Thematic plan of the week. "Admire, spring is coming." Download Thematic planning Spring. Signs of spring (preparatory group) Early spring planning for the week senior group

Victoria Vityuk
Calendar plan in the senior group "Spring-Red"

Topic: « Spring is red»

Final event: Exhibition children's creativity "We we meet spring»

Target: To form in children a general idea of spring like the seasons. Expand and enrich knowledge about spring changes in nature. Develop observation. Cultivate respect for nature.

group, subgroup Individual


March 12 Morning Reception and examination of children. Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents. Morning gymnastics.

Conversation on the topic "To us Spring walking fast".

Target: systematization of children's knowledge about the seasons, their sequence, characteristic features spring.

Low mobility game "Lost Brooks".

Target: increased flexibility and mobility of the fingers, coordination of movements of the arms and legs. speech game "One-Many"

Target: strengthening the ability to agree on nouns in the singular and plural.

(Anya, Masha, Danil, Davyd) Examination of the painting by I. Levitan « Spring. Big water".

Target: development of the ability to understand and feel the artistic image of nature, the mood reflected by the artist in the landscape, paying attention to the means used by the artist, to convey it in words.

Lesson 1. Acquaintance with the outside world

Topic: Moscow is the capital of Russia.

Target: Develop oral speech; to present to children the image of the heart of Russia - Moscow - as a great spiritual value; to acquaint with the main Moscow sights - the Kremlin and Red Square, with the coat of arms of Moscow as a symbol of protection, the victory of the light forces of good over the dark forces of evil.

Material: symbols of Moscow, coat of arms of the settlement in which the kindergarten is located; audio recording of the bell ringing, the striking of the clock on the Spasskaya Tower, the movement of the clock; set of postcards or badges with views of Moscow.

By teacher's plan

Walk 1

Drop observation.



Target spring.

"Mother- Spring»


V. m: toys, shoulder blades Sports exercise "Don't Drop".

Target: exercise of pupils in jumping on two legs moving forward, with the ball sandwiched between the legs.

(Matvey, Alina, Zakhar, Vika). game exercise "Do like me!"

Target: consolidating the ability to follow the actions of the driver, accurately copy movements, improving the performance of basic movements by children when walking.

before going to bed Reading the story of V. V. Volina "Blue streams spring» .

Target: development of the ability to understand and analyze the content and form of the work; retell parts of the story.

A moment of security "Safety on Ice" spring» .

Target: familiarization with the rules of behavior near water bodies spring, acting out situations of rescue of drowning people.

Lesson 3. Drawing

Topic: Pattern. Decorative drawing.

Target: To teach children to conceive and make a pattern in the style of folk painting, conveying its color, elements; to consolidate the ability to build a pattern by selecting the desired paper format; develop creativity, aesthetic feelings; cultivate a love for folk art.

Material: white paper, ocher shade in the form of a circle, stripe, square, gouache, palette; samples of Dymkovo, Gorodets products, Ukrainian ceramics.

Walk 2 We continue to observe the drop.

Target: expansion of pupils' ideas about the phenomena of inanimate nature; establishment of the relationship between the air temperature, the illumination of the area, the intensity of ice melting and the drop.

Work: digging a groove to drain water from the site.

Target: acquaintance with the purpose of the labor operation, expanding ideas about the work of adults spring.

Russian folk outdoor game "Mother- Spring»

Target: familiarization with Russian traditions through familiarization with the new game, its rules, learning the text, increasing motor activity.

V. m: toys, spatulas

Evening: Reading and memorizing a poem by I. Belousov "Spring Guest".

Target: development of the ability to emotionally perceive the poem, talking about their impressions, feeling the melodiousness of the poem.

game situation "Report from the spring streets".

Target: developing the ability, acting as a correspondent, to compose short stories on a specific topic (about spring streets, about passers-by, about the weather).

(Arina K., Sonya B., Denis K.) Board games "Seasons", "When It Happens", "What's First, What's Later"

Target: reinforcing ideas about spring as a season.

Day of the week Mode Joint activity of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Independent Note

group, subgroup Individual

Conversation on the topic "The life of wild animals spring» .

Target: Expand and consolidate children's ideas about the life of wild animals spring about the features of their appearance. To cultivate love and respect for nature, the desire to protect it and provide all possible assistance to it. Finger gymnastics « Spring» .

Target: learning the text and movements of a new finger game, the development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

(Arina K., Taras, Sasha, Alina) Didactic game (hatching) "Magic Lines".

Target: development of fine motor skills, graphic drawing skills.

Lesson 1. FEMP

Topic: Geometric figures.

Target: To consolidate knowledge about the signs of different geometric shapes; learn to name and compare geometric shapes. Operate when drawing figures from them.

Material: geometric material.

By teacher's plan

Walk 1

Observation of the clothes of passers-by.




mobile game "We are funny guys".


V. m: toys, spatulas. Sports an exercise: "Passers-by can't get through here"

Target: exercise in jumping rope, development of coordination of movements, strengthening of the muscular apparatus.

(Andrey, Masha, Vanya, Arina M.) game exercise "Jumping rope".

Target: fixing the technique of jumping rope, contributing to the improvement of the respiratory system, strengthening the muscular apparatus.

before going to bed Reading the story of S. Vangeli "Snowdrops".

Target: familiarization with the understanding of the figurativeness and expressiveness of the language of literary works, activating figurative expressions in the speech of children.

2nd half of the day Gymnastics awakening after daytime sleep, tempering procedures.

Didactic game "Emergencies"

Target: acquaintance of pupils with the main sources and types of danger in everyday life, on the street, in nature and ways of safe behavior.

Lesson 3. Constructive-model activity

Topic: Construction of a tower and a house.

Target: Develop play constructive skills.

Material: scarf, puppet theater screen, bi-ba toys bo: hare, fox.

Walk 2 We continue to observe the clothes of passers-by.

Target: strengthening the ability to establish a connection between seasonal phenomena and clothing, developing the ability to draw the right conclusions.

Work: spreading snow over the area to ensure it melts faster.

Target: reinforcing the importance of seasonal work.

mobile game "We are funny guys".

Target: Exercise children in running, teach them to clearly follow the rules of the game.

V. m: toys, spatulas.

Evening: D/i "Not a magpie, not a crow".

Target: continue to teach to recognize birds in pictures, develop visual perception, attention, coherent speech. Applications "Buds on a branch"

Target: strengthening the ability to convey a simple plot in an application using self-cut details.

(Roma, Matvey, Anya, Milana) Construction games material: "We build country houses"

Target: Exercise in the implementation of buildings according to the scheme, improve design skills.

Day of the week Mode Joint activity of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Independent Note

group, subgroup Individual

A conversation about signs spring« Spring is coming» .

Target: continue to teach children to identify seasonal signs of natural phenomena; freely express your opinion. Didactic the game: "Human and nature"

Target: To systematize the knowledge of children about what nature gives us and what a person does.

(Nastya, Kostya, K. Arina, Alina) Board games "Edible-Inedible", "Dangerous - not dangerous"

Target: strengthening the skills of safe behavior.

Lesson 1. Development of speech

Topic: Reading a poem by T. Ladonshchikov « Spring» .

Target: Learn to listen to poems, determine what time of the year they say.

Material: pictures depicting a spring landscape, various natural phenomena.

By teacher's plan

Walk 1

Sun watching.

Target (gentle, warm, radiant).

Work: cleaning the area from debris.


P / s "Race Cars"


V. m: toys, paddles "Draw the sun".

Target: clarification of the rules of the game, development of the ability to act in a team, enrichment of motor experience.

(Timofey, Sonya B., Anya, Nastya) mobile game "Ocean is shaking"

Target: to develop imagination, the ability to express a conceived image in motion

bedtime poetry reading: S. Gorodetsky "Spring Song"

Target: To teach children to answer questions on the content, to talk about their impressions.

2nd half of the day Gymnastics awakening after daytime sleep, tempering procedures.

Conversation "What good deed have I done?".

Target: to teach children to find a place for good deeds.

Lesson 3. Physical education in the air

By teacher's plan

Walk 2 We continue to observe the sun.

Target: Help children see the features of the spring sun (shines brighter, warms the earth, write a description of it (gentle, warm, radiant).

Work: cleaning the area from debris.

Target: offer to inspect the site, tell what needs to be done. To educate industriousness in children.

P / s "Race Cars"

Target: Exercise children in running with acceleration.

V. m: toys, spatulas

Evening: S/r game "Mail".

Target: Invite children to play out various situations involving the postman, other postal workers, learn to include in the plot. D/ and: "Say the opposite".

Target: learn to choose words-antonyms (description of spring signs: warm-cold, clear-cloudy)

(Danil, Matvey, Masha, M. Arina) Offer children plasticine

Target: to consolidate the skills and skills in modeling. Develop fine motor skills, imagination, creative imagination

Day of the week Mode Joint activity of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Independent Note

group, subgroup Individual

Conversation "Spring Ice and Its Dangers"

Target: systematization of knowledge about the rules of behavior near water bodies in the early spring; learn to take care of your health.

Di "Confusion".

Target: continue to teach ordinal and quantitative counting, consolidate knowledge about the sequence of numbers

(Zakhar, Denis S. Kostya, Sonya N.) Di "Good bad".

