We make fun paper applications with our kids. Interesting ideas for appliques made from circles Flower applique made from paper circles

How interesting it is to combine different colored paper figures into one whole! Parents should know that bright, original, interesting and different applications will not only captivate a small creative child for a long time, but will also develop his thinking at any age. If the baby is still too small for cutting complicated geometric shapes , let him create an applique from circles, semicircles, circle particles and ovals, which need to be prepared in advance. In addition to glue and a piece of paper, which will serve as the basis for the craft, you only need a couple more details.

The result can surprise and delight - from paper circles and semicircles you can get a caterpillar and an elephant, a pattern on a cup. You can even make a crocodile! Templates for such creativity are available on the Internet - they can be downloaded and printed. There will also be a presentation for children of the right age - be it at least senior group in kindergarten, at least junior school.

It is better for kids to make circles for applique in advance, but with older children you need to first circle various round objects and cut them out, and then, perhaps, after a couple of days, get creative.

Materials we will need:

  • different colored paper;
  • glue;
  • a simple pencil;
  • long ruler;
  • sharp scissors;
  • different patterns according to which we will draw circles or compasses.

You can create a funny cartoon character by cutting six circles out of brown material. same radius. We will cut two of them in half - these will be the arms and legs of the Cheburashka. Let's glue the parts and draw the animal's face. The nose and eyes can be cut out of paper.

little fox

To create a cute little fox, you will need three circles of the same size and half a circle of huge diameter, which will serve as the body. Cut two circles into halves. This will be the tail and paws, and the remaining half will be cut in half again to make the ears.

Gallery: applique of circles and semicircles (25 photos)

We will need four small, two medium and one large circles to create a cute baby elephant. The biggest one is the body, two small ones and one small one, cut in half- legs, another small one - proboscis (also cut in half). Two circles of medium diameter are the head and the ear.

To create an applique in the shape of an aquarium with fish, you need to prepare not only mugs of different diameters, but also paper of different colors. There are no limits to a child's imagination here! Fish can be anything: small or large, colored or single-colored, with a forked or solid tail and fins.

The same technique is used to create an owl, a ladybug, a parrot, an ostrich, a butterfly, a chicken, a bear and crabs.

From different halves of a circle you can create a magical seven-flowered flower. This applique of flowers from circles is very simple to create and looks unrealistically beautiful. After practicing on regular paper, you can choose high-quality velvet paper as materials for crafts. This framed applique will make a chic, unique gift for grandma.

By preparing mugs, semicircles, quarter circles for your child from materials of different colors and textures, you will provide him with a fun time. And having understood the creation of this type of application, you can move on to more difficult tasks and creations applications from various shapes.

Circle applique in a sense, it is very similar to a constructor. On the one hand, the child learns to work with various types of paper, cut out shapes, fold parts, and glue them together. On the other hand, a child must assemble origami from modules of the same size, for this he needs to imagine the finished result in his thoughts. An application of circles will help develop a child’s thinking with images, which is very important when working with a construction set.

For work we will need the following materials: Two red circles with a diameter of 8 centimeters and two black circles with a diameter of 5 and 7 centimeters.

Description of work:

  • take a piece of white paper and glue it to it black circle of volumetric diameter. This will be our ladybug body. We create the head from a small black circle, fold it in half and glue it to the body;
  • We create wings from two red circles, fold them in half and Glue it to the bottom halves to the body;
  • glue on our plastic eyes. Using a felt-tip pen we draw mustaches, paws and dots on the back. So we have finished our origami.

Ladybugs are considered predatory insects, but for humans they are not dangerous, and even on the contrary, they protect us. They bring great benefits by eating bad insects on plants in gardens and vegetable gardens. Their bright color hints to birds that they should not be eaten.

Donkey made from circles

For work we will need the following materials:

Four red circles: three with a diameter of 4 centimeters and one with a diameter of 7 centimeters, five blue circles with a diameter of 4 centimeters, one pink circle with a diameter of 3 centimeters. For the body, take a voluminous red circle and fold it so that you get a fold below the diameter line.

Fold the four blue circles in half twice. These will be the donkey's legs.

For the background, take a piece of colored paper and glue the body and legs of the donkey. Fold the edge of the red part above the diameter line and glue the donkey’s neck. For the head, we bend the edges of the blue part on both sides. Fold the edge of the pink circle and glue the part to the head. From the remaining two parts we create ears, fold them in half and glue them to the top of the head. Glue the eye and use a felt-tip pen to draw a mane, hooves and tail. The donkey-shaped circle appliqué is complete. Well, and most importantly, before creating an application, you should first prepare a template or take a stencil in order to do the job efficiently. Animal templates can be purchased at any specialty store.

