Happy Easter catholic beautiful. How to say Happy Easter? The best congratulations on Easter in SMS, poetry, prose: short and beautiful. Video: Postcard for Easter. Happy Easter everyone

Catholic Easter is practically no different from Orthodox. Also on this day, eggs are dyed and baked. Services are held in temples, water and fire are illuminated.

Believing Catholics light a fire from a candle in the temple and carry it home.

On this beautiful Catholic holiday of Easter, send congratulations to your family and friends by choosing one of the works below: verse, prose, congratulations in English.

Me on catholic easter
I wish you happiness and warmth
To a bright, kind fairy tale,
Your life has always been!

Let an angel descend from heaven
To announce the good news:
Christ is truly risen
So, there is a miracle in life!

All Catholics today
Happy Easter, congratulations,
This holiday brings happiness
Makes you smile
May faith be with you
And the Lord protects you
From problems, troubles and diseases
Protects your life!

Let this Easter egg remind you
you that nothing can destroy
your dreams & love.
Have a very happy Easter!

(Let this Easter egg remind
you that nothing can destroy
Your dreams and love.
May you have a very happy Easter!

Wishes for a bright and colorful Easter!
(I wish you a bright and bright Easter!)

Great day, day of salvation!
The bright Catholic holiday has come!
Holy Resurrection Day
God of truth, God of strength!
All worries and doubts
Fly away!
No worries and regrets
And my soul is easy!

On the day of Catholic Easter
I want to wish with all my heart
So that everything is fulfilled for you,
Troubles in life do not know
So that luck smiles at you!

Under the cheerful bell ringing
The sun illuminates the dreamy world.
My friend, leave sleep in bed
Please accept the good news.

Angels sing to you from heaven
Children knock on the door early in the morning,
Everyone rejoices: Christ is risen!
Happy Catholic Easter!

May the Lord God grant you happiness and peace in your soul, human in your heart, good and pure intentions, bright thoughts! May faith, hope and love never leave you!

On this great Christian holiday of Easter, I send you congratulations that an angel from heaven brought me on his wings!
Congratulations on the Resurrection of Christ to all of you and the whole family!

Holy Sunday of Christ
Everyone brings joy, hope, faith.
Prayers are filled with salvation
Thoughts, deeds without fail.

Let Easter give a spiritual holiday
Peace in the soul, light to family and home.
All worries will be in vain
Happiness may come to you a lot!

Hymns fly up to heaven - our Lord is truly risen!
Holy joy governs us: There is Truth under heaven!
Who with faith lives in the world - Everyone is now happy, like children!
On Easter we celebrate salvation, the love of the Lord is inspiration!
People rejoice immeasurably: Life will be bright from now on!
We will sing glory to Christ For sacrifice and purity!

April. Good Friday. A country.
Everything calms down in anticipation of Easter.
The fragrant foliage got wet from the rains,
Spring evening muffles the colors.
Doubt, anxiety leaves the soul,
Repentance comes, revelation
And the most holy thing I ask of God,
On the eve of Christ's Resurrection.

All over the earth, all over the planet
It sounds like a solemn message.
Wake up people, take heart
Our God, our Savior is risen.

A miracle of miracles happened, a prophecy from heaven

And the ringing of bells brings the good news:
Christ is risen, Christ is risen, truly risen!
The people rejoice and sing, and it is heard to heaven:
"Christ is risen, Christ is risen, truly risen!"

Happy Easter
And we sing: - "Christ is risen!"
We all answer together:
"He is truly risen!"

Easter. Festive all around.
The house is sparkling clean.
Willows on the table and Easter...
So light and so beautiful!
Dyed eggs everywhere
And the cake is on a platter ...
Mom in a cotton apron
Invites everyone to sit down
And eat a treat
In honor of Christ's resurrection.

