Marriage registration: ceremonial event, cost and procedure. How does a solemn wedding take place in the registry office - speech, oath, script

Many couples do it without a ceremony at the registry office. This method of registering a marriage has many advantages. This does not incur losses for the family budget, since a solemn celebration is a very expensive pleasure. It is also possible to sign much earlier, because the queue is much shorter without a ceremony.

Reasons for registering a marriage in the registry office without a celebration:

  1. Saving. A wedding is an expensive holiday, which is not always paid for by invited relatives. Financial costs include a banquet, outfits of the bride and groom, services of makeup artists, hairdressers, and a photographer. Many newlyweds will not choose a ceremonial painting, but will spend the saved money, for example, on home improvement or a romantic trip.
  2. . Without a solemn ceremony, registering a marriage at the registry office is in this case a formality that guarantees the woman that her unborn child will have a father. The interests of the newlyweds are directed not at a noisy celebration, but at legal aspects.
  3. Cohabitation. A couple who has lived together for a long time and strengthened their relationship over time often does not have holiday needs that mark the beginning family life. The stamp in the passport for such newlyweds is symbolic and does not change anything.
  4. Repeated process. If one of the spouses has already visited wedding dress and accepted congratulations on the triumph, then repeating the scenario, but with a new person, is not always clear and in demand. And if the future husband and wife are not young in age, then the newlyweds are unlikely to want to put on their wedding dresses again.

How to register

Initially, before deciding to register with the registry office without holding a ceremony, you should weigh the pros and cons. Since non-celebratory marriage registration takes place in a more formal setting. The newlyweds do not go into a formal, beautifully decorated hall, but into one of the ordinary offices of the registry office building.

There is no musical accompaniment, and there is no possibility of the presence of a large number of guests. Often even parents are not allowed. The regulations of such organizations stipulate that only the bride and groom, the registrar himself and them can be present at the painting.

Registration rules are determined by law:

  1. The bride and groom enter the office and give their internal passports to the registry office employee. An authorized person checks and makes a solemn speech. It is modified and shorter than at the solemn ceremony, but has the same meaning.
  2. The registry office employee should ask the newlyweds a question as to whether they have given their consent. If both answers are positive, registration stamps are affixed to the lovers’ passports.
  3. You must also sign in the registration book. After this, the registry office employee will declare the bride and groom husband and wife. Proof of the legal registration of the relationship between the newlyweds is the issued document.

In fact, many believe that the scheduling procedure without celebration is devoid of all ambiance, solemnity and touching. That is why it is preferable to hold a formal wedding ceremony.

But they note that at the registry office you can also sign without celebration in a unique way. What happens depends on the newlyweds themselves. The registry office does not put forward absolutely any rules regarding the form of clothing, the presence of witnesses or rings. It is also not prohibited to kiss after presenting the marriage certificate. The only thing that is not welcome is drinking champagne in such an atmosphere.

Nuances and documentation

According to current law In Russia, it must be no less than 30 days before the expected registration of the future husband and wife; the application can be filled out directly at the registry office. The same rules apply to the solemn ceremony.

But as practice proves, one month is not enough. The main reason is the long queues for the ceremony, this applies especially in autumn and summer period. Therefore, newlyweds submit an application several months before the intended wedding.

The queue for non-ceremonial painting is much shorter, which means that the percentage of lovers who are in love will be able to sign after submitting the application within a month is accordingly higher. It is also possible to indicate on the government services website your desire for such a marriage.

A casual painting can also be made romantic and unforgettable. You should also remember that in addition to your passport data, you will need to submit a receipt to the registry office, which confirms payment of the state fee. It is possible to pay it at a bank branch.

An application is also submitted through the government services website, where registration is much faster and a convenient free date is selected. Services are paid for by one of the couple via an electronic wallet or bank card. The fee is not refundable after withdrawal of the application. The registry office employee requests a payment receipt to confirm that the procedure was completed.

