Graduation in kindergarten - interesting ideas and scenarios. Competitions for children in kindergarten in the summer. Games and competitions at the graduation party in kindergarten. A fun broom and a fun ball Games with parents in kindergarten at graduation

Many adults do not even realize what an important role a children's graduation party plays in a child's life. After all, this is not just a transitional stage from kindergarten to school, for some it is the first childhood love, the first pride in connection with an important overcoming, the first ball, finally. And no matter what, as long as it passes in kindergarten.

And you need to spend it in such a way that it warms the soul with cheerful memories and vivid photographs all summer, and better - all further school years! Therefore, the children's graduation games prepared by you or the presenter should be special and fun.

Contest "Chamomile"

Children and parents are divided into two teams: children oppose adults. The task for each team is to tear off a chamomile petal and complete the task written on the back of it. The tasks are completely different, it is interesting that neither the children nor the parents know what they will have to do. For example:

  • Tell a poem about the summer of any poet.
  • Sing a song about school or about children.
  • Draw a portrait of the teacher (teacher) and solemnly hand it over.
  • Say 5 nice words to all the girls.
  • Say 5 courageous wishes to all the boys.
  • Dance a polka (or other dance) to the music in pairs.
  • Blow up balloons and draw emoticons on them.

Chamomile can have many petals, and let the tasks be limited only by the imagination of the authors and presenters. In any case, this is a test of team spirit for children, and a serious test for parents. Not all mothers and fathers, for example, will dance a children's polka.

Topsy-turvy name contest

Children are divided into groups. The leader pronounces the names and surnames of the guys from the group on the contrary, from the end to the beginning. For example, Lena Ivanova will be Avonavi Anel. It is necessary to understand by ear who it is about, and shout out the correct name. Whoever guesses first - well done!

Young poets

The host first pronounces, and then gives each group of children printed rhymes, you need to compose your own poem:

After the guys read their poems with these rhymes, let them remember which famous writer these rhymes belong to? And in which poem have these lines been read? (Here, for example, the lines “Lukomorye has a green oak ...” by A. S. Pushkin).

You can choose rhymes from other poems known to children. This competition is a good exercise for the mind!

horse racing

The guys line up in one line, like runners before the start of the race. By correctly answering the facilitator's questions, each participant jumps forward. Who could not answer, stands still. Questions, for example, may be from the field of children's knowledge about nature, hometown, holidays.

The winner is the one that gets to the leader first.


Among the props, you also need to prepare a skirt for the granddaughter, a ponytail on a string for the "Bugs", a mask with a mustache for the "cat", a headband with ears for the mouse.

Songs about...

All guests of the holiday need to remember songs that have words on a topic set by the host, for example, about flowers, school, animals. The theme may change several times during the performance. The competition is fun, works to unite and bring together adults and children.


  1. Children are divided into two teams.
  2. The one in which there are more children becomes in a circle, everyone joins hands, and then they begin to confuse the group as much as possible without unhooking their hands.

    It is possible for some participants to crawl under the clasped hands of others, you can sit down, you can turn around. The main thing is not to separate hands.

  3. The participants of the second group, who did not see all the manipulations, should return the whole team to the general circle again as soon as possible, also without separating anyone's hands. If two teams get entangled in parallel, and two participants unravel them, it turns out to be a fun competition.

The longest chains

The task is given to the parents. They need with the help of their children from improvised means - bags of mothers, ties, laces and belts of fathers, as well as using glasses, bows, handkerchiefs and other little things, lay out the longest chain on the floor. Whose chain is the longest, that family team is recognized as the most resourceful for traveling to the ends of the world. If there are many families, then you can combine them into pairs with an equal number of participants.

magic words

The host invites all the guys to stand facing him and perform the movements that he will call. But you need to be careful, because you can start moving only after the leader says some kind of “magic” word: please, thank you, thank you. For example:

  • Please, everyone squat down! (Children do).
  • And now they got up and jumped (children should not get up, everyone should remain in the same position, because there was no magic word).
  • What good fellows, thank you for your attention, applause! (The “magic” word “thank you” sounded, the children applauded).
  • You are doing well, thank you, you can stand up and jump. (Children do the task).