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature.

Lesson 1. Development of speech

Topic: Russian folk tale "Fox and Hare"

Target: Introduce r. n. With. about animals; enter a term "animalistic" fairy tales; develop thinking. Ability to explain the meaning of proverbs; Expand words knowledge; cultivate the ability to be friends, mercy.

Material: exhibition of books; elements of costumes of fairy tale characters.

2. Physical education indoors

By teacher's plan

Walk 1

Thaw monitoring.

Target spring.



P. game "From circle to circle"


P. game "Faster than the wind", "Who is bolder?"


V. m: toys. The game "Football".

Target: To teach children to act as an attacker, goalkeeper, defender, to act in accordance with the rules and tactics of the game; to develop high-speed qualities, to bring up responsibility for the whole team.

(Taras, Vitya, Kostya, Matvey, Sasha, Davyd) mobile game "Brook".

Target: Continue to acquaint children with traditional folk children's games; to promote the development of attention, initiative, courage, discipline; develop the ability to work in a team.

before going to bed Reading by A. Barto « Spring is coming» .

Target: to develop the cognitive interests of children, to consolidate the seasonal signs of natural phenomena.

Remind children of the benefits of daytime naps.

Target: to instill a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

2nd half of the day Gymnastics awakening after daytime sleep, tempering procedures.

Story - role-playing game "Journey by car in the spring forest".

Target: To form the ability to choose the plot of the game, distribute roles, select the items and attributes necessary for the game; to consolidate children's knowledge about the life of animals, plants; cultivate friendships between children.

Lesson 3. Choreography

By teacher's plan.

Walk 2 We continue to observe the thaw.

Target: the formation of children's ideas about spring.

Work: fill bird feeders.

Target: develop a caring attitude towards birds in the spring.

P. game "From circle to circle"

Target: to develop children's dexterity, to learn to navigate in space.

P. game "Faster than the wind", "Who is bolder?"

Target: enrichment of motor experience of children, balance.

V. m: toys.

Evening: Watching a cartoon "Fly Tsokotukha".

Target: consolidate knowledge of a fairy tale; create a happy mood.

Solving riddles.

Target: continue to introduce the signs spring, teach to explain by what signs they guessed.

(Vanya, Alina, Arina Kulga) Independent games for children.

Target: to teach children to play together, independently choose role games, actions.

Day of the week Mode Joint activity of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Independent Note

group, subgroup Individual

Reading a poem by Yu. Moritz « Spring» .

Target: Draw children's attention to new signs spring - thawed patches, puddles, drops, icicles. Offer to listen to a poem, answer the question of who and why rejoices at the arrival spring. D/ and "Spring Months"

Target: fix the names and sequence of the spring months, the characteristic features of different periods spring; be able to listen carefully to the teacher, highlight signs and designate them in speech.

(Milana, Nastya Vika, Roma, Vitya) Y/y "What do people do spring»

Target: know how people work in spring talk about work.

Lesson 1. Modeling

Topic: Birds on the feeder.

Target: Learn to sculpt a bird in detail, convey the shape and relative size of the body and head, the difference in the size of birds of different breeds, the correct position of the head, wings, tail.

Material: pictures depicting birds, clay, boards.

2. Drawing

Target: Correctly position the image on a sheet of paper; to expand children's knowledge of non-traditional drawing techniques; introduce the first spring plants;; develop color perception, sense of composition, image; love and respect for mother.

Material: tinted pale green paper (A4 size, illustrations depicting spring flowers, watercolor, gouache in printing bowls, foam swabs, stencils, flower images, wet and dry wipes, combs, spray brushes.

Walk 1


Target spring

Work: cleaning the site.

Target: offer to inspect the site, tell what needs to be done. To educate industriousness in children.

P/ game "Hurry to places".


V. m: toys, paddles Relay "Obstacle Track".

Target: Exercise children in running, walking, jumping, teaching different ways overcome obstacles.

(Arina Kulga, Taras, Ksyusha, Sasha, Kostya) Independent

activity on


before going to bed Reading the story of N. Sladkov "Spring joys".

Target: continue to cultivate the desire to listen to reading, develop interest in fiction; fix omens spring.

2nd half of the day Gymnastics awakening after daytime sleep, tempering procedures.

Problematic situation. "What would happen if there were no spring

Target: to learn to draw conclusions and logical conclusions.

Development of self-service skills.

Target: reinforce the undressing sequence with the children.

Lesson 3. Choreography

By teacher's plan.

Walk 2 We continue birdwatching.

Target: clarify children's ideas about migratory birds; offer to tell which birds spring returning from warmer climes and what they do when they return.

Work: cleaning the site.

Target: offer to inspect the site, tell what needs to be done. To educate industriousness in children.

P/ game "Hurry to places".

Target: develop dexterity, the ability to act on a signal, increase interest in the game.

V. m: toys, spatulas

Evening: Reading the story of B. Zhitkov "On the Ice", conversation "Safety at the waters".

Target: To acquaint children with such a phenomenon as ice drift, river flooding, to teach them to see the beauty of natural phenomena and their destructive power. Di "Say a word".

Target: Develop attention, speech, speed of reaction; generate interest in games.

(Anya, Vitya, Danil) I / y "To whom they give names"

Target: consolidate knowledge of the names of girls and boys.

Calendar- thematic planning(Asterisk group)

Theme: Spring

Target: clarify children's ideas about the signs of spring, expand their ideas about biological processes in nature using examples of plant and animal reproduction. The development of observation.

Implementation period: from 04/03/2017 to 04/07/2017

Day of the week


Group, subgroup


Individual work


Morning gymnastics.

Canteen duty.

sedentary game

"King Peas"

Learn to determine the place of sound in a word (Arina).

Didactic game "Animals in spring"

Purpose: to clarify that in spring insects wake up after a long winter, migratory birds return from warm lands, build nests for themselves, hatch and feed chicks; The winter hibernation of the animals is coming to an end.

Preparation of material on a lexical topic


Integration of educational areas: Social and communicative development

Theme: Rules traffic

Purpose: to form children's ideas about the rules of safe behavior on the road

Integration of Educational Areas: Artistic and Aesthetic Development Drawing

Theme: Spring

Target:Formation of the ability to reflect the image of Spring in the drawing. Continue to learn how to make an image in full sheet.Raise interest in fine arts.

Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development Musical

Purpose: according to the plan of a specialist



Group, subgroup


Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children


Outdoor games "Flight of birds", "Day and night"

Labor assignments: collection of branches, sticks on the site

Development of movements: "Bird 1, bird 2"

Purpose: to exercise in rhythmic movements

Artistic word:

April! April!
Drops are ringing in the yard.
Streams run through the fields
Puddles on the roads.
Ants coming soon
After the winter cold.


Didactic game "What sounds"

Purpose: the formation of the ability to distinguish the sound of the simplest musical instruments, the development of auditory memory

(with Darina).

Circle "Magic beads"

Prepare items for the game


Watching the weather

Outdoor games:"Sly Fox","Owl"

Labor activity:

clearing paths in the area, harvesting last year's leaves

Development of movements:Exercise in jumping on one leg moving forward (with Veronica).

Didactic game "When does it happen?"

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature


Memorizing a poem about April

Frost in the morning, Drops all day, Sunny and sonorous April is coming to us. Melted the snowdrifts, Released the streams, Asks the birds to be louder, Sing their songs

Learn to determine the place of sound in a word (with Albina).

Role-playing game

"Daughters - mothers"

Target:To learn to reflect in the role-playing game a variety of household plots

Day of the week


Group, subgroup


Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children


Morning gymnastics.

Canteen duty

Drawing up a story based on pictures.

Didactic game "Make a week"

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to consistently name the days of the week.

Conversation "About spring"

Purpose: To clarify and systematize children's knowledge of the characteristic signs of spring (the day increases, the sun warms more, snow melts, water bodies are freed from ice; grass grows, bushes turn green, flowers bloom; insects appear, migratory birds return)

Subject pictures on the topic



Purpose: according to the plan of a specialist

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development of FEMP


Target:Introduce the division of the square into 4 equal parts, learn to name the parts and compare the whole and the part. Continue to teach how to compare objects in height using a conditional measure equal to one of the compared objects. Improve the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, determine the sides, corners and middle of the sheet.

Integration of educational areas: Artistic and aesthetic development (application)

Theme: Spring

Target:to teach children to convey in their work the characteristic features of the appearance of different trees;

continue to acquaint children with the means of expression in artistic activity: color, material, composition;

to cultivate the desire to complement the image, achieving expressiveness.


Group, subgroup


Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children


Watching the wind

Outdoor games: "Day and night", Exercise in passing the ball with straight arms.

Labor activity: sweep the veranda

Development of movements:"Come on, don't fall"

Purpose: to exercise in maintaining balance (with Arina).

Word game "Mirror"

Buildings made of snow together with children.


Wellness exercises after sleep. hardening. Walking along the massage paths.

Didactic game "Name and count"

Target:Form skillcorrectly use cardinal and ordinal numbers (with Matthew).

GCD Application "Spring"

Selection of didactic game.


snow watching

Purpose: to continue to introduce the properties of snow.