Sinegubova Olga

Origami from circles is a very exciting activity. The results are very beautiful compositions. Older children before school age They can easily cope with the manufacture of such crafts.

Purpose: handmade postcard, gift, interior decoration.

Target: transfer of personal professional experience in the field of creative and teaching activities.


Forming an idea about making flowers from a circle using the origami technique;

Instilling interest in making flowers from round blanks using the origami technique;

In children's master classes, the development of fine motor skills and skills in working with the origami technique from a circle;

Development of individual inclinations and creative abilities.

Required material:

Single-sided colored paper;


Round stencil;

Simple pencil;

Step-by-step manufacturing process:

1. For the craft, take one-sided colored paper. We took the glossy one. We outline a round stencil. Cut out eight identical circles. Children cope with this very easily.

2. Fold the circle in half, then in half again. We unfold the circle and get the intended fold lines.

3. Bend left and right at the bottom of the circle (look at the photos).

4. Now you need to turn the circle over with the back colored side facing you and fold the right side towards the middle, and then the left. The result is a basic origami figure made from circles.

5. Fold each of the eight cut out circles in the same way. These are flower petals.

6. Cut out a circle of the same diameter from paper. We find the center.

7. Glue the petals. Each petal should be next to the previous one, there should be no gaps between them.

8. Glue all eight petals. The result was a flower made from circles using the origami technique.

9. In our work, we glued a white circle into the middle of the flower, glued the entire flower onto white paper and used scissors to cut the paper half a centimeter further from the edge of the petals to create a contrasting edge. The flower is ready!

10. You can make two identical flowers, insert a stick inside and glue them together.

Works of children of the preparatory group.

Publications on the topic:

According to ancient Greek legend, Prometheus stole the heavenly fire on Olympus. While he was carrying it to the people, a bright seven-color rainbow flashed. She doesn't.

Hello, dear friends, colleagues! I present to you a master class on making beautiful and easy-to-make snowflakes from circles. Paper.

Winter is coming to an end, and nature will soon awaken. How I long for warmth and sunshine. It has been a harsh winter in our area this year.

Hello dear colleagues, friends and guests of my blog! I present to your attention a master class on origami “Butterfly” for beginners.

Play is one of the most important methods of working with preschool children. The game method of teaching helps to create interested students.

Tasks: continue working with the square, consolidate folding techniques; learn to work along lines, develop fine motor skills, imagination, imagination;

Any type of creative activity develops a child’s imagination, perception of colors, textures and shapes, and contributes to the formation of spatial and imaginative thinking in general. Thanks to working with applications, kids learn diligence, patience and perseverance. Applique is the simplest and most accessible form of creativity for a child, because children from the age of 2 can glue cut-out figures onto cardboard.

Applications made from colored paper

For most crafts you will need:

  1. Colored paper or cardboard
  2. Scissors
  3. Markers

For children under 3 years old

  • Finger crafts

For such a lamb or dandelion you will need:

  1. Pre-cut blanks for a muzzle, eyes and legs or stems for a dandelion.
  2. White non-toxic paint: watercolor or gouache.

Glue the blanks onto the background, mark the boundaries - the circumference of a flower or a lamb. First, you show what needs to be done, and then let the child dip his fingers in the paint and leave fingerprints on the paper, without going beyond the drawn line.

  • Crafts-stamps from pompoms

Another type of craft that even the little ones can do.

To make this craft the following is used:

  1. Pom-poms as stamps,
  2. Paints.

Craft ideas: Christmas tree, Easter eggs, ice cream scoops, clouds, tree crown, yellow chickens.

  • Caterpillar made of circles

First, you will need to draw a line on paper - the basis of the future caterpillar, and then place the circles you cut out on this line. After that, remove them and show the child where to glue the circles.

  • Ice cream

For this ice cream you will need:

  1. Stationery glitter,
  2. Cosmetic cotton pads.

Cut out an ice cream cone from paper or cardboard, paint cotton sponges yellow, blue and pink. The child’s task is to stick a cone and “balls” of ice cream on paper. Sprinkle the top of the cotton pads with multi-colored glitter, which can be found in any stationery store.

