Types of age spots on the face. Why do age spots appear and how to remove them?

Before starting the fight against hyperpigmentation, it is advisable to find out the reasons for the appearance of age spots on the face in women and men - the choice of the right strategy and tactics for combating age spots largely depends on this.

What are pigment spots and how do they occur?

Pigment spots occur due to the uneven distribution of pigment – ​​melanin – in the skin.

Melanin is produced by cells in our skin called melanocytes, and in general, the color of our skin largely depends on the activity and number of these cells. And if suddenly some groups of melanocytes, for some reason, become more active than others, that is, they produce more melanin, then a pigment spot appears in this place.

A simple example of increased melanocyte activity: as soon as the spring sun appears, some people immediately develop freckles.

Causes of age spots

What can trigger the appearance of age spots:

  1. Excessive sun exposure or abuse of tanning beds.
  2. Long-term inflammatory processes on the skin. For example, with acne, pigment spots often remain at the site of acne.
  3. Various injuries and burns of the skin, for example, after or constant cauterization of acne with alcohol and other means.
  4. Aggressive procedures - such as facial cleansing, chemical peels, injections, laser hair removal, plastic surgery.
  5. Pregnancy and taking hormonal contraceptives.
  6. Taking antibiotics and some other medications that increase our skin's sensitivity to the sun.
  7. Predisposition to the appearance of age spots - for example, with a tendency to freckles or old age.

Therefore, before you start fighting age spots, you definitely need to find out the reason for their appearance. Since in some cases dark spots They can go away on their own, and you shouldn’t waste money or time on eliminating them.

And in some cases, on the contrary, it is impossible to completely eliminate pigment spots, so there is no point in using expensive, potent and harmless products for skin health for a temporary result.

Pigment spots during pregnancy and taking OK

If the appearance of your age spots is due to pregnancy or taking hormonal contraceptives, then bleaching such spots is a waste of time, money and effort.

Pigment spots that appear during pregnancy are called the “mask of pregnancy” and usually go away on their own a few months after giving birth.

And if pigmentation is caused by taking hormonal contraceptives, then to eliminate it it is usually enough to simply switch to other non-hormonal methods of contraception and after some time the pigment spots will most likely disappear on their own.

Freckles and age spots

If you are predisposed to the appearance of hyperpigmentation - freckles or age spots, there is no point in resorting to strong bleaching agents.

In such cases, it will still not be possible to eliminate stains once and for all; they will appear again and again, so it is wiser to limit yourself to sun protection and gentle bleaching agents that you can use yourself in home care.

Post-traumatic pigmentation

If your age spots appeared at the site of acne or after any aggressive cosmetic procedures, that is, we are dealing with post-traumatic pigmentation - in such cases, it is usually quite difficult to eliminate age spots, and you will have to be patient.

To whiten your skin, you will most likely need a combination salon procedures, such as chemical peels, and depigmenting serums and creams for home care. Or alternatively, you can resort to laser pigment spot removal.

How to eliminate age spots quickly, effectively and safely

As you probably already guessed, today, unfortunately, there is no universal remedy that can quickly, effectively and safely eliminate age spots.

All existing means have their advantages and disadvantages. Relatively safe products for whitening age spots, as a rule, require quite a long and persistent use.

And the use of strong bleaching agents can cause serious complications - allergic reactions, skin irritation and even increased pigmentation.

Or vice versa, when removing pigment spots using a laser, another problem may arise - a depigmented spot. That is, you will exchange an awl for soap.

Contact a cosmetologist

Before you start fighting age spots, I still recommend that you consult a professional.

Firstly, in order to determine the causes of pigmentation disorders and choose the most optimal strategy for combating age spots in your case.

And secondly, in order to choose professional whitening products that are right for you.

General principles of combating age spots

Sunscreens– no matter what method of dealing with age spots you choose, you must use sunscreen, otherwise you can negate all your efforts to whiten your skin.

Exfoliants– peelings with AHA acids, both professional, which can only be used by a cosmetologist in a beauty salon, and peelings for home use are very effective in combating pigmentation disorders.

Whitening creams, masks and serums for home use- these cosmetical tools, as a rule, contain components that reduce the synthesis of melanin pigment by inhibiting the enzyme tyrosinase, and also have whitening, antioxidant and moisturizing properties.

I will name just a few of the most effective and well-known components of whitening products:

  • Kojic acid
  • Vitamin C derivatives (ascorbyl palmitate and magnesium ascorbyl phosphate)
  • Arbutin
  • Extracts of brown algae, bearberry, mulberry and many others

That is, in some cases, for example, if you have freckles or age spots, it is enough to use good sunscreen and gentle exfoliators in your care - enzyme peels or cream with AHA acids for home use.

In other situations, in addition to sunscreen and exfoliation, it is worth including in your home care whitening serums and masks.

And in difficult situations, to eliminate age spots, a combination of whitening home remedies and some salon procedures is necessary, for example.

Folk remedies for age spots

Quite often, people whiten their skin on their own - either for the sake of saving money, or because of the apparent simplicity - it seems that you don’t need to have special education to smear something on a spot and see whether it has lightened or not lightened :)

On the Internet you can find many folk recipes and tips on how to use effective means for whitening unfortunate stains in the kitchen - from completely harmless, but ineffective folk remedies such as kefir or lemon juice, to potent and rather dangerous drugs, such as salicylic alcohol.

But perhaps not everyone knows that melanocytes are very sensitive cells and they can enhance melanin synthesis not only when exposed to sunlight, but also in response to any aggressive procedures, including whitening. That is, as a result of illiterate actions, instead of lightening the stain, you can get the opposite effect - increased pigmentation.

Therefore, modern professional whitening products contain antioxidants and moisturizing components that smooth out the negative effects of whitening ingredients and reduce the risk of various undesirable consequences to a minimum.

But thermonuclear compounds prepared in the kitchen, as a rule, do not contain anything like that and therefore the risk of developing various complications in such cases is quite high.

If you decide to get rid of age spots, it is better not to self-medicate, but to find a good specialist in your city who will select suitable skin whitening products for you at home, and, if necessary, carry out a number of effective salon procedures.


The appearance of unattractive age spots on the face is usually a problem for women. They are small specks of brown or white with clearly defined boundaries, having different shape and size. They appear most often on the face, since it is this exposed part of the body that is most exposed to sunlight.

