We clean the suede from dirt ourselves. How to clean suede shoes, bags, clothes from dirty and greasy stains How to clean suede shoes with a steam cleaner

The article will tell you how to care for shoes and clean suede.

Suede shoes are truly an example of the style and taste of their owner. A pair of suede shoes or boots is sure to be found in every woman's wardrobe, but some men also prefer to choose suede shoes. Those who are afraid of this material most likely simply do not know how to care for it, because it is considered to be very “capricious” and “demanding.”

Before buying suede shoes, the first thing you need to do is make sure they are natural. Natural suede perfectly absorbs moisture and if you leave a drop of water on the surface, it will be immediately absorbed (which cannot be said about artificial material, from which a drop will instantly roll off).

Methods for cleaning suede vary depending on what kind of suede your shoes are made of. It is worth noting that artificial material holds its shape better and retains color longer, while natural material is much warmer and breathable. Any material can be cleaned at home and only natural suede can be cleaned professionally.

In special institutions professional workers must expose the suede to chemicals that will remove surface contaminants and restore its softness, remove bad smell, align the color, update. As a rule, dry cleaners have a huge number of tools and products that are impossible for the average user to purchase in a store.

Updating boots or suede shoes dry cleaning will not be cheap, but if you decide to do this, you will definitely preserve the decent appearance of your shoes and you will not have to experiment with “homemade” recipes for cleaning suede, which can help or even completely ruin the material if cleaning is carried out incorrectly.

Photo of suede restoration in dry cleaning:

How to clean white, beige, colored suede shoes with folk remedies from salt, grease and abrasion, stains: recipes

After you have bought yourself any suede shoes, you should purchase special protective products, which are sold in a large assortment in stores. You will also need a specialized brush for cleaning suede. Ask the seller what exactly he can offer you for caring for suede shoes. As a rule, you can purchase a special cleaning foam, suede paint, and protective spray against water.

After purchasing a pair of shoes, you should clean them (if they suddenly become dirty, even minimally) and apply a layer of aerosol water-protecting agent to them. It can repel water droplets, which means it will keep suede of any color, bright or light, from moisture. The product should be applied in several layers, each time waiting for it to dry.

IMPORTANT: Water-repellent aerosols also help clean any suede shoes, since dirt is not able to adhere tightly to the material if it has a protective layer. Cleaning such shoes is much simpler and easier, because dirt is not absorbed and does not penetrate deep into the material.

  • Shoes should be cleaned when they are completely dry.
  • Wet suede can become deformed, so dry your boots or shoes completely before cleaning.
  • Cleaning wet suede is dangerous; dirt can be rubbed into it and stretched.
  • Shoes should be dried before cleaning by stuffing them with paper (white).
  • Do not place suede under a radiator or near a heating device so that the material does not deteriorate or become deformed (warped).
  • It is best to clean dirt from dry suede with a special rubber brush (you can buy it in a store or from a shoe retailer).
  • A specialized brush may also have a hard wire bristle surface on the other side and a special roller for cleaning seams.
  • A brush made of rubberized teeth helps to lift the suede pile and remove any dirt that has already dried out.
  • Cleaning with a brush should not be done intensively and gently so as not to scratch the suede.
  • For delicate suede, it is better to use a special crepe brush (you can also buy it in the store).

INTERESTING: Some people use a stationery eraser to clean light suede. It's versatile and very effective remedy, as it helps remove dirt and has a slight “adsorbent” property (i.e. attracts dirt particles to itself).

Stains on suede:

  • An eraser or rubberized brush should help remove greasy and stubborn stains from the surface of the suede.
  • To remove a greasy stain, before cleaning your shoes, first sprinkle a layer of talcum powder and leave for a while. And then start removing it with stiff bristles (on a special brush).
  • If the stains are large and cannot be easily removed with a brush, you should resort to a number of “home” methods (read below).


  • If you have several pairs of suede shoes and each is a different color (bright, black, light). Get your own personal brush for each pair to avoid getting your shoes dirty.
  • You can effectively remove dirt from the surface of suede and avoid damaging the material with a brush only when you move it in one direction.
  • You can return the bright and rich color of suede shoes using special coloring aerosols and creams.

How to clean natural suede shoes with ammonia: recipe

It is believed that cleaning suede shoes with ammoniaeffective method get rid of greasy and old stains on the material.

How to clean (method no. 1):

  • Make a special solution
  • You will need 8 tsp. soda
  • Mix soda with 2 tsp. alcohol (no more than 10%)
  • Rub the stains thoroughly with this mixture.
  • Then rinse gently with water

How to clean (method no. 2):

  • Take 2/2 water into a glass
  • Pour alcohol into water (1/3 cup)
  • Mix everything thoroughly
  • Use the mixture to treat stains and dirty areas on the suede.
  • Rinse off the solution with water
  • Dry thoroughly

How to clean natural suede shoes with foam cleaner?

In household chemical stores you can find a variety of care products for suede shoes, the most popular of which is foam.


  • A special foam for suede will help to effectively clean shoes from dirt.
  • It will preserve the color and pile of suede material
  • Foam is an affordable and inexpensive shoe care product.
  • Cleans foam material and removes stains in just a few minutes.
  • The advantage of foam is that it may also contain substances that care for the material, which preserve its decent appearance, elasticity and shape.

Video: “How to clean and care for suede?”

How to clean natural suede shoes with a special brush?

Even if you use a specialized rubberized suede brush incorrectly, you risk damaging the material: crushing its lint and leaving scratches.

How to use the brush:

  • It is necessary to use only a dry brush and only on dry suede.
  • Shoes should be cleaned of dirt using rubberized bristles.
  • If all the dirt cannot be removed, cleaning should be done using the hard side (there should be wire bristles).
  • Cleaning with a hard brush should be done carefully and superficially so as not to scratch or damage the suede.
  • To clean seams and lacing areas, there is a special side of the brush - the one where the roller is located.

How to clean natural suede shoes with vinegar?

If your suede shoes have acquired a greasy shine over time, regular food vinegar will help you get rid of it. However, the material should be cleaned not with pure vinegar, but with its solution (a liter of water and a few tablespoons of vinegar). Take a soft dish sponge or washcloth. Treat the dirty area of ​​suede with a vinegar solution, and then rinse with clean water (not running water or soaking). Let dry completely.

How to clean natural suede shoes with steam or a steam cleaner?

You can remove any stains and dirt from suede using steam. To do this, clean your shoes with a brush in advance and dry them (if they were wet). To spend steam cleaning, you should boil water in any container (pan, bowl, kettle). You need to hold the straightened shoes over the steam and periodically wipe them with pieces of cloth or a soft sponge.

IMPORTANT: Of course, it is much easier and more effective to clean suede using modern steam generators.