Dance with an object

This competition is used even by adults during the holidays, but we invite you to play dancing with objects at the graduation for children. Children and adults stand in a circle, several people receive objects (a doll, a ball, a pencil) in their hands. During the dance, you need to give your object to someone else, and so quickly along the chain. The music stops, and those players who have items left in their hands leave the circle. One object also leaves the circle, and the dance game continues. The winner is the last person remaining in the circle.

Third wheel

  1. All the guys go to the center of the hall, moving randomly to the music. As soon as the music is turned off, everyone quickly splits into pairs and joins hands. The most unhurried ones still run among the standing ones for some time, and one person still won’t find a match for himself and will leave the game (provided that initially there were an odd number of guys).
  2. Further - again a chaotic movement, and you need to get up three people, be sure to hold hands. Those who have not found a place for themselves are out of the game.
  3. Then they again break into pairs, play until the last pair of players, who are recognized as the winners of the competition.

Catch a fish

All the guys are closely watching the leader, who shows them his hands and explains that one of them is a wave (makes characteristic movements with it, depicting a wave), and the other is a fish. As soon as the fish shows itself out of the wave or "jumps" out of it, all participants clap.

Thus, it depends on the host how fast the fish will emerge from the water and how often to do it, and the children must be careful. When the leader makes the fish emerge from the wave constantly, endless applause begins. The game is dynamic and fun.


This competition can be held when the children are tired of jumping and dancing and need to calm down.

  1. In advance, we will prepare photographs of those places that the children know for sure: where they always walked, went in for sports, or where they went to music classes. Photos are best printed in A-4 format, pasted on not very thick cardboard and cut into an equal amount. geometric shapes- rhombuses, squares, trapezoids.

    We are preparing several envelopes (according to the number of teams of children), in each envelope there are identical puzzles.

  2. Children are divided into teams, sit down at the tables, and each team receives an envelope containing puzzle pieces.
  3. Task: collect all the pictures from the speed puzzles and name the place shown in the photo. This is how we choose the winners.

And finally, about the most important thing: dear parents, it is you who must decide which competitions are needed and important at the first prom for your children. Let them be funny, unexpected, mobile or not, for invention, attention, knowledge and skills. The main thing is that everyone should be participants on this day: educators, and other teachers, and parents, and children. Only in this way the holiday will remain unforgettable and bright in the memory of all those present.

When the last week of May comes, the hot season begins in kindergartens - graduations for children. Preparations for this day and event begin long in advance, about six months in advance. We need to consider gifts. Come up with ideas for the holiday and decide where the celebration will take place. In order to somehow unload you, we came up with completely new kindergarten graduation contests that are suitable for both parents and children. Funny and funny games will make the solemn day brighter and more varied. Play and remember this day forever.

The game is who to be.

For the game you need to prepare sheets with drawings of different professions. There are as many leaves as there are children. We fold all the sheets in a circle with the drawings down. Children stand in a circle around the sheets and begin to spin to the cheerful music. As soon as the music ends, each child takes the sheet in front of which he stopped. And then the teacher approaches each child and asks what kind of profession he has drawn and other questions about it.

The game is incredible, but true!

For the game, you need to prepare cards on which famous funny phrases from cartoons. There are as many rollers as there are children in the group. And then the teacher approaches each child in turn, reads the question, and the child takes out any one card and reads the answer. It turns out very funny.

Sample questions:
Mom wakes up the children in the kindergarten early in the morning. What do the children answer?
When the children came to the kindergarten, what did the teacher say to them?
With what phrase did the children greet the teacher?
What did the children in the dining room say when they were given semolina?
What phrase did the children shout when they were called for a walk?
What do children talk about when they do not want to sleep at a quiet hour?

And other questions. And the answers might be:

- Freedom to the parrots! Svo-bo-du in-po-ga-yam!
- Who goes to visit in the morning, he acts wisely!
- It seems the rain is starting...
- And here, you know, we all indulge in buns ...
- Calmness, only calmness!

And other famous phrases from cartoons.

The game of chants - who says what.

