What is Tina Kandelaki's real name? Tina Kandelaki: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Another business of a famous journalist

There are so many rumors about this energetic and temperamental woman that it is sometimes impossible to determine where the truth is and where is speculation. But one thing is for sure – one can only envy this woman’s perseverance and determination! On the occasion of the star's birthday, we decided to remember the most Interesting Facts from her biography.

Tinatin Givievna Kandelaki born in Tbilisi in the family of an economist Givi Kandelaki and a narcologist Elvira Alahverdova. Tina's mother is half Armenian and Turkish.

Tina could have become a doctor. She studied plastic cosmetology and only with the help of her journalist friend transferred to the faculty of journalism in her hometown. Georgia. And in 2008, Tina graduated from the Faculty of International Relations RSUH.

On Russian television, Tina gained popularity largely due to her ability to speak at breakneck speed. The presenter has repeatedly become the hero of parody programs. According to her, she has been accustomed to speaking quickly since childhood. So the girl wanted to overcome her southern accent.

Tina is a retrained left-hander.

The TV presenter has a tattoo. And not even alone! In 2006, Tina was the victim of a car accident that happened in Nice. At the site of the wound on her left hand, the TV presenter got a tattoo, which represents one of the signs of the Japanese teaching of Reiki, symbolizing strength and energy. And on her left thigh there is a second tattoo - the Chinese character for “mother”.

Just six years ago Tina Kandelaki and (34) were best friends(and didn’t hesitate to kiss at the magazine’s awards show GQ), but now they avoid each other's company.

Tina leads healthy image life. She is involved in fitness, taekwondo, boxing and other sports. The TV presenter claims that constant training is the key to her Have a good mood and performance.

In 2010, the TV presenter opened a Georgian restaurant in Moscow entitled "Tinatin", and all the recipes for the dishes on the menu were compiled by Tina’s mother.

The TV presenter loves natural makeup, and on days free from filming, she practically does not wear makeup. In her cosmetic bag you can only find mascara, lipstick or lip gloss. And she begins and ends the day with thorough cleansing and moisturizing of the skin.

Tina has repeatedly boasted about her special skin structure, which even plastic surgeons admire. According to the TV presenter, her smooth forehead has never seen Botox injections. However, the star nevertheless somewhat transformed her own appearance - in particular, she changed the shape and increased the volume of her lips.

Her main hobby is reading. Tina has read so many books that it is very difficult for her to single out one favorite.

Tina admires these strong women, like or Margaret Thatcher(1925-2013). She also positions herself as a strong personality.

The TV presenter closely monitors her figure and appearance. Every day she drinks about 1.5 liters of liquid and limits her consumption of salt, sugar and flour products. The presenter does not eat black or white bread.

In 2009, Tina became a member Public Chamber at the invitation of the ex-president RF Dmitry Medvedev(50). She is responsible for organizing and conducting a series of projects with the participation of prominent political figures and major businessmen.

The interview of the most charming Georgian on Russian television, Tina Kandelaki, to the Russian Pioneer magazine shocked even readers who were accustomed to everything with its frankness. Not everyone admits that they lost their virginity with a militant of a criminal group and even a heroin addict. All the more impressive is the subsequent series of gentlemen of the Caucasian beauty, some of whom occupy honorable places in the ratings of leading businessmen in Russia.

Creative Brovko

And even now on the personal front, everything is fine with Tina - having reached the age of Jesus Christ, the presenter took a lover who was suitable for her... no, not yet as a son, but as a much younger brother. The lucky one was the former producer of the O2TV youth channel and owner of the PR company “Apostol” Vasily Brovko, who was barely 21 years old. Vasily is not as famous as some of Tina’s previous men, but he is constantly bursting with ideas. It is expected that some of them will significantly increase the popularity of Kandelaki, for whom a model appearance and the ability to fire words at the speed of a machine gun are not enough.

The first results of Brovko’s work are already evident. Kandelaki’s recently registered account is being promoted very actively, and the network program “Unreal Politics” has achieved even greater success. The popularity of the talk show, where Tina and Kommersant columnist Andrei Kolesnikov talk about political topics with characters completely distant from them, such as rocker Igor Sukachev and supplier of elite oligarchic mistresses Pyotr Listerman, is growing by leaps and bounds, and the number of views is approaching 5 million.