Causes of pigmentation

The reasons for the appearance of spots can be very different: excessive exposure to sunlight, dysfunction of some internal organs, such as the liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines, gall bladder. Spots can also appear when chemicals come into contact with the skin, as well as during pregnancy due to a lack of vitamins. As a result, under the influence of negative factors, the melanin pigment contained in the skin begins to be distributed unevenly. In those places where there is more of it, the skin color becomes noticeably darker. These dark areas are pigment spots. This manifestation does not threaten health in any way, with the exception of diseases of internal organs.

In spring, the sun is more active. The most favorable conditions are created for the formation of these manifestations, especially if the skin is prone to pigmentation. In such cases, it is necessary to take measures and protect against ultraviolet rays using special creams.

A tendency to pigmentation is observed most often in women over forty years of age. This is explained by the fact that at a more mature age, skin cells produce more pigment. During the same period, hormonal changes in the female body begin, further complicating the situation.

Increased pigmentation may begin after exposure to a southern tan if you have used various means protection from sun rays. In this case, bleaching agents help well. Self-tanning products also hide uneven skin color well.

The reason for the appearance of age spots on the face may be the incorrect use of certain perfumes and cosmetics, as well as improper cleansing of the facial skin. Skin sensitivity may also increase as a result of using cosmetics that contain large amounts of essential oils.

The appearance of stains creates serious moral problems. A woman loses confidence in herself and her attractiveness. In addition, a lot of time and money are spent on purchasing miracle drugs in order to hide the shortcomings as much as possible.

Photos of manifestations on the skin of the face and hands

White spots Brown Multiple age spots in a woman

Pigmentation on hands

Removing pigment spots

Achievements modern medicine make removing excess pigmentation not such an insoluble problem. Specialized salons and cosmetic clinics will be able to resolve this issue quite easily. In addition to the use of modern cosmetics, various types of whitening peeling are widely used. The essence of peeling is that when applied to the skin, its surface layer becomes necrosis. After this, the skin begins to intensively renew itself and completely changes, acquiring a uniform, healthy and light color.

Ultrasonic peeling is based on the introduction of special preparations into the facial skin using ultrasound, which give a whitening effect, helping to get rid of unsightly spots on the face, hands and other parts of the body. A good, sustainable result is achieved with at least ten procedures.

The effect of laser peeling is that with the help of a special laser the topmost layer of skin is removed. This procedure gives a tangible impetus to accelerate the growth of young new cells. This method is quite painful, so it is necessary to use special healing drugs for some time after the procedure. Laser peeling is used mainly in winter, since solar activity is lowest at this time of year. The skin should not be exposed to direct sunlight for 3-4 months. Laser treatment gives the most effective results.

In some cases, chemical peeling is used. In this case, the top layer of skin is removed under the influence of special chemicals.

Treatment at home

However, visiting beauty salons is quite an expensive pleasure. There are folk remedies for skin whitening that can be used at home:

  • making various masks: mixing yogurt and lemon juice, white lily with honey. You can wipe your face with fresh juices of currants, carrots, dandelions, celery or parsley;
  • for sensitive and dry skin use a mixture of finely grated radish and vegetable oil;
  • During the day, repeatedly wipe your face with a water infusion of parsley roots. The whitening effect can be enhanced by adding a few drops of lemon or plantain juice to the infusion;
  • the so-called “Swedish recipe”: boil potatoes in their jackets, peel, mash and add egg yolk. Steam the resulting mixture for about 20 minutes. Before application, the face must be cleaned, the mask must be kept for 20 minutes, covered with a thick cloth, and then the residue must be removed;
  • A yeast mask has a good effect. Mix brewer's yeast in an amount of 15–20 grams with lemon and grapefruit juice, one teaspoon each. Apply to the face, leave on for 20 minutes, then wash off with water. Be sure to apply skin cream;
  • Pour boiling water over half a glass of almonds. After steaming, grind the almonds through a meat grinder, add lemon juice and dilute with water until smooth. Keep on face for 20 minutes;
  • Grate the bell pepper (half a pod) through a grater, preferably a plastic one. Apply the paste to a cleansed face. After 20–25 minutes, rinse off and lubricate the skin with cream.

You should always remember about prevention. One of the reliable and proven ways is to eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible at the end of winter, which contain a lot of vitamin C. Additionally, take nicotinic acid. These measures will significantly reduce the risk of age spots forming on the face with the onset of spring.

On the facial area, unfortunately, they are often in no way related to age-related changes in the body; they can begin to appear at any age and are quite difficult to treat or disguise.

Risk group

The main group at risk for pigmentation on the face includes representatives of the fair sex, for whom this cosmetic nuisance becomes a real headache, forcing them to look for reasons and ways to get rid of these very unnecessary and sometimes very noticeable external manifestations.

Failure of internal processes occurring in the body, the impact of surrounding harmful external factors are sometimes expressed in a sharp concentration of the natural coloring substance - melonin - which manifests itself in the appearance of spots on the face. These can be light, almost white, or very dark formations, expressed in the form of freckles scattered across the face, or more serious and dangerous lentigines or benign nevi. Large concentrations of melanin under the skin often appear in the form of large protruding (sometimes pimply) circles, which clearly spoil the appearance and cause trouble to its owner.

The so-called melanin is responsible for the color of human skin.

Causes of spots

One of the most common reasons why such negative phenomena can occur is the harmful effects of sunlight on the skin of the face, which, as we know, needs additional special protection. This especially affects people with fair skin that is particularly susceptible to burns. When damaged by UV radiation, yellow spots appear that quickly darken. However, often the drugs themselves, designed to protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, can give such an unpleasant chemical reaction.

Paradoxically, the appearance of pigmentation on the face can become the main symptom of a malfunction of some metabolic processes in the body, such as diseases of the gastric tract, diseases of the renal system, liver and gallbladder, deficiency or excess of some vitamin or microelement. Typically, in such cases, the spots are red and the skin of the halo becomes dry.

Often, incorrectly selected or low-quality cosmetics can cause such unpleasant manifestations.

Pregnancy, accompanied by various hormonal changes, various nervous system disorders, age-related changes associated with the production of an excessive dose of pigment - all of these are the reasons for the appearance of pigmentation on the face, which requires specialist consultation and long-term, high-quality treatment using gentle methods, limiting exposure to the sun and excluding active cosmetics.

Pigmented spots on the face bring women to a cosmetology clinic almost more often than the desire to undergo anti-aging procedures. This is not surprising, since the appearance of dark areas on the skin is not only alarming, but also upsetting due to its unaesthetic quality. Very often, after examinations prescribed by a doctor, it turns out that pigmentation on the face appears due to hormonal imbalance.

