Facial care at home (creams, masks, scrubs, peelings, etc.). Clay facial scrub Sodovo - oatmeal facial scrub

I periodically make clay masks, but they do not fully satisfy my needs.
So this time I tried a combination: clay + homemade scrub.

I have made clay masks many times and came to the following conclusions:
1. It’s better to apply with a brush
2. apply thickly
3. do not add anything (to add you need to know: how your skin accepts this ingredient, how it will act in combination with clay. It also absorbs, so I think it’s better to clean everything, and then make a nourishing mask)
4. don't let it dry(then you won’t dry it out or injure it when washing it off)
5. keep strictly according to instructions
6. rinse off with a sponge (this is a more gentle method, less damaging to the skin)

The main tasks of the cleansing stage:

1. exfoliate the scales of the stratum corneum.
2. do not damage the stratum corneum.
3. clean pores.

How I do:
-take a cup, pour in 1.5 tbsp. clay, the same amount of water, it should not turn out liquid.
Nuances: you can heat it in a water bath, you can dilute it with mineral water, you can add a teaspoon of lemon juice (lightens the skin, some points, fruit acid).
-take a towel (napkin), soak it in hot water, and place it on your face. it will steam your face a little, this is suitable for rosacea, others can do a steam bath.
-Gently, on damp skin, without rubbing anything, apply a mask along the massage lines.
-wet the napkin again in hot water, on the face. lie down for about 15 minutes, remove the towel, wash off your face with light movements without pressure using a sponge (cotton pad).

Now your skin slightly cleansed and pores opened. But the deep blackheads have not gone away, moreover, because... pores are open - germs can be introduced. so then we wipe it with tonic (lemon water), or make a scrub.

Scrub, composition:
0.5 tsp soda, 1 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp (tbsp) cream (milk), 0.5 tbsp. oil (olive or any other of your favorite, except almond).
consistency... well, I made it very liquid, it’s not a matter of thickness. oil according to the rule: less is more, oiliness may be felt.
mix everything. I do this before lying down with the mask, the sugar melts a little and The scrub turns out to be the most delicate.

After we have washed off the clay, we scrub. in a circular motion, no pressure, neat. avoid open inflammations (it is not recommended to do anything with the skin at all). wash off with water.

wipe your face and touch it, it is smooth, soft and velvety. It feels like a baby's tummy. even the smallest pores are cleansed. now is the time to close the pores))))) or a tonic or mask that does not clog the pores (preferably nourishing or moisturizing)

and finally: do a scrub no more than once every two weeks (any), more often - soft peelings are better (or a light clay mask, BUT from a tube, it is much softer). scrubbing particles should be round (contrary to popular belief that you need to rub apricot kernels or ground coffee, task 2 immediately in flight)

Please, to any of your respected opinions in the spirit: I do this and it suits me, and I’ve been using this for 5 years and the effect is wonderful... I will say:
It’s great that your skin is so reliable and has few problems!
I draw my conclusions not only from my own experience, but also from books on cosmetology (not articles on the Internet).

and by the way, about scales:
The stratum corneum consists of already dead cells (scales)! our task is to exfoliate
those that, for any reason, have become out of the “scale + lipids” structure (skin peeling, unevenness)
and those that take up space thicken the stratum corneum and make the skin gray.

Under no circumstances should you completely exfoliate the scales (read: the horny barrier layer of the skin). This is done in salons with peelings (and other procedures) at a decent age or with severe problems. Our task is to maintain the stratum corneum intact and make room for new scales.

They say that Cleopatra kept clay in her arsenal of beauty! Over the past few thousand years, medicine and cosmetology have managed to come up with many means that help the skin remain beautiful and youthful. But the good old proven remedy does not give up its positions. A variety of types of clay become components cosmetics for the face - both branded and homemade, which you can prepare with your own hands.

Clay is a universal natural component for solving skin problems

Properties of blue clay in cosmetology

Blue clay is respected for its ability to fight stretch marks, scars, scars and cellulite. But the powder can bring many benefits not only to the skin of the body - it is actively used in the preparation of facial cosmetics. The blue variety of clay contains iron, sodium, copper, potassium, calcium, chromium, cobalt and many other substances that help the skin stay young and beautiful. In particular, home remedies with this component can:

  • moisturize the skin and replenish the supply of nutrients. This makes cosmetics with blue clay universal - it can be used by owners of any skin type in any condition;
  • smooth out small wrinkles, make the skin more elastic. So products with this component can become part of a skin care program with the first signs of aging;
  • normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and get rid of acne and pimples. This ability will be especially appreciated by girls with problematic, oily and combination skin prone to oiliness;
  • lighten age spots and prevent the appearance of new ones. It will be useful to everyone who is faced with the problem of acne and post-acne.

How to use cosmetics with blue clay?

Despite the fact that blue clay is a substance of natural origin, it should be used wisely. It is important to prepare cosmetics with clay correctly and not use metal objects in the process. Spoons, bowls and pestles should be wooden, plastic, glass, ceramic or silicone. To ensure that the prepared product produces the maximum effect, use it according to our instructions.

Follow the five basic rules for using blue clay
  1. Before using the mask, the skin should be cleansed and steamed. It is not at all necessary to hold your face above the steam to do this. Simply wash your face with hot water. This manipulation will allow the active ingredients to penetrate deeper into the skin.
  2. While the mask is working, it is best to sit or lie down quietly. It is very important at this time to refrain from active facial expressions, which can be caused by laughter, loud conversation, etc. Ideally, do not speak at all during this time, so that the clay mass that is on the face does not move.
  3. When applying the mask to your face, try to move exclusively along the massage lines. The clay in the healing mass will fix the skin in a certain position, so you should not stretch it beforehand.
  4. Typically, clay masks are recommended to be left on the face until the product is completely dry. The process may proceed unevenly, and if the mixture has already dried out in some areas, others may still be wet. If this happens, dry fragments should be moistened with warm water and ensure that the face dries evenly.
  5. Remove mask residue from your face only with water. This can be done with your hands, while simultaneously performing a light massage (this helps increase local blood flow and is good for the skin), or using a cotton swab or pad. But any cleansing agents - soap, tonic, lotion, gel, etc., even the mildest ones - are prohibited from use.

