Chinese facial massage techniques for rejuvenation are time-tested and effective. Rejuvenating facial massage: oriental techniques Chinese facial massage for rejuvenation feed php

At the moment, one of the particularly popular techniques that promote skin rejuvenation is Chinese massage, which is performed on the face. Variations of techniques that are very similar in effect to this Chinese massage can currently be found in almost any cosmetology salon.

This procedure is very popular, since a course of such procedures leads to a noticeable result - the facial skin is noticeably smoothed and moisturized, the condition of the skin improves. Using this procedure, you can combat various age-related skin changes, as well as both visible and internal causes. In addition, this procedure can have a positive effect not only on the skin of the face. Thanks to an unusual technique during this massage positive influence It turns out that it also affects the functioning of organ systems. It is this complex effect on the body that guarantees excellent results.

The Chinese massage procedure can be carried out independently, but for its effectiveness it is necessary to carefully study the technique.

What is this procedure?

The basis of this cosmetic procedure is unique technique, which is combined with traditional oriental techniques. The basis of many oriental procedures is that the effect occurs not on a specific area, but on the entire body as a whole. Therefore, by targeting one area of ​​the human body, various diseases can be cured.

Massage for skin rejuvenation is performed on the surface of the face by influencing certain points. Each area of ​​a person’s face is responsible for the normal functioning of a particular organ.

Important! If you correctly perform the techniques of this massage, during such sessions you can improve the condition of your facial skin and overall well-being, and appear rejuvenated in appearance. Moreover, if you correctly calculate the number and time of procedures, you can even suspend internal age-related changes in skin tissues.

How do Eastern techniques have a general effect on the body?

Chinese women have been famous for their well-groomed appearance since ancient times. In order to look young and fresh for many years, they use a variety of oriental tricks, such as various healing decoctions and masks based on natural ingredients. Also, one of the main ways to maintain youth and beauty is Chinese facial massage. There are a huge variety of different oriental massage techniques that will allow you to maintain a toned and blooming appearance for many years, as well as restore youth to dull and aged skin.

During this massage, the body relaxes completely. This action occurs regardless of the technique that is currently used. Indeed, with any massage, the effect on the human body occurs through the skin, after which it passes to the muscular and skeletal system. That is why the relaxing effect gradually spreads throughout the body. By influencing certain areas of the face, the so-called biologically active points, it is possible to carry out effective work on the entire body as a whole, which during the session will be able to completely relax, get rid of fatigue and tension - both physical and nervous.

Important! This effect is also aimed at stimulating metabolism.

Thanks to these massage techniques, which are performed in the facial area, skin cells are regenerated, which also affects the overall improvement of its health and appearance. With this effect, the entire body begins to work at a more intense rhythm, in which a large number of proteins are produced that are responsible for maintaining youth (that is, collagen and elastin).

Important! In addition to the skin of the face, there is an enhanced positive effect on the organs of hearing, smell and vision. Therefore, in this way it is possible to restore vision, hearing or smell, as well as prevent diseases of these sense organs.

In order for Chinese massage to truly be healing and affect every area of ​​the patient’s body, it is necessary to contact real specialists. Learning these practices is a rather complex process. Massage has many different subtleties and variations, and for a massage to be truly miraculous, specialists must devote more than one year to their training. It is also desirable that a significant part of the life of a person who really strives to become a good specialist should be devoted to constant training in techniques, as well as practice. There are very few such specialists at the moment, because not every person is able to devote so much time to learning oriental massage techniques. That is why it is quite difficult to get a session with such masters, but it is really worth it.

Basic principles of massage

Despite the general impact on the human body, such procedures are mostly used by patients who would like to rejuvenate, improve the condition of their skin, and, if possible, stop the aging of the facial skin and the entire body as a whole. The fact is that the main effect of this massage is really aimed at regenerating facial skin cells and slowing down age-related changes in tissues.

Important! If you choose the right course of procedures and follow all the necessary technical rules during the session, after a while you can achieve serious positive changes in the tissues.

Correct massage movements have a positive effect on lymphatic drainage, which is a good prevention of facial swelling.

During a Chinese facial massage, you can not only bring the skin back to normal and rejuvenate it, but also have a positive effect on various processes occurring throughout the patient’s body.

Important! Microcirculation in the facial area begins to gradually recover, due to which rapid regeneration of skin cells occurs, and the skin acquires a healthy color.

Blood circulation in the massage area increases, which gives the facial skin a healthy glow, and also activates various internal processes in the tissues.

This massage affects the deep layers of facial skin, which begins to smooth out wrinkles, as well as other age-related changes.

Interesting! Guo Shua massage is very popular nowadays. This technique is unique due to the impact on the skin of certain plates made from buffalo horn. With their help, the massage therapist begins to influence certain parts of the face, resulting in noticeable rejuvenation and regeneration of the skin.


This massage is very popular in the fight against age-related skin changes, but it has a number of indications.

Main indications:

  • presence of a double chin;
  • facial ptosis;
  • swelling, hernias under the eyes;
  • bags and dark circles under the eyes;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • stretch marks, scars and scars.

IN as soon as possible You can get rid of the facial problems listed above not only through massage, but also by resorting to more “serious” procedures. You can resort, for example, to plastic surgery or injection under the skin various means. But when choosing these procedures, you need to remember about their complications and possible negative consequences.

Important! Moreover, the massage technique for rejuvenation is most often placed above all other procedures for the reason that such an effect simply cannot worsen the condition of the skin.

Are there any contraindications for this technique?