Pigmentation and hormones appearing on the face - what is the relationship?

As you know, pigment spots are a concentration of melanin pigment in large quantities. The production of this pigment is a kind of adaptive, protective mechanism, since melanin acts as an optical filter capable of absorbing UV radiation. Special cells called melanocytes, located in the basal layer of the skin, are responsible for the synthesis of pigment. Melanocytes are associated with keratinocytes with their receptors. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays on keratinocytes, peripheral receptors are irritated and transmit impulses to the hypothalamus and adenohypophysis, as a result, melanin-stimulating hormones begin to be synthesized and enter the blood. Under their influence, the production and transportation of pigment is activated in melanocytes.

However, we should not forget that the skin is a hormone-dependent organ, and the functioning of skin cells, including melanocytes, is influenced by sex hormones (estrogen). In addition, melanin synthesis is controlled by pituitary hormones such as thyroid-stimulating, somatotropic, and adrenocorticotropic.

All of these hormones, when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, trigger a cascade reaction leading to skin pigmentation.

This explains the fact that the risk of age spots increases significantly when taking hormonal contraceptives, a number medicines and even during various phases of a woman’s ovulatory cycle, not to mention pregnancy or menopause. In addition, pigment spots also appear against the background of severe stress, neuropsychiatric disorders, and a number of endocrine diseases.

Pigmentation and hormones: different types of spots and their characteristics

Melasma is uneven brown spots with irregular outlines that can appear against the background of a pituitary tumor, as well as during pregnancy. Their occurrence is explained by fluctuations in the ratio of estrogen and progesterone in the blood. The location of pigment spots can be symmetrical on the cheeks, forehead, temples, chin, upper lip.

Chloasma- clearly defined spots of irregular shape, experts associate this pigmentation and estrogen hormones, to which increased sensitivity develops. The impetus for the manifestation of this type of pigmentation can be a girl’s first menstruation, childbirth, inflammatory gynecological disease, or the start of taking oral contraceptives. Chloasma spots often disappear on their own, but they can persist for many years.

Eyelid hyperpigmentation– provoked by solar active radiation, explained by an imbalance of hormones that develops in diseases of the ovaries, adrenal glands, thyroid gland; in young women under 25 years of age, it can be caused by oral contraception.

Lentigo– spots of round shape and different colors, from yellow to brown, appear most often in older people and are called senile ripples. This pigmentation and hormones are connected precisely by the patient’s age, when the amount of sex hormones produced in the body decreases significantly, their ratio changes.

Broca's dermatosis– pigment spots of yellow-brown color and unclear outlines that appear symmetrically around the mouth, near the nasolabial folds. The cause of pigmentation is a disruption in the production of hormones due to ovarian disease.

How to Consider Pigmentation and Hormones When Prescribing Treatment for Facial Spots

The choice of treatment for pigment spots depends on the cause of their occurrence, which is clarified in a preliminary consultation with a doctor. The principles of influencing pigmentation are as follows:

  • reduce melanin synthesis,
  • reduce the appearance of pigmentation using exfoliating procedures,
  • take measures against the reappearance of age spots.

Melanin production is reduced by drugs that inhibit the action of tyrosinase, which are usually administered by mesotherapy or phonophoresis. Next, peelings or hardware procedures are used to remove pigmented cells.

Representatives of the fair half of humanity are sensitive to their appearance, so they get upset about even a small pimple, let alone pigmentation.

Not a single woman is immune from the appearance of brown spots on her face, which by no means add attractiveness and cause complexes. Most often, pigmentation appears in women after 35 years.

Causes of pigmentation on the face

Melanin, located in various layers of the epidermis, begins to be produced more actively and accumulates in certain areas of the skin, forming pigmentation on them. There are a lot of reasons for natural pigment to demonstrate rapid “productivity”.

Here are the causes of pigmentation on the face:

1. Hereditary factor. Stains can only be removed using laser resurfacing.

2. Hormonal imbalance in the body caused by menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth or thyroid disease. Until the root cause is eliminated, trying to fight spots (chloasma) is useless. After the hormonal levels stabilize, pigment spots lighten and disappear on their own.

3. Injured skin. Pigmentation of this kind can occur after an unsuccessful cosmetic procedure (peeling), thermal or chemical burns. It may also be the consequences of severe acne or furunculosis. In this case, cosmetics are not enough; comprehensive treatment must be carried out.

4. Burns caused by excessive exposure to the sun or solarium. Spring rays are the most dangerous, since after winter the skin is in a state of partial depigmentation. As a rule, this kind of pigmentation goes away after using homemade masks and special cosmetics.

5. Nervous disorders. Stress and depression are often accompanied by changes in hormonal levels and, as a result, the appearance of pigmentation.

6. Vitamin deficiency. After taking the appropriate vitamins, which must contain vitamin C and copper, the spots disappear.

7. Medicines. Pigmentation can be the result of long-term use of certain medications, most often these are contraceptives or hormonal drugs. You must inform your doctor about the appearance of stains, who will discontinue the drug or replace it with a similar one.

8. Allergy to low-quality or expired cosmetics. Often, pigmentation can be caused by chemical components contained in products, essential oils, and low-quality ingredients.

9. Improper skin care, for example, frequent peeling procedures, provokes the appearance of fine pigmentation - freckles.

10. Diseases of internal organs - kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract. In this case, red spots mean malfunctions of the intestines, brown ones signal diseases of the gallbladder or liver, yellow-brown ones indicate problems with the kidneys. A proper diet and appropriate treatment are necessary.

And, of course, the cause of pigmentation on the face or body can be the aging process, accompanied by hormonal changes in the body, aging of the skin, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases, the number of which increases with age.

Age spots are not dangerous and do not cause pain, but they do not appear out of the blue. If they appear, you should consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination of the body, including consultation with a therapist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist and gynecologist. This will help determine the causes of pigmentation on the face. Treatment is prescribed after the diagnosis is determined.

Causes of pigmentation on the face and the choice of whitening products

After the necessary treatment, the spots will disappear or lighten, after which it will no longer be so difficult to get rid of them.

Beauty salons and aesthetic medicine centers offer women modern methods getting rid of pigmentation:

1. Chemical peeling. Eliminates many skin defects, including age spots. Using a weak solution of fruit, glycolic or other acid, deep or superficial (depending on the degree of damage) peeling is carried out, removing the top layer of skin. The method is considered painless, but after the procedure the skin should be protected from the sun for some time, otherwise pigmentation will appear again.

