How to use tea tree oil for hair. Tea tree essential oil for hair. Dandruff Oil Home Remedies

For hundreds of years, tea tree has been used medicinally for its antiseptic properties. Currently, it is actively used in cosmetology for hair care. Essential oil tea tree restores the former elasticity of curls, heals the hair and bulb. Any representative of the fair sex is familiar with the wonderful properties of this product and added it to folk beauty recipes, but for those who do not know what oil is and how it affects beauty, this material is recommended for reading.

Benefits of tea tree oil for hair

Useful properties for hair lie in the composition, in addition to the main vitamins and minerals, it includes over a hundred items of components with antiseptic properties, the main ones are:

    • alpha terpinene;
    • viridifloren;
    • alpha terpineol;
    • terpinen-4-ol;
    • terpinolene;
    • alpha-pinene;
    • paracymene;
    • B-terpineol;
    • gamma terpinene;
    • 1,8-cineol.

The lion's share of the substances presented are not found in nature; in fact, they can be obtained exclusively from the leaves of the plant. Depending on the needs, the ether can have a different effect on the hair.

As you can see, there are no boundaries for using tea tree for hair, any ailment is too tough for him. The main thing is to observe the proportions indicated in the recipe.

Using tea tree oil for hair

Use tea tree oil in company with other oil products like almond or coconut oil. It is added to all sorts of mixtures, enriches shampoos and balms, and aroma-combing is carried out. The most important thing to do before using tea oil is to test for an allergic reaction by applying a drop to your wrist for 40 minutes. Despite its antiseptic properties, there may be intolerance to any component, ignorance of this will be harmful to health. Indications and contraindications are indicated in the instructions with ether.

Tea Tree Shampoo

You can not bother much with the preparation of special products using recipes with tea tree oil and buy ready-made shampoo with balm, but homemade tea tree shampoo will have a much greater effect.


    • 4 drops of ether;
    • shampoo.

Pour the required amount of shampoo for one time washing the hair, drip the ether, mix lightly, lather on the hair. Keep the foam for 5 minutes, rinse thoroughly. It is enough to do such a wash a couple of times for 7 days.

Tea tree oil for hair is extremely useful, if you regularly add oil to shampoo, you can say goodbye to dandruff, excessive greasiness, this will bring a lot of benefits to weakened curls, cleanse pores and accelerate regrowth.

Homemade recipes for hair masks based on tea tree oil

A homemade tea tree oil hair mask can replace many hair products. All home masks are suitable for any type of strands, they treat the same way, taking into account the fact that the oil mask also moisturizes.

growth mask

Result: nourishes the follicles, accelerates regrowth.


    • 1 large spoon of coconut oil;
    • yolk;
    • a tablespoon of lemon juice;
    • 3 drops of tea tree ether.
Preparation and method of application:

We mix the components, rub massaging, spread the rest over the strands. We wrap the top of the head with polyethylene, a scarf, we wear it for an hour. Rinse out the hair.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades.

But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Video recipe: Oil mask for hair growth at home

Anti-fall mask

Result: used for intense baldness.


    • a pack of colorless henna;
    • liquid;
    • 5 milligrams of ether.
Preparation and method of application:

We dilute henna with hot liquid to the state of sour cream, wait until it cools down, add tea tree. We smear the finished composition on the roots, spread the rest over the strands. We place the top of the head under a warm cap for 45 minutes. Delete when time runs out.

Strengthening mask

Result: general strengthening effect.


    • 50 gr. olives;
    • 30 gr. honey;
    • 8 drops of tea tree oil.
Preparation and method of application:

We heat the olive, combine it with honey, wait until it cools to room temperature, mix in the ether. Lubricate each strand with the resulting solution, wrap it in a bundle, place it under a hat. Wash off after 40 minutes.

Video recipe: Mask for strengthening and shining hair with tea tree essential oil

Hair restoration mask

Result: a restorative mask will help reanimate the hair after the harmful effects of hot appliances and chemicals.


    • a glass of unflavored yogurt;
    • 90 gr. honey;
    • 5 drops of tea tree essential oil.
Preparation and method of application:

We mix the liquid solution, distribute it over the hair with a comb, leave for 35 minutes. I wash my head.