  • Rabbit made of cotton pads and plasticine


  1. Plasticine,
  2. Spaghetti optional
  3. Cotton pads - 4 pcs.

You cut one disk in half - these will be the ears, and the second into 4 parts - these will be the rabbit's legs. Spaghetti is used as a mustache, but they can also be made from plasticine. Form balls from plasticine or you can ask your child to make them. Then the child simply glues the details of the craft onto paper, and you make antennae for the rabbit.

  • Multilayer applications

At the age of 2-3 years, children especially love multi-layered appliqués.

You cut out the parts, show them in what order they need to be glued, and entrust the task to your child.

There is a second option for this craft - print a stencil, cut out parts from it and paint them with paints.

For them you will need:

  1. Green felt-tip pen or marker,
  2. Cotton pads.

Cut two cotton pads in half - this will be snow, then cut out snowdrop flowers from the discs and green leaves from paper. And the child is already gluing the details of the flower onto the paper.

For children from 3 to 5 years old

These applications are more complex; the child will have to independently cut out simple parts and glue them onto paper.

  • Bunny

For it you need:

  1. Colored paper for background,
  2. Green for the grass
  3. Pink or red for ears and nose.

The child cuts out the parts according to the template, pastes them onto the background and draws the bunny’s mustache and eyes with a felt-tip pen (if there are no blanks).

To make ladybugs we will use red and black paper or cardboard.

Cut out 4 circles from red paper and 1 oval from black paper. We cut the oval in half, glue its parts onto the background, then glue one red circle, as shown in the image - the ladybug itself, and on top of the fold we glue the second circle, which will be the wings. We do the same with the second bug, then draw dots with black markers. Eyes can be made from paper or drawn with a felt-tip pen.

What you will need:

Colored paper - dark blue or black for the background, red for the apples, brown for the basket and green for the leaves.

Cut out apples from red paper. We cut the brown paper into 3 long strips and 2 slightly shorter ones. Cut out leaves for apples from green paper. First we glue two apples, then 2 short strips on the side - the edges of the basket. Then we glue two strips, one on top of the apples, the other on the bottom. Glue on another apple. And the final touch is the strip from the basket in the middle.

First we cut out an oval, which will be the penguin. Then two black hearts are the wings, one white one will be the belly, two orange ones will be the legs and one pink one will be the decoration.

Now let the child simply glue the details onto the background step by step.

  • Goose made of cotton wool and seeds

Materials for the goose:

  1. cotton wool,
  2. Colored orange napkins or white napkins and orange paint,
  3. Pumpkin seeds.

First, draw the outline of a goose on paper.

Glue cotton wool along the contour, glue pumpkin seeds onto the goose’s wing.

We tear the napkin into small pieces and make lumps out of them. We glue these lumps onto the beak and paws of the goose.

Use a felt-tip pen or marker to draw eyes.

  • Paper lamb

You can draw such a lamb yourself, cut out the parts from cardboard and paste them onto a stencil, or print out a stencil and paint it. Using this method, you can make other animals - a rabbit, a cat, a dog or an elephant.

Draw the outline of a peacock on cardboard with a simple pencil and cut it out.

We cut out several circles from colored paper (how fluffy the tail will be depends on their number), cut each of them into 4 parts.

From one such part we make an accordion, repeat the same with the rest and glue them into a fluffy tail.

  • Cactus

Necessary materials:

Paper: white for the background, green for the cactus and red for the flowers and spines.

In order to make such a cactus, you need to cut out: 3 large circles - this is the largest part of the cactus, which is located at the bottom in the image, 12 circles are slightly smaller in diameter and 3 small circles are the upper part of the cactus. We glue one large circle from below, and on both sides of it we glue two medium circles from above. From the right middle circle up to the left another middle one “grows” and from it up to the right - the smallest one. When the base of the cactus is ready, glue the rest of the corresponding size circles onto these circles and bend them in half. We repeat this procedure a third time and again bend the circles in the middle. Cut small spines from red paper and cut out flowers. Glue all the parts onto the cactus - and you're done!

  • Apple tree

From green and red paper, cut out approximately 20 green stripes and 10 red ones. Draw the outline of a tree on brown cardboard, cut it out and paste it onto the background. We glue the ends of the strips together to form a circle, and glue it onto the “tree trunk”.

