. About whom? (Chicken Ryaba).

And that Katya is crying again (leans towards Katya's doll)

He says that the hen laid one testicle, but she needs a lot.

And let's give grandparents a lot of testicles. Do you agree? Yes, even multi-colored (different colors). Here I have them. (Shows round “eggs” made of plasticine of 3 colors).

What are the testicles in color - multi-colored.

How many testicles does a hen and grandfather and grandmother have (one).

And here we have? (a lot of).

Grandfather and woman have a big “egg” (show which one).

And here, what are the "testicles"? (small).

Now everyone will take one testicle and show it to me (the children take one ball each - “testicle”).

How many testicles are in your hands? (one for both the woman and the grandfather).

And in order for them to have a lot, we will first put white testicles in their basket (who has white ones?) They go and give white testicles to a woman and grandfather, a hen.

Who's yellow? – (now they give)

Who's red? - (give)

That's how many testicles grandparents have. How? (a lot of).

And was it? (few, one). So Katya is smiling, happy and we are happy.

And let's show Katya how we rejoice in both the sun and the rain.

The game "Rain and the sun" (together with the teacher on the movement of facial expressions).

“The joyful sun came out” - the children raise their hands high and smile,

“gloomy clouds appeared” - the children frown,

“It started raining on the tops of the trees” - children clap their heads with their hands,

"On the branches" - pat on the hips (on the sides),

"On the bushes" - pat on the knees,

"On the path" - stomp quickly on the floor.

The rain has become quieter - they stomp more slowly,

"On the bushes" - clapping slowly on the knees,

"On the branches" - slap on the hips,

“On the tops of the trees” - they clap on the head.

And the joyful sun came out - hands up, to the sides.

Educator: - Well, kids, it's time to see off Katya, because the rain is over and her grandmother is waiting for her, she is worried.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson on cognitive development in the first junior group

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in kindergarten. First junior group

Author: Goncharova Marina Mikhailovna, teacher of MDOU CRR kindergarten No. 1 "Birch", Verkhneuralsk, Chelyabinsk region.
Material Description: I offer you a summary of an integrated lesson for children from 2 to 2.5 years old. This material will be useful to educators of early and younger preschool age.
Integration of educational areas:"Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Social and communicative development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development".
Target: consolidation of previously acquired knowledge.
Evoke an emotional response in children. Continue to teach children to distinguish objects by size (big - small); distinguish and name color (yellow, red), form quantitative representations. Expand words knowledge. Help develop movement. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate a caring attitude, interest in joint activities with an adult.
Demo material: sun, toys of a hare and a hare, a hedgehog, a bear cub, two paths (long and short).
Handout: cardboard carrots in two sizes (for all children), cardboard apples in two colors (yellow and red), two buckets (yellow and red), massage needle balls.

Guys, look out the window!
Shines on everyone, warms everyone,
Lives in the sky.
yellow, round, kind
He sends rays to all the children!
- What is it? ( Sun)
- Yes, it's the sun!
(The teacher picks up a toy sun).
- Look, the sun has come to visit us!
- Hello guys! (Hello Sunshine).The sun greets the children: "Hello, Roma, hello, Taya ..."
The sun woke up
The kids smiled!
(Let's smile to the sun with you)
In the morning the sun rises higher, higher, higher,
By nightfall, the sun will go down, down, down. (Collaborative action on text)
- The sun invites us to visit the bear. Are we going to visit you? (Yes.)
- Before us are two paths: one path is long, the other is short. Together we say: long, short. We'll go down the long path.
- You quickly get up behind me,
Everyone walk along the path
Raise your legs higher
Don't fall behind me! (children follow the teacher)
- Walked, walked - they came to the hare. (On the table under a transparent scarf is a toy hare and cardboard carrots of two sizes for all children)
- Hello, bunny. Why are you crying?
-Hare: I carried carrots for the rabbit mother and for me. Big for my mom, small for me. There are a lot of carrots, but I mixed them all up.
- Bunny, don't cry, the guys and I will help you.
- Guys, how many carrots: one or many? (a lot of)
- What are the largest carrots? (big and small)
We will give large carrots to the hare mother, and small ones to the hare. (children lay out carrots for a hare toy and a hare toy, the teacher helps with intonation with the words: big ones for a hare mother, small ones for a hare)
-Well done boys!
- Thank you guys! (The hare and the hare thank the guys)
- Our guys can and love to jump. (Game exercise "Bunnies")
Girls and boys jump like bunnies.
Jump into the clearing and jump more fun, my friend!
- It's time to say goodbye to the hares and move on. Goodbye!
- Went-went to the hedgehog came! (On the table is a hedgehog toy and yellow and red cardboard apples, 2 for each child)
- Hello, hedgehog! (Hello guys)
- How many apples do you have! (say: many apples)
- Red and yellow apples (the teacher picks up a red apple say: red apple, takes a yellow apple, say: yellow apple)
- Hedgehog: My apples should be put into buckets. Yellow apples in a yellow bucket, red apples in a red bucket.
Our guys love to help. Let's help the hedgehog put the apples into buckets. (children arrange apples by color)
- Hedgehog: Thank you. I have funny hedgehog balls, can we play with them? (Yes)
(The teacher pronounces the words, and the children perform actions with massage balls)
Hedgehog, hedgehog show us your needles (roll ball between palms)
They say that you are very, very prickly hedgehogs.
"I'll curl up in a ball, I'll sway along the path, (roll in a circle)
Whoever crosses the path will get on the needles.
- It's time to say goodbye to the hedgehog. Goodbye!
- We will go along the path to visit the bear. Hear someone snoring! (Hrr-hrr-hrr..) Let's come and see.
- Who is it? (Bear)
- Hello bear, we came to visit you.
- R-r-rrr! Hello guys!
- On the way we met a bunny and a hedgehog and helped them.
- Rrr! What good fellows and helpers you are! Do you want to play with me? (Yes)
bear clumsy
Beckons children with a paw, (children move towards the bear)
Invites you to take a walk to play catch-up!
R-r-r-rrr (children run away from the bear).
- You played well with me. I have a treat for you. (The bear gives a basket of apples)
- Thank you, bear. Goodbye!
- Guys, who did we visit? Whom did we help? Well done!

