How to use jojoba oil in cosmetology. Jojoba oil for the face: methods of use and benefits. Using the product in its pure form

Since time immemorial, the greatest woman, immortalized in history as an extraordinary beauty, Queen of Egypt Cleopatra, knew the value of oils and actively used them to preserve youth and radiance. IN modern world natural oils for prolonging beauty are at the peak of popularity. In terms of its exceptional properties of improving the structure and among oils, the championship belongs to jojoba oil.

Chemical composition of jojoba oil

For hair, this is an indispensable natural growth accelerator that will help with or. Effectively cleanses hair follicles while soothing and softening the scalp. Therefore, manufacturers of shampoos, conditioners, masks and hair conditioners often include jojoba oil in their products.

Helps cope with:
To the owners dry skin The following recipes may help:
Jojoba oil has an amazing effect in oil creams for the skin around the eyes.

This mask allows you to get rid of wrinkles in the eye area. You need to mix 5 ml of Simmondsia fruit oil and 10 ml of peach oil. Apricot will also work. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and rub them onto the wrinkles around the eyes.

For body skin

If you dream of velvety skin that you just want to touch and stroke like silk, try a fairly simple recipe: to the existing body lotion that you are used to using, add jojoba wax at the rate of about 1 for every 100 ml of product. 5 tablespoons of oil elixir. The effect will be amazing!

Did you know? In the wild, the Simmondsia chinensis shrub can live for about two centuries. At the same time, up to five kilograms of nuts per year are removed from the bush per season.

For hair

The oily elixir works magic not only on the skin. Jojoba oil is also very useful for hair, the main thing is to know how to use it correctly for different types or to eliminate hair defects.

  • Take 5 ml of honey and grind with one yolk. Add 2.5 ml of alcohol tincture and 5 ml of heated jojoba oil to the components. Rub this suspension into the hair roots and scalp, and then rinse warm water, holding the mask for about half an hour.
  • To activate hair growth. A mix of mustard powder and liquid jojoba wax is used. But be careful, as it burns the skin and dries out. You should grind 20 ml of mustard powder with an identical amount of sugar, add water and dilute the mixture to a creamy consistency. Before applying the composition, pour 20 ml of Simmondsia fruit oil into the mask. Cover your head with a shower cap and leave for a quarter of an hour. Then you need to rinse generously with water.
  • For oily hair. Jojoba wax is mixed with cedar wax in equal proportions. The oily lotion is rubbed into the scalp, kept for an hour, and then washed with shampoo.
  • For shiny hair. You will need jojoba wax and cocoa - one tablespoon each. Add 5 ml cognac. Apply to hair along the entire length and comb to distribute the lotion more evenly. Cover your head with film and leave for 15 minutes, then wash your hair. The procedure should be repeated twice a week.

For lips

To prevent your lips from becoming chapped or chapped, there is one popular lip product that contains jojoba oil. Take one tablespoon of Simmondsia fruit wax and pour two drops of mint and lemon balm essential oil into it. Mix the ingredients and apply the mixture to your lips before going outside in the morning and evening.

For nails

Let's move on to creating a complete image of a beauty with well-groomed hair. Jojoba oil is ideal for those who want to soften cuticles and at the same time get long nails. To make your fingers look aesthetically pleasing, you should prepare the components for the mask: mix 4 teaspoons of Simmondsia fruit oil with essential oils of frankincense and myrrh (take 10 drops of all ingredients). It is advisable to store this mixture in a dark glass container. You can use it twice a week, rubbing the oily mask into nail plates and cuticle.

For massage

A very popular oil infusion for massage is macerate, which is prepared using a base oil and various spices. Jojoba wax will perfectly serve as the main component. But to warm up all parts of the body, take some multi-colored allspice peas. A vanilla stick, which we also add to our oil infusion, will help you overcome the depressive autumn blues. The second accent will be the cinnamon stick, which plays the role of a powerful aphrodisiac in the macerate. Pour all the ingredients into a dark glass jar and place in the refrigerator for several days.

Before use, the oil infusion should be heated in a water bath for 5-10 minutes, and then applied to the palms and rubbed into the skin with light massage movements. The aromas of spices will create the magic of tonic relaxation, and the jojoba elixir will give divine velvet to the skin.

For Tan

It’s amazing, but you can achieve a bronze skin color without a solarium and without special foundation creams. The whole secret is in proper preparation before going to the beach and after sun treatments. To ensure that it applies evenly to the skin, it is necessary to cleanse the skin by exfoliating before going out into the sun. Ground water added to your shower gel will do the job perfectly. Next, the skin should be moisturized. You can add 1 teaspoon to a spray bottle with water. olive oil and distribute the composition over the surface of the skin. But after sunbathing, it’s impossible would be better suited moisturizing mixture based on jojoba wax with added vitamin E and

How to choose when purchasing

If you are thinking about purchasing this elixir of youth, you will need recommendations regarding choosing real natural jojoba wax.

  • Carefully study the composition on the back of the jar. Of course, the manufacturer can use a trick and not indicate the presence of some extraneous flavoring. It is better to open the bottle and listen to your sense of smell. A natural, pure jojoba oil elixir slightly reminiscent of the smell of fat. If you smell something fragrant, they are definitely trying to sell you a fake.
  • Pay attention to the color of the oil: it should be golden yellow. The consistency has the appearance of melted wax.

Important! Jojoba wax at room temperature +20° C does not harden, but remains liquid wax. Please take this into account when purchasing the product.

  • Natural jojoba oil is native to Northern Mexico, Southern California, Argentina, Arizona and Israel. Therefore, the cost of the product in our latitudes cannot be too low.
  • It is best to purchase jojoba oil elixir in specialized cosmetic stores from trusted manufacturers.

How to store jojoba oil at home

Jojoba wax has such a unique chemical composition that it can lie, as in the case of the Egyptian pyramids, in a dry, dark place for 4 thousand years and not lose its magical restorative and rejuvenating properties. If you stick to simple rules By storing this elixir of youth, it will be a good cosmetologist for you for many years.