Blue clay face masks

Recipe number 1: mask with clay and rice flour


  • blue clay - 2 tbsp;
  • rice – 2 tbsp;
  • boiled water - as needed.

Preparation and use

Prepare flour from rice. To do this, grind the grains with a coffee grinder. Sift the resulting powder through a fine sieve to remove large pieces. You don’t have to throw them away, but use them as a component for a homemade scrub. Also sift the clay through a fine sieve to remove large pieces. Combine the powder with the prepared rice grain flour and mix.

A mask with rice flour or lemon juice is suitable for oily skin

In small portions, add boiled water at room temperature (or lukewarm) to the mixture of clay and rice flour. The mass should get a consistency close to thick sour cream. Spread the mask evenly on the face (except for the area around the eyes). Leave to act for 15 min. Remove the remains with warm water, walking over the skin with soft massage movements.


The mask is ideal for oily skin types. Its main task is purification. The product absorbs excess oil and removes impurities from the pores. It also tightens the pores, due to which they do not clog so quickly and become less noticeable.

Recipe number 2: mask with clay and lemon juice


  • blue clay - 3 tbsp;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice – 10-15 drops;
  • vodka – 30 ml.

Preparation and use

Combine vodka and lemon juice in a bowl and stir. Add the clay powder and stir until the mixture becomes homogeneous. You can even grind the mixture to get rid of any lumps. Apply the resulting mixture to your face in a thin layer (except for the area around the eyes). Leave the mask until completely dry (15–20 minutes). Rinse off the product with warm water, gently massaging the skin.


The mask is indicated for combination and oily skin. Like rice flour, it cleanses pores and tightens them. Thanks to freshly squeezed lemon juice, the mixture has a whitening effect and evens out skin tone.

Lemon juice perfectly evens out skin tone and lightens age spots

Recipe No. 3: mask with clay and sour cream


  • blue clay – 1 tbsp;
  • sour cream with a fat content of 10-15% - 1 tbsp;
  • boiled water – if necessary.

Preparation and use

Combine clay powder with sour cream. Mash thoroughly so that there are no lumps in the mixture. If the sour cream is initially thick, but the mass turns out to be too dense, add a little warm boiled water to it and mix again. The mask should be thick enough and comfortable to apply to the face. Gently spread the mixture onto the skin of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, and leave until dry (15–20 minutes). Then remove it with warm water.


Those with dry skin should pay attention to this mask. The product perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the dermis, and also has a mild whitening effect. The mask can also be used for normal skin.

Recipe No. 4: mask with clay and olive oil


  • blue clay – 1 tsp;
  • cold pressed olive oil – 1 tsp;
  • natural honey – 1 tsp;
  • egg yolk – 1 pc.

Preparation and use

Remove the film from the egg yolk. If the honey is thick, warm it slightly until it becomes fluid. In a bowl, combine olive oil, honey and egg yolk. Mix thoroughly, or better yet, grind until a homogeneous mixture is formed. Add clay and mix or grind thoroughly again. The mass should be homogeneous and without lumps.

A mask with olive oil has an excellent moisturizing effect.

Distribute the prepared mask in a thin layer on the skin of the face, without touching the area around the eyes. Let the product act for 15–20 minutes. Remove any residue from your face with water at room temperature, using gentle movements along the massage lines.


This product can be used on normal skin, but dry skin will get the maximum effect. The mask perfectly nourishes the dermis, making its surface elastic. As a result, the tone of the face is evened out, and it looks fresh and rested.

Recipe No. 5: mask with clay and tea tree oil


  • blue clay – 0.5 tbsp;
  • sour cream with a fat content of 10-15% - 2 tsp;
  • essential oil tea tree– 2 drops.

Preparation and use

Combine sour cream and blue clay. Stir until smooth and remove any lumps. Add tea tree oil and stir again. Apply the mask to your face, spread in an even layer, avoiding the area around the eyes. Let sit for 15-20 minutes. Rinse gently with room temperature water and then rinse skin with cool water to tighten pores.


The mask will be a salvation for problematic and oily skin, and is also suitable for combination skin. The whole secret lies in tea tree oil. This component is a recognized bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent with a wound healing effect. It simultaneously soothes the skin, relieves it of pimples, blackheads and pustules, and also helps wounds heal faster and prevents them from becoming inflamed again.

Masks with rose oil will help relieve inflammation and soothe the skin

Recipe No. 6: mask with clay and rose oil


  • blue clay - 2 tbsp;
  • mineral water – 2 tbsp;
  • rose essential oil – 3 drops.

Preparation and use

Combine clay and mineral water, mix thoroughly and check that there are no lumps left in the mass. Add essential oil and mix gently again. Apply the mask to the skin and spread it evenly over the face, except for the area around the eyes. Allow the product to dry completely (15–20 minutes). Remove the mask with room temperature or lukewarm water.


This is a targeted product - the mask should be used on oily and problem skin. It effectively acts on inflammatory elements, helps get rid of pimples and blackheads. The skin is cleansed and soothed, and its tone is evened out, making the face look fresher and healthier.

Recipe No. 7: mask with clay and coffee


  • blue clay – 1 tbsp;
  • ground coffee – 1 tbsp;

Preparation and use

Mix clay and ground coffee. Pour water into the dry mixture in small portions, stirring constantly. The finished mask should have the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the prepared mass to the skin of the face and neck, distribute evenly. Let sit for 20 minutes. Rinse off the remaining mask with lukewarm water, gently massaging the skin.

Coffee in a clay mask tones the skin and treats pimples


An excellent product for problematic and oily skin. Coffee in combination with blue clay turns into a tonic cocktail that can give your face a healthy, radiant look. The mask relieves redness, and if there are inflammatory elements on the skin, it helps them heal faster. In addition, the product cleanses the face well.

Recipe No. 8: mask with clay and aloe juice


  • blue clay – 1 tbsp;
  • aloe juice – 1 tsp;
  • mineral water – as needed.

Preparation and use

Mix the clay with aloe juice, grind the lumps. The mass will be very thick, so it should be diluted. Pour several small portions of mineral water into the mixture. The mask should have the consistency of medium thick sour cream. Apply the mask to your face, spreading it evenly over the skin (except for the area around the eyes). Let the mask work for 15 minutes. Then remove the residue with warm water, massaging your face with your fingertips.