Mobile game:The snow is spinning"

Labor activity:

Feeding birds with cereals

Development of movements:Exercise in sliding along an icy path (with Timofey).

S/r game"Score"

Target:. To develop ways of role-playing behavior in the game, the ability to play different roles in one game.

Independent activity of children with portable material.


Reading V. Sukhomlinsky "My mother smells like bread"

Exercise: Put it away

Target:To form the ability to maintain order in the group and on the site of the kindergarten (with Valera).

Didactic game "The Fourth Extra"

Target:to develop the ability to classify objects on an essential basis, to generalize.

Exhibition of books on the lexical theme.

Day of the week


Group, subgroup


Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children


Morning gymnastics.

Canteen duty

Sedentary game "Brook"

Goal: development of dexterity, mobility, communication skills.

An exercise:cards with two stripes, handout for counting.

Purpose: To learn to compare objects, checks the accuracy of definitions by superimposing or applying (with Olya).

Didactic game "What is missing"

Target: teach children to form singular genitive nouns.

Pick up pictures for compiling stories.


Integration of educational areas: Development of speech (speech development)

Topic:Sound culture of speech: differentiation of sounds l - r

Purpose: To exercise children in distinguishing the sounds l - r in words, phrasal speech; learn to hear the sound in a word, determine its position, name words for a given sound.

Integration of educational areas: Music (artistic and aesthetic development)


Purpose: according to the plan of a specialist

Integration of educational areas:Drawing ( Artistic and aesthetic development)

Theme: Trees in spring

Target:To form the ability of children to convey in the drawing the simple proportions of the parts of the tree (the trunk is tall, thick; the branches are short, thin). Strengthen the skills of working with visual material. introduce children to the non-traditional technique of drawing with cotton swabs.


Group, subgroup


Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children


Supervision of the work of the janitor

Purpose: to continue to acquaint with the employees of the kindergarten.

Labor: loosening snow

Outdoor games: "Day and Night", "Cunning Fox"

Development of movements:

"Go and don't fall"

Target:practice balance

(with Anastasia).

Didactic game "Guess who?"

Purpose: to exercise in performing imitative movements

Rolling children down the hill under the supervision of a teacher.


Wellness exercises after sleep. hardening. Walking along the massage paths.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

stripes different lengths, width.

Purpose: To learn to compare objects, checks the accuracy of definitions by superimposing or applying (with Veronica).

Conversation "On the observance of order in the kindergarten group"

Pictures for conversation.


Sun watching

Outdoor games:"Salochki - lifesaver", "Entertainers"Labor activity:Cleaning broken branches on your site and on the site

Development of movements:Practice jumping on one leg (with Albina).

Didactic game "What can animals do?".

Goals:expand in the mind the semantic content of the word; learn to create a variety of word combinations.

Independent activity of children.


Experience "Soap Bubbles"

Target:explore the properties of soap bubbles.

"Come up with an offer"

Purpose: To develop children's speech activity, speed of thinking (with Timofey).

Looking at pictures, illustrations in books and encyclopedias, looking at reproductions of paintings.

Stroke, stencils, hatching, coloring on the topic

Pictures on a lexical topic.

Day of the week


Group, subgroup


Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children


Morning gymnastics.

Canteen duty.

The game of low mobility "How are you?"

Didactic game "Pay attention to others."

Target:Cultivate skillagrees with partners what and how to play, about the rules of the game, obeys these rules of the game (with Valera).

Conversation"Friendship. My friends” Purpose: to cultivate a sense of kindness, readiness for mutual assistance.

Free activities of children in the corners.


Integration of educational areas: physical development of exercise therapy


Purpose: according to the plan of a specialist

Integration of educational areas: FTsKM (Cognitive development)


Target:according to the specialist's plan


Integration of educational areas: Music (Artistic and aesthetic development)


Purpose: according to the plan of a specialist



Group, subgroup


Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children


Watching Seasonal Changes

Outdoor games: "Owl"

"Sly Fox"

Job assignments: Garbage collection on site

D / and "Onomatopoeia"

Purpose: to consolidate the pronunciation of individual sounds (with Arina)

Purpose: to consolidate generalizing words.


Wellness exercises after sleep. Walking on gymnastic mats.

Eye gymnastics.

"Choose a Word"

Goal: vocabulary expansion, development of the ability to coordinate an adjective with a noun (with Mark).

NOD "Music"

Bring gymnastic mats.


Observation of the state of nature

Purpose: to teach to see the beautiful, to distinguish the characteristic signs of spring.

Outdoor games:"Geese - swans", "Traps".

Labor assignments:

Collect take-out material

Movement development: "Run to what I call"

Target:fix the name of the trees.

Experience "Why does the snow melt?"

Purpose: Formation of children's knowledge about natural phenomena in the spring. Learn to observe, to see cause-and-effect relationships, to draw conclusions.

Games with portable material.


Games and buildings with floor modules.

Offer children plasticine and make crafts for Cosmonautics Day.

Didactic game "Rule of Friendship"

Purpose: To teach children how to interact with peers (with Valera).

Reading V. Suteev "How the winter ended"

Insert floor modules

Day of the week


Group, subgroup


Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children


Morning gymnastics.

Canteen duty

sedentary game"Who left?"

Didactic game "Name it in one word"

Purpose: to consolidate generalizing words (with Diana).

Situational conversation about the culture of behavior during meals.

Game activities for the interests of children.


Integration of educational areas: speech development (speech correction)

Theme: Spring

Purpose: according to the plan of a specialist

Integration of educational areas: physical development (swimming)


Target: according to the specialist's plan

Integration of educational areas:________________________________________________________________________________






Group, subgroup


Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children


Watching the wind

Outdoor games: "Empty place", "Owl"

Labor assignments:

top dressingbird seeds.

Movement development: "Who can stand on one leg longer?"

Purpose: to learn to act quickly in case of loss


Experience "Production of colored ice cubes".

Purpose: to acquaint children with the fact that water freezes in the cold, paint dissolves in water.

Independent games with remote material.


Wellness exercises after sleep. hardening. Walking along the massage paths.

Didactic game "Why the oval does not roll

Purpose: to introduce children to the figure oval shape, to learn to distinguish between a circle and an oval shape (with Olya).

Situational conversation about the ability to negotiate with each other.

Independent activity in the corners.


Stream watching.

Mobile games: Airplanes,

Chains forged.

Labor assignments:

Collect branches in the area

Development of movements: "Walk along the crooked path"

Purpose: to exercise in maintaining balance while walking on a limited surface (with Albina).

Word game "Mirror"

Purpose: To develop the speech and motor activity of children.

Independent games with remote material.


Household work "Washing toys"

Purpose: to teach children to put on work aprons before starting work; wash, dry, wipe toys and put them in their place.

Exercise "One-many"

Goal: right

form singular and plural nouns in speech (with Lisa).

The game "Where we were, we will not say."

Purpose: To teach children to call an action a word, to use verbs correctly (time, person), to develop ingenuity.

Independent games of children in activity centers.

Svetlana Shmakova

b] Purpose: to continue to study with children the seasonal changes in nature that occur in the spring.

Final event:

Exhibition of children's creativity on the theme "Blossoming Spring".

Cognitive development:

NOD - "Journey to the Spring Forest"

Fizminutka "Sunshine"- the text of the poem is pronounced, and accompanying movements are simultaneously performed.

Sunny, stand in a small circle;

Bellflower, step back, expanding the circle as much as possible, holding hands,

You get up early, raise your hands up, stretch on your toes - inhale, inhale phrase,

Wake us up early. lower their hands - exhale, exhale phrase,

We run into the field, run in a circle, holding hands.

We welcome spring.

GCD (FEMP) - "Repetition of material"(monitoring)

Fizminutka with massage balls "Snowdrop" L. Kudryavskaya In the spring a snowdrop ran into the woods,

A snowdrop looked into a clear stream.

And, seeing himself, he shouted: “Here they are!

I didn't even notice that spring had come.

Speech development:

NOD - “The jackdaw wanted to drink” - a retelling of the literary work of L. Tolstoy

Fizminutka "Birds" -

We fold our fingers with a pinch, shake them

Woodpeckers are knocking louder and louder

The chicks began to sing.

(The palms are closed with a "bucket", we raise our hands up, open our palms, the side parts remain pressed, fingers are spread out).

The sun rises early

To warm our earth.

Social and communicative development:


“Spring is on our street”, “Tell us what changes occur in spring in nature”, “Name the first spring flowers”, “What migratory birds do you know?” - development of monologue, dialogic speech.

Word didactic games:

"One - many", "Say the opposite", "I know 5 names ...".

Reading fiction

L. Argacheva "Dandelion",

O. Vysotskaya "Dandelion",

G. Novitskaya "Dandelions", "Chamomile",

Guessing riddles about flowers, about natural phenomena in spring;


M. Boroditskaya "Conversation with a bee"

E. Serova "Dandelion"

Reading the poem "May":

To our wonderful warm land

Happy May has arrived!

Get out into the open

Listen to the sonorous bird choir.

On the meadows there is a colored carpet,

It looks like it was embroidered in the spring!

Poppy asterisks on it

There are fires here and there.

Dome of the sky above the foliage

Glittering bright blue

Rain of sunshine

Hot every hour.

