Apricot oil: application, properties. apricot oil for face, hair, eyelashes and nails. benefits of apricot kernel oil. Apricot oil for the face, properties and uses Apricot kernel oil useful properties

In recent years, an increasing number of women are making their choice in favor of natural care formulations, because many factory cosmetics contain mineral oils, parabens, propylene glycol and surfactants hazardous to health.

Ecological healing oil, squeezed after special processing from apricot kernels, is a versatile and quite economical product for skin, hair, nails and eyelashes care.

Apricot oil is so gentle that experienced pediatricians strongly recommend including it in the daily care of the sensitive skin of babies.

Since in our time hair is constantly exposed to negative traumatic factors (drying and styling with electrical appliances, the use of aggressive styling products, loss of moisture in the conditions of operating heating devices and air conditioners, etc.), care for them should include the use of natural nutritional compounds enriching the scalp, bulbs and rods with biologically active compounds and restoring their natural protection.

According to trichologists, apricot hair oil is one of the most effective and affordable products that meets the highest requirements for caring products.

The richest composition of apricot kernel oil nourishes curls of all types, making hair more manageable in styling, and fills each rod with health, strength and natural shine.

Application for hair at home

Regular use of oil normalizes the production of sebum, which is very useful for oily hair. If your curls have lost their vitality, become brittle, and the ends are constantly stratified, then apricot kernel oil will make them silky, flowing, strong and thick.

The improvement of the condition of the hair is due to the nutritional components of apricot oil, which activate the metabolism in the hair follicles and scalp, and due to the powerful moisturizing of the skin and rods, damaged hair is given a second chance for beauty.

The easiest option is to use apricot oil with shampoo or hair balm at the rate of a teaspoon of oil per 50 ml of product. By applying the product to the hair after washing with shampoo (for at least 5 minutes), you provide them with additional nutrition.

It is advisable to regularly lubricate overdried hair with clean, warmed apricot kernel oil. Moreover, for oily hair, it is recommended to apply the product 1 hour before washing, and for dry hair, moisten the wet ends with oil after washing.

Apricot Elixir is also great as a base for diluting pure essential oils.

The most valuable apricot oil for facial skin is as a moisturizer.

Possessing powerful antioxidant properties and high biological activity, the oil slows down the aging process, improves complexion, smoothes wrinkles, prevents their formation, supports metabolic processes in the skin and stimulates collagen production.

The oil is highly absorbent, penetrating into the deep layers of the dermis, apricot oil fills it with all the necessary nutrients, including antioxidants, vitamins and essential fatty acids.

Useful properties for the face, application

Applying the elixir before sunbathing allows you to get not only a beautiful bronze tan with a warm golden hue, but also protect the skin from burns and drying out, which is especially important for the delicate skin of the face, which is most susceptible to photoaging.

To saturate the epidermis with biologically active components, moisten the fingertips with a few drops of apricot oil, and carefully apply the product on the skin of the face until completely absorbed with light massage movements. With obvious dryness of the skin, when the oil literally disappears from its surface in seconds, the product is applied again.

Cosmetic apricot oil can also be used to cleanse the skin of the face and remove cosmetic residues. To do this, moisten a cotton pad in hot water, wring it out well, drip the elixir and gently wipe the skin until completely cleansed. To remove a large amount of mascara from the eyelashes, the procedure is repeated.

Experienced cosmetologists advise their clients to apply apricot kernel oil to the skin of the face and under the eyes before a night's rest as a nourishing anti-aging cream, which is considered an effective prevention of wrinkles.

Long-term use of the elixir, especially in various combinations with herbal and essential oils(due to its fine structure, apricot oil binds excellently with other nourishing oils), helps to reduce the depth of already existing mimic wrinkles and smooth out fine mesh, for example, "crow's feet" in the corners of the eyes.

The skin around the eyes is very delicate, it quickly loses moisture, and a wrinkled mesh is more likely to form on it. Apricot oil is a universal gel for delicate skin, which is used both in its pure form and as a base for nutritional formulations.

To saturate the skin with healing ingredients, relieve fatigue and smooth out wrinkles, a mask of banana pulp and apricot kernel oil, which are mixed in equal proportions, will help. The mixture is applied to closed eyelids before going to bed for 20 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

Apricot eyelash oil

Thick well-groomed eyelashes are the pride of any woman. According to the enthusiastic reviews of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, using apricot oil to moisturize and nourish eyelashes, the result exceeded their wildest expectations.