What is the best brush to remove dust from suede shoes?

Remove dust that does not stain shoes, but simply settles on the material. It should not be removed with a stream of water, but with a dry soft sponge. You can also use special brushes and rags for cleaning suede, which can be purchased at shoe stores and household chemicals departments. Special sponge - removes dust

a suede cloth also removes dust

Regular or specialized soft sponge - cleans dust

Suede shoe cleaners: list and application

The most popular and effective:

  • Salamander Combi proper effective cleaning and care for all types of shoes, clothing, and accessories made of suede.
  • Organics Sports – foam for cleaning suede from any dirt
  • SpongeTwist cleans dust and cares for suede lint
  • Nikwax– water and dirt-repellent aerosol for suede
  • Famaco Renovateur Daim – paint for suede
  • KapsdeSalter salt remover
  • Collonil – suede care aerosol

Video: “How to clean suede?”

Although many people use suede products, not everyone knows what kind of material it is. Suede is a fat-tanned leather that has a velvety texture, looks beautiful and is very pleasant to the touch. Clothes, shoes and accessories made of suede look very elegant and expensive, much better than just leather products. For all its beauty, suede is a rather capricious material to care for, which does not make it less popular, because if you follow certain rules, it is not difficult to care for this material.

Suede can be artificial or natural. The latter option is made from goat, deer and calf skins. There is also artificial suede, which looks like natural suede, but is less durable. In terms of care, both options are almost the same, with the exception of minor sessions.

Many people are afraid to buy suede items because they are afraid of the difficulties of cleaning; in fact, everything is not that difficult. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to determine the type of suede in order to choose the most suitable cleaning method.

Features of cleaning suede

Since suede has a finely fleecy surface, when wet it absorbs water and swells, and after drying it hardens and its fibers stick together. In this regard, dry cleaning is preferable, and before wearing, it is better to treat all suede products with a special water-repellent spray.

When cleaning suede, you don’t even need to use special products, but since any cleansing of this delicate material is stressful, you need to act very carefully.

Particular attention must be paid to cleaning tools. Brushes with soft bristles are usually used. It is necessary to look for brushes specifically for suede, since they are made specifically so as not to damage delicate suede. You can also clean suede surfaces with a special eraser, although a regular school eraser can also easily cope with this task.

The general process of cleaning suede looks something like this:
The brush is moistened in a special product or a self-prepared liquid that facilitates cleaning (for example, a solution of ammonia in water). These liquids make it easy to clean suede without damaging its delicate hair.

After treatment, the surface of the product is treated with a cotton swab dipped in an aqueous solution of vinegar. For one liter of water take a teaspoon of vinegar, that is, the concentration of the solution is very weak.

Then you should wipe the suede surface with a dry cloth and dry it in clean air, but under no circumstances on a radiator.

After this, the suede regains its original appearance. As you can see, there are no difficulties in cleaning suede, but this material is still delicate, so it must be taken care of and avoid getting wet.

Having chosen a product made of suede, you have to pay in exchange for elegance your time for thoroughly cleaning the product, because this material easily collects and retains dust and dirt.
Therefore, in order to wear your favorite suede item longer, you need to learn how to clean it yourself. in the right ways, so as not to spoil the “capricious” material.

Equipment for cleaning suede

  • Rubber brush.
  • Special brush.
  • Washing gum (eraser).
  • Foam cleaner.
  • Facilities home care.
  • Water-repellent spray (for protection).

Learn more about a special brush, because it is a common tool for cleaning suede, which has rubber or rubber bristles on one side (to raise the pile), and natural bristles on the other.

How to clean wet suede with dirt and scuffs

If your suede gets wet, you need to dry it first before cleaning it.

  • You cannot dry a suede product using a heater, as it will lose its shape due to uneven drying.
  • It is better to dry suede items on hangers, and shoes on special lasts, or you can use regular paper for stuffing inside. To speed up drying, you can periodically change the paper.
  • When the product is dry, you need to clean it from dirt using a shoe brush (directing the brush in one direction), then apply a foam cleaner and rub the dirty area with a rubber brush.
  • If the suede fibers are pressed in one direction, abrasions appear; to remove them, you need to lift the fibers, to do this, rub with an eraser, scrape with a special brush or knife.

How to clean suede from various stains

  • From water stains. Wet the entire surface of the suede evenly with a brush, then leave to dry overnight, and the next morning lightly comb the fibers to lift them.
  • From oil stains. First, scrub the stain with a special brush, then with a nail file and warm water.
  • From stuck chewing gum. Place the product in the freezer for 6 hours, then break off the frozen gum and rub it with a suede brush.
  • From blood stains. Take a cotton swab and soak it in hydrogen peroxide, then press it against the suede until the blood is absorbed into the cotton.
  • From ink stains. Immediately blot fresh ink stains with a towel; if the stains are already dry, try scraping them off with sandpaper or blotting them with a cotton swab and alcohol.

Other home care products for suede

  • Steel wool can help with dry stains, but you will need to scrub the entire piece with it to ensure an even finish.
  • A regular nail file can help you if you don’t have a special brush for suede, and steam from an iron or kettle will also come in handy. To do this, gently rub the product in one direction with a nail file, then apply hot steam to open the suede pores. This will make cleaning much easier.
  • If the stain is greasy, cornstarch will help. Sprinkle starch over the stain overnight, and in the morning start scrubbing with a brush, then steam.
  • In some cases, a piece of cloth soaked in gasoline will help. Simply rub the stain until it disappears completely.
  • The crust of black bread will remove salt stains, and the crumb of white bread will remove small stains.
  • To remove old dried stains, prepare a solution of 2 teaspoons of starch and 2 teaspoons of ammonia (10%). Apply to the stain and wait until completely dry, then rinse.

How to Protect Your Suede Product and Clean It Effortlessly, Tips and Warnings

  • Before wearing the product, clean it with a rubber brush and apply a water-repellent spray.
  • Once dry, apply another layer of water-repellent spray. This will create protection from dirt and dust; they will not be able to be absorbed deeply, which will make cleaning much easier.
  • If you cannot get rid of stains, it is not recommended to use suede dye as it may harm the product.
  • If the water stain is fairly fresh, quickly apply a paper towel and apply pressure to absorb the moisture.
  • Use aerosols in a well-ventilated area.
  • Use only a shoe rack or napkin when drying, not crumpled newspapers, because moisture will soften the ink and stain the item.
  • Do not use dry cleaning solvents because they contain hazardous substances that will not be removed from the area.

Source: http://SovetClub.ru/kak-pochistit-zamshu

Tips for caring and cleaning suede shoes at home

How to clean suede shoes at home? This question is asked by lovers of elegant, beautiful, sophisticated shoes made of natural suede, proper care, after which it can serve for a long time and please its owner.

