Day of the preschool worker: what date, congratulations. Scenario for the day of workers of preschool education. Congratulations on the Day of the educator and preschool workers Day of the preschool worker when is celebrated

Teacher's Day is a professional holiday for kindergarten workers: educators, their assistants, nannies and all staff. On this day, morning performances are held in preschool institutions, at which children congratulate educators and give them gifts made by themselves. Kindergarten workers are awarded certificates and awards.

In 2020, Teacher's Day is celebrated on September 27th. Initially, it was a public celebration, and since 2009 it has been held at the official level. Educator's Day is a young holiday and is celebrated only 18 times.

The essence of the holiday is to draw public attention to preschool institutions.


Shoe for Cinderella
A large number of shoes are placed in front of the children and they are offered to choose a pair that belongs to the teacher. After that, the teacher tries on the proposed options for shoes. The winner is the participant whose pair of shoes will be the right size.

paint a portrait
Before the competition, the pupils are blindfolded and handed out drawing supplies: paper, pencils, paints, felt-tip pens. Children blindly try to draw a portrait of the teacher. The winner is the participant whose drawing will be the most similar to the original.

Beads for the teacher
For the competition, you need to prepare beads and two boxes. Participants are divided into two teams and offered to take turns naming compliments for the teacher: kind, affectionate, caring, etc. The team with the most beads in the box wins.

About the profession of educator

Educators and preschool workers teach children. They lay the basic concepts of the world around the child, instill skills for work, perseverance, concentration and thinking.

A career begins after receiving a pedagogical higher or secondary special education. A preschool teacher should be a diversified person, strive for self-improvement. He is required to have high moral qualities, endurance, a favorable attitude towards people, benevolence, readiness to help.

Educator is a creative profession. It obliges to find unique approaches to teaching, to promote understanding of the material.

This holiday in other countries

In Ukraine, Teacher's Day, as in Russia, falls on September 27th. In Belarus and Kazakhstan, the holiday is celebrated on this date, but it is not fixed on the official calendar.

In many countries, Teacher's Day is combined with Teacher's Day. In Great Britain, Lithuania and Germany it is celebrated on October 5th. In the United States, the holiday falls on the Tuesday of the first full week of May. In Poland on October 14, in the Czech Republic on March 28, in Spain on January 29.

Teacher's Day is a professional holiday for educators. In Russia, it falls on October 5th.


    According to the common man,
    It's great that there is a holiday for educators.
    Those who educate with a word, and not with a cry and a belt.
    And I congratulate you with all my heart on this day.
    I wish you luck in all matters, no doubt,
    So that happiness settles in your house without fail.

    Happy Teacher's Day
    Congratulations to you from me!
    May every day, like a clear ray,
    Comes, ringing with joy.

    Let parents and children
    You are respected, your work is honored.
    Let the sun of happiness shine brightly
    New successes are calling!

What date is the Day of the educator and all preschool workers in 2021, 2022, 2023

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27 September Mon27 September Tue27 September Wed

Teacher's Day is a very important and necessary holiday. After all, it is these people - educators, teachers - that we entrust the greatest value, our children. It is the educators who lay the foundations of morality and life principles; it largely depends on them how the little man will grow up. What date is Teacher's Day in 2018, interesting facts about the holiday and its history - in our article.

Educator's Day is an abbreviated, everyday version of the name of the professional holiday of teachers in kindergartens. The full name sounds like the Day of the educator and all preschool workers.

The holiday is not included in the number of state holidays, and therefore is not a day off. And - alas! - even for preschool teachers this day will not be shortened. The date of the holiday - September 27 - is constant, that is, fixed in the calendar.

How did Teacher's Day come about?

Educator's Day is a young holiday, with only twelve years of history. It was established only in 2004, and the initiators of the emergence of a new holiday were the journalists of several pedagogical publications - in particular, the magazine "Obruch", the newspaper "Kindergarten from All Sides" and the periodical "Preschool Education".

The idea to dedicate one day a year to the work of preschool teachers was announced on the pages of periodicals after the City Teacher's Day was celebrated in St. Petersburg in 2003. After talking about the past event, the journalists proposed to make the holiday an annual nationwide. Honored teachers, authors of preschool educational programs, heads of well-known preschool institutions, and public figures received letters with a proposal to openly support the initiative. Literally a year later, in 2004, the first all-Russian celebration of the Teacher's Day took place.

The first holidays were quite spontaneous, popular, and were kept only at the expense of the initiative of individual people. However, a few years later, the idea of ​​a new holiday found unexpected support at the state level. So the Day of the Educator and Preschool Worker was included in the list of official professional holidays. And for many years it has been celebrated by the teachers themselves, and their pupils, and the parents of kindergarten kids.

By the way, the date of the holiday - September 27 - has a historical justification. It was on this autumn day back in 1863 that the first kindergarten on the territory of modern Russia was opened. It was located on Vasilyevsky Island, in St. Petersburg, and Sophia Lugebil, the wife of an outstanding Russian teacher, Professor Karl Lugebil, became the author and first trustee of the preschool institution.

