How can you clean a mink coat? How to clean a mink at home. Rules for cleaning fur

If the mink coat has lost its shine, creases or various stains have appeared, then it’s time to clean it. Next, you will learn how to carry out dry and wet cleaning, and what products can be used. Instructions for cleaning a white mink coat are provided separately.

Dry cleaning a mink coat

Dry cleaning is considered the most gentle, of course. It is used to remove ordinary dirt, for example, if a car has been splashed or the product has become dusty. To do this, you need to purchase a special brush for fur products with frequent, short and metal teeth.

Cleaning from dirt

A fur coat splashed with mud is dried at room temperature, hanging on a hanger. Once the fur is completely dry, it is carefully combed in the direction of hair growth several times. Now all that remains is to shake off the product well - not a trace will remain of the dirt, and the fur will shine again.

Cleaning to combat the effects of prolonged wear

Talc or semolina will help deal with shiny fur and fur that has lost volume.

Semolina helps get rid of greasy stains as it is a good absorbent. Talcum powder will not only help remove grease, but also remove odor and dust, but it is not used on dark fur, as it can leave white streaks on them.

These same products will restore their former shine:
  • The fur coat is straightened out on a straight surface, the contaminated areas are sprinkled with either talcum powder or dry semolina.
  • Rub the components into the fur with light movements for 30 seconds.
  • Then they shake it off and go through it with a special brush, removing the residue.

How to clean stains from a mink coat?

For more stubborn stains, use wet cleaning. But only the fur hairs are carefully wetted, trying to prevent moisture from getting on the base. For wet cleaning use:

Soap solution

The solution is prepared from a non-aggressive agent. It is better to use hair shampoo, which is mixed with warm, clean water and whisked until foam forms. It is applied with a sponge or soft cloth to the fur in a circular motion. Then the soap solution is removed with a damp cloth and the fur coat is allowed to dry in natural conditions. All that remains is to go over the pile with a brush, and the updated fur coat is ready to wear.


Gasoline is used to tidy up fur coats made only from dark pile. It leaves yellow spots on light-colored fur. When working with flammable material, observe safety precautions - carry out work with an open window and away from the source of fire.

Cleaning can be done in two ways:

  • Moisten a brush in gasoline and comb the fur coat gently without pressing hard on the fur.
  • Buy sawdust from non-resinous trees (linden, oak, maple), soak them in water, adding a little pure gasoline. The fur coat is straightened out on a flat surface and sawdust soaked in a gasoline solution is laid out on it.
Regardless of the method, the final stage is to comb out the fur with a brush and air the fur coat for several hours in the fresh air.


The vinegar solution helps restore shine to fur. Vinegar is diluted with water (the concentration of the solution should not exceed 5%), take a cotton pad, moisten it, squeeze out excess moisture and wipe the pile with it. Long fur is processed according to hair growth, short fur - against it.

In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it and not to wet the base, otherwise damage will not be avoided.

How to clean a white mink coat

A white mink coat is a luxurious and branded product. If your fur coat is dirty, you can try cleaning it at home.

Dry brushing with talcum powder or tooth powder

The fur product is laid out on a flat surface and completely sprinkled with the chosen product - talc or powder. Leave for several hours, then shake off and brush if necessary.

Cleaning with a solution of hydrogen peroxide or ammonia

They help restore the shine of fur and the attractive appearance of the product, refresh it:
  • For 1 liter of water, take 1 tablespoon of peroxide and clean your fur coat with this solution. The algorithm of actions is the same as when cleaning with vinegar. If yellowness appears on the pile, then the concentration of the solution is increased.
  • Prepare the following solution: add 1 tablespoon of ammonia and 3 tablespoons of salt to 1–2 liters of water. Soak a cloth in this solution and wipe the fur with it. After this, let the fur coat dry and comb the pile with a brush.

How to clean vomit from a mink coat?

Vomit is a difficult-to-remove contaminant. Therefore, it is better to entrust cleaning to a professional. No opportunity? We clean a fur coat at home ourselves, in 3 stages:
  • Cover fresh stains with potato starch and rub it into the pile in a circular motion.
  • Then prepare a solution - washing powder is dissolved in water. Using a spray bottle, apply it to areas with starch and around it.
  • Carefully remove everything with a sponge and dry the fur coat. When it dries, the remaining starch is carefully combed out with a brush.

When preparing the solution, be careful when choosing the powder. So, if a fur coat dark color, the powder should not contain bleach.

Precautionary measures

To avoid unpleasant consequences after cleaning your fur coat, you should remember the following rules:
  • Under no circumstances should you wash your fur coat. This will lead to irreversible deformation of the fur product.
  • Drying a fur coat near heating devices (radiators, heaters, open fires) has a negative effect on it.

If the fur coat gets wet from precipitation, hang it on a hanger and dry it at room temperature indoors.

  • Ironing is strictly contraindicated for fur. It cannot be used to get rid of creases on clothes without negative consequences.
  • You cannot store a fur coat folded. If this happens, the fur coat should be unfolded, hung on a hanger and allowed to hang.