If you decide to buy yourself an expensive and stylish accessory for longer use, you must follow these rules:

  1. When buying shoes in a store, try them on carefully, choose a pair for yourself, taking into account all the constitutional features of the foot (fullness, instep, size). An incorrectly selected size will lead to deformation, creases, folds, worsen the appearance of the product and have a negative impact on health.
  2. Before wearing a new suede product for the first time, it is recommended to first clean it with a special brush with rubber bristles or a flannel cloth, and then treat it with a water-repellent aerosol two or three times until completely dry (at least 12 hours). This will help create a protective film, which will make cleaning easier in the future and keep your favorite shoes, shoes or boots looking attractive.
  3. It is preferable to wear shoes made of suede in good weather conditions because when wet, they lose their shape, appearance and stretch; dirt stains from such shoes are less easily removed.
  4. Before cleaning, wet boots should be blotted with a dry cloth and dried away from direct heat. It is better to do this by stuffing the boot with paper or using a block.
  5. Do not allow salt and chemicals found in street puddles to have their destructive effect on your suede product. Remove dirt in a timely manner.
  6. For long-lasting service of a product made of suede material, when caring for it, it is necessary to use a variety of special means: water-repellent aerosol, coloring spray, foam cleaner, brushes with metal, rubber or rubber bristles.
  7. Before use, test the product on the inside of the product, assessing the result after drying.
  8. Regularly care for your suede shoes, remove dust, refresh them with special products and brushes, or use an eraser or fine abrasive sandpaper.
  9. Eliminate dirt as soon as it appears. Old traces of dirt are much more difficult to remove.
  10. Do not add salt or wash away grease stains on suede with water.

Suede shoes require daily care at home. For this purpose, use cleaning:

  • ferry;
  • brushes, erasers;
  • milk with the addition of baking soda;
  • water peroxide;
  • ammonia;
  • using vinegar.

When removing dirt, use a brush or other means to follow the direction of the hair. Only abrasions are removed in different directions.

Steam cleaning

Under the influence of steam, suede acquires its original beautiful view: wrinkles are smoothed out, abrasions are leveled, villi in shiny areas are restored. To do this, you need to hold the product over the spout of a boiling kettle, gradually turning it around, or use the steam boost of an electric iron.

After steaming, the product must be dried and coated with a water-repellent aerosol.

Using brushes and erasers for cleaning

Dirt can be cleaned using rubber erasers, which are part of shoe brushes, but an ordinary eraser used in the office will also work.

You need to rub the area of ​​heavy contamination of the material, shake off crumbs and lumps from the surface. Go through hard-to-reach places with a brush.

How to clean light suede shoes?

To clean light suede at home, recipes using ammonia, milk and soda, and a hydrogen peroxide solution will be useful.

An old proven cleaning method using milk and soda

To prepare a mixture for cleaning suede, take a glass of warm milk, add a teaspoon of soda, and mix. Using a cotton swab or disk, wash the contaminated area with the solution until no traces of dirt remain on the swab. The remains of the milk mixture are washed off first with clean water, and then with water and vinegar (1 teaspoon of 9% vinegar and 1 liter of water).

Cleaning with hydrogen peroxide

To remove wine stains and other contaminants, use a solution of water with hydrogen peroxide in a 5:1 ratio (5 teaspoons of water and 1 teaspoon of perhydrol).

Use a cotton swab moistened with the product to clean the dirty area. Repeat several times, changing tampons. The remaining solution is washed off with clean water using a linen napkin or sponge.

After drying, the cleaned area is treated with fine sandpaper.

Using ammonia

For persistent stains and to restore the villi of shiny areas, use a mixture of water and ammonia solution in a ratio of 4:1 (20 ml of water and 5 ml of 10% ammonia). Use a gauze pad or cotton swab dipped in the mixture to wipe the stained areas, and then rinse with clean water.

How to remove glue from clothes: basic rules and features of cleaning clothes

To clean white suede boots, prepare a mixture of equal parts of tooth powder and crushed chalk, cover the dirty areas, and after 3 hours clean them well with a special suede brush.

How to clean salt from suede shoes at home

If salt appears on your boots or a salt stain appears, table vinegar will help remove it. First, you need to remove the salt with a dry brush, then wipe the contaminated areas with a sponge moistened with a 9% vinegar solution. After cleaning, rinse off the remaining solution with a damp swab, dry the boots in a warm, well-ventilated room, away from fireplaces, radiators, and stoves.

Removing stains

Protein stains from eggs, milk, sour cream or ice cream should not be allowed to dry. They must be removed immediately, washing off protein stains with clean water. At room temperature, away from a direct heat source, dry the shoes, and then clean them with a suede brush, fine sandpaper or a crust of stale black bread.

If grease gets on the product, the stain should be blotted immediately paper napkins folded into several balls. Then powder with talcum powder or baby powder. After three to four hours, clean with a special dry brush.

Dry method of cleaning suede from dust and dirt

Remaining dust from shoes or boots is removed by cleaning the product with a soft brush, a sticky roller or tape.

Shoes contaminated with road mud must first be dried thoroughly (without using heaters), and then the dirt must be removed with foam rubber or a shoe brush.

How to clean nubuck shoes?

The process of cleaning nubuck shoes is divided into three stages:

  • Preparatory (drying);
  • Cleaning (removing stains, dust, dirt);
  • Applying a protective layer.

Before cleaning boots or boots made of nubuck, they must be dried in a well-ventilated area, away from direct heat sources (electric heaters, radiators, fireplaces), after filling them with clean crumpled paper or newspaper so that they do not become deformed. As it gets wet, the paper is changed.

After drying, depending on the type and degree of contamination, proceed to the second stage - cleaning with a rubber brush, eraser or a special product.

If you need to clean your shoes from street dust and dirt, you can use a brush with rubberized bristles on one side to remove dirt from the surface, and wire bristles to fluff up the pile on the other.

A sponge soaked in foamed shampoo-cleaner will help to clean natural nubuck from white stains. After treating the area with foam, remove the residue with a paper towel.

To remove fresh traces of fat from nubuck boots, you need to sprinkle the problem areas with talcum powder, and after 3-4 hours, carefully brush off the remaining talcum powder with a brush.

If there are stains on your boots that are difficult to clean, you can try to deal with them using fine abrasive sandpaper or an eraser. Lightly rub the problem area with paper, and then treat it with a stiff brush.

After each cleaning and drying of shoes, it is recommended to apply a protective layer - water-repellent impregnation. It is sprayed at the distance specified in the instructions. Then the product is dried, allowing the protective film to adhere, and only then put on shoes.

How to clean suede sneakers?