2. Laser grinding. The principle of action is the same as with chemical peeling. As a result of laser exposure to pigmented areas, the process of skin regeneration occurs, its tone increases, and spots disappear.

3. Phototherapy. The laser device emits an intense pulse of light aimed at the accumulation of melanin cells in the layers of the skin, thereby destroying them.

4. Mesotherapy. The procedure uses fillers, vitamin complexes or drugs that are injected subcutaneously.

Whitening cosmetics are also used to remove pigmented areas. They must be used very carefully to avoid the opposite effect: the spots may become larger or they will darken and differ sharply from the natural color of the skin. Some of the products have contraindications, so you should consult your doctor before using them.

Most often used:

1. Cream Achromin MAX - removes stains and protects the skin from exposure to sunlight.

2. Retin-A cream – stabilizes the level of melanin in the skin.

3. VC-IP solution with vitamin C – fights hyperpigmentation of cell layers.

4. Belita Vitex mask, based on white clay and acids. Not only eliminates pigmentation, but also moisturizes the skin.

5. Cream “Snow White” Biocon based on white lily extract, licorice and lactic acid. Prevents the appearance of pigmentation, has sunscreen effect.

Ordinary zinc ointment has an excellent whitening effect. Its advantage is the absence of contraindications, since the paste can be used even by pregnant women. The ointment must be applied 2-3 times a day until the spots disappear completely.

Before you start using this or that product, you must carefully read the composition and test for an allergic reaction.

Causes of pigmentation on the face: folk remedies

Traditional medicine can also help you cope with age spots. Masks that are kept on the face for 20-30 minutes and then washed off are great help:

1. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater. The resulting paste is applied to the face. After 30 minutes, remove with a napkin.

2. Fresh yeast (20 g) is mixed with lemon juice (half a tablespoon).

3. Potatoes are boiled in their skins. Peel and mix with yolk.

4. Lemon juice mixed with protein. Add 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide.

No less effective are washing with birch sap, wiping the face with parsley lotion, elderberry infusion, grapefruit or sauerkraut juice, a decoction of melon pulp, and strawberry water.

Hydrogen peroxide can be used as a bleaching agent. This method is used if the spots are very dark. It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad in peroxide and apply it to the affected area. Apply plastic wrap on top and hold the compress for 15 minutes. After this, rinse the skin thoroughly with water. The compress is done for 10 days.

Prevention of age spots on the face

It is easier to prevent any problem than to deal with it later. To avoid the appearance of brown spots, cosmetologists recommend using the following preventive measures:

1. Provide protection from ultraviolet radiation using cosmetics containing retinol, vitamin C, natural oils(jojoba, shea).

2. From time to time, carry out procedures for exfoliating the top layer of skin. This should only be done by an experienced cosmetologist.

3. For skin prone to pigmentation, do not use phototoxic products.

4. The skin should receive vitamins all year round. To do this, include more vegetables and fruits in the menu. In the spring, when the body is weakened by vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to drink vitamin C or nicotinic acid.

5. Eat right.

6. To timely determine the causes of pigmentation on the face, consult a doctor.

Take care of your health and be beautiful!

A large number of people face such a problem as the appearance of age spots on the face. Their appearance can be influenced by a variety of factors: hormonal changes, malfunctions of internal organs, the harmful effects of ultraviolet sunlight, and much more. Also, pigmentation on the face can be congenital - so-called birthmarks and vitiligo. It is important to know how to deal with this problem and, if possible, prevent its occurrence in the future.

What is skin pigmentation on the face

The word pigmentation comes from the Latin pigmentum - paint. - this is the appearance of spots that differ from the main color of the skin in some areas. With an excess of melanin, dark spots appear on the face - hypermelanosis; with a lack of pigment or its absence, white spots are formed - hypomelanosis. The appearance of pigmentation can indicate both serious diseases and minor local lesions of the skin.

Types of pigmentation

Age spots can be round, oval or irregular in shape. Their size and color vary depending on the species. Let's look at a photo of pigmentation on the face, its causes and treatment:

  • Vitiligo. With this type of pigmentation, areas of the skin are covered with white spots. This is due to a disruption in the production of melanin. The sizes can be very diverse: ranging from pinpoint and minor localization to large discolored areas of the skin. The disease is transmitted hereditarily. Vitiligo is hereditary
  • Melasma. Their appearance is associated with diseases of the liver and other organs. They are divided into epidermal, dermal and mixed depending on the depth of the excess pigment.
    The appearance of melasma is associated with disruption of the functioning of internal organs
  • Chloasma. Appear between the ages of 20 and 50, spots of irregular shape, dark brown and dark yellow. Often found in pregnant women due to changes in the body's hormonal system, especially in the second half of pregnancy. Their appearance may also indicate diseases of the female genital organs and malfunctions of the hormonal system, and in men, a decrease in testosterone levels.
    The appearance of chloasma indicates a hormonal imbalance in the body.
  • Lentigo. It is characterized by the appearance of oval or round spots ranging in size from a few millimeters to two to three centimeters in diameter. The color can range from light brown to black. Lentigo is divided into juvenile and senile, the first occurs in adolescents, the second in older people.
    Senile lentigo appears in older people
  • Freckles, ephelides. Spots up to 0.4 millimeters in size with clearly defined boundaries, their number increases in the warm season under the influence of sunlight. Most often, red-haired people and blondes have freckled facial skin.
    The number of freckles increases with exposure to sunlight
  • Broca's pigmented perioral dermatosis. Appears in women aged 30–40 years, and may indicate ovarian dysfunction or a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Spots of various shades of yellow and brown are localized in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.
    Broca's pigmentary dermatosis indicates a disorder of the ovaries or gastrointestinal tract
  • Birthmarks. Congenital hyperpigmented areas on the skin. They can come in a wide variety of colors and shapes. If desired, stains can be removed using cosmetic procedures upon reaching the age required for them.