So, the storage container must be made of glass. No plastic! The storage location should not be exposed to sunlight. If you place a jar of wax in the refrigerator, it will thicken, but retain all its benefits. If you then set the container with wax to room temperature, it will warm up a little and become liquid again.

Contraindications and precautions

The only contraindication to the use of this oil may be individual hypersensitivity to its components. Women with excessive facial hair should use jojoba wax with caution, as this liquid elixir is characterized as a powerful activator of hair growth, which is an extremely undesirable effect on the face. Cosmetologists advise such women to use the miracle wax in diluted form, adding nine servings of any other cosmetic oils to one serving of jojoba oil elixir.

Nature has made sure that the fair half of humanity always looks stunning. And it doesn’t matter what century it is. Natural oils have always been valued by women of all ages and eras. What can we say about such a magical oil in its properties as jojoba?

In ancient times, this wax could easily be exchanged for precious stones or gold. So why should we modern women, not to take this elixir of youth and start using its gifts? The main rule is systematic use, and jojoba oil will do the rest!

Jojoba oil, used in cosmetology and aromatherapy, is becoming increasingly popular and in demand. The fruits of Simmondsia, an evergreen shrub growing in the North American prairies, are used for production.

The amino acids present in jojoba oil have the properties of collagen, which provides skin elasticity.

The product contains:

  • monounsaturated fatty acid;
  • proteins;
  • vitamins (especially E).

Main qualities:

  • antioxidant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating.

The range of use of the product in cosmetics increases the oil's resistance to burning.

Jojoba oil melts at 10C, its oxidative stability index is 60, which ensures longer storage of the product. In this regard, it is second only to coconut and castor oils.

The oil has a thick and viscous consistency, which is why it is often called wax. But it has a high penetrating ability, absorbing into the hair and skin without leaving a greasy residue. After use, a protective film is formed on the skin and hair, which does not interfere with skin breathing.

The composition of fatty acids in jojoba oil is absolutely unique:

Acid % compound properties
Gadoleic65-80 Softens and moisturizes the skin, preventing it from aging
Erukovaya10-22 Protects hair
Oleic5-15 Protects hair
Nervous3,5 Nourishes skin and hair
Palmitic3 Protects hair
Begonovaya> 1
  • eicosene;
  • tetracosene;
  • docosahexoene,

accelerate blood circulation in skin vessels, normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, and supply hair with nutrients.

The vitamin E present in the oil has a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Beneficial properties of jojoba oil

Jojoba oil: used in cosmetology, thanks to the unique qualities of the product, helps solve many facial skin problems.

Constant use of the product gives the following effects:

  • has a moisturizing and softening effect on the skin;
  • eliminates peeling and inflammatory symptoms;
  • has a tightening effect;
  • counteracts the appearance of age spots;
  • eliminates symptoms of dermatological manifestations (eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis);
  • reduces the activity of acne and acne;
  • performs a protective function (ultraviolet radiation, weathering, frost, low-quality cosmetics).

How to use jojoba oil at home

Jojoba oil is one of the most effective carrier essential oils, making it a convenient tool for home use.

The product is added to finished cosmetic products or used in self-made ones:

  • shampoos;
  • lotions;
  • gels;
  • creams

Jojoba oil mixed in equal proportions with oils made from:

  • almonds,
  • peach,
  • apricot;
  • grape seeds,

Intended for everyday use after water procedures.

The same effect is observed when using 1.5 -2 tbsp. l. base oil and adding 1 drop of oils to it:

  • rosewood;
  • chamomile;
  • orange

The following combination is beneficial for the skin:

It helps well in solving problems with rough skin of the knees, elbows, and feet.

To do this, after a warm bath, when the skin of problem areas is most sensitive, rub into it a mixture made up of equal parts of oils:

  • jojoba;
  • almond;
  • flax or olive.

The following combination of oils enhances the effect:

  • 1-1.5 tbsp. l. basic (jojoba);
  • tea tree;
  • lavender.

Additional components 1 drop each. In addition to rubbing, the prepared composition can be applied by application for 15-20 minutes.

How to use jojoba oil for different facial skin types?

Jojoba oil has a number of unique qualities that make it versatile. Jojoba oil is highly resistant to oxidation and thermal effects. It effectively relieves swelling and redness and is effective in inflammatory processes not only of the skin, but also of the joints.

Due to deep penetration the following actions are ensured:

  • nutritious;
  • moisturizing;
  • emollient.

Being a hypoallergenic substance, the product is effective in caring for any skin type.


  • for dry skin, eliminates peeling, relieves inflammatory manifestations;
  • in case of sagging skin, it restores freshness and vitality;
  • for stretch marks and cellulite, reduces the degree of manifestation;
  • when caring for infants.

Nourishing mask for dry skin with jojoba oil

Jojoba oil: used in cosmetology is effective in solving dry skin problems, especially if there are wrinkles and cracks.

In this case, a mix is ​​prepared consisting of a set of oils:

  • jojoba,
  • almond;
  • avocado.

Each ingredient is taken 1 tsp. The composition is applied in a light layer to areas that require support - in the morning and before bed. A noticeable result with regular use will begin to appear after 3-4 weeks.

For dry facial skin, the restorative effect of jojoba oil is noticeably pronounced after taking salty sea baths and exposure to the wind.

A mask made from a composition that includes oils has a soothing and moisturizing effect on inflammation and peeling typical of dry skin:

  • jojoba (5-6 g);
  • orange;
  • chamomile;
  • sandalwood.

Additional components 1 drop.

Masks with jojoba for oily shine and acne

An effective remedy in the treatment of pimples and acne. In this case, the following is added to it:

  • cognac;
  • nettle decoction;
  • aloe juice

The substance has a pronounced antiseptic and antibacterial effect.

