Split ends of hair, what to do. Why does hair split and how to correct the situation? The most effective traditional medicine to solve the problem


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Every woman who tries to grow long hair faces such a problem as. And most of them resort to drastic methods of getting rid of them - cutting their hair. Of course, this method is very fast and effective, but it greatly affects the length of the curls.

Therefore, if you want to have long and beautiful hair, you just need to know how to eliminate split ends at home without using scissors. But first, I would like to say a few words about why ends get cut in general, because if you eliminate the root cause of the problem, its solution will happen much faster.


Our hair is a reflection of our internal health. And if any disturbances occur in the body, this is immediately reflected in appearance hair. Hair begins to lose its shine, becomes dull and brittle.

Therefore, if you have any pathologies that could affect the condition of your curls, you should undergo special treatment. After all, without it, it will be almost impossible to restore the former beauty of hair, since pathologies will continue to affect them constantly, and not in the best way.

In addition, factors such as:

  • blow drying;
  • using straighteners and curling irons to create hairstyles;
  • poor nutrition;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • use of incorrectly selected cosmetics;
  • lack of due;
  • fungal infections of the scalp.

If you managed to independently determine the cause of split ends, then try to eliminate it as quickly as possible. If this task turns out to be beyond your capabilities, then you should seek help from a specialist who will not only determine the cause of your problem, but also tell you how to which ones to use.

The first thing you should do before you start is to review your diet. Your diet should be rational and balanced. After all, what you eat largely determines how you look.

Eat more nuts, seeds, fish, meat and raw vegetables and fruits. They contain all the necessary minerals and vitamins necessary for the beauty and health of hair. In addition, it is also recommended to take a course that contains the basic substances that your body needs (vitamins A, E, C, D, F and the minerals zinc, copper and calcium).

In addition to nutrition, provide your body with enough moisture. After all, because of its lack. It is recommended to consume up to 2 liters of pure water per day. drinking water. If you follow this simple rule, you will very soon notice that not only the condition of your hair, but also your skin has improved. It will become elastic and elastic.

Experts recommend using cinnamon oil, lemon balm, tea tree, bergamot, cloves and jojoba oil. But remember that these oils have a high concentration of active substances, so they should be used in small quantities (5-7 drops will be sufficient for one procedure).

Mask based on peach pulp

Peach is a valuable fruit that is famous for its rich composition. It contains tannins, amino acids, minerals and vitamins. Therefore, its use may well return your hair to its health and shine.

For this you will need two ripe peaches. They should be peeled, the seeds removed, and the pulp should be pureed using a blender. After which you will need 3 tbsp. fat milk. Stir peach puree and milk until smooth.

To increase effectiveness, you can add a few drops to the mask. essential oil oregano. Then the resulting mask should be distributed in an even layer over the hair for one hour. Your head should be covered, so don’t forget about a plastic cap and a terry towel.

Remember that you should prepare a home remedy for split ends only from natural and fresh ingredients. This is the only way you can achieve maximum efficiency from its use.

In addition, such masks should be made before each hair wash. In addition to the fact that they will have a restorative effect on the ends themselves, they will also help reduce the aggressive effects of hard water and chemical elements included in shampoos on the hair, which will also have a positive effect on their condition.

Video about a miracle mask for split ends

All women without exception have probably encountered the problem of split hair, because we all use hair styling products, live in a world with a polluted atmosphere and are regularly exposed to stress. In addition, hormonal imbalances and certain diseases affect the appearance of split ends.

In any case, if the problem already exists, you need to start fighting it, and not sit idly by. Your hair will not become healthier on its own; you must make every effort to achieve this.

Split ends of hair: what to do?

The main cause of the problem is . In our article we will teach you how to cure split ends in your hair at home. First, understand that it is the usual means and techniques with which we make our hair beautiful that cause the most significant harm. Regular use of straightening irons, curling irons and hair dryers over time exhausts and dries out the hair, as a result of which it begins to split at the very ends.

If you do not remove the split strands, they will continue to flake along the entire length, so it is necessary to eliminate split ends of the hair and, preferably, as quickly as possible! Tips for caring for split ends:

You yourself will be surprised at the effect if, even for a while, you replace chemical shampoos and balms with natural remedies: hair will become silky, manageable and shiny! It is recommended to purchase oils from a specialized store that are specifically designed to treat split ends of hair. It is advisable to use them regularly, after each hair wash. The oil provides strands with moisture, elasticity and a healthy appearance.