The process of painting according to the law is accelerated in such ways as:

  1. Providing a pregnancy certificate for the future spouse.
  2. Providing a medical certificate regarding the unsatisfactory physical condition of one of the partners.
  3. Providing a certificate from the place of work confirming a long-term emergency business trip.
  4. Providing a passport or birth certificate of joint children.

If the documents confirmed above are indicated, the newlyweds can be registered on the day of submission of the application. A non-ceremonial marriage ceremony costs less than a ceremonial one; if one of the spouses has benefits, he can take advantage of them.

For every couple, marriage is one of the most memorable events and exciting moments of the union of two destinies.

But someone wants to carry out this process modestly, in the circle of their closest people and without unnecessary pathos.

And others cannot imagine their wedding without a luxurious and chic hall, an orchestra, and a huge number of guests. Even the official part is accompanied by a solemn speech, photography, and champagne.

To do right choice, you need to understand the difference between a solemn marriage ceremony and a non-solemn one.

Defining and comparing registration processes

Solemn registration of marriage is a painting procedure that takes place in an elegant hall with musical accompaniment and in beautiful words to the bride and groom.

Simple signature is a procedure for concluding a marriage in a regular office, which is limited to signatures and stamps on the necessary documents.

The main differences between the solemn registration of marriage and the non- solemn one:

Registration of marriage without a formal part is quite popular in 2019. Not all young people can afford to spend large funds for a magnificent celebration.

This procedure occurs only in district registry offices, where all changes in the status of people are registered. In the Wedding Palace, such events take place only in a solemn atmosphere.

You can invite relatives and friends to the informal registration, but in most cases the bride and groom are limited to witnesses or come together.

The non-official registration procedure goes like this:

An application to the registry office for non-celebratory marriage registration is submitted approximately a month before the desired date, depending on the workload of the registry office.

The moment itself is scheduled on a free date; days can be chosen from Thursday to Sunday.

Under special circumstances, the waiting period can be reduced to 1 week, and in some cases, signature is possible on the day of application.

Such cases include:

  1. Bride's pregnancy.
  2. Birth of a child.
  3. Threat to the life of one of the couple.
  4. Long business trip.

For non-ceremonial registration, newlyweds pay a state fee and bring a receipt on the day of registration. No special outfits required. The newlyweds decide for themselves what to wear.

You can go in any comfortable clothes, but it is worth considering that a non-formal wedding has the same great importance in the life of lovers as a solemn one.

Marriage is an important stage in building new family. The difference between formal and ordinary registration is in the setting of the procedure.

Ceremonial registration is carried out only on Fridays and Saturdays. But in the Wedding Palaces, a holiday for the newlyweds can be organized on other days.

On the wedding day, the bride and groom, together with witnesses, relatives and guests, put on chic outfits and come to the registry office in advance.

Before the ceremony, the newlyweds hand over their passports and wedding rings to the staff of the institution.

Quite often, young couples submit an application to the registry office for non-solemn registration of marriage. They decide on a date and time, but in the process of preparation they decide to make their holiday on a larger scale than originally planned.

Therefore, the question arises as to whether it is possible to change the non-ceremonial registration to a ceremonial one.

In this case, future spouses should contact the registry office where the application was submitted. But the couple will most likely be offered to reschedule the event to another day and wait some more time.

In most cases, ceremonial registrations are planned in advance and in the registry office everything is scheduled down to the minute. It is possible to carry out a formal registration, but the waiting period depends on the workload of the institution.

Young people have the right to choose the order of the ceremony that seems most convenient to them. To avoid the need to change something and postpone their holiday, the couple should familiarize themselves in advance with what the solemn and non-solemn registration of marriage means.

From a legal point of view, there are no differences between the procedures. The bride and groom have the right to choose either a simple painting in the circle of loved ones or themselves, or a large-scale celebration with chic outfits, flowers and music.