  • Snowman

The technique for making a snowman is similar to the previous one: we cut out several long strips from white paper, connect their ends - we get a circle. We connect several of these circles together to form a sphere - this is the body of the snowman. We do the same with the head, but for this we use slightly shorter strips. We make a scarf from the red stripe and wrap it around the snowman's neck. Using a felt-tip pen we draw eyes, a mouth and buttons. To make a carrot nose, cut out 1/4 of a circle as on a stencil and roll it into a cone. For the hat, cut out a circle and cut it like a sun.

  • Bouquet of flowers using quilling technique

At this age, children are already able to create more complex crafts, such as this bouquet.

Quilling is a technique for creating three-dimensional appliqués from rolled strips of paper.

To create such an application you will need:

  • 4 green strips of paper for stems,
  • 10 shorter ones for leaves,
  • 1 long pink one for a bow,
  • 5 stripes of red, yellow and blue.

First, we glue long strips of stems onto the background, and glue a bow on top. We glue the ends of the shorter green strips together, slightly squeeze the resulting circle to form an oval from it - these are flower leaves. We twist yellow, red and blue stripes to make flower buds and glue them onto the craft.

  • Rose from a lace napkin

This craft looks very beautiful and is extremely easy to make.

All you need to do is cut off the edge of the lace napkin and carefully twist it into a flower, so that you get a rose.

  • Rose made of colored paper

We draw a spiral on red cardboard, cut out a strip along the line and begin to twist it with our fingers until we get a bud.

The stem for the flower can be made from colored wire.​

Cut out leaves from green paper and glue to the stem. Rose is ready!

  • Fish - chessboard

This application is made without glue. To begin, draw the outline of the fish on colored paper and cut it out. We bend the fish in half and start making cuts in the middle. They start approximately after the head and end before the tail. Next, cut out strips of different colors and different lengths which form the fin.

We insert a strip of one color, for example, orange, in “waves” so that one part is above the cut and the other below it. Same with other stripes. The result should be a checkerboard pattern.

  • Volume machine

Another quite interesting application, which is also very easy to perform.

All you have to do is print out the template, color the car, cut it out and make two cuts on the protruding part at the end.

This article contains 25 of the most interesting applications and templates for DIY paper crafts for children. It’s no secret that any form of creativity develops a child’s thinking. Paper crafts are a wonderful activity that develops perseverance and patience. In turn, working with scissors, glue, plasticine and cutting out parts of crafts develop fine motor skills.

These crafts are suitable for both home games and activities in kindergarten or classroom. The youngest children can make simple applications that require sticking several figures onto paper. From the age of 3-4, when children begin to master scissors, they can already cut out simple objects from paper and glue them together. Starting from school age, children are already able to make more complex crafts: for example, making applications using the quilling technique or cutting out small figures with a large number of details.

Cute roses, cute little animals, original topiaries are just some of the crafts invented and created by craftswomen from cotton pads and sticks.

They have long ceased to be just hygiene products. These are wonderful materials from which unforgettable creative masterpieces are created.

Using imagination, a simple white circle and a piece of plastic with cotton wool can easily be turned into a non-standard gift, a decorative composition for interior decoration, or a children's craft for a holiday. In addition, the cash costs for creating such things will be minimal.

How to make a Christmas tree

The simplest thing is to make some kind of New Year's toy. For example, a Christmas tree.

No special skills are required, but a minimum set of tools is required:

  • cotton pads (preferably with a relief pattern);
  • a cone made of thick paper or cardboard;
  • watercolor or acrylic paints;
  • decorative glitter;
  • brushes;
  • glue.

The number of disks required to make a Christmas tree depends on its height. If the tree is planned to be small, then one package is enough. Mugs with an embossed pattern will make the product more original, but ordinary ones will also do.

It is preferable to use watercolor paints. They look softer. PVA is most suitable as glue; it leaves no traces after drying.

So, the process of creating a New Year's masterpiece is as follows:

  1. We glue a cone of the required height from thick paper or cardboard.
  2. Using paints, we give the edges of each disk a soft blue tint.
  3. Decorate with glitter glue and sparkles. It is better to apply paints with glitter only to half of the circle. Let the workpieces dry thoroughly.
  4. We glue the painted discs over the entire height onto the cone.
  5. The bottom of the product can also be painted and decorated with glitter. The Christmas tree is ready.

How to make flowers

An applique with snowdrops is quite easy to make. Due to the texture of the material, they seem soft, tender like spring.

