Craft - a DIY Easter egg for a child in kindergarten, school, for a competition: master class. How to make an Easter egg from paper, beads, ribbons, pasta, papier-mâché, thread, newspaper, pasta, salt dough, knitted? DIY papier-mâché egg

The Papier-Mâché technique is widely used for making products different shapes and sizes. Several centuries ago, only dolls were made in this way, and then scenery for the theater. The finished products are light, which is why they are still used to decorate the stage. If you want to teach your child how to make crafts using paper techniques and master the basics of needlework, try starting with simple shapes. Easiest to do papier mache egg, in which you can even put a beautiful gift.


- balloon;

- PVA glue;

— quiet paper or napkins.

Making an egg using the Papier-mâché technique from Tichiu

If you want to make a beautiful egg, then select paper of a suitable color and cut it into squares. After this, inflate a balloon of a suitable size and lubricate its surface with cream so that the craft can be easily separated later.

An egg made from Papier-mâché papyrus paper turns out to be quite fragile, but at the same time it is ideal for interior decoration. Lubricate the surface of the ball with PVA glue and apply cut paper squares.

Wait for the egg to dry and make an oval mark in the center. When the craft is completely dry, use sharp scissors to make a cut, deflate and remove the ball. Adjust the shape of the hole. You can plant a bird made of sisal or paper in it.

Also read: How to sew an egg from fabric

If you cut out a circle inside a square of silk, the Papier-Mâché egg will turn out to be polka dots.

You can put beads, candies or a baby bird inside this craft.

How to make a huge Papier Mâché egg

The Papier-Mâché technique allows you to realize any ideas, so you can make not only small eggs, but also large ones. The shape and dimensions of the products depend mainly on the initial workpiece. The easiest way to make a large egg base is to sew it from an old duvet cover and fill it with some unnecessary things.

After this, wrap the egg with cling film to give it the desired shape. Your base is ready. Now take newspapers, tear them into pieces and cover the surface of the egg.

When the paper is dry, you can putty on top to level the surface and paint over the newspaper font.

Mark a cutting line and use a utility knife to cut the egg.

The inside also needs to be puttied. The egg is ready. You can use it to decorate your room.

Crafts made from Papier-Mâché can be used as improvised material for a photo shoot. Small paper eggs will become in an original way decorate the interior with your own hands or pack a small gift.

Papier-mâché has been a known technique for making various decorative items since ancient times. Masters worked in this technique back in the 15th century; they created works of art without special costs for materials for production. The name of the technique speaks of its origin, you can immediately hear French notes, and indeed, this technique was born in France, and translated from French it means “torn paper.” Papier-mâché is so easy to make that, if desired, even a child can create his own little masterpiece using this simple technique. Using it, you can do together with your child, for example, Easter Egg from papier-mâché. You can find out how to do these things in this article. The work of making these crafts can be divided into stages.

Selection of material First you need to choose a material for making the mold; the best option is plasticine. If there is a child in the house, then there will definitely be plasticine. You need to sculpt the object that was conceived from plasticine using the papier-mâché technique - it could be an egg, a mask, a doll, a box, a piggy bank of any shape and other decorative or practically applicable items. You can also use ready-made items, for example, to make an egg out of papier-mâché, you can use a regular chicken egg, piercing it on both sides to remove the liquid from it. You can make a mold from foil by crumpling it into the desired shape.

How to make a papier-mâché egg? What is needed to make papier-mâché? - You need to prepare glue - it can be regular PVA (it needs to be diluted 3:1), wallpaper glue, or you can cook a paste from flour and water. -Paper, regular newspaper will do for the inner layers, and some white tissue paper (napkins will do) for the final top layer. You can also use carton boxes from under the eggs, soaked in water, can be used for the inner layers. -A bowl of water and a bowl for glue. All these components can be found in every home. Next, you need to tear the newspaper into small pieces. Since the egg shape is small, the pieces must be small so that they fit perfectly on the shape. You will need to put 7-8 layers of paper on the mold, so you need to prepare enough paper and divide it into 7-8 portions.

The question is often asked, how to make a papier-mâché mask? Everything is done exactly as with an egg. You just have to make a mold for the mask from plasticine or use a ready-made mask for the mold. Also, French craftsmen made dolls using the same technique. Most often these were parts of dolls, i.e. heads and hands, and the whole doll was rag. These dolls were used for performances in puppet theaters. How to make a papier-mâché doll for a school puppet theater? This is already an easy question. Also, mold the doll’s shape, cover it with paper pieces and then follow the recipe given above.