Holiday traditions

Teacher's Day is a necessary and correct holiday. Moreover, it is customary to congratulate not only educators on this day, but all employees of preschool institutions - from the head to the nanny. After all, all employees of kindergartens take part in the learning process, regardless of their position and status.

As a rule, preparation for Teacher's Day begins in advance. The kids are preparing a concert-matinee, where they congratulate their favorite teachers. Poems, songs, dances, fun competitions, the indispensable presentation of gifts - crafts made by children's hands, a little clumsy, but invariably sincere. What child refuses to take part in a festive matinee?

Parents of pupils also take part in congratulations. An initiative group of parents - a parent committee, a board of trustees, etc. - a couple of weeks before the holiday decides the issue with the gift. What can you give a kindergarten teacher? A lot of different things - from a lush bouquet of autumn asters to a TV or a printer in a group. But, according to tradition, it is customary to discuss gift options with all parents.

Teacher's Day is also celebrated at the state level. The administration of settlements usually arranges a reporting concert, a round table or a gala evening where outstanding workers of preschool institutions are awarded. Educators, heads of kindergartens, assistants, administrators, children's coaches are awarded diplomas, certificates of honor, letters of thanks, often accompanied by valuable gifts. Well, the leadership of kindergartens for a professional holiday, as a rule, writes out a cash bonus to all employees of the institution.

Day of the preschool worker is a rather young holiday. This event was created in order to show gratitude to those who spend all their strength and love on the development of a new generation. Caring for children is an important part of society, so the celebration of such a day is necessary both for the educators themselves and for the kids and their parents.

13 interesting facts from history

teacher's day

1. What is the reason for choosing a date?

The first preschool institution in Russia was opened by the professor's wife Sophia Lugebil back in 1863 on September 27. More than a dozen years have passed since then, and today the date of September 27 is already an official holiday - Teacher's Day.

2. Institution for the smallest

A significant event for the upbringing and education of children was the appearance of a nursery on the territory of modern Russia. Back in 1959, in the USSR, it became possible to leave children in the garden from the age of 2 months. And by the mid-60s, the training program for kids was fully formed.

3. Magazines dedicated to the profession

The difficulties of upbringing were considered in many periodicals. Adelaida Simonovich, the initiator of the opening of one of the first preschool institutions, became the editor of the Kindergarten magazine, which was published in 1863. Many pedagogical problems, methods and practices were revealed on its pages. And already in 1928, the issue of the monthly "Preschool Education" started.

4. When did they start celebrating Teacher's Day?

The roots of this event lead to St. Petersburg. It was in this city that the Teacher's Day was celebrated for the first time. The memorable date was dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the opening of the first preschool institution in the country. Later, letters were sent to different regions in which they proposed to introduce the Day of the Preschool Worker into the category of official ones. Already in 2004, the event became nationwide.

5. To be a holiday!

Interestingly, in 2008 one of the metropolitan colleges conducted a sociological study. The survey was conducted among teachers of preschool institutions. They had to give their assessment of the need for such a holiday. As a result of the survey, it turned out that 82% of educators recognize the importance of this event. The study was also conducted among people who are not related to the field of preschool education. Here, the indicator of those who were in favor of introducing the holiday was about 67%. This demonstrates the respectful attitude of the majority of society towards an important and difficult profession.

6. Traditions of the Teacher's Day

Obviously, Teacher's Day is a rather young holiday. He had not yet had time to enrich himself with special traditions and rituals. Therefore, most of the preschool institutions use their own imagination and vision of the celebration. The only unifying factor is that on this day educators receive the same gratitude from parents and kids for all the work done, for the effort and love invested. Poems of his own composition, drawings and postcards from children are especially pleasing. And of course, flowers, because most of the workers in preschool institutions are ladies.

7. From children to adults

A very important moment of the celebration is considered to be congratulations from children. On this day, they often give their second parents handmade cards, flowers or sweets. This simple gesture allows the future generation to instill a sense of respect for those who show care and affection to children. However, do not think that the celebration of the Teacher's Day is primarily gifts. For many employees of kindergartens, the attention shown and a simple “thank you” are much more pleasant. The inclusion of imagination and creative congratulations will be very valuable.

8. Whom to congratulate?

Contrary to misconception, this day is dedicated not only to educators. After all, kindergarten is a huge world in which there are many important and complex roles. All employees of preschool institutions consider this day their holiday. These are nannies, and psychologists, and speech therapists, and everyone else who devotes their lives to the development of babies. Of course, it is the teacher who plays the main role during this period, but the contribution of other kindergarten employees cannot be underestimated.

9. Holiday for children

Teacher's Day is a great occasion to cheer up not only adults, but also children. After all, for kids, the reason for the celebration does not matter. The main thing for them is the feeling of something light, bright, cheerful. The atmosphere of the holiday, which envelops every kindergarten, becomes a real fairy tale for the children!

10. Gifts, songs, dances

The activities themselves, as already mentioned, largely depend on the specific institution. Often they are accompanied by gifts from their parents. Many moms and dads get creative and prepare special surprises for caregivers. They can even rehearse original numbers, read poetry or arrange competitions for their favorite teachers. Such an initiative is always pleasant for the employees of a preschool institution.