Proshina Elena Viktorovna


MBDOU "Snegurochka", Noyabrsk, YNAO

Synopsis of directly educational activities

on the development of speech in the first junior group "Visiting the Cockerel"

Educational area: speech development.

Integration of educational areas: speech development, social and communicative development, physical development.

Age: 2-3 years.

Form of directly educational activity: conversation, game situation, outdoor game, articulatory gymnastics.

Form of organization: subgroup of 5 children.

Target: creating conditions for the formation of ideas about the world around us through various types of activities, develop the speech activity of children, exercise them in the ability to correlate actions with words.



To teach the retelling of literary works familiar to children, the compilation of short stories with the help of an adult;

Develop the ability to focus on the signs of the object;

Clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound [a], learn to clearly articulate this sound in sound combinations, words, develop speech breathing.


To develop in children speech, mental activity, memory, attention.

To develop the ability of children to take on a game role.


To instill in children the desire to listen carefully to an adult, repeat simple sentences

Contribute to the development of conversational communication during classes, encourage activity, curiosity

Create a positive attitude.

vocabulary work:

Dictionary enrichment: Hen, cockerel, chickens.

Vocabulary activation: Hen, pee.

Equipment: balloons, a wooden screen house, toys - a cockerel, a chicken, chickens, masks of a chicken and chickens.

preliminary work: reading nursery rhymes, talking, looking at illustrations of the cockerel family, holding finger and outdoor games.

Game activity progress:

The children enter the group. The teacher draws the attention of the children to a bunch of balloons with a basket attached to it. There is a cockerel toy in the basket.

Educator. Guys, look, balloons have flown into our room! So beautiful! Bright, colorful. Wow, and they also have a basket tied to them, look guys! Someone must have come to visit us.

He takes out a cockerel from the basket and shows it to the children.

Really! Kids, do you know who it is?

Children. This is a cockerel.

Educator. Yes, it's a rooster. The cockerel, it turns out, flew to us not alone, but with guests.

The kids got up in the morning

They came to their kindergarten.

We are glad to see you, as always.

We have guests here since morning,

Say hello, friends!

Children say hello to the guests, please (children say hello)

Guys, Cockerel wants to say something in my ear. The teacher puts the cockerel to his ear and pretends to listen to him carefully.

Guys, the cockerel invites us to fly with him on balloons to visit him. The cockerel loves his family very much and would like to introduce you to the hen and chickens. Shall we keep him company?

Educator. Well, then rather hold on to the balloons, we will take off soon!

The teacher gives the children in turn to hold the balloons, look at them, touch them.

And now let's blow on our palms so that our balloons fly as high as possible (children blow on their palms).

The teacher shows how to blow on the palms. The children are blowing. Hooray! Our balloons have gone high into the sky! We are flying with you!

Guys, here we are. The cockerel says we need to drop the balloons right here. Kids, look, what is this?

Children. This is a house.

Educator. Right. And who is sitting on the bench by the house?

Children. Grandfather and grandmother

Educator. Correctly. Look, who is sitting on the grass next to them?