Video: Cleaning a fur coat with purchased products

There are special fur cleaning products on sale, for example, Bio Fur. In the following video you will see how to use this tool:

So, there are several ways to refresh a mink coat and rid it of dirt. Before each cleaning, be sure to test the new product on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing to avoid damage to the entire product and unpleasant consequences.


Beautiful outerwear can not only protect against the cold, but also lift the mood and self-esteem of any woman, especially if it is made of noble fur, such as mink.

Such products are not cheap, but the cost is fully justified by their lightness, noble shine and wearing comfort.

To maintain a decent appearance, a mink coat must be regularly cleaned of dirt that appears during wear. You don't have to go to a dry cleaner to do this. Knowing a few tricks, you can easily clean a mink coat yourself.

Regardless of the type of fur, there are several rules that must be followed when cleaning the product yourself:

  1. The fur product should be laid out on a flat surface covered with a light cloth.
  2. Lighting in the room should be as close to natural as possible. It is better to carry out the cleaning process during the day.
  3. When using chemicals, care must be taken to ensure good ventilation, but drafts should be avoided.
  4. Before using chemicals (even seemingly gentle ones), you need to apply them in an inconspicuous place on the reverse side of the product.
  5. After cleaning, you need to dry a natural fur coat in a well-ventilated area or outdoors in the shade. Direct sunlight, hot air and drafts are best avoided.
  6. A fur coat with a short pile is brushed against the growth of hairs, with a long one - in the direction of growth.

If after cleaning the fur coat has lost its shape, there is no need to try to iron it. Even if the iron does not damage the hairs, they will be crushed and natural fur will lose its attractiveness.

Features of cleaning mink fur products

Not all women can afford even a short fur coat. This fur is one of the most expensive, largely due to its characteristics:

  • low weight of the finished product;
  • soft, pleasant to the touch pile;
  • noble shades from black to snow-white;
  • good heat resistance.

This fur is very delicate, to avoid damage it is prohibited:

  • use any washing powder and other non-specialized detergents;
  • wash in the usual way (by hand or in washing machine) a complete fur coat or separate places;
  • rub and scratch the pile vigorously;
  • neutralize unpleasant odors using perfumes, deodorants and other products;
  • dry the cleaned fur coat on a radiator, near an open fire or using a hairdryer;
  • iron to return to shape;
  • remove dust with a vacuum cleaner.

When is it time to clean?

  • reduction or disappearance of characteristic shine;
  • uneven shade;
  • pile settling;
  • a coating of dust and grease on hairs;
  • matted fur, knots of hairs;
  • small debris in the mesdra (lower layer of hairs);
  • the appearance of stains on the fur coat.

Methods and means for cleaning mink coats

You can return a mink fur coat to its original appearance different ways. Which ones exactly depends on several factors:

  • type and cause of pollution;
  • color and dressing of fur;
  • location of contamination.

Before you start cleaning your mink coat, you need to remove dust and debris from it. To do this, just hang it on a hanger, wrap the product in a wet cloth (preferably white) and lightly beat it out.

After such manipulations, you need to air dry the fur coat and only then start cleaning.

Often, to return a mink coat to a decent appearance or to slightly refresh it, steaming is enough:

  • hang the product on hangers;
  • treat with steam from a special steamer;
  • let air dry;
  • shake and comb.

Please note that an iron with a “steaming” function is not suitable for these purposes, as there is a possibility of slightly scorching the hairs.

You can also clean your fur coat with steam in the bathroom:

  • turn on hot water, close the door:
  • When the bathroom is filled with steam, hang the fur coat there and leave for 30-50 minutes.

Detergents to the rescue

You can remove dirt from mink using special products for cleaning fur products:

  1. “Insaf” - removes most contaminants, protects against moths and creates an invisible film on the fibers that repels dust. The antistatic effect of the product prevents the pile from falling off.
  2. “ULTRA FINISH MILK” is a product that restores shine and silkiness to fur.
  3. "FUR FRESH SALAMANDER Professional" - spray that restores shade.

When using these products, you must follow the manufacturer's recommendations to prevent damage to the fur.

Specialized products do an excellent job of removing most stains, but they are expensive and are not available in all retail outlets.

Instead, you can use a liquid detergent, for example, neutral shampoo or colorless dishwashing liquid:

  • add a tablespoon of detergent to 2 liters of warm water;
  • beat the liquid until foam appears;
  • apply foam to the fur with a soft sponge or cloth, rub a little;
  • comb with a plastic comb with mild teeth.

The mink coat treated in this way should be hung on hangers and dried.