Using jojoba oil for the face against wrinkles

The use of jojoba oil in cosmetology to eliminate wrinkles has a pronounced effect. The mixture is made in equal parts with almond or avocado oil (there is no fundamental difference).

This is quite enough, but to enhance the effect the composition is supplemented:

  • fennel oil;
  • pine oil;
  • mint oil;
  • neroli oil.

Complementary oils can be used in different combinations, dose – 1 drop.

Firming mask with jojoba oil

The facial skin is first cleaned, then the mixture is applied to it.

The following version of a nourishing mask tightens sagging dry skin:

  • jojoba oil (10 ml);
  • cosmetic clay (10 ml);
  • honey (10 ml);
  • natural yogurt (10 ml);
  • egg yolk(1 PC.);
  • banana (1 pc.).

The specified ingredients are ground and mixed (the banana is crushed with a blender). The resulting mass is evenly applied to the face. Leave for 0.5 hours. The dried film of the mass is carefully wiped off.

Universal vitamin masks

This type of mask is suitable for any skin problem and can also be used as a preventive measure.

To prepare a summer refreshing vitamin mixture you will need:

Application technology:

  1. The fruit and vegetable are crushed with a blender.
  2. The ingredients are mixed.
  3. The mass is applied to the skin of the face and neck.
  4. Wash off after 15 minutes.

For daily use, you can prepare a version of the mask, which will include:

  • jojoba oil (25 ml);
  • plum oil (25 ml);
  • apricot kernel oil (25 ml);
  • essential oil lemon (3 drops), can be replaced with the same amount of grapefruit essential oil.

Eye mask

The skin surrounding the eyes, due to its tenderness, is one of the most problematic areas. But jojoba oil helps here too; it is used in a large number of eye creams.

With regular use of creams containing jojoba oil, caring for the skin of the eyelids for 2 weeks, you can achieve the following results:

  • The condition of the upper eyelid improves, it rises somewhat:
  • wrinkles near the eyes are smoothed out;
  • The circles under the eyes brighten and decrease.

The same goals can be achieved using not creams, but a composition:

Scrub recipe with jojoba oil

The scrub is used to return the face to its normal natural color.

Made up of:

  • jojoba (25 g);
  • finely ground sea salt (20 g);
  • rosemary oil (3 drops), can be replaced with the same amount of mint oil.

The most optimal application schedule is 2 times/week.

Use for makeup removal

In cosmetology, jojoba oil has found wide application for removing makeup. This use is due to the ability of the oil to qualitatively dissolve the remains of decorative cosmetics, including even waterproof mascara.

It is important, after removing a layer of cosmetics, to nourish the skin, soften it and moisturize it.

Care for chapped and cracked lips

Chapping and further cracking of lips is a problem in winter and off-season. But hygienic lipstick helps fight this phenomenon. You can make your own protective lipstick.

In addition to the base oil, you will need 2 drops:

  • mint oils;
  • lemon balm oil

The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed. After this, it is ready to serve as a protective lipstick; just lubricate your lips with it before going out. Fresh air. There is an even simpler option - just smear a small amount of jojoba oil over your lips with your finger. This is enough to provide a protective effect.

Hygienic natural lipstick with jojoba: recipe

Another option for natural hygiene lipstick.

For preparation you need:

  • jojoba oil (2 tsp);
  • beeswax (2 tsp);
  • chamomile essential oil (5 drops);
  • lavender essential oil (5 drops).

Note: Instead of these essential oils, you can use any others of your choice.

Pour the finished mixture into any suitable form, the inner surface of which must first be greased with any oil, and place in a regular compartment of the refrigerator. After hardening, the lipstick is ready for use.

Treatment with jojoba oil for damaged hair

The cosmetic use of jojoba oil is not limited to its effect on the skin; it is also successfully used in the treatment of damaged hair.

Oil provides:

  • restoration processes of hair structure;
  • therapeutic effect on split ends of hair;
  • reducing the rate and stopping baldness;
  • eliminating dandruff;
  • accelerated hair growth;
  • regulation of fat balance;
  • protective effect from external factors.

If the hair is significantly damaged (fragility, dullness, fatigue), the following composition helps eliminate painful phenomena:

  • jojoba oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • retinol – 2.5 g;
  • tocopherol – 2.5 g;
  • ylang-ylang -10 drops.

Mix the resulting product and apply first to the hair roots, then along the entire length. The effect becomes visible after the first session.

Jojoba oil for eyelash growth


Manufacturing technology:

  1. Puncture the capsule, the contents of which should flow into a prepared clean vessel.
  2. Add oil.
  3. Mix well.


  1. Draw the mixture into a syringe and pump it into a suitable container (mascara tube, glass bottle).
  2. Using a makeup brush, apply the product along the entire length of the eyelashes.
  3. Leave on eyelashes for 20-30 minutes
  4. Rinse off with warm water.

Note: do not leave the mask on all night.

Using oil to beauty eyebrows

There are several recipes for cosmetic potions containing jojoba oil intended for eyebrow care.

To prepare a fairly simple option you will need:

  • jojoba oil (0.25 tsp);
  • any essential oil (1 drop).


  1. The components are mixed.
  2. Heat the mixture.
  3. Dip thin strips of cotton wool into the mixture.
  4. Apply the prepared tampons to the eyebrows.
  5. Keep for 15-20 minutes.

For another tool you will need:

  • jojoba oil (6 drops);
  • nutmeg oil (1 drop);
  • jasmine oil (1 drop);
  • sandalwood oil (1 drop).


  1. The components are mixed.
  2. Warm up.
  3. Apply to eyebrows.
  4. Keep for 20 minutes.

Jojoba essential oil for nails

Special prepared mixtures for baths have a strengthening effect on hand nails.

In the proposed version, you will need to prepare:

  • jojoba (2 tbsp oil);
  • patchouli (1 drop of oil);
  • sea ​​salt (1.5 tsp);
  • water (50-70 g).