How I love Easter!
Getting ready for Thursday
Grandma paints eggs
I will help her too.
On a fragile, thin shell
For people, for beauty
I paint with a brush quietly
Cross, sun, flowers.
On the bright holiday of Sunday
I will give to my friends
By the testicle, congratulations
And I’ll say: “I painted it myself!”

In preparation for the upcoming holiday for baking Easter cakes and coloring eggs, we are missing something more important. The Great Easter of Christ is the main Christian celebration given to us in order to remember the epochal event that took place two thousand years ago. Jesus Christ, the only sinless person who was on earth, voluntarily sacrificed himself for us, and then resurrected to give eternal life to all mankind. In gratitude and respect, we must accept the sacrifice given and act only according to the commandments of the Son of God. On a church holiday - Orthodox or Catholic Sunday of Christ - we are obliged to visit the temple, pray to the Almighty, ask for forgiveness for our sins and forgive the offenders. And only by giving God's God's to God, one can give to Caesar what is Caesar's: to have fun, to celebrate Christ, to observe traditions and celebrate the bright Resurrection of Christ. Excessive idleness on the day of Passover is not a sin. It is also important to send congratulations on Easter 2018 to everyone and everyone: beautiful in verse to relatives, official in prose to colleagues, funny to friends in short sms. In Russian, Ukrainian or English language- doesn't matter. The main thing is to share the bright joy with others!

Beautiful congratulations on Easter 2018 in verses for relatives

One of the cleanest and brightest holidays of spring - Christ's Resurrection - in 2018 the Orthodox will celebrate on April 8. On this day, everyone will want to beautifully and unbanally congratulate dear people, and especially family members: mom and dad, sisters and brothers, grandparents. It is best to personally visit your father's house immediately upon arrival from the temple, give your parents a few painted eggs, treat them with a consecrated Easter cake and complete everything with warm hugs and a triple kiss. But if you can’t see your relatives on Easter, you can send beautiful congratulations to your loved ones in verse just on your mobile phone. Such Christening is far from ideal, but the main thing is attention. Choose the most beautiful congratulations on Easter in verses for relatives in the selection below.

Beautiful congratulatory verses to family and friends for Easter

Fragrant Easter cakes in the house on the table,
The holiday is the most joyful in the native land.
I congratulate the Lord on Sunday,
May your whole family be healthy.

Let not only the holidays bring you joy,
Let harmony reign in the house and comfort,
To indifference and resentment of the wind
Could not put out the family fire.

Let Easter be a good bird
Calm will float into your house,
Let the omnipotent queen
Luck will rule in him.

I wish you light, May in your heart,
Protection of the Lord from troubles,
And find the way to the cherished door,
To bring happiness to light!

Painted eggs, Easter cakes,
Bright good news anticipation,
The light of an Easter thin candle,
As if from the sins of all healing.

May peace and grace be in your soul
On this holiday, the wondrous will spill,
In the heart, let the good news again
Will respond with boundless joy.

Happy Easter, happy wonderful day, I congratulate you today,
May the church blessing sparkle with you every hour,
May happiness come to your house, joy and love to your soul,
And there will always be an Angelic Heavenly shelter above you.

May the Easter holiday bring you prosperity,
Joy, flourishing, harmony and order in the house.
Let your heart fill with goodness!
Let the soul inspire this day

Ringing bells, church singing!
Let the mood be great!
Peace, spring to you and great happiness
On the holy feast - the Resurrection of Christ!

Solemn congratulations on Easter 2018 in prose to colleagues

Previously, the Resurrection of Christ was widely celebrated, responsibly observing all traditions: they kept the preliminary fast, ideally cleaned the house and yard, painted eggs by hand and prepared the most festive treats. On the eve of Easter Saturday, everyone certainly went to church services, wearing the best attire. And on Sunday, even before matins, the richest and most generous tables were laid. Today they celebrate Easter, honoring traditions, only a few, but everyone, without exception, solemnly congratulates friends, relatives and colleagues sincerely touching prose. If you're going to please the chosen people too good wishes on a bright holiday, look in advance in our collection for suitable solemn congratulations for Easter in prose to colleagues and less formal ones to relatives and friends.