An excellent product for oily, combination and problematic skin with acne and inflammatory elements. Natural aloe juice effectively and deeply cleanses the skin, gets rid of acne and helps wounds heal faster. In addition, the combination of clay and aloe relieves irritation, leaving the face looking fresher and healthier.

A mask with aloe juice and mineral water treats acne and removes post-acne

How to make aloe juice for a mask with your own hands?

Aloe juice for such a mask can be purchased at a pharmacy or organic cosmetics store. But this is not at all necessary - it is not difficult to make at home if you have this plant at home. To prepare the juice, you will need the lower leaves - they contain the most juicy pulp. Cut a few pieces, wrap them in paper and put them in the refrigerator for 14 days. Aloe should be kept on the bottom shelf.

After two weeks, remove the leaves from the refrigerator, rinse thoroughly under running water and dry with paper towels. Finely chop and pour cool boiled water so that it completely covers the aloe. Leave for 2 hours. Filter the mixture using gauze folded 2-3 times. Pour the aloe water into the filter, strain and squeeze. The juice is ready!

Pour it into a dark glass bottle and store it in the refrigerator. The juice should be used within two weeks - after that it will spoil. The processing described above increases the concentration of nutrients in the juice. You can also use freshly squeezed juice to prepare the mask, but the effect in this case will not be as pronounced.

Recipe No. 9: mask with clay and apple cider vinegar


  • blue clay – 1 tbsp;
  • natural apple cider vinegar (5%) – 2-3 drops;
  • boiled water – 2 tbsp.

Preparation and use

Mix clay and water. Mix thoroughly and rub to remove any lumps. Add vinegar and stir again until smooth. Apply the product to slightly moisturized facial skin. Spread in a thin layer and leave to act for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with water at room temperature, massaging the skin with your fingertips.


This is a multifunctional mask that, when used on oily, problem and combination skin, removes excess sebum, dries out acne and relieves inflammation. This mixture will delight aging skin with its lifting effect.

To nourish the skin, a mask with yogurt and mineral water is best suited.

Recipe No. 10: mask with clay and yogurt


  • blue clay - 2 tbsp;
  • natural yogurt without filler – 1 tbsp;
  • mineral water – as needed.

Preparation and use

Dilute the clay with mineral water. Use enough water to make a fairly thick paste. Grind the lumps, add yogurt and stir. Apply the mask to slightly moisturized skin, spread in a thin layer, avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave on your face until completely dry (15–20 minutes). Remove any residue with warm water.


The mask is suitable exclusively for dry skin. It fully nourishes and moisturizes the dermis, while simultaneously cleansing it. In addition, the product with yogurt has a slight whitening effect and evens out the complexion.

Recipe No. 11: clay mask with herbal decoction


  • blue clay – 1 tbsp;
  • herbal decoction - as needed.

Preparation and use

Dilute the clay with a hot herbal decoction to create clay water. Fold clean gauze 2-3 times. Cut an oval out of it to fit your face, make holes for the eyes and mouth, and cut a semicircle in the nose area for convenience. Soak the gauze in clay water, wring it out lightly and place it on your face. Lie with it until the mask has cooled completely. Repeat the procedure 2-3 more times. Rinse off the remaining mask with warm water.

The herbal decoction in the mask has a pronounced anti-aging effect


This product will be appreciated by women who have already encountered the first signs of skin aging. It is also great for soothing the skin. If your face looks tired, the mask will refresh it, give it a healthy color and freshness, and slightly tighten the oval.

How to prepare a herbal decoction for a mask with blue clay?

A decoction can be prepared from medicinal herbs of your choice. Sea buckthorn, St. John's wort, chamomile and mint are best suited for this. Pour 1 tsp. dry plant with boiling water (about 0.5 tbsp), cover with a lid and let stand for 15–30 minutes. The finished infusion should be filtered through cheesecloth and reheated before use. The liquid should be at such a temperature that the mask is warm, but not scalding.

Blue Clay Facial Exfoliators

Recipe No. 1: scrub with clay and oatmeal with milk


  • blue clay – 1 tbsp;
  • oatmeal – 2 tbsp;
  • milk – 2 tbsp.

Preparation and use

Grind oatmeal in a meat grinder, blender or coffee grinder. If your skin is sensitive, blend them finely. Warm the milk slightly. Combine clay powder with milk and oatmeal, mix thoroughly. Apply the scrub to slightly moisturized facial skin, massage gently with your fingertips for 1-2 minutes. Then leave the product on for another 10-15 minutes. Remove the residue with warm water, then wash with cool water.

Scrubs based on blue clay gently cleanse the skin


A universal product that is suitable for any skin type. The scrub should be used in the evening, before bed. The optimal frequency is 2 times a week. If necessary, you can use 3 times, but not more often.

Recipe No. 2: scrub with clay, oatmeal and yolk


  • blue clay – 1 tbsp;
  • whey – 1 tbsp;
  • oatmeal – 2 tbsp;
  • egg yolk – 1 pc.

Preparation and use

Remove the film from the yolk. Grind oatmeal in a blender or coffee grinder. Combine all ingredients, mix thoroughly, grind the lumps of clay. Apply the mask to slightly moisturized facial skin. Gently massage areas with large pores and blackheads with your fingertips. Let the product work for 10-15 minutes, then remove any excess with warm water and rinse your face with cool water.


Here is a scrub with combined action. It perfectly exfoliates the skin and refreshes it, cleanses pores and gets rid of blackheads - oatmeal and whey do this. In turn, egg yolk nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

Clay-kefir peeling is suitable even for sensitive skin

Recipe No. 3: peeling with clay and kefir


  • blue clay – 1 tbsp;
  • kefir (or thin sour cream) – 2 tbsp.

Preparation and use

Mix clay with kefir and rub out the lumps. Apply to slightly dampened face, avoiding the eye area. Leave for a few minutes to allow the mask to dry slightly. Wet your fingers in warm water and gently massage your facial skin with pads, moving along the massage lines. If there are pimples on your face, avoid them. Remove any remaining peeling using cotton pads soaked in warm boiled water.