Before a Chinese massage session, as before all other cosmetic procedures, you must undergo an examination and consultation with a doctor, since there are contraindications. You can only worsen your health by performing massage for certain problems.

Main contraindications:

  • the patient has an infectious disease;
  • exacerbation of any possible chronic diseases (massage procedures are possible only after the exacerbation has been eliminated);
  • malignant tumors;
  • various skin diseases;
  • the patient has bronchial asthma;
  • the presence of diseases of the circulatory system;
  • high body temperature of the patient at the time of the procedure.

Important! If the problems associated with a contraindication to massage can be eliminated, you must wait for complete recovery.

Tips for patients when choosing this rejuvenation technique

This massage technique for skin rejuvenation is performed in salons by specially trained masters who know all the techniques and tricks of its implementation. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the effect can be achieved in the shortest possible time.

If a person wants to perform this massage at home, without resorting to the help of specialists, first he needs to learn the rules for performing such a procedure.

Important! Without knowledge of all the necessary rules for conducting Chinese massage, sessions will simply become ineffective and will not be able to give the patient the desired result.

Today there are special courses where anyone can learn this massage superficially in order to do it at home on their own. To do this, you need to acquire basic knowledge, namely, find out the location of the main biologically active points on the face, as well as the technique of implementation.

Important! It is worth remembering that massage performed by specialists in beauty salons will be more useful and effective, because, as a rule, these specialists study these techniques for several years and devote a lot of time to practice.

Basic rules for performing Chinese massage at home.

It is important that Chinese massage, especially if Taoist techniques are used, is carried out only if the patient is in a good mood.

Important! On average, one Chinese massage session should last at least fifteen minutes.

Sessions can be held no more often than once every 2 days.

In order for a massage to truly please you with its results, the massage course should be at least 10-15 sessions.

Important! If a patient performs Chinese massage at home, to maintain a good result, it is recommended to undergo such a procedure in a salon at least once every six months.

These rules and recommendations will be relevant regardless of the technique used during a rejuvenating massage. Exists a large number of different techniques, and to obtain a pronounced result they can be alternated.

Technique of rejuvenating Chinese massage.

At the moment, there are many ways to study oriental techniques of rejuvenating massage. You can take special courses, as well as learn from videos on the Internet. When choosing a training course, the first thing you should pay attention to is the type of oriental massage technique that will be studied.

How is a classic rejuvenating Chinese massage performed?

Let's consider the technique of performing one of the types of Chinese massage.

  1. When performing a massage, the patient should be in a sitting position. It is important that your back is straight.
  2. Hands should be thoroughly rubbed until you feel warmth. It is prohibited to perform a massage with cold hands.
  3. Fold your hands into a “bowl” as when collecting water for washing. In this position, place both palms on your face.
  4. You need to perform circular movements and blink as often as possible. In the process, you need to lightly press on the eyeballs. The movement must be performed slowly and carefully.
  5. Place the pads of your thumbs on the inner corners of your eyes and apply gentle pressure movements.
  6. Place your index fingers on both sides of the bridge of the nose and make stroking movements towards the wings of the nose.
  7. Pat your cheeks with the pads of your four fingers. In this case, it is necessary to keep score. On the count of “5” the blows should be intensified, and then gradually weakened until the count of “10”.
  8. Tighten the skin on the chin by pushing the lower jaw forward. In this case, it is necessary to work the point under the chin with pressing movements, moving to the entire lower jaw.
  9. Use your middle fingers to massage the auricle, carefully working all the points and parts of the ear.
  10. With spread fingers, make a “combing” movement from the beginning of the forehead to the back of the head. This movement should end at the neck area. At the end of the massage, the neck must be thoroughly rubbed.

There is also Chinese acupressure, in which the effect, as is understandable, is on biologically active points on the face. They need to be pressed rhythmically. This technique ensures skin rejuvenation, helps saturate cells with oxygen, and normalize blood and lymph circulation.

Important! Since the process also affects the muscles, age-related changes are prevented.

Before performing a massage, the skin is usually treated. To do this, you can use herbal lotions, scrubs, and steaming compresses.

The easiest way to master the tapping technique of Chinese massage. It is performed using finger pads, jade sticks or special spoons. Using tapping movements, treat the skin of the face, neck, and back of the head.

Important! This massage helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and blood flow.

Cost of the procedure

The cost of such a massage depends on many factors: the qualifications of the specialist, the prestige of the clinic, Chinese massage techniques, and the means used. We will indicate the cost of such a procedure in different cities of Russia.

In traditional Chinese medicine, ideas about active points connecting energy meridians along which it flows Vital energy. Modern science partly confirms this statement, because all human organs are connected nervous system. There are many sensitive receptors on the face, the impact of which has a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on the general condition of a person. Therefore, Chinese facial and head massage is used to rejuvenate and heal the body as a whole.

Positive effects

Massage is a great way to rid your skin of metabolic waste and make it healthy and glowing. He helps:

  • eliminate pigment spots, relax facial muscles, which helps smooth out wrinkles.
  • reduce the intensity or completely eliminate headaches and soreness of the paranasal sinuses.
  • improve the texture of the epidermis, resulting in a natural glow and improved complexion.
  • influence the muscles of the face, due to which it contracts, the skin tightens, and the contours of the chin become clearer.

Chinese massage aimed at facial rejuvenation can be done by a professional cosmetologist, but a simple massage can be easily performed on your own.

