Honey face masks, homemade recipes for all skin types. Honey mask with sour cream. Yolk-honey-oil mask to soften the skin

Many cosmetics manufacturers include honey in their products. You can benefit from pure product: homemade face masks with honey will give results no worse than store-bought creams. One of the main advantages of bee nectar over industrial cosmetics is the lack of addiction.

The benefits or harms of honey for the face

The healing product contains over 300 elements beneficial for the skin:

  • vitamin C heals and moisturizes the epidermis, helps the skin renew itself faster;
  • zinc prevents early aging;
  • B vitamins protect and heal the skin.

Honey-based cosmetics are completely absorbed by the epidermis. The result of homemade masks made from a sweet product:

  • Due to its viscous consistency, honey draws out impurities from the skin;
  • the epidermis becomes denser;
  • minor injuries heal and inflammation disappears;
  • a protective moisturizing film is formed on the skin;
  • fine wrinkles disappear;
  • the skin becomes a little lighter;
  • pores become narrower.

Honey is suitable for every skin type and at any age. The product has only individual contraindications:

  • allergy;
  • diathesis and any severe inflammation of the skin of an unknown nature;
  • diabetes;
  • bronchial asthma.

Recipes for honey face masks at home

Homemade cosmetics made from bee nectar can be used as a preventive measure or as a moisturizer. But honey masks are especially useful in certain cases:

  • with age-related changes;
  • for those with dry skin;
  • For oily skin;
  • help eliminate acne and;
  • as a cleanser for a face prone to rapid contamination;
  • in the fight against age spots and freckles.

Usually a honey mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes. The course of procedures is 2 months with a frequency of 2 times a week. Rest from sessions - 4-6 weeks. During use home cosmetics It is advisable not to touch your face or talk. It's better to wash off masks warm water. There is no need to store a honey-based product: it is enough to prepare a small portion for one use.

Masks based on a sweet product are complemented by a honey massage for quick results. Typically, bee nectar is not recommended for use as a one-component product. Only massage is an exception: nothing but honey is needed. Procedure diagram:

  • honey is heated in a water bath;
  • the product is applied to the face as thinly as possible;
  • bee nectar is driven into problem areas with patting movements.

The duration of the massage is 5-10 minutes. The procedure ends with rubbing the face with an ice cube. Women with very sensitive skin can add 2-4 drops of peach oil to the product.

Any honey mask will become more effective if you diversify the composition with essential oils purchased at the pharmacy. Suitable oils:

  • orange;
  • lemon;
  • geraniums;
  • bergamot;
  • incense;
  • roses;
  • chamomile;
  • sandalwood;
  • patchouli;
  • jasmine

With honey for wrinkles

One of the most effective remedies against premature aging is a homemade mask with honey and egg.

Step by step recipe:

  1. The beekeeping product is heated in a water bath.
  2. 1 yolk and honey (1 tbsp) are mixed until smooth.
  3. The resulting mass is left on the face until a feeling of tightness occurs.

For women over 30 years old, at the first signs of skin aging, a mask with cinnamon and honey is well suited.

Step by step recipe:

  1. 1 tsp. honey is added to 0.5 tsp. cinnamon.
  2. Add 1 tsp. vegetable oil.
  3. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

A mask with oatmeal and honey helps reduce existing wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones after 35 years.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Oatmeal is ground into flour.
  2. 70 ml of milk is heated. Add 1 tsp to the liquid. honey
  3. The components are mixed until the consistency of the dough.
  4. The face is covered with a dense layer of product.

To combat wrinkles after 40 years, the composition homemade mask you will need to include banana and honey.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Half a banana is mashed with 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese.
  2. The mixture is brought to a thinner consistency with a small amount of milk.
  3. The product is supplemented with honey and lemon juice: 2 tsp each. each ingredient.

At any age, a mask with honey and glycerin is good for eliminating fine wrinkles.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Honey and gelatin are mixed in equal parts - 2 tsp each.
  2. The mass is diluted with 8 tsp. glycerin.
  3. Add 4 tbsp to the product. l. mineral still water.
  4. The resulting mixture is heated over low heat with constant stirring.
  5. Add another 4 tbsp to the finished mask. l. mineral water.

With honey and egg for dry skin

A special set of amino acids contained in chicken eggs helps to moisturize even a very dry face. When combined with bee nectar, the mask becomes even more effective. Recipe:

  • the yolk is removed from a raw egg;
  • protein and honey (1 tbsp) are combined;
  • add 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.

The cosmetic product not only moisturizes, but also significantly improves facial contours.

For oily skin

A mask with honey and lemon dries the face well. Recipe for oily skin:

  • 15 ml lemon juice add 20 g of honey;
  • the resulting pulp is distributed over the face with massage movements for 5-7 minutes;
  • the composition is left for another 10 minutes.

The mask tightens pores; you can use the product no more than once a week.

With honey for acne and blackheads

You can encounter problems in the form of skin rashes not only in adolescence, but also in older age. and blackheads from the face of a mask based on a beekeeping product.

Recipe No. 1:

  • honey and olive oil mixed in equal proportions;
  • 1 yolk is added to the pulp;
  • The mass stays on the face for at least 30 minutes.

Recipe No. 2:

  • 1 aspirin tablet crushed into flour;
  • a small amount of herbal decoction is combined with aspirin and honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • the mass is diluted with any essential oil.

The mask, whose main ingredients are honey and acetylsalicylic acid, is best used no more than once a week. The product helps to achieve quick visible results.

With honey for rejuvenation

The sweet product can be used to make cosmetics with a lifting effect. Such masks will protect the skin from the first signs of sagging.

Recipe No. 1:

  • 100 ml of milk are heated without boiling;
  • 1 tbsp. l. the beekeeping product is melted in a water bath;
  • honey and milk are mixed until smooth;
  • if the skin is oily, then you can add 0.5 tsp. corn starch.

The product is applied in 3 thin layers as it dries and left for 10 minutes. After washing, it is advisable to wipe the treated areas with a piece of ice.

Cosmetics combining beneficial features sweet product and milk can significantly rejuvenate the skin. The mask is suitable for the face, neck and décolleté.

Recipe No. 2:

  • half a peeled green apple is crushed to a puree consistency;
  • fruit mass is supplemented with 1 tsp. honey;
  • The mixture is evenly distributed on the face with gentle movements.

The most acidic varieties of apples are suitable for oily skin.

Nourishing mask with honey

Homemade cosmetics with the addition of aloe can compensate for the lack of nutrients in the epidermis. To create a mask, the plant is prepared in a special way: aloe cannot be watered for 2 weeks, after this time the lower leaves are cut off and placed in the cold for 12 days.

Mask recipe:

  • Juice is extracted from the plant - 10-15 ml;
  • aloe and honey (25 g) are combined;
  • the resulting composition turns into puree.

A product with aloe saturates the skin, helps cope with wrinkles and inflammatory processes on the face.

Kefir mask nourishes the epidermis:

  • 0.5 tsp. bee nectar whipped with 1 tsp. kefir;
  • honey and kefir are added to 1 tsp. cottage cheese;
  • After washing off the mixture, problem areas are treated with a slice of lemon.