Dandruff mask

Result: eliminates any type of dandruff, treats seborrhea.


    • 50 gr. curdled milk;
    • 1 tablespoon of castor oil;

7 drops of oils:

    • rosemary;
    • tea tree;
Preparation and method of application:

We mix the proposed products in accordance with the recipe, apply to the hair, insulate, rinse off after 30 minutes.

Mask for split ends

Result: moisturizes the ends, prevents delamination.


    • 6 drops of tea tree ether;
    • 30 gr. burdock.
Preparation and method of application:

We heat the base oil, mix in the beaten yolk and ether, mix thoroughly. Apply the mixture at the base, paying special attention to the ends. Wrap up for 40 minutes.

Mask for dry hair

Result: nourishing mask will moisturize and strengthen weak hair.


    • 1 glass of sour cream;
    • 6 drops of ether.
Preparation and method of application:

We slightly warm the sour cream, do not boil, enrich it with ether, smear it with fat on the curls. We collect a mop at the top, warm ourselves, walk for 45 minutes. Delete in the usual way.

Oily hair mask

Result: cleanses the pores of greasy plugs, regulates the functioning of the external secretion glands.


    • yolk;
    • 1 tablespoon of colorless henna;
    • 5 drops of our essential oil.
Preparation and method of application:

Henna is diluted with water to a state of thick sour cream, mixed with yolk ether. We apply the mass mainly at the roots, cover with a cap for an hour, rinse with plenty of water, rinse with lemon water.

Mask with tea tree oil and kefir

Result: moisturizes, nourishes and gives volume.


    • 150 ml of kefir;
    • 1 small spoonful of dry yeast;
    • 6 drops of wood ether.
Preparation and method of application:

We mix the ingredients, apply on, wrap ourselves warmly, remove after 40 minutes using the usual method.

Mask with tea tree oil and burdock oil

Result: nourishes, moisturizes, accelerates growth.


    • yolk;
    • a tablespoon of burdock;

3 drops of essential oils:

    • tea tree;
    • cedar.
Preparation and method of application:

Beat the yolk, mix with warm burdock oil, add esters. We apply the resulting composition to the curls, wrap the top of the head with a film, wear it for 50 minutes. Wash thoroughly with shampoo.

Tea tree oil and egg mask

Result: restores, strengthens.


    • 30 gr. honey;
    • 40 gr. olives;
    • 4 drops of wood;

1 drop of oils:

    • nutmeg;
    • bergamot.
Preparation and method of application:

We combine the prepared products, evenly smear on the hair, leave under the cap for 30 minutes. Rinse in the usual way.

Tea tree oil - even the name sounds like music. This ether with a unique specific aroma has long been used in various fields. home cosmetology. Hair, skin of the face or body - it will perfectly cope with inflammation, unpleasant rashes and dandruff.

The incredible antiseptic properties of the extract from the leaves of the Australian tea tree were discovered at the beginning of the 20th century - it turned out to be 10 times more effective than other means that were then used to disinfect wounds. And until now, a bottle of oil is kept in the medicine cabinet of almost every inhabitant of Australia, because it:

  • actively fights against viruses and infectious diseases;
  • has bactericidal and antiseptic properties;
  • copes well with various fungal infections (including dandruff);
  • brightens tooth enamel by several tones;
  • relieves inflammation and irritation on the skin;
  • accelerates wound healing.

In Russia, the oil has also gained popularity as an ideal ingredient for home care cosmetics and aromatherapy. This tool has firmly settled in the cosmetic bags of fashionistas who take care of their hair, because they regularly use tea tree oil for hair growth.

If you are the owner of thin and dry strands, a home remedy based on tea tree oil will be a real salvation for you, especially in combination with sufficiently fatty fermented milk products. But be careful if your hair is prone to rapid pollution and greasiness - the oil film formed after the procedure can clog the glands, further exacerbating your problem. Moderately added oil to the mask will dry out the hair, so you can use such masks - but only if you select recipes specifically for oily hair, and do not overdo it.