Cleaning with folk remedies

Many lovers of natural fur prefer folk remedies for cleaning a mink coat:

  1. Alcohol solution. To prepare it, mix medical alcohol or regular vodka with warm water in equal proportions. Distribute the resulting composition evenly over the fur (with a sponge or a spray bottle). Gently lift the pile with a soft brush or sponge and comb gently (repeat manipulations several times). Allow the cleaned fur coat to dry, shake well and comb against the lint with a soft brush.
  2. Instead of regular alcohol, you can use ammonia (the amount of water needs to be doubled). The method of application is similar to the previous one. This product is rarely used because of the specific odor and the risk of damaging the flesh.
  3. Table vinegar will not only help clean light stains and neutralize odors, but will also have a conditioning effect. Directions for use: in a convenient container, mix vinegar, warm water and alcohol in equal quantities. Moisten a sponge with the resulting liquid and wipe away dirt. Immediately after this, blot the pile with a clean, dry cloth and take the fur coat into a well-ventilated room so that the smell of vinegar disappears.
  4. Gasoline is used only for cleaning dark-colored mink coats. To remove dirt, soak a sponge in highly purified gasoline and gently wipe the pile. To remove the specific odor, the fur coat should be taken to a ventilated area.

Advantages of folk remedies:

  • affordable price;
  • ease of use;
  • safety for fur, environment and human health.

Mechanical cleaning methods

You can also clean a fur coat using dry methods, without the risk of deforming the delicate mink fur. The principle of their operation is the mechanical removal of contaminants.

Dry cleaning options:

  1. Bran (rye or wheat) will absorb fat and dust from mink fur. To do this, the product is heated in a frying pan or oven and evenly distributed over the fur coat. After the bran has cooled, you need to remove it and carefully comb the pile.
  2. Talc, flour or starch can be used as an absorbent. Distribute the powder over the fur coat, rub in a little and clean off. If the removed powder is dark in color, the procedure should be repeated. These products are suitable for restoring freshness to light-colored mink coats.
  3. Sand (it is better to use river sand). Sift the natural mineral, heat in the oven until warm and spread over the fur coat. After cooling, shake the fur product and comb thoroughly.
  4. Sawdust from non-coniferous trees (sold in pet supply stores). Mix a small portion of sawdust with gasoline and spread over the surface of the fur coat. After a few minutes, brush off and hang in a ventilated place.

How to remove stains: dirt, grease and others

Even carefully wearing a mink fur coat will not protect against the appearance of various stains. It could be:

  • dirt;
  • cosmetical tools.;
  • Oil paint;
  • fuel oil

Getting rid of them is more difficult than ordinary dust, but with timely action it is quite possible even at home.

The method for removing a stain from a mink coat depends on its origin.

Small stains, such as street dirt, are removed with a soap, vinegar or alcohol solution.

On light-colored mink coats, yellow spots sometimes appear due to age or ultraviolet radiation. You can refresh a slightly yellowed coat with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide (5 ml of product per glass of warm water). The resulting liquid is irrigated onto the fur coat, combed and allowed to dry naturally.

To remove individual yellow spots, they are treated with a more concentrated solution (30 ml of hydrogen peroxide per glass of warm water) with the addition of a few drops of ammonia. The resulting product is rubbed into the pile using a sponge and left to dry. Please note that getting this mixture on the base may damage it.

To combat yellow spots, you can use professional bleaches (“LOVESTIN”, “VITON-FS”), strictly following the instructions.

Grease stains and traces of sweat can be removed with a solution consisting of a glass of water, 3 ml of ammonia, tsp. salt and a few drops of colorless detergent. The mixture is applied to the stain, gently rubbed in and after 10-15 minutes, removed with a clean, dry cloth.

Getting rid of odors

Mink fur, like any other fur, absorbs foreign odors. You can remove them in several ways:

  • treat with special sprays that remove odor from fur (for example, Odorgon);
  • hang in a cool room with good air circulation;
  • treat with vinegar solution;
  • place in a tight case with a handful of coffee beans, a sachet with lavender for 2-3 days.

How to clean your collar, sleeves, pockets and lining

Sleeves, collars and pockets are most susceptible to contamination. outerwear. Even when worn carefully, they begin to become shiny due to the natural secretions of the body, cosmetics. Such contaminants can be removed with soap, vinegar, alcohol or gasoline. In this case, you need to focus on the color of the fur coat.

The lining of a mink coat gets dirty no less than fur. There are 2 ways to clean fabric:

  1. Treat the lining with soapy water using a brush, dry with a dry cloth or paper napkins. You need to act very carefully so that water does not get on the skin and flesh.
  2. Remove the lining and wash it. This method is less risky, but more labor-intensive. It is difficult to carry out such a procedure on your own; it is better to entrust it to specialists from the studio.

A small life hack that will make it easier to care for the lining: sew fabric in the same color as the lining onto the bottom of the sleeves, collar and bottom of the fur coat. If necessary, it is peeled off, washed or replaced with a new one.

Let's summarize:

  1. For home cleaning of light-colored fur coats (white, silver, blue mink), use the most gentle means: soap, alcohol, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, starch or talc.
  2. Fur coats of dark shades (brown and black) can be cleaned with gasoline, sand, and all solutions except bleach. Powders white(talc, starch) may be difficult to completely remove from the pile.