11. Thanksgiving Day

Regardless of the type of congratulations chosen, the main thing that parents invest in this gesture is gratitude to the educators. After all, understanding how much these people do for their children does not always manifest itself in everyday life. That is why the holiday is the best occasion to show respect and a great moment to just say: “Thank you!”.

12. Do they celebrate in Ukraine, in Belarus,


As in Russia, in Ukraine this day is celebrated on September 27th. Here, the celebration of the Teacher's Day officially began in 2008. But in Belarus and Kazakhstan, this holiday has not been established at the state level. Many preschools use September 27 informally.

13. Attitude towards the holiday in other countries

Educator's Day in many states is not a separate event. This is due to the fact that abroad this holiday is too closely associated with Teacher's Day. This implies congratulations to all employees in the field of education, from preschool teachers to university teachers.

Teacher's Day is a bright and significant event. It is great that this holiday has received the status of a national one, because this is how the society demonstrates its respect for this profession. Over the years, this day will acquire its own traditions, which will become another significant element of culture.


1: Anyone who has become a teacher will understand, What a blessing it is to be useful to people, To teach His Majesty the People!

Bring him the gift of wisdom and knowledge, And the light of your heart's kindness -

There is no more responsible recognition on earth, There is no more honorable and joyful. (A. Kuprin)

2: There are many different professions in the world, And each has its own charm.

But there is no nobler, more necessary and more wonderful. Than the one I work for!

3. And if a poet is rewarded with praise, Or they praise an artist, a doctor,

I rejoice, because I recently raised them lovingly!

4. I am proud of the astronauts of our country. And everyone is happy to fly up to the stars.

I know that they will certainly send me to the moon to work in a kindergarten.

5: You say - mine, you say - construction, you say - space:

All this is serious, but - But still, the garden will remain a garden, and we will never live without it.

6. After all, every geologist and every botanist, And even a scientist among many books

Could not appear without education, And it is the kindergarten at the start of them.

7. Therefore, we all found this case. And we are unlikely to find a better share.

We ended up here of our own free will and that's why we sing today.

Song to the melody "I can't help it"

1. In the morning I go to the kindergarten again, I hide crafts in my bag.

I will find everything for work, I cannot do otherwise.

Scissors, threads, buttons, glue, bandage, valerian, plaster.

Calm those ones, sew them on. I am a teacher and pastor.

2. They sat down to dinner - I'm their mother, they went to bed - I'm a nanny.

To feel sorry for everyone and to understand everyone - my heart is not a stone.

Evening has come - I'm going home, silently hiding fatigue.

I'll find a job at home too - I can't help it.

3. At night I watch dreams about the kindergarten if my son does not cry.

In the morning I cook dinner for the family - I can’t help it.

So I work day after day, I carry my cross like a banner.

Our kindergarten is my second home - my heart is not a stone.

Dialogue at 7 am

Vedas: Early morning, dialogue at 7 o'clock:

Mom: Daughter, daughter, breakfast is ready.

Head: Mommy, I'll lie down a little more.

Mom: But then I won’t wake you up, woke up? Get up, it's time for kindergarten.

Head: Oh, I don't want to go there!

Mom (quietly): “Daughter, it’s necessary - You are the head of the kindergarten! »

Vedas: It's 8.30 in the morning, there is already a nurse on the phone.

Medic: We have problem number 1: We have diphtheria, we have quarantine.

Head: I need to run to the garden as soon as possible, Nanny quickly gather everyone together.

Bleach and soap, brushes, water. SES will rush to us - trouble will happen.

Vedas: 9.15 - the phone rings: On the MO from the south-west, a speech to the central region.

Head: Another problem - everyone needs to be gathered, Quickly decide what to show to whom.

Vedas: 10.00 - like a locomotive, out of breath, the caretaker runs in the door:

Supply manager: - No heating, let's check the cellars! I didn’t get pipes, plumbing!

Head: Another problem. A call to the ZHKO, Maybe it will help with something.

12.15 - I'm writing a report card, I need to hand it in, I'm in a hurry.

At 13.00 we have a teachers' council, we need to give people good advice.

And at 14.30 I run to the city administration, where, of course, I will receive everything for everything, but I will capture the documents there.

Vedas: 17.00

Head: I go into the office, there is my cold, forgotten lunch.

Only I can’t eat it, I quickly run to the meeting.

Many parents will come to visit, They are worried that the children are waiting for them.

I will tell them everything in detail, I will show them the kindergarten groups.

Vedas: 18.15 - the phone rings,

Head: Tomorrow the central district will come to visit us.

Vedas: 19.00

Head: So the watchman left, he found a more expensive job.

What should I do? What do i do? Where can I get a new watchman?

By the time I found a person in place, late in the evening I reached the house.

As soon as my eyes closed, I heard Mom's voice:

Mom: Daughter, get up, it's time to go to the kindergarten, All the kids are already going to the kindergarten.

Head: No! No way am I going there! I'd rather die, drown, shoot myself!

Mom (quietly): Daughter, it’s necessary - You are the head of the kindergarten!

Vedas. We are educators, we must love our profession.

Our task is to direct all our knowledge to the upbringing of children.

And our manager will tell about our successes in this hard work.

The head congratulates the team, awards certificates to distinguished teachers.