To clean sneakers from water stains, you need to fill the sneaker with crumpled paper, maintaining its shape, and spray water evenly over the surface of the suede. Collect the remaining water with a paper towel and dry it in a well-ventilated room. After drying, treat with a product designed to care for suede or protect against bad weather conditions.

When removing a fresh stain, carefully remove excess dirt that has not yet been absorbed with a cloth, without rubbing the fabric. After drying, clean the area to be treated with a brush; for more heavily soiled areas, use a suede brush or eraser.

When purchasing branded sneakers, carefully read the care instructions and use the products recommended by the manufacturer to avoid damage to the material.

Do not overly wet suede sneakers or wash them in a machine, as this can deform them. When cleaning, apply and collect foam carefully using a damp cloth or sponge.

If you follow the rules and tips given above, you can safely purchase beautiful shoes made from everyone’s favorite suede, enjoy their comfort and elegance, which will not lose their original appearance for a long time.

Source: https://LadyPlace.ru/home/poleznye-sovety/chistka-zamshevoy-obuvi.html

How to clean suede

Suede clothing is always worn with pleasure and looks good. But how to clean suede so as not to spoil the original appearance of the product is an important question. Exist different types means and methods for caring for such things, and their choice depends on the type and duration of contamination. We will introduce you to some methods for cleaning suede products in this article.

How to clean suede?

Before you begin choosing products, you need to determine the origin and duration of the contamination. You also need to take into account the quality of the suede from which your item is made:

  • Artificial suede does not tolerate water, so it should only be treated with dry agents.
  • Products made from natural suede are not afraid of either washing powder or soap. And, of course, they can be cleaned with water.

Considering all the features of the material, you may find the following tools useful:

  • cleaning concentrate;
  • an eraser or a piece of stale bread;
  • dry shampoo (for animals) or starch;
  • milk;
  • soda;
  • vinegar;
  • ammonia.

You will also need the following auxiliary tools:

  • brush;
  • sandpaper;
  • sponge;
  • soft fabric.

How to clean suede?

Armed with the necessary equipment and cleaning tools, you can get to work.

Option #1

To remove minor stains on a colored or plain suede item, you can use a special eraser.

It can be purchased at hardware stores and is designed to clean these types of materials.

But if your store doesn’t have one or you have a simple office eraser, then you can use it. The crust of black bread is also suitable for this method of processing.

  1. Rub the stain with your chosen eraser.
  2. Brush with a soft brush.

Option No. 2

If your suede gets ink or juice on it, use sandpaper, but don't overdo it. You need to do this:

  1. Lightly rub the stained area.
  2. Treat the contours of the stain with a damp cloth.

Option #3

This method involves using dry shampoo. It is easy to use and effectively removes stains from such a delicate material. Apply it this way:

  1. Rubbing, apply shampoo to the material.
  2. Leave for several hours.
  3. After the time has passed, remove any remaining shampoo with dirt using a brush.

How to clean suede from difficult stains?

Treat greasy or other stubborn stains with starch. There are two ways to use this effective and affordable product for every housewife.

Method No. 1

This method involves the use of starch alone. Proceed like this:

  1. Sprinkle starch onto the stains without rubbing.
  2. Leave the powder on the items for an hour.
  3. After the exposure period has expired, arm yourself with a brush and wipe the areas treated with starch.

Method No. 2

It happens that starch alone is not enough to treat some stains. In this case, it is recommended to mix it with ammonia. Use this product to treat stains like this:

  1. Mix starch and ammonia in such proportions as to form a thick paste.
  2. Apply the mixture to the stains.
  3. Wait until the paste dries.
  4. Remove with a soft bristle brush.

What else can you do to remove dirt from suede?

If you are dealing with severe contamination, then a solution of milk and soda will help you remove it. The same solution will help visually update the item. For this:

  1. Prepare the solution: for 1 tbsp. milk 20g soda.
  2. Wipe the required areas with the resulting solution using a soft cloth or sponge.
  3. Treat affected areas with a cloth soaked in clean water.

You can use a detergent to clean stains on delicate items. But you need to do it this way:

  1. Mix detergent concentrate with water until foam forms.
  2. Apply the resulting foam to the dirt with a soft brush.
  3. Brush the suede along the pile.
  4. Use a damp cloth to remove any remaining foam.
  5. Dry and straighten the suede after cleaning.

How to clean suede shoes at home?

In order to clean shoes made of such material, you can use any of the above methods. If none of the methods worked, it means that your shoes have become hostage to the salt that is generously sprinkled on the roads in winter, or that has appeared due to improper shoe care.

In this case, use our advice on removing whitish marks:

  1. Clean your shoes from any contaminants that can be removed.
  2. Soak a soft-bristled brush in 9% vinegar and scrub the desired areas.
  3. After this procedure, wipe your shoes with a damp cloth.
  4. Leave the shoes to dry.

As you can see, caring for the products is not difficult. Follow our advice and your items will be in excellent condition for a long time. Also, if necessary, or when you simply don’t want to bother with cleaning suede yourself, you can turn to dry cleaning.

Source: https://serviceyard.net/sovetyi/kak-pochistit-zamshu.html

How to clean suede shoes

Like a woman » Home and family » Useful tips

Many people avoid buying suede shoes, preferring leather or leatherette shoes, believing that suede shoes need to be constantly looked after, otherwise they will soon look very poor.

This is partly true. But if you know the rules for caring for suede shoes, then shoes or boots made of this type of material will serve you faithfully for several years without losing their original appearance.

Very often, over time, suede shoes become shiny, greasy, and white stains appear on their surface. Sometimes other substances get on your shoes: dirt, grease, salt...

Special products and aerosols are produced for cleaning and caring for suede shoes.. Each of these bottles has instructions on how to use them.

In addition to these funds, purchase and additional accessories for cleaning suede shoes:

  • A special brush for cleaning suede. Instead, you can use a toothbrush with stiff bristles.
  • Impregnation for suede. It is applied to the surface of the shoe so that it creates a barrier to moisture and water, protecting the suede from getting wet.
  • Foams for cleaning suede shoes. They not only clean the material well without wetting it, but also improve its quality.
  • A rubber brush, or, more simply, an eraser.

But in addition to specialized means for cleaning suede, there are also traditional methods – very simple and affordable.

From folk remedies you will need:

  • vinegar;
  • ammonia;
  • petrol;
  • salt;
  • talc, starch;
  • soda;
  • soap;
  • milk;
  • student's eraser (eraser).

How to clean dirt from suede shoes

Suede shoes need to be looked after daily. If you come from the street and there is street dirt on your suede shoes, then the shoes need to be cleaned. But before that, you need to dry it well, then clean off the dried dirt and only then proceed to the main cleaning.