To create a picture with spring flowers, you need the following materials:

  • cotton pads;
  • multi-colored cardboard;
  • green paper;
  • glue.

Several stages of the applique manufacturing process:

  1. Flowers shaped like bells are cut out of the disk. These will be primroses. Several blanks can be made in the shape of an oval with pointed edges, similar to unopened buds.
  2. Next, the blanks are glued onto a piece of colored cardboard. The color is optional.
  3. Leaves and stems are cut out from colored paper. They are sticky. If you don’t want to cut it out of paper, then you can draw the leaves with a green pencil, paints, or a felt-tip pen.
  4. At the bottom of the picture are pasted halves of cotton wool circles resembling snow.

How to create a topiary

A little more difficult, but more interesting to make from topiary. Topiary is a small sculptural tree. Various available materials are used as a crown. To create a topiary you need to prepare the following:

  • cotton pads;
  • small pot; you can use different containers you like: a mug, a jar;
  • a plastic ball or foam blank in the form of a circle; A piece of paper compressed into a ball is quite suitable;
  • satin ribbons, beads, rhinestones, and other decorative elements for decoration;
  • glue gun, PVA glue.

So, to make topiary, the following steps are performed:

  1. Preparing the base for the crown. Any round shape will do, even a piece of paper.
  2. We connect the crown to the trunk. As a trunk, you can use a plastic stick, a small branch, several wooden skewers tied together, or other elements resembling a trunk.
  3. We prepare small flowers from the circles. You can shape them to look like roses or lilies. Roses are glued together with glue from several cut out petals. Flowers in the shape of a lily are prepared using a stapler (a cotton circle is folded into four parts and fastened with a staple in the corner), or simply twisted to form an open bud (fixed on the narrow side with white threads). If desired, the blanks can be painted in the color you like.
  4. Glue all the prepared flowers to the ball. Of course, the ideal option would be a ball of absolutely even shape; gluing workpieces to it will be much easier. It is better to place flowers very close to each other, leaving no empty spaces. To make the crown look original, in addition to flowers, bows, ribbons, rhinestones, beads, and other decorative elements are glued to the ball.
  5. Next, you need to prepare a pot or some other container-stand for the tree. Purchase a ready-made small plastic or ceramic flower pot. You can make a pot yourself from a jar by gluing it satin ribbons, lace, fabric, beads.
  6. After all the topiary elements are made, they are connected to each other. Crown with a trunk and then with a pot. To do this, gypsum diluted in water is poured into the pot. A trunk with a crown is inserted into the hardening composition. The barrel can be decorated with rhinestones, beads and other small details.

This topiary could well serve as an excellent holiday gift. Creating such masterpieces is not so difficult, and if you approach it with imagination, it is very exciting.

How to make calla lilies

Another easy-to-make element is the calla flower.

Here's how it happens:

  1. Cooking necessary tools, materials: disks, sticks, yellow felt-tip pen, marker, glue, scissors, cocktail straws.
  2. We make stamens from sticks. We paint them on one side bright yellow.
  3. We place the stamen in the middle of the disk, the painted side up, and glue the circle from below with glue so that the flower resembles a calla lily.
  4. After the glue has dried, insert the unpainted part of the stick into the cocktail tube.

How to make roses

The roses turn out to be very beautiful. Here's what you'll need for this:

  1. Prepare the circles, roll them one by one into tubes, put petals on top so that it resembles rose buds.
  2. When the workpiece begins to resemble a rose, it is fixed, i.e. Sew all the petals together with thread.
  3. A colored bead is sewn into the core of the bud to add originality.

If the rose was planned to be colored, before starting work, the discs are painted in the desired color. To do this, it is immersed in a container with diluted in water acrylic paint. The painted products are laid out and left to dry completely. Flowers made in this way are suitable for use as individual elements or for creating an applique or topiary crown.

Children's crafts from cotton pads

Cotton pads are an excellent material for working with children. With its help, not only fine motor skills and imagination develop, but also perseverance and logic are trained. Crafts created together with mom or in a team kindergarten, form communication skills.

In addition, the discs have an excellent universal shape and are very cheap in price. As practice shows, children really love making various pictures and applications. The main thing in creating a children's masterpiece is to let the child feel like a creator and show maximum imagination.

Caterpillar applique

One of the easiest crafts to make for children is the “Caterpillar” applique. For this you will need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • cotton pads;
  • ear sticks;
  • picture of an apple.