It is enough to lubricate the eyelashes every night before going to bed with a squeeze of apricot kernels using a clean brasmatic brush or a special brush, and they will begin to grow much faster, become more dense and pliable when applying mascara.

The universal healing properties of apricot kernel oil allow us to call this product the shortest path to beauty, youth and perfection!

I am again glad to welcome all the readers of my blog. I'm sure many of you love apricots. The fruit has a pleasant taste and aroma. And the famous Sacher cake with apricot jam is just delicious. Did you know that an effective cosmetic product is made from apricot kernels? This is apricot oil properties and applications let's look at together.

The healing properties of this remedy in China were known as early as 3000 BC. And in the first century of our era, Europeans began to use its healing properties.

Initially, the remedy was used only for treatment. They were treated with tumors, ulcers, hemorrhoids. Gradually, doctors noticed that it does not just remove inflammation on the skin. It moisturizes it well, makes it smooth and elastic. In the 15th century, this tool in England was valued no less than gold.

Apricot Kernel Oil does not cause allergic reactions. Easily distributed over the surface of the skin, non-toxic. Thanks to all these properties, the product has long been used to care for the skin of babies. To date, the following are known beneficial features product:

  • nutrition, softening, moisturizing;
  • acceleration of the regeneration process;
  • increased production of collagen and elastin;
  • lifting effect;
  • improvement of metabolic processes in tissues;
  • rejuvenating effect;
  • toning;
  • improvement of skin color;
  • antiseptic effect and antibacterial;
  • elimination of skin inflammations.

Apricot kernel oil (Apricot Kernel Oil or Oleum Armeniacae) has a subtle smell of nuts. It looks light and has a light texture. Get this cosmetic product by cold pressing. Store Apricot Kernel Oil in a dark, cool place in a tightly closed container. Usually the shelf life is not more than a year.

Composition and properties for the skin

The value of this cosmetic is in its composition. It contains a lot of organic acids. This is palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, oleic. As well as linoleic and linolenic acids. All these substances are involved in cell rejuvenation. As well as restoring the protective functions of tissues, their regeneration.

Apricot Kernel Oil contains useful vitamins A, B, C and F. As well as potassium, magnesium, polyunsaturated and mono-acids


What are the benefits of apricot kernel oil?

What is apricot oil, application, properties of apricot oil, and how is apricot kernel oil useful for human health? These questions often arise among those who care about their health and are interested in folk methods treatment, in particular to treatment with essential oils. And this interest is understandable. Maybe in this article, to some extent, you can get an answer to these questions.

Apricot kernel oil, or in other words apricot oil, is obtained by cold pressing the seeds of an ordinary apricot. In some cases, during the production of oil, mixing with plum or cherry plum pits is allowed.

Apricot kernel oil belongs to the category of base (fatty) oils. It has a light yellow transparent color and has a mild aroma. The consistency of the oil is liquid and slightly viscous. The composition of apricot oil is similar to peach and almond oils, also referred to as base oils.

Such oils are often used undiluted, or used as a base for various oil mixtures.

Useful properties and widespread use of apricot oil, first of all, is determined by its unique chemical composition. Thanks to cold-pressed technology, it retains a rich combination of monosaturated and unsaturated acids, including oleic, palmitic, linoleic and others - have long been actively used in cosmetology for rejuvenation and regeneration of skin cells.

The main advantage of such a product is still in its outstanding content of vitamins and minerals, which, reacting with amino acids, are perfectly absorbed and absorbed in the upper layers of the epidermis.

For example, it contains vitamin E, which contributes to the restoration of turgor and skin elasticity, increases its elasticity and smoothes fine mimic wrinkles. No wonder it is called an important component of the youth formula!

There is also vitamin A, which has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, and also perfectly copes with peeling, dryness and thinning of the skin. Vitamins from group B are a storehouse of useful elements that can have a healing effect on the skin, easily tighten microcracks and relieve inflammation.

Vitamin C perfectly protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation and drying out, which means that apricot oil is also an excellent tanning agent, which, using it, turns out to be even, juicy and, importantly, safe.

Potassium and magnesium, which are also found in the composition of such a remedy, prevent dehydration of skin cells, and also contribute to the active work of blood vessels, which disperse oxygen and nutrients through the cells, which are necessary for the youth and health of your skin.

It also contains unique tocopherols and a rare form of vitamin F, which are renowned for their nourishing and restorative properties.