Children who graduate from kindergarten probably know how animals and birds “speak”. And in this game, we will have fun checking it out.
The game takes place in the form of a chant. The facilitator reads the verse, and the children must complete the phrases.

Competition for moms - braid your daughter's braid.

How mothers sometimes suffer if their daughters long hair. You need to braid the braid every morning, and undo it again in the evening. This competition involves mothers who braid braids for their daughters.
Each team has three mothers. Each team has three ribbons of different colors, such as white, blue and red. One end of the ribbons is tied to something, and the other three ends of the ribbon are in the hands of each team member. At the command of the leading mother, they should begin to braid the braids. At the same time, it is forbidden to let the ribbons out of your hands, but you can crawl under them, step over and so on. Which team braids the braid the fastest wins.

The game is me!

Surely every parent takes pictures of their newborn baby. For this game, you will need these photos, where it is not yet very clear who it is in the photo. Photographs of children aged three months to one year are required.
In order not to spoil real photos, make copies of them on the printer. At the graduation party, children must find their photo, that is, themselves. Just warn parents in advance not to show these photos to their children at home, otherwise the children will remember their photos.

Game for dads - make up a word.

Now it's time for dads to play. For them, you need to prepare eight mittens and glue a letter on each mitten. But not just a letter, but so that from eight letters you can come up with a word, for example, PORTFOLIO. Mittens are mixed and put on dads hands. And then they themselves must compose a word and show it to everyone present.
Perhaps like this.


Who gets the most marks?

(hero - up to you)
SHAPOKLYAK: And now we will check it. Here are the portfolios, here are the marks (shows). Who will collect more marks in portfolios? (Pours out
If the children took 1,2,3, they play again, and Shapoklyak praises the children for 1.2, invites parents to see what marks the children scored in the portfolio.

Dream of first graders

Two children sit on chairs at different ends of the hall (preferably on strong chairs, with armrests, or on stools). Near each child are scattered school supplies and empty hoops. It is necessary to collect your items in a hoop without getting up from a chair, you can move around the hall on a chair (`ride`). The essence of the game is explained by the presenter: Vasya and Petya had a dream that they were in space, in weightlessness. Everything scattered around the ship, and the first graders seemed to be tied to chairs. Tomorrow is school! Who will get together faster?

Lay out a five from the tape
cook satin ribbons red color - 5-8 cm wide
(possibly wider), 1 m long.
To the music, children lay out a five from the tape on the carpet. The number of children at your discretion (how many children - the same number of ribbons)

`10 sleepwalkers` Playing to the song of Usacheva and Pinegin
Children put chairs in a circle, backs inward - this is the moon. Stand around the chairs. The game is simple, according to the type of who is more likely to take a chair, but it is played to the tune of a song.
Children go around and sing
10 sleepwalkers have lived on the moon.
10 sleepwalkers tossed and turned in their sleep
And then one lunatic fell from the moon in a dream ......
the children quickly sit on the chairs, and the one who did not get the chair enters the circle and crouches on the floor.
everyone sings: And 9 lunatics left on the moon!
The game continues. You can play not with 10, but with 5, as you like.
Yes, the last verse ends like this: and there were no more sleepwalkers on the moon.

"Seven Candles"
We baked a cake for the holiday
seven candles were lit on it,
wanted to eat cake
but we could not put out the candles.
Children stand in two circles. 7 children with handkerchiefs in a small circle are candles.
The rest are in a big circle.
1-4th bars. Children go in a circle to the right and sing. Candle children swirl, waving handkerchiefs over their heads.
5-8th bars. The same movements, but in the other direction.
9th measure. Everyone stops. Children in a large circle take a breath.
10th measure. They blow on candles. Children-candles squat, facing the center, spreading handkerchiefs behind their backs on the floor.
I-12th cycles. Children in a large circle are spinning at a gallop.
13th measure. Raise handkerchiefs, who is faster. These children become candles. The game is repeated.

We play with numbers
We prepare cards with numbers for one team in advance (1,2,3, 4,5,6,7,8,9,10); for the other team: (10,20,30,40,50,60, We put cards on everyone's neck (on a ribbon). While the music is playing, the participants dance or move arbitrarily around the hall. With the end of the music, one team must line up in ascending order (from 1 to 10); another team (from 10-100). Tasks can be varied.