What to do:

  1. You need to cut out a picture of an apple from a juice box. Paste it onto a rectangular sheet of colored painting.
  2. Then the discs are painted with watercolors in the desired color. Circles of different diameters are cut out. They are glued to the apple, depicting a caterpillar. A smiling face is drawn on the largest circle in diameter. Curved ear sticks are attached to it (these will be horns).

Chicken applique

The “Chicken” applique is also easy to make. To do this you will need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • cotton pads;
  • gouache, brush, scissors;
  • a piece of plasticine;
  • black pencil or felt-tip pen.

The manufacturing process includes the following steps:

  1. The cotton circle is painted bright yellow. Drying.
  2. The yellow circle is glued to the cardboard base. A beak, scallop, and legs made of red and black plasticine are glued to the disk.
  3. Eyes are drawn with a black felt-tip pen. You can use black beads for the eyes.

Owl applique

To make the “Owl” applique, do the following:

  1. An owl is drawn on a piece of paper. A cut out image of a bird is glued onto a cardboard base.
  2. Round eyes, beak, and claws are made from colored black paper.
  3. For the eyes you need to cut out two more yellow circles, but smaller in diameter than the black ones. Instead of eyes, you can glue two yellow buttons.
  4. Owl details are cut out of cotton pads. They are glued to the cut out outline.
  5. Eyes, beak, claws are glued on.

How to make daisies

To create “Daisies” you will need:

  • cotton pads;
  • white threads;
  • watercolor or acrylic paints;
  • glue.

The creation process consists of the following stages:

  1. We make 8-9 petals from the disks. To do this, we bend the edges so that the leaf resembles a cone. The side with the narrow edge is secured with thread.
  2. Using threads, we form a circle from the resulting petals. In this case, the curved edges of the petals should be outward.
  3. We create the middle of the flower from a yellow disk. To do this, we paint it, dry it and glue it.
  4. Chamomile can be made in single copy, or you can make a bouquet. Makes a great holiday gift.

What can be created from simple cotton wool?

In addition to cotton pads, children come up with crafts made from simple cotton wool. The safety and softness of such material will allow the child to work with it with pleasure.

For example, the “Poodle” picture is very easy to make. To do this, the following steps are taken:

  1. On a rectangular sheet of colored cardboard (preferably a bright color) paste a contour cut out of white cardboard with the image of a dog.
  2. Then very small balls are rolled out of cotton wool. Next, they are glued onto images of a poodle. It gives the impression of voluminous fur. The balls are not glued to the entire dog, but, like a poodle, to part of the head, tail, paws, and chest.

How to make a monkey

Another very popular material in creativity and handicrafts is cotton swabs. With their help, many interesting products have been created.

For example, a monkey made from this material looks very funny. It is done quite quickly:

  1. An outline of the animal is cut out of white cardboard and glued onto another piece of rectangular contrasting cardboard.
  2. Then it is necessary to prepare blanks from the base material. To do this, the tops of the sticks with pieces of cotton wool wound on them are cut off. The number of these blanks depends on the size of the contour.
  3. The next step will be gluing the prepared blanks to the outline of the monkey. The sticks are glued in a circle and in a checkerboard pattern, covering the sharp edges with a new layer. This way the image will look more aesthetically pleasing.
  4. The only place where they don't stick is the muzzle. Using a felt-tip pen, draw eyes, mouth, and nose on it.

Flowers made from cotton swabs

It is not at all difficult to make flowers from such material. For this, the following materials and tools are prepared:

  • foam blanks in the form of balls. They are sold in many craft departments;
  • skewers or wire for the stem;
  • glue;
  • paper for wrapping the stem;
  • paints, brushes, glue, stationery knife.

To make a flower, you need to do the following:

  1. Using a utility knife, the foam ball is divided into two halves. If you leave the ball round, then the flower will be spherical.
  2. Using paints (preferably acrylic) we give the half a beautiful bright color.
  3. Using scissors, we divide the cotton swab in half to make petals.
  4. For beauty, the resulting details are also painted in some bright contrasting color.
  5. We stick the petals into half the ball and fix it with glue.
  6. The flower stem is made of wire or a wooden skewer. It also sticks into the foam.
  7. The stem is wrapped corrugated paper. Leaves are prepared from it and attached to the stem.