A nourishing mask with sour cream penetrates deep into the epidermis, normalizes oiliness and returns the skin an attractive color.


  • 20 g of oatmeal are ground into flour;
  • in a separate bowl, mix 20 ml of beekeeping product and 50 ml of sour cream;
  • honey and sour cream are complemented with any cosmetic cream for easier application;
  • All ingredients are mixed until smooth.

The product is left on the face for 15 minutes.

Another nourishing mask is potato:

  • 1 peeled raw tuber, grated on a coarse grater;
  • 1 tbsp. l. bee nectar is heated in a water bath;
  • The components are mixed until the consistency of puree.

Cleansing mask with honey

Cosmetics with the addition of beekeeping products and coffee have scrub properties. These masks are especially useful for skin prone to pollution. Coffee cleanses the face well, rejuvenates and tones the skin.

  • 3 tbsp. l. honey is melted in a water bath;
  • the composition is supplemented with 1 tsp. ground coffee;
  • honey and coffee are thoroughly mixed.

When applying the mask to the face, the delicate areas around the lips and eyes are not affected. If the skin is very dry, the product can be left on for half an hour.

A mask made from cane sugar effectively cleanses the face:

  • in 2 tbsp. l. add 2 drops of lemon essential oil to sugar;
  • the mass is supplemented with 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • The product is evenly distributed on moisturized skin using rubbing movements.

The ingredients of the mask are quite harsh, so the composition lasts no longer than 10 minutes.

For any skin type

It’s easy to make masks from this healthy treat that are suitable for any skin type. Homemade cosmetics made from a sweet product can solve almost all facial problems.

10 best honey masks for any skin type:

With honey and turmeric: 8 ml of fresh tangerine juice is added to 12 g of bee nectar. The mass is supplemented with 8 g of starch and 3 g of turmeric. The resulting composition is applied to the face in a thin layer, except for the area around the eyes and lips. The mask with turmeric lasts no more than 10 minutes. The product strengthens blood vessels well and gives the skin an attractive appearance. Sessions last 5 days. The mask can be used even by teenagers in the absence of an allergic reaction.

Ginger: the pulp of 3 lemon slices is combined with 3 tbsp. l. pomegranate juice. Ginger and honey (4 cm of root and 4 tbsp of sweet delicacy) are thoroughly mixed, all components are combined. Ginger removes even small wrinkles around the eyes and significantly improves complexion. The mask is used with caution when the vessels are located very close to the surface of the skin.

Clay: honey, sour cream, lemon juice and cosmetic clay, suitable for skin type, are mixed in equal proportions. The preferred application time is 15 minutes. The mask is washed off with contrast water. The product has light whitening properties.

Fruit: one large strawberry is kneaded, 1 tsp is added. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l. honey The composition can be used as a moisturizer. The mask also helps to cope with age spots.

Nutritional: 1 small piece of black bread without crust, softened in 3 tbsp. l. milk. The mass is brought to homogeneity, add 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 raw yolk.

Vegetable: in 1 tbsp. l. of fresh carrot juice, beat in 1 raw yolk. The mixture is supplemented with 1 tsp. honey The mask lasts no longer than 15 minutes - carrots can turn your face yellowish. If the skin is very oily, it is better to replace carrots with any sour fruit: green apple, orange, pomegranate.

Protein: 100 g of white cabbage is finely chopped, the juice from the vegetable is squeezed out. 1 whipped egg white is poured with 10 drops of lemon and cabbage juice. Add 20 g of honey to the thoroughly mixed ingredients. Apply the mask for 15 minutes and wash off with cool water. For a better result, the procedure ends with moisturizing the epidermis: a piece of soft cloth is moistened in cool water and applied to the face for 5 minutes. The product tightens pores well and removes swelling.

Soothing: half a banana is mashed, combined with 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal 2 tbsp are poured into the mass. l. white yogurt and 3 drops of lavender oil.

Mayskaya: 3 tbsp. l. spring honey mixed with 4 tbsp. l. alcohol The mask is applied only to problematic parts of the face; the product is not suitable for caring for the skin around the lips and eyes. To avoid drying out the skin, leave the composition on the face for a maximum of 10 minutes.

Moisturizing: to 40 g of honey heated in a water bath, add 2 drops of iodine and 1 tsp. Vaseline. The mixture is stirred until the iodine is completely dissolved. On oily and normal skin, the resulting mask lasts 10 minutes, on dry skin - half an hour.

For age spots and freckles

A mask with soda removes unwanted spots from the face - the product has whitening properties.

  • 6 tsp dissolve in 200 ml of clean water. spoons of soda;
  • soda and honey (1 tbsp) are mixed until smooth;
  • the resulting composition is carefully driven into the face with your fingertips for no longer than 5 minutes.

The product effectively eliminates dark spots and freckles, the effect is noticeable after 2-3 sessions. The course of procedures is 7-10 days.

A mask with parsley works well for blemishes on the face:

  • the greens are thoroughly washed;
  • peeled lemon is mixed with parsley until mushy;
  • 1 tbsp is added to the resulting product. l. low-fat cottage cheese and 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • all components are mixed.

Parsley is also good for softening excess tanning.

Moisturizing mask with honey

The combination of a sweet product and starch moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Starch and honey in homemade cosmetics are especially useful for those with very dry skin. Moisturizing mask recipe:

  • 30 g of starch is poured into 50 ml of green tea;
  • the composition is cooled, supplemented with 10 g of honey and 1 yolk;
  • the mixture is brought to a mushy state.

Honey is, without exaggeration, indispensable in cosmetology. Proper use of homemade masks based on the product can easily replace expensive trips to salons. Natural cosmetics not only saves money, but also gives confidence in the safety of the ingredients used.

We all know how healthy honey is, but how often have you thought about using it to preserve the beauty and youth of your skin?

It is known that the healing properties of honey have been known for a long time, and although previously there was no scientific evidence of its benefits as there is now, our ancestors were convinced of the extraordinary effects of honey in practice.

Natural and organic cosmetics are becoming increasingly popular these days. We are gradually moving away from enthusiasm for breakthroughs in science and technology, and returning to traditional values. This is good news, because after all, the main force is in nature. The foods we eat have a greater impact on our health and well-being than any other factor.

And also, these are the same natural products are real treasures, both for beauty and for the body as a whole. And one such incredibly affordable treasure is honey.

It is one of the so-called super foods. This is truly a unique product that, probably, no other can compare with. Honey is rich in vitamins, minerals, organic acids, enzymes, polyphenols and natural antibiotics. It softens and nourishes dry skin, soothes problematic skin by removing inflammation, and gives normal skin a healthy glow and elasticity.

What are the benefits of face masks with honey?

Cleopatra loved the combination of honey and milk; it was she who took beauty baths with these two ingredients.

Effects of honey on the skin:

  • nourishes;
  • moisturizes;
  • relieves irritation and acne due to anti-inflammatory properties;
  • tones the skin;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • stimulates tissue regeneration and cell renewal;
  • rejuvenates and maintains the beauty of the skin.

