Birch tar. Application in medicine and cosmetology. Birch tar: medicinal and cosmetic properties

Tar is a resinous product obtained from wood. It is a dark liquid with a pungent odor. The medical and cosmetic properties of tar were known back in Ancient Rus'. It was used to treat wounds, eliminate pimples, acne and blackheads. The most valuable varieties of tar are birch and birch bark. They contain many useful substances, quickly improve the condition of problematic skin and even promote its rejuvenation.

Therapeutic effects of tar

The wood product contains natural antiseptics and effective antibacterial components. Regular use cosmetics based on tar will allow you to achieve the following results:

  • improve the general condition of problem skin;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • reduce oily shine;
  • stop the proliferation of harmful microorganisms;
  • activate blood circulation in the skin;
  • even out the complexion;
  • tighten contours, make skin more elastic;
  • smooth .

Features of the use of tar cosmetics

Care products containing tar can be called universal. They help solve a whole range of problems and are great for different things. Homemade tar masks made from natural ingredients are especially popular. Such products are very inexpensive, but have many medicinal properties:

  • activate cellular respiration;
  • promote rejuvenation of skin tissue;
  • remove unnecessary metabolic products and toxins from the skin;
  • get rid of sebaceous plugs, tighten pores, make them invisible;
  • regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • eliminate acne;
  • soothe inflamed areas;
  • reduce the manifestations of psoriasis;
  • disinfect, help cope with bacterial infection;
  • heal burns, wounds, scratches;
  • produce a lifting effect, tightening sagging skin.

Tar has a tightening effect on the skin, so it should not be overused. Tar masks can be applied no more than once a week. After the procedure, contrast washing is recommended. First use warm water, and then cold. The skin cleansed from the mask is treated with lotion (without alcohol), and then a nourishing cream is applied.

Important! If you have sensitive skin, then it is better to avoid tar cosmetics. It can cause irritation.

The best recipes with tar

Tar is in great demand in home cosmetology, and many recipes have been developed based on it. We offer several effective options for solving various cosmetic problems.

  • Tar and honey composition for acne

To prepare an effective remedy, you will need:

  1. honey (3 teaspoons);
  2. tar (teaspoon).

It is convenient to use liquid honey for this recipe. Heat it in a water bath, combine with tar and mix the mass well. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and wash your face after 20 minutes. Moreover, the water must be warm, otherwise it will be difficult to remove the remaining product.

  • Acne Soap

A small piece of baby soap is crushed using a grater, water is added and whipped until a large amount of foam is obtained. Tar is added to the foam, mixed and the skin is treated. Note! The soap composition is left on the skin for only 5 minutes. Complete the procedure with regular washing.

  • Clay-tar mask for acne

This home remedy is prepared from the following products:

  1. (spoon);
  2. milk (spoon);
  3. birch tar (10 drops).

First, milk is heated and mixed with clay. Then add tar and stir thoroughly again. The composition should be completely homogeneous, without lumps. If the mask is too liquid, add a small amount of talcum powder into it. Then its consistency will change and it will become convenient for application. The finished composition is kept on the face for a short time - about 15 minutes. Then they wash their face, wipe their face with micellar water and nourish the skin with a high-quality cream.

  • Soothing oil-tar mask

A mixture of the following products will help get rid of the rash and relieve irritation:

  1. (tea spoon);
  2. honey (3 teaspoons);
  3. birch tar (teaspoon).

The honey is kept in a water bath until it becomes liquid. Then add the remaining components to it and carefully stir the composition. Apply the finished mask in a thick layer and wait about 15 minutes. After washing, soften the skin with cream.

  • Mask that relieves psoriasis

A healing mixture is prepared from the following components:

  1. honey (3 spoons);
  2. birch tar (spoon).

The honey is heated until it becomes liquid. Then add tar and stir well. Treat problem areas with the prepared mixture, wait a quarter of an hour and rinse the skin with cool water.

  • Pumpkin plus potatoes

This mask saturates the skin with beneficial substances and helps fight rashes. It's not difficult to prepare. Take some pumpkin, blanch it and mash it thoroughly with a fork. Then grate the raw potatoes and combine them with the pumpkin (the proportions of these two products should be approximately the same). Add a little birch tar (half a teaspoon) to the vegetable mass and stir the mixture well. You will get a thick paste. You need to spread it over your face and wait 20 minutes.