When is dry cleaning necessary?

Mink coat dry cleaning service is not cheap, but in some cases you cannot do without it:

  • home methods were ineffective;
  • Old stains were found on the product.

Please note that a mink coat can withstand no more than 6 professional cleanings.

Fur items made from such delicate fur as mink require careful handling, so when choosing a dry cleaner, pay attention to reviews so as not to be left with a damaged item.

Basic rules for caring for mink products

Manufacturers guarantee that a mink coat will not lose its attractiveness for 10-12 years, if you follow simple rules socks and care:

  • wear a fur coat only on dry winter days;
  • protect from sunlight;
  • When wet, shake, hang on hangers and let dry on its own;
  • do not carry the bag on your shoulder to avoid abrasion of the lint;
  • store in a closet on wide (preferably soft) hangers;
  • brush periodically with a soft brush;
  • During the warm period, put it in a thick cover. In its absence, free up as much space as possible so that the fur coat does not come into contact with other things;
  • let the mink coat breathe every 2 months, hanging it in a dark place with good ventilation;
  • to preserve the noble shine of the fur, rub a mixture of linen, mink or olive oil with vinegar (proportion 2:1), pre-supporting the lining;
  • Before storing your fur coat, you should clean it yourself or dry clean it.

Careful care, careful wearing and timely removal of dirt can extend the life of a mink coat by several years.

Cleaning a mink coat is a very important task for every owner of this item of clothing, because even without obvious contamination, it loses its attractiveness over time due to the natural wear and tear of the fur.

Is it possible to clean a mink coat?

To restore it to its former beauty, you must use one of several methods:

  • Comb and cotton pads. To use this method, you need to soak cotton pads in water, put them on a comb and use them to comb the fur. This way you can collect all the dust.
  • Soap solution. This method not only removes dust, but also neutralizes the natural smell of fur after long wear and restores the shine of the pile. To use it, just moisten the sponge in a solution of water with shampoo or any other neutral product and then walk it over the product.
  • Dry cleaning. This method involves pouring dry starch onto the surface of the fur coat. Next, you need to rub it deeper into the fur, but carefully so as not to disturb the structure of the pile. The last step is to shake off the starch from the product. If the starch turns grey, the procedure must be repeated.

Should I take my mink coat to the dry cleaner or clean it myself?

The answer to this question depends on what type of dirt is on the fur coat. If you just need to “refresh” it, then you can handle it yourself. You can also clean the product yourself from serious contaminants. To decide on a solution, you need to consider ways to get rid of several types of contaminants yourself.

Video: types of cleaning or how to dry clean fur coats

How to get rid of:

  • Yellowness. To get rid of this type of contamination, you can use dry and wet cleaning. Dry cleaning involves using starch, chalk or semolina for this process. To solve this problem, you need to sprinkle these powders on the fur, wait a few minutes and then comb the pile until these additives completely disappear. As for wet cleaning, hydrogen peroxide is very often used for mink. To achieve a better result, peroxide is dissolved with water and a few drops of ammonia are added. A high-quality cleansing mixture ultimately consists of a glass of water, a spoonful of peroxide and a few drops of alcohol. The finished mixture is applied to the fur using cotton pads or cloth. After treatment, the fur must be dried naturally.
  • Fat. The best way to get rid of such stains is regular school chalk. It needs to be crushed to the state of flour and sprinkled on the area of ​​​​contamination. Leave it until it has completely absorbed the oil and then comb it out. If not all of the stain has disappeared or it is too voluminous, the procedure can be repeated several times until the stain is completely removed.
  • Vomiting. This type of pollution is organic, so it requires a special approach to removal. There's only one effective way remove organic matter from fur. To do this, you first need to sprinkle starch on the most contaminated areas and thoroughly rub it into the pile. Next, you should make a soap solution from washing powder and water and apply it with a spray bottle to the areas sprinkled with starch and the areas around them. Then you need to remove everything with a sponge, and after drying, comb out the remains.

Important! It is very advisable to take washing powder that will be as neutral as possible and without the use of bleach. Children's hand washing powders are best suited for these purposes.

If you cannot remove the stain manually, it is better not to repeat the procedure but to have the fur dry-cleaned, because the composition of the vomit can be very different and professional help and appropriate products will be required to completely remove it from the fur. If you are too actively engaged in independent searches the best way, then you can seriously damage your expensive fur.

  • Champagne. Some girls first use starch or chalk to clean fur, which absorbs liquid. Next comes the process of wet cleaning of the residue, which includes treatment with a solution of water and shampoo. Some housewives treat the remnants of champagne stains not with liquid but with foam. This significantly shortens the drying process.

Important! If moisture remains after any type of cleaning, then it is worth leaving the fur coat to dry in natural conditions. If you don’t do this and try to dry the fur with a hairdryer or near a radiator, the quality of the pile will deteriorate greatly.