Official prosaic congratulations to employees and superiors for Easter 2018

Christ is risen! Happy Easter! And let the miraculous resurrection really come into our sometimes amazing, sometimes everyday life, reviving the soul and inspiring it with incredible, inspiring happiness!

Congratulations on Christ's Resurrection! May the Lord strengthen faith so that the path is within our power, humble pride in order to see our true destiny and grant patience in order to love sincerely and selflessly. Peace in your soul and harmony in your heart.

On this radiant day of universal goodness and pure light, I wish you true good. Happy Easter! May your home not leave prosperity, may the kindest and brightest hopes live forever under its roof.

Congratulations on the wonderful holiday of Easter! I wish you to feel the grace of heaven with all your heart, may your life become brighter and more beautiful from today!

Happy Sunday, Happy Easter! I wish you the splendor of a true miracle, when the soul listens to the mystery of what is happening and opens like a bud to meet joy and happiness!

Short beautiful congratulations in verse on Easter 2018 to a husband or wife

Before congratulating an unfamiliar person on Christ's Sunday, it is better to learn a few important things about him. What faith does a friend (neighbor, employee, classmate) adhere to? Does he honor religious celebrations? Does he consider himself a believer or an atheist? This way you can avoid accidents and embarrassing moments. It is much easier to congratulate a loved one on the great church holiday. You probably know everything about your own husband or wife, so you can safely choose the most beautiful verses and short poetic congratulations on Easter 2018. They can be lyrical or humorous, religious or neutral, tied to seasonal features or with a list best wishes. As in our next selection of short beautiful congratulations in verse on Easter 2018 to a husband or wife.

Beautiful poetic congratulations to your loved one on Easter

The spring air is full of happiness.
"Christ is risen!" - flies from all directions,
And like an alluring echo of celebration,
The bells rang out.

May your day be peaceful, full of faith
In the love and mercy of heaven.
And let, like a shore, life caress the waves
Good luck, joyful miracles.

The good news is flying fast
Fills hearts with boundless happiness,
Let faith keep the house safely,
Love protects from all adversity.

Christ is risen! Wonderful Easter holiday
Shed a magical light all over the earth,
Flowers dazzle like splashes of paint,
And this joy is the covenant of the forefathers.

May this day give you hope
All the best is yet to come
After all, everything worldly, carnal - clothes,
And only the Spirit leads to perfection!

Happy Easter! Happy Creator's Day!
Let there be no end of joy
May happiness and love enter our home
And miracle of miracles will happen.
I want to keep faith in my heart
Be healthy and love your life.

Congratulations on the Resurrection of Christ,
I wish you heavenly blessings
I wish you joy without end
Events wonderful, wonderful.

Let your heart shine with love
And your life is success, luck,
Let happiness walk beside you
And inspiration fills the soul!

Short funny congratulations on Easter for friends

In bright and joyful Orthodox holiday Christ's Resurrection is not a sin - from the heart will have fun and have a good laugh. If your friends have a good sense of humor, prepare them short congratulatory rhymes for Easter with jokes. Send the prepared texts in SMS or messages on social networks, supplement them with holiday pictures and photos, read at the table as a funny toast. Even a short humorous poem will give guests a good mood until the end of the holiday. Short cool congratulations for Easter for friends in the next category.

Funny Easter greetings in verses to friends and girlfriends

Fasting made me lose weight
Don't look at the sausage
For sour cream and cottage cheese,
But he is very dear to us!

But Easter came to the rescue
The post has passed, hello, sausage,
Congratulations! Congratulations!
Happy Easter!

Shkvarchit meat in a frying pan,
two bottles of vodka are sweating,
already cut sausage,
So pour it - Today is Easter!

Easter! Happy holiday! Hooray!
We sanctify Easter cake in the morning!
And sausage, and testicles,
Someone - money, someone - matches!
May Jesus save you all
Gives happiness, peace and laughter!