Television people became interested in the project, and after intense negotiations with several federal channels, “Unreal Politics” was added to REN TV. So, from March 17, those who want to find out whether Boris Moiseev likes Barack Obama and whether the Tatu group dreams of reviving the Soviet Union, watch Tina and Andrey on his frequencies.

It is obvious that such a creative young man as Vasya is extremely useful to Tina, even if he does not have the opportunity to buy her apartments, yachts and luxury cars. Well, Kandelaki has enough other lovers to satisfy her material needs.

Generous Kerimov

The richest of them, without a doubt, can be called the owner of the Nafta-Moscow group, Suleiman Kerimov. He is not only a famous playboy, but also a dollar billionaire, not sparing money on numerous girlfriends. For example, Kerimov gave the singer Natalya Vetlitskaya an entire plane, simultaneously sponsoring her return to the stage and television screen. All the new clips of the seemingly long-forgotten Vetlitskaya that unexpectedly filled the airwaves were paid for by Kerimov. They cannot complain about the stinginess of the oligarch and his other passions. The creative successes of the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova and the daughter of the popularly beloved “Ostap Bender” - Archil Gomiashvili, fashion designer Ekaterina Gomiashvili were financed from the bottomless money of the Dagestan billionaire.

For Kandelaki, the affair with Kerimov turned into a flurry of awards. At the end of 2005, they were seen together for the first time, and the following year Tina became the happy owner of “TEFI” from the Academy of Russian Television. (Her program “The Smartest” received the first “TEFI” in 2004, when the presenter attracted the attention of an elderly, but still not indifferent female beauty President of the TV Academy Vladimir Pozner).

Almost simultaneously, the Artifact agency and the music editors of Channel One awarded Kandelaki the Astra Award as “the most stylish TV presenter,” and Glamor magazine presented her with an award in the Form and Content category.

This waterfall of awards was interrupted in an unexpected and sad way. While vacationing in Nice, Kerimov and Kandelaki indulged in caresses right behind the wheel of a Ferrari Enzo on November 25, 2006 (only 399 cars were produced, € 675,000 each). An exclusive car flew downhill and caught fire, Kerimov received burns on 70% of his body and was treated for a long time, but his beloved escaped with minor injuries. For some time, Tina hid the incident, justifying her absence from the air by an unexpected illness with mumps and categorically denied that she was traveling in the same car with Kerimov. But the truth still came out.

After this, something went wrong in the relationships of the accident victims. Although Tina's official husband is the owner of an elite medical center“ASCON” Andrei Kondrakhin supported his wife’s lies, and Kerimov’s other half, Firuza, long ago gave up on Suleiman’s playboyism, they soon stopped dating, and last year Kandelaki didn’t even come to Kerimov’s birthday party. This time, he excused himself by suddenly catching the flu.

Glamorous Borodin

A holy place is never empty, and the owner of Nafta-Moscow was replaced by the president of the Bank of Moscow and the chairman of the board of directors of the investment company Troika Dialog, Andrei Borodin. This businessman, of course, is not as rich as Kerimov, but he is quite wealthy, sexy and, most importantly, outwardly glamorous. According to Profile magazine, the financier ranks 10th in the list of the most influential bankers in Russia, and after the divorce that followed more than five years ago and episodic affairs with several models, his heart turned out to be free.

Borodin seriously fell in love with Kandelaki. So it is not surprising that her status, thanks to her new passion, jumped once again - from a simple host of the “The Smartest” show, she turned into its producer, for which funds were allocated to the “OK Production” company created specifically for this show. Moreover, work with television academics has resumed, and unless someone of Roman Abramovich’s caliber unexpectedly comes into play, we can assume that the next “TEFI” is in Tina’s bra...

Could Kandelaki have dreamed of such success at the end of the hungry 1990s, when she was just starting to work on Russian television and was looked after by the actor Stanislav Sadalsky, who, although he had extensive acquaintances, was not at all rich and not influential?