Children. Hen with chickens.

Educator. True kids. Where do you think we landed?

Children. Visit the rooster. And the cockerel lives with his family with his grandparents in the village. And who knows the nursery rhyme about the cockerel? Children tell a joke.

Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb,

Olive head, silk beard.

The rooster is pecking at the grain,

He calls the chickens.

Let's call the Hen together with the Cockerel: "Hen, come to us."

What is another name for a chicken?

(Ryabushka, Corydalis, chicken - mother)

Let's all play with chicken (finger gymnastics “The chicken went out for a walk”).

The hen went out for a walk

(walk with two fingers - index and middle - of each hand),

Pinch fresh grass

(pinching movements with all fingers of each hand),

And behind her guys -

yellow chicks

(run with all fingers of both hands).

"Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko

(clap hands)

Don't go far

(threaten with the finger of the dominant hand),

Row with your paws

(rowing movements with each finger of both hands at the same time, thumbs fix palms at the edge of the table),

Looking for grains "

(children collect grains alternately with two fingers of each hand or both hands at the same time: large - index, large - middle, etc.).

I say hello everywhere, at home and on the street

Even hello, I say, I'm a neighbor's chicken.

(fingertips of one hand alternately touch the tips of other fingers).

Chicken: Hello guys!

(the chicken is planted next to the cockerel)

Educator: Look, guys, at the Hen and the Cockerel.

Children examine them, compare, find the difference:

caregiver : Who has a big comb? At the Hen or the Cockerel.

The Cockerel has a large comb, and the Hen has a small one.

The Cockerel has a long tail, but the Hen? (short) Cockerel has spurs on his legs.

How does the cock crow? Ku-ka-re-ku, and the chicken? Ko-ko-ko. The cockerel is dad, the hen is mom.

And who are their children? Chickens.

And who is it squeaking? (go to the basket). Oh how cute little ones. Who is it? (chickens) What kind of chickens? (small, yellowish, fluffy). How do they squeak? Pi-pi-pi.

How does a hen call her chicks? Ko-ko-ko. Now stretch out your palms to me, close your eyes (hands out chickens).

Now open your eyes and tell me who is on your palm? What are they?

What chicken?

Let's play with the chickens:

Mobile game "Chicken - Toratorochka" "

The teacher depicts a "chicken", the children - "chickens". One child (older) - "cat". "Cat" sits on a chair on the sidelines. "Chicken" and "chickens" walk around the site. The teacher says:

A hen came out - a Corydalis, with her yellow chickens,

The chicken cackles: "Ko-ko, do not go far."

Approaching the “cat”, the teacher says:

On a bench by the path, a cat lay down and dozes ...

The cat opens its eyes and catches up with the chickens.

The "cat" opens its eyes, meows and runs after the "chickens", which run away to a certain corner of the site - the "house" - to the mother chicken. The teacher (“chicken”) protects the “chickens”, spreading his arms to the sides, and at the same time says: “Go away, cat, I won’t give you chickens!” When the game is repeated, the role of the “cat” is entrusted to another child.

Educator: Guys, did you like visiting the cockerel?

Educator: Now open your eyes - “one, two, three, four, five, we turn into guys!” You are kids again now.

You and I visited the cockerel and played.

Educator: But it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's raise our balloons!

Children blow on their palms.

Goodbye, cock!

Educator. So we are back with you in kindergarten.

Guys, for the fact that you and the cockerel flew to visit him, played merrily, the chicken handed me a basket of goodies and asked you treat.

Thank you very much!


1. Veraksa N.E., Komarova T.S., Vasilieva M.A. Program "From birth to school". - M.: Mosaic - Sintez, 2014.

2. Vlasenko O.P. Comprehensive classes according to the program "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. Early age group (from 2 to 3 years old). - Volgograd: Uchitel, 2016. - 292 p.

3. Gerbova V.V. "Development of speech in kindergarten" the second group of early age, publishing house MOZAYKA - SYNTHESIS, Moscow 2015. - p.90

4. Elena Kosimova "Gymnastics for fingers", OLMA - PRESS, Moscow 2002. - p.44

Certificate of publication in the media "Series A No. 0004726

We invite teachers of preschool education in the Tyumen region, YaNAO and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Svetlana Martinkevich

Topic: "TO visit the bears» .

Target: creating conditions for children to assimilate the concepts of differentiation of objects in size, to consolidate sensory ideas about color through didactic forms of educational activity.