Techniques used

Typically one of the following techniques is used:

  • Chinese acupressure facial massage; this is an impact through pressure of varying intensity on certain anatomical points;
  • cupping, or using spoons, which effectively improves blood circulation in the dermis, increases its tone, smoothes wrinkles, and reduces facial puffiness;
  • gouache technique - influencing the skin using special plates made of bone, plastic and other materials.

Rejuvenating self-massage

This is a simple technique that any woman can master. Simple self-massage smooths out wrinkles and removes puffiness under the eyes. The result of regular repetition of the procedure is visible rejuvenation of facial tissues.


  • Thoroughly clean your face with cosmetic milk, wash warm water and dry gently with a soft towel;
  • apply nourishing cream, distribute it in a circular motion;
  • begin circular movements behind the ear, lower into the neck area and along the edge of the lower jaw; from these regions there is an intensive outflow of lymph, carrying away excess fluid and toxins; When performing massage movements, fingers should not press on the skin surface;
  • perform circular movements in the temples, along the sides of the face, up and down;
  • massage the forehead with circular movements from the center in both directions at the same time;
  • put your fingers on the outer side of the eyebrows, carefully move them around the eyes;
  • place your index and middle fingers on the bridge of your nose and, using small circular movements, massage the wings of your nose downwards on both sides at the same time;
  • relax, close your eyes and rest.

It is enough to perform this procedure at home 2-3 times a week. It is limited by inflammatory diseases or skin rashes, allergic reactions and other damage to the epidermis in the affected area.

Scraper technology

On activation of bioactive points and strengthening of mechanisms feedback Chinese facial massage, performed using the gua sha technique, is also based. This technique involves the use of scraping pads that apply pressure to the skin with varying intensities. This procedure must be done in a cosmetology salon, with a specialist who has undergone special training.

The massage therapist works on the skin of not only the face, but also the head using scraper plates different shapes having rounded edges. You cannot get hurt during it. All movements are performed softly and smoothly.

A distinctive feature of this technique is the depth of action. The pressure of the plates reaches the deep layers of the dermis, fiber, and muscles. Therefore, lymphatic plexuses are involved in healing processes. By removing excess fluid, they not only eliminate puffiness, but also provide skin detoxification, removing excess harmful substances.

A direct effect on the blood vessels located in the dermis and under it leads to an improvement in its nutrition and activation of tissue respiration processes. As a result, skin cells are renewed faster, the epidermis becomes denser, and its appearance improves.

Unlike acupressure or vacuum techniques, the skin does not move during a gouache massage. This avoids excessive stretching. Therefore, Chinese facial massage using scrapers is recommended for women of any age.

In addition to a noticeable positive effect on the skin, the gua sha technique can have a beneficial effect on the condition of internal organs. Chinese experts believe that the points located in the middle of the forehead are associated with the small intestine, and the areas of the nasolabial folds are responsible for the condition of the large intestine. The meridians from the eyebrows and the area above the upper lip pass to the heart, and from the eyebrows to the bladder.

By acting on the bridge of the nose, healers improve the condition of the liver; massage in the temple area is beneficial for the gallbladder. The nose area is connected to the pancreas, the area around the eyes is connected to the kidneys, and the cheekbones are connected to the stomach. Finally, the chin is associated with the pelvic organs, and the lower jaw with the lungs.

Main stages of gouache:

  • massage the scalp with a bone ridge in the direction from the hairline to the crown;
  • application to face and neck massage oil and distributing it with light scraper movements;
  • gentle rubbing of the chin, lower jaw, area above the upper lip;
  • fine detailing of the skin around the nostrils and nasolabial folds;
  • rubbing the jaw from the edge up the cheeks; treatment of temples and cheekbones;
  • action on the wings of the nose, bridge of the nose, eyebrows, area around the eyes on one side;
  • returning to the lower jaw and temporal region and repeating the fine tissue work on the other side;
  • rubbing the forehead and eyebrow areas;
  • hairline treatment;
  • impact on the area behind the ear and neck.

During the procedure, the massage therapist changes the direction and intensity of pressure, uses different edges of the scraper, and acts with his fingers on individual biological points. It is quite difficult to master this technique on your own, so it is better to entrust the implementation of gouache to a real master in a cosmetology salon.

Using spoons

In salons, special spoons are used for Chinese massage, but at home you can also use ordinary tea spoons. The procedure requires a container with hot and cold water and massage oil.

Execution steps:

  • The spoons are heated and dropped into the oil; the massage is carried out in a circular motion from the bridge of the nose above the eyebrows to the temples to smooth out wrinkles;
  • the spoons are cooled and applied for a few seconds to the upper and lower eyelids and the area under the eyes to remove puffiness;
  • the spoons heat up and the massage therapist taps them on the nasolabial folds to straighten them;
  • heated spoons are passed along the neck to the chin from bottom to top, increasing the elasticity of the skin;
  • make circular massage movements in areas with expression wrinkles clockwise and counterclockwise, first with warm and then cooled spoons.

This procedure helps to significantly reduce swelling of the eyelids, remove bags under the eyes, restore skin elasticity, and smooth out wrinkles.

Capable of working real miracles with the appearance of women. A professional session of such a procedure stimulates internal processes in the body and sets it up for self-rejuvenation. This technique is one of the most popular today. Any self-respecting beauty salon specializes in one of the varieties of Chinese massage.

The manipulation is based on the traditions of oriental medicine; it improves the condition of the skin, dynamically fights age-related changes, has a positive effect on the functioning of various internal organs and thereby improves health. Correct use of massage techniques, even at home, promises an effective complex effect.