Vedas. Thank you for such a gift ... And we give you a staging.

1st Vedas: No matter how difficult it is for you, our teaching staff is always there for you.

2nd led. We confirm this with the Hymn of the Preschool Worker.

It is performed to the motive "The main thing, guys, is not to grow old with your heart."

1. The main thing, girls, is not to age the heart, to sing the preschooler's song to the end.

We have chosen a difficult path, but this path is thorny. Only optimists can prevail.

Chorus: And we are with the hot flame of young hearts. Think, dare and create.

And with such a mood, each of us will always be ahead.

2. The main thing, girls, is not to grow old with your heart, To be a romantic in your soul, to know, to seek, to burn.

And under the scarlet sail of a swift childhood, together with the children, fly through the years.

Vedas: Who came up with the idea of ​​judging age by the number of years lived?

Well, if you are full of vivacity, if you love white light,

If you filled the world with colors where there is no black,

If you do not lack caresses and are dreamy, like a poet,

If you strive for something new, and you are not attracted by peace,

Then you are a teacher from God, always stay like that.

Vedas: And what do you think, who has it harder in life: the teacher or her husband?

The question, of course, is an interesting one, it was asked for a reason. This song is dedicated to the husbands of educators.

They sing to the motive of the song "Rula-TO".

1. If you decide to fall in love today, You're talking about good luck, my friend, did not dream.

If you decide to seriously marry, You would not choose a teacher.

Chorus: Hey, rula-TO, rula-TO, rula-TO, rula, Rula-TO, rula-TO, rula-la-la.

2. A stern lot will be chosen for you, darn socks, wash floors and wash.

And at night you, not knowing peace, will repeat the scenario in your sleep.

Vedas: Someday, for such a hard life, a monument will be erected to all the husbands of caregivers. Thanks to our husbands for their patience, for loving us and accepting us for who we are.

You are good fairies, leading to knowledge, giving joy, bringing light.

Hope you happy, more recognition, and new discoveries, and new victories!

The staging of the fairy tale "TEREMOK" in a new way

Vedas: There is a teremok-teremok in the field, It is not low, not high, not high

Who lives in a teremochka? Who-who lives in the low.

And children live in them, children, like sweets: Wonderful in appearance, diligent in deeds,

They like to work hard and then have fun. Adults are always nearby, so that trouble does not go into the house.

A nanny walks across the field, a nanny is a sleepwalker. She approached the teremochka and asked:


Children: We are kids - sweets, and who are you?

Nanny: And I'm a nanny-sleep! I will caress the children, put them to sleep at a quiet hour,

Sing a lullaby to them, Watch the children...

(Gently sings a lullaby) Bye-bye-bye bye. Sleep, little one, sleep!

Vedas: Come live with us. With the nanny, the issue is resolved. The case became with the cook

How can we feed the children, Who will cook the porridge?

Cook : Who - who lives in the little house? Who-who lives in the low?

Children: We are children - sweets. I am a babysitter. Together: Who are you?

Cook: And I'm a cook. Kitchens I'm a great gift! Shchi, borscht, salads, cereals and lagman

Pizza, ravioli, pilaf - a whole cauldron.

I'll quickly make a candy out of nothing. I will feed all my favorite children deliciously

Vedas: We really need such a person! Come and live with us.

What will the cook cook from now? You need a specialist who can get everything.

Supply manager: Who - who lives in the teremochka? Who-who lives in the low?

Answers: We are kids - sweets. I am a babysitter. And I'm a chef

Chorus: Who are you?

Supply manager: And I'm the supply manager, I will solve any issue. I've got it all, my bills have been paid.

I can poke my nose into any business and settle the matter right this minute (looks around)

I'll furnish your Teremok, I'll deliver classy furniture!

Vedas: We need such a person, we will not part with him forever.

Only children suddenly need their best mentor, friend.

Teacher: Who - who lives in the teremochka?

Educator: Who - who lives in the low?

All: Children - sweets, nanny - lullaby, cook - culinary specialist, supply manager - I will solve any issue

Together: Who are you?

Teacher and educator: We are teachers - fast legs.

We do everything with children. sculpt, write and play.

Educator: I am a teacher, an observer for children. I will take them in the morning and exercise

I'll play tag, jump rope. I will gather all the children, and I will conduct activities

I organize their leisure time. I love all children very much.

Vedas: Kindergarten cannot do without such specialists

Come to work with us, then life will boil

Your work must be directed so that everything is on time and according to plan.

We urgently need such a specialist.

Methodist: Who - who lives in the teremochka? Who - who lives in the low?

All: Children are sweets, a nanny is a lullaby, a cook is a culinary specialist, a supply manager - I will solve any problem, teachers are fast legs.

Together: Who are you?

Methodist: And I am an observer of the educational process

I make charts. working hours count.

I watch the work - if something is suddenly not so fast, I eliminate everything, I do something I can’t do without me, no matter how cute you are

Vedas: Well, I agree with you. we will be friends with you = cherish friendship.


Together: Who are you?

Washerwomen: And we are your best helpers.

Where to darn, patch up, where to stroke, wash.

Vedas: Come in, we will be glad - your help is a reward for everyone.