Properties of apricot oil:

Apricot oil has an anti-inflammatory, regenerating and tonic effect. It is suitable for all skin types, including delicate baby skin and aging skin. With it, you can get rid of prickly heat, diaper rash and seborrheic dermatitis in newborns, accelerate the healing of wounds and abrasions, get rid of cellulite, soften rough skin and smooth out fine wrinkles. Apricot oil is a good moisturizer and gives the skin an even, beautiful, and most importantly healthy color. It has a beneficial effect both on problem skin, eliminating inflammation, and on dry skin, perfectly softening it.

Apricot oil also has a number of healing properties, in particular, it can be used as an adjuvant in the treatment of diseases of the central nervous, cardiovascular and immune systems.

The antiseptic properties of apricot oil make it possible to use it as a wound healing agent for minor scratches, burns, and abrasions. It is successfully used in the treatment of difficult-to-treat dermatological diseases - psoriasis, eczema, prevents bedsores, helps relieve itching.

A very effective method of treatment, in which the affected area is treated with apricot kernel oil and a compress is fixed with a bandage. Wait at least an hour before removing it.

Apricot kernel oil is very effectively used in the treatment of ENT diseases, used as nasal drops. It has a beneficial effect on inflamed mucous surfaces.

This component is low allergenic and there are no significant contraindications for its use, except for personal intolerance.

In addition, apricot oil is actively used in the perfumery and cosmetic industry as a base for creams, balms and lipsticks.

Application of apricot oil:

As mentioned above, apricot oil is the best salvation for skin that is deficient in vitamins, suffering from a lack of hydration and proper nutrition. The range of its application to improve the condition of the skin is quite wide. According to the results of ongoing research, apricot oil:

  • softens and moisturizes the skin;
  • prevents dryness and peeling;
  • accelerates the process of exfoliation of dead cells of the epidermis;
  • tones the skin;
  • produces a rejuvenating effect;
  • evens out complexion;
  • relieves skin inflammation, etc.

In addition, the ingredients that make up apricot oil participate and, moreover, stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which form the basis of the connective tissue of the human body.

They can lubricate the face before going to bed, apply a small amount on the eyelids, as well as pointwise on problem areas of the skin (peeling, inflammation, roughened places). When slightly warmed, apricot oil is effective as a cleansing lotion for removing make-up and daily cleansing of the skin.

Apricot oil is also a salvation for owners of sensitive skin, which reacts negatively to various cosmetics, as it soothes it and actually performs all the same functions as a regular cream.

Recipes with apricot kernel oil:

Mixture with apricot kernel oil for anti-cellulite massage: apricot oil (2 tablespoons), avocado oil (2 tablespoons), orange, lemon, rosemary and juniper essential oils (2 drops each).

Mask with apricot kernel oil for problem skin: apricot oil (1 tbsp.), essential oils of lavender, lemon and tea tree(1 drop each). It can be applied both in the form of applications and completely on the entire face, avoiding the skin around the eyes.

Mask with apricot kernel oil to relieve signs of fatigue: apricot oil (1 tablespoon), patchouli essential oil, chamomile (1 drop each).

Moisturizing body blend: apricot oil (2 tablespoons), almond oil (2 tablespoons), ylang-ylang, lavender and sandalwood essential oils (2 drops each). Apply to the body after water procedures, suitable for daily use.

Face mask with mixed skin type: apricot oil (1 tbsp), peach oil (1 tbsp), essential oil of ylang-ylang, lemon, mint and neroli (1 drop each). Gives the skin freshness, makes it homogeneous.

Hand and nail care mixture: apricot oil (1 tbsp), wheat germ oil (1 tbsp), jojoba oil (1 tbsp). A similar mixture can be prepared in large quantities by placing it in a clean, opaque jar and storing it in a cool place.

Vitaminizing lotion with apricot kernel oil for skin cleansing: apricot oil (1 tbsp), castor oil (1 tsp), vitamin E in oil (10 drops). Optimal for dry skin.

Nourishing eye cream with apricot kernel oil: apricot oil (1 tsp), olive oil (1 tsp), aevit in oil (1 capsule), rosehip oil (0.5 tsp). Apply a small amount on the skin of the eyelids before going to bed.