  • Sweet. If there is contamination from this type of food, then you need to use a cleaning method that is very similar to the previous one, but has some significant differences. To treat the stain, you need to moisten it with plain water, after first laying the product on a flat surface. Next, you need to go over the stain with a sponge soaked in shampoo and try not to leave too much of this product. Next, you need to go through the water again, removing any remaining shampoo. As a result, not a trace will remain of the stain, and the fur coat will have to dry naturally.
  • From foundation. Such stains can be removed with medical alcohol, but you should be careful with this product, so it is best to use its solution. To clean, you need to treat the contaminated area with a cotton pad slightly moistened in the solution.

How to clean a mink coat:

  • White. The main contamination of such a fur coat is yellowness. The method of dealing with it has already been described above.
  • Light. Even if the fur coat is not white, you should still adhere to the principles of working with white fur so as not to cause the unpleasant consequences of fading.
  • Black. For this type of fur, it is very important to use neutral products without bleach.
  • Blue. This type of fur coat is best cleaned with dry products or neutral solutions with shampoo so that the color does not suffer.

How to clean the collar of a mink coat from blush and foundation?

Any area of ​​the mink can be easily cleaned using a cotton pad soaked in an alcohol solution. It is advisable not to clean dark fur coats in this way.

How to clean fur from dust and dirt at home?

Another interesting way to get rid of this kind of dirt at home is regular knocking. To do this, you need to lay out the fur coat on a horizontal surface and knock it out on both sides onto the fabric that is placed under the product. Naturally, it is better not to overdo it with this method so as not to damage the pile.

How to refresh a knitted mink fur coat?

For this type of product, it is better to use dry cleaning of the pile and wet cleaning along the seams. Moreover, first it is best to use the dry cleaning method and sprinkle chalk or starch on the pile, and then subtract the remainder. Next, you need to treat the seams with soapy water and leave to dry naturally.

How to clean lint: the best products

If you combine all the means described above into one TOP, you will get the following list:

  • a solution of water and shampoo/other neutral detergent;
  • starch;
  • bran;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • alcohol.

You can read more about how to clean natural mink fur.

How to clean the lining of a fur coat?

There are 4 steps for this:

  1. The first step is to wipe the entire contaminated surface of the lining with a damp sponge and soap solution.
  2. The second involves removing leftovers. soapy liquid using a damp sponge.
  3. At the penultimate stage, the lining is treated with dry wipes to absorb the maximum amount of moisture.
  4. The last stage consists of drying the lining naturally.

How to properly care for mink fur?

Proper care of this type of fur fits into several recommendations that should be followed:

  • Cleaning once a year. This is quite enough for each product that is not exposed to chemicals. If your fur coat constantly smells of perfume and sometimes gets dirty with cosmetics, then you should clean it twice.
  • You can store a fur coat only in a dry place where there is no access to sunlight, and for storage it is better to use special covers with slots.
  • If the winter weather does not allow you to “walk” your fur coat, then you should hang it on the balcony so that it stays in the cold for at least a day.

How to store a mink coat in summer?

  • Place in the refrigerator. There is a service for storing such fur coats in a special refrigerator, so that it is guaranteed to keep the fur coat in good condition.
  • Clear out the closet and space around the fur coat. This is very important so that the fur does not fog up and deteriorate.

Video: how to clean a natural mink coat yourself at home

After a long winter with the onset of warm fur coats, fur hats, vests and boots fit in the closet for a long time.

To extend the service life of products, it is necessary to store them correctly, and before storage, put them in complete order, clean, dry and comb thoroughly.

To rid your favorite fur coat or fur collar of dirt, it is not at all necessary to take the product to the dry cleaner, where it can be damaged.

And dry cleaning does not always undertake cleaning of natural fur, and if it does, it costs a lot of money.

In addition, chemicals contain aggressive components and significantly reduce the service life of the item. It is much better to be patient and use very inexpensive means at hand in order to efficiently clean fur products without much effort without leaving your home.

Fur contamination is indicated by a dusty coating, loss of brightness or uniformity of color, debris in the hairs, of different origins spots, tangles, tangles and greasy hair. But how to clean fur at home if it cannot be washed, dried near heat sources or ironed? In fact, everything is very simple - the main thing is to choose the right ingredients.

How to clean fur at home: from dust and dirt

You can check the degree of contamination of the fur by directing an air stream from a hair dryer at it. If the fibers easily scatter in the direction of the air, and then return to their place and shine, then dust has not accumulated in the fur coat and it does not need to be cleaned. When the fibers are stuck together, greasy and look sloppy, the product needs help.

Dust can be easily removed by wrapping the fur coat in a clean, damp sheet or any cotton fabric and beat out vigorously. It is more convenient to knock out by spreading a sheet on the floor, placing the product on it with the pile down.

Small items such as hats and detachable collars and cuffs can be easily cleaned using steam. To do this, you can use special steam cleaners or a steam jet from an iron, then the fur should be dried.