Do not forget that dull and dry curls are the result not only of external negative factors, but also of your bad habits, poor nutrition and insufficient sleep. Do you want to surprise with the beauty of your hair? Enrich your diet with natural vitamins, low-fat fermented milk products, try to eat less factory-made sausages and cheeses. Choose oily fish containing Omega-3s, whole grains and plenty of fiber.

Do not overuse baked goods and sweets. Do you want something sweet? Be content with a small piece of dark chocolate, a spoon, or 1 small marshmallow. Once you start eating right, you will very soon notice a general improvement in your body's condition. What can we say about hair, because it, like a sponge, absorbs everything that we live with.

Of course, you can undergo therapy aimed at restoring the beauty of your strands in expensive salons. But is there any point in such large expenses if split ends of hair can be cured at home and with minimal financial investment? Now we will tell you how to do this correctly to achieve maximum effect.

Split ends: treatment at home

Make it a habit to rinse your hair with tinctures of beneficial herbs after each shampoo:

  1. Burdock.
  2. Nettle (it is also part of the healing Monastic tea).
  3. Daisies.

Hair needs vitamins E and P. They are supplied by those applied to the ends of the strands oils: castor, burdock or olive. Important: before use, any vegetable oil must be heated in a water bath. Then the product is applied along the entire length of the hair and the head is necessarily wrapped in polyethylene, which ensures the activation of the healing process.

A good effect is obtained by using it to lubricate damaged areas, liquid fish oil. You can break the ampoule or capsule and apply the product with your fingers, thoroughly rubbing into the damaged areas. Do not wrap your hair, just wash off the product after 1 hour.

Remember: if you have split ends, treatment should be well thought out. For example, in no case should you use without first coating the ends of your hair with a protective layer of oil, otherwise, instead of doing any good, you will dry them out even more.

Split ends of hair are undoubtedly a problem, because the curls look unkempt and exhausted. But they are home and ready to help cope with this.

Many products have been developed to treat damaged hair. Through trial and error, you will definitely choose the one that suits your hair type. And now we will talk about recognized home hits.

Fermented milk masks

For such a mask you will need any fermented milk product that you have in the refrigerator. Just before applying to your hair, do not forget to heat kefir, yogurt or sour cream. Warm your head and leave the mask on for 1 hour. When rinsing, be careful that the hot water does not cook the milk protein!

Peach mask

Take a couple of ripe peaches, remove the skins and soften the pulp with a fork. Apply the pulp to the skin, let them soak in the healing juice and rinse thoroughly.

Mask with honey and egg

Split ends of hair are perfectly treated with an egg and honey mask. To prepare it, take the yolk of 1 egg and 1 tablespoon of honey, mix thoroughly and apply to problem areas. If the mask is left, spread it on the rest of your hair, this way you will make it healthier along its entire length. After an hour, wash off the mask with warm water and rinse your head with herbal infusions or decoction.

Colorless henna

If you have golden or red hair, then regular henna is suitable for treating damaged hair ends. If your plans do not include changing the shade of your hair, use colorless henna. In addition to its nutritional properties, this product perfectly strengthens hair roots and helps them grow faster.

In addition to the listed products, you can buy a ready-made Repevit product at the pharmacy, which is lubricated. Repevit contains extracts of beneficial herbs and healing oils that give beauty and health to hair.

Start getting rid of dead hair today! Replace metal combs with wooden ones and, if possible, protect your curls from harmful influences. Treat your hair with care, love it and it will love you back!

All women, regardless of age, sphere of life and character, dream of captivating beauty of hair. However, a rather simple desire is extremely difficult to translate into reality, since a lot of factors have a very negative impact on curls. Therefore, often, instead of an amazing head of lush curls, young ladies have to be content with dull, thin, dry, sparse hairs with proudly flaunting split ends that have lost interest in life. What to do? Do you really have to face these problems throughout your life, or maybe buy a wig, or make short hairstyle, or get hair extensions?

Trichoptilosis is a disease involving longitudinal splitting of hairs. Trichologists do not recommend neglecting this disease, since it can provoke the following problems:

  • separation of hairs along the entire length;
  • excessive hair loss;
  • partial or complete alopecia.