Game `Marks`.
There are cards on the table, turned to face him. To the music, the children run in all directions around the hall and, at the end of the music, they must take any card, raise its top, and turn it to face their parents. Here are the grades your children will study for: Someone on `4`, someone on `5`! Well done!
(removes cards)
And now we invite our parents to participate in the game. (several parents go out into the hall). (the presenter takes out other cards with ratings). Let's see what grades your parents studied for? The task is the same... But with the end of the music, the parents notice that some of them had `3`.

Game `Mathematical peas`.
We draw pea pods and inside each pea pod (different number). children go `to the garden`, choose any pod and, to the cheerful music, jump in all directions. Cards-numbers are laid out closer to the audience. The task of the children is, on a signal (at the end of the music), to count the peas (they do this while they are moving in jumps) and stand near their number, i.e. so that the number of peas matches the number around which they stand. Raise the pod high up so that everyone can check their answer.
The game is interesting, fun and not overwritten. I use 7-8 pods, then the 2nd group of children. Everyone wants to play!
Usually hosted by some Math Queen or the like. character.
at graduation
They get up in pairs: a child with his parent, dance to cheerful music, and one person (leading, for example) without a pair. When the music suddenly ends, you need to quickly find yourself another pair. What starts here, everyone just grabs each other! A very funny competition and some kind of communication between adults and children!

Game with Carlson. (hero - up to you)
KARL: And I have a "five" - ​​one excellent student gave. I only have one “five”, how can we divide it? And here I have a lifesaver. Get up in a circle: whoever gets 5-ku, he is an excellent student!

A small handkerchief with a 5 drawn at one end is attached to a stick 1.5 meters long. To do this, a slot is sawn at the end of the stick. To the music, Carlson twirls the stick in a circle. Jumping up, the children tear off the handkerchief /
KARL: And I also have one "2" - a familiar loser gave. (Pulls out a pair of foam rubber on a long rope) Come on, stand in a circle, I really want to fool around. I will twist the deuce: whoever jumps over it, well done, and the rest are losers. Kidding.

letter game. by the type of `Gape`. All children have tablets with some letter on their chest.
Children stand in pairs in a circle. First in front, second in back. A child stands in the middle. For the first part of the music, a child standing in a circle dances (for example, makes a pick), and all the children sing these words: `The letter A is left alone because it gapes, we will play with you, try not to yawn `
For the second part of the music, the second ones jump in a circle behind the backs of the first ones together with the letter A, the first ones clap their hands, at the end of the music, quickly become ahead of any child (the first one). For someone there is not enough space, he will be a new gaping letter.

Game `Smart daddies and funny slippers`(or vice versa-?!). You need 8 pairs of slippers to play. Letters are glued on them, from which you can make the word `Certificate` (oh, I don’t remember the second ... But there are also 8 letters). And slippers are set so that the letters are scattered. Dads play in 2 teams. Who will quickly put slippers on their feet and stand in such a way that the children can read the word. The joke is that the folders put on slippers, paying attention to the `couple`, but the letters do not converge. And here already who in what is much!

Game `Deuce`.
Tie a rope to the inverted five. Children stand in a circle. The host says `Whoever the two touches, he stays for the second year`, twists the rope, the children jump over.

Game `Turnip`.
There are two teams of 6 children. This is a grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. A turnip sits on each chair - a child in a hat with a picture of a turnip.
The grandfather starts the game. On a signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue to run together, go around the turnip again and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game for a turnip clings to a mouse. The team that pulls out the turnip the fastest wins.

Game `Forbidden movement`.
The players, together with the leader, stand in a circle. The leader takes a step forward to be more visible. If there are few players, then you can build them in a line, and stand in front of them yourself. The leader invites the guys to perform all the movements behind him, with the exception of the prohibited, pre-established by him. For example, it is forbidden to perform the movement `hands on the belt`. The leader begins to make different movements to the music, and all the players repeat them. Suddenly, the leader performs a forbidden movement. The participant of the game, repeating it, takes a step forward, and then continues to play

Game `Bows`.
Several ribbons are tied onto the rope (5 on each side) in the middle the ribbon is tied to a bow. 2 participants (dads) are selected, who stand on each side. On a signal, they must tie the ribbons into bows. Who quickly?

