What could cause a burn? What to do in case of burns of various forms and degrees. When should you seek medical help immediately?

Neither children nor adults are immune from such injury. It’s good when the first aid kit contains special medications that can relieve the first symptoms and provide timely treatment. If this is not the case, then a suitable folk remedy is used.


It is necessary to know not only what helps with burns, but also the types of such injuries, since the remedy that will be used directly depends on this. There are several categories of damage.

1. After an injury, the skin turns red, aches a little and a slight swelling appears. You don’t have to worry too much, since the skin is not very damaged and treatment for such a wound is not required, everything regenerates on its own.

2. In addition to all the above symptoms, the blister swells. The only danger is that when it is damaged, there is a risk of infection.

3. If the skin is covered with large blisters with blood that have combined, then urgent hospitalization is necessary. It is almost impossible to eliminate such an injury at home.

4. When not only tissues, but also bones suffer, it is urgently necessary to call ambulance. Most often, such a wound can be obtained at work.

If the damage was caused by a child, then you should contact a specialist immediately, regardless of the extent of the damage.

It is necessary to know what helps with burns and understand further steps to facilitate future treatment.

1. You need to carefully remove clothes that have come into contact with boiling water.

2. The affected areas are placed under cold water for 10-20 minutes. It is important that it is not icy, as this can cause shock and dangerous consequences, which are associated with sudden temperature changes.

3. To reduce swelling, the injured limb should be kept elevated, if possible.

5. Afterwards, use a sterile bandage; if it is not at hand, you can take a clean cloth, iron it and, after cooling, place it on the redness.

Burn disease

Pathology develops when a person has suffered more than a third of the surface of the body with superficial or 10% with deep damage. In elderly people and children, this disease occurs even when a small area is affected. These circumstances may lead to:

Intoxication with tissue breakdown products;

State of shock;

Purulent inflammation of the skin.

It is necessary to understand what works well for burns, since if they are not treated, it is fraught with serious consequences. Infection of the lymph nodes, abscesses, phlegmon, and in the most severe situations, sepsis often develop.

Household lesions

While at home, especially in the kitchen, you can easily get injured on the skin. Thermal burns from hot liquids are considered a very serious problem for which first aid is important, so you need to know what helps with burns. This is due to the fact that the temperature is above 55 degrees. begins to cause irreversible tissue damage and leads to skin necrosis. At 70°C this entire process takes just a moment. Therefore, if the injury was acquired with the help of steam, then this place should be held under cold water for 15-30 seconds.

The situation is much worse with burns caused by hot oil, since it boils at 200 °C and does not conduct heat well. Therefore, even if after an injury you put the area under cold water, the fat will harden, but the skin underneath will still remain hot and the pain will intensify. Such ailments heal much worse than those caused by steam. Therefore, you definitely need to know whether Panthenol helps with burns, since it occupies a significant place in the first aid kits of many housewives and can save in emergency situations.

The most painful injuries are those caused by an iron. The hot metal literally begins to melt the skin and leaves scars. If just such a wound was acquired, then the damaged area must be kept under cold water for at least ten minutes, and then the area must be bandaged with a sterile bandage.


Therapy largely depends on the extent of the lesion. In stationary conditions, it is carried out in a closed and open type. The first involves applying a bandage to the skin, which has previously been treated with antibacterial drugs and an antiseptic such as hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin and chlorhexidine. The second type is carried out using infrared radiation and fans, this is all done so that a crust forms on the skin faster.

Pharmacy products

Today you can purchase a huge number of drugs that are used for burns. What helps, which ointments, sprays and gels are better, as well as the principles of their correct use to prevent long-term pain - all this is described below.

1. "Argakol" is available in the form of a hydrogel. It contains antiseptics in the form of dioxidine, catapol and poviragol. This is an excellent antimicrobial agent used to treat burns and other minor injuries. After drying, it turns into a film that can be easily removed with water.

2. “Betadine” - it contains iodine - is famous for its broad antimicrobial effect. Apply 2-3 times a day.

3. “Panthenol” helps with burns, as it is a real household healer for a wide variety of skin injuries. It has a very mild effect, heals wounds well and has virtually no side effects. Together with such drugs as Bepanten, Spasatel and Solcoseryl, it is recommended for use for burns in children.

4. “Katapol” (medicinal components are povidone and benzalkonium) is a broad-spectrum antiseptic, applied under a bandage.

5. “Dermazin” contains sulfonamide and is excellent at fighting germs.

6. Solcoseryl helps regeneration and is used to speed up healing. It looks like an ointment and a gel.

7. “Amprovisol” works due to menthol, anesthesin and vitamin D. It has anti-burn, antiseptic, cooling and analgesic effects. Can be used to treat severe burns at home.

8. "Olazol" consists of sea ​​buckthorn oil with additives. Available as a spray and has an antibacterial and anesthetic effect.

What helps with boiling water burns?

After such an injury, blisters often appear, so the chosen drug must contain antibiotics, protect against infection, stimulate the immune system and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Such wounds are very dangerous, as they can later cause infection if not properly treated.

The instructions for all these medications are very simple: immediately after the burn, the area is smeared with a thin layer of the drug, then repeated 2-4 times depending on the degree of damage. Potent components are first applied to a gauze bandage, and then the area of ​​redness is wrapped with it; replacement is required 1-3 times a day. These manipulations must be performed until all traces of injury completely disappear.

Herbal remedies

You need to know what helps with a burn at home, since first aid is very important. In addition to medications, traditional medicine helps a lot.

1. You can prepare a well-healing compress from a decoction of oak bark. For it you need to fill warm water one teaspoon of the collection, and then cook for eight minutes, then you need to cool and strain it. A cotton sponge is dipped into the resulting infusion and applied to the reddened area, then it is fixed with a bandage. The bandage needs to be changed several times a day.