From the history

Anti-aging Chinese is mentioned in one of the oldest literary sources - a manuscript called “Nei Jing”. The work was written in the third millennium BC. The teaching states that in order to recover from an illness, it is necessary not only to take medicine, but also to conduct massage sessions. Ancient Chinese aesculapians, using a special technique, stimulated blood flow. This contributed to recovery.

About a thousand years ago, the Chinese healer Kan-Fu systematized various massage techniques and techniques. They became the basis of the techniques that are used today.

General overview of the procedure

The basis of Chinese acupressure is based on a unique scientifically proven Eastern theory that all systems of the human body are connected to each other. By influencing one area of ​​the body, another can be healed.

Chinese facial massage is based on the activation of different points that are located on the skin. Each point is responsible for the functioning of a specific organ. Correct influence on them helps not only to slow down the aging process, but also to improve overall well-being. Therefore, people who have already been convinced of the power of such a massage return to it again and again.

Performance technique

A classic Chinese facial massage is performed like this: first you need to straighten your back and align yourself, moving your shoulders back. Now you need to rub your palms until a feeling of warmth arises in them. After this, you can fantasize a little: for example, you need to imagine that you are going to wash your face. To do this, your palms should be folded in such a way as if you were placing them under a stream of water. Place your palms to your face without unclenching them.

Then we make circular movements with our eyes, blinking as intensely as possible. We close our eyes with the bases of our palms and do not press too hard on them. Thumbs We place it on special points located at the inner edges of the eyes and apply a little pressure on them.

Moving on to the nose area: massage the nasal septum with your fingers (in a circular motion), while stroking the wings of the nose from top to bottom. We completely pat our cheeks with our fingertips: after counting to five, we intensify the movements, and until ten, we weaken them. Now we move our chin forward, upper lip close the bottom. This will tighten the skin. We apply a little pressure to the point located under the chin, and in a similar way we completely work out the lower jaw.

We massage the entire length of the ears with our middle fingers, working them from the tragus to the earlobe. We spread our fingers and run them from the forehead to the back of the head, as if with a comb. We finish the movement on the neck, rubbing it lightly.

The effect of the manipulation

Chinese facial massage gives the first positive results after just five to six sessions. Thus, the following changes can be observed:

  • Wrinkles will be smoothed out.
  • The skin texture will be evened out.
  • Your complexion will improve.
  • The skin will gain elasticity and firmness.
  • Nervous tension and fatigue will go away.
  • The double chin will be smoothed out.
  • The jowls will catch up.

Dark circles under the eyes, bags and swelling will decrease.

  • The skin will get rid of acne and inflammation.
  • Pigmentation spots will disappear.
  • Existing scars, scars or stretch marks will become pale.
  • The pores will begin to narrow.

Chinese has a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on overall health. If the procedure is carried out regularly, your performance will increase and your immune system will be strengthened. This massage proves that all internal systems are interconnected, and if there is no health, then there will be no beauty either.

Indications for the procedure

Chinese facial massage (self-rejuvenation is ensured through such manipulation) is recommended to be performed in order to get rid of wrinkles. But it can be done even if there are other cosmetic problems, and age does not matter. Also, indications for massage are the following factors: jowls, stretch marks, scars, age-related changes and pigmentation. The procedure will also help in the presence of bluish circles, edema, ptosis, bags and acne.

If any of the above deficiencies occurs, then such a procedure will help get rid of it effectively and quickly, and most importantly - without surgical intervention and the use of various chemicals.

Contraindications to the procedure

In some cases, Chinese facial massage for wrinkles, acne, age spots and other shortcomings are caused by the fact that the condition of the skin and general well-being worsen. This occurs when there are contraindications to the procedure. Massage will worsen health if there are any infections in the body, the person suffers from chronic ailments, cancer or skin diseases, or bronchial asthma. Also, you should not conduct sessions in case of elevated body temperature or if there are problems with blood circulation.

To avoid side effects of therapy or undesirable consequences, it is necessary to fully recover, and only then begin massage.

Existence of different techniques

How to do a Chinese facial massage is described above, and now let’s get acquainted with the principles of other techniques of the popular procedure. So, they distinguish which is a whole complex for healing the body, the “Charming Eyes”, “Magic of Youth”, “36 Movements” and many others methods.

The specificity of any of the varieties of Chinese massage is that they have a positive effect not only on the condition of the skin, but also through those on the face they have a positive effect on the internal organs. Thus, almost all types of Chinese massage combine reflexology, lymphatic drainage, plastic and osteopathic massage.

Reflexology has been practiced in the Middle Kingdom for several centuries. With the help of such treatment, biological receptors and points are activated, thus restoring elasticity to the skin (stimulating the production of elastin).

Thanks to the lymphatic drainage effect of massage sessions, lymph and blood circulation improves, the complexion is evened out, swelling is eliminated and metabolism is stimulated.

Plastic massage tones the muscles and makes them work.

The osteopathic effect is expressed in the return of the facial muscles to their correct position.

If you are going to do Chinese facial massage for rejuvenation and other effects, then you will need some useful tricks. For example, it is recommended to apply a rich cream or special massage oil to the epidermis. Each movement should be done seven to eleven times. Acupuncture massage is prohibited after meals and on an empty stomach.

It is better not to smoke for two hours before and after the session. It is worth lying down for 30 minutes after the manipulations. It is better to have a massage when you are in a great mood. You should not do the procedure for more than a quarter of an hour. It is important to perform manipulations every two days. The full course consists of 10-15 procedures. Once every six months it is recommended to carry out such therapy for facial rejuvenation.