Congenital birthmarks can be removed using cosmetic procedures

Causes of skin pigmentation on the face: why it appears

The occurrence of facial skin pigmentation can be influenced by a variety of reasons:

  • lack of vitamins and minerals (B12, magnesium, sulfur, iron, copper, etc.);
  • deterioration of blood circulation;
  • disruptions in the hormonal system;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • dysfunction of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder;
  • metabolic disorders due to improper bowel function;
  • diseases nervous system;
  • harmful effects of ultraviolet rays;
  • negative impact of cosmetic procedures;
  • allergic reaction to cosmetics or food;
  • age-related changes;
  • hereditary predisposition.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Skin pigmentation on the face can either be a signal of serious illness or simply be a residual effect from excessive sunbathing. First of all, it is important to correctly identify the cause of pigmentation by contacting a highly qualified specialist, and self-medication is not recommended in order to avoid worsening the situation. The symptoms are especially dangerous if the spots begin to change shape and grow in size, thicken and become darker or brighter in color, and unpleasant pain or tingling sensations occur in the area where they appear. In this case, going to the doctor should not be postponed under any circumstances.

Treatment of skin pigmentation on the face

Thanks to the development of modern technologies, a large number of effective cosmetic procedures have appeared for. There is also a rich assortment of various pharmaceutical drugs. And, of course, do not forget about time-tested folk recipes. The choice of treatment method and its effectiveness will depend on the specific type of pigmentation.

Table: pharmaceutical products for pigmentation therapy

NameEffect of the drugaverage cost
This drug contains vitamins A and E, which improve metabolic processes.96 rubles.
Vitamin B9, which is part of folic acid, has a beneficial effect on the skin and helps in the fight against pigmentation.71 rubles.
The drug contains ascorbic acid, rutin and other biologically active components that help normalize the processes of melagonesis.78 rubles.
This drug prevents excessive melanin production and promotes the disappearance of hyperpigmented skin areas, but it is characterized by a high level of toxicity and has many contraindications.from 50 to 1000 rubles, depending on the drug that contains this component.
This product contains azelaic acid, it normalizes the level of melanin production, and is available in the form of a cream or gel.684 rubles.
Normalizes the structure of the skin, improves complexion, helps in the fight against hyperpigmentation.100 rubles.
Glycolic, ascorbic, and salicylic acids contained in the cream regulate the production of melanin, eliminate existing age spots and prevent the appearance of new ones.1197 rubles.
RetinolHelps normalize the processes of melagonesis, evens out complexion.30 rubles.

Photo gallery: pharmaceutical drugs used to treat pigmentation on the face

Vitamins A and E improve metabolism, thereby having a beneficial effect on the skin
Ascorbic acid and rutin help normalize the processes of melagonesis Folic acid has a beneficial effect on the skin and helps in the fight against pigmentation
Hydroquinone, which is part of the Expigment cream, promotes the disappearance of pigmentation
Mumiyo improves complexion, helps fight pigmentation Retinol helps normalize the processes of melagonesis Neoton cream eliminates pigment spots and prevents the appearance of new ones
Azelaic acid, which is part of the Skinoren gel, normalizes the level of melanin production

Folk remedies are often used to treat some types of pigmentation at home. With regular use, you can notice an improvement after just a few treatments. In this case, it is important to remember that the prepared mixture must be applied to the treated area pointwise using a makeup brush or a cotton swab.

Table: treatment of skin pigmentation on the face using folk remedies

MeansIngredientsMethod of preparation and use
Cucumber-lemon mask
  • pulp of one medium-sized cucumber;
  • 5 ml lemon juice;
  • a tablespoon of potato starch.
Potato starch together with lemon juice and cucumber will help lighten age spots. Mix all the components of the mask, apply to the face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Parsley mask
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice;
  • 1 teaspoon honey.
The benefits of parsley are due to the high content of vitamin C and beta-carotene; with regular use of a mask with this component, age spots will become noticeably lighter. Grind the parsley in a blender and add the rest of the ingredients. Apply to facial skin for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Celandine oil cream
  • 1 teaspoon of celandine oil;
  • 2 teaspoons night cream.
Celandine oil is highly effective in combating pigmentation. Mix the ingredients and apply overnight without rinsing off. Each time you need to mix the components again, the mixture cannot be stored.
Sour cream and lemon mask
  • 1 teaspoon sour cream;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice.
Lemon juice and fermented milk products are also good helpers in the fight against age spots. To prepare the mask, mix all the ingredients and apply to the skin of the face. After 20 minutes, wash off the mixture, then moisturize your face with cream.
Yeast mask
  • 25 grams of yeast;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • a tablespoon of high-fat milk.
Yeast is rich in mineral elements that will help in the fight against hyperpigmentation of the skin. Mix all components, apply the resulting mixture to the skin for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
White clay mask
  • a tablespoon of white clay;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • small cucumber.
White clay has good whitening properties, so a mask based on it will be effective in combating pigmentation. First of all, grind the cucumber in a blender, then add clay and lemon juice to the mixture. Apply the components to the skin of the face and wash off after 15 minutes. This mask can be done 2 times a week in a course of 10–12 procedures.

Photo gallery: folk remedies used in the fight against pigmentation

Cucumber juice brightens skin Lemon juice helps fight age spots
Vitamin C and beta-carotene found in parsley help lighten dark spots
Fermented milk products are good helpers in the fight against age spots Yeast is rich in mineral elements that will help in the fight against hyperpigmentation Celandine oil is highly effective in the fight against pigmentation White clay has good whitening properties

Table: treatment of skin pigmentation on the face using cosmetic procedures

ProcedureTechnologyaverage cost
MesotherapyThe procedure involves injecting special medications under the skin of the face that help prevent the appearance of age spots. The specialist approaches the choice of the necessary medicine individually in each specific case. It is best to use this method as a prevention of pigmentation. It is recommended to do mesotherapy once a week for about three months.from 5,000 to 18,000 rubles (depending on the type of drug).
MicrodermabrasionThe technique consists of exfoliating the upper layer of the epidermis using abrasive microparticles. This process stimulates skin renewal, eliminates pigmentation, and improves blood circulation. There are 2 types of microdermabrasion: crystal and diamond. In the first case, aluminum dioxide crystals are used as an abrasive material. In the second case, a device is used, the tip of which is coated with diamond dust. This type of procedure is more gentle and practically does not cause complications.from 3000 rubles.
PhototherapyThis method helps get rid of unwanted pigmentation by exposing the skin to ultraviolet radiation. There are practically no painful sensations during the procedure, only a slight tingling sensation and warmth. To achieve the best effect, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment consisting of three procedures at intervals of a month. These indicators may vary at the discretion of the cosmetologist depending on the intermediate result.from 3000 rubles
Fractional laser resurfacingThe method involves exposing an area of ​​skin to a laser beam. This process is not complete without local anesthesia. For this type of procedure, two types of laser are most often used: carbon dioxide and erbium. In the second case, the recovery process lasts twice as long. It is not recommended to carry out laser resurfacing in the spring and summer, when solar activity is increased; cold seasons are preferable. If it is not possible to postpone the course of treatment, then you need to carefully protect the treated facial skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.from 8,000 rubles (depending on the area of ​​the skin surface being treated).
Chemical peelingThe procedure is carried out using special preparations with fruit, kojic, glycolic or any other acids. A competent specialist will choose the most appropriate drug for a particular case at his own discretion. To achieve results you will need from 4 to 10 procedures (depending on individual characteristics and type of pigmentation), interval - 1 week.from 3,000 to 11,000 rubles (the cost varies depending on the type of drug).