  1. Heat the liquid.
  2. Stir salt in it.
  3. Add the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Immerse the nail phalanges in the solution for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Put on cotton gloves (2 hours).
  6. Wash off

Jojoba oil for massage

Jojoba oil, used regularly during massage, helps:

  • removal of waste and toxins from the body;
  • increasing overall muscle tone;
  • relieving pain symptoms in joints and back;
  • regulation of peripheral blood circulation;
  • harmonizes the state of the nervous system.

Application in a massage session:

  1. Heat the oil in a water bath or in hot water to a temperature 4-5°C higher than room temperature (the ideal temperature for the room where the massage is performed is 22-24°C).
  2. The masseur lubricates his hands with oil.
  3. The oil is rubbed into problem areas of the body (lower back, upper back, thighs, calves, feet, palms)

How to use for cellulite

When performing an anti-cellulite massage, it is customary to take pure jojoba oil, which, penetrating under the skin, enhances lipid metabolism and resolves cellulite accumulations.

But there is a massage mixture option that can only enhance the effect. The composition includes oils:

  • basic (jojobv) 1 tbsp. l.;
  • geranium;
  • lavender;
  • juniper;
  • cypress.

Complementary elements in drops of 2. Instead of the listed drugs, it is permissible to use oils of orange, rosemary, lemon, patchouli, and fennel if desired.

The massage is performed according to the scheme given above, problem areas: buttocks and upper part of the back of the thigh.

Using tanning oil

Regardless of where and how a person tans: under natural irradiation on the beach or under artificial irradiation in a solarium, jojoba oil can ensure the beauty and uniformity of the resulting tan.

The easiest option is to rub a little jojoba oil with your hands and rub it in a circular motion into the skin of the body.

You can enhance the effect by using the following mixture of oils:

  • 0.2 tbsp. l. basic (jojoba);
  • 0.4 tbsp. l. coconut;
  • 0.4 tbsp. l. shi;
  • 4 drops lavender.

For sensitive skin that reacts to sunbathing with redness, a combination of jojoba and almond oils will help minimize discomfort.

Essential oils should not be added to tanning products:

  • citrus fruits;
  • cinnamon;
  • caraway;
  • carnations,

as they have phototoxic properties that can cause burns and allergies.

Is there an allergy to jojoba oil?

Jojoba oil is not allergenic, but extremely rarely after use the following may occur:

As a rule, when changing the manufacturer, the unpleasant sensations go away, which indicates that the reaction was caused by one of the additives present in the formulation of a particular oil. In this case, you need to find out the real cause of the allergy.

Read the popular site article: Comfortable long-term hair removal: Sugaring at home. How to prepare the paste and do sugar hair removal correctly.

How to choose quality jojoba essential oil

When purchasing jojoba oil, you need to pay attention to a number of important points:

  1. Real oil is expensive. Firstly, it is supplied from the USA, Argentina, and Israel. Secondly, raw materials and production are quite expensive. Therefore 100 ml. natural oil on the Russian market costs more than 1000 rubles. If the product is cheaper, it is synthetic or counterfeit.
  2. You should pay attention to the entire price range for essential oils in a store or department. If different types oils cost the same, they are synthetic, you can’t buy them here.
  3. The oil must be in a dark glass container (no plastic), closed with a tight stopper.
  4. A serious manufacturer will definitely indicate on the label the Latin name of the plant from which the oil is made, you should also pay attention to this.
  5. It is necessary to take into account this fact: whether the display case on which the oils are placed is exposed to direct sunlight. If yes, then you should also refrain from buying oil at this outlet.
  6. The consistency of the oil should resemble melted wax and the color should be golden.
  7. The smell is somewhat reminiscent of fat.

Where to buy natural jojoba oil?

It is better to buy oil in specialized stores or specialized departments in large supermarkets. You can use the services of online stores. Before purchasing, you should study the issue in detail and choose a manufacturer in order to clearly understand what the purchased product should look like.

Cost of jojoba oil (average prices in Moscow)

It is worth discarding cheap synthetic preparations based on jojoba, intended for household use, and taking into account only natural product famous manufacturers.

Average prices in Moscow for June 2018:

Capacity (ml) Average price (RUB)
10 350-500
30 600-1000
50 800-1200
100 1500-2000

How to store jojoba oil at home

Jojoba oil is unpretentious in terms of storage conditions - it is only afraid of light.

The shelf life of oil is unlimited if it:

Resistant to temperature changes. If you place the oil in the refrigerator, it will thicken, but at room temperature it will return to a liquid state without losing its healing qualities.

Contraindications and precautions

The oil is not suitable for use by persons who have an individual allergic reaction to the components included in the product. There are no other contraindications.

Women who have experienced increased growth of facial hair should use the product with caution, as it may increase this undesirable effect.

Regular and systematic use of jojoba oil, used in cosmetology as one of the most effective basic essential oils, gives health and restores youth.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Video about jojoba oil

Applications and properties of jojoba oil:

Natural products today are gradually replacing factory-made cosmetics for facial care. People try to minimize aggressive effects on the body from the outside, so they refuse store-bought creams, lotions and serums. One of the most popular cosmetics of natural origin is jojoba oil. The latter is actively used in skin care, eyelashes, eyebrows, lips and even beard. But before you try a natural product on yourself, you should learn about its features, and most importantly, its contraindications.

Jojoba oil is a squeeze from the seeds of the tree of the same name. The latter is common in the states of Arizona and California, as well as in some areas of Mexico. The product is most often obtained by cold pressing, which allows for maximum retention of nutrients from the seeds. To mix homemade cosmetic compositions, it is the unrefined extract that is used. The product has a golden hue and a subtle nutty smell.

The seeds of the plant from which the substance is extracted contain up to 50% oil in their composition. The jojoba product is a basic product, which means it can be used not only when mixing cosmetic products, but also as an independent product.