  • Prepare a soap solution to which add a few drops of ammonia. Use this solution to clean your shoes using a brush. Then wipe with a damp, clean cloth and leave until completely dry.
  • It must be remembered that suede does not like a lot of moisture, so wet cleaning can be done on suede shoes only in exceptional cases. And for everyday cleaning, use more gentle means: dry cleaning or foam cleaning.

How to clean shiny suede shoes

  • Rub the lost areas with abrasive sandpaper - the finest, and the lasses may disappear.
  • Emery cloth can also remove stains from ballpoint pen or minor abrasions. After cleaning with sandpaper, lift the lint on the suede using a special brush. Or take a dental one.
  • If there is no skin, use another method. A regular one will do for this. salt. Wipe the shiny areas with salt, and then clean with a stiff brush.
  • Instead of salt, you can take a crumb of white bread and use it as an eraser. Then also rub the surface of the shoe with a stiff brush, removing any remaining crumb.
  • By the way, an ordinary student's rubber band also copes well with this task. But you need to take a new rubber band, unused. Otherwise, you may add ink stains from the eraser to the shiny areas.
  • Ammonia will also help remove greasy spots on suede shoes. Soak a cloth in ammonia and wipe the shoes. Dry. Then clean the treated areas with fine-grained sandpaper.
  • If the suede has become dull or, on the contrary, has become shiny, this can be corrected with the help of steam. To do this, first clean your shoes from dust and dirt, and then hold them over steam. The pile should rise and restore its original appearance. During such a bath procedure, it is not recommended to clean the pile with a brush. Yes, and excessive moisture of suede should also be avoided. You can comb the suede with a special brush only after it is completely dry.
  • Gloss (do not compare with a pleasant shine) from suede shoes can be removed with soda and milk. To do this, stir one teaspoon of soda in a glass of milk. Wipe your shoes well with this solution and then rinse with clean water. Water can be replaced with a vinegar solution by preparing it from a liter of water and one teaspoon of vinegar essence. The milk method is good, but it should not be used if the shoes dark color, as white spots may remain.
  • Shiny suede white or light color You can clean it in a similar way, but in addition to soda, add a few drops of ammonia to the milk. Wipe your shoes with this mixture. If you don't add soda to the milk, then add more alcohol.
  • If scratches appear on suede shoes, then dilute the vinegar with half and half water, arm yourself with a brush and treat these areas well with this solution.
  • If the suede is so worn in some places that it is impossible to restore its original appearance, then use spray paint for suede, which can be purchased at a shoe store. But you need to choose the color very accurately so as not to spoil the shoes even more. Check the shade of paint on the inside of the shoe, where this area will not be visible.

How to remove grease stains on suede shoes

  • If a greasy stain appears on your suede shoes, rub it with a cloth soaked in gasoline.
  • Remove greasy stains on suede using a toothbrush dipped in undiluted white vinegar.
  • Removes grease stains and talc well. To do this, sprinkle the stain with talcum powder and leave for one hour. During this time, the talc will absorb the fat, and all you have to do is clean the area with a brush. This method is good for caring for white suede shoes, since aqueous solutions can leave marks on the white background.
  • Talc can be replaced with starch. If the stain is not removed, make a paste of starch and ammonia, apply to the stain and leave until completely dry. Then remove the dried starch using a special brush.

How to remove whitish stains on suede shoes

Such stains appear from dampness or improper care of shoes. Suede shoes should not be used in wet or rainy weather.

If you get caught in the rain wearing such shoes, then when you come home, you need to stuff them with newsprint, dry them, and then thoroughly clean them with a brush.

You cannot dry shoes, especially suede ones, next to heating appliances.

Place your shoes so that the soles can dry as well.

How to clean suede shoes if they have salt stains on them

Very often, white stains appear on shoes from salt, which is used to combat snow on the roads.
And salt not only leaves white marks on suede, but also corrodes the skin. Thereby significantly shortening the wear time of these shoes. Therefore, such salt stains must be removed as soon as possible.

  • When you arrive home, immediately wipe the stained areas with undiluted vinegar. Dry your shoes and then clean them with a special brush for suede.
  • If after cleaning the stains do not disappear, then make a soap solution and wash the shoes with this solution using a sponge. Wipe with a clean, damp sponge to remove excess moisture. Dry thoroughly and then brush over the surface of the shoe with a special suede brush.

How to store suede shoes

If you put your shoes away for storage, for example, until next season, then make sure that the shoes are clean.

Be sure to dry it well to avoid unwanted deposits.

Treat the surface of suede shoes with a special impregnation.

Place crumpled up newsprint inside your shoes. It will protect shoes from dampness and also from deformation. But it’s better to put each pair of shoes in a separate box and store it in a dry place.


You need to remember that it is better not to wear your shoes to the point where none of these methods will help you. Clean your shoes as soon as possible, and then this process will not cause you any difficulties.

Source: http://OnWomen.ru/kak-chistit-zamshevuyu-obuv.html

How to clean suede

Our shoe repair specialists use Saphir Invulner Protector aerosol in their work. The spray will provide your shoes with effective protection from moisture and dirt (suitable for products made of all types of leather).

The impregnation composition includes propane/butane, oils and resins.

Suede– fat tanned leather.

High-quality suede is obtained from the skin of fallow deer, elk, deer calf (the skin of a calf up to 6 months old with primary wool that has not been converted to plant food), Russian short-tailed sheep, technical sheepskin from Russian long-tailed sheep, goats and even small calves.

Rubbing suede made from the skin of adult deer, Russian sheepskin. The peculiarity of making suede is to remove the front layer and finish both the front (deerskin suede) and the mesh (reverse) side (sheepskin suede).

Suede has high ductility and porosity, which makes it highly breathable. Suede is soft, is a good absorbent - it allows water to pass through, but as it swells it becomes waterproof. Low pile gives suede a beautiful appearance.

Velours– chrome-tanned leather with finishing, grinding, pile on the mesh side. Velor is obtained from calf, outgrowth, half-leather, goat and pig skins.

For velor, a tanned (treated with special tannins) semi-finished product with gross facial defects is selected, unsuitable for the production of leather with a natural facial surface. Velor has a low, thick, uniform pile. Velor has little strength.

During wear, it quickly gets wet, dirty and loses its shape, so velor undergoes special treatment.

Nubuck– fleecy chrome-tanned leather, the front surface (which has defects) is sanded with fine-grained abrasive materials. Nubuck is obtained from the mold, the outgrowth and the semi-leather.


Suede, velor, nubuck do not like dampness and low temperatures. And you shouldn’t wear suede shoes in rainy weather and below fifteen degrees.