Note! This mask dries very quickly, so wet it periodically with wet hands.

When using tar, it is not at all necessary to limit yourself to these recipes. The medicinal wood product can be added little by little to any drying mask.

Tar soap in home cosmetology

Despite the specific smell, it is very popular. It helps get rid of many dermatological diseases and quickly improves the condition of problematic skin.

Healthy soap is sold at any pharmacy, but if you have time, try making it yourself. Homemade soap acts more gently, although it foams a little worse. The cooking method is as follows:

  1. A piece of baby soap is crushed using a grater.
  2. Place the shavings in a water bath.
  3. Add a small amount of water to the melted soap.
  4. Reduce the fire.
  5. Wait until the soap mass becomes sticky and pour in a couple of tablespoons of birch tar.
  6. Turn off the heat and allow the mixture to cool.
  7. Pour homemade soap into molds and leave for 2-3 days to completely harden.

The finished tar product can be used in different ways. It is applied to the skin in pure form or combined with other components. We offer several effective ways using soap.

  • Acne Treatments

First, wash the skin with regular soap, and then treat problem areas with tar soap foam. (It is advisable to perform this procedure with a brush). After applying the soap, do not rush to wash your face - use the foam as a mask and hold it on the skin for 15-20 minutes.

  • Soap lifting

You can tighten sagging skin using the composition “tar soap plus sour cream.” Milk product It is advisable to take not store-bought, but home-made. It is mixed with tar foam in equal proportions and distributed over the face along massage lines. To get the desired effect, you need to be patient.

The mask is applied once every 3-4 days for a whole month. Instead of sour cream, you can add olive oil and pharmaceutical vitamin A to the soap foam. The result will be about the same.

  • Elimination of comedones

To rid your face of annoying blackheads, make shavings of soap, fill it with hot water and beat well. When the foam has cooled, add a little fine sea salt to it. Then treat problem areas by lightly rubbing the mixture into the skin. After a few minutes, wash your face. To enhance the effect of the soap mask, immediately after applying the foam, rub a small amount of soda into the skin and wait 15-20 minutes.

  • Mask for tightening pores

You can use tar foam and egg whites beaten with a fork. The ingredients are mixed in equal parts and applied to areas with problem pores. Additional effects of the mask are skin elasticity and slight whitening.

  • Lightening mixture

A mixture of soap foam and grated cucumber will help even out your skin tone and lightly whiten it. The components are mixed in equal proportions and the face is treated.

  • Anti-inflammatory composition

If you want to quickly get rid of inflammation on problem skin, mix equal amounts of foam and fresh. Mix the mixture until smooth and apply to the skin in several layers. This mask not only eliminates inflammation, but also accelerates cell regeneration. Thanks to this, the face is fresh and looks younger.

  1. You can wash your face with tar soap twice a day only if you have oily skin. In other cases, a single procedure is sufficient.
  2. Sensitive skin should not be completely treated with soap; instead, it is better to cover only problem areas with foam.
  3. To prevent the development of allergic reactions, test it on the skin of your elbow or wrist before using the soap for the first time.
  4. Before applying tar soap, the skin must be steamed to open the pores. Then the effect of tar foam will intensify and you will achieve the desired results faster.

Agafya's tar mask

At home, you can successfully use ready-made cosmetic masks. One of the most popular is Agafya’s Bathhouse, which contains tar. In addition to the wood product, the therapeutic mask includes herbal extracts, Altai honey, and brine salt. Due to this combination of ingredients, the mask acts comprehensively. It cleanses the face, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, tones and improves elasticity.

Tar has extensive use in the cosmetology industry. Made by distilling leaves, buds and birch bark. This is a long-known effective remedy for acne on the face. Used in both folk and traditional medicine. It is a thick mass with a strong odor, possessing medicinal properties. Birch tar helps against acne thanks to the active substances that are included in its composition. Effective for oily or combination skin.

Due to its chemical composition, it acquires many beneficial properties that have an effective effect in the fight against acne and acne:

  1. Improved blood supply.
  2. Acceleration of the regeneration process.
  3. Anti-inflammatory drug.
  4. A wonderful antiseptic.
  5. Cleansing the human body.
  6. Has an active effect on the sebaceous glands.

You can get excellent results using birch tar, due to the fact that it slows down the increase in the number of bacteria and effectively removes the cause of the source of inflammation. Due to the fact that it has the above properties, it is recommended to use the birch ingredient as a remedy for acne on the face.