Game `Conductor`.
The child conductor stands in the middle and the rest of the musicians stand in a circle. On the 1st part of the music, the conductor conducts, and the musicians play the rhythm of the music. With the end of the 1st part, the instruments are placed on the floor, and for the second, fast part of the music, they run in a circle along with the conductor. With the end of the music, they quickly take the instruments. Who did not get it - the conductor.

`To school on an alarm clock`.
Two families are called: 2 dads, 2 moms, 2 kids. On 2 tables there are school supplies (the same amount), which the child, on a signal, will begin to put into a briefcase. 1 alarm clock that the teacher starts - the alarm clock rings and there is a signal to start. 2 balloons, which, on a signal, will begin to inflate dads (so that the child goes to school with a balloon on September 1). 2 sets of breakfast (or lunch) for a student (for example: an apple, yogurt, a small chocolate bar) and a bag in which, at the signal of the mother, this breakfast will be put.
The alarm clock rings - and each participant begins to perform their tasks. The child puts school supplies (notebook, pencil case, textbook, ruler, diary, etc.) into a briefcase or satchel; mother collects breakfast and gives it to the child, and he puts it in the already assembled satchel; dad inflates the balloon, ties it with a thread and gives it to the child. A child with a briefcase and a ball runs to the other end of the hall to the "School" sign. The family whose child runs to school first wins.

Game `Read the word`.
A tablet with the written word is attached to the back of the driver. The players - 3-4 people - must read the word, and the driver tries to dodge and prevent them from reading

The game `Who will quickly add the word "honey"`.
The word can be anything depending on the character, at the moment there was a bear from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear".
2 teams of 3 people participate. Each child receives a letter. To fast music, the children scatter around the hall, with the end of the music they line up one after another so that the word "Honey" is obtained. The first team to complete the word wins.

Game `Collect a word`.
We collect several words in turn. Children come out first by the number of letters of the first word. Children take letters. To the music, they move around the hall in leaps. With the end of the music, they must collect a word from the letters they have taken. Then we change. We play 3-4 times.

Game `ABC of fairy tales`.
Emelya says that she will not let the children go to school and will not give them the Star until they solve the fabulous alphabet or ABC. It is necessary to name fairy-tale heroes (at least one at a time) in all letters. You can selectively and randomly. Spectators also participate.
A: Alice, Aladdin, Alyonushka, Ali Baba, Aibolit.
B: Pinocchio, Barmaley, Snow White, Basilio, Bremen town musicians.
B: Wolf, Vasilisa, Winnie the Pooh, Water.
G: Gerda, Gulliver, Gorynych, dwarf, Gena the crocodile.
D: Thumbelina, Brownie.
E: Emelya.
F: Firebird, Tin Woodman, Beetle (from the fairy tale "Turnip")
Z: Cinderella, Goldfish, Goldilocks.
I: Ivanushka the Fool, Eeyore the donkey, Ilya Muromets.
K: Koschei the Immortal, The Little Humpbacked Horse, Gingerbread Man, Carlson, Kai.
L: Goblin, Frog Tsarevna, Lisa Patrikeevna.
M: Morozko, Malvina, Moidodyr, Little Muk.
N: Dunno, Nesmeyana.
A: Olle-Lukoye, Tin Soldier, Donkey ("The Bremen Town Musicians"), Deer (from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen").
P: Parsley, Prince, Pippi-Long-Stocking, Piglet, postman Pechkin.
R: Mermaid, chicken Ryaba.
From: Snow Maiden, Snow Queen, Scarecrow, nightingale, Sivka-Burka.
T: Tortilla, Tube, three Fat Men.
U: Urfin Deuce, Boa constrictor, Umka.
F: Phoenix, Fedora, Fairy, Finist Yasny Sokol.
X: Khavroshechka, Hottabych, Khryusha.
C: Heron, Tsar, Cyclops, Tsokotuha fly.
H: Cheburashka, Chippolino, Damn, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Sh: Shapoklyak, Humpty Dumpty.
S: Pike, Nutcracker, Puppy
E: Ellie, elves.
Yu: Miracle Yudo.
Me: Baba Yaga.