Then. You need to put each piece of paper in a bowl with glue in turn. The first layer on the mold is not applied with glue. After soaking the paper in water, you need to lay the first layer without anything. The layer should lie flat, as it is the basis for the next layers. The second layer is made of paper soaked in glue, and so apply all 7-8 layers. Then, you need to leave the craft to dry for four to five days. After drying, you need to cut the egg into two halves (lengthwise) to remove the mold. After this, you need to connect the two halves of the egg, and evenly cover the egg with another 4-5 layers of paper and leave it to dry again, and the last two layers should be made of white napkins. It must be remembered that the smaller the pieces of paper, the smoother the surface of the craft will be.

You can also try sanding the surface of the craft with sandpaper, first coarse, then fine, but this must be done very carefully. When the papier-mâché form is ready and well dried, you can begin painting. Painting is best done with acrylic paints. First, you need to cover the entire egg with one tone and let the paint dry well, then you can start applying the design. Papier-mâché is a fascinating activity, albeit a painstaking one. To do something using this technique, you need to be patient and be able to wait. If you do this with a child, he will develop perseverance and a desire to do something with his own hands.

DIY Easter egg. Master class with step-by-step photos

Easter egg made using papier-mâché technique. Master class with step-by-step photos

Sidorova Yulia Vladimirovna, teacher, GDOU kindergarten No. 32 Vyborg district, St. Petersburg

A master class involves joint creativity between adults and children. Children age 6-7 years and older. It may also be of interest to additional education teachers and parents.

Purpose: interior decoration, making gifts and souvenirs for family and friends for the holiday of Easter.

Target: master making an Easter egg using the papier-mâché technique and decorate it as you wish.

Tasks: teach one of the papier-mâché technologies; develop creative abilities, tactile sensations, fine motor skills; cultivate aesthetic taste.

This master class will help you learn how to make an Easter egg using the papier-mâché technique and decorate it using braid.


Blank (chicken egg, thick needle)
strips of paper, maybe white strips from newspapers
regular chicken egg white or PVA glue
egg stand
acrylic paints (or high-quality gouache)
universal glue “Moment”


1. The first thing to do is to prepare a blank for our craft. Take a chicken egg, use a thick needle to carefully make punctures on the sharp and blunt sides of the egg and blow out the contents. First, the protein will begin to flow out; it can be collected separately in a bowl and used in the future. To make the yolk flow out, you need to shake the egg slightly, the yolk will burst and flow out easily. These preparations can be prepared in advance when you cook something using eggs. But you need to take into account that at this stage the workpiece is very fragile.

2. Now we will work with our workpiece using the papier-mâché technique. Cut the strips of paper into small pieces. We will need egg white or PVA glue diluted with a small amount of water. We cover the egg blank in 2-3 layers with pieces of paper, first dipping them in egg white or glue.

3. Next, the workpiece should dry well. Now the egg will be strong and will not break if it falls.

4. We paint the resulting workpiece using acrylic paints or gouache. The color scheme is according to your wishes, but so that it looks harmonious with the selected braid with which we will decorate the egg. The egg can be plain, or it can be colored using 2 colors. It all depends on your vision of the work. You will need a stand for the egg; you can use a jar suitable for the size of the egg. First, paint one half of the egg and let it dry.

5. Then turn it over and paint the second half. Let the workpiece dry completely. If there are gaps left on the workpiece, it is recommended to apply another coat of paint.

6. Now we begin the final stage of our work. We will decorate the egg with braid, gluing it to the workpiece and pulling it slightly. We use Moment glue. You can choose several types of braid for one egg: bindweed, jacquard or lace. To glue the egg around in one row, you will need approximately 15 - 20 centimeters of braid, depending on the size of the egg. You can place the braid along or across the egg, crosswise or zigzag, it depends on the capabilities of the braid you choose and your artistic taste.

7. And here, finally, is the final result of the work we have done.

I wish you creative success too!
Let grace reign in your soul,
and the generosity of the heart will not fade!
The Lord will save and preserve
and will give you prosperity!
Happy Easter!

Easter is a great bright holiday. Surely many, from childhood, have had a feeling associated with it of something extraordinary, purity and prosperity. And multi-colored eggs - an indispensable attribute - were perceived not quite as food, but rather as a trifle toy. At all times, giving and exchanging eggs is a wish for good and prosperity. There are dozens of ways to make an Easter egg. Many of them are so easy and fun that your child will love them. The result of joint leisure time during a creative activity - a unique souvenir - will delight loved ones, and the Easter mood will be passed on to the child.

IMPORTANT: for coloring and decorating boiled chicken eggs Only natural dyes and adhesives are used. If you need to use glue or paints, then you cannot eat such an egg. In order for it to retain its attractiveness as a souvenir longer and not spoil, it is recommended to use only eggshells. You need to poke two holes in the egg (top and bottom) and pour out (blow out) the contents. To prevent the fragile shell from breaking during manipulations, it is filled with plaster, polyurethane foam, or simply covered with cereal. You can also use ready-made wooden, plaster, or foam eggs.