I look - passers-by stagger,
Perhaps I'm wrong?
No, it's Easter starting -
I assure you friends!

Let the gait be unsteady -
Close your eyes to this.
But the soul is always free,
And heaven knows it!

With a solemn face I will hit an egg with an egg.
Some with eggs and some without...
I share - Christ is risen!
I do not feel sorry for a testicle,
No Easter cake!

Happy Easter 2018 SMS greetings to distant relatives

Alas, very often people close to the heart (old school friends, former employees and distant relatives) do not live near us. This means that it is simply impossible to personally congratulate them on the wonderful holiday of the Resurrection of Christ. The situation is unpleasant, but solvable. You can always send SMS greetings on Happy Easter 2018 to distant relatives and friends who have scattered around the world. They will not replace strong hugs and intimate conversations face to face, but they can still leave a pleasant holiday response. Do not put off important things for the last day, download today to your personal archive SMS congratulations on the bright Easter of Christ 2018 to distant relatives.

Original congratulatory SMS for Easter 2018 for those who are not around

Let the candles burn
On top of the cakes!
Happy Easter! Christ is risen!
Expect fabulous miracles!

Smiles, happiness, laughter are everywhere.
Crystal pouring ringing from heaven.
For us, a miracle happened again:
Christ is risen! Truly Risen!

Christ is Risen! The angels sing
And I heartily congratulate you.
May happiness, joy and comfort
They warm you with their love.

Christ is risen! And joyfully soaring,
Strives to the sky with the ease of the soul,
For a miracle, trusting the mercy of God,
Live, breathe with pleasure!

Bright Easter has come
Brought joy to the house
A lot of happiness, kindness,
Inspiration, beauty!

The most beautiful congratulations on the upcoming Easter 2018 in Ukrainian

On the eve of the Holy Resurrection of Christ, we also took care of our Ukrainian-speaking readers. Having found and selected congratulations on the upcoming Easter 2018 in Ukrainian, we placed the most beautiful of them in the next category. Now everyone can instantly copy the texts of original authentic wishes to their mobile or PC, and the language barrier will not become a hindrance touching congratulations for family and good friends. The most beautiful congratulations on the upcoming Easter 2018 in Ukrainian, as well as in Russian or English - this is a kind of integral part of deep folk traditions celebrating major Christian celebrations.

Best congratulations in verses on Pakha Christov in Ukrainian

Hai in the koshik you will lay a ram and Easter,
shmatochok saltsya, odorous cowbass
and pysanok a couple with a korіnchik kronu -
high plin prosperity to your home!

"Christ is risen!" - here it sank,
And it became holy in my soul.
The axis of the cat with towels
Carry to the church with paskas.

Svyatkovo candles lit up,
And all the chastunkas were consecrated.
"Christ is risen" - ringing lunatically.
Let me know all sorts of membranes!

Hai at the soul panuє holy,
Hai success will be rich!
High up and have mercy on everyone.
May God bless you!

Spring rose up at the beginning of the fairy tale,
I am the sun of the heights of heaven.
I live with the bright holy Easter!
Christ is risen!

Call call the Great One!
God's Easter all this year.
Line song from heaven:
Joy to all, Christ is Risen!

Today, Catholics around the world celebrate one of the most significant church holidays in the Catholic faith - Easter. Catholics who believe with all their hearts go to the church late at night for an all-night service. Sunday morning begins with the blessing of fire and water. Eggs and all Easter food are sprinkled with holy water, and holy fire is carried to homes and special Easter candles are lit to cleanse the home, while paraffin from these candles is considered healing. For children, Easter is one of the most anticipated and favorite holidays, as the morning begins with the fact that all over the house and the lawn near the house, children are looking for Easter eggs, which the Easter bunny or rabbit brought and hid for them. In many countries, on Easter days, the symbol of the rabbit becomes quite common, it can be everywhere and on postcards, books, posters and even on lanterns. While the children are having fun, young people go from house to house and sing Easter hymns, and they are given sweet bread and painted eggs for singing. This day is a good occasion to tell your family and friends nice words wish them peace and good. Use for this musical postcard. Choose the best, in your opinion, congratulations and give joy to family and friends! After all, kind signs of attention warm the heart and give birth to bright feelings in the soul. You can make such a postcard yourself. Choose the appropriate illustration, music, congratulatory words, combine them into a single whole and feel free to send to the addressee. Such a sign of attention will not go unnoticed, it will make you closer, despite the distances separating you.