2. Carrots are considered a good remedy, as they perfectly relieve inflammation, do not clog pores and do not dry out the skin. The vegetable is grated on a grater with small holes. The prepared mass is applied to the affected areas. The lotion is replaced several times a day. If you apply this paste immediately after the incident, you can avoid the appearance of a blister.

3. Potatoes are finely chopped and applied to the affected skin, as it perfectly relieves the symptoms of burns. Many people know that such an easy remedy helps at home, since their parents used it. Compresses need to be replaced when the mass has dried out. To get the best results, it is recommended to even drink freshly squeezed juice from it at this moment.

4. Aloe is considered an excellent remedy, as it is found in almost every home. The affected area is lubricated with juice or compresses are made. A piece of gauze is soaked in juice and applied to the burn (the bandage needs to be changed several times a day).

5. Fresh blueberries are a good anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. They are poured with boiling water and left for 10 minutes. Next, the fruits are removed and ground in a mortar. The cooled pulp should be applied to the injury site and secured with a bandage.

6. You can use pumpkin pulp; for this, it is grated on a fine grater and wrapped in gauze, then applied to the redness. Pumpkin juice is also good for treating burns.

It is very important to know what helps at home with such an injury, since medications are not always at hand.

Skin condition

Immediately after the injury, a blister forms on the skin, containing a clear liquid - plasma. At proper care, which includes treating the neoplasm, inflammation will not appear and the epidermis layer will begin to recover. "Levomekol" for burns helps relieve the consequences of the injury, since infection can penetrate through the damaged areas. If the pathology turns out to be more serious, then, most likely, the blister itself will begin to fester, in which case it is imperative to seek medical help. The doctor will prescribe all the required tests that will help determine the cause of the inflammation. In such cases, the victim often feels weak and chills, and may also have a fever.


In order not to harm an already difficult situation, you need to know what to do is generally not recommended:

Do not rub the burn with alcohol-containing solutions, as this causes even greater irritation;

Baking soda is sometimes used for burns, but there is no point in wasting time on it, since its effect is minimal;

If in the house Small child, then there is no need to place hot things within reach;

You should not use ice, as after applying it you will feel even more pain due to the significant difference in temperature.


Most people know what helps with burns, but not everyone and not always use the necessary means on time and are able to properly provide first aid to themselves. As a result, spots and often scars remain on the skin. Such neoplasms may be accompanied by itching and burning. To return to its former beauty, you should use special ointments that prevent tissue growth. And it is also recommended to contact a cosmetologist and undergo a course of chemical peeling, which is carried out using fruit acids.

It is also recommended to use laser resurfacing services, although this procedure is very expensive. If all of the above remedies do not help, then you need to make an appointment with a doctor, and he will prescribe treatment on his own.

A burn is tissue damage as a result of high temperature, chemicals, or radiation. This is the most common injury that can occur in everyday life. This is especially true for thermal burns.

There is probably no person who has not been scalded by boiling water or burned by hot oil at least once in his life. Treatment of minor skin burns can be carried out at home; you do not always need to go to the doctor.

Most of these injuries resolve within a few days. But you need to know how to relieve pain, how to speed up healing, and in what cases you still need to seek medical help.

How do people most often get burned?

  • Half of all cases are contact with open fire (fires, bonfires, flames in a stove, ignition of gasoline).
  • 20% is scalding with boiling water or steam.
  • 10% is contact with hot objects.
  • 20% - other factors (acids, alkalis, sunburn, electric current).

Every third person burned is a child. Most often (75% of cases) the arms and hands are burned.

What are they?

Because of:

  • Thermal.
  • Chemical.
  • Electrical.
  • Radiation.

I and II degrees refer to superficial burns, in which only the top layer of skin, the epidermis, is affected. When uncomplicated, they heal without leaving scars.

III and IV degrees are deep burns, with damage to all layers of the skin and underlying tissues. They heal with the formation of a rough scar.

What burns can be treated at home?

You can treat at home:

  • 1st degree burns in adults, not exceeding 10% of the body area;
  • 2nd degree burns not exceeding 1% of the body.

How to determine the degree?

1st degree burn – manifested by swelling, redness of the skin, pain, sensitivity to touch, and there may be small blisters.

Stage 2 is characterized by the addition of large blisters filled with liquid to the above symptoms.

How to determine area?

The easiest way to determine the burn surface area of ​​a home is the palm method. The area of ​​a person's palm is conventionally taken to be 1% of the area of ​​the entire body.

When should you seek medical help immediately?

How to treat burns at home

  1. Stop contact with the burning factor. Put out the flames on your clothes and move away from the fire. If you are burned by boiling water, immediately remove clothing in contact with the body. Throw a hot object.
  2. Cool the burn surface. It is best to do this under running water at a temperature of 10-18 degrees. You can immerse the limb in a container of water or apply a damp cloth. You need to cool for 5 to 10 minutes; in case of a chemical burn, rinse with running water for up to 20 minutes (except for burns with quicklime). Cooling has an analgesic effect and also prevents the spread of heating of healthy tissue at the border of the burn.
  3. Anesthesia. For severe pain, you can take paracetamol, ibuprofen, ketanov, analgin, and other analgesics.
  4. Local treatment. The main goal in treating burns is to protect the surface from germs, relieve pain and speed up the restoration of the damaged layer of skin. They simply use sterile wipes, special wipes for burns, sprays and ointments that promote healing.
  5. General treatment. It would be a good idea to take restorative medications and also follow a proper diet to ensure that the burn heals faster and without consequences. It is recommended to increase the amount of protein in the diet (meat, fish, dairy products), as well as vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins. Additionally, you can take vitamin C and Aevit. It is recommended to drink more.

Pharmacy drugs

So, you got a burn from boiling water or oil. They cooled it down, assessed that it was small and shallow, its condition was generally satisfactory, and it could be treated at home. It's worth looking into the first aid kit. Those who are prudent and thrifty may at least have a package of sterile wipes and Panthenol.

What can you ask at the pharmacy?