To our wonderful warm land

Happy May has arrived.

May blooms in every heart

And he invites everyone to the holiday.

Consideration of illustrative material on the theme "Blossoming spring"

Finger gymnastics:


A tall flower grew in a clearing. show flower with hands.

Opened the petals on a spring morning. spread your fingers.

To all the petals beauty and nourishment is the movement of fingers together and apart.

Together they give underground roots. palms down, back to each other, fingers apart.

"Birds in Spring"

I will walk through the forests (depict trees with both hands)

Lots of birds there. (depict a bird: cross your palms, holding them with the back side out. Hook thumbs behind each other like hooks.)

Everyone flutters, (wave your arms like wings.)

They sing, (depict opening beaks with both hands.)

The nests are warm. (Put your palms together in a bowl.)

Didactic games:

"Spring Flowers" (cut pictures, "Seasons", "When does it happen?".

Role-playing game

- Flower Seed Shop


"Flower shop building"

"Flowers in a vase" using waste material;

"Snowdrops" using pumpkin seeds;


Listening to the fairy tale "The Hare and the Hedgehog" by the Brothers Grimm

Introduce children to the fairy tale "The Hare and the Hedgehog."

To develop in children the ability to listen carefully to a fairy tale, to answer questions.

Improve connected speech.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

GCD (sculpting) "Blossoming Spring"- to develop the skills of performing a composition from plasticine on a flat surface.

GCD (drawing) "Blossoming trees"- to continue to acquaint children with non-traditional drawing techniques, to form the ability to draw with cotton buds, to develop creative activity, the desire to draw, create, cultivate love for native nature.

Fizminutka "Vesnyanka".

The sun, the sun, the children walk in a circle, holding hands.

Golden bottom.

Burn, burn bright

To not go out.

A stream ran in the garden, they run in a circle.

A hundred rooks flew in, "flying" in a circle.

And the snowdrifts melt, melt, slowly squat.

And the flowers are growing. stretch on tiptoe, hands up.

Physical development:

GCD - a game lesson is conducted by a teacher in a group - to exercise in walking and running in pairs with a turn in the other direction; exercise in stepping over stuffed balls; to form the ability to jump on two legs moving forward; practice throwing the ball to each other.

Object-spatial developing educational environment:

Book corner: Books, card file of poems, postcards, photo illustrations of spring nature.

Natural corner: arrange an indoor garden - learn to prepare the land for sowing seeds, properly water seedlings.

Center for role-playing games: creation of a subject-developing environment

Center for Productive Activities: introduction of coloring "Flowers in spring", stencils "Flowers", "Birds".

Interaction with parents:

Screen-sliding "We teach children to observe changes in nature in the spring";

Poster information "Children's flower bed", "Green corner of the house".


in the senior group

on the topic "Spring, spring on the street ..."



To summarize the knowledge of children about spring as a season, the characteristic signs of spring, the connection between the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature (the sun shines brightly, it rains; the earth warms up by the sun, snow melts, icicles; buds appear on trees, bushes; birds arrive, begin to build nests etc.);

To develop interest in the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, observation;

Develop coherent speech and verbal-logical thinking;

To form the ability to reason, develop creative imagination, fine art.


To form the ability to be attentive to natural phenomena;

To cultivate the desire to preserve and protect the natural world, to see its beauty.


To form ideas about the signs of spring in nature;

To teach to distinguish causal relationships in the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature;

Learn to use figurative expressions from poems, musical and artistic works when building a detailed judgment.


Alyabyeva E. A., Final days for lexical topics: Planning and notes.

Gerbova V. V., “The development of speech in kindergarten: Senior group. - M .: Publishing house Mosaic - Sintez, 2016.

Lykova I. A., “ Visual activity in d / s".

Nishcheva N.V., The system of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with ONR. - St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD_PRESS, 2007.

V. P. Novikova, "Mathematics in kindergarten".

Planning extracurricular activities with children in the daily routine. Senior group. Teaching aid / Under. ed. L. L. Timofeeva. – M.: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2011.

Skorolupova O. A., “Early spring. Activities with children doshk. age. - M .: "Publishing house Scriptorium 2003", 2009.

Day of the week







Work in the center of nature: feeding houseplants.

Tasks: invite children to tell what they know about plant nutrition. Summarize, clarify and supplement the answers of the children. Talk about how the appearance of plants can tell about the lack of nutrients.

Independent play activity.

Tasks: to form communicative competencies; learn how to conduct a dialogue correctly, find compromises.

Conversation "Why snow and ice melt in the spring."

Tasks: continue to acquaint with the change of seasons, seasonal changes in nature, teach to draw conclusions.

Morning gymnastics.

A conversation with Lukyan about the signs of spring (from pictures) - to develop speech activity, learn to make sentences from pictures.

Conversation about compliance: consider various behaviors, discuss situations; develop the communicative functions of speech, enrich the vocabulary with speech constructions.

Work in the literary center: viewing illustrations, paintings by artists.

Assistance in the selection of material on the topic.

Circle on ecology.

Educational activities

  1. The work of a psychologist with children.
  1. FTsKM. Expanding horizons. "Spring is coming to us."

Tasks: to cultivate love for nature, develop interest in the knowledge of nature, encourage curiosity and the desire to acquire new knowledge; exercise in compiling stories about nature; develop logical thinking, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, draw conclusions. Develop connected speech.

(Skorolupova O. A., “Early spring. Classes with children of senior preschool age. - M .: “Publishing house Scriptorium 2003”, 2009; p. 60)

  1. Physical education (in the air).



Tasks: clarify children's ideas about migratory birds; offer to tell which birds return from warm lands in spring and what they do when they return.

Labor in nature: cleaning the area of ​​fallen branches.

Tasks: offer to inspect the site, tell what needs to be done. To educate industriousness in children.

D / game "Seasons".

Tasks: to consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons, seasonal changes in nature.

S/r game "Pathfinders".

Tasks: to teach children to independently create a game plan using the method of indirect guidance; develop cognitive activity.

P / game "Faster in places."

Tasks: to develop dexterity, the ability to act on a signal, to increase interest in the game.

Games. exercise: running with a change of guide (Dima, Vitalik, Yura): learn to change the leader on a signal; develop auditory attention, increase motor activity.

Game ex. "Guess how many steps"

Tasks: to teach to formulate an assumption, to offer verification options; develop eye, consolidate counting skills.

Learning physical minutes "Maple".

Tasks: coordination of speech with movement, development of speech skills.

Removal of attributes for games.


Reading the story of G. Skrebitsky "Happy bug".

Tasks: continue acquaintance with the work of G. Skrebitsky, work on the development of knowledge about the genre features of the story; learn to understand the main idea of ​​the story, coherently convey its content.

(Skorolupova O.A., “Early spring. Classes with children of senior preschool age. - M .: “Publishing house Scriptorium 2003”, 2009; p. 34).

С/р game "Beauty Salon".

Tasks: to teach to embody their ideas in the game, to use the acquired knowledge and skills. Exercise in the independent organization of the game, in the use of attributes.

Board game "Mosaic".

Tasks: to teach children to negotiate interaction; develop visual perception, fine motor skills.

Ind. work on FEMP (Dima B., Yulia T.): consolidate the ability to compare adjacent numbers, get equality by adding or removing objects.

HBT: cleaning in the group room.

Tasks: to teach to keep order in the group room, to maintain it independently.

Introduction of attributes for the s / r game "Beauty Salon".


P / game "Third extra".

Tasks: to teach to follow the rules of the game, to correctly perform game actions, to take into account the interests of other players; increase physical activity.

Independent activity of children. Tasks: to teach to unite in interest groups, to come up with a plot for the game, to cultivate a sense of camaraderie and collectivism.

Fizminutka "Maple".

Outside the window, the icicle is melting,(children stand facing in a circle; 4 jumps on toes, hands on the belt)

Wind clouds tear to shreds. (hands up, torso to the left - to the right)

Unclenching, unclenching maple tight fists. (hands in front of the chest, elbows down; slowly open fists)

He leaned against the window. (4 jumps)

And as soon as the snow melts(tilts)

The maple will stretch out its green palm to me before anyone else. (turn to face each other, extend their right hand - a handshake).(S. Kogan).

Day of the week


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in regime moments



Working in the center of nature: observing the development of the kidneys.

A conversation about the signs of spring, reading A. Barto's poem "Spring is coming" (N.V. Nishcheva, p. 338, "The system of correctional work ...").

Tasks: continue to teach children to identify seasonal signs of natural phenomena; freely express your opinion.

Learning finger gymnastics "Spring".

Morning gymnastics.

Dining room duty (Yulia, Vitalik): teach them to take responsibility for the task, to bring the work started to the end, to cultivate independence and responsibility.

Formation of cultural behavior skills: learning to listen politely. Tasks: to teach to listen carefully to the interlocutor, not to interrupt or distract him.

Introduction of attributes for the c/r game, illustrations.

Interviews at the request of parents.


Offer educational games "Find the mistake", "Find differences" (acquaintance with changes in nature).

Educational activities

  1. The work of a speech therapist with children.
  1. Physical education (according to the plan of the physical education teacher).
  1. HT. Application "Delicate snowdrops".

