Mumiyo in the fight against stretch marks: recipes for home remedies and subtleties of application. Recipes for products with mumiyo for stretch marks. Video: about the beneficial properties of mumiyo

Hello, dear readers!

Today I will talk about mummy and whether it can be used to get rid of stretch marks.

The topic of stretch marks has long been relevant for me and remains to this day. While I was still at school, I got my first stretch marks, but then they really disappeared. And so it often happened, they appear and disappear on their own, probably, the skin somehow miraculously managed to renew itself and they, being shallow and fresh, simply disappeared. But everything changed after giving birth. They appeared in quite large numbers on the thighs. And they were very noticeable. At first they were dark, like all fresh stretch marks. And that’s when it was necessary to get rid of them, because there is a high probability of getting rid of them while they are still fresh. But then I had no time for stretch marks and over time they turned white and remained on my thighs. They were very noticeable, I didn’t have any complexes about them, but I still didn’t want to put up with them and started looking for ways to get rid of stretch marks, naturally, on the Internet.

Laser, peelings, massage - everything that salons offer us is not for me. I'm not so obsessed with these stretch marks that I'd spend thousands of rubles at a beauty salon. Therefore, I wanted something cheap and sold at home. There were many articles on the topic of mumiyo. They promised that it even gets rid of old stretch marks. True, you have to wait a long time - up to six months. I’m not afraid of such regular procedures - just apply cream to my stretch marks every evening, so I chose Shilajit.

What is mumiyo?

Mumiyo is a rich organ-mineral complex of natural origin. It contains more than 85 minerals and trace elements necessary for humans.

Mumiyo is a plastic natural substance like resin. The origin is mineral-biological. The color of mumiyo varies from light brown to black, and colored ones are also found. Mumiyo can be smooth and with an irregular, crumbling structure, it can be viscous and similar to frozen glass, transparent and opaque. In any case, all mumiyo found in nature has a specific balsamic smell and similar properties and composition.

Mumiyo is found in the mountains in various countries and regions such as the Caucasus, Nepal, Australia, Iran, Central Asia, Altai, India, Mongolia, Russia, South America, North Africa and some others.

I bought Altai mummy at the pharmacy closest to my house. As the manufacturer promises, this is 100% natural mummy. It is in tablets, it smells specific, it seemed to me like resin, somewhat reminiscent of tar soap, but not exactly. Some people may not like the smell and may find it unpleasant to use. For me, this smell is pleasant, I am delighted with similar smells, for example, with the same tar soap.

In general, purified and soft mummy is a useful thing; it contains a lot of minerals. People use mumiyo to treat various ailments. Of course, cleaned and plastic mumiyo is very expensive. And in most cases, people will buy tableted mummy, which is much cheaper.

Shilajit contains many important components: phosphorus, calcium, succinic acid and many others.

If you are not sure of the authenticity of the chosen product, you should pay attention to such a property of mumiyo as plasticity. In the process of kneading mumiyo in the fingers High Quality after a short time it will begin to wrinkle, but the falsification will remain solid and nothing will change. In this case, it is even possible that this is a fake.

Quite interesting is the fact that mumiyo has virtually no contraindications for use. But still, you should not take it if you are individually intolerant to the components of mumiyo. You should also be careful during pregnancy, breastfeeding and when used by children under three years of age.

There are a lot of sites on the Internet offering a classic recipe for cream with mumiyo for stretch marks:

Classic recipe: into a small bowl, squeeze out 100 g. baby cream 2-4 gr. Shilajit must be dissolved in a small amount of purified water and added to the cream. Transfer the prepared product into a small jar and store in the refrigerator (3-4 months). The cream is used daily, rubbing into the skin with massage movements for 15 minutes.

There is a recipe with the addition of essential oils:

Cream with added essential oil: the cooking recipe is similar to the first, only at the end you need to add essential oil that has anti-cellulite properties (orange, rosemary, lavender). In addition to their enhancing anti-cellulite effect, essential oils can neutralize bad smell mumiyo.

And the buttercream recipe:

Oil cream: since the tablets do not dissolve in oil, they must be diluted in a small amount of clean water (mineral water is possible), then add mint or rose oil. For 1 tablet of the product there is 1 tbsp. spoon of butter.

I chose a classic recipe for a cream for stretch marks based on mumiyo and added a little vitamin E in oil.

To do this, we need mummy in tablets, some water, oil vitamin E, baby cream and a jar where our cream will be stored.

First, dissolve the mummy in water. In a small amount of water (1 tablespoon), 4 mummy tablets. It gradually dissolves and the water turns brown.

Add oil vitamin E to the jar where the cream will be stored.

Then add baby cream. It's hard to say exactly how much is needed. See for yourself, you need such an amount that in the end the mixture is not liquid, but has a normal creamy consistency.

Add dissolved mumiyo with water. Mix well and you get a creamy brown mass.