There is no need to buy everything at once; to treat minor burns, sometimes one sterile bandage lightly moistened with an antiseptic and Panthenol is enough. U healthy person everything will heal without the use of additional funds. If there are no sterile bandages, you can iron a clean cloth with a hot iron.

How long will it take to heal?

Superficial 1st degree burn injuries heal without consequences in 3-4 days. A slight pigmentation may remain, which will also disappear over time.

Second degree burns with blisters will take longer to heal. The bubble gradually subsides, the liquid resolves. It may happen that the bubble bursts with the formation of erosion; this requires additional treatment with antibacterial ointments Levomekol (130 rub) or Voskopran bandage with levomekol ointment (5 x 75, cm 350 rub, 10x10 cm 1100 rub), Silvacin, Dioxyzol. The bandage needs to be changed every other day. Such a burn heals within 10-12 days, also without scar formation.

If, during the treatment, redness, swelling, pain increases, and purulent discharge from the wound appears, this is evidence of infection and a reason to consult a doctor.

What not to do and why

Folk remedies in treatment

Tips for treating burns folk remedies a bunch of. You shouldn’t trust them all recklessly. But some of them may be useful if the burn is received far from home and away from the first aid kit, or if a person likes to be treated natural means without “any chemicals”.

Many plants are known to have antiseptic properties. The main principle here is “do no harm.” The safest folk remedies:

  • Raw potato juice. Grate one medium potato, put the pulp in gauze and apply to the burned area for 10-15 minutes.
  • Carrot lotion. Instead of potatoes, raw carrots are grated and used in the same way as in the previous recipe.
  • Black or green tea Brew with boiling water, cool to room temperature, soak a napkin in the brew and apply to the burn.
  • Calendula ointment. Brew 3 tablespoons of dry calendula with boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes, strain. Mix the resulting infusion with Vaseline in a ratio of 1:2. Apply 2 times a day to the burned surface. Keep refrigerated.
  • Dried linden flowers pour boiling water (1 tablespoon per glass of water). Leave for about an hour, strain. Apply 2-3 times a day until dry.
  • Using the same principle, you can prepare a decoction from any herb or mixture of herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect: chamomile, calendula, sage, string, plantain.

2014-09-01 13:29:13

Natalia asks:

Hello, please tell me what I have: the first day my throat just hurt and there was redness, on the second day my throat became loose and it felt like the skin had peeled off all the mucous membranes, like a burn, you can even see pieces of peeling skin in some places in the throat (sorry, I don’t know how to put it correctly). On the third day, the right side of the mouth (gums and palate) also became loose and painful

Answers Imshenetskaya Maria Leonidovna:

Good afternoon. You need an examination by an ENT specialist or a dentist; perhaps you have stomatitis, pharyngitis, an allergic manifestation, symptom infectious disease or much more. Good luck to you

2014-05-16 14:55:10

Natalya asks:

Hello. Please help me figure it out.
I am 32 years old.
Since February of this year I have been constantly sick. Cough, runny nose, sneezing, weakness. The temperature increased several times from February to May to 37.8.
The therapist constantly diagnoses ARVI. And once I was diagnosed with laryngo-tracheitis (late March). I am undergoing treatment, for a day or two I walk in more or less normal condition and in a new circle. From February to May I got sick like this about 5 times.
In February I had a fluorography done - everything was fine, I underwent medical examination. (blood and urine tests are normal).
Since February and still have constant coughing.

In April, conjunctevitis (the ophthalmologist said it was allergic) and herpes on the lip joined the listed symptoms.

In addition to all of the above, I have been under constant stress for almost a year now (various serious family problems).
During the May holidays, I began to feel very bad again. all symptoms have worsened, plus severe nasal congestion (Allergic rhinitis - diagnosis by ENT doctor)
I turned to a doctor I know. She heard wheezing and treated me for bronchopneumonia (the blood test before showed elevated leukocytes, I don’t know the rest of the indicators). After 5 droppers, a day later my skin began to hurt very badly from the back of my head to my lower back. There is no damage to the skin, no rashes either. It hurts when touched. Like a sunburn. I went to see an infectious disease specialist and he told me to take a series of tests.
I passed, but there is no opportunity to contact those doctors to show the results, they are on vacation.
Here are the results, I will list those that are high
AlAT 273 units/l
ASAT 184 units/l
anti - HSV (types 1 and 2) IgG 19.3 ind. pos
anti EBV IgG - EBNA (poisonous white) 122 units/ml
anti EBV IgG - VCA (caps. white) 416 units/ml

leukocytes 16.48 thousand/µl
neutrophils segmented. 74%
neutrophils (total number) 80%
lymphocytes 11%
neutrophils, abs 13.18 thousand/µl
monocytes, abs 1.32 thousand/µl

Thank you very much in advance. I hope that I have presented everything clearly. Really looking forward to the answer.

Answers Sukhov Yuri Alexandrovich:

Hello, Natalia.
Your concern, unfortunately, is very justified.
Signs of a bacterial inflammatory process, prolonged fever of unknown origin, secondary immunodeficiency, it is also necessary to exclude VH and activation of herpes infection. A consultation with a competent infectious disease specialist and, possibly, inpatient treatment is urgently indicated - please contact us.
Sincerely, Yu Sukhov.

2015-07-24 23:08:13

Rustem asks:

Hello. Burned vitiligo spots on my back. They pinch hard. They tear like napkins when you touch them a little harder. I applied potato juice. Tell me what to do. And can these burns against the background of vitiligo lead, God forbid, to skin cancer? I have been sick for more than 10 years. Approximately 30% of skin is blotchy. The disease has progressed greatly over the past 3 years due to severe stress. What can be done for these burns?

Answers Gudarenko Vera Yurievna:

Hello, Rustem! It is advisable to show the affected skin to a dermatologist. But if this is not possible, I recommend applying baneocin powder and Solcoseryl jelly to the affected areas of the skin until healing. If you do not regularly expose the affected areas of the skin to solar radiation or toxic chemicals, everything will heal and you will never have skin cancer. It is advisable to periodically contact a dermato-oncologist for a preventive examination (1-2 times a year).