A very gentle exfoliator that can be used even on sensitive and inflamed skin. This is because this peeling contains no abrasive particles that can irritate the surface of the face (unlike scrubs). You can use this product up to 3 times a week.

How often, when we want to be young and beautiful, we are in search of miraculous new products in the cosmetic industry. At the same time, we completely lose sight of the fact that everything that is best natural and healthy has already been created by nature, and it is this that has unique properties that can maintain our body in ideal condition.

In the last article we gave a brief overview of a natural remedy -. Today we will pay special attention to white clay, or, as it is commonly called, kaolin.

White clay was first discovered in the Cao Long Province of China, which is where its name comes from. A little later, its deposits were found in Bulgaria and Ukraine.

The unusual color of the white clay attracted attention; its study revealed a unique composition that has remarkable medicinal and cosmetic properties.

Composition and benefits of white clay

The color of white clay can vary from porcelain white (also called porcelain clay) to a grayish-yellowish, sometimes greenish tint, which explains the different percentages of elements such as zinc, magnesium, alumina, potassium, calcium, silicon oxide, silica and other mineral salts and trace elements. In particular:

Zinc. A natural antioxidant has an anti-inflammatory, healing and drying effect, removes and protects the stratum corneum from the development of any infection. It acts at the cellular level, prevents cell destruction, thereby producing a rejuvenating effect.

Calcium. Prevents allergic reactions, helps strengthen the nervous system and restore cellular tissue. It is an indicator of clean, healthy, elastic skin.

Magnesium. Improves muscle activity, the condition of bone and muscle tissue, promotes the production of collagen in skin cells, and produces a rejuvenating effect.

Silicon. Promotes the normal development and functioning of connective and epithelial tissues, skin cells. Participates in carbohydrate and protein metabolism, increases skin elasticity. Its presence affects the healing of skin lesions, wounds, tendency to bruises, and itchy skin.

Potassium. It is an indicator of healthy skin. Responsible for the skin's water balance. Participates in protein synthesis and cell tissue renewal. Its deficiency leads to cracking and fading of the skin, poor healing of wounds, scars and various injuries.

Properties of white clay

Absorbent. The smallest particles of white clay have ideal absorbent properties, making it easy to absorb free radicals, dying skin cells, fat accumulation and dirt, thus cleansing pores, activating metabolism and regeneration. Due to this, kaolin began to be used in cosmetology and in household products.

In decorative cosmetics, white clay is added to powder, talc and dry deodorant.

Bactericidal and antiseptic. White clay has a powerful effect on viruses, fungal microorganisms, and pathogenic bacteria, without disturbing the human microflora. In medicine, it is used for various types of intoxication, long-term treatment with antibiotics, and overdoses of medicinal drugs.

Enveloping. White clay is used to prepare various bactericidal preparations and ointments; it facilitates the manifestation of eczema, dermatitis, and neurodermatitis; Helps relieve itching and irritation. Even with normal application White clay has a detrimental effect on the bacteria that cause such diseases.

Whitening. White clay is the basis for the preparation of various cosmetic preparations with a whitening effect, is included in whitening toothpastes and powders, and is used in homemade masks. Its periodic use allows you to even out your skin color: remove redness, blackheads, age spots and freckles.

Cleansing. In cosmetology, white clay, as well as in homemade masks and scrubs, has a toning, tightening and smoothing effect. Helps clean up dark circles under the eyes and swelling, bruises after bruises. It is diluted with infusions of herbs (chamomile and calendula, celandine and string, nettle and mint), purified or sea water, milk and vegetable oils.

White clay is used for oily hair, for seborrhea, or simply for ideal cleansing of the scalp. To do this, it is also diluted with herbal infusions, sea water, apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.

Moisturizing. One of the features of the white mineral is its slightly alkaline reaction with HP - 7.0-8.0. It is generally accepted that white clay, unlike other colored minerals, ideally moisturizes the skin and does not dry it out.

In SPA salons, white clay is used for hot and cold clay baths. In addition to the white mineral, infusions of herbs and essential oils are added to the water, which are used to treat nervous disorders, stress, and prevent colds. Kaolin baths ideally nourish, tighten and rejuvenate the skin of the body, remove acne on the back, and relieve itching.

IMPORTANT: As practice shows, even with high moisturizing properties, its use for dry and hypersensitive facial skin should be extremely careful (the presence of zinc and an unstable ratio of certain elements). Try mixing white clay with vegetable oils and other nourishing or moisturizing ingredients in homemade masks, scrubs and baths.

Heat capacity. White clay in masks and baths has a high heat capacity; it is also effectively used in the form of warming compresses for arthrosis, arthritis, radiculitis, joint disease, bruises, and muscle strains. At the same time, compresses can be used both hot and cold. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures.

Painkiller. The unique properties of white clay make it possible to create a special biofield, leading to a change in the wavelength of diseased cells. Due to this, after an hour and a half, significant relief occurs. In such cases, white clay is taken orally as a powder or as a compress on the affected area.

Indications for use of white clay

White clay can be used for all types of skin, with symptoms such as:

  • redness and inflammation of the skin
  • freckles, age spots
  • , acne, blackheads
  • enlarged pores
  • flabby aging skin
  • fine wrinkles and poor turgor
  • dysfunction of the sebaceous glands
  • cleansing the scalp
  • dandruff, seborrhea.

Contraindications for white clay

White clay is a natural mineral, and there can be no special contraindications. With the exception of the composition itself, which can dry out already dry skin, as well as additional ingredients such as honey and some types of oils, which are selected depending on skin types.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, use only purified white clay purchased at a pharmacy or specialty store.

White clay masks and scrubs

Before using any of the white clay mask recipes below, it is important to follow simple recommendations:

  • For maximum effectiveness, before using a white clay mask, like any other, you need to steam the skin, take a steam bath, or simply wash with warm boiled water or herbal infusion.

This will improve blood circulation, help to better open and clean the pores, and maximally nourish and moisturize the stratum corneum.

IMPORTANT: If there is an inflammatory process, wipe your face with tonic or lotion.