Topiary made from cotton swabs

Topiary is made in a similar way:

  1. It is necessary to prepare materials and tools: a foam blank in the form of a ball; wooden skewers or a branch for the trunk; cotton buds; paints; a small flower pot or other container for a stand; gypsum; various decorating elements (ribbons, beads, rhinestones).
  2. Cotton swabs are divided in half with scissors and painted in the desired color.
  3. Halves of sticks and a trunk of several tied wooden skewers or another branch are stuck into the ball. For reliability, it is better to attach all parts with glue.
  4. The barrel is wrapped with corrugated paper and satin ribbons of a suitable color.
  5. Gypsum diluted with water is poured into the pot. The trunk with the crown is fixed in it.
  6. The pot is decorated with bows, small ribbons, decorative butterflies, ladybugs, beads, and rhinestones.

In addition, excellent appliqué pictures are made from such seemingly simple material. To do this, cut out the contours you like from cardboard and glue them to the base. Subsequently, this outline is pasted over in a checkerboard pattern, cut into halves. cotton swabs. Thus, you can create pictures with sheep, bears, houses, flowers and everything that your imagination is capable of.

Making crafts from cotton pads and sticks is a great activity not only for children, but also for their mothers. This activity will allow you, without much difficulty or expense, to make an original item for room decoration, a non-standard gift for a birthday or other holiday. The main thing is to use your imagination, put your thoughts and soul into the creation process, and come up with another interesting idea for creating a masterpiece.

We suggest you make an applique of flowers. To do this you will need colored paper, scissors, glue and cardboard. We will make an elegant panel from colored paper.

If you cut out a shape from a sheet of paper folded in half, then both halves of it will be exactly the same and the flower or leaf will turn out absolutely symmetrical. Glue the cut out flowers in the desired order onto the cardboard and draw on the thin stems with a colored pencil or felt-tip pen.


We fold a piece of paper in half, draw half a bell, cut it out, open it - we get a flower.

You can change the shape of the leaves, or add petals to complicate the shape.

We use the “sliding” method: we cut the flower petals, spread them apart and glue them at some distance from each other. We decorate the bells with circles of different sizes or smaller bells.


We fold a square sheet diagonally, then another, then another and draw a petal, unfold it - we get a whole flower. The petal pattern can be anything you want, rounded, sharp, with teeth (cornflower).

Or you can fold a strip of paper like an accordion and cut out many identical petals at once, then fold them into a flower yourself, and stick a round core on top.

Cut out leaves and stems:

Let's compose the composition:

If you cut out flowers of different sizes, smear only the middle with glue and stick the smaller one onto the larger one, then the flowers will turn out to be “double”. You can make them one color, but it is better to choose several shades of the same color, the bouquet will look more lively.

Or this application:

You will need: 2 plastic cups, colored cardboard and paper, cotton wool, gouache, scissors, PVA glue.

To make yellow flowers, fold yellow paper in several layers and cut out semi-oval petals.

For a small flower you need 5-6 petals, for a large one - 10-11, arrange them in a fan.

Then we put a light green base on the petals of each flower and glue it.

To make leaves with pink veins, fold light green paper in half and cut out oval pieces. Let's make cuts on the fold side.

Cut out slightly smaller ovals from pink paper and glue them under the leaves. Glue the finished leaves with the pink side to the picture.

For the mimosa, cut out a piece in the shape of a Christmas tree from green paper and cut many thin strips along the edges.

Using the ends of the scissors, twist the paper strips and glue them onto the picture. On top of the “fluffy greenery” we glue balls of cotton wool rolled up and paint them with yellow gouache.

Cut out 2 small triangles from a plastic cup and cut each into several petals, without cutting to the edge. Glue a semicircle of green paper on top.

For the largest flower we also use a plastic cup, cutting the strips from the edges to the base of the bottom. Let's finish the picture by gluing all the stems and leaves.

Or these voluminous flowers:

Cut petals from yellow paper for the flower, a red round center and two green leaves. It is better to cut out symmetrical leaves and petals by folding the paper in half, especially since we will still need a fold line.
Glue the parts to the blue sheet of the postcard. Flower petals are glued overlapping each other in a circle. It is better to start gluing the applique from the stem and finish with the core.

Here is a different arrangement of the petals, but they are cut in the same way:

A child over 6-7 years old can draw flowers or butterflies himself, cut them out and make an applique out of them:

Or please those around you with a chic voluminous applique:

Arrange flowers as your imagination allows. In these ways you can do greeting card for beloved mothers for the holiday of March 8 and even a huge panel on the wall.