Game with parents `School lottery`.
Soon the child will go to school
School life is upon you.
Will bring you new worries and troubles,
It will force you to rebuild your whole life.
And we will tell fortunes in front of everyone here,
What will happen in the families, today we will find out ...
Several parents come out. The facilitator asks a question, the participant pulls out a cube or card with the answer from the bag and reads the answer. Answers: mom, dad, the child himself, cat Vaska, neighbor, the whole family, grandfather, grandmother.
1. Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?
2. And who should follow the form of first-graders?
3. Who will get up at 6 am?
4. Who will eat breakfast first?
5. Who will have to collect the portfolio?
6. Who will read the primer every day?
7. Who will cry, left without strength?
8. Who is to blame if the child got a deuce?
9. Who will attend the meetings?
10. Who should take a first grader to school?

Shout games:

The game "What is in your briefcase?"
It's time to collect the portfolio
And we are waiting for the correct answer.
Agree - answer "Yes",
And if you don't agree, "No."
What is in your portfolio?
A box of bright watercolors...
A simple pencil...
Plate with fish and goulash...
Textbook with glossy cover...
Paper bow for playing with a cat...
Your favorite toy...
And the New Year's cracker...
Eraser and ruler...
Battery faucet...
Notebooks, books and notebook...
Both machine gun and machine gun...
And a compass, and a large pencil case ...
And the e-tipper...
And replaceable shoes - sneakers ...
Album for cool sketches...
Universal slingshot...
And a medical glove...
Constructor new for work...
A set of paper in all colors...
Cardboard, and glue, and plasticine ...
And kerosene, and vaseline ...
A diary with a filled page...
To put a unit there...
We managed to collect a portfolio,
For which everyone gets five!

Game "Portfolio" (children shout "Yes" or "No")
If you go to school
Then you take with you in your briefcase:
In a cell notebook?
New slingshot?
Cleaning broom?
Diary for five?
Album and paint?
Carnival masks?
ABC in pictures?
Ripped boots?
Felt pens and a pen?
A bunch of carnations?
Colored pencils?
Are the mattresses inflatable?
Eraser and ruler?
Is there a canary in a cage?

Masyanya: We have prepared a little game for you - a muddle . We say a phrase, and if you agree with it, say "Bim!". If you don't agree: "Bom!". Remember? Then we start...
Kindergarten we see off the school cheerfully meet? - Bim!
Are we all missing the table? - Bom!
Are we jumping, being naughty? - Bom!
We make promises before school - do we keep promises? - Bim!
Will we be charging? - Bim!
And swim in the river in winter? - Bom!
Will we eat snow in winter? - Bom!
We can't count summer fun? - Bim!
Too lazy to help us mom? - Bom!
Help every day? - Bim!
Are you obedient guys? - Bim!
Do you need to give gifts to everyone? - Bim!
What about a chocolate bar and a huge horse as a gift? - Bom!
Do you want an orange? - Bim!
And in the canister of kerosene? - Bom!
Very tasty candy? - Bim!
And paper napkin? - Bom!
Shall we celebrate together? - Bim!
And won't we take a gift? - Bom!

Thanks to the unique work of our brain, we are able to remember the brightest life moments that happened a really long time ago. But at the same time, few adults remember their graduation in kindergarten. However, this does not mean that such an event for children can be held carelessly. Its organization must be approached with all seriousness and responsibility, so that the children graduating from kindergarten will definitely like it.

In preparation for the graduation party in kindergarten, it is imperative to work out all the details. Among other things, you need to take care of games and competitions for children. This moment is really important, since it largely depends on how fun the holiday will be.

Games and contests

The number of various contests and games that are ideal for a graduation party in kindergarten is so large that you will not have any problems with entertainment program at this event. However, you need to choose really interesting games that all the kids will definitely like. In addition, you need to make sure that these competitions are somehow related to graduation from kindergarten.