  • Clay masks dry out quickly, so make them the consistency of liquid kefir and apply them lightly along the massage lines. Moisturize the mask on your face as it dries.
  • The skin of the neck ages faster, so apply a white clay mask also to the neck and décolleté. When applying to the face, go around the nose and around the eyes. At this time, try to relax your body and facial muscles.
  • Follow the time specified in the recipe, wash off the greasy composition first with warm infusion, then rinse with cool water, which will help tighten the pores.

White clay mask recipes

The unique properties of white clay allow you to make a mask by simply diluting it with warm water to a pleasant application consistency. However, such a mask can dry out the skin. Therefore, for dry skin you will need additional ingredients.

White clay mask for dry sensitive skin

Dilute one or two tablespoons of white clay with full-fat milk or cream, add a teaspoon of almond oil (peach seed oil, flaxseed oil), 2 drops of concentrated vitamins A and E. Bring to a homogeneous semi-liquid consistency and apply.

  • a tablespoon of banana pulp and/or
  • a tablespoon of cottage cheese or/and
  • a teaspoon of honey or/and
  • egg yolk

Apply the mixture for 10-15-20 minutes. If the mask dries out, try to moisturize it. When finished, rinse your face with plenty of water at room temperature.

White clay mask for dry, aging skin

Dilute one or two tablespoons of kaolin with full-fat milk (cream), infusion of mint, chamomile or tea leaves, add a teaspoon of peach oil (jojoba or macadamia, olive) and 5-6 drops essential oil tea rose.

The composition of the components can be changed by adding:

  • a tablespoon of aloe juice (ampoule of concentrate) or/and
  • a tablespoon of carrot juice and/or
  • egg yolk and/or
  • 2 drops of concentrated vitamins E and A.

The white clay mixture is also brought to a homogeneous semi-liquid consistency, applied with gentle movements along the massage lines for 10-20 minutes. Moisten with warm water or milk, then rinse with water at room temperature.

Action: White clay masks perfectly nourish, moisturize and whiten the skin. In addition, they act as a cleansing scrub, remove dying cells, tighten the skin, improve its structure, remove fine wrinkles, and even out the complexion.

Indication: dry aging flabby skin, enlarged pores, fine wrinkles, freckles, pigmentation.

Application: depending on the condition of the skin, once or twice a week.

White clay scrub with walnuts for dry sensitive skin

Combine a tablespoon of kaolin with ground walnuts. Dilute to the desired consistency with milk. Use like all scrubs. After 5-10 minutes, rinse with plenty of cool water.

For effectiveness, you can add a spoonful of honey.

Action: Kaolin scrubs ideally cleanse the skin, saturate it with oxygen and nutrients, activate blood circulation, and improve complexion. There is a light breeze on the skin. It is clean, tender, pink.

Application: White clay scrubs for sensitive skin can be done once a week.

White clay masks for problem skin

Dilute one or two tablespoons of white clay with aloe juice, add a teaspoon of coconut or sea buckthorn oil. Apply for 15-20-25 minutes, rinse as usual.

To obtain a mask, white clay can be diluted:

  • infusion of herbs: string and/or celandine, chamomile, nettle, calendula
  • a solution of hydrogen peroxide and aloe juice in equal proportions
  • a solution of vodka and aloe in equal proportions
  • plain water with a teaspoon of honey added
  • plain water with the addition of table salt, or better yet sea salt.

White clay diluted with warm water can already solve the problem of problematic acne-prone skin. However, you should not overuse it, as dry skin is fraught with consequences.

Therefore, in all cases, be sure to add one (not full) teaspoon of antiseptic oils: pine nut or mustard, sea buckthorn, coconut, castor. They will not only increase the effect, but will carefully care for the skin.

Indications: acne, pimples, acne, comedones, dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, metabolic disorders, oily and inflamed skin.

Action: regulates the function of the sebaceous glands, absorbs fat deposits, exfoliates dying cells, removes the inflammatory process, dries out acne, removes comedones, cleanses the skin, tightens pores.

Application: depending on the condition of the stratum corneum, the mask is applied once or twice a week.

White clay mask for oily skin

Dilute one or two tablespoons of white clay with low-fat kefir or whey, add a teaspoon of grape seed oil (sea buckthorn, coconut), 4-5 drops of sage or pine oil, juniper.

Apply the mask to cleansed, oily facial skin using light circular movements. After 15-20 minutes, rinse as usual.

White clay can also be diluted:

  • any sour fruit juice, including lemon, diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio (grapefruit, kiwi, sea buckthorn, cranberry)
  • aloe and vodka in a 1:1 ratio
  • a teaspoon of honey, alcohol and water in a 1:1 ratio
  • plain water with the addition (no more than) 4-5 drops of essential oils: bergamot and/or grapefruit, lemon balm, ginger.

In this case, it is also necessary to add one of the base oils (sea buckthorn, coconut, grape seed), since oily skin also needs hydration, and an extreme drying effect over time can deprive the skin of natural lubrication, which can lead to premature aging.

Action: absorbs remaining fat, whitens and cleanses the facial skin of dying cells, opens, cleanses and tightens pores, removes blackheads, restores the function of the sebaceous glands.

Indications: combination and oily skin, inflammation, acne, comedones, enlarged pores, poor turgor, pigmentation, unhealthy complexion.

Application: Depending on the condition of the skin, a mask with white clay can be done 1-2 times a week.

White clay scrub with coffee for oily and combination skin

Combine a tablespoon each of white clay, coffee grounds and honey. Bring to the desired consistency with milk or strong coffee.

Apply with gentle circular movements along massage lines and treat the skin for one to two minutes. After 5 minutes, rinse with plenty of cool water.

For combination skin, when there are black spots on the nose, you can add a little ordinary salt or soda to the remaining mixture, and wipe only this area with this mixture.

Rejuvenating masks with white clay. Grind a tablespoon of banana puree with a teaspoon of cinnamon, honey and almond oil (for oily skin - grape seed oil). Dilute a tablespoon of white clay with milk, and combine it all until you obtain a semi-liquid consistency. Add two drops each of patchouli and ylang-ylan oils, and the same amount of concentrated oil vitamins A and E.

Apply to cleansed skin of the face, neck and décolleté. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with plenty of water at room temperature.