Chipped Vakhtang

And what about the very first partner who deprived the girl of her virginity in 1993 on the bed of his Tbilisi room? According to Kandelaki, young man His name was Vakhtang, he was a militant of the paramilitary brigade of criminals “Mkhedrioni”, which was headed by politician and thief in law Jaba Ioseliani, who overthrew the first President of Georgia Zviad Gamsakhurdia. Tina Vakhtang was attracted to the bandit by her tuned Zhiguli car and amazing resemblance to American film actor Charlie Sheen.

Then the people of Jaba were in power, and they were paid by many; Vakhtang, by the standards of now poor, but then extremely poor Georgia, looked wealthy and generous. However, when she saw the young man, Tina’s mother was horrified. One of the best narcologists in Tbilisi, with a trained eye, saw a heroin addict in her daughter’s admirer and strictly forbade her to communicate with him.

The daughter rebelled, and subsequently more than once secretly gave herself to her lover in a small room in his parents’ living area. But then I became convinced that my mother was right, so after several attempts to get Vakhtang off the needle, separation became inevitable. Having replaced the drug-addicted militant with several other, no less hot Georgian guys, having assessed the unsightly everyday prospects based on the results of the novels and realizing that she had nothing more to catch in her homeland, Tina left for Moscow.

Patient Kondrakhin

The question arises: how does the legal husband tolerate all these adventures? Tina, by all accounts, was extremely lucky with Andrei Kondrakhin. And not only because a wealthy medical businessman sponsored all the whims of his initially poor, beautiful wife. Distinguished by exceptional tolerance in intimate matters, he does not consider the process to be treason, which in an interview with the newspaper “Seven Days” he himself described as "everyday sex". Hence the complicity in lying about the sudden mumps when Tina got into a car accident with Kerimov.

On the other hand, Kondrakhin’s behavior, which is so uncharacteristic of cuckolds, may also be caused by gratitude to Kerimov after support in a conflict with criminal lawyer Dmitry Yakubovsky. Three months before the incident in Nice, Yakubovsky and his security guard, having found fault with the fact that Andrei parked the car “wrongly”, beat up him at the exit from the elite holiday village "Gorki-8".

At the Sklifosovsky Institute, the victim was diagnosed with a concussion and damage to the right eye, but Yakubovsky’s influence made the prospects of the lawsuit filed by Kondrakhin doubtful. Therefore, everyone was very surprised when the authoritative hooligan himself offered peace and paid the beaten man $100 thousand. If the version that Yakubovsky did this at the urgent request of Kerimov’s Dagestanis is true, then the reason for Andrei’s complacent attitude towards adultery easily explainable. ( 1975-11-10 ) (37 years) Place of Birth: Citizenship:



Givi Shalvovich Kandelaki


Elvira Georgievna Kandelaki


Andrey Anatolyevich Kondrakhin (divorced)


Melania (born 2000) and Leonty (born 2002)

Awards and prizes: Website:

Tinatin (Tina) Givievna Kandelaki(cargo. თინათინ კანდელაკი ; genus. November 10, Tbilisi) - Russian journalist, TV presenter, producer and public figure. Co-owner of the Apostol company.


Political and social activities

In November 2009, Tina Kandelaki was the host of an illegal party held on the cruiser Aurora.

On August 26, 2011, Tina Kandelaki organized and convened the first National Educational Forum at the Balchug Hotel and presented the Smart School project to the delegates.

Attitude towards protests against election fraud

On December 10, 2011, on the day of the rally on Bolotnaya Square, writer Viktor Shenderovich, based on reliable sources, reported that on December 8 at 19:00, the first deputy head of the presidential administration, Vladislav Surkov, had a conversation with Sergei Kurginyan, Maxim Shevchenko, Alexei Pushkov, Sergei Dorenko, Leonid Radzikhovsky, Sergei Minaev and Tina Kandelaki. The topic was public protests against the falsification of elections to the Duma.

On the same day, Ksenia Sobchak reported about this meeting, the reason for this was the appearance of Mrs. Kandelaki on Bolotnaya Square. Sobchak called the TV presenter a “swamp werewolf” and a “Trojan horse of the administration,” summing up: She is going (to the rally) because she agreed with the administration two days ago! Funny! .