1. Preparation for school
The perfect contest for an event like a kindergarten graduation. Its essence is to check the readiness of children for school. To carry it out, you will need school bag, stationery, notebooks, a primer and a lot of all kinds of things that a child will definitely not need at school. In addition, you will need a stopwatch.

The task of the children is that they need to collect the portfolio as quickly as possible, putting in it only those things that will be useful to them at school. The child who does it faster and more correctly than others will win the competition. That is, he must not only collect everything faster, but also put in it only those things that he definitely needs at school. As a gift, the child can be given a backpack collected by him with all notebooks and stationery. Well, so that the rest of the children are not offended, they will also need to give something, for example, according to the diary.

2. Quiz
Another great competition that is perfect for Kindergarten Prom. To conduct it, you will only need pre-prepared children's questions and chips that will need to be handed to the children for the correct answers. You can easily find the necessary questions and answers on the Internet. As for the chips that need to be handed to children for each correct answer to a question, you can make them with your own hands from colored cardboard. In addition, you will also need the main prize for the winner and consolation gifts for the guys who did not win the quiz.

3. What my mother said
In order to run this contest, which is also suitable for Kindergarten Prom, you will need to talk to the mothers of all the kids. Ask them to tell you some Interesting Facts associated with their children. Each of these facts will need to be written down on a piece of paper.

During the competition, the host must line up all the children in a line. After that, the facilitator should alternately read out the facts that the mothers told about their children. The task of the children is that they need to guess who exactly they are talking about. If the child guesses that the note is about him, then he takes a step forward. If the kid is wrong, then he will have to take a step back. Whoever is ahead of everyone else will win.

4. Young Picasso
Everyone knows that little kids love to draw. Based on this fact, you can hold a really fun contest at the graduation in kindergarten that all the guys will definitely like. To carry it out, you will need a sufficient number of landscape sheets and colored pencils.

Ask young graduates to draw a picture on a given topic. However, in order not to delay this competition too much, limit it to 5-10 minutes. It is during this time that young artists will have to create their paintings. When everything is ready, there is no need to identify the winners. Instead, give each participant a small gift for their wonderful work.

5. Riddles and riddles
Young children love not only to draw, but also to guess all kinds of riddles. Based on this fact, you have the opportunity to hold a whole fun contest. To do this, it will be enough for you to find funny, interesting and funny riddles on the Internet. You can do this without any problems, because there is a lot of such goodness on the Internet. In addition, you will need cardboard stars that can be given to children for correct answers to riddles. Of course, the child who gives the most correct answers should win this competition.

6. Find a color
A fun mobile competition, which is also suitable for holding it at such an important event as graduation in kindergarten. You do not need any additional funds to carry it out. Therefore, it will be very easy for you to carry it out.

The host turns on the music and asks the children to start dancing. At some point, he turns off the music and calls out a color. The task of the children is that they will need to stop the dance and find the color named leading in the room and touch it. The last child to complete this task is out.

7. School subjects
Graduation party in kindergarten is a turning point in a child's life. He is a harbinger of the fact that in the near future children will go to school. This means that the guys need to start preparing for this right now. Given this fact, you can hold a rather interesting competition at the graduation party in kindergarten. To carry it out, you only need pens and leaflets, which will need to be distributed to the children. When everything is ready, ask the children to write down on pieces of paper all the subjects that are in the school schedule. The child who writes down the most subjects that are actually taught in school will win.

8. Car racing
Someone might think that only boys will like this competition. However, it is not. This competition can be enjoyed by absolutely every child. To carry it out, you will need two machines and two balls of thread. Tie the ends of the thread to the bumpers of the toy cars. Call two participants and hand them a ball of thread. On command, the guys should begin to twist the threads so that the cars start to go. The child whose car crosses the finish line the fastest wins.

9. Mirror reflection
A fun contest that every kindergarten graduate will love. Children line up in a line, and the leader stands in front of them. After that, the leader begins to show some movements, and the guys must mirror them. That is, if the leader raises his left hand, then the children should raise their right. The child who makes a mistake is out of the game. The winner is the only remaining person who managed to never make a mistake.

Using these tips, you can organize a fun graduation party in kindergarten without any problems.