Watchman: Who - who lives in the teremochka? Who - who lives in the low?

All: Children - sweets, nanny - lullaby, cook - culinary specialist, supply manager - I will solve any question, teachers - quick legs, methodologist - observer

Together: Who are you?

Watchman: I am "Security" - protection, Without me, you just "PIT"

I will keep your tower and watch around!

Vedas: We also really need you, come to live with us in the tower.

Our Teremok is assembled. Everyone will live in it together!

Competitive game program for employees of the preschool educational institution "Everything about everything"

Vedas: Good evening, dear friends, colleagues! We are glad to see you on our informative - game program: "Everything about everything"! Today you are waiting for fun and jokes! You will not be bored here for a minute! So! Let's start with a warm-up! The facilitator pronounces a phrase, after which the audience should say in chorus “ We don't argue !” if they agree with the statement, or “ We argue - we argue !” if you don't agree.

It rains in autumn - Spring is waiting for us ahead. The whole day the blizzards were stranded - Birds flew in from the south.

The maple leaf falls - white lily of the valley blooms. The apples in the garden have ripened - The nightingales sang in the grove.

We salted the cabbage - And the skating rink was filled with water. The fields are foggy. In the garden - only weeds.

And holidays are waiting for everyone. Victory Day is right there. The days are getting longer. It will be colder soon.

The puddles began to freeze. The birds began to fly away. Without sweets it is very difficult for us. Fall is coming, by the way. I cheated on you now. You have been wrong many times.

Favorite fairy tales.

According to the principle of edible - inedible: for each correct answer - a step forward.

Each participant rings a bell if they know the answer.

Whoever calls first gets the answer.

Elevator for evil spirits (pipe).

Character bursting with laughter (bubble).

The personification of the family, which Pinocchio poked with his nose (hearth).

Winnie's friend is Pooh, who was left with a tail (Eeyore).

Commander of the 33 Bogatyrs (Chernomor).

Cave lock pick - spell (Sim - sim, open up!)

Detail of a woman's dress in which lakes and swans are placed (sleeve).

The king's radar is a couch potato who is tired of military affairs (cockerel).

Artiodactyl labyrinth for Tiny - Khavroshechki (Cow).

The reward for the feat, which is given in addition by the kings (half the kingdom).

A reliable means of orientation in fairy-tale situations (tangle).

The most friendly communal apartment (teremok).

Seven wishes on one leg (seven-flower).

Ungrateful listener of songs (fox).

The name of the great English glutton (Robin - Bobin Barabek).

The highest achievement of fabulous catering (tablecloth - self-assembly).

The traditional dish of Enikov is Benikov (dumplings).

The most round fairy-tale hero (Kolobok).

Fluffy boot owner (cat).

Residence of Baba Yaga (hut on chicken legs).

Everything is in motion:

Everything is in motion! Who flies and who goes, Must be shown with a gesture! I will help you.

Who flies - wave your hand! Who swims - mark with a wave!

Who just walks - clap! Who crawls - stomp!

Heavy Colorado potato beetle... PhD...

A fast, fast seahorse... A buzzing swarm of bees...

Beautiful white moth… Fluffy little ferret…

A long earthworm... A pot-bellied, little hamster...

An airy white jellyfish ... A poet or composer's muse ...

Spotted nimble snake... He, she, you and me...

Winged bird ostrich ... Santa Claus or Santa Claus ...

How many stories have been told?

They lived - there was a grandfather and a woman, they had a hut not of ice, but of bast. They lived there for thirty years and three years. They lived, did not grieve, and everything was fine, but God did not give children. So the old woman says to the old man: “Go, old man, to the goldfish. Bow to the fish, obey, and ask her for an egg, but not a simple one, but a golden one. And the old man went to the blue sea. And the old woman at the window sat down to wait for him alone. Waiting - waiting from morning to night. Looks at the sea, even his eyes hurt.

And the old man is not joking at this time: he twists his arms and legs with ropes. Sharp teeth plunge into the very heart and beg for a testicle from her. And the old woman in the hut smiles and Ivan is waiting for the fool. Soon the fairy tale tells, but the deed is not soon done.

Winter has passed, spring has come. The sun began to bake and the old woman wanted to drink spring water. She went to the well, scooped up water, but the trouble is - she stumbled. The bucket fell to the very bottom of the well. The old woman is crying, washing herself with bitter tears. Look - a puddle. Let me, the old woman thinks, get drunk from this puddle. And then the mouse runs and says in a human voice: “Don’t drink, old one, you will become a kid.” The old woman did not listen to the mouse and got drunk from the puddle. Suddenly thunder boomed, lightning flashed, and the old woman turned into a frog. He sits and croaks to himself. And at that time, Ivan the Fool was returning from hunting. Look - the frog is sitting. He pulled the arrow, took aim ... Then the frog pleaded: "Do not destroy me, Ivanushka, I will come in handy for you." And so it happened, like a frog.

Ivanushka brought the frog to the palace to the king-father. And the sovereign immediately ordered to prepare three cauldrons: with ice water, with boiled water and with fresh milk. The frog bathed in three cauldrons and became a written beauty, which cannot be said in a fairy tale or described with a pen!