2014-10-27 01:12:33

Ulyana asks:

Hello! Please tell me what to do! The other day I got very badly sunburned under the tropical sun in Thailand. When I came into the room, I discovered a large wrinkle on the lower eyelid near my right eye (it can be seen when the eye turns), it hurt for one day, but there is no such thing on my left eye. So far I only have “Rescuer” balm with me, I apply it for two days, but the wrinkle does not go away. Looks like an old lady's. Will the skin recover? Does the skin around the eyes generally recover after sunburn (I suspect this is it)? I’m 27 years old, it’s very sad to see this, I don’t want to walk like an old woman. The skin there is a little tough. I understand that it’s my own fault, but what should I do now? And on the right side of the face - on the temple - a lump-swelling appeared, it does not hurt, but the ear under it hurts. The bump has clear boundaries, stands out under the skin, was slightly different in color, but today it is smaller. At first, there was just a strong vein in my temple, I didn’t pay attention, I thought it was because of the heat, but there was a trace. the day the swelling popped up. I drank Cetirizine because it was the only one I had with me. What could it be? Should I continue taking the pills? Despite all this, there is no temperature or fever, the condition is as usual. Thank you very much in advance!

Answers Gudarenko Vera Yurievna:

Hello Ulyana! According to you, you have a sunburn on your face and a formation on your temple, which does not hurt, but your ear hurts. To treat a sunburn, first of all you need to take shelter from the sun; you can apply cooling lotions from a cold decoction of chamomile or tea to your face. Panthenol spray relieves inflammation very well. After a sunburn, the skin recovers completely if you do not sunbathe again and take proper care of your skin (regular cleansing and moisturizing, UV protection). It is difficult to judge your temple formation without a photograph. You can send a photo by registering on the website http://telederm.com.ua/, where you will receive detailed advice.

2014-01-28 08:34:16

Andrey asks:

Hello, Doctor.

I ask you to read my questions to the end, since there is unlikely to be a definite answer to them, but the problem remains. At the same time, you need to decide how to behave with others in everyday life and in antima.
The problem has been around for about 15 months, no answer has been found. Therefore, I try to analyze against the background of the totality of information.
I give the dates out of risk.
So: beginning of September 2012. not protected by P.A. with a work colleague. After 2 weeks, tests for all STIs - PCR, as well as HIV, syphilis (I didn’t know about the timing of seroconversion) - everything was negative, except for gardnerella. Therefore, there could be no talk of phobias. Gardnerela was treated with Secnidox + Dazolic for 10 days + antifungals. About a month later, from the risk, I began to notice fever-like conditions and a sore throat. Attributed to stress. Severe urethritis began. They referred me to a urologist.
After 2.5 months. Urologist – second course of antibiotics – Unidox Solutab for 10 days and prostate treatment drugs. The prostate released. Hoping to get rid of the cause.
Repeated STIs are all negative.
At 3 months: T sharply increased to 37.5, the right submandibular, anterior cervical, and posterior cervical L/U became inflamed. Pain in the kidneys, spleen, liver. Pain in the groin, under. with mice. Severe itching appeared on the hands and legs below the knees, it itched like mosquito bites - very badly. Small bright red dots appeared, like burst blood vessels. Then some of the colors of the moles began to appear and did not go away.
Small balls appeared on the body, which were found due to mild pain. Mild swelling of the face. After serving time, my arms and legs began to go numb, tingling and itching. It lasted acutely for 3-4 weeks.
Constant sore throat white coating on the tongue and externally on the side of the cheeks. Some kind of rash on the inside. Side of the cheeks. Burning vortu. On the tongue there are marks from teeth on the sides - sharp pits. Tank cultures for almost 11 months: nasopharynx twice: Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pnemo 10 in 5 both. The blood is sterile, intestinal dysbiosis. I'M CONSTANTLY SWEATING. THERE WAS A WEIGHT LOSS OF 92-80. Now 86 kg.
Burning skin type burn, very common. The lymph nodes were baked under. mice, shoulders, back.
After the acute phase tests: at 3.5 months CMV PCR: one laboratory Scraping of the urethra latent carriage. Another, Sinevo - PCR scraping, saliva, blood are negative for CMV.
General blood test 3.5 months: slight increase in hemoglobin, erythrocytes and lymphocytes.
at 6.5 months EBV PCR blood is negative, ANTI F nuclear is 13 times the threshold, M capsid is negative. Rheumatic tests - negative, two courses of ENT treatment - without result.
Lungs are normal.
Now – 15 months. ELISA 13 months HIV negative, BLOT HIV 11 months. Negative. Trepomemal A\T negatively. Partner: 12 months HIV negative. I have Hepatitis B, C, F negative. Liver and spleen are enlarged. Pain in the joints of the knees (there was it at the very beginning, but antibodies to Chlamydia trachoma tick were negative A, M, F. I have never been sick.
Legs and arms go numb, especially at night, sweating. Pain in the liver, spleen. Eyes, feeling of sand. There were rednesses for a long time and now.
The most worrying thing is neuropathy. Numbness of the legs and more hands, itching of hands and feet. Pain in the liver and spleen, constant sore throat. T – in the afternoon up to 37.2. In the evening it drops to normal.
Infectious disease specialists (more than one) refer me to an ENT specialist and a therapist. Those to a neurologist. The course of treatment for tonsillitis did not produce results. HIV center - they definitely ruled out theirs. Sedatives have no effect.
Why am I writing... This is clearly not a phobia. During this time, I found the same people whose risks are similar, many have protected vaginal ones, an unprotected oral in the role of transmitter.
Some have contact with an HIV-infected person, some are protected with HIV negative based on the results of tests. It’s not in vain that people test themselves and their partners.
There are people with about 5 years of experience. Lose vision, problems with the musculoskeletal system.
The immunogram gives a drop in CD 4. There are a lot of them... THE SYMPTOMS ARE VERY SIMILAR,