Diseases that can be cured by consuming birch tar:

  1. Pimples, blackheads.
  2. Allergy.
  3. Fungal skin lesions.
  4. Dermatitis.
  5. Diathesis.
  6. Demodecosis.

Treatment with birch tar

Before using the product, it is worth finding out the cause of acne on the skin. Rashes on the face are not always a consequence of improper skin care. The cause may be either a hormonal imbalance or a malfunction of any internal organs. It is better to visit a dermatologist to find out the circumstances behind the appearance of a skin rash.

It is also equally important to know your dermis type: dry, oily, normal or combination. The choice of treatment method depends on this. For facial skin, only treatment designed for its specific type will be beneficial.

Provided that you want to cure acne, you should use birch tar along with medications for oral administration.

Due to the fact that the drug does not have an irritating effect on the skin, it is often used for mild and moderate dermatological diseases.


This drug has almost no contraindications when used properly. In exceptional cases, an allergic reaction to the first use of tar may occur. You should avoid using this product in the following cases:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Lactation period.
  3. Increased body temperature during illness.
  4. High blood pressure.
  5. Chronic hypertension.
  6. Exacerbation of skin diseases.
  7. Individual intolerance to the drug.
  8. Kidney and liver diseases.
  9. Very dry skin.

Under no circumstances should you use birch tar on your face too often. Excessive use can lead to irritation, and consequently eczema. If the birch ingredient is used incorrectly, side effects such as rash, itching, and the development of dermatitis may occur.

Before using this product, you need to check for an allergic reaction of the body to facial tar.

Acne remedies with birch tar

In its purest form

Perhaps the most easy way use of the drug in the fight against acne. Apply directly to problem areas. After 15-20 minutes, remove any remaining product with a damp cloth.

It is recommended to use the medicinal component for acne using this method with extreme caution, as it significantly dries out the epidermis.

Tar soap

It is not recommended to use soap that you buy in the store every day, as frequent use causes peeling of the skin.

Tar soap: recipe

To make medicinal soap at home you will need:

  1. Baby soap.
  2. Grater.
  3. Saucepan.
  4. Water.
  5. Birch tar.
  6. Essential oils (if desired, to get a pleasant scent).
  7. Soap molds.

Preparation: baby soap grate on a coarse grater. Set up a water bath in a saucepan. Melt grated soap shavings on it, adding a tablespoon of tar and water. Mix the resulting mass well. If you decide to add essential oils, then you need to do this after removing from the steam bath. Pour into previously prepared molds and let the mixture cool. Place in a cold room/refrigerator until completely hardened (about two to three days).

Tar soap prepared at home can be used every day.

Gel: recipe

To prepare a remedy no less effective than, we will need.

  1. Cleansing gel or liquid soap available at home.
  2. Tar.

It is very simple to prepare such a gel: add 2-3 ml of birch tar to the bottle with the chosen cleanser and shake.

You should use the finished product just like any other cleanser.

Tar cream: recipe

To make a fast-acting cream you need the following ingredients:

  1. Any baby cream containing panthenol.
  2. Birch tar.

Add a few drops of birch tar to the existing cream and mix well.

For the best result, before applying the cream made according to this recipe, cleanse the problem area with a cleansing gel that also contains this natural product.

Tar mask

A mask with birch tar can be used for all skin types, but those with dry skin should do it more carefully. If you feel a burning sensation as a result of using such a mask, you should stop using it. Apply a tar face mask to pre-treated skin. Should not be used more than once a week.


  1. Mix a tablespoon of tar soap grated with coarse shavings into the rich cream. Mix well. Apply the resulting mass to the skin in a thick layer. After 20-25 minutes, rinse off using cool water. This manufacturing method is effective for oily and combination skin types.
  2. Add three tablespoons of honey to a teaspoon of birch tar. Mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mask to the problem area for 20 minutes. Rinse off using cool water. Effective for the same skin types as the first method of making a mask. For dry dermis, you need to add a teaspoon to the described recipe. olive oil. Apply not very thickly to the problem area for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off the product warm water. For the best effect, after using this product, apply a nourishing cream to the area treated with the mask.
  3. The following tar face mask is recommended for use against blackheads and pimples: mix 20-25g of grated tar soap into warm water and bring to the consistency of a thick porridge. Apply the resulting mass to the skin heated by steam. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water. To treat acne and blackheads, use this mask no more than once a week.