The oil thickens quickly, and during long-term storage it can acquire a cloudy, heterogeneous consistency. However, the product does not completely harden, so there is no need to melt it specifically before mixing with other ingredients. Despite this, in some recipes the oil still needs to be heated.

Chemical composition

Jojoba oil has a unique composition rich in beneficial components. Interestingly, all the substances contained in the product penetrate deeply into the skin cells, despite the fact that the product is quite thick. The main active components of jojoba oil are:

  • Fatty acid. Protect skin from aggressive influences environment: ultraviolet rays, wind and sudden changes in air temperature. The oil contains the following acids:
    • Gadoleic (64–81%). Additionally moisturizes and softens the skin, preventing premature death of healthy cells.
    • Erucovaya (11–23%).
    • Oleic (4–16%).
    • Nervous (approximately 3.4%).
    • Palmitic (less than 4%).
    • Palmitoleic (approximately 1%).
    • Begenovaya (less than 1%).
    • Others (approximately 3%).
  • Alcohols: eicosene, tetracosene and docosahexoene. They normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, improve blood flow at the site of exposure, and promote the activation of hair growth. All these properties are especially useful for girls who want to get thick and long eyelashes/eyebrows.
  • Collagen. The substance is produced in the human body and is responsible for the elasticity of the skin. Impaired collagen synthesis leads to early aging and deterioration appearance faces.
  • Vitamin E. Has a pronounced rejuvenating effect on the skin.
  • Antioxidants. Fight free radicals. The accumulation of the latter in the body leads to an acceleration of the aging process and cell death, as well as to other pathologies.

How to select and store the product

When purchasing jojoba oil, pay attention to the following criteria:

Interestingly, jojoba oil deteriorates faster when exposed to light, so the product is stored exclusively in containers made from glass. dark color. The air temperature in the place where the product is located should not exceed 25 o C. It is recommended to use the substance within a year from the date of manufacture, although some manufacturers indicate a longer period. Try to use open oil within 4–6 months.

Benefits of jojoba oil for the face

Jojoba squeeze has the following effects in facial care:

  • Deeply moisturizes epidermal cells. In addition, the product prevents the skin from losing moisture, forming a thin protective film on the surface of the treated area.
  • Accelerates cellular regeneration.
  • Prevents premature skin aging. The product reduces the likelihood of early withering and death of healthy cells.
  • Improves intracellular metabolism.
  • Fights wrinkles. Of course, the product will not cope with deep ones, but with small mimic ones it will do just fine.
  • Neutralizes the negative effects of free radicals. A high concentration of the latter in the cells certainly leads to the premature appearance of wrinkles, the appearance of unevenness on the skin and a dull complexion.
  • Tightens the skin. The product will not help with noticeable sagging, but it will help prevent further development of the process.
  • Softens the skin. This is especially true if you feel constant dryness and tightness. After using the oil, the skin becomes velvety to the touch, which is very important for the fair sex.
  • Nourishes skin and hair. The oil contains many useful components that have a positive effect on the functioning of cells. The product is well absorbed into the curls and skin covering without clogging pores or preventing the flow of oxygen to the hair follicles.
  • Removes accumulated impurities from tissues: waste, toxins, etc.
  • Helps in the treatment of dermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases.
  • Evens out the color and surface of the face. This is especially true for girls suffering from the effects of acne, which manifests itself in the form of spots and small scars.
  • Soothes inflamed skin. The product helps relieve itching and redness, and also helps to relieve irritation faster. These properties are especially important when caring for overly sensitive skin.
  • As mentioned earlier, the oil forms a thin film on the surface of the skin. The latter not only retains moisture in the cells, but also protects against aggressive external influences: cold wind, scorching sun, etc. If you live in a southern or, conversely, northern country, you can use a few drops of oil instead of face cream.
  • Has antibacterial effects. Using the product on the face helps prevent the occurrence of pustules and infectious diseases of the skin.
  • Accelerates hair growth, makes eyebrows and eyelashes thicker and shinier.
  • Fights pimples and blackheads due to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It sounds unusual, but the oil really helps improve the condition of problematic skin.
  • Promotes the effective absorption of vitamin D obtained from sun exposure.
  • Prevents the occurrence of cracks on the lips, which is especially important in the cold season.

Video: what is jojoba oil and what are its beneficial properties

Using jojoba extract for the face

Jojoba extract is used not only for facial skin, but also for the care of eyebrows, eyelashes, lips and even a beard.

For skin

Oil is usually used in facial skin care as an active component of masks or a base for their preparation. In addition, you can make homemade creams from the product.

Interestingly, jojoba extract is suitable for all skin types, including even oily and combination skin.


The most common way to use jojoba oil on the face is through masks. The latter should be used 1-2 times a week. The course includes 15–20 procedures. Once your sessions are complete, take a break for a few weeks. After rest, you can start the course again. Keep in mind that in some recipes the use of masks is different, pay attention to this. Before applying the active composition, do not forget to thoroughly clean the surface of the skin using a cleansing gel or other product. The ideal option would be to take a bath or visit the sauna before the session. The fact is that steamed skin allows the nutrients of the applied product to pass through better.