User opinions

Chinese facial massage receives the best reviews. All people who practice it note its magical power on the body. They say that a positive result and a surge of strength, vigor and energy are felt after the fourth or fifth session.

Both young and older people decide to undergo such procedures. And none of them have negative reviews, only positive emotions take place. Many parents decide to give Chinese massage to their children and are also satisfied with the effect of it. The procedures help strengthen the baby’s body, increase immunity, and overcome certain diseases (both congenital and acquired).

Without exception, all patients are delighted with Chinese massage and speak about it with gratitude and admiration.

One of the most pleasant and effective methods skin care - Chinese facial massage for rejuvenation. With the help of these procedures, you can not only relax all the muscles on the face, but also increase tone, remove wrinkles, eliminate “ double chin"and even improve skin color. With this massage, Chinese women preserved their beauty for a very long time.

What's special about this massage

Despite the fact that this knowledge came from the Ancient East, its impact has been scientifically confirmed by modern scientists. The basis of much of all Eastern medicine is that a point or area of ​​a specific part of the body is always connected to and affects another part of the body. That is, with the correct influence on the necessary point, you can improve the functioning of the entire organ.

With a rejuvenating massage, the effect occurs on the points that stop aging. In addition to improving the appearance of the skin, after a course of Chinese massage your overall well-being changes. Those who have at least once experienced the magical effects of Chinese wisdom become regular clients of the masters of these procedures.

How Chinese massage works:

  • Stimulates active biological points that are located on the face;
  • Activates those internal processes that are responsible for rejuvenating the body and “launching the program” of self-healing;
  • Improves skin blood circulation;
  • Removes muscle spasms and tension;
  • Works like lymphatic drainage;
  • Improves metabolism in tissues and microcirculation in them;
  • Toxins accumulated by the skin are removed;
  • Removes swelling;
  • The functioning of the facial, ocular and ear nerves improves;
  • The natural release of elastin and collagen, the “main” anti-aging substances, increases;
  • Regeneration processes are accelerated.

Thanks to this reaction of the body, these massages not only give youth, but also help remove other skin defects. Therefore, it is recommended to do Chinese massage for those who want:

  • Remove or prevent the first age-related changes;
  • Reduce the appearance of wrinkles;
  • Tighten skin, remove jowls;
  • Get rid of the “double” chin;
  • Eliminate ptosis;
  • Make stretch marks, scars and healed tissue invisible;
  • Get rid of puffiness, bags under the eyes and bluish circles;
  • Remove acne;
  • Eliminate skin pigmentation.

All these defects are corrected by the Chinese facial rejuvenation technique. The most common are the classical massage techniques using spoons, gouache, Tibetan and Taoist. However, they all have similar recommendations.

In salons, oriental massage techniques are usually performed by highly specialized specialists, since good knowledge of all active points is necessary. Additionally, these tips will help:

    1. Always do a massage in a good mood.
    2. It is advisable to quit smoking within a couple of hours.
    3. Avoid massage immediately after eating or when you are hungry.
    4. The massage tools themselves should be from necessary materials. If the massage is with spoons, then they should be silver or cupronickel. For gua sha massage, special plates made from buffalo horns or jade are used.
    5. Each massage movement is repeated 7-11 times.

  1. The duration of this procedure is 15-20 minutes.
  2. After the massage, you must lie down for 30 minutes.
  3. The massage is repeated every other day.
  4. The entire course must have at least 10 sessions and no more than 15.
  5. It is advisable to repeat the full course every six months.

The techniques do not change during the course. That is, if you started doing a classic Chinese rejuvenating facial massage, then after the third procedure, it can no longer be replaced with a massage with spoons. In 2 sessions you must decide whether you like the technique or not.

Classical technique

This is the simplest and most famous technique of Chinese anti-aging facial massage. It is easy to learn at home and can be done independently while sitting.

  1. You need to straighten your back and pull your shoulders back.
  2. Your palms must be “warmed up” by rubbing them against each other. There should be a feeling of enveloping warmth.
  3. Afterwards, the palms are connected, as if you are going to draw water into them. And in this position they are applied to the face.
  4. Now you perform circular movements with your eyes and at the same time you need to blink very often.
  5. Afterwards, the palms are raised a little higher, so that the bottom of the palm covers your eyes. Apply a little pressure to your eyeballs.
  6. Place your thumbs on the inner corner of your eye. Apply a little pressure to these points.
  7. Now use your index fingers to move in a circular motion from the point between your eyebrows to the tip of your nose. The wings of the nose are stroked with wide movements from top to bottom.
  8. Pat your cheeks with your fingertips. Patting should be gradually increasing in strength and gradually subsiding. Let's say that on the first count the movement is the lightest, on the fifth count it is the strongest, and on the tenth count it is the same as the first count.
  9. We go down to the chin. It needs to be pushed forward a little. For convenience, “cover” your upper lip with your lower lip. Find a point under the chin and stimulate it with a circular motion, gradually moving up to the upper lip.
  10. Move your palms to your ears. Using your fingers, begin to stimulate the tragus and smoothly move down to the lobe. Massage the point in the corner of the lobe, but do not touch the lobe itself.
  11. At the end, make a wide movement with your palm with “spread” fingers, starting from the forehead to the neck, passing through the crown. Be sure to massage your neck.

After the massage, sit back in your chair and close your eyes. Just rest for half an hour. To better relax during and after a massage, play meditative Chinese music before the session.