1. If you are going to hold any games and contests at the prom in kindergarten, then take care of buying some prizes and gifts in advance. Children will participate much more actively in competitions, knowing that they will receive prizes for this. Well, what exactly to buy for children, it's up to you. However, it is better to give preference to sweets, toys, children's books and coloring books.

2. If you are going to hold any outdoor games and competitions at an evening in kindergarten, then be sure to take care of safety. One of the adults should carefully monitor that the children are not injured. If this happens, the holiday will be overshadowed.

3. Try to choose really interesting and fun contests that all the guys will surely like. In many ways, it depends on which contests you choose for the prom in kindergarten, how fun this event will be.

4. Do not load the guys with contests. Let them rest between games. If you want to hold the maximum number of competitions in a short period of time, then the children will quickly get tired. So between games, invite the children to the table so that they have a snack.

Graduation in kindergarten is the first important milestone in the life of a baby, a solemn event that marks the summing up of the first results and achievements of the crumbs before entering school. And this is an event that can become a memorable and bright holiday.

Graduation organizers in kindergarten should know that the success of a good holiday depends on a well-chosen script, decorations, gifts and, of course, a competition program for kids. The heroes of the occasion will be happy to have fun and run from the heart, and children's contests and games greatly contribute to this.

Assemble a briefcase

For this children's competition you will need a glue stick, a suitcase drawn on whatman paper and cut out images of objects. Among them: a notebook, a cactus, a pair of socks, a primer, an alarm clock, a ruler, a ball, a diary, a pen, an egg, a ruler, a pencil, an eraser, a mug.

The guys should be divided into several teams in order to assemble a collage together. Their task is to choose pictures of those things that will be needed in the lessons at school and stick them on the base briefcase. The team that manages to complete the task correctly the fastest wins.

Guess Mom

Before starting this game for kindergarten, the mothers of the children should write down some iconic facts about their children on the pieces of paper. For example, “likes to collect puzzles”, “loves to walk the dog”, “was on vacation in Turkey”, “grandfather’s name is Pavel”, etc. All notes are shuffled and placed in a basket.

The host builds the children in a line facing the audience, removes the pieces of paper one by one and reads out what was written. Each kid tries to guess the note of his mother. If the child is wrong, then he takes a step back, and if the answer is correct, he steps forward. The one who ends up closest to the audience wins.

Young artists

Necessary equipment for this graduation contest: brushes, paints and paper. The host asks the kids to draw a picture that will be related to kindergarten classes, teachers and children. There is no need to determine the winner here, all the works will remain as a keepsake for the kindergarten.

What do I know

A game that checks the baggage of knowledge with which children will go to first grade. Given that graduations in kindergarten are held in the summer, then questions may be related to this particular time of year. For example, the facilitator may ask the children to say the names of animals and birds in turn, answer what they can do in the summer, or simply name professions.

Answer first

This is also a children's intellectual competition, children line up, each participant is given a bell. The facilitator asks simple questions that can be answered by first ringing the bell. Whoever calls first will answer.

If the answer is wrong, the child takes a step back, if the kid guessed right, he goes forward. The person who guesses correctly most of the time wins. The questions of this competition in kindergarten can be very different: what color is the grass? What is the name of our planet? when does it snow?

Competition with a primer

On the table near each participant in a fun children's game there should be an ABC book open on the tenth page. The guys must simultaneously blow on the book so that the maximum number of sheets turns over. The one with the larger open page is the winner.

Get a seat in a group

An odd number of kids participate, the host asks them to run and have fun while the music plays. At the command “line up in groups of four!”, the children should quickly take their places in the column. That participant in the game in the kindergarten group, who was left without a team, must complete an additional task of the leader.

Make up a name

Children should be divided into several teams, each of which is given a backpack containing pieces of paper with the beginning of names. At the other end of the hall are notes with the endings of names. The participants in this competition for kindergarten need to take turns running with a backpack to the end of the hall, compose one of the words, and then return to their place, handing the backpack to the next player. The team that completes the task faster wins.

If you want your child to remember graduation in kindergarten for a long time, arrange fun contests and games for children. The interesting competition program for kids that we have proposed will allow graduates to play enough, and parents - to cheer for their children.


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