On February 25, 2012, Tina Kandelaki headed the public council of the corps of observers “For Clean Elections,” organized by the Coordination Council of Young Lawyers on January 23, 2012. This structure was associated with the Nashi movement, which openly supported the current government. Many opposition figures considered this organization to be a figurehead and necessary for the authorities to confirm the legitimacy of the elections. Ksenia Sobchak spoke about Kandelaki’s new appointment: Parfenov confirmed my fears that “Clean Elections” is a Kremlin scam. So that pocket observers can say that everything was fair. In May 2012, it became known that members of this movement would take part in the pro-government camp on Seliger, and in the fall it received 3,000,000 rubles from the state in the form of a grant.

On the evening of March 4, 2012, in her live journal, Tina Kandelaki stated that “Independent observers recognized Vladimir Putin’s victory in the first round.”

After the verdict in the case was announced Pussy Riot, Kandelaki wrote a post on her LiveJournal where she named him information suicide. The day before, she believed that the girls would be given two or three years probation, but better - community service.

During the protest events, Ms. Kandelaki wrote several posts in which she spoke critically of opponents of both United Russia and Vladimir Putin, in whose support she also actively spoke out. Kandelaki consistently criticized the leaders of the non-systemic opposition for inconsistency and lack of professionalism. She particularly dislikes the figure of Alexei Navalny.

On December 15, 2012, against the backdrop of the arrests of non-systemic opposition leaders who wanted to lay flowers at the Solovetsky Stone, Mrs. Kandelaki wrote the following post on Twitter: A now everything has become so simple. You came to the rally, surrendered to the riot police, got into a paddy wagon, took photos for Instagram and Twi, and you are a newsmaker). In response, I received the answer from the host of “Echo of Moscow” Alexander Belanovsky: or you can get into a Ferrari in Nice and also become a newsmaker, for example, which hinted at the story with Suleiman Kerimov. His response received more retweets than Kandelaki’s passage, and eventually made it into the TOP 30 of Russian Twitter.

Georgian elections (2012)


In March 2012, Tina Kandelaki signed a contract with the company Oriflame, according to which it will present products for two years Oriflame in Russia and the CIS countries, as well as participate in all company events. Kandelaki's fee will be $2 million.


Accident in Nice

In memory of this incident, Tina received two tattoos. On the left wrist is one of the Reiki symbols - chokurei (Japanese: 超空霊 cho:kurei) , the meaning of which has several interpretations, one of which allows you to speed up the process of wound healing. On the left thigh is a Chinese character that means "mother". Tattoos are applied to burns received as a result of an accident.

Conflict with Mikhail Shats

On December 22, 2011, TV presenter Mikhail Shats said that Kandelaki asked the management of the STS television channel whether they were aware that he and his wife Tatyana Lazareva had starred in videos calling on citizens to come to a rally on December 24 for fair elections. According to Mikhail, Mrs. Kandelaki called the video clips “dubious videos calling for people to come to the rally on December 24”:

To his credit, the leadership responded that both Mikhail and his wife were quite adults and decided for themselves how, who and where to recruit. I will use this right again. I urge you, Tina, stop! Because we also know how, who and where to send

In response, Tina accused her colleague of hypocrisy and announced that she was leaving the STS TV channel and suing Mikhail Shats. On December 29, it became known that the TV presenter remained on the channel because of her program The Smartest.


The TV presenter, according to fellow journalists, personifies such a phenomenon as glamorization. She was criticized for lack of talent and self-PR, unprincipledness, conformism and love for the current government, thanks to which she became a member of the Public Chamber.

On March 12, 2012, Tina Kandelaki published a post entitled "Children's Revolution", in which she criticized those who opposed election fraud during the Duma and presidential campaigns. She stated that there was no evidence of carousels and fraud during the counting of votes, and considered the absence of court decisions on this matter as evidence of their legitimacy. She also noted the lack of a political program among the non-systemic opposition and at the same time moved on to the personalities of their representatives. This publication caused criticism from the journalistic community.