It cleans well of dirt and gives a well-groomed appearance and shine. lemon juice, diluted in equal quantities with water. The fur is wiped with a sponge soaked in the solution and wrung out well, after which it is dried and combed with a comb.

Cleaning a white fur coat

To remove dirt, you will need semolina, chalk, talc, baby powder or potato starch, which you generously sprinkle on the fur. The porous structure of the materials will absorb dirt, the substances will polish the hairs and give them additional shine. To clean the fur of a rabbit or hare, you can use rye or oatmeal.

Using gentle movements, the grain is rubbed into the pile, after which the fur coat needs to be shaken thoroughly. The remaining starch is combed out with a brush, first in the direction of hair growth, and then against it. Grey colour starch – sure sign that the fur coat was really dirty. If the fur is very dirty, the manipulation should be repeated two or three times until the starch flows out white.

A teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide diluted in a glass of water with the addition of a few drops of ammonia will help restore the product to its dazzling whiteness. This product should be sprayed onto the fur from a spray bottle and hung out to dry in the sun, but for no more than one day.

Dark fur products

Water, alcohol and vinegar mixed in equal quantities will help here. The solution is applied using a soft bristle brush or terry towel. For a better effect, you can wipe the pile several times and then dry the fur coat in the open air.

You can also take advantage of the absorbent properties of rye or wheat bran, pre-dried in the oven, or fine sifted sawdust. Sawdust from coniferous trees contains resin, so they cannot be used. Wood litter is perfect for a cat's litter box. The absorbent along with the lint should be carefully rubbed with your hands, simulating hand washing, trying not to damage the hairs or wrinkle them.

It is not advisable to use a vacuum cleaner to remove bran or sawdust; it can damage the fur; it is better to vigorously shake out the product.

To clean items with coarser fur, such as otter, nutria or mole, you can use hot, dry sand. This will remove dirt from the undercoat, which is especially thick in these animals.

How to clean fur at home if it is greasy

To rid the fur of greasy stains, traces of sweat or a greasy appearance, you will need gasoline. Use a sponge soaked in it to wipe off the contaminated areas. Fresh stains can be easily removed by moving along the pile, while old stains can also be removed in the opposite direction. In this case, it won’t hurt to dissolve a teaspoon of washing powder in a liter of gasoline, which will double the effect and clean the fur even from very old grease stains.

To comb the pile in gasoline, you can moisten a brush instead of a sponge.

This method is equally good for products made from long and thick fur, as well as for suede or nubuck.

It is important not to neglect safety measures. Cleaning should be done in a well-ventilated area and away from open flames.

Light or white fur may turn yellow from gasoline; to clean it from grease and grease, it is better to use table salt with ammonia, mixing them in a ratio of 1 to 3. Any wool detergent or shampoo for bathing pets is also suitable to get rid of dirt. The product must be thoroughly beaten in warm water until a thick foam forms, which is used to treat the product. The foam should be washed off by waiting a few minutes, wiping the fur with a sponge soaked in clean water.

It is important to prevent the skin from getting wet, carefully squeeze the sponge, moving smoothly only along the surface of the pile.

Ordinary vinegar will return a beautiful shine. But after treatment, it is better to hang the fur coat in the air so that the smell disappears.

How to clean fur at home: from paint and ink

If something as bad as paint or ink stains happens, it’s no big deal. In this case, gasoline mixed with starch to form liquid sour cream will also help. The product must be applied to the stain and wait until it dries completely. Then use a slicker brush to comb the fur along the pile.

Oil paint easy to remove with sunflower oil. To do this, moisten a cotton swab or disk in oil and wipe the stain with it along and against the pile.

Unfortunately, long-standing paint or ink stains are much more difficult and sometimes almost impossible to remove without the use of chemicals. Small stains can be wiped with acetone, solvent, turpentine or special white spirit. After that, be sure to clean the area with water and baking soda, wipe with a dry towel and dry.

If all else fails, then it is better to take the product to the dry cleaner.

How to clean fur at home: from sauce and ketchup

Quite often you have to have a snack on the go, and while eating, minor accidents cannot be ruled out when fur collar or sauce or ketchup spills on the cuffs. Of course, it would be nice to immediately wipe the stains with a damp cloth, but what to do when the stains have already dried?

To get rid of them, you need to mix equal proportions of water, vinegar and cat shampoo or carpet and wool cleaning liquid. Apply the solution directly to the stain and leave for a while, being careful not to wet the undercoat. Then wipe with a damp cloth and dry.

You can also apply glycerin to the stain, and after a few minutes wipe the fur with a sponge soaked in warm water.

How to clean fur at home without ruining it

It is important not to spoil an expensive and beautiful thing by doing the wrong thing, so when cleaning at home you should follow some rules:

1. Before cleaning, the product must be placed conveniently on a flat surface, preferably on the floor.

2. Before applying any product to the fur, you should try it on an inconspicuous area (for example, under the arms) so as not to damage an expensive item.