Use with ointments

To improve the results of ointments for the treatment of acne, you can supplement the following ointments with a few drops of birch distillation: sulfur, zinc, salicylic.

Application: Apply directly to problem areas of the skin. After an hour, remove any remaining ointment with a damp cloth. Afterwards, wash your face with warm water. You need to use enhanced ointments less than 3-4 times a week so as not to harm the skin.

Tincture for itching and rashes

This tincture is also suitable for dry skin types. In a water bath, prepare 25g of dried chamomile in 100-150ml of water. Strain the cooled tincture through cheesecloth. Mix tar soap into the resulting broth, foaming it. Leave the resulting mass on your face for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Oral use

It is used for internal consumption not in its pure form, but together with slightly warmed milk. A glass of milk requires 1-5 drops of tar. It is not recommended to use this mixture internally if you have kidney problems.

Precautionary measures.

  1. It is necessary to dilute the drug.
  2. Consult a healthcare professional before use.
  3. Do not take the drug for longer than indicated in the instructions

There is another option for safe ingestion - tar water. For 4 liters of water you need to take 300-500 ml of tar, taken in its pure form. Mix and leave the resulting result for 2-3 days in a place inaccessible to sunlight. Then drain the remaining liquid, first getting rid of any sediment that appears.

It is also possible to be treated with birch tar and bread. Using a pipette, place 4-5 drops of the liquid product onto a slice of bread. Take bread with birch component before bed. Every day you take this product, increase the number of drops by one. When the number reaches 10, stop increasing it. Take bread with 10 drops of birch tar for two weeks. Afterwards, start reducing the number of drops to 4-5, decreasing by one every day. The course lasts 24-26 days.

Take 100 ml of tar water in the morning 30 minutes before meals. The course is continued for 2-3 weeks.

Birch tar for acne should be taken in courses several times a year - in autumn and spring. It improves immunity, helps cleanse the body, remove waste and toxins from it, improve the metabolic process, as a result of which the condition of the skin improves.

Birch tar for acne: reviews

Angelina, 26 years old:

WITH adolescence I suffered with pimples that constantly appeared on my face. On the advice of a good friend, I decided to try to get rid of the problem by using birch tar for acne in various recipes. It took about a month to heal the rash.

Daria, 19 years old:

I encountered a problem such as a rash all over my body. I decided to use liquid tar soap. I haven’t been using it for long, about a week, but the effect is already noticeable. Acne has decreased significantly.

Ekaterina, 31 years old:

Thanks to the use of tar soap, I was able to get rid of minor blemishes on my facial skin within two weeks.


The many components that make up birch tar help improve skin color and structure, rejuvenation and good blood circulation. This folk remedy, recognized and traditional medicine, does an excellent job of cleansing pores, relieving inflammation and removing oily sheen. Due to its important therapeutic properties, it is highly valued for the treatment of dermatological diseases. For different skin types, there are various recipes that will help with your problem.

Everyone knows how useful and unique birch tar is for the human body. The use of this remedy for acne is no less effective due to its composition. This article will discuss the beneficial effects of birch tar on acne-prone skin, and will also provide useful recipes for quick disposal from these rashes.

Why is birch tar effective against acne?

Benefits of birch tar for skin

Birch tar is extracted from tree bark and wood by heating in an oxygen-free environment (dry distillation method). During the distillation process, a lot of useful substances are released that are necessary for the skin and are present in the tar, these include:

  1. Alkaloids;
  2. Betulenol (triterpene alcohol);
  3. Betuloside;
  4. Gaulterin;
  5. Dioxybenzene;
  6. Tannins;
  7. Organic acids;
  8. Toluene;
  9. Phenol;
  10. Phytoncides;
  11. Resins;
  12. Essential oils.

All of the listed components make birch tar an effective antibacterial, regenerating and analgesic agent - everything that our skin so needs. However, birch tar cannot be used in its pure form. It can be added to ready-made creams and lotions for the skin in an amount not exceeding 20% ​​of the total volume, or diluted in a ratio of no more than 20 grams of tar per 100 grams of liquid.