There are many varieties of face masks with jojoba extract. They are all divided into groups, depending on the goal you are pursuing. Try the following recipes:

  • Anti-wrinkle:
    • With almond oil. Mix 1 tsp. jojoba, avocado and almond extract. Place the resulting mass in a water bath for several minutes. Use the mask locally: lubricate wrinkles twice a day. It is advisable to do this in the morning and before bed.
    • With banana. Prepare 1 tbsp. following ingredients: jojoba extract, blue clay powder, liquid honey, classic low-fat yogurt. Mash half a banana using a fork or blender. Mix fruit puree with the listed ingredients. Add 1 raw egg white to the mixture. Lubricate your face with the resulting mass, the layer should be thick. The duration of the procedure is a third of an hour. Banana mask is more suitable for oily and combination skin, since the components of the product normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands and help narrow enlarged pores.
    • With peas. You will need: 2 tbsp. dry peas, 1 tsp. jojoba extract, 2 tbsp. olive oil, 15–20 ml of plain warm water. Grind the solid ingredient using a coffee grinder. Pour the resulting flour with water. When the peas swell, add the remaining components of the mask to it. The exposure time of the product is 30 minutes. The mask is suitable for normal to dry skin.
    • With wax. You will need: 2 tsp. jojoba extract, 1 tsp. fat sour cream, 1 tbsp. natural beeswax, 4–5 drops lavender oil. Heat the wax in a water bath so that the product acquires a semi-liquid consistency. Add butter and sour cream to the resulting substance. Session duration is 25 minutes. Interestingly, wax has the ability to cleanse clogged pores. This is especially important when caring for oily and problematic epidermis.
    • With essential oil of chamomile flowers. Mix 3 tsp. jojoba extract, 2 drops of chamomile ether and 3 drops of patchouli oil. The exposure time of the mask is a third of an hour. The product is suitable for sensitive skin, as chamomile ether effectively relieves inflammation.
    • With turmeric. Mix 2 tsp. jojoba squeeze, 1 raw yolk, 1.5 tsp. ground yellow spice, 1.5 tsp. yeast. Complete the procedure when the product dries and the skin feels tight. The mask is suitable if you are prone to the appearance of pimples and blackheads.
    • With cottage cheese. Mix 40 g fat dairy product with 1.5 tbsp. carrot juice (store-bought or freshly squeezed - at your discretion) and 2 tbsp. jojoba extracts. Session duration is 30 minutes. Be careful as vegetable juice may stain the skin. Do not use the mask more than once every 7 days. The product is used to eliminate wrinkles in dry and normal skin types.
    • With avocado. You will need: 1/4 avocado pulp, 1/2 medium-sized banana, 15 ml jojoba extract. Puree the fruits in a blender or using a fork. Add slightly heated oil to the paste. The exposure time of the mask is 15 minutes. Suitable for all skin types.
  • For the skin around the eyes:
    • With avocado oil. Mix 1 tbsp. avocado and jojoba oils, and then add 1 drop of mint, rose, rosemary and sandalwood esters to the resulting mass. Apply the product to the skin once a day before bed. The product is considered a night mask and is washed off only in the morning (if it remains). The substance not only smoothes out wrinkles, but also fights dark circles that often form under the lower eyelid.
    • With vitamins A and E. Mix 1 tbsp. jojoba extract with vitamins A and E in an amount of two drops. The exposure time of the mask is half an hour. The remaining product is removed with a cotton swab, but not washed off.
    • With aloe juice. Combine 15 ml of chamomile infusion (pour 1 tablespoon of flowers with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes) with 2 drops of aloe juice and 10 ml of jojoba extract. Session duration is 15 minutes. Remove any remaining product with cotton wool and rinse the treated areas with water.
    • With burdock oil. Combine burdock, castor oil and jojoba extracts, taken in the amount of 1 tbsp. The exposure time of the mask is a third of an hour. The product has a powerful lifting effect, due to which it helps to increase skin elasticity.
  • For acne:
    • With cocoa powder. Mix 1 tbsp. cocoa powder with the same amount of cosmetic clay yellow color. Add enough jojoba oil to the dry mass so that the resulting product has a thick and uniform consistency. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.
    • With ginger powder. Mix a pinch of dry spice with 4-5 drops of jojoba extract. The exposure time of the mask is 10 minutes. After the allotted time has passed, wash your face with warm water, or better yet, an infusion of chamomile flowers. Then apply the oil directly to the inflamed areas and do not wash off.
    • With lavender essential oil. Mix 1 tbsp. jojoba extract with lavender and tea tree oils, taken 2 drops each. Apply the resulting product to your face and leave for half an hour. Remove any remaining product with cotton wool soaked in plain water.
  • Against dry skin:
    • With almond oil. Mix the latter with jojoba extract in a 1:1 ratio. Add 2 drops of rose, sandalwood and lavender esters to the resulting substance. Session duration is 15 minutes.
    • With orange ether. Mix 2 tbsp. jojoba product with orange, chamomile and sandalwood esters, taken in an amount of 2 drops. The exposure time of the mask is a third of an hour.
    • With avocado pulp. The latter will need only 2.5 tbsp. Mix the paste with 20 drops of jojoba extract. The duration of the procedure is 25 minutes.
    • With cumin oil. The latter will be needed in the amount of 2 tsp. Combine the substance with 1 tbsp. jojoba extract and esters of bergamot, rosemary, basil and juniper, taken in an amount of 2 drops.
  • Against excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. Combine 50 ml of low-fat milk with 20 ml of jojoba extract. Add 2 drops of sandalwood and lavender esters to the composition. Cut a square out of gauze, the size of which should be slightly larger than your face. Dip the resulting fabric base into the prepared mixture and apply it to your face. After 30–40 minutes, remove the gauze from the surface of the skin. Distribute the remaining product over the face and neck.
  • Against scars. Combine 1 tbsp. jojoba extract with mint and clove esters, taken 2 drops each. Apply the mask directly to problem areas. Leave the product on overnight and wash your face in the classic way in the morning.

Video: how to make a tightening face mask with jojoba squeeze


Creams with jojoba oil are used for everyday skin care. The products differ from store-bought ones because they contain exclusively natural ingredients and, in the absence of individual intolerance, do not pose a danger to the health of the epidermis. All suggested homemade creams cannot be stored for longer than 7 days. In this case, the container with the product must be in the refrigerator. Try several recipes for homemade creams based on jojoba extract (hereinafter referred to as the main component):

Essential oils have a strong effect on the epidermis, so every few months of using homemade creams it is recommended to rest for 7 days.