Tasks: to teach to embody ideas about primroses in an artistic form; to improve the ability to compose a flower from individual elements, trying to convey the features of the appearance of the plant. (Lykova I. A., “Visual activity in children's s. St. gr., p. 170).


Observation: trees (tree and pine).

Objectives: to expand children's ideas about conifers, continue to acquaint them with their health benefits for children ..

Labor in nature: cleaning the site, feeding the birds.

D / game "Migratory birds".

Tasks: to teach to recognize birds by description.

P / game "Corners".

Tasks: to teach to follow the rules of the game, to exercise in free running, to cultivate goodwill, friendly relations.

C / r game "Television reporter": the plot "Reporting from the spring streets."

Purpose: to teach to make short stories about the spring streets, about passers-by, about the weather.

D / and “Say the opposite” (Yura, Vitalya, Masha): learn to select antonyms (description of spring signs: warm-cold, clear-cloudy, etc.).

Games. ex. "Who is more accurate?"

Tasks: exercise in throwing at a vertical target with the right and left hands; develop joint mobility, eye.

Conversation "What good deed have I done?"

Purpose: to teach children to find a place for good deeds.

Removal of attributes for games.


Exercise after sleep. hardening procedures.

Reading and memorizing I. Belousov's poem "Spring Guest".

Tasks: to teach to perceive the poem emotionally, to talk about their impressions, to form the ability to feel the melodiousness of the poem.

С/р game "Builders".

Tasks: to teach to understand an imaginary situation, to act in accordance with it. Continue to develop the ability to independently distribute roles and act according to them.

D / and "Confusion" (Yulya Z., Masha): continue to teach ordinal and quantitative counting, consolidate knowledge about the sequence of numbers.

D / and "Not a magpie, not a crow." Tasks: continue to teach to recognize birds in pictures, develop visual perception, attention, coherent speech.

Independent activity in activity centers according to interests.

Tasks: to observe the relationship of children in games.


Conversation "Lies and fantasy". Tasks: to teach to distinguish between deceit and fiction, to discuss their appropriateness.

Observation "Length of the day". Tasks: pay attention to the fact that it became light during the evening walk - the days are getting longer.

Finger game "Spring".

The sun is smiling again in the sky

(connect the fingers of the right hand with the thumb)

The snow has melted, the streams are ringing.

(connect the fingers of the left hand with the thumb)

And the snowdrop is the first to bloom,

(palms up, fingers folded in a boat, wrists pressed to each other; separate fingers, gradually moving them away from each other)

From the south birds fly with songs.

(the palms are turned towards themselves, the thumbs are straightened and intertwined - “bird”, with the rest of the fingers to make oscillatory movements).

Day of the week


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments



Plot-did. game "TV reporters": "Spring in the forest."

Objectives: to teach to write short stories about changes in the forest in spring.

Working in the middle of nature: observing the growth of onions.

Tasks: to offer to tell how the experience began, what changes have occurred.

Conversation "Journey to the world of spring."

Tasks: to fix the signs of spring, to be able to build in the imagination images associated with spring phenomena, to depict them; Answer questions with grammatically correct sentences.

Morning gymnastics.

Finger game "Spring" (Katya, Dima): develop fine motor skills.

Solving riddles.

Tasks: continue to acquaint with the signs of spring, teach to explain by what signs they guessed.

Conversation "Equality of rights of all people". Objectives: to continue to form ideas about the individual differences of people and the equality of their rights, to teach to understand others, to show respect for their feelings.

Review of albums on the topic.

Interviews at the request of parents.

Educational activities

  1. Cognition. FEMP. "Number 10".

Tasks: introduce the formation of the number 10, learn to count within 10, correlate the numbers with the number; exercise in reverse; practice composing geometric figure from counting sticks; develop imagination; fix the names of the days of the week. (V. P. Novikova, “Mathematics in kindergarten”, lesson No. 21, p. 57).

Occupational duty. Tasks: continue to teach to work in pairs¸ to distribute responsibilities in accordance with the possibilities, to form responsibility.

Material for classes.

  1. Music.
  1. HT. Drawing. "Sunshine, dress up!"

Tasks: to arouse in children the desire to create an image of the sun based on arts and crafts and book graphics (based on illustrations for folk rhymes and songs). Pay attention to decorative elements. Develop imagination. Raise interest in folk art.

(Lykova I.A., “Visual activity in children's classes”. St. gr., p. 152).


Sky observation.

Tasks: offer to consider the sky, characterize, listen to articles about spring and spring phenomena, find consonant with the current state of the sky; develop curiosity, attention, coherent speech.

Independent activity of children.

Tasks: to teach to unite in interest groups, to come up with a plot for games, to cultivate collectivism and friendly relations.

Labor assignments: cleaning at the group site.

Tasks: to form a conscious attitude to order, to teach them to maintain order on their own.

P / and "Empty place".

Tasks: improve the ability to correctly perform game actions, monitor posture; develop speed and agility.

D / and “Think of a number” (Vitalik, Yura): to consolidate the skills of finding numbers more or less than the one named, orientation in the number series within 10.

Games. ex. "Herons" (Katya, Masha): to form the correct posture, to increase motor activity.

D / and "What happens in the spring." Tasks: to consolidate ideas about spring natural phenomena, to activate the vocabulary on the topic.

Self-service: ex. "Wet - dry."

Tasks: continue to teach to show independence in caring for things; cultivate respect for clothing.

Portable material for independent games.


Exercise after sleep. hardening procedures.

Reading G. Skrebitsky “In a forest clearing. Spring".

Tasks: to develop interest in fiction, the ability to listen, to conduct a conversation on the content; develop coherent speech. (Skorolupova O.A., “Early spring. Classes with children of senior preschool age. - M .: “Publishing house Scriptorium 2003”, 2009; p. 60).

C / r game "Family".

Tasks: to enrich the game plot, to expand the scope of independent actions in the implementation of the plan; promote the inclusion of children in the system of social relations.

Ex. “Lay out the same amount” [cards with stripes, silhouettes of migratory birds] (Yulya Z., Katya): continue to learn to count a certain number of objects, reflect the result in speech.

Games with building material (constructor): continue to teach how to carry out a design according to a drawing, analyze, determine the stages of work.

Introduce coloring on the topic, attributes for the s / r game "Family".


Stream watching. Tasks: to offer to tell how streams are formed, where they originate and where they flow.

P / and "Corners". Tasks: to develop attention, dexterity, speed of reaction.

Day of the week


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments



Morning gymnastics.

Learning finger gymnastics "Spring has come."

Tasks: develop fine motor skills, activate speech.

Examination of the painting by I. Levitan “Spring. Big water.

Tasks: to form the ability to feel the mood reflected by the artist in the landscape and be able to convey it in words; develop coherent speech.

S / r game Hospital.

Tasks: to consolidate the ability to convey the doctor's actions in the game, m / s; learn to apply in the game the knowledge gained about the rules of personal hygiene, health protection.

D / and "Spring months" (Yura, Masha, Yulia).

Tasks: to continue to introduce the names and sequence of the spring months, to consolidate the characteristic signs of spring.

Formation of the CGT:

ex. "Napkins".

Tasks: to cultivate a culture of behavior at the table, to teach to consciously follow the rules of behavior at the table.

The introduction of paintings by artists.


"Children and nature - we instill love, care, respect."

Educational activities

  1. Communication "Spring" (speech therapist lesson with children on the topic).

Tasks: to teach to compose a coherent, consistent story, to select definitions that are appropriate in meaning (activate adjectives); use gender forms. n. pl. h. nouns; continue to work on the clarity of pronunciation of words.

Occupational duty. Tasks: to continue to nurture the desire to help adults, responsibility for the task assigned.

Material for classes: table lamp, globe; illustrations

  1. Cognitive research/constructive activity. Experiment "Change of seasons".

Tasks: show children on a visual model the reason for the change of seasons; develop logical thinking, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, draw conclusions; to form in children the knowledge that the experiment is one of the ways of knowing the world around us; foster a culture of experimentation. (See Skorolupova O. A., “Classes with children of senior preschool age on the topic “Early Spring”).

  1. Physical training.


Observation "Spring wind".

Tasks: propose to determine the strength of the wind; discuss what qualities of the wind have changed.

D / and "Spring calls".

Tasks: to introduce children to the spring calls that the people used, referring to the forces of nature; be able to pronounce incantations expressively, emotionally.

Finger gymnastics "Spring has come."

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills.

P / and "Zhmurki".

Tasks: invite children to tell the rules of the game, explain how the players act. Continue to work to improve the health of children.

Self-service: careful attitude to clothes (Dima B., Vitalik).

Tasks: continue to teach how to neatly fold clothes in a closet, dry them.

Games. ex. Pathfinders (Vanya, Seryozha).

Tasks: to develop a sense of balance (follow strictly trail to trail along the route).

Conversation "Pedestrians". Tasks: to teach to observe the rules of crossing the street, to explain the importance of the implementation of the rules by all road users.

Games. ex. "Basketball Players" Tasks: to teach to perform throws, throwing the ball to each other from behind the head; develop arm muscles, dexterity, coordination of movements.


Exercise after sleep. hardening procedures.

Reading the story of N. Sladkov "Spring joys".

