On another 16 years, congratulations to a friend. What to give your best friend

What broad prospects open up when you are only sixteen years old. Unrepeatable years of youth are ahead. Congratulating a girlfriend on this day on her birthday, wishes should begin with the main thing, with the fact that all her most cherished dreams come true. An independent adult life is already within reach, you need to wish that the choice of a future profession is correct and easy. Of course, it must be said about the successful completion of school, which is just around the corner. This moment in life is not only exciting, but also very responsible. Therefore, the wishes of easy tickets for exams will be quite useful. Of course, you need to wish that the first love would gently give up in the heart, filling it with light and goodness.

You are young and you are beautiful
Sixteen hit you
Let the sun shine in life clearly
Let everything be smooth in fate.
Live rich, smile
And sincerely you love life,
On the way to the goals, do not be afraid,
All your dreams will come true.
Meet friends, but only true ones,
Love, but only from the heart,
Always be the leader, be the first
Don't rush to grow up!

A friend dreamed that at sixteen
Birthday was great...
Here comes the day -
You have become an adult!
You are beautiful and smart!
Life will be good to you!
I wish your
All dreams came true!

Dedicated to you today
Poems, gifts and flowers!
And let them come true at the age of 16
All secret dreams!
Love, dance, shine a smile
And please family and friends!
And be beautiful and happy!
Let everything be fulfilled soon!

Congratulations on your 16th birthday
The most beautiful in the world!
Enjoy this feeling
Youth with a joyful flow!
Let everything be fulfilled like in a fairy tale,
Decorate your days with glittery paint!
May you be lucky both personally and with your studies,
And there were enough big bills to!

Congratulations! Sixteen years
Our smart, beautiful girl!
You bring joy and light to the world
Continuing to play and frolic.
You go to discos sometimes,
At school you study "excellently";
Dreaming of a fabulous broker-hero -
Money (in bucks) has decently!
We wish you at this hour
Calling "beauty" and "diva"
To be the best of us:
The smartest, funniest, happiest!

For best friend at 16
Be the happiest person on the planet!
So that the days are filled with a beautiful fairy tale,
And they brought joy to you together!
So that a girlfriend-fate becomes affectionate
And only bestowed upon you.
So that the prince on a horse appears in your fairy tale,
And so that your triumph lasts for many, many years!

At 16 you are so beautiful
The charm of spring
That all the boys are not in vain
Deadly in love with you.
Yes, you have perspective
Even though you are girlishly modest ...
Others say she's beautiful
Others will say that it is smart!

Sixteen years old you, my girlfriend,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
All from the fact that you yourself are a darling,
And it's so great to be friends with you!
You are the best! I wish you
Springs of gusts, summers of warmth,
Let you be welcomed everywhere with kindness,
And may your dreams come true!

I want to wish you
Life would be like in the movies.
So that the artist of the highest standard
I wrote a panel from you.
To the fairies in the lottery
Helped you play
To the Louvre and Piraeus,
And in a Milan gallery
You could visit.
To princes with shoes
They stood in formation at the porch,
So that the carriage with badges,
To the stove with crickets,
To a fairy tale without end.

I wish my friend at sixteen
Be the happiest person on the planet!
So that the days are filled with a beautiful fairy tale,
And they brought joy to you together!
So that a girlfriend-fate becomes affectionate
And only bestowed upon you.
So that the prince on a horse appears in your fairy tale,
And so that your triumph lasts for many, many years!

Dear friend, my closest friend,
Today I came to congratulate you on your birthday,
You are sixteen years old today
And in honor of this I give you a beautiful bouquet of roses!
I want you to succeed in everything in life,
So that you meet the most ideal guy,
So that everything in study is very easy and interesting,
May we spend a thousand more holidays together!

Today I came to you, my friend,
To congratulate you on your sixteenth birthday,
And wish you a lot of joy and love,
Prosperity and happiness - you deserve it!
You are a cool girl, we are friends with you,
Since childhood, we have been running through the puddles,
I want life to give you good impressions,
Congratulations, girlfriend, happy birthday!