For eyelashes and eyebrows

When used regularly, jojoba extract makes eyelashes thicker, stronger and shinier. There are several ways to use the product to care for hair on the eyes:

For rapid growth eyebrows, use jojoba extract in pure form. Apply the product with your fingertips, lightly massaging the skin. This way you will not only nourish your hair with useful substances, but also speed up blood circulation. For one application, 4-7 drops are enough, depending on the size and thickness of the eyebrows. The product must be used daily for a month. Then you should take a break for 2-4 weeks and, if desired, resume sessions.

For lips

Jojoba squeeze not only moisturizes, nourishes and softens lips, but also promotes the healing of microcracks. In addition, the product protects against chapping during the cold season. There are several recipes for using lip care oil:

Jojoba extract can be used for lip care in its pure form. Just lubricate your skin with the product several times a day. In the absence of allergies, the product can be used daily and continuously.

For beard

Jojoba squeeze when used on a beard helps accelerate hair growth, and also makes it softer and more manageable. If you add esters to the main component (it is preferable to use a product from mint, eucalyptus, tea tree or orange), you can achieve an additional effect: a pleasant aroma of the strands. The composition is usually rubbed in the palms of the hands and rubbed over the beard. Remember not to forget about the skin during treatment.

The amount of product needed for the procedure is determined in accordance with the “age” of the beard:

  • less than 30 days - 2–3 drops,
  • up to 90 days - 5–7 drops,
  • from 4 to 12 months - 6–8 drops,
  • more than a year - 9 drops or more.

You can use a composition based on jojoba extract every day. This way you will protect your beard from the harmful effects of the environment, give it a pleasant aroma and a well-groomed appearance.

Contraindications and side effects

Jojoba squeeze when used on the face can only be harmful if the product is abused and if there is an allergic reaction to it. The following side effects may occur:

  • rash,
  • black dots,
  • acne,
  • greasy shine,
  • eyelash loss,
  • eyebrow thinning.

The main contraindication to using jojoba extract for facial care is individual intolerance to the product. To find out if you have an allergy, do a small test: apply a little oil to your wrist or the inside of your elbow. If after a day there is no irritation, you can safely use the product. Pregnant women and those with excessively oily skin should also use the product with caution. In these cases, you should consult a specialist before including the oil in your daily care.

Women whose facial hair grows quickly (for example, upper lip), jojoba extract should be used with extreme caution. The product not only increases the density of vegetation, but also awakens dormant follicles.

By chemical properties Jojoba oil is unique - it contains amino acids, fatty acids, collagen, antioxidants, vitamins E (huge amounts) and other groups.

The properties of jojoba oil have found application in cosmetology and other areas of human activity:

  • personal care;
  • prolongation of youth and beauty of skin, hair, nails;
  • prevention of various skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis and others);
  • healing skin breaks;
  • baby skin care;
  • getting rid of joint problems and many others;

In cosmetics for the skin and skin, jojoba oil is an indispensable ingredient and can be used both as an additive to care products and as a basis for their preparation.

You won't be able to make the product yourself. Firstly, the plant from which it is extracted grows in Israel, North America, and Argentina. But even if you try to grow shrubs in our latitudes, you can get healthy oil It won’t work without the use of special technologies.

All the “salt” lies precisely in the way the nuts are processed and their miraculous “juice” is obtained. If the technology is violated, jojoba oil loses its properties and becomes a useless substance that does not contain any useful substances.

You won’t be able to use it “for real”. It is not at all necessary to waste the gifts of nature so thoughtlessly, making a lot of effort - jojoba oil is available for open sale, its cost is quite adequate, so everyone can afford to buy an extractor.

If you pay attention to a list of problems that jojoba oil can solve, and match it with the list medicines needed for healing, it will become clear that the price of jojoba oil is simply meager, and the effectiveness of its use has even been scientifically proven. Doctors who adhere to traditional medicine are now actively prescribing the use of jojoba oil to their patients.

Sometimes you shouldn’t wait until you see a doctor. After all, it is possible to use the product daily in order to reduce the risk of getting all kinds of skin diseases.

The oil is also widely used in home care procedures for eyelashes and eyelashes, the cost of which will be much lower than when visiting beauty salons.

The properties of jojoba oil have been used in home cosmetology For:

1. growth, strengthening of hair and eyelashes, giving them vitality, shine;

2. as an anti-burn, restorative, protective agent against ultraviolet irradiation (can easily be used instead of ready-made anti-/after-sun products);

3. eliminate facial skin problems (aging, wrinkle formation, acne, dehydration, irritation, color change);

4. relieving joint inflammation;

5. preparing massage oil;

6. baby skin care;

7. elimination of colloidal scars, stretch marks, cellulite manifestations;

8. giving the skin density, cell regeneration;

9. moisturizing areas of the body such as feet, heels, elbows, knees;

10. care for delicate lip skin;

11. preparation of natural cosmetics (day/night creams, makeup removers, aftershave lotion, shower gels, hair and face masks);

12. cure dermatitis;

Jojoba essential oil has long been famous for its valuable properties. Therefore, it is widely used in cosmetology. It is used to make not only industrial creams and masks, but also home remedies intended for skin care. In today's article we will talk about the properties and uses of jojoba.

What is this oil made from and how?

According to some information, the remedy was used by ancient Egyptian women. The basis for its production is an evergreen shrub known as Simmondsia sinensis and found in hot, arid climates.

Golden oil is extracted by cold pressing the nuts collected from this plant. It has a slight fatty aroma and a dense but liquid structure. It thickens quite quickly and becomes covered with a film that prevents oxidation. Therefore, the oil has a very long shelf life.

Chemical composition

Even our distant ancestors knew that jojoba is such a unique product, similar to liquid wax and containing a lot of valuable substances. It is rich in docosahexaenoic, tetracosene and eicosene alcohols. It contains a sufficient amount of stearic, behenic, oleic and palmic acid. The product is also considered an excellent source of collagen and tocopherol.