To save your hair you need:

  • visit a hairdresser to have the hairdresser cut off the split ends;
  • undergo a medical examination to identify the causes of hair separation;
  • start treatment according to the doctor's recommendations.

There is no need to ooh and ahh about how difficult and impossible this is! We must fight for the beauty of our curls.

End delamination: reasons

First, you should know that it is impossible to glue split ends. They need to be cut. Then you need to go to an appointment with a specialist to identify the cause that triggered the disease. Trichologists and dermatologists believe that the most common provocateurs are:

  • unhealthy diet – fatty, spicy, fried, spicy, flour and smoked foods;
  • bad habits – smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • deficiency of vitamins, minerals and amino acids;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • failure in work nervous system– stress, depression, anxiety:
  • diseases of internal organs and infections;
  • diseases of the scalp;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • improper hair care - low-quality cosmetics, frequent hair washing, use of thermal devices, etc.;
  • environment - frost, heat, wind, salt water and much more.

These reasons are the worst enemies of the strands and scalp, which is why it is necessary to get rid of them.

To identify the cause, you need to visit a dermatologist who, using special equipment, will conduct a comprehensive analysis of the hair condition and prescribe professional treatment. Without a doubt, it is much more pleasant when all the manipulations are carried out by cosmetologists, but the prices for their services are very high. If expensive procedures are beyond your means, do not be upset, there is an alternative - treatment at home.

A step towards healthy and attractive hair

Before you begin effective hair treatment at home, you must consult a doctor.

To prevent the problem from returning after visiting a beauty salon, where the specialist cut off split ends, you need to pay attention to the general recommendations of trichologists, dermatologists, maestros of hairdressing, cosmetologists and other specialists.

  • Normalization of nutrition.
  • Getting rid of bad habits.
  • Establishing the full functioning of the nervous system.
  • Medical checkup.
  • Enriching the body with useful substances.
  • Proper care of the scalp and hair:
  • regular visits to the hairdresser;
  • high quality cosmetics;
  • comb, elastic bands and hair clips made from natural materials;
  • washing your hair no more than 2 times a week;
  • minimal use of thermal appliances;
  • refusal of styling products;
  • wearing a hat in cold and heat;
  • the use of masks, shampoos, balms, serums, sprays and other care products based on natural ingredients.

Such simple tips will help you get rid of split ends of your hair once and for all!

Traditional medicine

Treatment of split ends of hair at home involves the use of mixtures that contain natural ingredients.

Before using this or that product, it is necessary to do a test to identify allergic reactions.

  • Fragrant peach mask

To prepare a mixture that prevents split ends, you need to stock up on:

  • ripe peaches – 2 pcs.;
  • milk (preferably homemade) – 2–3 tbsp. l.;
  • oregano essential oil – 2-3 drops.

The pits are removed from the peaches, the pulp is turned into puree (you can use a blender or fork), milk and oregano oil are added. The mixture is thoroughly beaten. The aromatic paste is rubbed into the roots and applied to the entire length of the hair. The head is insulated with a scarf and a woolen scarf. After 30–40 minutes, the product is washed off.

The mask has nourishing, moisturizing, restorative and protective properties. Treatment with a peach remedy brings not only benefits, but also pleasure, since the curls after it exude a wonderful aroma.

  • Healthy honey-egg mixture

In order to prepare a remedy for treating split ends at home, you will need:

  • egg yolk– 1–2 pcs.;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • liquid honey (if it is candied, you need to melt it) – 1 tbsp. l.

All components of the mask are thoroughly mixed. The mixture is applied to the entire length of the strands and rubbed into the scalp for 3-5 minutes. And then put on a plastic bag and warm hat. After half an hour, the paste is washed off.

The product nourishes, moisturizes, softens, strengthens and activates growth.

  • Oil mask

In the fight for the health and beauty of curls without split ends, the oil mixture has proven itself to be excellent; to prepare it, you need to take:

  • coconut oil – ½ tbsp. l.;
  • linseed oil – ½ tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil – ½ tbsp. l.;
  • burdock oil – ½ tbsp. l.;
  • castor oil – ½ tbsp. l.;
  • almond oil – ½ tbsp. l.

All vegetable oils are thoroughly mixed and heated in a water bath. Fingers are dipped into the mixture and the scalp is massaged for 5–10 minutes. Then the entire length of the strands is generously soaked. After which the head is wrapped in cling film and a scarf. After 1–2 hours, the mask is washed off.