On March 21, 2012, in her blog on the website of the Ekho Moskvy radio station, Kandelaki wrote a post, the essence of which was that Russian higher education diplomas abroad are often not recognized and not quoted due to their insufficient quality, and In the USA, Russians work mainly as bartenders; they go to Germany to work as hairdressers and salespeople, and to Italy as dishwashers.. Russian economist and NES professor Konstantin Sonin refuted these statements, summing up: So if Tina Kandelaki says “Russian diplomas are not recognized abroad,” then she simply does not know what she is talking about. And if she says “Russian diplomas are not valued abroad,” then we must add that this applies to many specialties, but not to all .

Work on television and radio

She worked at the radio station “Radio 105” and Georgian television until she left for Moscow in 1995, where she began working with Stanislav Sadalsky at various radio stations and television channels: “

September 13, 2015 No comments

Fans of the Georgian TV presenter and simply beautiful woman are not indifferent to where Tina Kandelaki is now and what she is doing. The businesswoman began to appear on screens less and less, but on social networks her life can be traced to the smallest detail. By looking through elevator looks, Tina's fans can find out how often she attends social parties and events. Often visible next to her are Mikhail Galustyan, or Ramzan Kadyrov, or Andrei Malakhov.

What Tina Kandelaki is doing now can be found out from a number of photographs dedicated to health and sports. Despite her 40 years, the TV star spends a lot of time in the gym and even a younger girl can envy her figure. Tina is very interested in active recreation.

Regarding where Tina Kandelaki is now, we can say unequivocally: the businesswoman lives in Moscow and holds the position of general director of the Apostol CSK. She received an offer from Gazprom Media to become the head of the channel, whose work will begin in November. Kandelaki is already taking part in the development of the Match TV channel.

Not everyone appreciates Tina's skill. For example, Vasily Utkin, editor-in-chief of the NTV-Plus sports channels, even refused to work under her leadership. He claims that the TV presenter can only speak about sports in rotten banal phrases, which, according to the famous commentator, is disgusting and catastrophic. Colleagues of Kandelaki and Utkin came to the conclusion that in this way Vasily left the editorial office, and Tina lost another rival.

Well, fans of Russia’s fastest-talking presenter can only wait for new interesting events from the life of a beautiful Georgian woman.

Tina Kandelaki is a famous Russian TV presenter, journalist and public figure of Georgian origin. Tina is not just smart and beautiful woman, she has an amazing capacity for work and love of life. During her public career, she worked on radio, television, and hosted entertainment, children's and popular science programs. Today he also holds a senior position in one of the largest media holdings in Russia, Gazprom Media, which has many publications, satellite and terrestrial TV channels.

Height, weight, age. How old is Tina Kandelaki

Thanks to this woman’s extraordinary intelligence, determination and social skills, she has many connections and admirers. You can find a lot of information about the TV presenter on the Internet. But, of course, such an attractive appearance cannot raise questions among other women about how she takes care of her figure, what brands she uses, what she lives and enjoys, and also what her height, weight, and age are. Many Russian women want to know how old Tina Kandelaki is, because the journalist looks much younger than her 41 years.

Biography and personal life of Tina Kandelaki

Tina was born in 1975 in Georgia. After graduating from school, she wanted to connect her life with medicine and studied for a year at the Faculty of Plastic Surgery, but soon realized that this was not what she wanted to do. For the second time, the girl entered the journalism department at a university in Georgia. After receiving her diploma, she began working on radio until she moved to Moscow in 1995. In the capital, Kandelaki managed to work on many television channels, hosting morning and evening entertainment programs until one day she was invited to one of the country’s leading channels in the author’s program “Details,” in which Kandelaki interviewed various famous people.

A few years later, the “The Smartest” program started, the host of which was also Kandelaki. The program was loved by the audience different ages, as it was a quiz in which children answered difficult questions in various categories. The program aired for almost 10 years until it closed in 2012.

Tina Kandelaki is not only a TV presenter, but also a businesswoman. She is a co-founder of a Russian holding company that works in the field of IT, television, consulting services, and promotion of media projects. In 2016, work began on bankruptcy of this enterprise, since the holding has a large amount of debt to suppliers. In addition to the media enterprise, Kandelaki is also the owner of a luxurious restaurant in Moscow and a member of the Public Chamber Russian Federation.

Despite all her public activities, the journalist’s statements were often criticized. Working for the state holding Gazprom, Kandelaki supports all government initiatives, which often causes negativity among the opposition.