Video: treatment of birthmarks with laser

Diet as an auxiliary method of combating pigmentation

Proper nutrition is of enormous importance in the fight against age spots. No wonder there is a saying: “We are what we eat.” It is important to eat foods enriched with microelements such as iron, magnesium, sulfur, and copper. You need to eat more vegetables, fruits, herbs, as well as eggs, liver, beef, legumes, cheese, fish and other seafood. It is advisable to avoid eating large quantities of flour, sweet, and fried foods.

Iron-rich foods must be consumed to combat skin pigmentation

Prevention of skin pigmentation on the face: practical recommendations

To prevent the appearance of pigment spots resulting from the negative effects of sunlight, you need to monitor the characteristics of your phenotype.

People with fair skin, white and red hair need to minimize exposure to the sun, as they are most prone to the formation of burns and subsequent pigmentation of the damaged skin.

When sunbathing, it is advisable to use protective cosmetics. When choosing a cream or lotion, it is important to pay attention to the level of SPF (solar protective factor): for those with dark skin, this value may be lower, and for fair-skinned people it is better to choose products with a higher value.

The choice of cosmetic product with the required SPF value directly depends on your skin type

I live in a small resort seaside town. Somehow in adolescence went to the beach with my friends. It was the middle of summer, hot, the sun was shining brightly (it is important to note here that I have very fair skin). We spent the entire period from 12.00 to 15.00 under the scorching sun: laughing, playing ball, swimming races, in general, the time flew by. It was only on the way back that I noticed that my skin had turned red. Arriving home, after some time, I began to feel an unpleasant burning sensation, especially in the areas of my face, shoulders, arms and legs. By evening, the body temperature rose to 38°C, the legs began to swell, and the skin became covered with small transparent blisters. It’s difficult to convey how frightened my mother felt. She immediately took the necessary measures and purchased sunburn ointment from the pharmacy. After a few days, the redness and swelling subsided. Years later, I had already forgotten about this incident, when suddenly one day while taking a shower, I discovered several spots on my face and shoulder area dark color. Unfortunately, the sunburn was not in vain for me. This unpleasant incident served as a good lesson for me. Since then, I have always tried to monitor my time in the sun.

Reading time: 8 min.

From the condition of the skin and its appearance Not only physical health, but also the psychological state of a person depends. Pigment spots, especially on open areas of the body, can cause a lot of inconvenience to a person, no matter what age he is. But you shouldn’t consider a pigmentation disorder as just an annoying problem of an aesthetic nature - in some cases, a pigment spot may be a signal that it’s time to go to the hospital and undergo full examination. In order to preserve youth and health of the skin for a long time, you need to know why the production of pigments is disrupted and how to permanently get rid of age spots on the face.

U healthy person special cells - melanocytes, constantly synthesize the pigment - melanin. This substance determines the color of hair, skin and eyes. Also, normally, the production of melanin is enhanced by ultraviolet radiation - a bronze tan appears on the skin. But sometimes, due to factors environment, as well as pathological processes that occur inside the body, the normal production of melanin is disrupted, which leads to the appearance of age spots on the face.

A pigment spot is a limited area of ​​skin in which hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation is observed. Hyperpigmentation is caused by excessive synthesis of melanin, hypopigmentation is caused by a decrease in the intensity of this process. Pigmentation disorders can manifest themselves in various diseases of internal organs, and can also be a consequence of already suffered dermatological diseases.

Why do age spots appear on the face?

The face is that part of the body that is constantly under the influence of negative factors. This is why pigmentation disorders most often develop on the face. Experts identify a number of reasons why age spots develop on the face. These include:

Pigment spots after acne

Young girls especially often face this problem. If acne, furunculosis, and other dermatological diseases are not treated correctly, there is a risk of developing pigment spots on the face. The more damaged the skin is, the more likely it is that areas of hyperpigmentation, or white spots, will appear on the face.

Pigmentation in dry skin

Dry skin is thinner and more sensitive to various environmental factors. Therefore, pigmentation occurs more often in those people who have dry, fair skin.

Localization and features of age spots on the face

Excessive pigmentation can appear on any part of the face. Most often, age spots can be seen on the nose, cheeks, eyelids, around the mouth and on the chin, sometimes the forehead and even the ears are affected. They can be located either singly (nevi) or in the form of clusters (which is typical for chloasma, solar lentigo and freckles). If excessive pigmentation occurs as a result of perioral dermatitis, then pigment spots will be located around the lips. After suffering from periorbital dermatitis, you can notice pigmentation around the eyes, on the forehead, bridge of the nose and cheekbones. The color can also vary from dark beige to red, dark brown and even black (for example, when nevi occur).

What types of age spots most often appear on the face?

As already mentioned, the face is the part of the body that is more susceptible to the appearance of age spots than others. Pigmentation disorders are typical for the following conditions:

Sometimes pigmentation disorders can also occur after other dermatological diseases, and can also be a sign of fungal skin infection (for example, with pityriasis versicolor).

What symptoms may be a reason to seek medical help?

In most cases, patients with age spots on the face are not bothered by physical discomfort. The only complaint may be the presence of an area of ​​hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation, which primarily causes psychological discomfort. Approximately 95% of age spots are absolutely safe for health and do not pose any threat to the body.

If there is a pigment spot (or several) on your face, you need to remain calm and simply observe their development over time. Doctors recommend conducting a visual examination of the skin of the face; this should be done once every 2-4 weeks. In this case, each time it is necessary to record all the data about the area where excess pigmentation is observed. It is necessary to record what size and color the spot is, what edges it has, whether it is symmetrical, and how it develops. One of the following 5 signs may be a reason to urgently consult a doctor:

  • the birthmark is more than 6-7 mm in diameter;
  • the color is uneven or has changed;
  • edges are fuzzy, uneven;
  • asymmetry of the neoplasm;
  • the pigment spot increases rapidly.