Harm of birch tar to the skin

With frequent and excessive use of birch tar, instead of getting rid of acne, you can develop even more serious skin problems - allergic reactions or irritations. It is for this reason that it cannot be used if you are hypersensitive to the components of birch tar. Due to the presence of carcinogens in birch tar, it should not be used by pregnant and lactating women.

Of course, any product that is used for other purposes or without following the rules will pose a danger to the body. You cannot use pure, undiluted tar, or use it more or longer than the problem requires.

Birch tar: natural remedy for safe cleansing acne facial skin

Recipes for getting rid of acne

Washing with tar soap

Using store-bought tar soap

You can buy ready-made tar soap and wash your face with it every evening when acne appears on your face. Also, it will be effective to use your daily washing gel with the addition of tar soap shavings. Then you will have a double-action product and your skin will not have to get used to a new way of washing or removing makeup.

Recipe for tar soap for washing

To prepare the simplest tar soap you will need to take:

  1. Baby soap - 100grams;
  2. Birch tar - 20 grams;
  3. Essential oil - 20 grams;
  4. Water - 100 ml.

Baby soap is grated and melted in a water bath, then essential oil is added to it. If you have oily skin face, give preference to solid oils (for example, Coconut oil). If you have normal or dry skin, oils such as olive or jojoba oil are suitable. Aromatic pine oils are also suitable. Let the mixture cool slightly and add tar, mix thoroughly and pour the soap into molds for further hardening. Fully tar soap will harden and be ready for use in 5 to 7 days.

Using tar cream

To get rid of acne, you can lubricate the skin with a cream containing tar. You can either buy this cream or make it yourself. To do this, you will need regular baby cream. Before applying to the skin, mix a small amount of cream that you usually use at a time and 1 drop of birch tar. Lubricate your face every day and you will see how inflammation decreases. Similarly with cream, if acne bothers you all over the body, skin milk is suitable.

Tar mask for acne

A tar mask will help get rid of acne very quickly. For this you will need:

  1. Birch tar - 5 drops;
  2. Honey - 2 tablespoons;
  3. Oil tea tree- 2 drops.

All ingredients are mixed and the mask is applied in an even layer to the face for about 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Cauterizing acne with tar

If you have fairly oily facial skin, you can use effective method. Needs to be moistened cotton swab in a solution of birch tar and very carefully burn the pimples. By analogy with birch tar, iodine can also be used to cauterize pimples.

The best anti-acne products

Of course, birch tar is one of the most effective means in the fight against acne. But there is not always time to find or prepare birch tar according to the recipe. Using other equally effective remedies for acne will help you get rid of unnecessary rashes in the shortest possible time.

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid can be purchased at any pharmacy, unlike birch tar. Also, its advantage is that you can immediately cauterize acne, and not dilute it like tar in a ratio that is safe for the skin.


If you have Kalanchoe or aloe at home, then there is nothing to think about - you have a life-saving remedy for acne in your hands. Tear off an aloe leaf 15 - 30 cm long, squeeze out the juice and lubricate the inflamed area of ​​skin with it, the pimple will soon disappear without leaving any marks.


If there is absolutely no time for all the home remedies, or there is simply no way to get rid of acne at home, buy Zinerit. This remedy contains antibiotics and, of course, costs more than iodine or salicylic acid, but there is no better remedy if a pimple has popped up in the most visible place.

As you can see, birch tar is very useful for the skin and in the fight against acne. If you don’t have time, it doesn’t matter, purchase affordable products that will relieve you of skin problems in no time. short term. Whatever method you use, the main thing is the result. Any of the remedies will help you stay on top always.

Birch tar is a natural, oily, thick liquid with a specific odor, used in folk and official medicine to treat many skin diseases. Birch tar is used for acne, it is used for skin care, hair care, and the treatment of certain infectious and somatic diseases.

Pharmacology of tar

As a natural antiseptic, tar has a wound-healing effect, accelerates blood circulation in the skin, and rejuvenates epidermal tissue.

How does tar affect the skin?

Tar copes well with rashes, acne, and pimples that have settled on the skin. Relieves inflammation, irritation, rejuvenates, regenerates, cleanses, gives the skin velvety and a delicate healthy glow.

List of diseases for which tar is used for treatment:

  • skin allergies, childhood diathesis;
  • psoriasis, eczema, trophic ulcers;
  • lichen, seborrhea;
  • scabies, pyoderma, gangrene;
  • burns, frostbite;
  • mycoses (fungal skin diseases), furunculosis;
  • lichens, bedsores, scrofula;
  • stomatitis, otitis, urethritis, mastitis;
  • tumors, digestive disorders.