Papier-mâché Easter egg

Everyone is familiar with the papier-mâché technique from school labor lessons. With its help, a variety of crafts are created, including decorations for Easter.

You will need:
White paper;
colored crepe or corrugated paper;
flour or starch;

Operating procedure:
1. Inflate a small balloon. You can hang it by a thread or use a stand for ease of use.
2. All paper must be cut into squares.
3. Make a paste from flour or starch.
4. Dip each square into the paste and glue it onto the ball, smoothing out the wrinkles. The first layer is of crepe paper, then several of white and the final layer of crepe paper again.
5. Let the craft dry.
6. Deflate the balloon and remove it.
7. Draw an oval window and cut it out.
8. Decorate the edges of the window with pieces of paper rolled into balls and soaked in paste.
9. Attach a ribbon tied in a bow on top.
10. Inside you can put cut into strips corrugated paper green - it's like grass - and plant a souvenir chicken or a chicken made from threads there.

Delicate, airy, very cute and easy to make

Another great option for a surprise gift: carefully cut the finished shell and place sweets or a souvenir inside. Seal by inserting a thread to open the surprise.

Pull the string - surprise!

Easter souvenirs made of threads

Using a similar technique, you can make an egg from threads. For this you will need: a ball, threads, glue and small details for decoration. Threads soaked in glue should be wrapped around the ball, allowed to dry, remove the ball and decorate the finished frame with beads, ribbons, and buttons.

Adorable Easter bunnies will decorate the nursery

But this method of decorating with threads is far from the only one. Using foam plastic as a base (it allows you to stick pins), you can create an egg from threads with a ready-made openwork window.

You will need:
foam egg;
film (so that the threads do not stick to the base);
ribbon and decor.

You need to assemble such a craft from two halves - make the front and back separately, since it will be impossible to pull out the base. The halves are glued together and decorated with matching ribbon at the joint.

Another one interesting technique weaving threads

Crafts made from threads - decorating any corner of the house

Easter egg made of beads

A very popular way of decoration. This egg looks very rich, looking like something jewel like the famous Faberge. But making such an Easter egg with your own hands is quite difficult without mastering at least the basic beading technique. Special weaving patterns allow you to paint pictures with beads.

Stunning bead paintings - almost a work of art

However, there are simple options for making such eggs.

  • Option 1. Coat the workpiece with glue and carefully roll it in beads. By the way, the same method can be used to prepare edible Easter eggs, using protein instead of glue and sprinkles for confectionery products.

Food sprinkles as egg decoration

  • Option 2. If you have a lot of patience, reproduce the pattern by gluing beads of the desired colors with tweezers. It is better to use Moment glue

Beads as sprinkles and bead designs

  • Option 3. String beads onto a long thin wire, fishing line or thread. Moving in a spiral, glue the strung beads onto the workpiece. If you use beads of different colors, you can get interesting patterns.

Very original colors

  • Option 4. Another original and simple method, for which you will need:

narrow ribbons;
tailor's pins;
actually, an egg made of polystyrene foam.

The essence of the work: string a bead onto each nail pin, then a sequin and pin it to the egg. It’s also more convenient to move in a spiral, alternating rows of beads and sequins with rows of ribbons.

A lot of pins and hard work, but the result is worth it

Easter eggs with applications

Appliques do not require any special effort or skill, and they can be made from anything, creating an endless number of bright decorative souvenirs. For applications, use whatever comes to hand: fabric, napkins, colored paper, floss threads, and in addition, pasta, cereals and shells of already painted eggs.

Bright appliques made of threads and paper

Cereals and pasta in use

You can decorate the shell... with shells!

Select the decor you like, glue it onto the blank at random or lay out a pattern, decorate it with sparkles, rhinestones, foil - voila, quickly and easily!

You can use the decoupage technique. Additionally, you will need acrylic primer, paint and varnish. Operating procedure:
1. Degrease and prime the workpiece.
2. Paint acrylic paint in two or three layers using a sponge.
3. Cut out parts of the design from a decorative napkin.
4. Glue using diluted PVA glue.
5. Let dry.
6. Apply varnish in several layers.

Delicate romantic decoupage

Easter crafts in vintage style

Dull, but tasteful, but very unusual Easter eggs: a master class on them is presented below.

You will need:
PVA glue and “Moment”;
buttons, decor;
coffee and cinnamon as dyes.

Operating procedure:
1. Tear the newspaper finely.
2. Glue the overlap using PVA and smooth the pieces of newspaper onto the workpiece.
3. Let dry.
4. Prepare a solution for tinting from water, PVA glue, coffee and cinnamon.
5. Apply the tinting solution with a brush.
6. Cover with a layer of varnish or PVA glue.
7. Decorate with lace and decorative elements.