Honey face masks - indications and contraindications

Depending on the ingredients, honey masks Applicable to all face types, with the exception of those who are allergic to this product. First of all, honey masks are recommended in the following cases:

  • dry skin;
  • aging skin;
  • for the treatment of acne;
  • to nourish and restore dull and flaky skin.


Despite all the versatility of honey, there are still situations when it is better to refuse honey procedures. This:

  • allergy to honey
  • dilated vessels

In other cases, masks with honey are an almost universal remedy, and they are absolutely appropriate for all skin types. If you don’t have the time or desire to prepare masks, you can just use honey, it’s good on its own.

How to properly use honey face masks

Before you start preparing a face mask from any product, you should consider several factors:

    1. First, you need to know exactly what type of skin you have in order to choose and combine additional ingredients correctly.
    2. Make sure you are not allergic to honey or other ingredients in the mask. Many people are allergic to honey, but you may not have an allergy when consuming it, but your skin may react inappropriately and vice versa. Therefore, don’t be lazy and test the mask before applying it to your face. Yes, the method is old, but proven - apply a little mask on your wrist and wait 15 minutes; if there is no redness, then you can safely use the mask even on the whole body!
    3. Honey masks are best used immediately after preparation.
    4. Honey should not be heated too much; it loses its beneficial properties. This also applies to the consumption of honey in food; honey cannot be added to a hot drink; it is better to eat it with a spoon.
    5. The effect of masks with honey will be more noticeable if you do them immediately after a hot bath, when your face is clean, steamed and your pores are open.

Honey face mask - the best recipes

Honey masks for dry skin

  • Egg, honey It is difficult to find a more acceptable combination of ingredients to nourish and moisturize dry skin. Preparing the mask is quite simple: take 1 spoon of liquid honey, mix with half a fresh beaten egg (a whole egg is too much), or with one quail egg . Honey and egg do the job just fine, but you can also add 1 teaspoon of heavy cream, if desired.

  • Honey yolk. For those whose skin is very dry and even peeling, a mask is made with honey and yolk. Mix 1 spoon of honey with one yolk and add a few drops or jojoba oils.
  • Sour cream honey very useful for dry skin, as it not only softens and nourishes, it makes the skin soft and velvety. Honey supplements sour cream with useful microelements. And in this case, the mask is prepared too simply: 1 spoon of honey, 1 spoon of sour cream, everything is mixed, applied to the face for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water. More recipes for sour cream masks in the article: sour cream mask.
  • Honey cottage cheese. Two tablespoons of honey are mixed with the same amount of fresh, soft cottage cheese. The mask is applied to a previously cleansed face and left for 20-30 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Honey masks for acne

  • Aloe honey. This mask can really get rid of acne. But do not forget that you can finally solve the acne problem only if you identify the cause. Whether it's oily skin, hormones, or something else. If honey has a good anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, then in aloe juice it is several times more pronounced. Thanks to its caring properties, this mask gently relieves inflammation and treats acne without damaging or drying the skin.

Read also:

The recipe is also simple: 2 tablespoons of aloe juice and 1 spoon of honey. Read more about how to prepare aloe juice and how it is beneficial for the face in the article: . In general, nothing new: mix the ingredients, apply clean face, leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cool water. We repeat the procedure when the skin needs it.

  • Honey ginger. 1 spoon of finely grated ginger is mixed with 1 spoon of honey and 1 spoon of kefir. Apply the mask to your face and leave for 15 minutes. The benefits and harms of ginger

Honey face masks for oily skin

  • Lemon honey. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the mask for 10-15 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water. This mask will not only remove oily shine, but also renew and cleanse the skin.

  • Honey protein. Mix 1 tablespoon of honey thoroughly with one egg white. Apply the mask to a cleansed face for 15 minutes. The mask tightens and cleanses pores, removes oily shine and redness.

Anti-aging masks

  • Honey cinnamon. Read about why cinnamon is more than a seasoning and why it is useful in the article: Cinnamon - benefits and harm. And besides the fact that it is quite effective for weight loss, cinnamon also has an indispensable effect on hair and skin. We add cinnamon to masks, as it improves blood circulation and rejuvenates the skin. Meanwhile, honey eliminates redness, makes it elastic and nourishes.

Read also: Egg face masks

How to prepare: Mix 1 tablespoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon to obtain a homogeneous consistency. Apply the mask to your face and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. For achievement desired effect It is recommended to use the mask 2 times a week for 1 month.

  • Aspirin honey A mask with aspirin will not only get rid of fine wrinkles, it is also useful in the fight against acne. 1 aspirin tablet is filled with two teaspoons of water, allowed to soften and crushed. Next, add 1 spoon of honey and mix thoroughly. The mask is applied to the face for a short time - for 5-7 minutes. It is recommended to repeat the procedure no more than once a week.

Masks for normal skin

  • Coffee honey An excellent mask for all skin types. It cleanses, tones and nourishes the skin. 2 spoons of honey are mixed with 1 spoon of ground coffee. Apply to the face with light massage movements. Wash off after 15 minutes with cool water.
  • Honey banana. Mix 2 tablespoons of banana puree with a tablespoon of honey and apply to your face. This mask perfectly nourishes and tones the skin.
  • Honey apple. A mask with apple and honey not only nourishes, but also renews the skin thanks to organic acids and vitamins contained in apples. Mix 2 tablespoons of fresh applesauce with 1 spoon of honey and apply a mask to your face. Wash off the mask with cool water after 15 minutes.

Honey face mask one of the simplest and most effective. Pamper your skin and make a mask simply from honey for 5-10 minutes every day while taking a bath and you will feel the difference almost immediately.

Do you work in the beauty industry?.

Indications and contraindications for honey masks


A honey-based mask is suitable for people with different skin types:

1. Oily skin with enlarged pores
2. Acne, comedones and pimples
3. Dry, atonic skin
4. Age-related aging skin
5. Dull complexion
6. For all skin types as a cleanser



2. Honey mask for wrinkles with egg yolk, boiled potatoes, lemon juice and olive oil

Bee honey – 20 gr.
Yolk of one egg
Lemon juice – 5 ml.
One small boiled potato
Olive oil – 10 ml.

Boil the potatoes and mash them until smooth. Separately mix the yolk and olive oil, add lemon juice and honey, mix everything thoroughly and add to the potato mixture, mix everything again. Apply a thick layer to your face and leave for 20-25 minutes under a warm compress. After the exposure time has expired, rinse with warm and then cool water. Apply nourishing cream.

The effect of a honey mask against wrinkles is to nourish, soften, tone and moisturize the skin, and also this mask tightens the skin, smooths out wrinkles and refreshes the complexion.

Indications: dry, aging, aged and atonic skin.
Application: apply the mask 1-2 times a week.

3. Blackhead Cleansing Mask with Honey and Salt for Oily Skin with Acne


Thick honey – 40 gr.
Sea salt – 10 gr.
Lemon juice – 5 ml.
Infusion of chamomile and sage – 10 ml.

Brew chamomile and sage and let sit for 30 minutes. Then dissolve the sea salt in the infusion, add lemon juice, mix thoroughly and pour into the honey, mix everything again until smooth. Apply a thin layer to your face. Exposure time 10 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water and apply moisturizer.

Action: drying, cleansing, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, reduces oily shine and tightens pores.