Instead of cinnamon, you can add the same amount of dry turmeric powder to the mask.

Action: rejuvenates, whitens and cleanses the skin; nourishes, moisturizes it, removes fine wrinkles, reduces pores; improves blood circulation, turgor and complexion.

Indications: for, including: dry and aging skin.

Application: depending on the condition and type of skin, 1-2 times a week.

When using masks with white clay, monitor the condition of your skin; you cannot give a specific recipe for a particular skin type. If you have a mixed type, choose the appropriate composition. Various components are also important if you have oily skin on your face, and dry skin on your neck and décolleté. In any case, experiment and take care of your body.

Facial scrub. Many women strive to have clear and glowing skin. There are many skin care products available, but the effects are only temporary. Therefore, it is better to use a homemade scrub, as you can see for yourself that it is natural, and it gives 100 percent results.

In this article we will share with you scrub recipes for radiant skin.

Products made from ordinary products are not only safe for the skin, but also significantly save your budget. And the best part is that sometimes they turn out to be more effective than expensive “store-bought” scrubs.

Cosmetologists recommend regularly deep cleaning face using a scrub. Due to its exfoliating effect, the product completely renews the skin, removing the old and keratinized layer of the epidermis. This procedure does not have to be carried out in a salon. You can prepare a cleansing facial scrub at home using natural ingredients - salt, soda, oatmeal, coffee grounds.

Facial scrub - difference from peeling

Many people believe that scrub and peeling are the same procedure. In fact, these are two independent skin care methods. They have the same effect on the skin: they carry out deep cleaning, penetrating into the inner layers of the epidermis. They differ in that the first has a mechanical effect, and the second has a chemical effect.

If solid particles (apricot kernels, coffee grounds, salt) act as the basis for the scrub, then the peeling is prepared on the basis of fruit acids (lemon, apple, grape juice). It also contains abrasive particles, but they are so small that they do not provide any exfoliating effect.

The action of peeling is aimed at rejuvenating and reducing pigmentation on the face. But due to the fact that fruit acids are used in its composition, the product can cause allergies and irritation. It is strictly not recommended for use by women with sensitive skin. For the rest, it is enough to use it once a month, and the scrub - 2-3 times a week.

Both procedures must be carried out regularly to deeply cleanse the skin of blackheads and remove roughness.

Before using a scrub, determine your skin type and desired result. Also keep in mind that depending on age, skin usually needs different care:

  • after 30 years it is mainly cleansing and moisturizing, smoothing out the first wrinkles;
  • after 40 years, cleansing from the first age spots, toning, nutrition, smoothing more deep wrinkles;
  • after 50 years, whitening, evening out skin color, deep hydration, cleansing and nutrition.

Choose a recipe based on your current needs.

  • use the scrub only on clean face, best after a shower or bath;
  • do not save money by using stale or low-quality products;
  • after the procedure, you can apply soothing masks;
  • Do not use the scrub more often than recommended for your skin type.

Indications for use of scrubs

There is no need to determine any special indications before using a facial scrub. After all, it is simply necessary to cleanse the skin of particles of various origins that collect in the pores, and ordinary washing is not enough for this.

Moreover, by adding the necessary ingredients to the composition, the skin can be lightened, moisturized and even tightened.

Contraindications for use

Compared to other cleansers, a natural scrub gives amazing results. But abrasive particles can injure the skin. Before preparing a facial scrub at home, study all the contraindications.

  • Thin and sensitive skin. You should give preference to recipes that have a gentle cleansing effect. The composition of oatmeal and kefir has a gentle effect without irritating the upper layer of the epidermis.
  • Cuperosis. If there is a translucent capillary mesh on your face, refuse cleansing procedures.
  • Inflammation and acne. Unhealed wounds and scars on the face are another reason not to use a scrub. Treat acne and wait until any open wounds on your face have healed before cleansing.
  • Skin diseases. If you have dermatitis, the use of any facial scrubs is contraindicated. Such diseases include acne, vitaligo, rosacea, papillomas and others;
  • Pregnancy. Be especially careful when caring for your facial skin during pregnancy.

To prevent the use of a scrub from leading to undesirable results, test for an allergic reaction. Apply the finished product to your wrist and rinse no later than after 20 minutes.

Observe the tested area for the next 24 hours. If irritation appears during this time, stop using the product.

Homemade facial scrub recipes

Before applying any scrub to your face, steam your skin. Using light massaging movements, distribute the product over your entire face. Avoid contact with the area around the eyes and lips. After rinsing, apply nourishing cream to your face .

It doesn't take much effort to make a homemade cleanser. Let's look at the most popular recipes for facial scrubs at home.

Universal scrubs

Particularly popular, justified by the amazing results, are universal coffee and oatmeal scrubs:


Abrasive coffee particles are the grounds of previously brewed coffee. Honey, sour cream, banana puree, rye flour, olive or other mild oil are added to it, in a ratio of 1 part coffee to each part of additives, except oil.

That is, you yourself can choose various natural supplements, depending on your skin type and the desired result. The main thing is that the active ingredient is ground coffee.

This consistency not only cleanses, but also gives the face a fresh, rested look. The mixture should be applied with gentle massage movements and left for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water. Suitable for any skin type.

Coffee with yogurt

A scrub for oily skin is prepared using natural yogurt, which has nourishing properties and eliminates sebaceous shine.

For dry skin, sour cream (15-20% fat) is used. Coffee scrub with sour cream has a rejuvenating effect: it gives the skin elasticity and reduces the number of wrinkles on the face to zero.

This facial scrub mask at home can eliminate flaking and itching in a short time and restore your face to a fresh look. If you are lactose intolerant, mix coffee with regular gel or milk for cleansing.

  1. Mix a tablespoon of sour cream or yogurt with coffee in the volume of one teaspoon.
  2. Apply the mixture to your face and leave it on for 15 minutes. The prepared product can be used as a scrub mask. As a result, the face will acquire a healthy color and a slight glow.

Oatmeal based scrub

In recipes for oatmeal scrubs, add milk, kefir or yogurt (enough to form a creamy mass) to a mixture of ground oatmeal flakes (2 tablespoons).