Old newspapers sometimes come in handy in the most unusual ways

Easter decorations made from ribbons

Such stylish, elegant eggs will be a worthy decoration of the interior - a chest of drawers or a mantelpiece. Satin ribbons give special chic and extravagance to such decorative elements. They are simple to perform and do not require special preparation: you need a blank, ribbons, double-sided tape and rhinestones (optional).

Operating procedure:
1. Apply tape on top and bottom.
2. Attach the ends of the ribbons to the tape.
3. Gently pulling the tapes, wrap the workpiece.
4. Secure the ends with a hairpin.
5. Make a decoration from a separate ribbon: fold it in half, secure the corner and shift the tails one by one until an accordion is formed. Secure the other end.
6. Sew on the decoration in a spiral.
7. Fix the tails with rhinestones or stones.

You can also make bows, flowers from ribbons, and decorate a souvenir stand with them.

A job that seems difficult at first glance is not so difficult

Impressive and stylish result

Extraordinarily beautiful, bright, festive crafts using the quilling technique delight the eye, delight and touch. But you shouldn’t envy those who have this technique - it’s better to take quilling paper, a special tool (at first, an awl, a toothpick, or a large needle will do) and try paper rolling yourself. All complex patterns in quilling consist of many small standard elements, which are not so difficult to create - just a little skill.

Thin strips of paper are rolled into rolls. The rolls are loosened and the tip is secured with glue. For leaves and petals, the rolls are compressed at the edges. Each part must be coated with glue in the places of greatest contact between the curls, and excess glue must be removed.

The finished parts are dipped in glue and laid out in a pattern on the base.

For such a craft, two simple quilling elements are enough.

The result is excellent!

Crafts and decorations for Easter are an excellent option for family leisure, and ready-made gifts, made with your own hands, with soul and imagination, are a wonderful tribute to Easter traditions and related values. Everyone can try the beauty of creating their own little masterpiece!

International Catholic and Orthodox celebrations are celebrated in many countries. People make loved ones happy, organize family gatherings, decorate their homes and give pleasant little things to children. You can present an original papier-mâché egg to kids or arrange a game in which you will need to find decorated and bright surprises. Using boiled ingredients for the latter is impractical, so paper crafts would be an excellent solution.

Master class on making standard size eggs

To implement this idea you will need:

  • base for the product of the appropriate shape
  • hole puncher
  • newspaper or regular white sheets
  • tassel
  • paste or PVA
  • rope for convenient drying

Having stocked up with everything you need, prepare your workplace.

Inflate the flaps a little; they should be about the size of your palm. This will be the base for our creation. With paper soaked in adhesive, begin gluing the mold. Three layers will be enough. Try to smooth out the resulting wrinkles as much as possible. To completely eliminate their formation, use small strips of plain paper.

For decoration, use small colored squares with holes inside. They are easy to make with a hole punch or scissors.

Decorate the product with the resulting elements. Try to use them to hide the flaws of the bottom layer. It is better if the white base dries before gluing the colored one.

Hang the items on a line to dry. The drying process lasts at least a day.

If a rubber ball was used as a base, it should be washed and the remains carefully removed. A large Easter egg can be filled with small sweets to make it more interesting for children to receive or look for them.

Master class on making hard eggs

To complete this task you will need: PVA, water, newspaper, gouache and plasticine. You can also use a plastic container from a children's toy in the shape of an egg as a base.

Blind and give the look you want. Cut into squares. Soak them in plain water.

Cover with one layer.

Make a 1:2 mixture of water and glue. Subsequent layers will be soaked in this substance. Apply the next layer of slices soaked in paste to the workpiece. Let dry. Each new level of coating is applied only after the previous one has dried. This way the shape will hold and become strong. There must be at least 7 layers in total.

The finished props must dry for at least 1.5 days. After this, white gouache is applied as a primer.

After drying, you need to separate the paper crust with a knife and pull out the workpiece.

Use PVA glue to secure the halves together.

You can decorate it to suit every taste and not only with paints, but also with beads, ribbons, etc. Using this example, you can make any element to decorate the table for Easter and create an environment appropriate for the holiday.

Tissue paper craft

To make a beautiful creation, use special materials.

Silence is incredibly thin and delicate, it is used in many handmade techniques.

  1. Inflate the balloon, but it is better not to make it too big.
  2. Lubricate the rubber surface with any cosmetic cream so that you can easily separate it from the base and not damage its integrity.
  3. The egg will be fragile, so it can only be used as decoration.
  4. The cut pieces should be secured with glue. It should be applied first, and colored squares should be placed on top.
  5. Allow the product to dry completely.
  6. Deflate and remove the remaining balloon.
  7. Cut an oval hole and place the decorations inside.

The shape and dimensions completely depend on the base workpiece. Thus, this needlework technique will allow you to make a craft of any size.

Video master class “Papier-mâché eggs”