Indications: mask with honey and salt is suitable for oily, problematic skin with skin rashes.

Application: The mask should be applied every 2 days for 2 weeks, then once a week.

4. Face mask with honey and lemon

Bee honey – 20 gr.
Lemon juice – 15 ml.

Mix honey and lemon juice, mix thoroughly, apply the resulting mixture to the face and perform self-massage along massage lines from the center of the face to the periphery for 5 minutes, then leave the mixture on the face for another 10 minutes and rinse with water at room temperature. Apply moisturizer.

Action: cleansing, drying, whitening, antiseptic, reduces oily shine and tightens pores.

Indications: A honey and lemon face mask is suitable for oily, combination and normal skin.

Honey-lemon face mask applied once a week.

5. Honey and egg face mask

Bee honey – 30 gr.
Carrot juice – 10 ml.
Chicken egg – 1 pc.
Non-fat yogurt – 15 ml.
Finely ground oat bran – 40 gr.

Squeeze the juice out of the carrots. Separate the white from the yolk and beat it well. Add yogurt, carrot juice, honey and oat bran, mix everything thoroughly and apply a thick layer to the face. Exposure time is 15-20 minutes, you can use a warm compress. Rinse with warm water and apply cream.

Action: cleansing, drying, whitening, nourishing, reduces oily shine, improves complexion.

Indications: face mask: egg, honey suitable for oily, combination and normal skin.

Application: The mask should be done 1-2 times a week.

6. Moisturizing honey mask for dry skin with carrot juice, grape seed oil and egg yolk

Thick honey – 30 gr.
Carrot juice – 20 ml.

Half the yolk of one egg

Mix grape seed oil with carrot juice and egg yolk, add honey, mix thoroughly and apply to face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Action: moisturizing, softening, nourishing, lifting, anti-inflammatory, the mask smooths out wrinkles and improves complexion.

Indications: An anti-flaking honey mask is suitable for caring for dry, aging, atonic skin.


7. Anti-wrinkle honey face mask with quail egg, wheat flour and milk

Thick honey – 30 gr.
Milk – 20 ml.
Wheat flour – 10 gr.
One quail egg

Mix the quail egg and milk, add wheat flour and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps, then add honey. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply nourishing cream.

Action: nourishing, rejuvenating, moisturizing, softening, anti-inflammatory, tightening, the mask smooths out wrinkles, improves complexion, increases skin turgor and elasticity.

Indications: A mask made of honey and milk is suitable for the care of aging, aging, dry, atonic skin.

Application: Apply the mask 2 times a week.

8. Honey mask for dry skin with chicken egg and oatmeal

Thick honey – 20 gr.
Oatmeal – 20 gr.
One chicken egg

Beat the egg white and add the yolk, oatmeal and honey, mix everything thoroughly. Apply the resulting mask to your face for 20-25 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply nourishing cream.

Action: rejuvenating, moisturizing, nourishing, softening, the mask smoothes wrinkles, increases skin turgor and elasticity.

Indications: A face mask with honey and egg for dry skin is suitable for caring for dry, aging, aging and atonic skin.

Application: The mask can be used 2 times a week.

9. Honey face mask for acne

Thick honey – 15 g.
Cottage cheese – 20 gr.
White of one chicken egg
Hazelnut oil – 10 ml.

Mix egg white, honey, hazelnut oil and cottage cheese. Apply the resulting mixture in a thick layer to your face and leave for 15-20 minutes. After the exposure time has expired, rinse the mask with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

Effect of a honey mask for problem skin: cleansing, drying, nourishing, antiseptic, softening, anti-inflammatory, soothing, eliminates oily shine, tightens pores.

Indications: Suitable for oily, combination, problem skin, acne and skin rashes.

Application: The mask should be applied 2 times a week.

10. Honey face mask for oily skin

Thick honey – 15 g.
White of one chicken egg
Eucalyptus essential oil – 3 drops.
Essential oil tea tree- 3 drops.
Soybean oil – 5 ml.
Grapefruit oil – 5 ml.

Add grapefruit and soybean oils essential oils eucalyptus and tea tree, add protein and honey, stir the resulting mask well. Apply on face for 20-25 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Action: cleansing, purifying, drying, nourishing, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, softening, soothing, eliminates oily sheen.

Indications: A honey and egg mask is suitable for oily, combination, problem skin, acne and skin rashes.

Mask: egg, honey, eucalyptus and tea tree oil used: 2 times per week.

11. Honey and coffee face mask

Liquid bee honey – 10 g.
Coffee grounds – 10 gr.

Mix honey and coffee grounds, apply to face and gently massage along massage lines for 5 minutes, leave for 5 minutes, then rinse with cool water and apply moisturizer.

Action: cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing, softening, makes the skin smooth, soft and silky.

Indications: Face mask with honey and coffee is suitable for all skin types.

Application: 1-2 times a week.

12. Mask with honey and yeast for problem skin

Bee honey – 10 gr.

Milk – 15 ml.
Corn flour – 10 gr.

Dilute dry yeast with warm milk, stir thoroughly and leave for 5-10 minutes in a warm place, then add honey and corn flour, stir and apply on face under a warm compress for 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water and apply cream according to the problem.

Action: cleansing, drying, nourishing, antiseptic, soothing, eliminates oily shine, tightens pores, makes the skin matte, removes comedones.

Indications: A face mask made from honey and yeast is suitable for oily, problematic skin with acne.

Face mask with honey and yeast is used: 1 time per week.

13. Honey and onion mask for acne

Bee honey – 10 gr.
Instant dry yeast – 10 g.
Milk – 10 ml.
Onions – 1 pc.

Dilute the yeast with warm milk, add the juice extracted from the onion and honey, mix everything thoroughly. A mask with onions and honey is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, then you should wash your face first with warm water, then with cold water. Apply cream according to the problem.

Action: cleansing, drying, whitening, nourishing, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, eliminates oily shine, improves complexion.

Indications: Honey and onion mask is suitable for oily, problem and normal skin.

Application: 1 time per week.

14. Oatmeal and honey face mask


Bee honey – 20 gr.
Finely ground oat flakes – 10 g.
Milk – 15 ml.
Wheat germ oil – 3 ml.
Avocado oil – 3 ml.


Pour hot milk over the cereal, wait until the cereal becomes warm and add wheat germ oil, avocado oil and honey, mix everything thoroughly and apply on your face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water and apply cream.

Action: cleansing, rejuvenation, moisturizing, nutrition, softening, lifting, whitening, the mask smooths out wrinkles and improves complexion.

Indications: face mask with honey and oatmeal is suitable for caring for dry, aged, aging and atonic skin.

Application: The mask can be used once a week.

15. Face mask with banana and honey

Bee honey – 10 gr.
One small banana (not feed)
Cream – 10 ml.
Egg yolk – 1 pc.

Banana, egg yolk and mix the cream with a blender, add honey and mix by hand. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for 15-20 minutes. After the exposure time has expired, wash off the mask with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

Action: nutrition, rejuvenation, moisturizing, softening, lifting, whitening, the mask smooths out wrinkles, improves complexion and makes the skin silky.