Over the past 25 years, the legislation for the registration of marriage has changed in Russia. In Soviet times, witnesses were required to be present when registering a marriage. In the marriage registration act there were even columns for indicating information about witnesses. The same witnesses were required when registering a child.

Modern conditions for registering marriage

Marriage registration in modern world

Today, witnesses for marriage registration are needed only when a ceremonial event is planned to mark the marriage. These witnesses are essentially observers, whose data is not entered anywhere.

  1. Young people have the right to invite relatives and friends to register their marriage.
  2. Inviting your parents to register your marriage is considered a bad omen.
  3. Those invited to observe the marriage registration are not required to have a passport.
  4. The presence of observers during painting is a purely decorative tradition.
  5. Couples who register their marriage according to European traditions invite a best man and bridesmaids.

How is painting done without a celebration?

Anyone wishing to register their marriage at the registry office must first submit a corresponding application. When specifying the day of registration, the registry office employee specifies how the ceremony should take place: solemnly or without undue pomp. On the appointed day, the bride and groom, often unaccompanied, come to the registry office, where their marriage is registered with an entry in the marriage registration act. The newlyweds sign their names and have their passports stamped with a marriage registration stamp. This concludes the marriage ceremony. This method of registering marriage relations greatly saves the budget. future family. A young family can spend the money they save at their discretion: go on a honeymoon or furnish their own family nest.

The custom of changing a surname

Changing your last name when registering a marriage

Usually the bride changes her last name after registering her marriage. Before registering a marriage, the registry office employees ask about the desire to replace the bride’s maiden name with the husband’s last name. Sometimes the newlywed expresses a desire to take a double last name: her own and her husband’s last name, hyphenated. There is such an opportunity, and if you replace your passport with a new one with a double surname, there will be no problems.


Many modern young people approach changing their surname very rationally. The bride, imagining how long it would take to change her last name on her diploma and other important documents, refuses to change her last name to her husband’s last name. Young people should agree on this option in advance, and not sort things out at the registration desk.

Marriage ceremony at the registry office

Wedding bustle

Is it possible to organize an on-site registry office session to register a marriage at home?

It is possible, you just need to document the reason why it is necessary to register the marriage outside the registry office.

The registry office employee makes a short welcoming speech, after which she, as a representative of the legal authority, makes an entry in the civil status act, that is, registers the marriage. Traditionally, the bride and groom are asked about their voluntary agreement to enter into marriage. The bride answers first, and then the groom. Having signed the document, the newlyweds exchange wedding rings. Relatives and guests invited to the wedding congratulate the newlyweds on their legal marriage and invite everyone to drink a glass of champagne to commemorate this event.

Trip to memorable places

The newlyweds get into a limousine and go to the traditional place in their city, where every newlywed couple comes to lay flowers. This could be a monument to some outstanding figure or hero of the city. But most often, young people go to the bridge, where they lock a padlock on the bridge railing with their names engraved on it. The key to the castle is thrown into the water, which symbolizes the inviolability of marriage.

Wedding party

At a certain hour, the newlyweds arrive at the place where the wedding celebration will take place. On the threshold, the newlyweds are greeted by their parents with bread and salt and a plate is placed at their feet. It is believed that whoever steps on the plate first and breaks it will be the head of the family. The young people stand to receive congratulations and gifts. After which they take a tour of the wedding waltz and sit down at the table. The wedding feast begins. It’s good when the wedding party is organized by an experienced host, who organizes various games and pranks for the guests throughout the wedding.


Young people, according to tradition, do not drink or eat at the wedding table. After midnight, the newlyweds leave the wedding and act according to their plan. Many go straight from the wedding table to their honeymoon, others go to their family nest.


The custom of registering marriages in the registry office arose a long time ago. This ritual is very beautiful, the newlyweds and their relatives and friends are present at the mysterious marriage between loving people. Now many people organize on-site registrations, but this is at the request of the young people.