- Considering the specificity of neuropathy, what else can give it? THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION IS
- Which specialist can I contact again?
- since there was an acute stage, this is something that the body encountered for the first time, or activation of EBV and CMV can also give acute stage. Herpes 6,7,8 do not occur in Donetsk.
- since against the background of normal immunity any herpes should go away, some kind of scares the new kind virus. Everyone I know, about 15 people, the problem was not solved until 7 years of experience. On Internet resources they communicate in phobe threads. In this regard, theoretically suggesting a new type of HIV (sorry for the phobia) that it should have been detected in theory: PCR or immunoblot.
Although many did both blot and PCR of DNA, RNA - everything was negative.
I repeat, unfortunately, there are a lot of people with these symptoms through transmission routes. Doctors refer each other. Infectious disease specialists, stating the absence of anti-M and PCR for herpes, say - not ours.
- Have there been such cases in your practice with the problem found?
Thanks for the answer. There is no one to go to after the past 17 months.

Answers Vasquez Estuardo Eduardovich:

Hello Andrei!
There is such a thing as the Internet, which not only makes it possible for us to communicate now, but also interferes with doctors and disorients patients. Patients begin to reflect and think “professionally”, respectively, at certain stages of medical prescriptions they either partially or do not fulfill medical recommendations as prescribed, adding their own or what they learned somewhere - and the process drags on (and 3 and 5 years).
We will mix up your thoughts in your letter, and doctors do not always have the opportunity and desire to conduct individual lessons - this is not our task, which is perhaps why I sometimes refer you to other specialists.
Just for example (from the context of your questions): “... since any herpes should go away against the background of normal immunity, some new type of virus is scary.” As a doctor, I don’t think so, but I don’t have the slightest desire to prove it to you or any other patient, but I am happy to discuss this with my colleagues.
Advice: Forget about all your “medical knowledge” and start with a regular local therapist, trusting him, strictly following his instructions. without double checking. Otherwise, the process will progress more and more: there is a violation of your immune status with the involvement of the lymphatic system, the cause of which could be any infection (from minor to serious). I wouldn’t look for an agent at the moment; I don’t think it’s necessary from a practical point of view.

2012-12-29 23:41:24

Svetlana asks:

Good afternoon
Please tell me! It all started with the fact that 1.5 years ago I was dyed together with my sister with lightening dye, which left both of them with large burns on their heads; at the very first wash after dyeing, a head of hair was washed off, both on me and on my sister, but we didn’t do anything thinking that everything will heal, after we dyed it 2 times, the loss itself continued until the moment when the scalp began to hurt very much and we lost 70% of our hair, that is, 200-300 hairs fell out per day, according to both estimates. Having contacted the skin specialist, they prescribed Aleran and Pantovigar tablets for 3 months, the results were zero. The scalp continued to hurt very much and my hair was falling out a lot, after which I consulted a trichologist. The doctor said that it was seboria and it could be cured at the age of 26. Having done the tests: Here are the results on day 5 of the menstrual cycle: Hormones
Testerone follicular phase 0.52
LG 5.35
FSH 4.79
Progesterone 0.61
Serum iron 30.3
OZhSS 56.1
Ferritin 73.1
t3 general 1.07
t4 general 8.20
ttg 1.20
Thyroglobulin 28.0
General blood analysis
hemoglobin 144
red blood cells 5.00
hematocrit 42.2
Average red blood cell volume 84
The average hemoglobin content in a red blood cell is 28.8
Average concentration of NV in erythrocytes 341
Platelets 477++
leukocytes 6.2
Segmented neutrophils %56
Eosinophils% 2
Basophils % 0
Monocytes % 6
Lymphocytes % 35
Color index 0.86
Myelocytes 0
Metamyelocytes 0
band neutrophils 1
Plasma cells 0
These are all the tests that the doctor told me to do, and advised me to use the System 4 system (2 months) - I use System 4 every day, it has reduced hair loss, now 150-200 hairs fall out per day, but the problem has not been resolved for both me and my sister, after the course, the doctor said that he didn’t know the reason for all this and pointed to nervous disorders, but my sister and I don’t have this. Please tell me what to do in this case??? I have already lost any faith in hair restoration. What remedies can help me?? Please help me(

Answers Kovalenko Yulia Alexandrovna:

Hello Svetlana! I am sure that you and your sister need the help of a competent dermatologist; a trichologist alone is not enough. And enough time has passed. The results of the tests should be dealt with by the one who prescribed them, which means he expects answers to his questions from them. There is an allergic component. With such a long-term condition, you can even show yourself to a professor. Find a smart doctor and be patient. External therapy is the main one for you, but not the only one.

2011-12-01 18:18:57

Ilona asks:

Hello. I am 26 years old.
I sometimes had pain in the coccyx area (dull pain) since the 1st year of university, it manifested itself when I sat on a chair and sat for a long time, for example at work, while studying. It so happened that I was operated on for acute paraproctitis this year. For a month after the operation, I did not sit, I only lay or stood. When everything returned to normal, the site of excision into the lumen of the intestine and on the butt began to sit. But now the pain in the tailbone area has intensified and began to appear not only when I sit down somewhere, but when I tense my buttocks or turn over in bed. I visited a proctologist, he said that perhaps the pain intensified due to the operated paraproctitis and said that it was coccygodonia. He prescribed a diode speaker and a magnet with novocaine to do for 10 days. The pain intensified on the 3rd day of the procedures and continued until I finished doing the procedures, and in addition, during the last procedure, the dynamics caused minor burns to the skin (((. Now the skin is peeling off, and the tailbone continues to hurt with the same movements. The doctor said that this is most likely the case It will be all my life, sometimes more, sometimes less, but it will hurt. Advise me what should I do and is this true for the rest of my life?

Thank you for your responses.