Here they played a wedding. And the kids were not long in coming. A great many children were born to them: in scales, like the heat of grief, thirty-three heroes.

And the old man by the blue sea still walks to this day: he goes to the right - he starts the song, to the left - he tells the tale that I told you. So it turns out that the fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows and old people.

Answers: "The Fox and the Hare" or "Zayushkina's Hut"; "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"; "Snow Maiden"; "Ryaba Hen"; "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"; "Fly Tsokotukha"; "Baba Yaga"; “The Tale of Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”; "Moroz Ivanovich"; "Princess Frog"; "The Little Humpbacked Horse"; "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"; "Ruslan and Ludmila".

Host: And now I propose to compete with the intellectuals.Solve anagrams and logarithms:

1. Breathing easily in my shadow You often praise me in the summer,

But rearrange my letters and you will bring down the whole forest with me. (linden-saw)

2. I'm lying on the ground, nailed to the iron, But rearrange the letters in the pan, I'll climb. (sleeper-noodles)

3. Along the wire I rush nights and days. And from the end they will read me, I am from the tiger's family. (talk cat)

4. Children study geography with me at school,

Give me a different order of letters and you will find me in the buffet. (satin salad)

5. A well-known dish, when you add "m", I will fly, buzz, annoying everyone. (ear, fly)

EVERYTHING IS REVERSED Players are invited to try to draw or color something, but with their left hand, and those who are left-handed - with their right.

DRAW THE SUNTeams take part in this relay game, each of which lines up in a column "one at a time". At the start, in front of each team, there are gymnastic sticks according to the number of players. In front of each team, at a distance of 5-7 meters, put a hoop. The task of the relay race participants is to alternately, on a signal, running out with sticks, spread them out in rays around their hoop - "draw the sun." The team that completes the task faster wins.

SCULPTORS The participants of the game are given plasticine or clay. The host shows or calls a letter, and the players must, as quickly as possible, blind an object whose name begins with this letter.


1 When is a person in a room without a head? (when sticking it out the window)

2 How do day and night end? (soft sign)

3 What should be done to keep four guys in one boot? (remove one boot from each)

4 The crow flies, and the dog sits on its tail. Could it be? (the dog sits on its own tail)

5 In what month does chatty Masha speak the least? (in February, it is the shortest)

6 When a horse is bought, what is it like? (wet)

7 A man has one, a crow has two, a bear has none. What's this? (letter "o")

8 What belongs to you, but others use it more than you? (name)

9 In what year do people eat more than usual? (in high sleep)

10 Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (no, because he can't speak)

11 What stones are not in the sea? (dry)

12 What disease on earth has no one been ill with? (nautical)

13 What can be cooked but not eaten? (lessons)

14 Which hand is better to stir tea? (tea is best stirred with a spoon)

15 What gets bigger when put upside down? (number 6)

Gnomes' congratulations

To a light melody, they perform the dance movements “Letka-enka” and perform in front of the guests in age order. The “senior gnome” himself has a gift in his hands.)

7th dwarf: In the thicket of the forest of the dense Tatlinsky forest, the gnomes lived as a family, they dug everything indiscriminately.

1st dwarf: They have long been known to everyone. There are exactly seven of them.

2nd dwarf (represents the first): The elder is the wisest dwarf, he takes care of

So that the brothers have the tools at the right time.

3rd dwarf (representing the second): The smaller brother is a serious dwarf, businesslike and curious.

4th dwarf (introduces the third): The third dwarf is that merry fellow, he will make you laugh at least somehow.

5th dwarf (represents the fourth): And the fourth is that dreamer, a hunter of various treasures.

6th gnome (represents the fifth): The fifth gnome is interesting, enticing, pompous.

7th gnome (represents the sixth): The sixth dwarf is a good hard worker, looking for gold here and there.

1st dwarf (represents the seventh): So that the seventh can count every gram without delay.

2nd dwarf: We received your telegram yesterday, we dug 50 deep mines in a day.

3rd dwarf: How much gold they found, They all brought with them. (Shows a gift with chocolates)

4th dwarf: For the hero of the day, this is a mystery. What is there? .. - It's chocolate!

(They take off the gift wrapping, and there are chocolates.)

5th dwarf: “Alpen Gold” is its name, this is an effort of our hands.

6th dwarf: Anniversary, look, there are exactly three fillings here.

7th dwarf: Eat with a nut, eat with raisins, eat just a chocolate bar.

We hope you'll be happy to receive it.

1-gnome: We hold milk chocolate in our hands, it will help you achieve success in business. ( handed)

2-dwarf: We are happy to give chocolate with raisins so that it can surprise everyone with its zest. ( Handed.)

3-dwarf: Here's a glazed nut for you, so that you are always strong and healthy,

And then your nature, the years will not matter! ( handed)

4. We congratulate you on a considerable event, We celebrate your anniversary today,

We wish you great health, and many sincere friends in life.

5. Anniversary is a special date where you sum up a mental result,

What could be the mistake sometime ... What is expensive, I probably saved.

6. We congratulate you with all our hearts and we want to wish you happiness.

May there never be bad weather in your home climate.