English customs during marriage

The time spent in the registry office becomes one of the most significant events in life. You should prepare for this ceremony in advance so that nothing can bring unpleasant surprises.

Russian legislation recognizes as legally valid only the marriage that was concluded in the registry office. Mutual agreement is confirmed by joint submission of a written statement and verbal affirmative responses during the ceremony procedure.

Future spouses, at the same time as submitting the application, discuss with the registry office employees the date, time and conditions of the event that is significant for them. In particular, it is possible to register a marriage without a ceremony.

Limitations on the possibility of marriage

The ideal situation, when there are no obstacles to marriage, does not always occur. There are no obstacles for two persons wishing to officially become husband and wife if they:

  • are not persons of the same sex;
  • have reached the age of majority;
  • none of them is in a registered marriage;
  • are not close relatives;
  • capable.

According to the Family Code, close relatives are considered:

  • Children and parents. Adopted children have the same legal status as their own children.
  • Brothers and sisters. They can be full-born, i.e. by both parents, and step-parents, having only one common parent. If a woman and a man get married, each of whom has children, then they are not considered relatives.
  • Grandchildren in relation to their grandparents. This also applies to adopted children.

First and second cousins ​​can easily marry because there is no blood relationship between them.

An important point is the age of the people applying for marriage. By law, he must reach the age of 18. But the law also allows for a smaller deviation under various life circumstances. For example, if a girl is pregnant, or if a child has already been born, then, while respecting the interests of the unborn child, it is possible to reduce the bride’s age to 16 years.

In order for the application to the registry office to be accepted, necessary documents You need to provide one more thing - a marriage license. You can obtain it by contacting your local government authority. You need to come there not with a verbal request, but by providing a certificate from a medical institution about pregnancy or a birth certificate.

This official permission will be sufficient. The consent or disagreement of parents or guardians is not required. If you are pregnant, registration at the registry office can be done in a shorter time.

A situation that sometimes confuses people planning to get married is the lack of registration. Under current legislation, the lack of permanent registration is not an obstacle to marriage. In the application it is enough to indicate your place of permanent residence.

Drawing up an application

The application can be written in legible handwriting or typed on a computer and printed. The document has two parts - for the groom and the bride. Each of them must be filled out separately.

Sample application

The joint statement states the following:

  1. FULL NAME. bride and groom.
  2. Dates of their birth.
  3. Everyone's birthplace.
  4. Citizenship.
  5. Age. Please note that it is not indicated on the day the application is submitted, but at the time of registration.
  6. Passport details.
  7. If there is a previous marriage, information about its termination.

Signatures and date of application are placed at the bottom. It is necessary to pay attention to the presence of the letters “е” and “й”. They must be written down in the same way as in the documents, otherwise the marriage certificate will become invalid.

Signatures and dates are placed only in the presence of civil registry office employees, who will inform you on what days the registration is carried out (as a rule, these are days from Thursday to Sunday). The application can be submitted: during a personal visit, through the MFC, or in electronic form through the State Services portal. Registration can be carried out in any city, regardless of the place of registration. If circumstances change, it will be possible to postpone the time of marriage registration.

Preparing for registration

Before registration, you must pay the state fee. Its value is 350 rubles. The idea that you need to pay two fees, one for each person, is a misconception.

Civil registry office employees are given time to check the data specified in the application. In addition, the bride and groom are given additional time to check the correctness of their decision. The time for reflection depends on the specific circumstances, but the standard period is one month. If there are special reasons, it may be reduced.

  • Most newlyweds purchase wedding rings in advance. But some are interested in whether they are necessarily needed when registering a marriage. The exchange of rings is a long-standing ritual and is not mandatory. But employees of the institution should be warned about this in advance.
  • The presence of parents is only desirable, but completely optional.
  • Paying tribute to traditions, witnesses are invited to the wedding ceremony, but, from the point of view of the law, their presence is not mandatory.
  • It is necessary to decide what surname the newlywed will bear after the ceremony. The bride should sign her premarital surname at the registry office.