Spoon technique

There are many varieties of this massage. Often masters develop individual techniques, and their subtleties remain a secret. But its basics can be mastered at home.

You can use different sized spoons for different zones. It will be more convenient for the eyes to use tea rooms, and for wide areas - dining rooms. For convenience, massage with one spoon, moving from one part of the face to another.

  1. The techniques used to resolve different problems vary slightly. To remove bruises under the eyes and swelling, cool the spoon in chamomile decoction. If this problem does not bother you, then you can cool the spoon in plain water. Then it is applied to the eyes with the convex side separately on each eyelid and held until heated. Then it cools again. Repetitions - at least 5.
  2. To remove large forehead wrinkles, chamomile infusion is also suitable, but it needs to be hot. However, the metal should not burn. After decoction, the spoon can be dipped in warm water. cosmetic oil and apply to the area above the eyebrows. Move the spoon towards your temples in a slight circular motion. This method can also be used to massage other areas, moving along the classic massage lines of the face. For those with oily skin, it is better to replace the oil with kefir.
  3. Puff out your cheeks and pat them with hot spoons.
  4. To remove a double chin, also use hot spoons. Move them from your neck to your chin. You can also go from the center of the chin to the edge of the jaw.

To target specific areas where wrinkles are most bothersome, you can simply apply light pressure to that area and move it clockwise. It is only important to observe the movement - to move exclusively along the massage lines, so as not to “conflict” with the natural movement of the lymph. If desired, you can replace the oil with honey or rich cream.

Guasha technique

This technique is no longer massaging, but scraping. It really requires a lot of knowledge and skill level. In addition, special scrapers will be needed. Therefore, performing such a massage on your own is very difficult.

The most difficult type of gua sha is facial massage. And making it even harder for yourself. The maximum that is available is to move a scraper over the heated skin of the face, following the massage lines. It is important not to press too hard on the skin.

The most important element in Tibetan massage is the use of natural oils.

The type of oil does not matter - the main thing is that it is of high quality.

There shouldn’t be a lot of it, otherwise your fingers will slip too much. It is also important to properly prepare the skin - it must be cleansed and steamed.

  1. First, apply the oil to the face, neck and warm up the skin a little. Movements are made along massage lines.
  2. Now press on the point under your nose and massage it a little. From there, gently move along the cheekbones to the ears, and then in the opposite direction.
  3. Find the points at the very corner of the wings of the nose and massage them.
  4. Then move to the base of the eyebrows and from this point smoothly move to the temples.
  5. At the end, massage near the eyes with very light circular movements. All movements should be from the wings of the nose.

After the session, carefully wipe off any remaining oil. It is important that your hands remain warm throughout the massage. If your palms have cooled down, then rub them against each other.

Taoist technique

This technique is more energetic than contact. Therefore, this massage is especially important to do with the right attitude. The massage movements themselves in the Taoist technique are kept to a minimum.

  1. First you need to collect the energy of Heaven and Earth. This is done while standing, with one arm raised and the palm open to the sky, and the other arm lowered and the palm open to the ground. YOU should feel the necessary strength flowing through your palms. Afterwards, rub your palms against each other.
  2. Bring your palms to your face and make circular movements with your right hand in an up-right-down pattern, and with your left hand in an up-left-down pattern. The whole scheme is repeated necessarily 24 times.
  3. The thumbs should rest on the cheekbones, and the middle and index fingers should be flexible. They need to describe circles around the eyes. The movements go along the line of the nose and upward, the circles themselves gradually increase and decrease. There should be 22 such circles.
  4. Cover your eyes with your cupped hands. Try to send energy into your eyes and move your pupils as if you are doing eye gymnastics. There should be 12 repetitions of the movements of this gymnastics. After 12 times, lightly press the bases of your palms onto your eyes.
  5. Now press with 3 fingers on the bone above the eyelids and hold for 36 counts. Do the same with the bone under the lower eyelids.
  6. Now place 2 fingers at the very bottom of the wings of the nose and “walk” them along the bridge of the nose to the point between the eyebrows. Then return to the starting point and climb again in the same way, but “walk” a little further. Repeat until you “reach” your hairline.
  7. Now, using “drumming” movements, move from the middle of the forehead to the temples and back.
  8. Now, with the same “drumming” movements, go through all the massage lines.

The fashion for Chinese alternative medicine is not accidental. Experience collected and confirmed over the years proves the effectiveness of most influence methods. Massage occupies a special place in the healing process. Chinese techniques provide a noticeable healing and cosmetic effect. That is why manipulations are in demand and are actively gaining popularity. In salons, Chinese facial massage is the work of an experienced master. To conduct sessions at home, you will have to study the technique you like in detail. The result of proper massage will be a significant improvement in the skin, elimination of signs of aging, and improvement of the entire body.

The effectiveness of Chinese techniques

The effectiveness of the sessions depends on the characteristics of the technique used. Most of the Chinese influence options are based on the study of biologically active centers. The result of the session is a combination of cosmetic and health effects.

Among the most expected external changes are:

  • smoothing, minimizing wrinkles (small and large);
  • stabilization of skin condition (color, quality characteristics: firmness, elasticity);
  • smoothing skin texture;
  • tightening sagging, folds (double chin, jowls, “sliding” eyelids);
  • elimination of swelling, bags, circles;
  • smoothing scars, scars, stretch marks;
  • disappearance of excessive pigmentation;
  • narrowing of pores, normalization of inflammation.