Happy birthday greetings 16 years old:

Many people have lived on this earth for a long time. But, no matter what, they still do not understand until the very end what they need to do in life. So, I want to wish you, my friend, that you always understand to the very end everything that you so much want to do. After all, the only way you can do everything in order to achieve your goal. You are sixteen years old today. Looking at you, you can be given more than this age. And all because you talk endlessly and reason too smartly. That's why everyone gives you an age that is much more than yours. And now I want to wish you to always be the way you really are. And even though it will not be easy for you, you still have to try to cope with everything. And may luck always be near you to help you cope completely.

Now I woke up from the fact that I remembered what day today would be. I remembered that my best friend will celebrate her jam day today. And to make the party go as well as possible, I will try to help her in all the preparations. I also really want to do everything possible for you so that you can understand everything that is happening to you to the very end. Today you turn 16 years old. And if you think about it, this age is not at all small. That is why you must try to understand what you want from this life until the very end. And only in this case you will actually be able to go to your goal and to your dream. And let whatever happens to you, everything will happen only for the best. And I will always try, always, and support you in everything.

A birthday is exactly the holiday that a person remembers so much. If you think about it, we love him since childhood. That is why we always want to celebrate this holiday in the best possible way. And at this very moment, I so much want to make your holiday the way you want it to be. And for this I will try to put a lot of effort and effort. I also want so much to tell you that I will always try to be with you in order to always and in everything be your assistant. And although it will not always be so easy to do everything, I simply have no other choice. I also really hope that we can be friends for so long. Because it will be so wonderful. And always know that in any life situation, we will all be ready to do everything possible for you so that you can live happily.

Today is a special day for all of us. And all because we are celebrating the birthday of our dear friend. Today she is sixteen years old. Come to think of it, she still has so much to look forward to. But, she is still happy that she is growing up. Or maybe that's good. And now we have gathered at your home in order to congratulate you on such an extraordinary holiday. And now we will all proclaim for you that many problems and obstacles will await you in life. But no matter what happens, you will have to do everything possible to cope at all. And know that I love you so much, which means that I will always try to do my best to make you always feel happy. And finally, I’ll just hug you tightly so that you understand how much I love and respect you.

Each person in this life chooses for himself the path that suits him the most. And then because of all this, it happens in his life in different ways. That is why every person should try to do everything in this life in order to cope with their problems, and learn to choose the right path for themselves. And only then can he truly be happy. And today you, our dear friend, are celebrating your birthday. This holiday has always been special for you. Every time you tried to do everything possible in order to bring him closer to you as quickly as possible. And now, when so much time has already passed, I especially want to tell you that you always try to do the right thing. To ensure that no one is harmed by your actions. And may good luck always smile at you with its wide smile.

This is the day that everyone has been waiting for so much. He has always been the best for us. And all because it was on the celebration of such a holiday that we could fully enjoy each other's company, and just have a good time. And now I especially want to do everything so that you can feel the support of your best friend. Please always remember that no matter what happens to you, we will always be ready to help you. And all because you are our friend, whom we simply cannot leave in trouble. And may luck always be on our side. And I can only say thank you for making our life much brighter, more colorful, and happier. Always remember that we are ready for a lot for you. Try to appreciate it.

Human life is so short that we just sometimes do not have time to do everything that we so much want to have. That is why we should not spend a single day in vain. Every person should try to do everything possible in order to do at least something good in this life. And then everyone will be pleased, but most of all it will be pleasant to the person you help. And all this I say precisely so that my best friend understands to the very end how much we love her. That is why we will try to always instruct her, and give smart advice. And whatever happens to you, you can always contact us. After all, we simply cannot refuse to help you. And may your birthday be remembered for a long time. After all, the best things should always be remembered. So try to do it this way.

People should never in their lives do anything to get a bad opinion. And you don’t need to do this just because in any case, each person should be remembered by others only from the good side. And on this very day, which has already come, I would so much like to congratulate a person who is really very important to me. It's my girlfriend. She turns 16 today. My friend does not even suspect that every day she becomes a beauty, from which it is simply impossible to look away. And that's why I so much want to do everything possible for you, so that every time you can enjoy life, and look at it from a completely different perspective. And now I can only wish you all the best. I hope that you will never be disappointed in anything. After all, in a wonderful future, and you will definitely have it.