1. Caring for suede shoes after purchase

For information, the leather of new shoes, as a rule, is not deeply saturated with protective agents; it is covered only with a thin layer of a special liquid (finishing agent), which only provides improvement appearance shoes

It is not advisable to wear suede shoes in rainy weather; whitish spots may appear, which will be difficult to get rid of. Before wearing, treat your shoes with water-repellent impregnation. Our shoe repair specialists use Saphir Invulner Protector aerosol in their work.

The spray will provide your shoes with effective protection from moisture and dirt (suitable for products made of all types of leather). The impregnation composition includes propane/butane, oils and resins.

If you are going to carry out impregnation yourself, at home, we recommend using the product outdoors or at least in a well-ventilated area.

impregnation of suede shoes with water-repellent agents

Lay out the newspaper and shake the aerosol can well.

At a distance of 20 cm from the surface of the suede shoe, spray the impregnation generously until the surface of the leather becomes damp. Let the suede dry for about 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure, after drying, ruffle the pile with a special brush for suede.

You can also purchase it, like other Saphir leather and shoe care products, in our Fullservice salon.

Impregnation that protects the skin from water, snow and salt must be applied before each season of active precipitation. It is important to avoid many colds associated with wet feet. This is especially true for children's shoes.

Suede shoes should be stored in a dry and dark place. Never keep them in a plastic bag. Excessive moisture can cause mold. It is better to store them wrapped in shoe paper in cardboard box. You can put them on lasts or special shoe holders.

2. Cleaning suede shoes using the Omni Daim cleaner

saphir omnidaim suede cleaner

“Omni Daim” cleaner from Saphir for deep and soft cleaning of products made from all types of suede, nubuck, velor, synthetic, textile. A powerful product that restores even very dirty products to their original appearance, removes both stains and salt stains. Refreshes color.

Ingredients: water, preservatives, resins, solvents. Remember that you can use the cleaner without worry if your suede shoes are black or white. Conduct experiments with colored suede on hidden areas of shoes, on heels, etc.

And only then, if the result suits you, apply the product on visible areas of the surface of the product.

Again, to clean suede at home, it is best to carry out the work in a ventilated area. Spread an old towel or newspaper on the floor or table. Use a suede brush to remove dirt. Pour the cleaning solution into a saucer. Dip the brush into the cleaner.

Rub the surface to be treated until foam forms. Remove foam using a well-rinsed brush or clean cloth. Let your suede shoes dry.

After drying, treat the surface of the leather with a brush or a special sponge to make it velvety.

3. Dry cleaning suede shoes

saphir suede eraser

If the color of your suede shoes is not black or white, then most likely only dry cleaning will help. Typically, a special eraser is used to remove dust and dirt from suede shoes. Thanks to this, the structure of the fleecy skin becomes rough again.

Also, in addition to the eraser, there are special brushes, which, on the one hand, consist of rubber “fingers” - they clean the surface, and on the other, they have metal bristles - they comb the shiny area of ​​suede. As an option, you can consider sandpaper (zero grade) - just be very careful and careful.

Previously, fine salt was used for cleaning, the crust of stale bread also helped, and the rough surface of a matchbox was also used.

4. Cleaning suede shoes at home

Very dirty suede shoes can be washed with warm water and a pinch of washing powder, or a piece of laundry soap. Soap or washing powder must be well dissolved in warm water.

Apply the resulting foam with a brush and gently scrub away the dirt in a circular motion.

Then the washed shoes should be wiped either with a crepe suede brush, or with a damp and then dry cloth, placed on mold holders, blocks (preferably wooden) and left to dry away from heat sources.

special brush for cleaning suede shoes

  • Another cleaning method - they say that suede shoes can be cleaned well if you hold them over steam and then brush them.
  • Here's another way to return suede to its former neat appearance. You can clean it with a mixture of warm milk and soda (1 teaspoon of soda per glass of milk).
  • Brown suede shoes can be cleaned well with a brush dipped in coffee grounds. After drying, brush with a dry suede brush.

An old method for removing stains from suede from our Soviet past:

Suede was cared for a little differently. Stains on light suede were first wiped with unboiled warm milk, and then treated with a mixture of magnesia, talc and turpentine (taken in equal proportions). First, these reagents had to be stirred with a wooden stick until a homogeneous mixture was obtained.

Then a certain amount of paste was placed on the stain, pressed down with a piece of glass, and a press in the form of a heavy object was applied to the glass. After a quarter of an hour, the glass should have been removed, a few drops of turpentine should be dropped onto the compressed layer of paste and left until completely dry.

When the mixture dried, it was removed and the stain was brushed again.

Grease stains are removed with gasoline or sprinkled with talcum powder, after which it is necessary to clean them off after a few hours with a brush. You can also sprinkle a fresh greasy stain on suede with magnesium oxide or tooth powder and clean it with a soft brush.

A good cleaning solution can be made by adding a few drops of ammonia to warm soapy water.

Using a brush or a piece of cotton wool and the resulting foam, you can even clean salt stains and other dirt stains from suede shoes.

5. Painting suede shoes

paint for suede shoes

Adding color saturation to suede shoes or simply refreshing the color using Renovetine dye aerosol. Dye with a strong coloring and water-repellent effect for products made from all types of suede, velor and nubuck. Protects against the formation of stains from water, snow, and salt. Penetrates the skin, keeping it velvety, soft and pleasant to the touch.

Spread newspaper or an old towel in a well-ventilated area. Line the inner cavity of the shoe with some kind of rag to prevent unnecessary coloring of the lining.

Tousle the lint with a suede brush. Shake the can several times. Spray paint at a distance of 30 cm from the shoes. Try to paint the surface of the suede evenly.

After 10 minutes, go over the suede with a brush or hard porous sponge.

A very bold post that will compromise me as a hostess, with many very personal photographs. :) Please be understanding and invite you to a photo walk through the dirtiest places in my dacha.

First, a little history. I wanted a steam cleaner for a long time, but at that time it cost some fabulous money, which we had a hard time with at that time. It happens that your earnings have increased, and the price of the gadget has fallen, but you still have the association that it is inaccessible. But no! Just like mine - Karcher himself- large and powerful, you can buy it for 5 thousand, and less - for only three.

Let me touch on why this particular company. I scoured the entire Internet, read, read, read... Karcher had a lot of simply DISGUSTING reviews, and they were mixed with enthusiastic ones. I didn’t like this whole thing - you can’t tell which of them are competitors, which are the managers themselves. But I found a thread on the Flyma website about steam cleaners that is as much as 90 (!!!) pages long, read it - it’s very interesting. The girls bought different models and shared their opinions. And not bots with 1-2 messages, but long-livers of the forum, real women. I made a LOT of conclusions, for example: buy this particular steam cleaner and under no circumstances buy a manual one.