The list of diseases goes on and on.

Birch tar - what's wrong with it?

People have thought about this more than once, observing how birch tar helps to successfully cope with such various diseases. And this is due to its composition. Phytoncides, cresols (organic aromatic compounds), phenol, which are part of tar, exhibit the following properties:

  • disinfectants;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • disinfectants;
  • antiputrefactive.

How to get tar from birch

Quality tar comes from pure, living white birch bark, which grows in Russia and parts of Europe. Economic tar, which is of lower quality, is obtained from dead birch, dead wood, and old stumps. The top layer of birch, the corky tissue that protects the tree trunk, is removed, being careful not to damage the bark so as not to destroy the birch. Birch bark is collected mainly from old trees in early summer, when the birch bark easily separates from the bark. The removed birch bark is dried for some time and pressed in special tar distillers. Then, without access to air, tar is obtained by dry distillation.

This is interesting: From one ton of birch bark you can get about 300 kg of tar.

Where to buy tar

You can buy medicinal and cosmetic products based on tar in pharmacies or specialized stores. It is not advisable to buy from tars (masters in tar extraction) because it is impossible to determine exactly what kind of tar you are buying - purified medical or technical.

What to buy at the pharmacy

At the pharmacy you can buy:

Advice: When purchasing pharmaceutical products, pay attention to the expiration date of the product.

What to buy in perfume and cosmetic stores

In many stores, entire series of tar-based products are presented on the shelves.

Natural, hypoallergenic hair wash without the use of synthetic fragrances and dyes. Made from medical tar according to a unique ancient recipe, it gently cleanses the skin, eliminates oiliness, dandruff, and boils on the scalp. Trichologists (doctors who treat hair diseases) advise using tar shampoo not only for adults, but also for children.

Tar soap is the most effective and popular for skin care. Soap properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • wound healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating.

Soap successfully helps the skin cope with pimples, acne, acne, and boils. Dermatologists say that when using soap twice a day, acne quickly dries out, acne lesions are reduced, and within a week an improvement in skin condition is observed. Since soap dries the skin very much, after using it you need to apply a moisturizer to the skin.

On large areas of inflammation, you can apply a little soap and hold for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Using soap to treat skin is sometimes recommended in combination with taking medications internally. You cannot use several external tar-based products to treat the skin, as this will lead to severe drying and worsening of the condition.

Important: Before using cosmetic products or medications, you should consult your doctor. In some regions of the country pharmaceutical drugs tar-based products are available only with a doctor's prescription.

Wash and shower gels

Made from natural birch tar. Recommended for inflamed, problem skin, the gel composition gently cleanses, does not dry out the skin, has an anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antiseptic effect. The gels are hypoallergenic.

The soap foams well, rinses off perfectly, gives the hair and body a velvety, pleasant softness. Available in cosmetic jars.

Transparent oily liquid of yellowish color with the aroma of smoke and leather. The oil goes well with the aromas of orange, cinnamon, incense, rosemary, and tea tree.

Home Remedies

At home, using pharmaceutical medical tar, you can prepare tar water. To obtain the composition, you need to add 40 ml of pharmaceutical tar to one and a half liters of boiled water, leave it well and separate the middle, liquid part, which is tar water. The liquid may be slightly yellowish in color. It needs to be stored in the refrigerator.

The use of tar-based preparations

Preparations containing tar are used in folk medicine for external and internal use.

Drugs are prescribed for diseases of certain organ systems:

  1. Infections of the oral cavity and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (stomatitis, gingivitis).
  2. Infections of the genitourinary system (cystitis, urethritis).
  3. Colds (sore throat, tonsillitis).
  4. Diseases associated with metabolic disorders (gout, urolithiasis).
  5. Diseases of the respiratory system (asthma, tuberculosis).
  6. Oncological pathologies.

Advice: They say that a fly in the ointment can ruin a barrel of honey. This saying can be applied not only to honey. Any substance can be evil and good. Tar can cause allergies. Before use, be sure to check the body’s sensitivity to its drugs and consult a doctor.

Recipes for treating acne

Birch tar, a few drops, can be added to gels, lotions and used to get rid of pimples, acne, blackheads.