Answers Lukashevich Ilona Viktorovna:

Dear Ilona! If a proctologist has already consulted you and does not see any proctological pathology in you (that is, the symptoms of paraproctitis have regressed and the wound has completely healed, there is no damage to the coccyx and the epithelial coccygeal tract), then you should consult a neurologist. Before consulting a neurologist, take an x-ray of the lumbosacral-coccygeal region in 2 projections. The neurologist will recommend therapy that will reduce pain and discomfort in this area.

2011-07-14 18:03:11

Victor asks:

Hello, I would like to ask. Almost 2 months have passed since the risky contact. During this time I was tested for HIV twice. a week and 1.5 months after contact. So far everything is negative. But the symptoms that appeared a couple of weeks after contact are killing me
1. Sudden weakness. For three days I slept like a pregnant woman, 12-15 hours a day.
2. Severe sweating, not at night but during the day, lasted a couple of days.
3. Pain and crunching in the joints. The pain seems to have gone away, but the crunch is still there.
4. Head pain and dizziness. I have never had such attacks of dizziness. :(
5. Pain in the neck, as if I had a cold. It’s like it’s pinching my nerves or joints, I don’t know what it is. Plus slight pain under the arms.
6. My throat hurt for a couple of days. Then it went away.
7. Some red spots appear on my body, but I noticed that they appear after I put on synthetic clothes and sweat a little, and as soon as they dry, they immediately go away.
8. Some kind of sores popped up in my mouth at different periods of time... like sores, this happened to me before, but still... these sores went away on their own within 2 days. Now everything seems to be fine.
9. Rash on the neck, itching on the neck and on the arms in front of the elbows... I don’t know what this place is called. I’ve had this since childhood, but this time this thing doesn’t go away for a long time, friends who know it say that it’s a burn... and indeed my neck is very burnt now, just following the contours of the football shirt
10. My stomach hurts from time to time, and I had diarrhea, but it only lasted for 2 days.
11. The skin has become somehow tender, when I scratch it, red marks remain, but all my friends say that this is normal, maybe I just began to see something that I had not seen before.
12. My kidneys hurt, which I had never noticed in myself before either.
I have not observed any symptoms such as fever for a week or more, enlarged lymph nodes, I don’t seem to have herpes either, I don’t notice a cough or runny nose either, no no, I sneeze and that’s it. Very rarely.
Now a little more information that I hope will help you give a more reliable answer
For the last 3-4 years I have been living in a state of constant stress, constant scandals in the family, a crazy boss at work constantly threatening to fire me, there were some other panic fears, uncertainty, threats against me, it always seemed like they were plotting something against me, and I had to constantly be on my guard, soon I solved all the problems and, sort of, I was able to calm down, but then the death of one of my relatives and stress followed. Then, due to some circumstances, the sleep pattern was lost, at first day and night changed, then there was a moment when I had to stay awake all night, and at 6 am fall asleep for a couple of hours, and not sleep again, the dream was driven away, then I could fall asleep at 4 pm and wake up at 8 pm for dinner. With all this, I began to suspect that I had HIV, and given my suspiciousness, this was a death sentence; I had a real risk. And I began to look for symptoms and from that moment it all began, horror, fear, and the more I thought about it, the more it all manifested itself, I lost my appetite, woke up with a kind of heavy head, and with a body as if a hundred elephants had walked over it. another camp of gypsies with dancing. Over time, I came to terms with my diagnosis, and little by little began to move away, I stopped feeling the nodes, swallowing saliva without stopping to check for a sore throat, I stopped being nervous, as if the symptoms began to go away, my bowel movements returned to normal, my head seemed to hurt less, my throat went away. During the active symptoms and the highest point of my depressive state, I kept trying to raise my temperature, because it was supposed to rise, but I didn’t raise it above 36.7, no matter how nervous I was. In general, I feel good now, but there seems to be some weakness, or maybe it’s just me. In general, I have come to terms with the diagnosis, although there is little hope. I made a script for my funeral and a list of things to do. In general, if they don’t find HIV, I’ll definitely go crazy :)
And I also have a stage 2 thyroid gland, and an endocrinologist I know categorically forbade me to be nervous and calmly wait 3 months and repeat the tests.
And even before my neck and body began to ache, I slept under the air conditioner, and often sat under it. the computer is under it. The air conditioning worked with direct pressure and the temperature was about 19-22 degrees. Maybe this also had an effect on everything that happened to me. I measured my temperature again now: 36.4. By the way, it’s been a year since I came from abroad and this is my first summer in my hometown, the temperature here reaches 45 degrees. in general, help me understand my situation, in principle I am already prepared for the worst, but there is still a small, barely living hope. Thanks in advance for your answer.

Our whole life is a daily encounter with dangers, all kinds of risks and problems. Pretending to be a wise minnow and hiding from the worries of the outside world in a cozy home is not a solution. Many unforeseen situations can happen to us within the walls of our own apartment: at any moment you can accidentally touch a hot iron, spill a cup of coffee on yourself, or burn your hand with steam over a boiling kettle. What to do if you are burned by boiling water? How to provide first aid to a victim injured by chemicals? In which cases you need to immediately go to the hospital, and in which burns you can get by with improvised means - we will find out in this article.

First aid for burns

A burn occurs as a result of exposure to high temperatures and immediately turns into an open wound, accessible to any microbes. Therefore, the first and most important thing to do is to free the damaged area from clothing and immediately cool the burned area. Ice from the refrigerator, snow, very cold water or any frozen product will do. Thanks to the cold, the pain subsides for a while, as unwanted inflammatory processes in the affected tissues are stopped. After providing first aid, you must carefully examine the burn and assess the location of the skin lesion - further actions depend on the degree of the burn.