Treating split ends with oil product extremely effective because it has a nourishing, moisturizing, protective, regenerating, softening, strengthening, and toning effect.

  • Refreshing apple mask

To prepare a medicinal gruel at home, which not only prevents the occurrence of split ends, but also accelerates growth, you will need:

  • apples – 2–4 pcs.;
  • egg yolk – 1–2 pcs.

Apples are taken, the peel is peeled, and the core is removed. Using a blender or grater, the fruit is crushed. Egg yolk is added to the aromatic paste. The mixture is whipped. The product is rubbed into the partings and applied liberally to the entire length of the strands. A bag and a hat are put on the head. After 30 minutes, the egg and applesauce is washed off.

The result will not be long in coming.

Simple methods for treating trichoptilosis at home are a chance to give your hair a second life without split ends!

Chic and long hair always requires increased attention from its owner. Often the ends of long hair below the shoulders tend to dry out, which means they are quickly injured under minor influence. To protect the ends of your hair from splitting and always have beautiful and well-groomed curls, you need to take care of them constantly. If split ends have already appeared, then measures should be taken as soon as possible, especially since this can be done at minimal cost at home.

Why do split ends appear?

Hair longer than 30 centimeters is always moisturized unevenly. The fact is that sebum, secreted by special glands on the scalp, covers the hair gradually, moving from bottom to top. To cover the entire length of a luxurious braid with a protective layer of lard, it takes much more than 3 days, namely, once every 3 days, on average, the owner washes her hair long hair. The problem of split ends has been relevant for the last few decades. To wear a loose hairstyle, you need to have fresh hair, so the frequency of hair washing increases. If our mothers and grandmothers wore braids and washed their hair once a week, then the loose strands get dirty from hands and styling products, so the ends inevitably dry out from frequent washing and harsh shampoos and require treatment.

Hair is often damaged due to the habit of combing it immediately after washing. Wet strands are very sensitive to mechanical stress - they stretch, which destroys the structure, the ends of the hair can even split. In general, you need to comb your curls carefully, without using metal massagers. The material of this accessory should be exclusively natural - wood or bone, natural bristles are best suited. If you take good care of your hair, you won't need treatment at home.

Another common cause of split ends is the use of various chemicals - styling products, dyes, and permanent styling products dry out the hair and even destroy its structure. The use of hair dryers, irons, low and high temperatures and other factors is no less traumatic for the locks. In any case, split ends can be cured if you properly care for your hair:

Effective homemade masks to treat split ends

Base oils

The well-known burdock, castor or any other vegetable oils perfectly treat dry and brittle hair. You can use any product you have on hand - all oils have a moisturizing and nourishing effect, which is necessary for treating dry hair at home. The recipe for using oils mixed in any proportion is simple - heat the mixture in a water bath, apply to the scalp and massage for 5-7 minutes. Next, distribute the remaining oil evenly over the entire length of the hair, paying special attention to the ends. Afterwards, you should place your hair under the film and wrap your head in a towel, scarf or put on an old woolen hat. After exposure, which can last up to 2 hours, we wash off the remaining oil and enjoy the result - the effectiveness of such a product is obvious after the first procedure. Even dry hair does not need conditioner or conditioner after shampooing. A course of such masks will provide the necessary treatment, prevent the appearance of split ends, and the damaged part of the hair will have to be cut off.

Hot masks

Hot masks are those whose components can irritate the scalp - blood flows to such skin, along with which oxygen and beneficial elements enter the cells. In fact, the effect of such a mask is similar to the result of a scalp massage at home. Alcohol, hot pepper, mustard, etc. can be used as “warming” ingredients. It is worth noting that in addition to skin cells, dormant bulbs are also irritated, so the result of a series of such masks will be not only healthy hair, nourished with vitamins and minerals, but also thick “ “undercoat” - new hairs that, as they grow, will make the curls thicker. As a popular warming mask for hair treatment, we can suggest the following: mix 1 yolk with 1 tsp. sunflower/olive oil, 1 tsp. cognac/alcohol tincture of calendula/vodka, 1 tsp. henna powder and 1 tsp. honey This mixture is applied to the entire length of the hair and kept for 20 minutes under a heat bath.