Cauterizing acne

Twice a day, you can burn the pimples with tar applied to a cotton swab for a few seconds. After cauterization, use a cotton swab or napkin to remove any remaining product, since the tar is not absorbed into the skin.


There are not many contraindications, but they do exist. Do not use preparations with tar during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or hypersensitivity of the body. Modern medicine does not recommend using tar for internal use, as it contains many carcinogenic substances. Therefore, its independent, thoughtless use can cause significant harm to health. When it comes into contact with the mucous membranes of the body, tar can cause slight itching and burning, but this is not a contraindication for the use of the drug. If there are no other unpleasant symptoms, treatment can be continued. For some people, a strong, unpleasant odor may be an obstacle to using tar.

Treatment with birch tar - great way to cure many diseases, in particular acne on the face and body. Pharmacy and self-prepared products successfully cope with many problems that arise on the skin or affect internal organs. The only thing you need to remember is that the use of pure tar, especially internally, is not recommended for everyone. Cosmetic gels, lotions, shampoos, and soaps are mostly hypoallergenic products and can be used, with certain intervals, for daily use. And we remember that even though the tar is black, it makes the skin white. Health to everyone and clear skin.

There is probably no person in the world who, upon seeing a birch, would not stare at this beautiful slender tree. But not everyone knows what healing qualities this beauty has. Thanks to it, you can get rid of many diseases, including those affecting the epidermis. Birch tar is used in folk medicine to treat various skin diseases. It is very useful and does not harm the body.

Despite such useful components of birch tar, its use in its pure form is strictly prohibited. Its effectiveness will be no worse if you add it to a cream or lotion (no more than twenty percent). It is also diluted with liquid - twenty grams of tar are needed per hundred milliliters.

In medicine, this remedy is used as medicinal product, which helps epidermal cells divide more actively and it recovers faster.

Many people are repelled by birch tar due to its specific smell. For this reason, most of them refuse to use it as a medicine.

If you use birch tar to treat acne, but do it too often, without observing the required proportions, you can achieve the opposite result. The skin on your face will become even more problematic, and an allergic reaction or severe irritation may occur.

The use of this product also has its contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to use it for any purpose by pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding, as it contains substances such as carcinogens.

Just like any other medicinal product, birch tar must be used strictly following the instructions. If a larger dose is needed, then only as prescribed by a doctor.

When is birch tar used?

So why and how to use this product? Birch tar is used to treat skin diseases:

  • scabies;
  • various types of rash;
  • fungal skin diseases;
  • dermatitis;
  • a lot others.

It is also used to eliminate bad microflora, and with its antimicrobial effect it helps to get rid of not only various fungi, but also their spores.

Since birch tar cannot be used in its pure form, ointments based on it and various cosmetics are widely used today.

  • It is worth noting that when purchasing this product in its pure form, it can be added at home as an additional component to creams, soaps, and shampoos.

Birch tar mask for acne skin

Birch tar is often used as a component of cosmetic masks. . For example, to fight acne. To prepare it you will need:

  • five drops of tar;
  • two tablespoons of natural honey;
  • two drops essential oil tea tree.

Mix all components thoroughly and apply an even layer to the skin of the face. After fifteen minutes, rinse with warm water.

Traditional medicine also uses birch tar for many solutions to health problems.

For many people, warts are a nuisance. Since ancient times, tar has been considered the most the best remedy to remove them.

For warts, this remedy is used very simply - applied to a cotton swab and smeared on the desired area.

Anti-wrinkle mask

In cosmetology, birch tar can be used against wrinkles. This simple mask is made:

  • take a small amount of cosmetic milk;
  • five milliliters of tar is added to it;
  • the components mix well;
  • Having previously cleansed your face, apply the resulting composition to problem areas;
  • You need to keep the mask on for ten minutes, then rinse off with clean water;
  • carry out such procedures no more than twice a week.

Treatment of warts and papillomas with tar

Birch tar can be used not only in the fight against warts, but also against papillomas. The treatment method is also not complicated. Apply two drops of the product to a small piece of cotton wool. Apply to the affected area, attach a bandage on top and leave overnight. After several such procedures, not a trace of the problem will remain.

It is worth noting that among the people, warts and papillomas were treated with soap, which included birch tar. To do this, make a thick foam and apply it before going to bed. The duration of such treatment is about four weeks.

To enhance the effect of the soap solution, a little chamomile and oak bark were added to it.

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