This cream should be stored covered in the refrigerator and applied every evening with massaging movements to areas with stretch marks. They say that it heals fresh stretch marks quickly. My stretch marks are not very old, they are only 2 years old, but they are not fresh either. That is, they have already turned white and it is almost impossible to get rid of them. But according to various sources, such a cream will get rid of even the oldest stretch marks. True, you need to use it for a long time. Apply for a long time, patiently, regularly, daily. And then there will be a result.

That's what I did. I started using this cream back in the summer, in August. And now, 7 months of using the cream have passed (daily), but the stretch marks were still there. See for yourself:

They didn’t even smooth out, didn’t even narrow, didn’t change at all! In short, this mummy-based cream is ineffective against stretch marks. I don’t know if he could remove fresh stretch marks for me, but there are a lot of promises on the Internet about old ones. But, alas, it didn’t help at all.

And also many people drink mumiyo internally, as vitamins, for general strengthening of the body, for vitamin deficiency, for fatigue, etc. And also to improve the condition of hair, nails, and skin. I also decided to drink it for a month and take this vitamin course. My nails are very thin, I thought maybe mumiyo would have an effect on them, at least strengthen them a little...

I took two tablets every day for a month.

But here, alas, I didn’t notice any changes. I don’t know whether it affected hair growth or not, since I constantly do warming masks for hair growth: mustard, With nicotinic acid, With pepper tincture. The nails remain just as brittle and thin. I also didn’t notice an increase in immunity, since I caught the virus several times, but I generally don’t believe that supplements can strengthen the immune system.

I also didn’t notice any impact on my general well-being or endurance.

I used mumiyo internally not from this manufacturer, which is in the photo, but from Evalar.

An experiment based on publicly available mumiyo, which can be bought at any pharmacy, did not bring results. That is, I brought it, I realized that this was all nonsense - it didn’t help with stretch marks, and I didn’t see any changes for the body as a whole.

Maybe someday I'll come across a purified shilajit that's sold in sheets, then I'll try again and (maybe) change my review to positive side. But this is my experience so far.

Thank you for watching!

Stretch marks (striae) are a common, not dangerous, but very unsightly formation. The appearance of stretch marks spoils the joy of motherhood for every second woman. After all, who else but a young mother can be beautiful, confident and happy. We learn to get rid of stretch marks with the help of mumiyo - an organo-mineral complex of natural origin.

  1. The main cause of stretch marks is tears in the collagen and elastin fibers of the dermis.
  1. Tears in the deep layers of the skin are most often associated
  • with pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • with sudden weight gain
  • with heavy physical activity(for example, bodybuilding)
  • with hormonal imbalances and sharp growth in adolescence
  • with a hereditary predisposition
  • with taking medications, for example, glucocorticoids
  • with problems in the functioning of the endocrine system (adrenal dysfunction)
  1. Striae (stretch marks) occur in both women and men
  2. The most common places for stretch marks to appear in women

  1. Stretch marks have two stages of “maturity”
  • initial The color of the scars is rich pink-violet.
  • outdated. Scar color pearly white

Stretch mark maturation time from appearance to discoloration: 6-8 months

  1. Unfortunately, stretch marks can be made less noticeable, but they cannot be completely eliminated.

Does mummy help with stretch marks? Photos before and after

The experience of many generations confirms the positive effect of using mumiyo in the fight against stretch marks

Interesting fact. Mumiyo is a word with Greek roots, translated means “preserving the body”

As a traditional medicinal product mumiyo was used not only by the Greeks, but also by residents of the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Middle and Far East.

Using mumiyo for many millennia, people have never been able to give an exact definition of this substance, determine its origin and composition.

Shilajit is known as

  • mountain resin
  • mountain wax
  • tears of the mountains

There are two versions about the origin of mumiyo:

  1. Shilajit is a type of geological rock that forms in mountain cracks
  2. mumiyo is a product of decomposition and subsequent fermentation of organic substances
  • animal excrement (mainly bats)
  • wild bees wax
  • remains of mountain plants, etc.

If the mention of animal excrement discourages you from using mumiyo, think about Kopi Luwak coffee - the very expensive coffee in the world. Coffee beans necessarily pass through the digestive tract of civet cats, acquiring a unique taste that is so valued all over the world.

The composition of mumiyo depends on the place of origin of the substance. Not a single laboratory in the world has been able to identify all the components of mountain wax. It is known for sure that mumiyo consists of:

  • essential oils
  • bee venom
  • metal oxides
  • humic bases
  • amino acids
  • protein compounds
  • 85 different macro- and microelements, etc.
  • activates skin regeneration processes
  • improves metabolism at the cellular level
  • nourishes the skin with essential vitamins and elements

How to use mumiyo for stretch marks?