Masks with dairy products

Full-fat kefir, curdled milk or yogurt have excellent restorative or moisturizing properties, so they are ideal for treating dry ends at home. You can cure locks with kefir as follows: dairy products It is worth heating to body temperature or higher and applying it to the head - if the hair is oily at the roots, then we leave this part of the hair without a mask. Wrap your curls in film and a towel, leave the mask on for 30-40 minutes, and then rinse with shampoo.

Kefir in a mask goes well with yeast, so you can prepare the following mass: 0.5 tsp. yeast, you need to take 50 grams of warm kefir - leave this mixture to ferment for 2 hours - then apply the mixture to your hair and leave for half an hour. In addition to proteins and milk fats, dry hair ends receive B vitamins, which are necessary for healthy strands.

Another option for a hot mask: mix 1 yolk, 1 tsp. cognac, 1 tbsp. aloe juice, 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l. castor oil– this mixture should be kept on the strands under a heat mask for 30-40 minutes.

You can try a cream-based mask: for half a glass of heavy cream you need to take a paste of 5-8 currant leaves and 3-4 mint sprigs, 2 tbsp. starch. Apply the resulting mass to your hair and put a bag and a cap on top - after 40 minutes of exposure, thoroughly rinse your hair with water.

Vegetable and fruit masks

To cure split ends at home, you need vitamins. Can be added to homemade mixtures pharmaceutical drugs, for example, oil solutions of vitamins A and E, solutions of B vitamins. Alternatively, you can use vegetable or fruit purees and juices. An example of such masks is a mixture based on pumpkin puree or juice of your choice: mix pumpkin puree with 1 tsp. basil oil, ylang-ylang and 1 tbsp. l. olive oils. Apply the resulting mixture to the strands and leave for 40 minutes. You need to wash off the vegetable mass using shampoo and warm water.

Fruit lovers can treat their ends with an equally useful mask based on peach: mix puree from 2 peaches with 3 tbsp. l. milk, you also need to add 6 drops of oregano oil to the mixture. The hair with the mask is wrapped in film and left under a heat bath for 40 minutes.

If you don’t want to waste time processing fruit or vegetable raw materials at home, you should purchase oil solutions of vitamins A and E - 1 tbsp. of such a solution of vitamins you need to add 2 tbsp. l. castor and 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil, 1 tbsp. l. dimexide. The homogeneous mass is applied to the hair and left under a heat bath for 4 hours. The action of dimexide in this homemade mixture allows vitamins and fatty acids penetrate deeply into the layers of the epidermis, bulbs and hairs themselves. This treatment gives its results after just a few weeks of systematic procedures; the course should last at least a month.

Honey mixtures

Honey, as a universal moisturizing ingredient, is present in many homemade cosmetic mixtures. To restore the health of your locks at home as quickly as possible, you can use this popular recipe: treat your hair with a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. honey, 1 tsp. heated vegetable oil and 4 tbsp. l. fresh onion juice. This mask is evenly distributed over the hair and remains on the hair for 50 minutes - we rinse the hair thoroughly, since the onion fibers remaining in the braid will not allow you to completely get rid of the smell of onions.

It is important to start treating split ends with a haircut, so those who want to grow a long braid will have to postpone this idea for a while. Split ends are a serious problem, as they can negatively affect a woman’s beauty and image. What leads to split ends and what methods of treating split ends exist will be discussed below.

Split hair causes and treatment

The main cause of this problem is improper care: frequent dyeing (especially blonde), perm, straightening with a curling iron (iron), combing with inappropriate combs, using low-quality care products - all this negatively affects the hair, leading to splitting, tearing and the appearance of “scales”. Treatment of brittle and split ends – the procedure is quite complex and painstaking, since it requires an individual selection of care products and a lot of time.

In most cases, brittle ends are found in owners of long and thin curls. Regular hair washing and combing leads to tangling, brittleness and hair loss. Nutrition also plays an important role - with a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body, the hair loses volume and beauty. Therefore, before you start losing weight with the help of a limited diet, you should think about whether it is worth the beauty of your hair.

Split ends along the entire length (treatment will be described below) can be inherited from your parents - you can often find mother and daughter with thin and weakened curls. However, it is worth remembering that even a naturally beautiful and thick drip can be easily spoiled by traumatic hairdressing manipulations and an unbalanced diet.