It is very important to consult a doctor if one of the above signs appears, because it may indicate the initial stage of melanoma (skin cancer).

What studies and tests are needed for diagnosis?

Pigment spots are often a sign of a skin disease, so it should be diagnosed and treated by a dermatologist. But sometimes consultations with other specialists are also required: gynecologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist, therapist. This is necessary in order to make sure that there are no other pathologies on the part of the internal organs. Diagnostics takes place in several stages:

Treatment methods for age spots on the face: drug and hardware therapy, cosmetics, folk remedies

Removing age spots is a fairly lengthy process that requires some effort. The main principle of getting rid of age spots is to identify and eliminate the cause that led to this condition. In order to remove existing age spots, the following bleaching agents are used:

Therapeutic cosmetics with a brightening effect: what to look for when purchasing

Masks are also very popular. To date, hundreds of such products have been developed, but they contain one of the following substances:

  • topical retinoids;
  • kojic acid;
  • hydroquinone;
  • licorice root extract;
  • mequinol;
  • niacinamide;
  • azelaic acid.

The advantage of medicinal cosmetics is that it normalizes melanin synthesis, thereby reducing the likelihood of developing new age spots.

It must be remembered that medicinal cosmetics should be selected together with a dermatologist and cosmetologist. It is also necessary to carefully read the instructions for use and study the composition. Under no circumstances should you buy imported cosmetics whose instructions have not been translated into Russian - they may contain harmful chemical compounds and even topical steroids. It is important to always check quality certificates and order medicinal cosmetics on official websites or buy in pharmacies.

Traditional methods of treatment

Alternative medicine is good because it is accessible, inexpensive, has a small number of contraindications and side effects, and helps with treatment in childhood and adolescence. The most effective folk remedies for age spots are masks and lotions using the following ingredients:

There are a large number of recipes online using these products, but you should always remember that the products traditional medicine Not tested by dermatologists and may cause some side effects. Before using any method of alternative medicine, it is mandatory to consult your doctor and conduct an allergy test. To do this, you need to apply a small amount of the resulting product to the skin and observe its condition for 20-30 minutes. The most effective.

Basic methods of hardware therapy that will help remove age spots

For several decades, it has been a leader in terms of effectiveness in the fight against excessive pigmentation. Currently, the following methods of hardware cosmetology are used:

  • removal of pigment spots with laser;
  • cryotherapy (exposure to liquid nitrogen);
  • chemical peeling;
  • phototherapy;
  • mechanical cleaning.

These procedures are aimed at exfoliating dead cells, starting and accelerating regeneration processes. By removing the upper layers of the epidermis, age spots are also removed. The disadvantage of these treatment methods is that they only help remove pigment spots on the face that exist, but do not in any way affect the impaired synthesis of melanin - the cause of hyperpigmentation. Methods of hardware treatment of age spots should also be agreed with a doctor, because many of them have a number of contraindications.

Prognosis and possible complications

Since 95% of age spots are safe, the prognosis is favorable. However, you need to remember the risk of complications. Sometimes the cells in a birthmark become malignant, leading to the development of skin cancer (melanoma). Melanoma is one of the most dangerous types of cancer; it develops quickly, is difficult to treat and metastasizes even to the most distant organs.

In order to avoid this complication, you need to undergo regular examinations with a doctor or independently monitor the condition of birthmarks. At the first sign of an enlargement or other change in the birthmark, you should urgently seek medical help!

How to avoid the appearance of age spots on the face?

The skin of the face is very thin and vulnerable, so you need to take enough measures to protect it from the effects of negative environmental factors. To avoid the appearance of pigmentation disorders on the face, doctors recommend:

  • limit the time spent under the influence of ultraviolet rays (beach, solarium). Under no circumstances should you sunbathe during periods of increased solar activity: 11-15 hours of the day. People with fair skin should follow this recommendation especially carefully.
  • Be sure to use sunscreen. It is better to choose natural, hypoallergenic creams with an SPF filter of more than 40.
  • decorative cosmetics and care products should be chosen only of high quality. You can also use cosmetics that are intended for skin prone to hyperpigmentation (for example, there are foundation creams and makeup bases that also protect against UV rays).
  • monitor your health: regularly undergo preventive examinations with a therapist;
  • avoid stress and unnecessary stress on the body;
  • use all medications (tablets, injections, ointments) only under the supervision of a doctor;
  • if other skin diseases occur, do not self-medicate - this can aggravate the condition and lead to the appearance of hyperpigmentation;
  • protect skin from exposure to heat, cold and wind;
  • eat a balanced diet, eat more vegetables and fruits in season.

Pigment spots can cause psychological discomfort, so they can and should be dealt with. Thanks to modern technologies, you can permanently clear your face of age spots in just a few months.

Any woman, regardless of age, wants her skin to always be healthy and beautiful. One of the common problems that plague many ladies is age spots on the face. They can appear in adolescence and in women over 50 years of age. Most representatives of the fair sex are sure that the spots are associated with negative processes occurring directly in the skin. To combat them, they use a variety of cosmetics and resort to folk remedies, sometimes very dubious.

Local exposure to the skin leads to the fact that pigment spots do not disappear, but only fade a little. Inadequate measures may well cause the process to progress. In order to successfully combat this cosmetic defect, you need to know the reasons for its appearance.

As a rule, pathological pigmentation develops in women over 35-40 years old, but there are exceptions. Spots are the result of local accumulations of melanin present in the body of any person. This pigment is present in the outer layer of the skin - the epidermis. When it accumulates in limited areas of the outer layer, birthmarks or freckles appear. The color of such formations can vary from light yellow to rich brown. As a rule, they do not cause problems for a woman.

Another thing is melanin deposits in the deeper layers of the epidermis. Such spots are characterized by a dark brown color. They can interfere with applying makeup to the face, and if they rise slightly above the skin level, they can even interfere with putting on clothes.

Cosmetologists distinguish the following types of pigment spots:

  • birthmarks;
  • lentigo (typical for older women);
  • chloasma;
  • freckles.

One of the leading reasons for the development of hyperpigmentation is genetic predisposition. Spots can sometimes be present even in newborns. Elimination of hereditarily caused cosmetic defects requires taking quite serious measures, one of which is laser resurfacing.