Tasks: continue to cultivate the desire to listen to reading, develop interest in fiction; fix the signs of spring.

Listening to P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”: “March. Song of the Lark.

Tasks: to educate the aesthetic perception of musical works.

Ind. work on r / r with Masha, Yulia.

Tasks: to exercise in making sentences with words on the spring theme, to learn how to build detailed sentences.

Conversation “What dangers lie in wait on the street in spring” (icicles, slippery road, etc.). Tasks: to continue to educate the skills of safe behavior, mindfulness.

Independent games of children in activity centers.


Bird watching: rooks. Tasks: offer to observe, observing the rules of behavior while observing birds, talk about the results of observations.

Games. ex. "Catch the ball." Tasks: exercise in running, develop dexterity, learn to navigate the situation.

Finger gymnastics "Spring has come ..."

Spring has come, icicles are melting, (connect all fingers of the right hand in turn with the thumb, starting with the index)

the first streams sang, (join the fingers of the left hand)

The bear leaves the den, (all fingers, except the middle one, are on the table, the middle one is bent and raised up - “bear's head”. Movement alternately with the thumb and forefinger, ring and little fingers - imitation of the gait of a bear).

and the rooks cry in the fields.

(the palms are turned towards themselves, the thumbs are straightened and intertwined - "bird", with the rest of the fingers to make oscillatory movements).

Spring calls

Ay, ay, aukem,

Let's celebrate spring:

March, March

The sun is glad;

April, April

Will open the door;

May, May

How much do you want to walk!

Aw, wow, wow!

Day of the week


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments



Work in the center of nature.

Tasks: to teach children to independently determine the need for watering plants, to cultivate a desire to care for plants.

C / r game "Shop".

Tasks: continue to teach children to independently organize the game, distribute roles; develop a culture of communication.

Reading. E. Shim "Stone, stream, icicle and sun." Purpose: to form the ability to understand the characters of the characters, interest in literature. (Skorolupova O.A., “Early spring. Classes with children of senior preschool age. - M .: Scriptorium Publishing House 2003”, 2009; p. 20).

Morning gymnastics.

Education of KGN (Katya, Masha): continue to teach how to use appliances carefully while eating, do not litter.

Observe in the center of nature what changes have occurred with the onion, note the result in the diary of observations.

To form in children the ability to find an occupation according to their interests, to avoid conflict situations.

Presentation "Visiting Spring".

Educational activities

  1. health moments.
  1. HT. Drawing. "Spring has come, the birds have flown."

Tasks: to develop observation in children, to educate the aesthetic perception of the world around them.

Learn to convey on paper the characteristic features of spring (high blue sky, the earth is freed from snow, birds arrive).

Learn to harmoniously arrange the plot on a piece of paper, develop a sense of composition.

  1. Music.


Weather observation.

Tasks: to fix the signs of spring, to be able to establish cause-and-effect relationships, to draw conclusions.

D / and "Let's return the memory of spring."

Tasks: to fix the signs of spring, to be able to name and describe them. Source: Alyabyeva E.A., Final days on lexical topics: Planning and notes).

Mobile game "Birds - nests - chicks".

Tasks: to teach children to be attentive to the commands of the teacher; act quickly in accordance with the command, navigate in space.

Independent play activities of children.

Games. Ex. “Hit the target” (Seryozha, Yulia T.): develop dexterity, eye.

D / ex. "Name the activities that take place in the spring."

Tasks: to know the signs of spring, to be able to complete the sentence, naming the appropriate action.

(Source: Alyabyeva E.A., Final days on lexical topics: Planning and notes).

Independent activity of children, games with portable material.


Exercise after sleep. hardening procedures.

Reading E. Shim "Solar Drop".

Tasks: to cultivate perseverance, to form an interest in fiction, the ability to answer questions about the content; develop coherent speech.

Independent activity of children according to their interests.

Ind. work on FEMP with Yulia Z., Dima, Yura.

Goal: continue to learn to determine and name the location of an object (left, right, etc.).

Riddles about spring.

Purpose: to know the signs of spring; be able to guess riddles, explaining by what signs the object was guessed.

HBT: cleaning in play centers.

Tasks: to form a conscious attitude to order, the desire to maintain it in the group.


Observation of the weather in the evening, compare it with the morning.

D / and “When does this happen?”. Tasks: to consolidate knowledge about the signs of early spring.

Mobile game "Birds - nests - chicks"

Objectives: to be able to be attentive to the commands of the teacher; act quickly in accordance with the command, navigate in space.

Rules. At the command of the “Birds” teacher, the children move around the entire site easily on their toes, waving their wings (you can call a specific bird with the image of its habits, onomatopoeia). At the command "Nests" - they gather in the center (bring twigs), stand in a tight circle, hugging each other's waist. At the command "Chicks" - they find each of their circles (drawn on asphalt or a hoop), often wave their hands, slightly tearing them off their hips, squeak. The one who is late with the execution of commands loses, he is mistaken.


Was warm spring evening. Grandmother Daria left the house and sat on the porch. This is just what the guys were waiting for. Like sparrows, they flew from different parts of the village.

Grandma, tell me something more interesting, they chattered.

The old woman looked at the children with her tender eyes, thought for a moment and said:

Okay, I'll tell you a story about a happy worm bug. And you sit and listen. That's how it was.

Spring has come to earth. She brought with her many, many multi-colored silks to decorate forests and meadows with them, to dress butterflies and bugs, so that everything around looked elegant and festive.

Spring asked the Red Sun:

Warm up the earth. Wake up all those who slept soundly for a long winter. Let them get out of their holes, cracks and lye.

The sun warmed the earth. Various insects crawled out: some from a crack, some from an earthen mink, some from under a tree bark - and they all crawled, flew to a spacious forest clearing.

Spring was waiting for them there with its gifts: multi-colored silks,

gold, silver threads and other decorations.

Butterflies and beetles appeared in the clearing. Spring saw them and said:

So I flew to you from the warm south. What gifts do you want to receive from me so that they bring you joy, so that you can fly and run merrily through fields and forests?

Then all the butterflies and beetles spoke at once:

You see, Spring, how our wings are rubbed and dirty during autumn and winter, how ugly we are. Give us bright, elegant clothes.

Well, - answered Spring and began to dress them up.

She gave the white butterfly a bright white dress. Lemongrass - pale yellow, like an autumn leaf. She put the mourning butterfly into an outfit of black velvet with a white border. Moths that are circling near the spring puddles, dressed in light blue muslin. But the cheerful nettle butterfly chose a motley dress, reddish-red with dark and blue specks.

The important power beetles also decided to dress up. The cockchafer dressed in a chocolate-colored suit, the rhinoceros beetle in brown. Moreover, he planted a long horn on his head as an ornament. The dung beetle chose a dark blue suit. Grasshoppers dressed in green tailcoats to match the color of the grass. And angry bumblebees and wasps dressed up in yellow jackets with black belts. For the longest time, the bronze bug could not find suitable clothes for himself. Finally, he put on a golden-green caftan, so elegant that he had just climbed out into the sun in it and shone.

Spring gave many more beautiful clothes to various butterflies, beetles, agile dragonflies and cheerful grasshoppers.

Well, it seems that she pleased everyone, ”Vesna said.

At this time, a breeze came up, rustled in the branches of trees, lifted last year's withered leaf from the ground. Spring looked under the leaf and saw a small nondescript bug there. He didn't even look like a bug, more like some kind of brown worm.

Who are you? Spring asked him. - What is your name?

My name is Ivanov the worm, - the stranger answered her.

Why are you sitting under a leaf, not getting out of there? Don't you want to get a nice outfit from me? Don't you want to be content and happy?

The worm-bug looked at Vesna. thought and answered:

I don’t need an elegant dress: I’m a night bug, I crawl out from under the foliage when it’s already dark. I'm so happy. I am happy that I live in my native forest. Thank you, Spring, that you dressed him so beautifully. I don't need anything more from you.

Spring was surprised that this modest bug does not ask for anything for itself. And then I thought and realized: but he is the happiest. He rejoices not for himself alone, but for all.

And then Spring decided: “I will give him a tiny blue flashlight. Let him light it every evening and shine all night. Let this flashlight burn like a bright guiding star in the dark night grass and never fade, even on the most impenetrable night.

That's the end of the fairy tale, - grandmother Daria smiled.

She paused, looking into the distance, beyond the outskirts. There, across the river, above the blue expanse of meadows, the first stars were already shining. The guys were quiet too.

What were they thinking? Maybe about the happy Ivanov worm, who, probably, has already got out from under the foliage and lights his bright blue light in the night forest. Or maybe about how good it is to be able to rejoice in life not only for yourself, but also for others.


Who and how helped Spring wake everyone up?

Who woke up and came to the forest clearing after a winter sleep?

Who came for the gifts first?

What did Spring ask butterflies and beetles? What did they say to her?

What clothes did Spring give butterflies?

And what did the power beetles choose for themselves?

Who is left without clothes?

Why did Spring decide to give a blue lantern to a worm bug?

Why were the guys quiet?

What were they thinking?

If you were in the place of these children, what would you think?

What kind of grandmother Daria do you think?

What do you think is the main idea, the moral of this story?