Plus, jojoba oil contains natural antioxidants, proteins and vitamins. Thanks to such a rich and interesting composition, it is endowed with many useful functions.

Properties of jojoba

The oil extract helps moisturize the deep layers of the skin and create a protective barrier that prevents loss of large quantity liquids. Almost instantly absorbed into the dermis and hair, it does not clog pores and follicles. It fills the skin with beneficial vitamins and microelements, slowing down aging and accelerating cell regeneration.

Any woman should remember that jojoba is a natural remedy that effectively smoothes wrinkles and destroys free radicals. A unique oil elixir helps remove toxins and cleanse the skin. It has excellent antiseptic, bactericidal, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Indications and contraindications for use

With the help of products created on the basis of jojoba oil, you can solve a lot of cosmetic problems. Creams and masks containing this component are recommended for use for dry and flaky skin. They are also indicated for women who have dark spots and purulent rashes.

Young ladies with problem skin It doesn’t hurt to know that jojoba is a remedy that helps get rid of unhealthy complexion, stretch marks and dark circles under the eyes. Plus, it slows down the appearance of the first facial wrinkles and allows you to delay the onset of age-related skin changes.

The only contraindication to the use of this drug is individual intolerance. Like any other substance, this oil extract can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it is advisable to test before first use.

Every woman who cares about her skin should remember that jojoba is a concentrated essential oil that cannot often be used in its pure form. During production home cosmetics Based on this component, you must strictly adhere to the specified proportions. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you risk getting a completely different result.

Apply creams and masks only to cleansed skin, pre-treated with tonic or milk. The frequency of such procedures should not exceed twice a week.

In its pure form, jojoba is used only to combat pustules or pimples. In such cases it is lubricated cotton swab, with the help of which they carry out spot treatment of problem areas. In any other situations, it is combined with other ingredients, such as almond, apricot or peach oil.

Masks for dry skin

To get rid of peeling and irritation on your face, you can apply homemade products. To create one of these masks, you will need a tablespoon of jojoba oil and fresh cottage cheese. These components are ground in one bowl, and then applied to the skin and left for twenty minutes.

An equally effective remedy for combating peeling is a mask made from a tablespoon of jojoba oil with the addition of grated fresh cucumber. All this is thoroughly mixed together and applied to clean skin faces. After twenty minutes, the product is washed off with warm water.

Anti-aging masks

Many women use jojoba oil for wrinkles. To do this, two teaspoons of this product are mixed with a small piece of melted beeswax and one chicken yolk. The resulting mask is applied to a previously cleansed face and left for fifteen or twenty minutes. After the specified time has passed, it is washed off with warm water.

No less effective in combating age-related changes a product made from a tablespoon of jojoba oil and beaten egg yolk. Add 1 tsp to the resulting mixture. cream and liquid honey. All this is applied to a cleansed face, and after twenty minutes it is washed off with warm water.

To speed up regeneration and increase skin elasticity, you can use another proven remedy. To prepare it, combine two teaspoons of full-fat cottage cheese and an egg yolk in one bowl. All this is thoroughly rubbed and then mixed with an ampoule of retinol. Finally, add eight drops of jojoba oil extract. The resulting mask is applied to the facial skin with massage movements and kept for twenty minutes. Then it is washed off with warm water. This procedure must be repeated at least three times a week. And the entire course lasts twenty-one days.

Another homemade cosmetic product has a good tightening effect. To prepare it, washed and peeled peaches are processed using a blender. A teaspoon of buckwheat flour, eight drops of jojoba and three milliliters of grape seed oil are added to the resulting puree. Mix everything thoroughly and apply it to pre-steamed facial skin with gentle movements. After half an hour, wash off the mask with warm water. In the cold season, persimmons can be used instead of peaches.

Lip care products

To eliminate dryness and heal small cracks, you can use a mixture prepared from a teaspoon of jojoba and two drops of peppermint oil. The resulting product should be used to treat problem areas several times a day.

No less effective is another mixture prepared on the basis of jojoba oil. For the skin of the lips, you need to combine a teaspoon of this product with 1 tsp. melted beeswax. Add a few drops of cocoa butter to the resulting mass and mix well. Then apply all this to the cracked areas of the lips.

You can also use another recipe that allows you to prepare a miraculous balm. This product perfectly heals cracks, eliminates peeling and makes the skin of the lips softer. To create such a balm, melt one teaspoon of cocoa butter and beeswax in a water bath. As soon as the resulting mixture has cooled slightly, add 1 tsp. jojoba. The finished product is poured into a glass jar and placed in the refrigerator. They need to lubricate their lips twice a day. It is advisable to apply this balm in the morning and evening. And in the cold season, before every exit from the house.

Anti-acne remedy

Breakouts are one of the most common problems that many people face. For effective fight You can use it not only with store-bought ones, but also with homemade ones. cosmetic masks for face with jojoba.

To make one of these remedies, combine a teaspoon of yellow clay and cocoa powder in one bowl. All this is diluted with a small amount of olive oil. Add a pinch of dry ginger and four drops of jojoba oil extract to the resulting mass. The finished mask is applied to the skin of the face, and after ten minutes it is washed off with a warm chamomile decoction. At the end of the procedure, acne is spot-treated with pure jojoba oil.

Masks for the skin around the eyes

This delicate area female face requires especially careful care. Over time, small wrinkles called “crow's feet” begin to appear around the eyes. They are the ones who reveal a woman's true age. Therefore, any self-respecting woman tries to do everything possible to get rid of this cosmetic defect.

One of the most effective means To combat crow's feet, a mask prepared with jojoba oil is considered. To create it, combine a tablespoon of this component with vitamins A and E (two drops of each) in a small bowl. Mix everything well and apply to problem areas. After twenty-five minutes, the remaining product is carefully removed using a cotton pad.