Indications: A face mask made of honey and banana is suitable for caring for all skin types, especially dry, aging, aging and atonic skin.

Application: such nourishing mask from banana can be used once a week.

16. Face mask made of honey and milk

Bee honey – 15 gr.
Milk – 15 ml.

Thoroughly stir the honey and milk until smooth, apply to the face and self-massage along the massage lines for 3-5 minutes, leave the mask on the face for another 5-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer.

Action: cleansing, moisturizing, softening, smoothing wrinkles, improving complexion and skin texture.

Indications: Milk and honey softening mask is suitable for the care of all skin types, especially dry and sensitive.

Face mask with honey and milk is used: 1 time per week.

17. Face mask with honey and aloe

Bee honey – 15 gr.
Milk – 5 ml.
Grapeseed oil – 5 ml.
Aloe juice – 5 ml.

Mix all the ingredients and apply the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes, after the exposure time has elapsed, rinse with cool water.

Action: moisturizing, softening, anti-inflammatory, regenerative.

Indications: A face mask made of honey and aloe is suitable for caring for all skin types, especially dry and sensitive.

Moisturizing mask of honey and aloe with milk and grape seed oil is used: 1 time per week.

18. Whitening mask made of honey, parsley and cottage cheese with essential oils

Bee honey – 15 gr.
Cottage cheese – 10 gr.
Lemon juice – 5 ml.
Parsley juice – 3 ml.
Strawberries – 2-3 pcs.
Castor oil – 5 ml.
Essential eucalyptus oil – 3 drops.

Grind the strawberries until mushy, add parsley and lemon juice, add to Castor oil essential eucalyptus oil and mix everything thoroughly again, add honey and cottage cheese, and mix again, apply on face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply a cream with a whitening effect.

Action: whitening, moisturizing, softening, anti-inflammatory, nourishing, improves and evens out complexion.

Indications: A mask with honey and cottage cheese is suitable for caring for pigmented skin and skin with freckles.

Application: apply 2 times a week.

19. Rejuvenating face mask with honey

Bee honey – 15 gr.
Cottage cheese – 10 gr.
Fresh nettle leaves – 5-6 pcs.
Peppermint leaves – 6-7 pcs.
Melissa leaves – 6-7 pcs.

Grind the herbs well with a blender until pasty, add cottage cheese and honey, mix everything thoroughly and apply the mask in a thick layer on your face for 20-25 minutes, rinse with cool water and apply nourishing cream.

Action: rejuvenating, nourishing, moisturizing, softening, toning, soothing, improving microcirculation.

Indications: A mask made of honey and cottage cheese is suitable for the care of aged, dry and normal skin.

Application: apply 2 times a week.

20. Toning honey face mask with herbal infusion

Bee honey – 20 gr.
Rosemary leaves – 5 gr.
Peppermint leaves – 5 gr.
Green tea – 10 gr.
Grapefruit juice – 5 ml.

Brew an infusion of herbs and green tea, let it steep for 30 minutes, then add 15 ml. Add honey and grapefruit juice to the infusion, stir thoroughly and apply the resulting mixture to your face for 15 minutes. Wash your face with cool water and apply moisturizer.

Action: tonic, nourishing, moisturizing, softening, soothing, anti-inflammatory.

Indications: for care of all skin types. This honey face mask has only positive reviews, because it tones the skin well.

Application: 1 time per week.

21. Anti-inflammatory face mask with honey

Bee honey – 20 gr.
Coltsfoot leaves – 5 gr.
Yarrow herb – 5 gr.
St. John's wort flowers – 5 gr.
Calendula flowers – 5 gr.
Chamomile flowers – 5 gr.
Aloe juice – 5 ml.

Brew an infusion of herbs and let it steep for 30 minutes, take 15 ml. infusion and add honey and aloe juice, stir thoroughly and apply on face for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water and apply a soothing cream.

Action: anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, nourishing, moisturizing, wound healing, softening, soothing, tonic.

Indications: A honey and chamomile mask is suitable for caring for all skin types, especially sensitive ones.

Application: 2 times per week.

22. Face mask with honey and cinnamon

Bee honey – 10 gr.
Cinnamon - 2 gr.
milk – 10 ml.

Mix honey with warm milk and add cinnamon, apply to facial skin for 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Action: a mask of cinnamon and honey has a rejuvenating, nourishing and stimulating effect.

Indication: age-related aging skin. The honey and cinnamon mask receives only positive reviews after use, since the result is visible immediately after the first use.

Honey and cinnamon face mask applied 1 time per week.

23. Honey and lemon face mask

Bee honey – 20 gr.
Lemon - 1 pc.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon and add to honey, apply the resulting mixture to your face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Action: cleansing, removes comedones and acne.

Indication: A mask of honey and lemon for blackheads is suitable for problematic oily skin.

Application: 2 times every 7 days.

24. Face mask with aspirin and honey

Bee honey – 10 gr.
Aspirin – 1 tablet

Lightly heat the honey and add a crushed aspirin tablet diluted in a tablespoon with water, apply the resulting mixture to your face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Action: a mask of honey and acetylsalicylic acid cleanses and improves complexion.

Indication: An aspirin-honey face mask is indicated for all skin types, especially oily skin.

A face mask made of honey and aspirin is used: 1 time per week.

25. Face mask made from yolk and honey

Bee honey – 10 gr.
Yolk - 1 pc.
Wheat germ oil - 5 ml.

Mix honey, yolk and oil, apply the resulting mixture in a thin layer on your face for 10-15 minutes, then wash with warm milk and apply cream.

Action: rejuvenating, moisturizing, nourishing, reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

Indication: mask: yolk, oil, honey is indicated for aging, dry skin.

Face mask with yolk and honey is used: 2-3 times a week.

26. Face mask with egg and honey

Bee honey – 5 gr.
Egg - 1 pc.
Extra virgin olive oil - 6-7 ml.

Beat an egg and add honey and olive oil to it, apply to the skin and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Action: nourishing, moisturizing, rejuvenating.

Indication: A honey and olive oil facial mask is indicated for dry skin.

Application: 2-3 times a week.

27. Face mask with cognac and honey


Honey - 10 gr.
Egg – 1 pc.
Cognac – 2-3 ml.
Lemon juice – 3 ml.

Beat an egg and add honey, cognac and lemon juice, mix everything and apply to your face for 10 minutes.

Action: whitens, softens and nourishes the skin.

Mask: egg, honey, cognac shown: for pigmented skin.

Application: no more than once every 10 days.

28. Honey and salt face mask

Honey – 30 gr.
Sea salt – 10 gr.

Mix salt with honey and apply to face in circular massage movements, leave for 10 minutes, then wash face with contrasting water.

Action: dries, cleanses, reduces oily shine and tightens pores.

Indications: A face mask made from honey and salt is suitable for oily skin with enlarged pores.

Application: A face mask with honey and salt is performed once a week.

29. Face mask made of honey and sour cream

Honey – 30 gr.
Sour cream – 20 gr.

Mix honey with sour cream and apply to face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply nourishing cream.

Action: A face mask with honey and sour cream softens, nourishes, moisturizes and whitens the skin.

Indications: Suitable for all skin types.