Skorolupova O.A. Early spring. Activities with older children preschool age. - M .: "Publishing house Scriptorium 2003", 2009; p.34.

Conversation "Journey to the world of spring"

Tasks: know the signs of spring; be able to build in the imagination images associated with spring phenomena, depict them using pantomime and speech expressiveness; answer the questions of the teacher, relying on the knowledge gained in the study of the topic, grammatically correct construction of sentences; rhythmically perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem, navigate in space.

The course of the conversation.

Q. Children, today we will go to visit at a time of the year that everyone likes. It comes after winter. What is it called? How is spring different from other seasons? Do you want to meet spring? Then we will go to the very beginning of spring. What is the period of spring immediately after winter called? - (Children answer).

Q. Let's drive away the winter first. How are we going to do it? Let's all say together:

Go away, winter!

After all, it's time for spring to come.

Stop getting angry

We are tired of being cold.

Winter is gone, but the sun is still warming weakly, it is often still frosty in the mornings, and in the afternoon cheerful drops begin to ring. Show how the drops ring. Slowly at first, then faster and faster. You will say “drip-drip-drip”, and I will set the rhythm with my hand. (Children do the exercise):

“Drip-drip-drip”, - the drops ring, (Rhythmically clap their hands)

It's like talking to us. (Rhythmically clapping hands on legs)

Icicles cry from the heat (Collect "tears" in the palm of your hand)

And snow on the roofs. (Rhythmically pat themselves on the head)

And for all people in the spring

This causes laughter. (Turn around)

B. Merry streams flowed. They are everywhere. They run, they sing, they see everyone. Join hands, and I will stand at the very beginning of the stream. We run and carefully look around. Tell me later what you saw in early spring.

(Children change direction, pace of movement).

All people smile

Spring, spring, spring!

She is everywhere, she is everywhere

Red, red, red.

Through the meadow, forest and clearing

Goes, goes, goes.

Get warm in the sun

Calling, calling, calling.

And in the forest stream, fervently

Ringing, ringing, ringing.

On pebbles in a wide river

Bubbling, bubbling, bubbling.

Spreads odors everywhere

Flowers, flowers, flowers.

And all living things immediately hear

Spring call!

Vl invites the children to tell what they saw in their imagination when they ran along with the stream. What are the signs of early spring?

The sun warms up more and more, the first thawed patches have appeared. Somehow I forgot what thawed patches are. Explain to me. (Children answer).

Primrose flowers began to appear on the thawed patches from under the snow. What kind of primroses do you know? (Children answer).

Let's turn into snowdrops. Imagine that we are underground. We are the roots of the plant. The sun warmed the earth, tender snowdrop sprouts appear. Cold at night and warm during the day. Snowdrops have grown, leaves and flower buds have appeared. While they are closed. But the buds are opening. What a brave snowdrop! The very first appeared after the winter! Show how brave you are. Then a breeze blew, and the snowdrop swayed on a thin stem. Everyone loves snowdrops. He is the herald of spring. (Children perform actions in the course of the story).

Do not forget, children, that snowdrops cannot be torn, you can only admire them. And who will tell me why? (answers). The teacher invites the children to remember what happens to plants in the spring, how plants differ in late spring.

The birds are returning from the south. What birds flew south? Get up like a wedge. We will be the birds that return to their homeland. Here the cranes fly and chirp: “Kurly-kurly-kurly”, and now wild geese: “Ha-ha-ha”, and behind them wild ducks: “Quack-quack-quack”. Now let's turn into swans. They smoothly flap their wings, beautifully arch their necks. Snow-white, proud, beautiful birds! What birds have arrived yet?

Children. Rooks, starlings, etc.

Vl. Turn into any bird you want, fly. (Offers to tell what the birds do when they return to their homeland.)

Guys, it seems to me that we had a great trip through the spring. It's time to go home. Let's say goodbye to spring: "Goodbye, spring, goodbye, red. Come visit yourself." What do you remember the most? Draw it.



TEACHER: Pushilina Lyudmila Viktorovna

Regime moments

educational areas,


Work form

1. Conversation with children on the topic: "Spring, spring signs."

Purpose: to clarify children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature, to enrich knowledge about the features of spring nature; to activate folk proverbs and sayings in the speech of children:

“A lot of snow - a lot of bread”, “Long icicles - down with spring”.

2. D / I "Say it differently."

Purpose: to form the ability of children to name an object in a picture in different ways, to develop thinking, memory, attention.

3. Morning exercises.

Complex number 1.

Communicative activity.

Physical development,

motor activity.

Individual work. Illustrated conversation.

Reading, listening.

Speech situation, games with rules.

1.Physical development

2. Cognitive development (familiarization with the natural world). Holiday "Vesnyanka"

Purpose: to expand understanding of folk holidays; introduce the spring holiday "Vesnyanka".

Speech, cognitive development.

Discussion, viewing illustrations, reading.

1 walk

1. Observation of seasonal changes.

Purpose: to form concepts about the change of seasons.

2. P / I “Who will remain in the circle?”, “Live maze”.

Goals: develop a sense of balance, dexterity, speed of movement; to train the coherence of collective actions, speed of reaction and ingenuity.

3. Labor activity: snow removal on the paths.

Purpose: to form labor actions. development of movements.

Purpose: to exercise in running at speed, to improve the technique of the long jump from a place.

5. Games with remote material.

Purpose: development of independence of children, communication with each other.

Labor activity.

Social - communicative activity.

Observation, research.

Outdoor games.

Independent games.

2nd half of the day

2. Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing) "Early Spring".

Purpose: to clarify children's knowledge of the landscape as a form of painting; learn to choose a plot on your own and convey to the drawing the characteristic signs of spring (melting snow, trees without foliage, etc.)

3.C/R "Mail".

Purpose: to continue to teach children to use objects in the game - substitutes, to understand an imaginary situation and act in accordance with it.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

The plot is a role-playing game.

2 walk

1. Continue observations in nature. Experiment: "Why does snow turn into ice in the palm of your hand?".

Purpose: to develop logical thinking, to establish cause-and-effect relationships.
2. P / I at the request of the children.
3. Involve parents in pedagogical interaction with the child. Pick up a poem, proverbs about spring. Help remember.

Physical development.


Conversation, research.

Mobile games with text.

Independent games.

The theme of the week is Spring. Signs of Spring »

Regime moments

Educational areas


Work form

1. Conversation "Sky in the morning".

Purpose: to teach children to highlight the features of the morning sky in spring, talk about them, characterize the flowers of the sky, the type of clouds.

2. Riddles about spring.

3. During duty, remind children about the safety rules when distributing hot food.

Purpose: to cultivate cultural and hygienic skills, to consolidate knowledge about safety rules for oneself and others.

4.D / I "Return the memory of Spring."

Purpose: to know the signs of spring as a season; be able to name and describe a sign of spring; connect the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature.

5. Morning exercises.

Complex No. 1

Speech, cognitive, social and communicative development.

Social - communicative activity.

Socio-communicative development, speech development.

Communicative activity.

Physical development,

motor activity.

Conversation with illustrations, observation, reading, listening, games with rules, vocabulary activation.

1. Artistic and aesthetic development (music)

2. Cognitive development (FEMP)

"Length Comparison".

Purpose: to exercise in measurement using a conditional measure; learn to compare and arrange objects according to one dimension.

Cognitive, speech development.

Cognitive - research, communicative, speech activity.

Conversation, research.

3. Speech development. Retelling by N. Sladkov "The Bear and the Sun".

Purpose: to teach to retell the work without gaps, to keep the most interesting author's expressions.

Cognitive, speech, social and communicative development.

Reading H / L, listening, memorization, retelling.

1 walk

1. Observation of the spring sky and clouds.

Objectives: to draw attention to the beauty of the spring sky; expand children's ideas about the diversity of inanimate nature; develop curiosity, creative perception; develop a love for nature.

2. Labor activity: clearing paths from snow.

Purpose: to teach to work together.

3.P / I "Day-night", "Jump-jump".

Objectives: to exercise children in agility, running, jumping on two legs with forward and backward movement.

4. Games with remote material.

Purpose: to develop the independence of children.

5.Ind. work: "Walk on the log."

Purpose: to exercise in the ability and maintain a stable balance, to improve walking technique.

Cognitive - speech development, social and communicative development. Cognitive - research activities.

Physical development, motor activity.

Labor activity.

Social - communicative activity.

Social and communicative development, game activity.

Observation, research.

Outdoor games.

Orders, joint actions.

Independent games.


1. Wellness gymnastics after sleep. Walking along the massage paths. Breathing exercises. Play massage.

Purpose: to protect the life and improve the health of children.

2. Watching the educational film "For children about spring."

3.D/I "When it happens."

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to classify objects, enrich vocabulary, develop attention and thinking.

4. Games on noise instruments

Purpose: to develop hearing, attention.

Physical development, social and communicative development.

cognitive development.

Socio-communicative development.

Conversation, questions answers, games with rules.

2 walk

1. Continue observing the weather in the evening, compare it with the morning, note the changes that have occurred during the day.

2. The mobile game “Flies - does not fly”, “Owl and birds”.

Objectives: to develop motor activity, the desire to play in a team, not to be offended, to be careful in games.