In addition, you can mix in various oils, aloe or lemon juice, apple or banana puree. The scrub is carefully applied to a slightly steamed face for 10 minutes.

At this time, you can do a light massage, and then wash off the cleansing composition. Particularly suitable for sensitive skin due to its gentle and mild effect.

Fruit scrub with oatmeal

To prepare this facial scrub at home, use any available fruit.

Iron, potassium and a rich set of vitamins K, C, A are found in an apple. They supply the skin with oxygen and improve its protective function.

Banana pulp fights impurities that accumulate in the pores. It is used in nourishing scrubs that are recommended for dry skin types.

Honey actively restores dull skin, restoring its healthy color, elasticity and giving it a slight glow.

Choline, potassium and calcium contained in the cream nourish and replenish the level of collagen and elastin in the epidermis.

Vitamins A and B normalize skin metabolism and prevent acne.

  1. Grate a quarter of a peeled apple.
  2. Mash a third of a small banana with a fork to make a puree.
  3. Add a teaspoon of liquid honey, a tablespoon of low-fat cream and the same amount of oatmeal to the fruit porridge.
  4. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Oatmeal scrub with olive oil

Sugar and oatmeal take on the exfoliating function: they remove dead skin layers, even out the structure and complexion.

Olive oil saturates the skin with vitamins A and E, which are responsible for hydration and elasticity. This cleanser is recommended for all skin types.

  • Grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder until you get a tablespoon of flour.
  • Add a teaspoon of sugar.
  • Heat half a teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Pour warm oil into the mixture.

Mask for blackheads and acne Black Mask

The legendary mask for blackheads and acne Black Mask based on charcoal. Reduces the number of rashes in the form of pimples and acne, eliminates inflammation, soothes irritation and improves complexion. Read more…

Scrubs for blackheads and pimples


The product effectively combats all manifestations of problematic facial skin: blackheads, pimples and greasy shine. It contains crushed sea salt and egg white.

Salt provides deep cleansing and frees pores from impurities. Protein removes excess subcutaneous fat and has a tightening and drying effect.

This product is contraindicated for dry skin: it will cause peeling and irritation.

  • Grind sea salt.
  • Separate the white from the yolk.
  • Add a teaspoon of crushed salt and stir.

Turmeric face scrub for acne

To 2 tbsp. low-fat cottage cheese, add ¼ tsp. turmeric and ½ tsp. sandalwood powder. Keep the composition on the face for 15 minutes.

Sodovo - saline from black dots

To 2 tbsp. add 1 tsp of grated baby soap. finely ground salt (preferably sea salt) and soda. Pour boiling water over, stir to form a homogeneous mass. Apply to problem areas of the skin for 5 minutes.

If used incorrectly, a soda-salt scrub can cause burns, so this recipe should be used with extreme caution:

apply the composition with your fingertips - this will make it easier to control the pressure, do not exceed the scrub exposure time, and if the skin is sensitive or unpleasant or painful sensations appear, wash off the cleansing mixture ahead of time.

Soda scrubs

Soda with salt and lemon juice

Baking soda and sea salt perform an exfoliating function. Honey smoothes and saturates the skin with beneficial microelements and increases its elasticity.

Lemon juice gives it freshness and has a mattifying effect. A high content of vitamin C can cause irritation; be sure to check the composition for an allergic reaction. A soda facial scrub at home is recommended for problem skin.

  • Mix a teaspoon of sea salt with half a teaspoon of baking soda.
  • Pour one tablespoon of lemon juice and the same amount of honey into the mixture. Stir.
  • Gently apply the soda-salt scrub. If the mixture is vigorously rubbed into the skin, irritation and redness may occur.

Soda - oatmeal facial scrub

The scrub will cleanse the skin, lighten it slightly and tighten it. Add 5 grams of soda to 20 grams of boiling water. Pour the mixture into the ground oatmeal and leave the mixture for 10 minutes. After this, massage your face with the scrub along the massage lines, paying special attention to problem areas.

Scrub for radiant skin

This homemade face scrub will leave your skin glowing, healthy and enriched. It helps improve your complexion because coconut oil is a superfood, rich in vitamins and nutrients.

To prepare the scrub, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Coconut oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Cup;
  • Towel;
  • A bowl.

If you have oily skin, you can add a little honey to your face scrub. Mix the ingredients thoroughly in a bowl to form a paste.

Now apply the paste on your face and massage it gently in circular motions. Do this massage for 3-5 minutes.

Next, fill a small bowl with warm water and soak a small face towel in it. Use this damp, warm towel to gently remove the paste from your face. Carry out this procedure twice a week.

Hydrogen peroxide scrub

Mix 0.5 tbsp. bodyagi and 3-4 drops of 3% peroxide. Apply the composition to problem areas and massage lightly for 3 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Instead of bodyagi, you can use a dessert spoon of soda. Before using a composition with peroxide, be sure to do an allergy test.

Aspirin facial scrub

Evens out wrinkles and evens out complexion. Recommended for oily and aging skin. Make a strong infusion of plantain. Combine warm infusion, grape oil and aspirin in a ratio of 2:2:1. The exposure time on the skin is 3 - 5 minutes.

Moisturizing chocolate-nut scrub

Melt two slices of dark chocolate with nuts, add 150 g of milk and 1 tsp. fine sea salt. When the mixture becomes warm, apply it to your face with light massage movements and leave for 10 minutes. Remove with a cotton pad or cloth soaked in warm water.

Blue clay face scrub

The effectiveness of homemade facial scrubs

The priorities of home scrubs are affordability and the absence of chemical additives that can cause irritation or drying out of tissues. And when used correctly, the result is not inferior salon procedures.

Homemade scrubs:

  • Thoroughly and deeply cleanse and tighten pores;
  • nourish and refresh, since the natural ingredients of the composition contain amino acids, trace elements and vitamins;
  • improve local blood circulation during massage application, which increases the tone and elasticity of the facial contour;
  • saturate tissues with oxygen, which leads to activation of metabolic processes at the cellular level and improves the condition of even problematic skin.

Carry out cleansing procedures with a homemade facial scrub regularly, and the result will not take long to arrive. You can experiment by creating unique recipes and adding any products to the composition. Choose ingredients wisely that have a beneficial effect on your skin type.