Face mask: honey, sour cream used: 1-2 times a week.

30. Face mask with honey and soda

Bee honey - 10 gr.;
soda - 5 gr.;

Mix honey with baking soda and add water until creamy, apply to facial skin for 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Action: cleansing, nourishing, improves complexion, removes oily shine and blackheads.

Face mask: soda, honey, water is indicated for oily problem skin.

A face mask made of honey and soda is used: Once every two weeks.

31. Face mask with honey and olive oil

Honey – 7-10 gr.
Olive oil - 7-8 ml.

Mix honey and olive oil and apply to the skin, after 10-15 minutes have passed, wash with warm water.

Action: nourishes, moisturizes and rejuvenates.

Indication: A face mask with honey and olive oil is suitable for dry and flaky skin.

A face mask made of honey and olive oil is used: 2 times 7 days.

32. Mask: honey and mustard

Mustard – 5 gr. 1 tbsp.
Water – 10 ml.
Lemon juice – 2 ml.
Liquid honey – 6-7 g.


Boil mustard in water; when it cools, add honey and lemon juice. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Action: nourishes, cleanses, whitens, softens.

Indication: A face mask with honey and mustard is suitable for any skin with pigmentation and freckles.

Application: Once every 7-10 days.

33. Face mask with honey and kefir

Kefir – 10 ml.
Honey – 5 -7 gr.

Mix honey and kefir and apply a thick layer to the skin for 15 minutes, lightly massaging the skin, then wash your face with warm water.

Action: cleansing, softening, removes oily shine and blackheads.

Indications: A face mask made from honey and kefir is suitable for oily problem skin.

Application: The mask is used 1-2 times a week, allergic reactions may occur.

34. Face mask made from honey and protein

Honey – 20 gr.
Protein - 1 pc.

Beat the egg white well and add liquid honey, apply to your face for 15 minutes then rinse with cool water. You can add 3 ml for very oily skin. fresh lemon juice.

Action: cleansing, nourishing, whitening.

Indications: face mask with honey and protein is suitable for oily and combination skin.

Application: A face mask made of honey and protein is performed once a week.

35. Face mask with glycerin and honey

Honey - 10 mg.
Glycerin – 2 drops.
Aloe juice – 5 ml.
Turmeric – 3-4 mg.
Yolk - 1 pc.

Mix all the ingredients and leave in a cool place for 30 minutes, after the time has elapsed, apply the composition to your face for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Action: softens, moisturizes and nourishes facial skin.

Indications: mask: glycerin, honey, yolk suitable for all skin types, especially dry and dehydrated.

A face mask made of glycerin and honey is used: 1-2 times a week.

36. Face mask with honey and vitamins A and E

Honey - 10 gr.
Aloe juice - 5 ml.
Seaweed kelp (powder) - 5 gr.

Most useful cosmetical tools for the face nature itself gives. If we talk about the most useful, effective and safe components of home cosmetics that will restore beauty, freshness and youth to any type of skin, honey is. Using honey you can prepare various natural remedies for skin care. Let's look at the benefits, how to use it and recipes for face masks with honey.

The benefits of honey for facial skin

Our great-grandmothers knew about its benefits and actively used it to treat many diseases, prevent colds and maintain natural beauty and youth. The use of honey in cosmetology does not lose popularity in our time. Despite the wide range of cosmetics and salon procedures, many girls prefer using natural products.

The beneficial substances of honey penetrate deeply into the structure of the skin, improving its condition and having a beneficial effect on all processes in skin cells. Contains essential microelements that are required for quality nutrition and moisturizing the skin.

Why using honey is so beneficial for the face:

  1. The positive effect of honey on the skin is due to its excellent anti-inflammatory and refreshing properties. Therefore, it can be an excellent component of masks for problem skin.
  2. Honey penetrates the pores and retains moisture. The face becomes fresh and elastic. And proper hydration is the key to protecting skin from aging.
  3. The excellent cleansing properties of honey help get rid of skin impurities, leaving your face clean and fresh.
  4. A healing effect on the condition of the face is observed regardless of the type and individual characteristics skin.
  5. It gives a matte appearance to oily skin and reduces its greasiness. A dry face becomes soft and stops flaking.
  6. It is an indispensable remedy for aging skin. After all, it is honey that remarkably tightens the skin, gives elasticity and makes fine wrinkles less noticeable.
  7. Using home remedies based on honey can solve the problem of acne and other skin problems.

It is not recommended to use honey for facial care. pure form. Maximum effect can be achieved when used with other natural ingredients. Let's consider folk recipes masks that are suitable for every facial skin type.

Recipes for face masks with honey at home

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Mask with honey and egg

Suitable for dry skin showing the first signs of aging. natural mask based on honey and eggs. It helps smooth out fine wrinkles, tighten the skin and refresh the face.


  • Liquid honey – 10 ml.
  • Yolk – 1 pc.

In a small container, thoroughly mix the yolk and honey. Apply a thin layer to skin, avoiding lip and eye areas. It is very important to apply the mask only in a lying position and do it along the massage lines. The exposure time of the mask should be about half an hour. You need to wash off the mask with warm water without soap. To make your skin smooth and velvety, you can also use a mask with honey and protein.

Interesting video: Honey egg mask for oily, dry and normal skin

Mask with honey and aspirin

To use honey for acne, it is recommended to prepare a healing mask based on aspirin and honey. This is a universal remedy for combating various skin imperfections, including acne, blackheads, blackheads or rashes. This mask tones the skin, dries and refreshes the complexion.


  • Aspirin – 5 tablets.
  • Water – 5 ml.
  • Honey – 5 ml.

Crush aspirin tablets in a mortar. Add a little water and mix thoroughly until the aspirin is completely dissolved. Then add a little honey. Apply to problem areas of the skin. Leave on until a slight burning sensation or feeling of skin tightness appears. After which you need to rinse off and apply cream to your face. This recipe must be used as acne forms on the face.

Video recipe: Cleansing your face with honey and aspirin at home

Mask with honey and oil

A mask based on honey and vegetable oil is a miracle cure for any skin type. It deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin, heals minor damage and normalizes the oiliness of the skin.


  • Olive oil – 10 ml.
  • Honey – 10 ml.
  • Sour apple – 30 gr.

First, you should grate a sour apple without peel on a fine grater. Heat the honey in a water bath until it acquires a liquid consistency. Mix the ingredients by adding a little extra virgin olive oil. Apply to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Remove with warm water, then refresh your face with ice cubes. Use as an anti-aging and moisturizer at least once a week.

Mask with honey and lemon

To give your skin a fresh and rested look, you can use honey and lemon. The combination of these components allows you to whiten the skin, give it nutrition and moisture. This recipe is optimal for normal to dry skin.


  • Lemon – ½ piece.
  • Honey – 30 ml.
  • Flaxseed oil – 5 ml.

First, prepare the lemon puree. To do this, remove the skin from half the fruit and grind the pulp using a blender. Add liquid honey and a little flaxseed oil to the lemon pulp. Apply the finished mask to your face and neck, moving along the massage lines. The mask is not recommended to be applied to damaged areas of the skin, eyes and lips. 15 minutes after application, the masks should be washed off and a rich cream should be applied.