So, the one in five came to me. There were even more expensive ones - for example, for 20 thousand. Let's see if we need such an expensive device, how steam cleaners generally work, is it a magical thing or should we not hope for a miracle, and how can we even use them in our homes.

Why don't I have a manual one?
I have weak hands and I didn’t want a unit that I needed to constantly hold in weight. After I used the steam cleaner for the first time, I couldn’t put it down and spent the whole day steaming, I realized that my choice was absolutely right.

Why not for 20 thousand?
The difference, as I see it, is in the volume of water (1 l versus 1.5 l), heating power (1500 W versus 1800 W). The decisive factor was the steam pressure - 3.2 bar versus 4 bar, I realized that 3.2 would be quite enough for me - this is a normal, adequate price for a device not for industrial use, but for home use.

How does a steam generator work?
Imagine a mixture of an electric kettle and a vacuum cleaner working “in reverse” - steam under pressure flies out of the nozzle and hits the place we need with force. Heat(more than 100 g) and pressure - everything that can swell and fly off, swells and flies off. Old grease drains off, dry dirt instantly soaks, you simply wipe the resulting dirty moisture with a napkin. But if you want to clean lime deposits, or very old burnt areas on the stove, first treat with a special product, and then with steam.

What do you clean with a steam cleaner?
Anything that is not afraid of hot steam.
Tiles - especially in the kitchen, with grease, between the tile seams - with a bang. The stove, especially nasty places like handles with small parts, the oven. Clothes, grease stains and generally refresh wrinkled items, curtains. Carpets and sofas are extremely important if there are animals and children. :) Toilet, bathroom - fast and perfect. Heating radiators - this is why they squeaked in all the reviews that I read. The flowers are washed - albeit at a distance, so as not to scald them. Floors - there is a special nozzle. Windows, mirrors - but this attachment is sold separately. Walls, doors, furniture, etc. - everything that - I repeat - is not afraid of hot steam. Any dirt that can be dissolved with boiling water can actually be cleaned off.

Where does the dirt go?
It does not disappear anywhere - it dissolves into steam and the cleaned, damp area must be wiped with a dry cloth or napkin. If there is a cloth on the steam cleaner nozzle, everything will stay on it.

Should we expect miracles?
If you haven’t washed your stove for three years, it won’t be enough to wash it once and expect it to shine like the day you bought it. On difficult places (for example, heavily cracked ones) you need to point and hold, rub it with a brush attachment. For ordinary cleaning, yes, this is simply a miracle. Cleaning is easy, pleasant and... sterile - steam kills everything.

What attachments are there?
It is my model that simply has a narrow nozzle that knocks out dirt from any cracks; a small, stiff brush that cleans difficult places; a wide, flat brush, and also a fabric cover, for cleaning fabrics, sofas and glass and washing surfaces; a nozzle for the floor and also a hook for it; two pipes extending the handle of the steam cleaner. I also immediately ordered a glass nozzle, theoretically I can get by, but it will make cleaning windows faster.

What are the very big advantages?
There is no need to come into contact with chemicals or breathe it - the steam cleaner cleans without it. There is no need to smear, then wait, and then vigorously scrub for a long time, everything is much easier to clean, effortlessly. Cleaning takes place in a matter of minutes. It washes away things that couldn’t be reached or scrubbed off.
I also save on cleaning products and more: I changed my mind about painting the walls and radiators again, the hood also came to zero)))

And now there will be that terrible part of the post, where I will show real BEFORE and AFTER photos.

What makes me a little sad is that this is a dacha, and children constantly come running from the street covered in dirt, sand, fruits and berries, and with their beloved hands they simply grab EVERYTHING. I'm not even talking about smearing, spilling, etc. And all four of them do this. :(Even the older one.

I'm really TIRED because my efforts are not worth how long this cleanliness lasts (minutes). Squirrel in a Ferris wheel. Therefore, while waiting for the steam cleaner, I simply gave up on washing, deciding - let’s test it, let’s test it!)))

A dermantine sofa, it’s over 10 years old (I think it’s 12 years old). The coating has wrinkles, everything that falls and spills from the table gets clogged there; simply wiping it with a sponge does nothing at all. Twice a summer I coat it with chemicals, wait half an hour, and then rub it long and hard with a brush, and after that I rinse the whole thing off with water, then wipe it dry. This is hell.

But this is what the sofa looked like after the steam cleaner, I spent 10 minutes on it (the WHOLE time) - it was Alina who literally tore it out of my hands to try it herself. There was a feeling of MIRACLE, because under the hot sweat of steam, the dirt simply dissolved, disappeared, I simply ran a cloth, collecting the muddy moisture.

The nozzle got into all the cracks where I couldn’t get. The sofa is like new - I'll show you a photo below - from afar.

And these are the doors of the country closet, and again everything is bright. Mugs are stored here, so it is the most popular place for piggy children. It gets dirty once or twice, but do you see what the texture is? The same thing - it gets clogged and requires scrubbing with the abrasive side of a washcloth along with Mr. Muscle.

I managed the steam generator in 2 (well, let it be THREE) seconds. Steam penetrates all the cracks and dirt in the form of water simply appears on the surface. Two doors completely - 20 seconds, I timed it.

Blinds are a very sore subject of mine.

First of all, they are gold, and dust immediately makes them look terribly dull.
Secondly - flies. All the same, by some miracle they get into the house and then these POINTS... oooh..... You understand what I mean.
Thirdly, I actually cursed myself that I didn’t buy simple curtains - washing the blinds is some kind of bummer... (((

As a result, I wash them once a year, in the summer. Usually before my mother-in-law arrives, yay)))) I dedicate the day just to this - I have 4 of them, three large ones and some are completely WHITE.

Something I’ve done here with the light, in general they are yellowish))) but the dirt is in all its glory and so about ten square meters, can you imagine how much I hate them?

It would be worth buying a steam generator just for the blinds)))))
I ran along one strip twice - once I soaked the dirt, the second I drove away the unclean water.
There is a towel underneath to catch dripping moisture.

I didn’t even take off the white blinds “BEFORE” for fear of massive unfriending)))))))
This is "after".

A completely different matter!!!
At the same time, as if casually, I washed the windows. All the fly spots were washed away with one touch of the nozzle.

I haven't washed my microwave for 1.5 months. I could justify myself by the fact that there is no hot water at the dacha, but I won’t - my laziness is all that, I could, if I wanted, heat the basin, soak it with something stronger and wash and scrub. It’s better to swim in the pond or lie down with a book... (((

It took a whole 30 seconds to wash the door - the fat just melted, mixed with water and I wiped it off with a napkin and this is what happened. Once - that's all. True, I used the maximum steam with a brush attachment. Then another 10 seconds and I got it to perfection, but didn’t get distracted by the camera - it pulled me into the microwave and I steamed the soap, just really enjoying it.