7. We do not give the birthday girl any headsets or rings,

All: Surely you will warmly accept greetings from friendly hearts.

7th dwarf: We offer everyone to pour, To wash the gifts.

Congratulations to educators in verse

Children are the joy of the state, real wealth.

They should be educated as a hope for the country.

There is a preschool economy, a kindergarten - childish happiness.

There the children pass all the lessons of life.

How to behave and eat, so as not to disturb health.

How to have a sporty look, overcome all diseases.

Learn to draw and, of course, dance.

Embroider when hunting, in general, they need care.

For children, the second mother is a kindergarten teacher.

She knows a lot, the needlewoman herself.

The children's world is her occupation, a real passion.

Patient with the children, entertains them with the game.

Day after day there is learning, something like an adventure.

The children are happy, they are blooming, they go to the kindergarten in a crowd.

Today is a holiday in kindergarten - The teacher is in sight.

Receives congratulations, dreams of his worldly ...

Let the dreams come true, educators of the country!

Toast to educators

We sincerely congratulate you, we wish you the most important thing,

So that all children are happy - On the whole earth, on the whole planet.

A lot depends on you - Fate to the school threshold,

And your role in it is so important, The soul grows in your hands.

For the educators of children - Second fathers and mothers

Today we make a toast, And let's say, standing upright: "For the Educators"!


In order not to get bored, we will answer in rhyme. Is everything clear, kids? The game starts!

And imagine well we are a large aquarium.

It will fit here with scuba gear ... diver!

And here he sleeps, snores, an enormous blue ... whale!

Reacting to snoring, he runs sideways ... crab!

And at the bottom in the sand lay down with tentacles ... octopus.

An electric brother is happy to burrow next to him ... slope

Without being hooked, the sea lives here ... goby.

Looking for the best places for five-winged ... star.

Near only swam with a flat body ... flounder.

And behind her, like a burning burden, rushes ... jellyfish.

In the shell swims without fear among the fish ... turtle.

Somewhere the Black Sea flashed its jaw ... shark.

Here at the bottom, well, like a toy, lies a wonderful ... shell.

Nearby is a stone, like a stump, And behind it is a sea ... skate.

More than one smart, affectionate frolics here ... dolphin!

Long-tailed ... mermaids play with him, as if in a tag.

Someone shakes his head... What? Mermaids don't exist? But I, friends, dreamed ... And the end of the game has come.

Song of the robbers:

1. We are cool teachers, We love to teach children ...

Should I put my hands on my feet, and tell fortunes to all of you here? ..

O-la-la, o-la-la, tell all of you at once, O-la-la, o-la-la, eh-ma! ..

2. Soon the long road falls out of the cordon,

There will be a lot of money and recognition wagon!

O-la-la, o-la-la, and recognition wagon, O-la-la, o-la-la, eh-ma! ..

3. We will listen to the musicians, congratulations from friends,

In the meantime, she is wondering - pour us something

O-la-la, o-la-la, while guessing - pour us, O-la-la, o-la-la, eh-ma! ..

FORTUNE: I'm not a fortune teller! I just have a magical hat - a flower one! The aroma of flowers intoxicates - tells you everything! To whom I put a hat on my head, I will read all his thoughts! Do you understand? The essence of the problem is this, your head is drunk! To guess my thoughts - you need to name the numbers!Question I: Who were you before you got to know ourEvgeny Mikhailovna? (puts on a hat to 3 guests (in turn) and asks for a number from 1 to five)I see you have a lot of thoughts, they are mixed up!For men and women in case of repetition of numbers:

1. hermit monk 1. traveling circus performer 1. comedian

2. a pessimist 2. a waitress in a tavern 2. a gambler

3. eunuch 3. angel 3. leader of the tribe

4. beggar 4. concubine 4. traveler

5. organ grinder 5. delicious bun 5. soldier

Question II: What is your character? Oh, now we all know!

2. very weak against women 2. scandalous 2. naivete surrounds me

3. I'm just an angel 3. very weak against men 3. you can't say anything bad about my character

4. my character has not yet formed 4. I'm almost a child 4. wow, what a fortuneteller!

5. My character depends on circumstances 5. exceptional 5. contradictory

Question III: What's good about you? What I love about myself and talk about it! Aha!

1. The ability to choose friends 1. Everything 1. luxurious hair

2. ability to sit on two chairs at once 2. refined manners 2. legs

3. Everything 3. You tire me with your presence 3. the desire to notice the performance of others

4. fantastic generosity 4. face, clothes, thoughts, and soul! 4. rare wit

Question IV: What is your life motto? So everyone thought carefully, strained their brains ... Oh, they rushed off, dear ones ... "My thoughts are my horses!"

1. All - or nothing! 1. after me - even a flood 1. I came, I saw, I conquered

2. Through thorns - to the stars! 2. my hut is on the edge 2. take everything from life

3. Seize the moment! 3. time is money 3. not to be surprised at anything

4. Not a day without love! 4. whatever is done is for the best 4. the end justifies the means

Question V: Why would you give half your life? What is dear to you, but not dear to me!