1. To consolidate knowledge about sensory standards of magnitude ( "big", "small") and colors (primary colors);

2. Interest children unusual way of drawing;

3. To form cultural and hygienic skills;

4. Develop speech;

5. Cultivate accuracy, a friendly attitude towards others.

preliminary work: looking at towels, talking "Fluffy towel"- about the purpose of the towel, a didactic game for comparing sizes "Who has a longer towel", building game "Long and short towels".

Methods and techniques:

verbal (conversation, artistic word, questions for children);

Distressed (problem situations, problematic issues);

Visual (demonstration of towels);

Gaming (didactic exercise, finger game);

Practical (decorating the figure with a roller);

Materials and equipment: big toy bear, toy small bear cub, two houses (large and small, scenery - "trees" and "flowers", two towels (large red and small blue, handkerchief, baby sheet, blanks of white cardboard towels - two sizes, blue and red gouache in trays, small rollers by number children, treats for children.

Integration of educational regions:

Social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development;

Physical development.

The course of direct educational activities.

The children enter group with a teacher.

Form of organization: children follow the teacher in a flock, during a conversation they stand.


Children, are you in a good mood? (Yes). And I have a good one. Look how much has come guests to us, let's smile at them and give them a good mood - smile.

Guys, today we have an unusual day, we have group of guests and today we will go to the forest, to visiting two brothers.

Children follow the teacher into the forest. (Zone in group, in which there are models of trees, flowers ... There are two houses between the trees. A large paw is visible on the side of the big house, and a small paw is visible on the side of the small house.) Together with the teacher, the children flock to the houses.


What a beautiful forest, flowers, mushrooms, oh, what is it among the trees? Yes, these are houses! I wonder who lives in them?

Guys, look, someone's paws are visible from behind the houses. What do you think, whose paws are these, who lives in the houses? Alina, who do you think lives in this house? (The teacher points to a big house) (Bear) . Who lives in this house? (Pointing to a small house.) (Little Bear). And let's check if we named the animals correctly.

The teacher opens the curtains on the houses, from there "peep out" bear faces.

Well done guys, you got it right the Bears. Now let's look at the houses.

Dariana, what kind of house is this? (Big) This house is big, but what is this house? (small).

What do you think, what kind of bear lives in a big house? (Big). Why, what do you think? (He has a big muzzle and his paw is big). Lisa, what kind of a bear lives in a small house? (small). Why? (He has a small muzzle and a small paw).

Guys, do you want to get to know the bears better? (Yes)

The teacher takes out bears from houses.


Hello bears. What are you, bears, not so funny? Guys, why are bears sad? (answers children)

Bears, what happened to you?

We washed our paws, but there is nothing to wipe them with. Help me please.

Let's help the bears.

The teacher brings children at the table, on which lie: baby sheet, handkerchief and towel.


Cyril, show me how you can wipe the paws of the bears? (Kirill takes a towel).

That's right, paws can be wiped with a towel.

Polina, what do you wipe with a handkerchief? (Nose).

Yaroslav, what is this? (Sheet).

And what is it for? (lay on bed)

The teacher shows the children two towels: big and small.

Guys, I have towels for our bears. What is this? (Big) And this? (small)

What do you think, big towel bear? (To the big one). What about a small towel? (Little bear).

caregiver "hands out" bear towels.

Guys, let's tell the bears what color their towels are. Andrew, what color is this towel? (red). Alice, what color is this towel? (blue). Well done!

Take a seat on the chairs. Let's play a finger game.

Form of organization: sitting on chairs.


We'll wash the towels

We'll rub them hard,

Like this, like this

We'll rub them hard.

And then, and then

We'll wring out the towels

Like this, like this

We'll wash the towels!

And now, and now

Shake the towels

Like this, like this

Let's shake the towels!

I imitate pointing actions, and the children repeat the movements.


Children, look how they smile guests they probably liked the bears towels and want them to have towels too.

Look, I have these boring towels (the teacher shows two sizes of decorated towels). Let's decorate the towels and give guests.

Form of organization: sitting at tables.

productive activity.

The teacher invites children go to the table on which the blanks of towels lie (big and small). Children choose either a large or a small towel.


Choose the towel you like. Who took a large towel, go to the table where there is a large towel. Who took a small towel, go to the table where there is a small towel.

Children complete the task according to the instructions, disperse to their tables

We will decorate the towels with rollers. It needs to be dipped in paint, rolled out and driven on a towel like this. (Teacher show).

Children decorate their towels, put them on a tray and give them as gifts. guests.

(After coloring, children wipe their hands with paper napkins).


Guys, who did you meet today? How tall are our bears? What did you do? (answers children) . Well done! You did a very good job today!

Guys, our guests I also liked the lesson very much, look how they smile, let's smile back.

At the end of the NOD, someone from guests thanks the kids for the gifts and gives sweets.