Burn degrees

There are 4 degrees of burn, here they are:

  • I degree - a mild and safe degree, in which only the upper layer of the dermis remains burned. There is noticeable redness and slight swelling on the skin;
  • II degree - in addition to swelling and redness, blisters with cloudy contents appear on the affected area, and severe pain is observed. With proper treatment and emergency care, no traces of burns or scars remain;
  • III degree - in this case, not only the surface of the skin remains damaged, but also deeper tissues; the burn can affect the muscles and damage them. Blisters with a cloudy liquid inside form on the burned area. Treating a third degree burn is difficult because there is a high risk of infection. Under no circumstances should treatment be carried out at home.
  • IV degree is the most serious and dangerous degree of burn. High temperatures At this stage bone may be damaged, skin and muscles may be absent. The most dangerous and difficult areas are the neck, face, inner arms and thighs. Patients tolerate burn injuries to their feet, back and arms (up to the elbow) more easily.

In case of a burn, it is strictly prohibited:

  • lubricate the burn area vegetable oil, alcohol-containing drugs, iodine, brilliant green;
  • sprinkle with starch;
  • apply burn ointment and other medical products to the hot surface of the skin;
  • apply fermented milk products to the damaged area;
  • pierce or cut through the formed blisters on the skin;
  • independently clean the wound from dirt or remnants of clothing;
  • wash the burn with water with the addition of soda or citric acid;
  • apply a plaster to the burn.

Treatment of first degree burns

In case of a first degree burn, treatment can be easily done at home. As soon as the first urgent Care was provided, the cooled surface of the skin should be lubricated with a medicine that will prevent the burn from spreading into the deep layers of the skin, relieve swelling and pain. These are drugs such as:

  • Panthenol - well restores burned mucous membranes and skin, has regenerative and metabolic effects on damaged tissues. The ointment perfectly relieves burning sensation and relieves pain.
  • Sulfargin - this ointment with silver ions quickly copes with wounds of a wide variety of nature.
  • Levomikol - first, lubricate a gauze bandage with the ointment, and then apply it to the burn site. This bandage needs to be changed every 20 hours - the swelling will gradually subside and the pus will be eliminated.
  • Olazol is a spray containing an antiseptic and anesthesin. Thanks to this composition, the drug heals burns faster.

In addition to medications, homemade compresses are also suitable for treating minor first-degree burns:

  • 100 grams of finely grated potatoes should be mixed with a teaspoon of honey. Make a compress on a bandage or gauze and leave on the burn site for 2-3 hours;
  • finely chop the cabbage and mix it with raw egg white, and then brush the resulting mixture onto the burn;
  • instead of lotions, you can leave cooled black and green tea on the damaged area;
  • cut off a juicy aloe leaf, cut it lengthwise and apply to the burned area for a few minutes;
  • freshly picked plantain leaves should be washed with boiling water, cooled and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • Place finely grated carrots on gauze or bandage and apply to the burn. The compress should be changed every 2-3 hours.

Treatment of second degree burns

This stage is already considered a fairly serious injury, so assistance is provided first at a trauma center, and then at home. The doctor carefully treats the wound, performing the following algorithm:

  • anesthesia of the affected area;
  • treating healthy skin next to the burn with an antiseptic;
  • removing dead skin, dirt and clothing;
  • carefully removing the contents of burn blisters with a sterilized instrument. The membrane of the bladder remains intact to protect the wound from bacteria and infections;
  • applying a bandage with a special bactericidal ointment to the wound.

Burns of III and IV degrees

The first rule for third and fourth degree burns is no self-medication! Severe burns must be treated in a hospital. There, the doctor first carries out anti-shock therapy, surgical treatment (if it is necessary to remove dead tissue and perform skin grafting), and then hospital treatment.

What to do for burns from boiling water

  • Get rid of clothing that is at the burn site as soon as possible.
  • Inspect the affected area and determine the extent of damage.
  • For a first or second degree burn, apply ice or make a cold compress, change the compress after a few minutes.
  • If the burn is severe, go to the hospital immediately.

What to do for steam burns

  • Remove clothing blocking access to the affected area of ​​skin.
  • Cool the burned surface.
  • If the burn is on your hand, it should be kept elevated.
  • If damage is more than 5%, go to the emergency room.

What to do for oil burns

  • Cool the damaged area under running cold water.
  • Apply a sterile, damp bandage to the burn site.
  • If the burn is more than 1% (the palm makes up 1% of the whole body), call a doctor.

What to do for chemical burns

  • Call an ambulance.
  • Remove clothing from the affected area.
  • Cool the burn area under running ice water.
  • If the burn is caused by sulfuric acid, it must first be removed from the surface of the skin with a dry cloth.
  • And if the burn is caused by quicklime, cold water will have the opposite effect! In this case, you need to remove the reagent from the affected area with a dry cloth, and then lubricate the burn with oil or greasy ointment.

Whatever you say, an adult should know how to provide first aid for burns using folk remedies, because they are easily accessible and effective. No, of course, you can get pharmaceutical Panthenol or other pharmaceutical miracles, but for some reason they never helped me.

Life forced me to find and write down a whole arsenal of remedies for burns - they are simply irreplaceable in the kitchen. Every mother knows how difficult it is to cook with small children. While you're keeping an eye on everyone, you might drench your hand in hot steam, or touch a hot frying pan in a hurry, or... In general, anything can happen.

But that's us, adults. It is much worse when children suffer. Every mother should be able to quickly provide first aid for a burn at home, and only then consult a doctor if necessary. Therefore, first I publish proven remedies that can be used to treat children. And then I’ll move on to more complex compositions that successfully treat severe burns and non-healing wounds.

Burns: first aid for burns in children

At lungs household burns (boiling water, steam, touching hot surface) the first thing to do is hold the affected area of ​​the body over running cold water. If this is the baby's face, then generously moisten the burned area with cold water from the palm of your hand over the sink or bathtub. You need to do this for a long time, at least 10 minutes, until the skin cools down sufficiently.

This is the simplest method that allows you to very quickly remove redness and prevent the appearance of blisters or wounds. If possible, after water you can apply ice wrapped in a towel made of natural fabric.

Most often, children are burned by boiling water or touching hot surfaces. In such cases, there are still many good proven treatments. So, instructions for mothers (and not only).