Regularity Tea tree essential oil products are best used once a week. Do not expect a quick result - the best effect will be achieved after a course of 1-1.5 months, and then you can switch to 1 time per month for preventive purposes.
Allergotest If you have never tried using tea oil for cosmetic procedures before, do an allergy test before the session: put a couple of drops on the inside of your wrist or behind your ear and wait a few minutes. If there is no redness and itching, you can safely use this tool in your personal care.
Heated oils All oils work best when heated, so put them in a water bath first or warm them up a little in the microwave.
Head warming For the same reason, during the procedure, your head should be warm - create the effect of a sauna. To do this, wrap the treated hair with polyethylene, and put on the old one on top. warm hat or build a "turban" from a terry towel.
Clean curls Distribute the mask with tea tree oil extract over pre-washed, slightly damp strands.

Modern fashionistas know how effective tea tree (essential oil) is in home care products - application for hair oil masks allows you to quickly strengthen curls, give them a healthy look, get rid of dandruff. The main thing is to decide on a recipe that will suit your type of hair and scalp. We offer you to choose the perfect option from our selection.

- 1 serving of any shampoo for washing your head;
- 5 drops of tea tree leaf oil extract.

Add essential oil to your shampoo when you pour it into your palm before washing your hair. If you wash your hair in 2 stages, the oil is dripped into the last portion of the shampoo. The healing effect will be provided if you pour 10-15 drops of tea tree extract into a bottle with a balm or conditioner.

  • Simple tea tree oil massage

- 1 glass of hot water;
- 3-4 drops of ether.

Drop the oil into a glass of water. Then dip the comb and thoroughly comb through all the strands, periodically wetting it again. At the end of the procedure, you can massage the hair and the root zone with massaging movements, rubbing the beneficial liquid into the hair and skin.

  • Mask for hair prone to oiliness and rapid pollution

- rye flour or soaked crumb of black bread in an amount suitable for your hair length;

- 1 egg yolk;
- 5 drops of essential almond oil;
- 5 drops of tea tree extract.

Mix the yolk with flour or gruel from the crumb, drop the necessary essential oils and carefully distribute over the entire length of the curls. Such a mask is washed off after 40-50 minutes with plenty of running water to remove all the crumbs from the hair.

- 1 glass of high-fat kefir;
- 3 tablespoons of liquid honey;
- 5 drops of tea tree oil.

Lightly heat honey in the microwave and pour it into kefir, add oil. Apply the mixture to washed hair and hold for an hour, warming with a towel.

  • Oil remedy for dandruff

- 2 tablespoons of base oil (burdock, castor, olive or just sunflower);
- 5 drops of tea tree ether;
- 2 drops of bergamot oil;
- 2 drops of rosemary oil;
- 2 drops of lavender oil.

You can immediately mix all the oils and heat the mixture, or you can slightly heat the base oil and then pour the extracts of medicinal plants into it. The resulting mixture must be distributed with active movements on the root zone of the curls, rubbing well along the partings. The rest can be applied with a comb with rare teeth to the entire length of the hair. After 40 minutes, wash off the mask with plenty of water using shampoo.

Marinka-tangerine, 19 years old:

“I didn’t know you could use tea tree for hair, especially to nourish and strengthen it. Recently I tried to add it to the shampoo and was surprised by the result - it seems to me that the oil did just as well as an expensive moisturizing shampoo, the curls are now moderately shiny, obedient, fit well into the hair.

Details Updated on 12/15/2015 14:48

For hundreds of years, tea tree oil has been used as a powerful antibiotic and antiseptic. Now, such a tool is actively used to restore the former beauty and pristine health of the hair.

Surely, many of the fair sex have already discovered this oil, but for those who have not yet done so in this article, we will try to analyze in detail all its advantages. You will learn how tea tree oil is obtained, study its composition and list useful properties, for you we have written in detail what rules should be followed when applying the oil, you will also get acquainted with the recipes for masks and read the reviews of those women who managed to experience the effect of this product on their hair.

And already now, we can say with confidence that its benefits are obvious, and you will also be convinced of this by reading the article and trying the oil on your hair.

Useful and healing composition of tea tree oil

Before we go directly to the composition of the oil, let's find out how a product is obtained that can provide beauty to your hair. The described oil is obtained from the leaves of the tea tree, which grows in Australia. By distilling these leaves, a product called Australian tea tree oil is obtained. Or just tea tree oil. Such a product is characterized by a fresh woody aroma, the oil is usually stored in dark jars for 5 years. Remember this information, since in our country you can often see transparent bottles of oil, but in such containers it has most likely already lost most of its useful properties.