3. Inform parents about the creation of the folder - the "Spring" mover, interest them in the design of children's stories, sayings, drawings.

Social - communicative activity, speech activity, cognitive activity.

Physical development.

Motor, play activity.


Mobile games with text.

Independent games.

The theme of the week is Spring. Signs of Spring »

Regime moments

educational areas,


Work form

1. Conversation "The life of animals in the spring."

Purpose: to expand and clarify children's knowledge about changes in the animal world.

2.D / I "Birds, fish, animals."

Purpose: to teach to choose species concepts.

N: The teacher throws the ball to the child and says the word "birds". The next child should name the bird, but not repeat, etc.

3. Morning exercises.

Complex №1

Speech, cognitive, social commun. developed.,



Physical development,

motor activity.

Individual work.

Illustrated conversation.

Games with rules.

1.Physical development

(according to the plan of the physical education instructor).

2. Cognitive development (FEMP).

"Comparison in Length and Width".

Purpose: to learn to draw equal and unequal segments on paper in a cage; compare results; exercise in measuring straight line segments using cell counting; measure objects with different standards.

Cognitive, speech, communicative, development.

Conversation, research, discussion.

3. Cognitive - research activities.
"Evaporation of water".

Purpose: to make it clear to children that water evaporates and turns into water vapor.

Cognitive - research, social - communicative, speech activity.

Observation, research, joint action.

1 walk

1. Observation of the dog.

Objectives: to systematize children's knowledge about the life of animals in the spring, to learn to find the causes of changes in the life of animals; establish causal relationships; develop evidence-based speech; to cultivate a sense of responsibility for those who have been tamed.

2. Labor activity: cleaning the branches cut by the janitor in a certain place.

Purpose: to consolidate the skills and abilities to work in a team together.

3. P / I at the request of the children.

Purpose: to develop independence, the ability to negotiate, not to quarrel and play together.

Cognitive speech, socio-communal. development, cognitive-research activity.

Labor activity.

Game activity.

Observation, research.

Orders, joint actions.

Independent games.

2nd half of the day

1. Wellness gymnastics after sleep.
Walking along massage paths, game massage, breathing exercises.

Purpose: to protect the life and improve the health of children.

2. Plot - role-playing game "Traveling by car to the spring forest."

Purpose: to form the ability to choose the plot of the game, distribute roles, select the necessary items and attributes; to consolidate children's knowledge about the life of animals, plants; cultivate friendships between children.

3. P / I at the request of the children.

Purpose: to cause a positive emotional response, the joy of success.

Physical development, social and communicative development.

Cognitive, speech development.

Socio-communicative development.

Little - outdoor games with text.

Conversation, looking at illustrations, making products of children's creativity.

The plot is a role-playing game.

Independent games.

2 walk

1. Continue observations in nature and note the changes that have occurred during the day.

Goal: develop logical thinking, attention.

2. P / I "Shaggy dog".

Purpose: to develop speed of reaction, dexterity; to consolidate the ability to coordinate game actions with words.

3. Independent play activity of children.

4. Convey to parents information about the contest "Garden on the Window".

Purpose: to cause a desire to take part in the competition with the child.

Social - communicative activity, speech activity, cognitive activity.

Physical development.

Motor, play activity.


Mobile games with text.

Independent games.

The theme of the week is Spring. Signs of Spring »

Regime moments

Educational areas


Work form

1. Conversation "What is a spring flood."

Purpose: to introduce children to such a phenomenon as a spring flood. Explain what it is. To expand the knowledge of children about spring floods, about the rules of behavior on spring ice.

2. Reading a poem by N. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and hares."

3. Hobby class.

Purpose: to educate and develop independence, the ability to play together.

4. Morning exercises.

Complex №1.

speech, cognitive,

social communes developed.,

communicative activity.

cognitive development,

Reading thin. lit.

Independent play activity.

Physical development,

motor activity.

Illustrated conversation.

Reading, discussion, problem solving.

Mobile games with rules.

1. Cognitive development (literacy).
B and B sound.

Purpose: to form the ability of children to distinguish between consonants and vowels. Introduce the sounds B and B'. To learn to determine the location of sounds in words, to compose syllables with given sounds.

2. Artistic and aesthetic development (music).

According to the plan of the music director.

Cognitive, speech development, social and communicative development.

Communicative, speech activity.

Explanation, conversation.

3. Artistic and aesthetic development (Application).

"Symmetrical cutting".

Purpose: to teach how to cut out several symmetrical objects from paper folded like an accordion and in half; develop visual control over the movement of hands, coordination of movements. To consolidate knowledge of the colors of the spectrum and their sequence.

Speech, social - communicative, artistic - aesthetic development.

Socially - communicative, productive activity.

Conversation, explanation, demonstration.

1 walk

1. Observation of the melting of snow and ice.

Objectives: to generalize ideas about typical spring phenomena in nature; to teach to analyze the results of observations and draw conclusions about certain patterns and relationships in nature; continue to enrich children's knowledge about the properties of water (compare the size of icicles in the morning and during an evening walk, conclude that during the day the icicles became much shorter, the sun warmed them and they melted all day.

2. P / I "Make a figure."

Purpose: to develop imagination and coordination of movements.

3.Individual work "Do not touch".

Purpose: to exercise in walking with a snake between pins, to improve balance.

4. Free play activity.

At the request of the children.

Cognitive, speech, social and communicative development.

Physical development, motor activity.

Game activity.

Observation, research.

Mobile game with rules.

Independent games.

2nd half of the day

1. Wellness gymnastics after sleep.
Walking along massage paths, game massage, breathing exercises.

Purpose: to protect the life and improve the health of children.

2. Reading the fiction of F. Tyutchev "Spring".

Purpose: to continue to acquaint with the works of fiction about spring. To form the ability to communicate with adults and peers on the content of the reading.

3.D / I "Choose the right one."

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge of nature, to develop thinking and cognitive activity.

Physical development, social and communicative development.

Cognitive, speech development.

H/L reading.

Socio-communicative development.

Communicative activity.

Reading, conversation, discussion.

2 walk

1. Continue observing in nature, note the changes that have occurred during the day.

Purpose: to develop attention, thinking.

2. F/N "Don't get caught."

Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed, play together, following the rules of the game, improve jumping on two legs.

3.. Independent gaming activity.

Purpose: to develop independence, communication skills of communication with peers.

Social - communicative activity, speech activity, cognitive activity.

Physical development.

Motor, play activity.


Mobile games with text.

Independent games.

The theme of the week is Spring. Signs of Spring »

Regime moments

Educational areas


Work form

1. Conversation "Why is the flower cramped?".

Purpose: looking at indoor plants with children, showing a large plant in a small pot, leading to the conclusion that the roots are crowded and that the flower needs to be transplanted.

2. Work in the center "Nature".

Purpose: to continue to teach children to independently determine the need for watering plants, to cultivate a desire to care for plants.

3. Desktop - printed games: "Domino", "Seasons", "Lego".

Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about the seasons, the ability to follow the rules of the game.

4. Gymnastics

Complex №1

Speech, cognitive, social commun. developed, communicative activity.

Speech development, reading fiction.

Labor activity.

Socio-communicative development, speech development.

Communicative activity.

Physical development,

motor activity.


situational conversation.


Games with rules.

1. Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing).

"Green Kingdom".

Purpose: to learn to draw familiar objects with paints (grass, trees, flowers, clouds, etc.); to teach to harmoniously arrange the plot on a sheet of paper, to develop a sense of composition., to cultivate an aesthetic perception of the world around.

2. Physical development on the street.

According to the plan of the physical education instructor.

Artistic and aesthetic cognition, social-com. development, Productive, commun. cognizant. activity.

Conversation, research, production of products of children's creativity. Exhibition of drawings.

1 walk

1. Consideration of buds on trees.

Objectives: to continue to teach to notice changes in appearance trees depending on the time of year; consolidate ideas about seasonal changes in nature; identify the causes of the changes; to consolidate the ability to see the beauty of native nature; continue to teach children to describe plants.

2. Labor activity: collection of small garbage.

Purpose: to form labor skills

3. P / I "Who is faster."

Purpose: to exercise in running, to develop speed.

4.Individual work: jumping up from a place.

Goal: develop jumping ability, combine strength with speed.

5. Free play activity at the request of children.

Cognitive speech, socio-communal. development.

Cognitive - research, communicative activity.

Labor activity.

Physical development, motor activity.

Observation, research.

Orders, joint actions.

Games with rules, independent games.

2nd half of the day

1. Wellness gymnastics after sleep.
Walking along massage paths, game massage, breathing exercises.

Purpose: to protect the life and improve the health of children.

2. Entertainment "Spring".

Purpose: to consolidate and expand children's knowledge of spring phenomena by means of music, poetry, outdoor and educational games, to evoke positive emotions, an emotional response.

Physical development, social and communicative development.

Speech, cognitive, arts. esthete. development.

Communicative, motor, game activity.

Solving riddles.

Games and game situations.

Word games.

2 walk

1. Continue observing in nature what has changed during the day.

2. P / I at the request of the children.

3. Independent gaming activity.

Social - communicative activity, speech activity, cognitive activity.

Physical development.

Motor, play activity.


Mobile games with text.

Independent games.