Shifts in positive side noticeable after 3-5 massage sessions. You can completely get rid of the problem in 1–2 months of regular exposure. With regular sessions, energy is balanced, immunity is strengthened, health is improved, and the aging process slows down.

It is advisable to resort to Chinese massage for those who plan to cope with the listed problems. Age doesn't matter. The effect will help young skin stay toned and guarantee cleanliness and freshness. Regular massage according to the Chinese method will lay the foundation for prolonging youth.

Aging skin will have a chance to regain its lost appearance. Minimizing and eliminating the signs of aging will be a clear incentive to prefer the Chinese method of care for regular use. Tightening the oval, eliminating swelling, smoothing the skin, and improving its quality is useful for any scale of old age. The rejuvenating effect of sessions increases their demand.

Forming the correct oval, eliminating scars, age spots, and improving the color of the integument may be needed at any age. The same applies to the powerful healing effect. Relaxation, ordering of thoughts, energy vigor - these are the undoubted bonuses of Chinese procedures.

Execution technique

Most Chinese techniques include acupuncture. Before conducting the session yourself, it is recommended to study the location of the points in detail. Schemes and lines of movement are specially laid out along the “meridians of life.”

Impact on the points allows you to achieve a healing effect. Correct study activates deep processes responsible for self-healing and rejuvenation.

The massage is carried out without significant effort. The touches are light and work on problem areas more strongly. The lines of movement take into account the main massage grid, which helps prevent excessive stretching and injury to the skin.

Attention! For Chinese massage, not only movement patterns are important, but also the emotional state. Before the procedure, it is recommended to discard gloomy thoughts and tune in to a positive mood, imagining bright images of a quick transformation.

An intensive course of Chinese massage is indicated when trying to eliminate a specific problem. A series of influences consists of 10–20 sessions. Subsequently, the technique can be used regularly. 1–3 procedures are used weekly. A single session takes 15–60 minutes. The procedures are carried out in the morning or evening.

Before the procedure, the skin must be cleansed. For best effectiveness, moderate steaming is allowed (previously taken a hot shower, bath). The skin is treated with massage cream (oil). Before basic manipulations, warm-up actions are carried out: stroking, patting, exercises (slowly rotating the head, eyes, smiling). Actions are carried out in a downward direction (working zones from top to bottom).

It is advisable to remain calm after the procedure. They become active gradually. Rest is 20–30 minutes. They avoid immediately starting work, going outside, postponing smoking and eating.

Types of techniques

Each type of Chinese massage is unique. The effectiveness of the methods has been proven by time. The presence of reflexology, lymphatic drainage, plastic, osteopathic techniques are often combined together.

Massage with spoons

For the procedure you will need metal spoons. It is advisable to use silver cutlery. Nickel silver, a common cheap alloy, will do. To achieve a certain effect, use hot, cold touch, contrast alternation.

The procedure is carried out using oil. Spoons are heated (cooled) in water (herbal infusion). To achieve the effect of losing weight and tightening, it is advisable to use honey.

The procedure is performed using the back (back) side of the device. The movements are soft, sliding, minor pressure is acceptable. The following lines are being worked on:

  • bridge of the nose - temples;
  • eyes in a circle (from the inner corner to the outer, vice versa);
  • nose - temples with gripping cheeks;
  • neck (from collarbone to chin).

The same type of movements are performed 3 times. Each move is “closed” with a final maneuver: a spoon is passed from the ear to the collarbone. The action helps the drainage of lymph.

The duration of a single session is 10–20 minutes. Results are noticeable after 2-3 weeks of regular use. Massage can be performed continuously as a daily toning of the skin, eliminating minor problems (swelling, dark circles).

Taoist massage

Massage is based on the energy flows of the body. When performing a session, concentration on the process is required.

Taoist exercise consists of a series sequential actions:

  1. The right hand is raised, the left hand is lowered. They are trying to take away the energy of space and earth. Hands are joined, rubbed, uniting energy flows.
  2. Palms are placed towards the face. Make circular movements up, sideways, down. The movements are repeated 24 times.
  3. Using the middle and index fingers, draw circles around the eyes, gradually reducing the diameter of the resulting figure. Movements begin from the bridge of the nose. Thumbs press cheekbones. Repeat - 22 times.
  4. The palms are closed, as when washing, applied to the eyes, “collecting” energy. Make circular movements with your eyes 12 times in different directions. Finally, apply strong pressure with your hands. Repeat - 12 times.
  5. Tap with the pads of your fingers from the midline of the forehead to the temples and return back.
  6. Moving from the nose to the ears, massage the cheeks with your fingers. Repeat - 8 times.
  7. Press the middle of the eyebrow with your fingers, counting to 36. Move your hands to the lower extremity of the eye socket and perform similar actions.
  8. Place your palms, turned edge-on, on the outer corners of your eyes and draw a line to your temples 16 times.

The essence of the technique is hidden in energy flows. Inner attitude and unity with subtle matters will bring results. The massage is tied to the phases of the moon. Days 8–23 are considered the most favorable, excluding 9, 14, 19. A single session lasts about an hour. Procedures can be carried out regularly during favorable periods.

Qigong technique

The technique is based on the movement of energy. Flow control is associated with influencing special points. Massage promotes regeneration and toning of tissues. Performing the technique requires spiritual concentration. Calmness and relaxation will ensure the achievement of results.