Treatment of split ends with oils

It is worth understanding that “cuts” cannot be glued together, but it is quite possible to prevent their appearance in the future with the help of natural cosmetic oils. Oil-based curl care products are designed for internal restoration and nutrition, which significantly reduces fragility. Methods for treating split ends at home with recipes:

  • Nourishing mask with castor and burdock oil. It prevents color-treated hair from splitting and protects it from daily damage. To prepare it, you need to take 10-15 ml (depending on the length of your hair) of each oil and mix them, then apply to the ends half an hour to an hour before washing your hair.
  • A mask made from burdock oil gives amazing results: it stimulates the growth of new strands, prevents hair loss and fragility. Before use, a small part of burdock oil must be heated (enough to 40 degrees) and applied to the strands, then wrapped in cellophane. This mixture must be kept for at least an hour (optimally one and a half hours).
  • Mask for the treatment of split ends made from sunflower oil (it also copes well with this problem). It is enough to apply it to the ends twenty minutes before swimming or washing your hair. It protects while washing them, preventing brittleness of the ends.
  • Argan oil mask - nourishes, moisturizes, smoothes out “scales”, and also prevents the appearance of dandruff. You need to take 5-6 g of argan oil, apply it to the roots and ends of your curls, wrap in cling film and go to bed - rinse off in the morning warm water and shampoo (use conditioner if necessary).
  • Coconut oil and barberry extract mask – widely used for treating split ends of hair at home. It is recommended to take 20 ml of melted coconut oil, 5 ml of barberry extract and 2 tablespoons of sour cream - stir everything and apply to the ends or the entire length, leave for 45 minutes and wash.
  • Jojoba oil mask – gives a mirror shine, silkiness and softness. You need to take 10 ml of jojoba extract and apply it to your hair, covering it with cellophane. After 1-2 hours, wash off.

All oils are able to nourish and restore the structure of curls, even at the cellular level. It is enough to make masks from natural ingredients 1-2 times every 7-10 days.

Recipes for treating split ends of hair with other components:

  • Yolk – softens and also eliminates split ends. You need to take one egg yolk, whisk it to a liquid consistency and distribute it along the entire length of the curls. Exposure time is one and a half hours. To enhance the effect, you can add 10 ml of vegetable oil, 10 g of honey, 10 drops of cognac, as well as 10-15 drops of sprouted wheat grain extract. This mixture is ideal for treating split ends at home - it can be applied 2-3 times a week.
  • Onion juice – promotes rapid growth and prevents splitting. To prepare the nutritional mixture, you need to mix 20 ml of onion juice with kefir and vitamin E. The finished mixture is applied for an hour and a half, it is advisable to use cellophane or cling film.
  • Fish oil is another way traditional treatment split ends. It is taken orally or used as a mask to restore damaged hair. The Omega 3 component contained restores their structure, preventing fragility. Regularly applying fish oil to the entire length (once a week) – positive result can be noticed after 2 months – the mop takes on a healthy and well-groomed appearance.
  • Kefir is good treats split ends, reviews those who used kefir masks confirm their effectiveness. To renew your curls, you need to apply 20-30 g of thick kefir (2.5-3% fat content) to dry or damp strands, hold for 30-50 minutes and rinse. Kefir rejuvenates, nourishes, makes even coarse curls smooth and manageable.

Recipes for treating split ends different, so it is necessary to select care products depending on their type. If your scalp is oily, then it is better not to use oil mixtures - kefir and onion mixtures with the addition of lime or lemon juice are ideal.

What are the dangers of split hair - treatment at home

Split ends can completely ruin perfect image women and cause her discomfort when combing. To prevent this, you can use traditional methods. The most effective and quick result A haircut gives you just enough to cut your hair one to one and a half centimeters every month and after six months you can get rid of brittle and split ends. It is recommended to start growing a braid after you have completed a course of treatment for split ends of your hair, otherwise you will not achieve the desired result. Of course, a haircut significantly delays the process of braid regrowth, but the hair will look well-groomed, and nutrients will reach the ends, due to the reduction in length.

It is also important to change the comb, because over time the plastic tips of the teeth become colored and fall off, and the hair becomes tangled and breaks off when combed. When buying a comb, it is recommended to pay attention to the teeth - they should be rounded, since their effect on the scalp stimulates blood circulation and, as a result, the braid grows faster. Nowadays, it is quite possible to cure split ends of hair at home, thanks to a huge selection of cosmetics and traditional methods.