Anti-Wrinkle Apricot Kernel Oil Blend: Apricot Oil (1 tbsp), Avocado Oil (1 tbsp), Jojoba Oil (1 tbsp), Rosewood Essential Oil (4 drops), Frankincense Essential Oil ( 3 drops). Can be applied both at night and during the day on previously cleansed skin.

What are the benefits of apricot oil for hair?

Natural apricot oil is an environmentally friendly and non-toxic preparation that can be used by both pregnant women and nursing mothers. Its price on the Russian market ranges from 500 rubles for a 100 ml container.

As for hair and nails, apricot oil has a positive effect on their growth and structure, improving them in a short time. In this regard, cosmetics manufacturers often add it to shampoos, balms, liquid soaps and other preparations. However, here it is worth remembering that natural apricot oil is an expensive component, and, therefore, cosmetics based on it cannot be cheap either.

And the regular use of apricot oil in hair care allows you to:

  • Restore the damaged structure of curls;
  • Without weighing down, moisturize the hair;
  • Stop inflammation on the scalp;
  • Prevent overdrying of hair under the influence of sunlight;
  • Eliminate peeling and dryness of the skin of the scalp.

There are several ways to care for hair with apricot oil. For example, here is a simple procedure:

To carry it out, you will need apricot (1 tablespoon) and some essential oil (3 drops). Mix the ingredients. First, massage the resulting mixture into the scalp, then spread it with a wooden comb to the very tips. Optionally, you can wear a shower cap and make a turban out of a towel. After the set time, apply shampoo to your head, hold it for a couple of minutes, and then rinse everything with warm running water.

How long to keep the mask on the hair? It takes at least an hour for the oil to work. If you have very dry, badly damaged curls, apply it at night.

What do you know about apricot oil? Surely you will say that it is obtained from the pulp of an apricot. And don't guess

In addition, the skin will become more elastic, elastic and even, and redness, peeling and dryness, especially often manifested in winter, will disappear. In general, you will literally begin to shine with health and smile happily. In summer, apricot oil will help eliminate the effects of prolonged sun exposure and skin itching caused by heavy sweating, as well as clean dust from pores and help heal microcracks.

If you want all these properties to be preserved in the product in full, then pay attention to the next two paragraphs.

has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. deep wrinkles, of course, they will not disappear, although they will become smaller, but you will definitely say goodbye to the little ones

#life hack #1: as we already mentioned, apricot oil contains vitamin C, it helps to fight beriberi and the effects of temperature changes. A couple of drops of oil added to your regular tonic, and these seasonal problems are gone

Please note: due to its delicate texture, the oil is very quickly absorbed and does not leave marks or shine, so it can be applied all night and not be afraid of the pillow.

All masks using apricot oil and adding other components to it can be divided into the following groups according to their action:

  • To restore complexion, remove age spots;
  • For moisturizing, eliminating wrinkles;
  • For problematic skin prone to acne and pimples.
  • Masks, whitening and toning

lemon yolk

Apricot oil and lemon juice - rub a teaspoon with one chicken yolk. If you are allergic to citrus fruits, lemon juice can be replaced with the same amount of parsley juice or st. l. kefir.

Sour cream and honey

  • Sour cream of medium fat content - 2 l.,
  • apricot kernel oil - 1 l.,
  • honey - 1 teaspoon

Pre-melt honey in a water bath and mix thoroughly with other components.


Mix apricot and peach oil in equal proportions (one teaspoon is enough), add a few drops of lemon and mint esters. Use regularly before bed.


  • Pulp or juice of any fruit (apple, banana, apricot, kiwi) - 2 tablespoons,
  • apricot oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Mix thoroughly, apply on face.

Fruits can be replaced with the same success for the mashed pulp of a cucumber or berries (raspberries, strawberries).

Oatmeal honey

  • Small oat flakes (or pre-crushed) - 10 g
  • milk - 20 ml
  • apricot oil - 10 ml
  • honey - 5 g

Pour flakes with warm milk, leave for a few minutes until swelling, add oil, liquid honey to the mixture.

Anti-wrinkle masks

Potato with clay

white clay(2 tablespoons) combine with the same amount of water, mix so that there are no lumps, and add one tablespoon of grated raw potatoes, apricot oil. Instead of potatoes, you can use a grated apple, it will saturate the skin with vitamins.


Cook semolina porridge in milk with a consistency similar to sour cream, take 2 tablespoons of it, add a little apricot oil (a teaspoon), and choose any vitamin ingredient: the pulp of fresh cucumber, apple, berries - 1 spoon.


Prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs (calendula, chamomile, string). When it cools down, strain and mix in equal amounts with apricot oily liquid.


Take one spoon of apricot remedy, liquid vitamin E (the same amount), combine, apply with a cotton pad on the face, neck, décolleté.

Acne cleansing masks

Clay apricot

2 spoons of clay, it is better to dilute green with water to a creamy state and add 10 drops of apricot oil. Mix the mass, apply on the face for 10 minutes. The tool copes with subcutaneous acne. But with dry skin, the effect of the mask needs to be reduced to 5 minutes, it is important not to let the clay dry out, otherwise it will begin to “pull out” the liquid of their skin.

Jojoba and apricot

Mix in equal proportions of jojoba and apricot oils. Apply at night.

With celandine

Grind fresh celandine grass into a pulp with a blender, take 2 tablespoons of this green mass, add 5 ml of apricot kernel oil to it.

For hair

Apricot kernel oil is suitable for owners of any type, type and length of hair. What does it do? Promotes hair growth and gives them a healthy shine and radiance.

  • The oil has oleic acid, which is an omega-9 fatty acid and a wonderful emollient that makes hair and scalp softer and more supple.
  • It hydrates the hair and scalp, increasing hydration levels and reducing dryness.
  • Linoleic acid benefits hair by stimulating hair growth while preventing moisture loss.
  • Linoleic acid is a fatty acid that controls or retains moisture in the hair and scalp. This makes it a favorite hair sealant along with its pleasant light scent.
  • This oil provides lubrication to the skin, including the scalp and a light and gentle lubricant, is excellent for sensitive skin types and is often used in hair and face creams and rinses.
  • It not only seals in moisture, but it also absorbs a small amount of water from the humidity in the air to maintain this hydration barrier within the strand and scalp. Apricot oil leaves hair soft, shiny and keeps the strands well nourished and hydrated.

How to achieve this?

Catch #lifehack: add three to five drops of oil to your regular shampoo and you will notice a difference in just a couple of weeks. But do not stop there - regular use will help you forget what hair problems are. Choose natural and be healthy!

Apricot hair oil is equally good for different hair(structure, length, color). The tool has the following healing properties:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • heals wounds and abrasions;
  • moisturizes;
  • has an antiseptic effect;
  • nourishes;
  • regenerates.

If the remedy is used regularly for recovery or treatment, the strands will be able to fully recover, the lost protective properties will be restored. Apricot oil is also a good hair growth activator. Masks with the addition of a substance prevent hair loss and baldness.

How to use

  • A useful natural product should be used in accordance with the following recommendations:
  • It is necessary to apply the substance to pre-shampooed, clean hair.
  • To obtain the expected result, it is necessary to use 3-4 drops of the product.
  • After applying to the head, it is better to wrap it with a towel to achieve a warming effect.
  • It is necessary to use the product during a period of strong solar activity.

How to use:
It can simply be sprayed on curls before styling, rubbed in a small amount into the roots with massage movements, added as an auxiliary or main component to masks, compresses. You can use a natural product for cosmetic purposes unlimitedly, the main thing is to observe the specified dosage during the procedure and follow the safety rules. Masks with the addition of oil are good no more than twice a week, and the course should be limited to a month.

Mask Recipes


  • Mix one egg yolk with two tablespoons of butter.
  • Apply to hair, wrap and hold for 1 hour.
  • After rinsing the head, first with cool water (so that the egg does not curl), then with warm water and shampoo.

For density

  • Mix a teaspoon of apricot oil with the same amount of natural honey and cognac.
  • Heat in a water bath, beat 1 egg yolk into the mixture.
  • Apply to curls, massaging the scalp, distribute, warm.
  • Keep from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

For hair growth

  • Mix 30 ml of oil with 10 g of fat sour cream or cream, beat in the yolk, add 1 teaspoon of pepper or mustard.
  • Mix, grease the strands.
  • Since the mixture has a burning effect, it should not be kept longer than 30 minutes.

From oily seborrhea

  • One st. l. melted honey, mix warm apricot oil, add 2 - 3 drops. rosemary ether.
  • Apply the product only on the roots, withstand up to 3 hours.
  • The recipe is also suitable for quickly greasy strands.

From dryness

  • Make an infusion of chamomile: pour 100 ml of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. pharmaceutical flowers.
  • Cool and strain the broth, add 1 tsp. base oil, glycerin and Art. l. camphor.
  • Keep 30 minutes.
  • The tool is also suitable for very curly, curly hair.