Catholics, Protestants and other Christian denominations living according to the Gregorian calendar meet Happy Easter of Christ, which for Western Christians in 2016 comes on the night of March 27. For the majority of Orthodox, until the time when the Holy Fire descends in Jerusalem, they still need to fast, pray and wait until May 1: now Great Lent is still in full swing for them.

Let's figure it out at Easter

Read more about the features of Easter for Western Christians, which for simplicity is called Catholic, read in the following materials Federal News Agency:

For those who “live” according to the Julian calendar and try to follow the Orthodox rules of spiritual and physical preparation for the Easter of Christ as much as possible, FAN gives the following advice:

How to celebrate Catholic Easter

In Russia, traditionally Christian holidays according to the Gregorian calendar are very popular - this applies to both Christmas and Easter. Therefore, on the night of Sunday, March 27, Christians of all denominations and even adherents of other religions and atheists will come to Catholic or Protestant churches to share with their Western brethren the celebration of the victory of life over death. Anyway, John Chrysostom did not distinguish anyone on this bright day.

“Who is pious and God-loving - now enjoy this wonderful and joyful celebration! Who has labored, fasting, now accept a denarius! Who worked from the first hour - now receive a well-deserved wage! Who came after the third hour - celebrate with gratitude! Who reached only after the sixth hour - do not doubt at all, because you do not lose anything! Who has slowed down until the ninth hour - proceed without any doubt and fear! Whoever arrived in time only at the eleventh hour - and he should not be afraid of his delay! For the Savior is generous: he accepts the last as well as the first, ”the saint used to say in the catechumen on Pascha.

And then the very words that resonate with happiness in the hearts of all Christians sounded: “Death! where is your pity?! Hell! where is your victory?! Christ is risen, and you are cast out! Christ is risen, and the demons have fallen! Christ is risen, and the angels rejoice! Christ is risen, and life triumphs! Christ is risen, and no one is dead in the tomb! For Christ, having risen from the tomb, is the firstborn of the dead. To Him be glory and power forever and ever! Amen".

Congratulations in verses for Catholic Easter 2016

Therefore, even if you are at least a thousand times Orthodox, it is not forbidden to congratulate those who exclaim on the night of March 27 - “Christ is risen!” On the night of March 27, in order to receive a response to your password - “Truly risen!”

We offer options for poetic congratulations with catholic easter for sms, emails or traditional greeting cards.

On Easter day, joyfully playing,

The lark flew high

And disappearing into the blue sky

He sang the song of resurrection.

And that song was loudly repeated

And the steppe, and the hill, and the dark forest.

"Wake up, earth! - they said -

Wake up: your king, your God is risen!"

Spring has scattered colors, the hymn of life rings to the heavens.

Grandmother, happy Easter - Christ is risen today!

After all, the body was crucified, and crying was heard around ...

He is alive! Teaching is sacred. And the cross shines with gold!

Having sacrificed his own blood, he passed the spell and darkness.

So that all the people of the world go to him with great love!

Easter has come, joy has seized:

Beloved Jesus, having suffered, resurrected.

I heartily congratulate you on the God-given Easter -

A wonderful holiday, a miracle of miracles!

The temple, solemn and strict, ascended upwards, to heaven.

And the voice of the jubilant rushes over the road: Risen!

This was announced to us by the birds in the blue sky.

Will I wake up that happiness, or do I see it as in a dream?