The set of exercises consists of the following actions:

  1. They stroke the forehead with their fingers: the thumb holds the temple, the middle and index fingers move from the bridge of the nose to the middle of the forehead, from this line to the sides of the temples.
  2. Draw a line along the eyebrows, touching the area from the bridge of the nose to the temple above the hair growth.
  3. They affect the eye areas: gently massage the inner and outer corners of the eyes with the eyelids closed, the central areas, moving towards the edges.
  4. The hand is clenched into a fist, releasing thumb. They massage the area from the outer corner of the eye to the temples.
  5. Rub the wings of the nose, paying special attention to the points at their base, the area under the nose.
  6. Rub the temples in a circular motion. Use the index and middle fingers.
  7. Treat the cheeks from the cheekbones to the neck.
  8. Place your lips together and make rotational movements in different directions.
  9. Tap the edges of your fingertips on the skin of your face.

Note! Qigong gymnastics is performed 1-3 times a week for 20-40 minutes. The morning session charges you with positive energy. Evening - relaxes, concentrates the “power” of the day. With good training of energy flows, the impact can be carried out in a non-contact manner.

Gua sha massage

When performing a massage, an additional device is used - a scraper. The instrument is made of stone, bone, metal. The session begins with manual treatment of biologically active points. Actions continue with a scraper.

They work strictly in the indicated directions. They move along the lines 10 times, the pace is moderate, the movements are careful. The scraper passes along the massage lines. Soft stroking is alternated with more intense pressure.

The impact scheme is as follows:

  • center of the chin - earlobe;
  • corners of the mouth - center of the ear;
  • wings of the nose - the outer corners of the eyes;
  • the inner corners of the eyes are the outer ones;
  • brow ridges - temples.

Movements should not cause pain. The scraper is used carefully to avoid injury or stretching of the skin. A full massage session lasts about an hour. A single procedure is enough to notice visible changes. You can deal with fine wrinkles in 2–4 weeks. Major changes require a serious approach.

Tibetan massage

Specific technique. They work with their hands in different directions without the use of lubricants. The technique is intuitive, impulse. Finger movements follow the movement of blood in the vessels. Pressure and processing technique are chosen individually. There is a dependence on the quality of the skin. The session begins by identifying the points that require elaboration (depending on the existing problems of the body). Acupuncture requires applying pressure and holding the pressure for 30 seconds.

The session involves the participation of lines:

  • neck from bottom to top (stroking, light tapping with fingertips);
  • rolling your palms over your ears;
  • moving from the wings of the nose to the temples, forehead with tapping movements;
  • center of the chin along the lower jaw line to the temples;
  • according to the location of the eyebrows to the temples;
  • circular movements along the eye socket from the outer corner to the inner, back.

The procedure involves intense relaxation. First, they “clean” thoughts and balance the energy. Special music and a few drops of ethers promote relaxation. The session takes about an hour. The cosmetic result of the treatment is visible after 2–3 procedures.

Important! To obtain a global effect, you will need a course of at least 10–20 sessions. Massage can be performed regularly 1-2 times a week.


The technique involves the use of acupuncture. Most Chinese techniques can be classified as point techniques, but different variants contribute to a unique development of areas.

Before performing acupressure, it is necessary to thoroughly study the location of biologically active centers. This will help determine areas of active development.

Exclusively targeted impact involves intense influence on selected areas. This is pressure with delayed pressure, rotational movements in the desired area.

The session brings more of a healing effect than a cosmetic one. A single procedure is enough to get results. The course consists of a number of sessions sufficient to solve the problem.

Cupping massage

Self-massage involves preparation for the procedure. Incorrect exposure can aggravate the problem. For massage, jars (cones with pears) of different sizes are used. The size of the tool is selected depending on the area being treated.

For the eye and lip areas, a small jar diameter is suitable. Large options are used for the décolleté area. The middle ones work on the cheeks, forehead, and neck.

The jar is fixed pointwise for 2–5 seconds. The device is not rotated (displaced). Each point is worked out 5–10 times. The impact is carried out along given lines with smooth progression:

  • cheeks from the nose to the temple, from the corners of the mouth to the ear;
  • chin, sagging below the bone line;
  • forehead from the center along massage lines to the temples, from the bridge of the nose upward;
  • nasolabial folds from bottom to top in a circular motion, holding the skin from stretching;
  • lips according to the location of massage lines;
  • zone " crow's feet» in circular movements, holding the skin;
  • around the eyes in a circle, carefully moving the small jar.

Each movement is repeated 4 times. There is no pronounced negative pressure created in the bank. The intensive course consists of 10–15 procedures daily or every other day. Then, maintenance procedures are performed once every 1–2 weeks. It is recommended to start procedures no earlier than reaching 35 years of age.

Cost of a session in the salon

Most Chinese massage techniques require special training. Incorrect exposure will not bring the expected results and can harm your appearance and health. It is advisable to carry out the procedures in a salon with an experienced specialist.

At home, perform a light supportive massage option. The price for a single procedure fluctuates in a wide range of 500–5000 rubles. There is a dependence on the amount of work, the type of massage, the prestige of the salon, and the demand for the specialist.

Precautionary measures

To repeat the massage yourself at home, you need to carefully study the location of acupuncture, the patterns of working out the lines, and the movements used. It is advisable to undergo training from a professional master or get advice. Wrong actions can cause harm.

Contraindications for certain techniques vary. General restrictions are:

  • open skin lesions;
  • inflammatory, infectious, chronic diseases;
  • oncology, cardiovascular pathologies.

To obtain the declared effect, performing a Chinese facial massage is required according to all the rules. Violation of technology can worsen the condition and negatively affect the appearance.

Useful videos

How to do Chinese facial massage.

Chinese rejuvenating facial massage.