Carrying out the ceremony

You must first discuss the type of procedure to be carried out with the civil registry office employees. The wedding ceremony involves the following course of events:

  1. The newlyweds go to rooms intended separately for the bride and groom. Relatives and friends may be present with them to provide moral support.
  2. When the appointed time arrives, the bride and groom meet in front of the doors of the hall, and the invitees stand behind them.
  3. To the sounds of Mendelssohn's wedding march, the newlyweds approach the registrar's desk. They listen to the speech of the registry office employee, in which they are congratulated on a significant event in their lives.
  4. The registrar asks the bride and groom alternately for consent. After an affirmative answer, he declares them husband and wife and offers to wear wedding rings lying on a special pillow.
  5. Young people put their signatures in a special magazine.
  6. Guests are invited to congratulate the newlyweds.

After the end of the official part, you should go to a special hall, where the assembled guests can drink champagne to the health of the newlyweds. To capture these exciting moments, they resort to the services of a photographer.

The ceremony lasts 30-60 minutes, and the registration itself takes 10-15 minutes.

After painting at the registry office, the newlyweds can go for a walking photo shoot or to a place to celebrate the occasion.

Non-ceremonial registration

Marriage can also take place in a normal setting. Painting in the registry office without a ceremony has the same legal status as a ceremonial one. The amount of the state fee for non-ceremonial registration does not change.

The number of invited guests is somewhat limited, since the ceremony takes place not in a large celebration hall, but in the registrar's office. Marriage stamps are also placed in passports there. The presence of witnesses during non-ceremonial registration is not mandatory.

The informal ceremony lasts 10-20 minutes.

Knowing in advance how marriage is usually registered at the registry office, you can prepare for this event: choose an option, buy rings, send out invitations.

Where should a wedding day begin and end? And in what order should events follow each other? After submitting an application to the registry office, future newlyweds face a lot of questions.

Traditionally, the wedding day begins with the bride's ransom. This is the most beloved and one of the most interesting rituals. Over time, the wedding ransom has changed, but the essence remains the same. Early in the morning, the bride's closest relatives and friends gather at the bride's house to help her complete preparations for the wedding. For the ransom, of course, you will have to carefully prepare: come up with tasks for the groom and his friends, hang posters near the house or in the entrance, block the road to the bride’s house.

The bride's ransom is organized by her witness. IN Lately For this purpose, it is sometimes customary to invite a toastmaster. Please note that the competitions are not offensive and do not put the groom in a stupid position, because he will have to be the main character at this stage.

You cannot start living together without the blessing of your parents. Previously, this moment was fundamentally important for an Orthodox marriage. And even today, parental blessing is the most touching and emotional stage weddings It takes place on the threshold of the bride's house immediately after her ransom by the groom. Often the ritual also involves God-parents. For the blessing ceremony, you should definitely purchase icons of the Savior and the Mother of God from the church shop. The newlyweds kneel before them, and the bride's parents read a prayer or say parting words. These icons are sent to the home of the newlyweds. It is believed that they should protect and protect them. After the blessing, the parents kiss the newlyweds, and all guests present are offered to drink champagne for the health of the newlyweds.

Then you should go to the registry office. There, the registry office employee will register, legitimizing your relationship. As a rule, all guests go to the registry office, some come directly to the registry office. The time and place of the wedding are informed to the guests in advance. While the registry office employee makes a solemn speech, the newlyweds and guests listen in silence. Then they put their signatures in the registration book and seal the relationship with a kiss. After this, all the guests take turns congratulating the newlyweds. Today, for the direct registration of marriage, only the presence of young people is necessary, even the presence of witnesses is not necessary. The ceremony will take no more than 30 minutes.