From excess fat

  • Mix according to Art. l. warm milk and the main agent, add 15 ml of honey.
  • This mask can be done every other day, the application time is 20-30 minutes.

Apricot kernel oil is suitable for owners of any hair. It nourishes curls, softens, promotes their growth. Regular use makes the strands shiny, lively, obedient.

Before buying apricot kernel oil, you need to make sure that the oil meets safety standards for amygdalin and other similar compounds. The healthiest variety of butter is cold, organic butter. This oil is quite sensitive to light and heat and can quickly go rancid. Such a change is usually easily noticed by the taste of the oil. However, you should always keep this oil in a cool place away from light. The shelf life of this oil ranges from 6 months to a year, which is low. If it is stored in the refrigerator, the shelf life is extended.

Apricot oil cosmetics

In the online store "House of Nature" you can buy natural apricot oil, for example, the Jordanian company "Zeitun"

Apricot oil, like any other natural product, has a lot of truly unique qualities, thanks to which it becomes indispensable and effective tool in skin care of any type. The popularity of this fragrant oil is huge, it is widely used in the cosmetic industry in the care of hair, eyelashes and nails, as it has a strengthening effect on them, stimulating their growth processes.

The composition and benefits of apricot kernel oil for the skin.
Apricot oil is an exceptionally natural and environmentally friendly product, it is isolated from the kernels of common apricot kernels using a cold pressing technique. Such a method of obtaining makes it possible for the finished product to retain almost all useful and valuable substances and vitamins at the output. It is the composition of the oil from apricot kernels that makes it possible to use it for absolutely any skin of the face and body.

Externally, apricot oil has the appearance of a yellowish liquid with a pleasant and barely perceptible nutty or apricot smell. The composition of the oil is closely similar to the composition of peach and almond oils, and is rich in various polyunsaturated and other types of fatty acids (palmitic, linoleic, etc.), which are so necessary for the health and normal functioning of skin cells. In addition, apricot oil contains many different vitamins (in particular, groups B, C, A, F) and useful elements that, when combined, provide the skin with good hydration, increase its firmness and elasticity, and help accelerate regenerative processes in cells, which prevents premature aging and prevents skin aging. It should also be said that apricot oil is able to regulate the production of sebum, thereby preventing the expansion of pores and the development of painful acne. From this we can say that apricot oil is perfect for skin that is deficient in vitamins, moisturizing and nourishing components. The use of facial oils will help to significantly improve appearance and skin quality, solve many cosmetic problems.

Due to its effective moisturizing, softening and nourishing action, apricot kernel oil is an excellent care product for dry and flaky skin, and also serves as an excellent prophylactic against the appearance of such problems. The regenerating properties of the oil, when used systematically, accelerate the processes of self-cleansing of the skin from dead particles during peeling, and also stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers by special cells. Also, apricot oil has anti-aging properties, its use smoothes wrinkles, gives tone and improves skin elasticity, significantly improving complexion.

It should also be noted the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial qualities of apricot oil, which effectively eliminate any inflammatory processes on the skin, which is especially pleasing to owners of problematic and sensitive skin.

Application of apricot oil for facial skin.
A wide spectrum of action and useful qualities of apricot kernel oil make it possible to use it for the skin as an independent remedy, as well as in combination with other oils of plant nature (for example, almond, linseed, olive, jojoba, wheat germ, avocado, etc. , in the same percentage). In addition, it is an excellent base for dissolving various essential oils and creating homemade creams and masks. Due to its light structure, apricot oil is absorbed very quickly, does not clog pores and does not leave a gloss on the face.

It can be used by owners of absolutely any skin, regardless of age, it is especially useful for dry, aging, rough, flabby and dehydrated skin. But no less beneficial will be the effect of oil on sensitive, problematic and mixed (combination) skin, which is prone to acne. I note that apricot kernel oil is one of the few that is absolutely harmless to delicate and sensitive baby skin. Apricot oil is an excellent care product for the delicate area of ​​the eyelids, nourishes and moisturizes this area, smoothing wrinkles (especially those called "crow's feet").