3. Under no circumstances should the fur be completely wet, especially the flesh. The product may become deformed, skewed, become rougher, and even burst.

5. After any treatment, the fur coat must be dried in the open air, but not in direct sunlight. This will help get rid of the unpleasant odor and ventilate the pile. You should also not dry your fur with a hairdryer, on a radiator, or near any other heat source.

6. There is no need to comb the astrakhan fur; just shake it after cleaning and air it.

7. You cannot clean faux fur with vinegar or acetone.

8. Do not use aggressive detergents designed to remove rust to clean a fur coat.

9. In order for a product to last for decades, its care must be comprehensive. It is not enough to monitor only the condition of the fur. The leather base is susceptible to cracks and tears over time. To prevent this from happening and to make the skin more elastic, it is necessary to lubricate it vegetable oil, rendered pork or fish oil.

All of the above methods are effective, but require caution when used. If the fur product is too dirty, the stains occupy a significant area, then it is better not to take risks, but still use the services of professionals. Proper storage also plays an important role in maintaining the beautiful appearance of the product. The item must be placed in a linen bag with a bag of dried geranium flowers and orange peels in it to protect the item from moths. The fur must be ventilated and brushed frequently.

A mink coat is not a cheap thing, so the methods safe cleaning always interested its owners. Fur requires a delicate attitude; people do not always risk sending a fur item to the dry cleaner, because they are afraid that the craftsmen will ruin it. In addition, dry cleaning services are not cheap. Therefore, in some cases it is advisable to resort to household methods of cleaning mink products.

Carrying out proper care for a mink product, you can ensure its service life of up to 12 years. Too often the mink does not need to be cleaned; this must be done as it gets dirty. The time when you need to clean a mink coat can be determined by external signs:

  • Dust deposits;
  • Density;
  • The hairs stick together, causing the fur to lose its fullness;
  • Dulling of fur;
  • Dirt on hairs.

When purchasing mink products, do not forget to purchase a special brush with metal bristles, which will be useful when cleaning the fur.

Methods and recipes for cleaning mink products

When cleaning a fur coat, it is important to remember that any careless action will lead to damage to the clothing. You cannot wash your fur coat; it will shrink and shrink in size. Mink coats can be cleaned in two ways: wet and dry. In this case, funds that are always available in the house are used.

Wet cleaning mink coats is a more effective method, suitable for removing deep dirty spots. Before cleaning, the mink coat is placed on hangers in a vertical position. After cleaning the fur coat, you need to comb it with a special brush and let it dry.

When drying, do not use a hairdryer or iron!

Shampoo, gel, soap solution

Heated soapy water is one of the common methods for cleaning mink. The number of components is taken from the calculation of the volume of the fur coat. The longer and larger the fur coat, the more solution you need to clean it. Dissolve 100 ml in a bowl of warm water. shampoo, shower gel or regular laundry soap. Moisten a sponge in the solution and gently wipe the hairs of the fur coat with it, from root to tip. You can fix pieces of cotton wool on the teeth of a comb, and, dipping it in the solution, comb your fur coat.

Vinegar and hydrogen peroxide

5% vinegar cleans mink very well from dirt and restores its original shine. If you need to tidy up a white fur coat, then replace the vinegar with hydrogen peroxide.


Aviation gasoline or lighter gasoline is used to clean the collar, as it gets dirty faster than other areas of clothing. Traces of perfume, creams, and lipstick often remain on the collar, which are very difficult to remove. Gasoline is mixed with burnt magnesia, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, to a mushy mass. Apply the paste to the contaminated area and rub against the lint. After drying, comb the fur thoroughly and wipe with 5% vinegar.

You cannot clean light fur with gasoline, otherwise it will turn yellow!


Dilute a tablespoon in a glass of warm water until completely dissolved. table salt, add half a teaspoon of ammonia. Soak a soft cloth or gauze in the mixture and use pressure to clean the fur coat.

Alcohol or vodka

In the following way, the fur coat is cleaned from dirt and dust; in addition, after treatment with alcohol, the former shine returns. Add 5-6 drops of alcohol and 1 drop of cleaning agent to half a glass of hot water. Mix the mixture thoroughly, then use a cotton swab dipped in it to clean the fur coat in the direction of the pile.

Dry cleaning

This is a more gentle cleaning method, suitable for removing shallow dirt.


Place the fur coat on a smooth, flat surface, for example, on a table. Then sprinkle with potato starch and thoroughly rub the surface of the fur coat with it. If the starch becomes dark, repeat the procedure. After treatment, shake off the fur coat well.

Talc or tooth powder

Tooth powder, talcum powder, or regular baby powder are excellent products for cleaning mink fur at home. Clean with tooth powder in the same way as with starch.


The pet store sells sawdust from hardwood trees. A small amount of them needs to be mixed with regular clean gasoline. Apply the mixture to the fur, rub it with your hands, then shake it off, comb the fur and treat it with vinegar.