After the official ceremony

When leaving the wedding palace, you can shower the newlyweds with rose petals. Then the newlyweds and their friends go for a walk. During it, they visit iconic places in the city and surrounding area, for example, laying flowers at the Eternal Flame, etc. Almost every city has a place where a young husband and wife leave their padlock as a symbol of an unbreakable union.

Parents and some guests do not participate in the walk and come to the banquet. Its start time must also be precisely agreed upon and communicated in advance. This wedding stage takes place in a cafe or restaurant. Before entering the banquet hall, the bride and groom are greeted by the groom's parent, often with a loaf of bread, from which one and the other newlywed takes a bite. Whoever bites off the most will be the master of the house.

Next, the toastmaster seats everyone at the table. In the center are the newlyweds, on the right hand of the groom sits his witness, then the parents. The same is on the left hand of the bride. The entire wedding ceremony is accompanied by photo and video filming. Toastmaster organizes a lot interesting competitions. It is traditional at any wedding to throw the bride's bouquet to the unmarried friends and the garter to the groom's unmarried friends.

During the feast, guests give gifts to the newlyweds, saying nice words. At the end of the evening, the newlyweds thank everyone who came. Nowadays, the wedding ceremony often ends with fireworks.

Your plans may include a wedding ceremony. It takes place the day after the official ceremony.

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Naturally, the program of each wedding is individual. For some, the ceremony is not outdoors, the newlyweds are registered at the registry office, for others the show program is more intense, and for others, the most important thing is beautiful photography. In short, every wedding is a story unlike any other. But the main points exist for many. Let's try to create an approximate timing for the special day.

9:00 - rise

It is important for the bride to get enough sleep on this day. Therefore, you should not have a bachelorette party or decorate the day before. The evening is best spent on relaxing treatments and facial masks.

11:00 - getting ready for the bride

An exciting and important part of the day. On average, makeup and hair will take about two hours. It is better to deal with manicure and pedicure the day before. If additional procedures are needed, then add another hour to the total time. If you want to capture the preparations for the holiday on video or photos, then it is better to invite specialists at this time.

13:00 - and the brides

The meeting of the bride and groom takes place near her house, where a car awaits them, which will take the lovers to a photo shoot.

14:00 - photo session

In order not to waste time on traffic jams on the road, the photo shoot takes place in the park, where the ceremony will take place a little later. You can invite the bridesmaids and groomsmen to the end of the photo shoot for fun shots together.

15:30 - gathering of guests

The guests read in the invitations that the gathering would begin 30 minutes before the ceremony. Therefore, many relatives and friends are already gathering at the scene of events. wedding arch the site is ready, the chairs are arranged, the equipment is set up, light music is playing.

16:00 - ceremony

It's finished! The Pope handed the bride into the hands of her future husband, exchanging rings and vows of love and fidelity. It would be great if the ceremony was performed by someone close to you, in which case it will be cozy and sincere.

16:30 - congratulations

Shouts of "hurray", clinking glasses, hugs, congratulations. Photos with parents, friends and girlfriends, guests. If a restaurant is nearby, then everyone moves smoothly to it. If the restaurant is far away, then guests travel by transport ordered for them.

17:00 - start of the banquet

The most sincere, and therefore the most valuable moments of the day: the first toasts, the word from the father of the bride, happy tears on the faces of the parents.

18:00 - banquet

Hot snacks are served. In terms of food, the hardest hours are the first two hours. You should wait until the guests are full and only then invite them to dance. Hot food is served at 19:00.

19:30 - entertainment program

The newlyweds can perform their first dance, thereby setting an example for all the guests. Usually two forty minute sets are enough. It is better to entrust the following musical performances to a DJ.

22:00 - end of the evening

Here come the moments expected by girlfriends and friends: garters, wedding bouquet. Spectacular wedding cake.

23:00 - thanks

End of the celebration: the bride and groom thank the guests. As a rule, six hours is enough for a festive dinner and fun. But if the guests do not want to leave, then they will have to prepare the scenario for the end of the evening themselves.


  • Approximate wedding day timing