Burns from boiling water: what to do at home

These home remedies are suitable for both kids and adults:

♦ As soon as such a disaster occurs, you need to grate the potatoes with their skins and apply the pulp to the burn site. Change every 10-15 minutes for an hour or even two (depending on the degree of damage, the stronger the burn, the longer to apply and change more often). It is a quick treatment for minor burns that relieves pain and prevents wounds.

♦ The following has been tested on ourselves and children good remedy: as soon as one of the household members, immediately lightly beat the egg whites chicken egg with a fork and apply it to the affected area. At first it will be very hot, but after 1-2 minutes the pain will subside. This method is good because even with severe burns from boiling water, blisters and wounds, as a rule, do not remain.

♦ If you are burned by boiling water, you don’t know what to do at home (panic, etc.), then remember about regular flour, which you probably have in the kitchen. Sprinkle flour on the burned area and the pain subsides instantly. To avoid blisters or peeling skin, the burn should be generously coated with flour in a thick layer and left for a long time.

♦ Don't forget about simple laundry soap. If you immediately rub a piece of damp soap over the area of ​​a small burn, the pain and redness will go away very quickly. But only gray or brown soap is suitable for this; today’s newfangled white synthetic substitutes are completely unsuitable.

♦ What else is there in every home? Surely there will always be beets. So, for burns, grated beet pulp also helps a lot. You just need to cover the burn area with freshly grated pulp. There will be no burn marks left.

♦ Pumpkin also works. Grate the fresh pulp and apply to the affected area of ​​the skin. This treatment is especially suitable for children with ordinary household burns, because it quickly relieves pain and cools the skin. By the way, you can use warm pumpkin compresses and when you introduce dishes from this vegetable into the menu, you can cope with it.

♦ There is also this method: grind a Penicillin tablet into powder and sprinkle it on the burn area. There will be no pain or blisters. The tablet is simply crushed: put the pill in one spoon (hold the spoon in your hand), and with the other press on the tablet and rub it in a circular motion. Everything takes a few seconds.

♦ A friend’s little daughter scalded her shoulders with boiling water (she knocked over a cup of tea). The grandmother tore off several branches of aloe, cut off the thorns, crushed them and applied them to the burned areas. They did this 3-4 times in the evening, tied the scarlet plates with an elastic bandage at night, and the next day everything was fine.

♦ You can also lubricate the burn with natural honey. The oven stops baking immediately and blisters are avoided.

♦ This simple method is suitable only for adults. For burns, cuts and non-healing wounds, a pharmacy tincture of echinacea will help. Simply soak a strip of bandage in the tincture and apply to the affected area. Do it several times a day.

Such simple methods help cope with minor burns. But there are serious cases and ordinary methods do not help. Of course, in case of severe burns you need to go to the hospital. However, even after treatment, many are left with non-healing wounds, ulcers or oozing cracks. And such people are discharged! Months, or even years of torment begin - dressings, lubrication, antibiotic injections, etc. But you can be healed, you just need to find a suitable folk medicine.

Treatment of severe burns and non-healing wounds

Egg yolk for severe burns

If the burn is severe, hard-boil 4 eggs (cook for at least 15 minutes to make the yolk harder). Peel the eggs, remove the yolks. In a preheated dry frying pan you need to fry the boiled yolks, mashing them with a fork. After 15-20 minutes, liquid will begin to separate from the yolk mass, which must be drained into a clean container. This is an invaluable medicine for severe burns.

Lubricate burn areas several times a day. If there are bleeding wounds, wrap a sterile bandage around your fingers and apply ointment to all affected areas. Healing will be quick, and the strength of the ointment is such that many will not even have scars. For a large affected area, you need to use 10-15-20 eggs, and store the jar of healing liquid in the refrigerator. Shelf life is unlimited.

Another variation of this recipe

One woman told me that she treated her adult son with the same ointment, but prepared differently. While working at a construction site, he scalded his leg with hot resin, the skin peeled off instantly and the pain was terrible. The mother immediately boiled 20 eggs, put the yolks in a duck pot and simmered them in the oven for about 4 hours. The result was a homogeneous mass, which was used to lubricate the wound. The treatment is painless, this man has no scars or scars. They say the ointment works flawlessly.

Oak bark for treating burned areas of the body

Grind 2 tablespoons of oak bark into powder and pour a glass of boiling water. Place in a water bath and cook until the liquid has reduced by half. Strain and mix with 50 g of fresh butter. Apply to burns several times a day. You can make bandages with ointment.

Ointment for burns

Melt 3 tbsp in a water bath. spoons sunflower oil, the same amount of honey and natural wax (you can take a candle). Stir the resulting ointment and cool. Then add the raw egg white and mix thoroughly. Lubricate the burn frequently, at least 7 times a day.

Ointment for burns, fistulas, non-healing wounds based on spruce resin

Take an equal amount of resin, beeswax and internal pork fat, mix, put on fire and bring to a boil. Cool. Spread the ointment onto a clean bandage and apply to the wounds. Carry out at least 5 procedures.

Burn of the oral mucosa

It happens that too hot food burns the tongue, palate and inside of the cheeks. The pain is not pleasant, and it’s impossible to eat afterwards. If this happens, just hold cold brewed tea in your mouth and the pain will go away. Do it several times.


We all know that sunburned skin can be treated well with kefir, sour cream, whey and fresh cottage cheese. However, aloe is also a good helper: for severe sunburn, cut aloe branches, twist them into a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice. Generously lubricate the burned areas. You can soak the bandage in juice and apply it.

We may never need these tips, but I still hope that in case of burns from boiling water, you now know what to do at home. And not only burns, but also wounds, cuts, cracks in the skin and even boils can be cured using these recipes. And ointments can even cope with trophic ulcers.

Health to everyone!

Now listen to a beautiful song performed by singer Enya. This Irish singer sings in a new age style. Well, very beautiful!

With best wishes, Irina Lirnetskaya