I solemnly promise that this will only make my microwave sparkle!

I was a very stupid woman when three years ago I painted the kitchen with my own hands. White color. This is my second big mistake after buying blinds.

Enemies do not come to us at night to dirty the walls - all this is done by our beloved children and often with dirty heels. How can you not lie down and rest your foot against the wall?!

This was all NOT WASHED OUT. I cried, swore, and threatened. No use. My husband brought super products, but the dirt apparently got stuck in the micropores of the wall and not a single brush would remove it.

I dropped my hands, spat, and planned to paint my pussy a dirty gray color. I didn’t expect a steam cleaner here. I’m generally silent about hands and fingerprints. And my husband can still swat a mosquito or a fly on a snow-white wall, although I’m ready to swat my husband for this.

But it’s completely in vain! The stains simply melted and ran down the wall. All I had to do was collect them with a dry cloth.

Here it is after the renovation.

What’s especially great is that the steam removes dirt from all the cracks that I just picked with a toothpick.

Country microwave. Like you just bought.

By the way, these are all events of one day. And I wasn’t even tired - the handle with the gun is VERY LIGHT - just soar and soar. I would have died with a manual one.

I washed all my household appliances inside and out. It costs the same as if it came from a store. Sparkles. EASILY! All the cracks.

We have a used refrigerator; my husband opened it and even shuddered - like a stranger. :) He came to us in worse condition.

I usually clean the refrigerator for at least an hour. Now, to be honest, I didn’t time it, but about 20 minutes, no more. All the elastic bands became snow-white.

This is my first day with the steam cleaner. Without using a single drop of chemicals, after which I itch and cough, and we have two other allergy sufferers in the house, NOT TIRED, I did:

Four blinds
- four windows
- fridge
- microwave
- bread machine
- multicooker
- air fryer
- kettle
- table
- three chairs
- two sofas
- white walls
- kitchen cabinets inside and outside
- floors

That is, my kitchen was like a sterile operating room - the steam disinfects it.

The next day I generalized the hallway, fireplace, staircase with balusters, our bedroom - all with furniture.
I washed all the windows, floors, and sometimes the walls - now I’ll show you a few more photos.

Parquet in the fireplace is one of the problem areas - soot still flies.
Special nozzle for the floor.

While mom went to get water for the steam generator, Yashka decided to join in the cleaning.)))
Don't give it to children - you might get scalded.

Mirrors and windows - for this I ordered a separate attachment, which is not included in the kit.
I'm not very enthusiastic about her, to be honest. To wash a large number of windows and quickly - yes, but you need to go with microfiber and quickly rub in the stripes that remain along the edges of the nozzle.

Although I’m already capricious - the washing speed is crazy, you can spend even a second erasing a strip.

In principle, you can wash glass with the nozzle that comes with it:

In the photo I am cleaning the sofa for her.

And this is our, so to speak, HISTORY.

When the children were 2-3 years younger, they still drew on the walls. I couldn't clean it off the lining with anything at all. My husband suggested trying a steam generator - I agreed and..... there are no more rock paintings!

It’s even a pity, I’m used to it.))))

Suede is used to make shoes, jackets, and different kinds accessories. In order for a suede product to look impeccable, it is necessary to ensure regular care, since suede will quickly lose its appearance and become unusable. How to properly clean suede items, read the article below.

A little about suede things

Many will agree that suede is not only a very beautiful material, but also adds luxury and nobility to the image. If you compare a certain item made from suede and genuine leather, then it will become clear to the naked eye that the suede product is much more original and beautiful.

Suede can be divided into two types, namely artificial and natural. At first glance, it is difficult to find the main differences and understand what type of suede it is. The main difference is the level of strength of the material. Depending on what type of material it is, subsequent care conditions will be determined.

Features of wearing suede depending on weather conditions

First of all, once and for all you need to remember the fact that material such as suede does not like moisture. This type The material tends to absorb moisture, which first leads to an increase in the material in the structure, and then it becomes very hard, almost wooden.

In view of this feature, it is necessary to wear suede products only when the weather is dry outside.

If there is still a certain humidity outside, then you need to pre-treat the material using a special spray that helps repel moisture, and only then you can safely go outside.

Methods for cleaning suede at home

Suede items need to be cleaned regularly. The structure of suede is fleecy and holds dirt and dust well. Below we will look at several methods for cleaning suede items at home.

  1. Suede items can be washed

To do this, use powder, as well as various detergents. It is necessary to dilute a soap solution in warm water, then moisten a sponge or cloth and wipe the product thoroughly. After the procedure, you need to take a dry rag and thoroughly blot each wet area.

2. Can be dry cleaned

To do this, you will need a special brush made of rubber material. This item can be purchased at any shoe store. Cleaning with a brush is good for suede; with the help of bristles, you can lift the fibers of the material, and the shoes will be renewed again.

You can replace a brush with bristles with an ordinary toothbrush, and a rubber brush with a simple eraser.

3. If the item is made of light-colored suede

It would be best to clean with white bread crumbs. This cleaning method is also used when the item is not painted well and the color level is not stable enough.

Whatever method is used, it is necessary to do everything extremely carefully and gently, since the surface of the material can be damaged by very diligent cleaning.

4. If sufficiently heavy soiling is noticed on things

Such stains are removed using a cloth that is pre-wetted in a soap solution. with the addition of a small amount of ammonia. After such cleaning, the product is washed with clean water and dried.

5. If greasy areas appear on the material

First you need to steam the greasy areas : You can hold the item over a pan or steam cleaner. Then clean with a brush. For more deep cleaning You can wipe it with soapy water or a solution of one spoon of ammonia in a glass of water.

6. If there are greasy stains on the suede

It is better to start removing stains of this type as early as possible. Starch will help solve the problem. It is necessary to sprinkle the stain and leave for 10-12 hours. Then shake off and clean thoroughly with a brush.

7. If suede items are very dirty

Only washing will help. Required in warm water add powder or detergent, then hand wash the product carefully in water. After washing, you need to thoroughly dry the item away from sunlight and heaters, otherwise the product may become damaged. Then dry suede must be brushed to lift the fibers and return to its original appearance.

8. Cleaning faux suede

Artificial material can be cleaned using soap solution sponge or piece of cloth. Then you need to wipe it dry with a rag and leave it to dry away from sunlight and radiators.

Useful video on how to clean suede at home

Do not over-moisten the material during cleaning unless necessary. We repeat - suede does not like moisture!

To update the color You can purchase a spray in a can of paint in the required color at the store. The product must be painted carefully; application may be uneven. The dye may fly in different directions, make sure that everything around is cleaned, lay down a newspaper or cloth. For better results, repeat the procedure after 5-10 minutes.