Semolina is used to clean a fur coat in the same way as starch, but there is another cleaning method. Boil a tablespoon of semolina in a glass of milk. Apply the cooled porridge to the fur coat in a thin and even layer and leave for 6 hours. After this, it is good to clean the fur coat of semolina, comb it and dry it at room temperature.

Hot sand

Heat fine, well-sifted sand and then pour it onto the fur. Rub with your hands, remembering to replace dirty sand with clean sand. Repeat the procedure until the fur coat is clean.

How to clean a mink coat: video

See with your own eyes several simple ways You can clean a mink coat suitable for home use by watching the video:

Fur care specialists will clearly explain and show you how to clean a fur coat without resorting to dry cleaning. Also, by watching this video, you can learn how to check a fur product for contamination.

How to clean vomit from a mink coat

If it so happens that your fur coat is stained with vomit, there is no need to despair; you can clean your fur coat in three stages:

  • Clean the stain by hand or with a dry brush. Then sprinkle with starch and rub thoroughly.
  • After removing the starch, clean the stain with soapy water.
  • Dry the fur coat, remove any remaining starch and soap particles with a clean cloth. Comb the fur coat.

How to restore shine to fur

Unfortunately, having lost its shine, a mink product also loses its presentable appearance. In addition to cleaning from dirt, it is sometimes necessary to carry out procedures that will return the original shine to the fur coat. You can refresh your fur coat by wiping the fur with the following products:

  • Chopped walnut kernels;
  • Glycerol;
  • Vinegar;
  • Petrol;
  • Starch;
  • Hydrogen peroxide (for light fur coats).

After treating with one of these substances, comb the pile and dry it.

How to clean stains from a mink coat and hem

The hem of a long fur coat is a very vulnerable place, as there is always a risk of getting it dirty, for example, when getting into a car. In addition to gasoline, alcohol and ammonia, you can remove stains from the hem in the following ways:

  • Wash the potato peelings, grind through a meat grinder, add a few drops of ammonia. Apply the resulting mixture to the fur and wipe with a brush.
  • Boil rye or wheat bran. Spread the resulting mixture over the stain in an even layer and rub thoroughly. Repeat if necessary.

How to get rid of dusty, unpleasant odor and restore freshness to fur

Fur is able to absorb and retain many aromas for a long time. Imagine, day after day your fur coat absorbs the smells of food, perfume, cigarettes, public transport. When these odors are mixed, the result is an unpleasant, persistent composition. You can get rid of unpleasant odors in the following ways:

  • Regularly clean the product from dirt and dust.
  • In winter, take the fur coat out onto the balcony and leave it in the cold for a couple of days. All unpleasant odors will freeze out. If it is not possible to freeze the product outside, then carefully fold it and place it in the freezer.
  • In summer, dry the fur coat several times in a cool, dry place without exposure to sunlight. Store your fur coat on wide hangers so that it does not come into contact with other items of clothing. Instead of a polyethylene cover, a fabric one is used. Place bags of coffee beans in your pockets. But remember that coffee masks odors and does not remove them, so your fur coat must be perfectly clean!
  • Vinegar, gasoline, alcohol, and ammonia remove odors.
  • Starch, semolina, and flour absorb all the odors.

How to clean a white fur coat

White fur looks very chic, but the attitude towards it should be careful and delicate. Any dirt immediately becomes noticeable on a white coat, so you have to clean it more often than a dark coat. In addition, white fur can turn yellow over time, causing appearance the fur coat immediately becomes dull. There are several simple but effective ways cleaning white fur:

  • Sawdust is mixed with gasoline or alcohol. The mixture is applied to the fur, rubbed thoroughly, and then removed. The fur coat needs to be combed and aired.
  • Bulk substances: semolina, starch, talc, tooth powder, flour. One of these products is used to rub the fur. The degree of purity is visible by the color of the product.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is poured into a spray bottle, then sprayed over the surface of the fur. Hydrogen peroxide is also mixed with one of the bulk products and a monotonous paste is obtained, which is used to clean fur coats.

After cleaning with semolina, starch or flour, you must shake off the fur coat very carefully so that particles of the product do not remain between the fibers. Otherwise, when wet, they will swell and the quality of the fur coat will deteriorate.

How to clean the lining

Like a fur coat, the lining also gets dirty and needs to be cleaned. The first option is to clean the lining together with the fur coat, and then dry it thoroughly.

The second option is to tear off the lining, wash it in warm soapy water by hand or in a washing machine on a delicate cycle, and remove any existing stains with ammonia. The lining is dried naturally, ironed and sewn into place with neat, invisible seams. When the lining wears out, you can easily replace it in a workshop or yourself if you have sewing skills.

Review of professional natural fur care products

When people purchase a fur product, it is assumed that it will be worn for more than one year. Therefore, it is advisable to buy professional products for the care of fur products. Products from the manufacturer “BIOFUR” are very popular.

Fur products never lose their relevance. Careful attitude and regular proper care will help you look fashionable and chic in your favorite mink coat.