As for the composition, this oil is useful like no other, because it contains about a hundred incredibly useful elements and substances. Tea tree essential oil contains unique elements that are very difficult to find in other cosmetic products. And due to the presence of all these beneficial substances and an enhanced bactericidal effect, doctors even recommend that adults use tea tree oil inside for respiratory diseases and intestinal infections (with the expectation of 2-3 drops of oil per cup of herbal tea).

Benefits of tea tree oil for hair

Essential oil from tea tree leaves is just a great find for damaged hair, for weakened strands, for brittle curls, for oily strands and for problematic scalp. It is used to improve the condition of the hair and in order to restore their structure and improve growth..

Useful properties for hair contains this product:

  • This essential oil does not contain any chemical impurities, so it will not harm the curls;
  • Various cosmetic products saturated with this oil can prevent hair loss and brittleness;
  • This oil helps to refresh too greasy hair;
  • It cannot be said that experts advise using tea tree oil for lice;
  • By regularly applying the oil, you will get rid of dandruff or prevent its occurrence;
  • And it cannot be said that with any irritation of the scalp, such an oil will definitely help.

As you can see, tea tree oil hair treatment is possible due to its properties, and if you have the above problems with curls, then you should definitely try this oil on your hair.

Where to buy tea tree essential oil

Buy it cosmetic oil can be in a pharmacy, cosmetic supermarket, specialized store or ordered via the Internet. It is better, of course, to purchase this product in a pharmacy, since it is there that they often sell better oil.

The cost of oil ether from tea tree leaves at the moment is at least 100 rubles per 10 milliliters of the product. Please note that if the cost is lower, then it is probably not 100% natural oil tea tree.

How to use oil at home

The instructions for using the described oil are quite simple., but still take the study of the rules for the use of tea tree oil with responsibility, since it is the observance of the tips below that will help you to notice the effect of the oil on your hair soon.

What you need to know about using tea tree oil:

    Apply masks with the addition of tea tree oil to washed, slightly damp hair, only in this case the oil will be well absorbed into the strands;

    After applying the mask with oil, it is advisable to warm the head with a cap and a towel (hereinafter in the article, such manipulation will be referred to as “warm the head”);

    Strictly observe the time of application of the mask;

    The frequency of application of the mask should not be more than 1 time per week;

    It is practically impossible to single out contraindications associated with this oil, but before using it in pure or diluted form, it is necessary to test for individual tolerance. Apply the oil on the skin area and wait 20 minutes, if there is no irritation, then the oil extract is suitable for you;

    Do not forget about the regularity of use, whether it is a solution or drops of oil in shampoo or masks - they need to be done systematically, after 1 - 2 applications you will not see a global effect.

Tea tree oil shampoo

You can buy a shampoo or balm that already contains Australian tea tree oil, but the effect of absolutely any shampoo will be enhanced by the usual addition of essential oil to the finished product.

Add three, maybe four drops of oil to your shampoo and mix the two ingredients together in the palm of your hand, then apply it as usual when washing your hair and you will need to massage the skin for 5 minutes, then rinse the resulting soap composition from your hair. Wash your hair with oil twice a week.

Dandruff Oil Home Remedies

Tea tree oil is great for dandruff. First, let's look at a mask that helps get rid of this problem. You need to take 2 tablespoons of base oil, it can be olive or burdock vegetable oil, we also take 5 drops of Australian tea tree and 2 drops of essential oils such as bergamot and lavender (you can also add a couple of drops of rosemary). First, heat the base oil to a warm state and add the rest of the oils to it. Let the oil mixture infuse for about 10 minutes, and then apply it to the roots with smooth massage movements. Warm your head and after half an hour, wash off the oils from your hair with a mild shampoo (without parabens).

Tea tree oil solution will also help against dandruff.. Stir 30 drops of oil in 50 - 60 milliliters of alcohol, then another 50 milliliters of water will need to be added to the mixture. The resulting solution is gently and in small amounts rubbed into the hair follicles at night 2 times a week, it is not necessary to wash off the solution from the head.