The use of apricot oil for the skin can be absolutely anything. They can lubricate the face, replacing the night cream, used as a care product for the area around the eyes instead of special creams and gels. For this purpose, a small amount of oil is driven in with the fingertips (from the top - from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, from the bottom - from the outer to the inner). For peeling, redness and inflammation, lubricate the directly affected areas of the skin with oil. You can also enrich nourishing creams with apricot oil. It is better if you prepare such creams at home, because it is not known what is present in the “store” compositions, and all this “chemical component” is not known how it will affect the skin in combination with oil.

Apricot oil in a slightly warmed form will be an excellent cleanser (a kind of tonic) and will suit absolutely any skin (with the exception of excessively oily skin).

Apricot oil recipes for facial skin.
A very good effect is provided by face masks with the introduction or prepared on the basis of apricot oil. The easiest way to use them for any skin is to slightly warm up a little oil and apply on a pre-cleansed face, hold for twenty to thirty minutes. Rinse off at the end of the procedure, the oil is not required, just blot the excess with a cosmetic tissue. Oil can also be combined with any other vegetable and cosmetic in equal proportions.

For problematic skin, inflammation and acne, the following procedure is suitable: in a tablespoon of apricot oil (you can use a mixture of vegetable oils, but the total amount is one tablespoon), dilute two drops of essential oil. For this purpose, tea tree, lemon or lavender oil is perfect. Soak a tampon pre-moistened in warm water with the composition and lubricate the skin with it.

And here is the recipe for a universal nourishing mask, which is ideal for dry, rough skin, as well as the décolleté area: a tablespoon of apricot oil can be mixed with the essential component (six drops) and heated in a water bath to a temperature of thirty-seven degrees. Make a blank of gauze in advance: fold it in several layers and leave holes for the eyes, nose and mouth. Moisten such a napkin in the oil composition and apply on the face. It is better to apply the mask in the supine position; for the duration of such a mask, it is necessary to create a calm atmosphere. Put cling film on top of the gauze, you can use parchment paper. You can also wrap your face in a towel, this will additionally create a thermal effect. Keep this compress mask for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water.

For combination skin it is ideal to use as a mask a composition of apricot and peach oils, taken in equal proportions, with the addition of a couple of drops of any essential oil, you can combine them (mint, neroli, lemon, ylang-ylang). Apply as usual to cleansed skin, rinse with warm water after half an hour and apply a nourishing cream. The mask restores fat metabolism in the skin, restores freshness to the face, and makes the skin homogeneous and improves elasticity.

To smooth wrinkles around the eyes, as well as for their prevention, it is effective to apply daily on the eyelid area a mixture of a tablespoon of apricot oil and two drops of rose oil (you can replace neroli, limetta, sandalwood). After twenty minutes, remove the remnants of the composition with a napkin, gently blotting the skin.

As a preventive measure for the appearance of wrinkles, it is recommended to make the following mask or apply the composition in the form of an application: combine a tablespoon of our stone oil with almond oil. Apply for half an hour, then “drive” the remnants of the composition into the skin with massage movements. Or soak a gauze napkin with slits for the eyes, mouth and nose with the composition and apply to the skin for half an hour as well. The procedure is carried out every three days.

And if you combine a tablespoon of apricot oil with two drops of patchouli or chamomile (or a mixture of them one drop at a time), then at the end we will get an excellent remedy for various spots on the skin, as well as relieving fatigue from tired skin.

In order to achieve an anti-inflammatory effect, it is recommended to apply a mixture of a tablespoon of apricot oil and two drops of cajuput oil to problem areas (can be replaced with tea tree, lavender or lemon oil).

Applications of apricot oil for the body.
This precious gift of nature is also great for body care. It is amazing for massage purposes and can also be added to massage formulations. It is recommended to apply on the steamed skin of the body with massaging movements, leaving until completely absorbed. The product can also be combined with essential oils: for 50 ml of base - 2 drops of any essential component (neroli, chamomile or lavender), or a drop of lavender and bergamot, or two drops of patchouli, or a drop of orange and lavender oils.

Massage with apricot oil helps to eliminate inflammation and rashes from the skin, including in children.

Effectively use it in the fight against cellulite. Combine apricot and avocado oils by a tablespoon, or use the first in its pure form, add two drops of orange, juniper, lemon and orange oils, or tangerine, pine, juniper and grapefruit oils in the same amount. Massage problem areas of the body with the composition after taking a bath.

A mixture of apricot and peach oils, taken in a tablespoon, will perfectly moisturize and soften the body. You can enrich the mixture with ylang-ylang, sandalwood, lavender oils (two drops taken). Apply daily after water procedures.