AEvit. Effective and inexpensive self-care at home (video)

Ingredients for making scrubs

The main component of the product is solid particles that have an exfoliating effect.

  • Coffee. For scrub it is used in ground form. It can be replaced with coffee grounds remaining after preparing the drink. The product has a beneficial effect on dull skin: it evens out the complexion and restores its healthy glow.
  • Eggshell. Natural source of calcium and hyaluronic acid necessary to maintain youthful skin. You can make an effective scrub from eggshells that helps eliminate fine wrinkles and age spots.
  • Pine and walnuts. They have a strong nourishing effect, so they are included in scrubs for dry skin. The product evens out the complexion, eliminating redness. Ground walnut shells have a gentle cleansing effect.
  • Cereals. A scrub with oatmeal is especially recommended for oily facial skin: it regulates the secretion of subcutaneous fat and gives the face a matte appearance. The product also has a beneficial effect on aging facial skin: it helps restore elasticity and smooth out wrinkles.
  • Edible and sea salt. Food grade - removes impurities that accumulate in pores, prevents the appearance of blackheads on the face. And marine - helps to even out the structure of the facial skin. The scrub salt should not be coarse: it will damage the skin and cause redness. For combination skin It is recommended to use the product every week.
  • Sugar. Acts as an ingredient in an at-home exfoliating facial scrub. It returns softness and velvety to the skin by removing dead cells. With constant use of the product, the complexion becomes even and the skin becomes smooth. Brown and white sugar are suitable for a homemade scrub, the main thing is that it should be fine. Compliance with this condition is especially important for those who have delicate skin.
  • Soda. Widely used in home cosmetics for oily skin. Greasy shine, enlarged and dirty pores - all this can be eliminated by regular use of soda scrub. Its cleansing effect is comparable to that of expensive cosmetics.
  • Grape seeds. They are used in ground form and have a beneficial effect on aging skin. Grape seeds contain oil that has a smoothing effect on the upper layer of the epidermis.

In addition to abrasive particles, a homemade facial scrub includes gel and cream products. They prevent injury to the skin.

  • Sour cream and yogurt. They make the action of the scrub less aggressive and leave a feeling of softness on the face after the procedure. Due to the moisturizing properties of the products, you can use the product more often than usual.
  • Fruit puree. Contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on facial skin. The most commonly used is banana or applesauce.
  • Shower gel. Makes the cleaning product too soapy, which reduces the effect of its use. A gel-based scrub is similar to a “store-bought” one, but that’s where its advantages end.
  • Olive oil. Normalizes the level of moisture and gives softness. An oil-based scrub will appeal to women with delicate skin.

Partial sources: woman365.ru, quclub.ru, jamadvice.com.ua

Luxurious rejuvenating face mask (video)

Clay scrub for face.

1. Scrub made from herbs and clay. To make this clay scrub, mix clay powder (two tablespoons), a tablespoon of thyme and a tablespoon of dried sage leaves. Add two drops of thyme essential oil and two drops of sage essential oil, then gradually dilute the resulting powder with hot water to form a thick paste. Apply the scrub to your face and rub it over your skin with your fingertips.

2. Exfoliating clay scrub to cleanse the face and nourish the skin. You will need: two tablespoons of clay, preferably rhassoul, one tablespoon of white clay, one tablespoon of cornstarch (if you don't have white clay on hand, two tablespoons of cornstarch is enough), one tablespoon of dried flowers or herbs (eg. , a mixture of rose, chamomile and lavender), essential oils. Mix the clay powders, then add starch and dried crushed flowers. Mix the entire mixture thoroughly. You can add a few drops of essential oil of your choice to the scrub. Mix everything and pour into a glass jar with a tight lid. When using, sprinkle some powder on your palm and dilute it with a little water to form a thick paste and apply to face and neck. The scrub can be used morning and evening two to three times a week. Use instead of water to create a nourishing scrub. vegetable oil, rose water, aloe vera gel, milk, yogurt, cream, infusion, liquid honey..

3. Scrub made from coconut, oatmeal and clay for porous, oily skin. Take: half a teaspoon of coconut flakes; half a teaspoon of green clay; half a teaspoon of ground oatmeal. Mix everything thoroughly and add a small amount of boiled or still mineral water. Apply with gentle movements onto the face, paying special attention to the T-zone.

4. Scrub for blackheads made of clay and sage. Mix green clay with water and add a teaspoon of warmed sage oil. You should get a semi-liquid mass that will lie softly on the skin and glide lightly over your fingers. Apply the scrub onto your face using gentle movements, excluding the area around the eyes. If you have time, leave the mixture on the skin for a quarter of an hour and then rinse with water. .

5. Scrub to give the skin a healthy glowing color from clay, yeast and honey. You will need: two teaspoons of yeast, one tablespoon of water, one tablespoon of liquid honey, one tablespoon of green clay, half a tablespoon of yogurt. Mix yeast with water and let stand for half an hour. Add honey, clay and yogurt, mix well. Apply the mixture to your face with massage movements, then rinse first with warm water, then with very cold water to tighten the pores.

6. Facial scrub made from honey and clay. Combine a tablespoon of chopped almonds with one tablespoon of clay, previously diluted with honey. The mixture of clay and honey should resemble a thick dough in consistency.

7. Exfoliating effective facial scrub made from strawberries and clay. You will need: one large ripe strawberry, half a teaspoon of green clay powder, half a teaspoon of dried lavender powder. Mash a large juicy strawberry, add clay and lavender to it, and grind the mixture. After cleansing the skin, for greater effectiveness, the mass can be left on the face for 15 minutes.

8. Soft scrub made from oatmeal and clay. Take: half a teaspoon of ground almonds, half a teaspoon of clay powder, half a teaspoon of ground oatmeal. Combine the ingredients, fill them with warm water to form a thick paste and apply to your face. Some clays, such as bentonite clays, are primarily used in medicinal purposes. French green clay and Rhassoul (soap clay) are commonly found in cosmetics. Clays come in a variety of colors - red, green, white, gray - and their texture varies from coarse and heavy to fine and light. The color of clay depends on the content of various minerals in it.