Tea tree oil hair masks

Revitalizing mask


  • 150 - 200 milliliters of liquid yogurt or kefir;
  • 2 - 3 tablespoons of liquid flower honey;
  • 4-5 drops of tea tree leaf oil.

All of these products are mixed, and as a result, a rather thick mixture is obtained, which must be carefully applied from roots to ends strictly along the entire length of the strands. Then do not forget to warm your head and wash off the mask from your hair after 30 minutes.

Oily hair mask


  • a bag of colorless henna;
  • 5 - 6 drops of tea tree oil;

Dissolve a bag of henna in water and add oil to the resulting creamy consistency. The mixture is applied to the entire length of the hair and insulated under a cap and towel for one hour. Then the mask is washed off under warm water. To enhance the effect of the mask after washing it out of the hair, you can rinse the curls with a glass of water with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice.

Mask for dry hair


  • 250 milliliters of low-fat kefir;
  • 5-6 drops of Australian tea tree oil

Kefir must be slightly warmed up in a water bath, then add oil to it. Kefir mixture is applied with palms on the hair from roots to ends. After application, the head must be insulated, and only after half an hour the mask will need to be washed off the hair. Other masks with kefir for hair health.

Nourishing mask


  • a teaspoon of burdock oil (burdock oil);
  • one yolk;
  • 7 drops of tea tree oil.

All ingredients must be mixed until smooth and rubbed with fingertips into the roots of the hair, then from the roots along the entire length, you can distribute the resulting mass with a comb or comb, and the tips are also carefully smeared. The head is insulated for 40 minutes. Wash off the mask from the hair using shampoo.

Tea tree oil: application reviews

Angela, 27 years old

I have been adding oil to the shampoo for one month now, the effect began to appear after 4 washes. My hair looks shinier and seems to have thickened a bit. I also tried a mask for dry hair a couple of times, I also liked it, I can recommend it to those who have too brittle curls.

Polina, 30 years old

I love a very restorative mask, for me there is no difference - yogurt or kefir is added there. After several applications, the structure of the hair has slightly improved. So far so good, I think I will continue to use it.

Zhenya, 38 years old

Frankly, I am not a fan of this essential oil, but after reading the article, I nevertheless decided to try it as a remedy for dandruff. I want to say right away that one should not expect an effect from one application of a mask. If it is used together with a solution, then the result will be noticeable, although also not immediately.

For dessert, video: The use of tea tree oil in cosmetology

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Hello dear readers. Today I want to talk about one of my favorite essential oils. Let's talk about tea tree oil. You can use it in different ways. This oil helps me a lot. I bought cheaper and more expensive oils, but settled on Primavera. The oil is of very high quality, it can be used not only for the aroma of the room, but also with therapeutic purpose. During the period of colds, I drip oil into the aroma lamp, when I have a cold, I lubricate the wings of the nose with oil, it works very effectively. I still cauterize their pimples, apply pointwise, in their pure form, and also whiten their teeth. In general, all the useful properties cannot be counted, it was not for nothing that he was called a doctor for 33 diseases.

If you want to learn more about how I use tea tree essential oil, read the article "."

Today I want to tell you how to use tea tree essential oil for hair. Speaking of favorites, I really like to use lavender oil for hair. But besides lavender oil, there are many other essential oils that can be used for hair and get a positive result.

I want to note that not everyone likes the smell of tea tree oil. To me, tea tree oil smells very nice. It smells like leaves, pine needles, forest to me, everyone probably has their own associations in this regard.

I like the aroma of the oil, so I use it with pleasure. If you don't like the aroma of an oil, you need to look for another oil. There are a lot of essential oils. Or, alternatively, try a quality essential oil.

  • Use tea tree oil to combat oily hair. It is used in masks when the hair gets dirty quickly.
  • The oil helps to reduce the oiliness of the hair, refreshes, making the hair light and soft.
  • Gives shine and shine to hair.
  • The oil helps to smooth the hair, which in turn makes the hair easier to comb.
  • Nourishes hair roots, normalizes the sebaceous glands.
  • Tea tree essential oil is used for dandruff, along with lavender oil, this oil perfectly copes not only with dandruff, but also with seborrhea. Eliminates itchy scalp.
  • Oil helps not only to improve appearance hair, but also to cope with diseases of the scalp.
  • Essential oil is a powerful disinfectant.
  • Masks with tea tree essential oil help stop hair loss.
  • Activate and accelerate hair growth.
  • Tea tree oil is used for weakened, oily, damaged hair.