Mask with honey and sour cream

If you need an effective nourishing and moisturizing mask, we recommend paying attention to a recipe based on honey and sour cream. Each of the components penetrates deeply into the skin structure, healing minor damage and normalizing skin oiliness. In addition, with regular use, this mask smoothes out fine wrinkles and improves complexion.


  • Fat sour cream – 50 ml.
  • Honey – 20 ml.
  • Oatmeal – 20 gr.
  • Cream – 10 gr.

Oatmeal should be ground using a coffee grinder. Mix with full-fat sour cream and liquid honey. Add a little face cream to make the mask easier to apply. You need to wash off the mask after 10–15 minutes. You should not wipe your skin after using the mask; let it dry naturally.

Mask with honey and cinnamon

To improve blood circulation and rejuvenate the skin, a facial mask with honey and cinnamon is perfect. It stimulates metabolic processes, so it is optimal for aging skin.


  • Honey – 10 ml.
  • Cinnamon – 5 gr.
  • Sour cream – 20 ml.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly and heat slightly. Apply to the skin of the face and neck. You need to apply the mask with massage movements and in a lying position. You can wash off the mask after 15 minutes. Use no more than once a week, and only if the cinnamon does not cause irritation.

Interesting video: Effective recipes honey masks for skin rejuvenation

Acne mask with honey

To combat acne, pimples and blackheads, you can use a mixture of honey and potato juice. This product dries out the skin and has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect.


  • Honey – 20 ml.
  • Potato juice – 20 ml.
  • Orange essential oil.

First you need to prepare potato juice. Mix it with honey and orange oil. Apply only to problem areas of the skin, then remove the mask with a cotton swab or disk. There is no need to wash it off.

Anti-wrinkle mask with honey

If you're looking for homemade face masks to help combat the first signs of aging, try a banana-honey mixture. It protects the skin from negative effects environment and will help smooth out even deep wrinkles.


  • Honey – 15 ml.
  • Banana – ½ piece.
  • Olive oil – 10 ml.

Prepare mashed banana halves. Add slightly warmed honey and butter to it. Warm up your face with a warm towel. Apply the mask in a thin layer, then lie down and wait 10 minutes. This recipe should only be used before bed.

Mask with honey for blackheads

Blackheads form on the face due to improper care. To solve this problem, facial cleansing with honey can be used.


  • Cottage cheese – 50 gr.
  • Honey – 20 ml.
  • Black pepper – 2 gr.

To prepare effective mask To remove blackheads, mix cottage cheese, honey and black pepper. Apply to skin, paying special attention to areas with blackheads. Facial massage with honey can also be used to solve this problem. The mask should be applied for 10 minutes, then rinsed off and rubbed with ice cubes to tighten the pores.

Interesting video: Face mask with baking soda and honey for acne and blackheads at home

Mask with honey and oatmeal

Oatmeal and honey help cope with enlarged pores, excessive dryness and sagging skin.


  • Oatmeal – 20 gr.
  • Kefir – 20 ml.
  • Honey – 30 ml.

Soak the flakes in kefir. Squeeze out the remaining kefir and mix the resulting mass with honey. Apply to skin. After use, it is recommended to apply a rich cream to further soften the face.

Mask with honey and gelatin

With age, wrinkles appear on every woman's face. In addition, the face becomes flabby and loses tone. A rejuvenating mask that you can make with your own hands will help solve this problem and preserve the youth of your face for as long as possible.


  • Gelatin – 10 gr.
  • Honey – 30 ml.
  • Glycerin – 20 ml.

Prepare gelatin base. Mix with honey and glycerin. Steam your face with a herbal mixture. Apply the mask using a brush. After the first layer has hardened, apply another one. Remove after half an hour, after which be sure to lubricate your face with a rich cream.

Mask with honey and aloe

For oily and acne-prone skin, a mask based on honey and aloe juice is suitable.


  • Honey – 20 ml.
  • Aloe juice – 20 ml.
  • Castor oil – 10 ml.
  • Vodka – 10 ml.
  • Wheat germ oil – 10 ml.

Heat the mixture of all components. Apply a fairly thick layer to the face. The procedure can be performed several times a month. Maximum effectiveness can be achieved if you carry out a course of procedures.

Honey and salt mask

To refresh and matte the skin, as well as to remove impurities and dead cells, honey and facial salt will help you.


  • Sea salt – 20 gr.
  • Honey – 15 ml.
  • Lemon essential oil.

Combine the ingredients. Cleanse the skin with the resulting mixture. The mask exposure time should be about ten minutes.

Mask with honey for dry skin

For those with dry skin, a mask based on honey and pear is suitable. It perfectly nourishes the skin and maintains optimal moisture balance. This recipe is perfect for both young and aging skin.


  • Pear – 1 pc.
  • Honey – 30 ml.
  • Aloe juice – 10 ml.
  • Olive oil – 10 ml.

Make pear puree and aloe juice. Mix the rest. You also need to add to the mask vegetable oil. It can be either olive or linseed oil. You need to apply the mask while lying down, so it will be difficult to do it yourself. Remove the mask after ten minutes. Refresh your face with ice made from a decoction of herbs.

Mask with honey for oily skin

Using fresh honey, you can make a mask that will remove excess fat, normalize oily skin, soften and smooth your face.


  • Cottage cheese – 30 gr.
  • Honey – 10 ml.
  • Milk – 10 ml.

Mix all ingredients. This mask should be applied in a very thin layer. A special cosmetic brush will help you do this. If you don't have one, you can use a pastry brush. Apply another coat when the first one dries a little. Dry your face with a soft cloth and do not use cosmetics on this day. This will help normalize greasiness and prevent acne.

Video recipe: Firming and rejuvenating face mask with honey

Honey for the face: reviews of use

Tatyana, 33 years old

This miracle facial skin product has become a real salvation for me from blackheads. No matter what I cleaned them up. And once I made a mask based on honey and cottage cheese, I solved the problem for a long time.

Milana 25 years

I really love making face masks at home. I recently discovered a honey mask. After a month of regular use, the skin began to look several years younger. In addition, the problem of dark spots on the face has disappeared.

Lena, 41 years old

Due to severe acne, noticeable scars appeared on my face. Treated acne different ways, but there was no particular effect. Therefore, I decided to contact folk remedies. The best mask against acne - honey and sea salt. I recommend it to anyone who has encountered the same problem.

Video recipe for a honey mask with a rejuvenating effect

"Author of the article: Veronika Belova": Graduated with honors from the LOKON Academy of Beauty Industry. Mother of a beautiful child. I like to experiment, I try all the time various means, masks (including cooking with my own hands), techniques that can make us beautiful and healthy. I'm in

It's no secret that we get the most valuable products from nature. These include bee honey, which can not only strengthen the immune system, normalizing the functioning of the entire body, but also rejuvenate our skin. If you remember, a honey face mask was Cleopatra’s favorite beauty product.

Honey masks have unique properties that are quite difficult to overestimate

Today, honey mixtures prepared at home are also quite popular. Their miraculous components help fight wrinkles, cleanse and nourish the skin.

What effect does honey have on facial skin?