Happy Easter, which is more wonderful than all miracles.

Every day will be wonderful, because he has truly risen!

Clear and sunny on Easter!

Krashenki red, songs and dances.

Light on the soul, like from a bright candle. And Easter cakes are already waiting on the table.

Let it spread throughout the world: Resurrection! We will always be together with hope.

With faith in love, in golden years. Together. Today. Now. Forever.

Sing songs for Happy Easter! This day is the best day of all!

You knock on my door. Cakes are waiting for you.

I am waiting for you on a spring day, on the day of holy Sunday.

And the cross will remind in the sky that he has truly risen!

I wish you inspiration on the day of the Holy Ascension.

Christ keep you from every bad weather,

From an evil tongue, sudden misfortune.

Keep you from pain, betrayal, illness,

From a smart enemy, from a petty friend,

And give you the Lord, if it is in his power,

Health, long life, love and much happiness

Accept congratulations on Easter,

With radiant sunshine!

On a spring day the colors are so bright

Nice smell of cookies!

Spring has come - it's time for miracles.

The spring murmurs: "Christ is risen!"

There are no words brighter in the world,

Indeed, Christ is risen!

Happy Easter today
Happy holiday with great goodness.
Let it be beautiful in the soul
Only spring time.

I wish you understanding
Warm happy moments
Strong faith and patience
Let the blessings await ahead.

Happiness full basket
Let today bring
good easter bunny
And put on the threshold.

Happy Catholic Easter
I congratulate you
Christ is risen! Us angels
They announce from heaven.

I wish you well, happiness,
heartfelt warmth,
So that holy faith
Lived in your hearts.

Wish an angel
Saved you from troubles
Happiness to Easter
Stepped on the threshold.

Let the holiday of Catholic Easter bring you and your loved ones peace and harmony, prosperity and prosperity, sincere emotions and sympathy from those around you. May the light of your soul not fade, may faith not leave you.

Easter candle fire
Keeps us warm
Its small particle
They bring it to every home.

Happy Catholic Easter
I want to congratulate you
Christ is risen, returned
And will not leave us.

Let the prayers fly
Ours to heaven
Christ is risen! I say
Truly Risen!

Today is a spring day, sunny, beautiful,
All because this day is called Easter.
I wish you health, peace, joy from the bottom of my heart,
I congratulate you on a wonderful, good holiday.
Let the heart be bright, love lives in it,
And let the best in life be sure to come.

A wonderful, important holiday
Today comes quietly
This holiday is called Easter
He will give happiness and love.

May there always be happiness in the heart
Goodness will forever settle in the soul,
Let failures and bad weather
In a moment they will change into beauty.

Happy Easter
I congratulate Catholics
Fire brought from the temple
Let him protect you from troubles.

Let joy fill your soul
Let faith grow stronger in the hearts
Gives love and hope
May you have the Resurrection of Christ.

May the Lord be with you
May the holy angel protect
May the Holy Spirit never leave
Jesus Christ saves sinners.

Happy catholic easter
congratulations and wishes
You health to see a doctor
You didn't even think to walk!

May good reign in your hearts
And love fills everything around!
May all that is in your dreams
Almighty God does!

Happy Catholic Easter to you,
The rabbit painted testicles all night,
Let there be light in the soul
And good will come to your house.

Let love be near
Smiling kindly people
Your health does not fail
And happiness never leaves.

Congratulations to all Catholics
Today I am happy Easter
And I wish you well
Kindness in everything!

May the most holy glorious holiday
Sprinkle souls with light,
Joy will spill into the heart
And inspire with hope!

Happy Easter, dear Catholics,
Happy and happy day!
Let the rabbit bring you a gift,
You will find happiness in a holy gift!

I wish you a happy holiday
Let love bloom in the hearts.
May love and magic lyrics
Lives in your souls without end!

Let there be no sorrows and sorrows,
May the dawn smile upon you.
May your life be filled with joy
And fate will reward for wonderful deeds!