The biography and personal life of Tina Kandelaki were often discussed in the media; scandals involving her name periodically appear in the press. So, in 2006, the journalist became the victim of a car accident in France, which was caused by deputy Suleiman Kerimov. The TV presenter was in the car with a man, after which rumors spread in the press that married Kandelaki was having an affair with a civil servant.

Family and children of Tina Kandelaki

Tina Kandelaki was born into a family descended from a noble family, so the surname Kandelaki was known in Georgia even before the popularity of the presenter. Her father, Givi Shalvovich, an economist by training, worked as the head of a vegetable warehouse in Georgia, and her mother Elvira has a medical education and worked as a doctor. Kandelaki’s full name in Georgian sounds like “Tinatin”, but the presenter decided to shorten it to something more familiar to Russian people - Tina.

The presenter was married twice, in her first marriage she gave birth to two children, who today live with Tina and her second husband. Tina Kandelaki's parents, family and children live in Moscow.

Son of Tina Kandelaki - Leonty Kondrakhin

The son of Tina Kandelaki, Leonty Kondrakhin, was born in 2002 in the TV presenter’s first marriage to Andrei Kondrakhin. When the young presenter found out about her second pregnancy, she was scared. My daughter just turned one year old, and now she has a second child. After their parents' divorce, the children remained to live with Tina. The businesswoman was helped in raising her children by her mother Elvira and a governess. This year the guy turned 15 years old, and in June he graduated from military school, which the famous mother boasted about on her page in social network. Next, Leonty plans to connect his life with military service.

Daughter of Tina Kandelaki - Melania Kondrakhina

Tina Kandelaki's daughter, Melania Kondrakhina, is the first child in the Kandelaki family. She was born in 2000, when Tina was 25 years old. The girl at that time was working very hard, her career was just taking off, new opportunities and broadcasts began to appear, so little Melania spent little time with her parents, but the girl grew up very independent. Today Kandelaki’s daughter is 17 years old, she has become a real beauty and, despite her bright Blue eyes, still looks like her mother. Last year, Tina and Melania appeared at a party for a famous magazine about social life, after which all the media vying with each other began to admire adult daughter leading.

Tina Kandelaki's ex-husband - Andrey Kondrakhin

Andrei and Tina met in 1997, when the young radio presenter and the guy were 22 years old. Ex-husband Tina Kandelaki - Andrey Kondrakhin is an artist by profession, also engaged in private business. The couple formalized their relationship in 1999 and were married for 11 years. The TV presenter does not talk about the reasons for the divorce. According to some sources, the businesswoman and her husband had financial issues that they could not resolve amicably. Although, perhaps, there are simply no more feelings left in the couple.

Tina Kandelaki's husband - Vasily Brovko

For four years, Tina’s heart was free; several times information appeared in the media that Kandelaki had started a new romance, but the woman did not comment on this gossip. And in 2014, there was a message online that the popular TV presenter had gotten married again. The chosen one of the successful Kandelaki was her business partner, director of a state corporation and TV presenter. Tina Kandelaki’s husband, Vasily Brovko, is 10 years younger than his wife, but this does not prevent the couple from living together in love and harmony for 3 years.

Photo of Tina Kandelaki in Maxim magazine

Throughout her career, the TV presenter has an excellent appearance and figure, carefully monitors her nutrition and constantly plays sports, so it is not surprising that over the years users have repeatedly seen photos of Tina Kandelaki in Maxim magazine, as well as in the popular men's publication Playboy, where the presenter appears practically naked. In August, a message circulated online that she was pregnant and was planning to give her husband a child. In response to this statement and to dispel rumors, Kandelaki published on her page a photo from a vacation in a swimsuit.

Instagram and Wikipedia Tina Kandelaki

Today, presenter and public figure Tina Kandelaki is one of the most discussed media personalities on the Internet and in publications. Tina’s conflicts with presenters Mikhail Shats and Vasily Utkin were actively discussed on the Internet. Tina Kandelaki's Instagram and Wikipedia will tell you about the personal and public life of the journalist, her projects, and social activities. Lately Tina is actively interested in sports, so on her page you can also see short videos her workouts in the gym and at home, as well as nutrition programs.