The healing substances contained in honey can transform your skin beyond recognition. It will shine with health, acquire an ideal even tone and elasticity. What functions does the beekeeping product itself perform, being the basis of the masks?

  1. Honey penetrates deeply into the pores, saturates with moisture and prevents its release. Thanks to this, the skin is always sufficiently hydrated, which is the key to maintaining its youth.
  2. When found in masks, this product acquires the ability to absorb impurities. This creates universal, gentle cleansers.
  3. Honey is widely used to rejuvenate facial skin; it is a tightening, astringent and tonic component.
  4. This product can help in the fight against acne, as well as the traces left behind by it, as it has a magical anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. Honey cosmetics can be safely used for any skin type - it will perfectly moisturize dry skin and eliminate flaking, and make oily skin matte and elastic.
  6. Bee honey will become a great assistant when eliminating dryness and cracks on the lips.

Attention! It should be remembered that honey is a strong allergen, and if you suffer from intolerance to this product, then you should refuse masks based on it. And for those who want to make sure of their safety, it is enough to carry out a simple test.

To do this, you need to drop a small amount of honey on the back of your hand and wait a while. In the absence of any reaction from the skin, you can safely apply the compositions to your face.

  • dilation of blood vessels on the face;
  • the presence of capillary stars on the face;
  • increased growth of facial hair;
  • allergy to bee products;
  • diabetes;
  • exudative diathesis;
  • bronchial asthma.

The question often arises: is it possible to smear your face with honey, using it in its pure form? It must be taken into account that the product is used for skin care most often in combination with additional components. The exceptions are: cleansing procedure and honey lip mask.

Honey face masks

Honey is indispensable for healthy and youthful facial skin. But in order for the masks to be brought as much as possible positive results, the skin must be washed first. The honey mixture itself should definitely be washed off with warm water without using soap or gel, as the effectiveness of the product will be minimized.

Honey for aging skin

Honey masks for wrinkles are applied very carefully, trying not to stretch the skin. The area around the eyes remains untouched. Using your fingertips, distribute the composition with smooth movements in the direction from the chin and middle of the forehead to the temples, from the wings of the nose and corners of the lips to the ears. You should make such masks no more than 2 times a week.
  1. Mix a dessert spoon of honey (10 g) and two tablespoons of olive oil (30 g). Heat the resulting mass slightly by placing the container with it in a wide bowl with hot water. Apply the mixture to your face and after 15 minutes, rinse with warm water, while making light massage movements with your fingertips.
  2. If you combine a raw yolk and a tablespoon of bee honey, you will get an excellent product that will not only help smooth out wrinkles, but will also perfectly moisturize dry skin. Keep this mixture for no more than 15 minutes, after which it must be washed off with warm running water. You can use the mask every day, applying it to your face before going to the morning toilet.
  3. If you have normal skin, then recommends using the following composition for rejuvenation. Sift 35 g of wheat flour into a container, add egg whites, whipped into a strong foam, and 5 g of liquid honey. The result is a fairly thick mixture, which is applied to the face for 15 minutes.
  4. For the next mask, you must first prepare freshly cut aloe leaves, which should be kept in the refrigerator for at least two weeks. Next, the juice should be squeezed out of them and combined with 10 g of honey and 30 g of plum pulp, turned into pulp. Mix the ingredients and dilute with a small amount of olive oil (if this is not available, you can use vegetable oil). After 15 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm and then cold water to close the pores.

Honey for cleansing skin

Honey not only helps against wrinkles, but also serves as an excellent cleanser. It perfectly tones the skin, opens pores and absorbs all impurities like a sponge.

  1. This procedure will require preliminary preparation of the skin. To do this, you need to brew regular pharmacy chamomile, let it brew for 5 minutes and steam your face, bending over a bowl of infusion. Then smear your face with honey and do a light patting massage. You will see the result yourself - at first there will be dirt on your fingertips white, and after a while the effect will be noticeable on the face. After the procedure, the honey is washed off with warm water and wiped with chamomile infusion.
  2. The second mask is suitable for those with oily skin types. To prepare it, you need to mix 30 g of chilled green tea, 10 g of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 10-15 g of liquid honey. Keep the mixture for about 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Advice! As a rule, after cleansing the face with honey, only cold water is used to remove the product, since warm water will not close the pores and after a short period the skin will become dirty again.

Honey + cinnamon

Surely every housewife has a secret drawer with seasonings that help make her dishes exquisite and original. And among these aromatic additives there must be cinnamon, which, in combination with honey, can have an amazing effect on the skin. The healing properties of the duet are multifaceted - these components are used both for beauty and for the treatment of many ailments. We recommend that you read the article about, in which we described in detail the properties and applications of this product.

Important! You should calculate the dosage of cinnamon very accurately, since its high concentration can lead to a negative reaction from the skin - hyperemia and irritation.

When purchasing honey, you must ensure that it is not pasteurized. Otherwise, there will be no effect, since during this process all the beneficial properties of the product are lost.

Your skin will gain elasticity if you perform the following procedure twice a week. To prepare the composition, you need to combine honey and cinnamon in a 2:1 ratio. For dry skin, add one raw yolk to the mixture; for oily skin, add a white; for normal skin, add a tablespoon of sour cream. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and rinse with cold water.

Honey scrub

Honey scrub can be used for any skin type. Before using the product, your face must be moistened with water.

  1. Once a week you can use a smoothing scrub, which consists of ground honey walnut and freshly squeezed lemon juice. The mixture is applied to the facial skin, left for no more than 5 minutes and washed off with warm water.
  2. A honey scrub with the addition of 30 g of sea salt and 15 g of olive oil will deeply cleanse the skin. The components must be mixed and applied to the face in a circular motion. Leave for 4 minutes and rinse.
  3. Mint has an excellent restorative effect. Its dry leaves must be brewed by adding 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 7 g of liquid honey and 7 g of olive oil. The scrub must be cooled in the refrigerator, then applied to the face and washed off with mint tea after 10 minutes.

Honey will help soften your lips

According to the results of sociological surveys, it turned out that most men, when meeting a woman, first of all pay attention to her lips. Therefore, it is very important that they always remain seductive. But this is quite difficult to achieve in winter, when it is frosty outside. And since there are no sebaceous glands on the lips, the skin on them often bursts and dries out. In this case, a honey lip mask will help.
  1. The following composition, which can be applied before using makeup, will help against cracks and peeling on the lips. Mix butter, olive oil and honey in equal proportions. Apply with precise movements on lips, remove with a napkin after 10 minutes.
  2. If your lips are very dry, you can use bee honey in its pure form. It is applied to the lips, given a light massage for 10 minutes and washed off with water.
  3. Your lips will become soft and sensual if you use a special mask. Combine honey and rendered pork fat in a 2:1 ratio. Apply to lips and remove with a cotton pad after 15 minutes. If the product is not completely used, it can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

When using honey masks, the mixture should be prepared immediately before use. If you do not find liquid honey, you can melt it in a water bath, but do not overheat it too much, since at temperatures above +60°C the product can no longer be applied to the face - it will completely lose all its beneficial properties. Procedures should be carried out regularly - this is the only way to achieve positive results.