Of the essential oils, only two oils can be used in their pure form, lavender oil and tea tree oil. Using them in their pure form implies point application. But for cosmetic procedures, essential oil must be diluted. Dilute the oil with any base oil, it can also be used in masks, added to shampoo.

Using tea tree oil for hair

You can enrich shampoos, masks with oil, use it to rinse curls after washing your hair. But they measure essential oils not with spoons, but with drops, they are also added drop by drop to a shampoo or mask.

If you use oil in a mask, then you need to apply the mask to the hair roots, distributing it further along the strands. Next, we warm the head and leave the mask for 15 to 30 minutes. Then we wash off.

Aroma combing with tea tree essential oil has a good result on the hair. Put a few drops of oil on a wooden comb and comb the strands. Combing hair with essential oils can be done once a day.

tea tree oil masks cosmetic procedures can be used in combination with other essential oils: lavender, cinnamon, pine, clove.

When tea tree oil is added to the shampoo, the hair becomes stronger, gains shine, strength, and dandruff is eliminated. Add oil to a portion of shampoo just before washing your hair. Add 1-2 drops of oil to a serving of shampoo, mix in the palm of your hand and apply to your hair. If you add oil to shampoo, then for a volume of 250 ml. 5-6 drops of oil are enough.

After washing your hair, with excessive oiliness, you can rinse your hair with water, to which you need to add tea tree oil. For a liter of water, 3-5 drops of oil are enough.

Tea tree oil hair mask

Mask against dandruff. We will need any base oil. It can be burdock, olive oil, jojoba oil, etc. The oil needs to be slightly warmed up in a water bath. For two tablespoons of base oil, add 2-3 drops of tea tree essential oil. The mask is mixed and rubbed into the hair roots. Warm the head and leave for 20 minutes, then wash off.

Mask for oily hair. Mix one yolk with two tablespoons of lemon juice, add a drop of tea tree essential oil and apply a mask to the hair roots. If you are not allergic to dairy products, then lemon juice for a mask can be mixed with a spoonful of cottage cheese.

Salt peeling for hair. With increased oiliness of hair, with oily skin heads, it is recommended to do a peeling for the hair. It can be left as a mask on the hair, 10 minutes is enough. Exfoliation helps cleanse the scalp of residues cosmetics.

Use fine salt. 2 tbsp. Mix tablespoons of salt with two tablespoons of water, add a couple of drops of tea tree essential oil. Mix everything in a bowl and apply to the hair roots. For more information about salt scrub, see the article "." Salt scrub helps not only to cope with oily scalp, but also accelerates hair growth.

Tea tree oil contraindications for hair

In my opinion, the most important thing is to observe the measure in everything. The same goes for essential oils. The use of essential oils can cause headaches. Especially if the dosage is exceeded.

Do not apply undiluted tea tree oil to the scalp, as this can cause burns and flaking.

Do not use oil with individual intolerance, with allergies. Sometimes there can be an allergic reaction to tea tree oil. In order to find out whether the oil suits you or not, test it.

It is very important to use quality oil. Remember, quality oil cannot be cheap. Although the oil is expensive, it lasts a very long time. After all, we use it in drops.

The expiration date of the oil is indicated on the packaging. I have enough bottles for almost a year. The oil is sold in bottles of 5 ml or 10 ml. Dark glass bottles.


How to use tea tree oil for hair

Tea tree essential oil is one of the most popular, the reason for this is the most powerful healing effect. It is effective tool in the fight against seborrhea and fungal dermatological diseases.

A bit of history:

Real oil is imported from Australia. It is there that a small evergreen melaleuca shrub grows. In our open spaces it is called "tea tree". The household name of the plant in its homeland sounds like a “paper tree” (due to the exfoliating bark), and the shrub got its nickname “through the fault” of Captain Cook, who brewed melaleuca leaves like tea as an experiment.

The oil is obtained by steam distillation from the leaves and shoots of Melaleuca. The output is a colorless or pale yellow non-viscous liquid with a cold, bitter aroma. Consider how you can use tea tree oil for hair.