1. for nothing 1. for performance 1. for being as talented as... (name)

2. for a bottle of martini 2. you, a fortune teller, do not understand! 2. for extraordinary love

3. for worldwide fame 3. for eternal youth 3. for the success of the Company

4. for slender legs 4. for the happiness of the hero of the day. for a villa by the sea 5 . for a clear conscience 5. for the opportunity to become a star at this anniversary 5. for the respect of people

Date in 2019: September 27th, Friday.

The day of all educators, governesses and nannies is celebrated in Russia on September 11th. On this date in 1863, the first free kindergarten was opened in St. Petersburg. Preschool workers accept congratulations from children and parents.

The day of the educator and all preschool workers is a professional holiday for everyone who has chosen to work with young children as their specialty. These are employees of kindergartens and a nursery, nannies, governesses.

When, how and who celebrates this day

This date honors all those who have dedicated their lives to the education and upbringing of preschool children. Mornings are held in kindergartens. Children congratulate the attendants on them, give hand-made crafts. The management encourages distinguished employees with awards, certificates, and other gifts. Kindergarten workers themselves congratulate their colleagues. In the evening, festive collective gatherings are held.

Many parents also try to congratulate the head of the group and the nanny of their child, to make a small gift. They also congratulate nannies and governesses.

Significant events associated with the Day of the educator

On September 11 in St. Petersburg in 1863, through the efforts of Sophia Lugebil, the first free kindergarten appeared. He was on Vasilyevsky Island. Sofia Lugebil was the wife of the Russian professor and teacher Karl Yakimovich Lugebil.

If we take the entire Russian Empire, then the first preschool institution arose in the city of Helsingfors (now Helsinki) in 1859. But even then Finland was an autonomous part of the state, in fact a separate country under the control of the Russian emperor.

In fact, kindergartens in the Russian Empire appeared much earlier, but they were paid. They were used only by wealthy families. Although they could hire nannies, it was believed that in a children's society under the supervision of experienced educators, children would spend their time more usefully.

The appearance of the first free garden attracted the attention of benefactors. Later, similar children's institutions appeared at some large enterprises in Moscow and St. Petersburg. They were arranged by the owners of enterprises for their workers. But before the revolution there were very few such establishments.

In reality, however, kindergartens and nurseries became mass only from the 20-30s of the twentieth century, already under Soviet rule.

history of the holiday

A significant date is celebrated every year on September 27th. The holiday is young. It began to be held in 2004 unofficially at the public level at the initiative of the Russian publications Hoop, Preschool Education and Kindergarten from All Sides. The purpose of creating a new professional day was to emphasize the importance and role of preschool childhood, to increase the importance of the staff of preschool institutions.

Although the significant date began to be celebrated in 2004, the honoring of educators and preschool workers was first held in 2003, when the 140th anniversary of the emergence of the first public free kindergarten was celebrated in St. Petersburg. After this event, a letter was drawn up with a proposal to declare a new holiday. The message was sent to the Russian regions.

Quite quickly, the holiday began to be celebrated in many regions of Russia, leaving the public to the regional level. In 2008, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation included the holiday in the register of official professional days. Thanks to this, since 2009 the holiday has become federal.

Video: Educators of Mari El celebrate their professional holiday

List of films, songs and books


  • "Gentlemen of Fortune" (1971, USSR);
  • "Mustachioed nannies" (1977, USSR);
  • "Mary Poppins, goodbye" (1984, USSR);
  • Kindergarten Cop / Kindergarten Cop (1990, USA);
  • "Nanny" / Twin Sitters (1994, USA);
  • "My Fair Nanny" (2004, Russia);
  • "Bald Nanny: Special Mission" / The Pacifier (2005, USA);
  • "My terrible nanny" / Nanny McPhee (2005, USA);
  • "House without an exit" (2009, Russia);
  • "Nanny" (2012, Russia);
  • "Kindergarten teacher" (2014, Poland).


  • Yana Egorova, "Educator";
  • Kenjiro Haitani, "Rabbit Gaze";
  • Julia Kuznetsova, "First Job";
  • Nina Blazon, "The Secret of Polina";
  • Barbara McMahon, The First Rule;
  • Pamela Travers, Mary Poppins;
  • Tuutikki Tolonen, Buka;
  • Astrid Lindgren, "Carlson, who lives on the roof, has arrived again."


  • "Lady "Perfection";
  • "About the teacher";
  • "Song about educators";
  • "Alice Shaker - Hymn to Educators";
  • "Lyudmila Franz and Lyudmila Gagelstrom - Educators are like children";
  • "Favorite teacher";
  • Song about educators.

Congratulations in prose and poetry

In prose:

Good health, good mood, optimism, stable nerves, high salaries and that pleasant moments please every day!

Happy day, dear educators and nannies. Bow to you for the hard and troublesome work!

In verse:

Educators in care

They always have work.

It would be great for kids

To eat well

Didn't fight and didn't play pranks

And love to learn.

For work from all sides

Parental bow to them!

In kindergartens, people are modest,

The country does not glorify them loudly.

But the role of preschool education

Extremely important!

Today is a holiday

For fathers and mothers of the country.

Let's warmly congratulate

Those who are important to us.

Those who are so always in care

About our kids.

May they be lucky in their work

In love, in everything!

Alexander , 31 August 2019 .