Often spots appear due to hormonal imbalance. Pigmentation can develop with diseases of the endocrine system, as well as with hormonal changes in the body associated with pregnancy or menstruation. In some cases, it can develop in women in the first year after the birth of a child. Such spots usually have an irregular shape; they are usually called chloasma. Experts do not recommend taking any measures to eliminate this cosmetic defect. Pigmentation areas often develop with thyroid dysfunction, as well as with the development of tumors in the pituitary gland. To cope with spots of endocrine origin, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease. As hormonal levels return to normal, the spots will disappear.

Pigmentation can occur due to skin trauma.

The main causes of skin damage that cause hyperpigmentation of certain areas of the skin:

To eliminate spots of traumatic origin, as a rule, local exposure is not enough. Most patients require complex therapy.

Often spots appear under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The direct cause, in particular, may be excessively long exposure to the sun. It is known that ultraviolet radiation stimulates the formation of melanin, and normally a person develops a tan, which is necessary to protect against burns. But in some cases pigment accumulates more intensely in certain areas. Usually it is the skin of the face that suffers, since it is the most delicate and is never protected by clothing. Pigment spots often appear from the spring sun, since after the autumn-winter period the skin is maximally depigmented.

Even the most modern sunscreens are not always effective, so to avoid skin problems, it is recommended to sunbathe in the evening or morning.

Note:spots often appear after too frequent trips to the solarium. In pursuit of beauty, you can achieve the completely opposite effect.

Pigmentation of areas of the skin often indicates diseases of the digestive tract (in particular the intestines), kidneys, liver and gall bladder. Intestinal diseases usually cause reddish spots. Brown pigmentation indicates problems with the liver or gall bladder. Violations of the functional activity of the kidneys lead to the development of yellow or yellowish-brown spots. Bleaching and other local treatments are ineffective. The spots disappear on their own after successful treatment of the underlying disease. In many cases, strict adherence to the diet prescribed by the doctor is sufficient.

Pigment spots are often caused by mental illness, nervous disorders and even frequent psycho-emotional stress. Problems with the nervous system lead to hormonal imbalance and metabolic disorders, resulting in the formation of pathological accumulations of melanin. To eliminate such defects, normalization of the patient’s mental state is required.

Spots on the skin may appear if a woman’s body lacks certain micro- and macroelements or vitamins. In particular, pigmentation is often a consequence of hypovitaminosis of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and insufficient dietary intake of copper. Such accumulations of melanin spontaneously disappear as the deficiency of these biologically active substances is compensated.

Some pharmacological agents with long-term course use can also provoke the appearance of areas of hyperpigmentation. Spots appear especially often during long-term antibiotic therapy. In such cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will decide whether to replace a particular drug with an analogue or interrupt the course of treatment.

Important:The cause of the appearance of spots in some cases is an allergic reaction. In such a situation, consultation with a specialist is required who will help identify the factor leading to the occurrence of a hypersensitivity reaction.

The skin may react to low-quality cosmetics. There are a ton of fake skin care and makeup products on the market these days. They may contain toxic ingredients. If you notice that pigment spots have appeared after using a certain type of cosmetics, you need to stop using it and urgently consult a dermatologist.

Note:The appearance of hyperpigmentation is often caused by excessively frequent skin cleansing and whitening procedures.

The appearance of darkened areas on the skin of the hands, neck and face is often the result of natural aging processes. Usually such spots appear after 45 years. The reason is hormonal changes during menopause and uneven distribution of pigment in aging skin. Pigmentation can also be associated with chronic diseases that develop and worsen with age.

As a rule, pigment spots themselves are not dangerous, but in most cases they indicate certain pathologies of organs and systems. The appearance of darkened areas on the skin is a reason to undergo a comprehensive medical examination, which will reveal the true cause of the pathology. It is not the effect that needs to be treated, but the cause.

Women who have areas of hyperpigmentation of the facial skin should first consult with doctors of the following specializations:

  • therapist;
  • dermatologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • gynecologist;
  • gastroenterologist

Depending on the cause of the pathology, treatment tactics are determined. In any case, treatment of the underlying disease is required; otherwise, neither folk remedies for whitening nor even the most innovative cosmetic procedures will help.

A wide variety of products can be used to eliminate pigmentation, but the effectiveness of many of them is questionable. In addition, some “bleaches” can be harmful to the skin.

One of the most famous and widespread “folk remedies” is a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. The application of this product often causes a chemical burn to the outer layer of the epidermis, and the melanin accumulated deep in the skin does not disappear anywhere.

Important:Such creams are strictly contraindicated for women carrying a child, as well as for nursing mothers!

Cosmetic procedures should only be performed by a qualified professional. The specific technique is selected strictly individually. The cosmetologist takes into account the severity of the defect, the area of ​​its location, as well as the patient’s contraindications to this procedure.

Chemical peeling involves the application of organic acids - fruit, glycolic, etc. These biologically active compounds ensure exfoliation of the cells of the outer layer of the epidermis. Thus, skin renewal is ensured, which over time contributes to the disappearance or reduction of the severity of pathological pigmentation.

Peeling can also be carried out using an ultrasonic device.

Laser peeling helps to remove cells from the outer layer of skin as gently as possible. The disadvantage of this technique is its relative traumatic nature. After the procedure, patients are advised to apply products to the skin that accelerate the regeneration process. It is preferable to carry out laser peeling sessions in winter, when exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation on the skin is minimal.

Phototherapy allows you to selectively target areas of hyperpigmentation. High intensity light waves promote the destruction of cells with a pathologically high presence of melanin.

Any cosmetic whitening products should only be used under the supervision of an experienced specialist. If they are used ineptly, it is possible that an effect will develop that is completely opposite to the desired one, that is, pigment spots on the face will become even more noticeable.

Please note: a number of drugs are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding, as well as acute and chronic pathologies of the liver or kidneys.

The most effective whitening products are:

  • Retin-A (cream);
  • VC-IP (solution based on ascorbic acid);
  • Achromin MAX;
  • Neotone complex (night serum + Neotone Radiance SPF 50+).

There are a number of safe and time-tested folk methods for getting rid of hyperpigmentation. Helps to achieve a good effect cosmetic mask from grated fresh cucumber.

A mixture of yeast and lemon juice can be applied to problem skin for 10-15 minutes. It is also recommended to wipe your face with parsley infusion mixed with fresh whole milk twice a day.