Composition and useful properties

Chemical composition of tea tree oil:

  • terpinen-4-ol (32% -48%) - an organic compound that is a natural tonic for hair skin and follicles;
  • γ-terpinene (8% -29%) - a powerful antiseptic component;
  • α-terpinene (6%-16%) - natural bactericidal component;
  • 1,8-cineol (2% -15%) - an organic compound that provides a wound healing and soothing effect;
  • α-pinene (1%-8%) is an anti-inflammatory compound.

The effect of using tea tree oil for hair has long been appreciated by manufacturers of cosmetic and dermo-cosmetic products. Today on the market there are a large number of products containing this oil:

  • The American brand-manufacturer of organic products "Giovanni" produces shampoo and conditioner for hair of any type "Tea Tree Triple Treat".
  • The permanent bestseller of the world famous brand "Paul Mitchell" is the line "Tea Tree Care" for several years. Shampoo, balm, leave-in fluid, as well as a therapeutic scalp scrub based on tea tree ether have become the favorites of thousands of lovely young ladies around the world. Means are designed to eliminate the discomfort of the skin.
  • The Ukrainian company "Elfa", which has shown the world a number of the most effective cosmetic products for face, body and hair care, produces a special therapeutic series based on this tree. Infusion, shampoo and cream paste quickly and safely relieve dandruff, flaking and itching.

Using tea tree oil for hair

The oil is used to treat hair and scalp:

  • seborrhea;
  • fungal diseases of the scalp;
  • itching;
  • peeling at the roots of the hair.

Also, the oil reduces the secretion of the sebaceous ducts, i.e. reduce the degree of oiliness at the roots of the hair.

Application methods

  • Most effective method tea tree oil uses are hair masks.
  • The enrichment of ready-made care products (shampoos, masks, conditioners, etc.) will have a significant effect - 3 drops of oil per serving of the product before use will be an excellent prevention of skin diseases.
  • To revive dull curls until the next wash, aroma combing will allow - 2 drops of ether on a hair brush.

Terms of use

  • Contraindicated in children under 6 years of age, pregnant and lactating mothers.
  • Tea tree oil cannot be applied to the hair in its pure form - the presence of a basic component corresponding to the type of skin or hair is required.
  • Prolonged inhalation of ether vapors (which is inevitable during aroma combing) leads to drowsiness. Therefore, it is worth refraining from working with oil in the morning hours or before driving.

Homemade Recipes for Hair with Tea Tree Oil

Mask against dandruff and fungal diseases of the scalp

  • 3 art. l. base oil, castor, olive or burdock - they are the fattest, which means they are best suited for a wounded scalp.
  • 5 drops of tea tree oil.

Mix the components thoroughly and apply to dry hair and skin with massaging movements 30-60 minutes before shampooing. Then wash off the mask with 2-3 washes of any shampoo.

Result: improvement in the condition of the skin, a lasting effect will be after 5-6 applications 2 times a week.

Tea tree oil mask for oily hair

  • 1 sachet of colorless henna - an effective and safe natural drying agent;
  • 3 drops of tea tree essential oil.

Dilute henna with boiling water to the consistency of yogurt, and then add oil. Apply the mixture along the entire length of dry hair and wrap with plastic or put on a cap for 1 hour. Then wash off the mask with running water without detergent.

Make a rinse with acidified water - add the juice of half a lemon to 1.5 liters of water. The acidic environment perfectly fixes the effect, and also gives shine to the curls.

Effect: tea tree oil mask will reduce oily hair. The mask can be used no more than 1 time per month, as henna can dry out the hair.

Choosing a quality product and storing it

  • The highest quality oil - produced in Australia. Give preference to brands: "Main Camp", "Australian Botanical Products", etc.
  • Tea tree oil should be colorless or pale yellow, light in texture, with a fresh aroma with notes of wood and camphor.
  • You can independently test the quality of the purchased oil: drop it on a clean piece of paper, and after a day check the trace: if an oily stain remains, the ether is diluted or of low quality, if the trace is practically invisible, you have a first-class product in your hands!
  • Store the bottle of ether in a place protected from direct sunlight at temperatures up to 23 C.

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