The fight against stretch marks is a set of measures, including

  • appropriate nutrition
  • drinking enough liquid
  • proper physical activity
  • cosmetic procedures

Cosmetic procedures, in addition to applying medicinal creams, must include skin scrubbing. Using a scrub significantly enhances the effect of products with mumiyo

Scrub for stretch marks

What to cook with

  • 2 parts oil
  • 1 part ground coffee
  • 1 part cane sugar or sea salt

How to cook:

  1. Mix all ingredients
  2. If necessary, adjust the consistency: the mixture should be thick enough
  3. Place the resulting mass in a clean nylon sock. You've got a kind of massage ball

How to use:

  1. The skin should be steamed
  2. Carefully, but gently, massage the damaged areas for 10 minutes with a massage ball with a coffee-salt mixture
  3. Rinse off the mixture with water
  4. Dry your skin with a towel
  5. Apply nutritious cream based on mumiyo

Scrubbing frequency: at least 3 times a week

Soap-scrub for stretch marks with mumiyo and ground coffee

This soap can be used every day.

What to cook from:

  • 6 g mummy in plates or tablets
  • 2 tbsp. l. ground natural coffee
  • 2 tsp. milk
  • 150 g soap base. Can be replaced with high-quality baby soap
  • 1 tbsp. l. shea butter
  • 1 tbsp. l. grape seed oils
  • 1 tbsp. l. avocado oil

Advice. Each of the oils can be replaced with olive oil

How to cook:

  1. Dissolve the mumiyo in warm milk
  2. Place the crushed soap in a heatproof container.
  3. Place the container with soap in a water bath, wait until the soap dissolves
  4. Add mumiyo, ground coffee and oils to liquid soap
  5. Mix all ingredients thoroughly
  6. Place in a convenient container with an airtight lid.
  7. Store in the refrigerator

How to use:

Daily to care for problem areas of the body

Cream with mumiyo for stretch marks

What to cook from:

  • 4 g mummy. The substance can be either in plates or tablets
  • 1-2 tsp. clean warm water
  • 100 g of high-quality baby cream

How to cook:

  1. Place the required amount of mumiyo in a glass container and fill with warm water
  2. An important feature of high-quality mountain wax: the substance is completely soluble in water
  3. After the mumiyo has completely dissolved, thoroughly mix the resulting extract and cream
  4. Transfer the cream with mumiyo into a sterile, hermetically sealed container.
  5. Store in the refrigerator

How to use:

  • Apply the cream to well-steamed skin with light massage movements. Massage time: 5-10 minutes
  • Wait until the cream is absorbed into the skin
  • Remove any remaining cream with a cosmetic wipe

Frequency of use

  • every evening - for mild stretch marks in the initial stage
  • twice a day - at old stretch marks or severe skin damage until the skin condition improves

Course duration: 20-30 days. If necessary, the course should be repeated after 1 week break

Important: Shilajit-based cream can be used during breastfeeding (2 months after birth)

Remedy for old stretch marks with mumiyo

Wraps with mumijo for stretch marks cope well with old signs of skin atrophy. Essential oils added to the healing mixture enhance the effect of the product.

The best pairs of “Oil and mumiyo for stretch marks” are esters

  • sweet fennel
  • sweet orange
  • rosemary
  • juniper
  • grapefruit
  • lemon
  • lavender
  • geraniums
  • peppermint

The use of aromatic oils not only enhances the effect of mountain wax on the skin, but also allows you to “mask” the pungent aroma of mumiyo

What to prepare a mixture for a compress against stretch marks

  • 1 g mumiyo
  • 1 tsp. water
  • 7 drops of any oil from the list

How to cook:

  1. Add aroma oil
  2. Stir the mixture thoroughly

How to use:

  • Wrapping time: 2-3 hours
  • consider the ability of aromatic oils to cause allergic reactions
  • Some oils are not recommended for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • You should not use essential oils if you have any skin diseases.
  • Be sure to consult your doctor before undergoing the wrapping procedure. This procedure has a lot of medical contraindications!

Masks with mumiyo for stretch marks

What to cook from:

  • 10 g mummy (plates or tablets)
  • 100 ml water
  • 200 ml quality vegetable oil(better than olive)
  • 300 g blue clay

How to cook:

  1. Dissolve the mummy in warm water
  2. Gradually add all ingredients and mix thoroughly

How to use:

  • Apply the mixture to the problem area of ​​the skin, after thoroughly cleansing the skin.
  • Cover the areas treated with the mixture with clean cling film.
  • Lie down and be sure to cover yourself with a light blanket
  • Wrapping time: 2-3 hours
  • At the end of the procedure, take a contrast shower

Frequency of use: no more than 1-2 times a week

What is the best mummy for stretch marks?

What to look for when buying mountain wax

Plates or tablets?

Many manufacturers insist that mumiyo in plates is of higher quality and useful product. When producing mumiyo in tablet form, the beneficial properties of mountain wax are lost

Varieties of mumiyo, taking into account origin

  • Indian
  • Burmese
  • Mongolian
  • Japanese
  • Altai

The qualitative chemical composition of all types is similar, but the proportional ratio of the components is different.

Gradation of mumiyo by colors

  • red color - golden mumiyo
  • brown-black color - dark mumiyo
  • white or copper-blue color - silver mumiyo

It cannot be said that any type of mumiyo is better than others. The main thing is that the manufacturer of the product is responsible for the quality of his product

Humanity has long used the gifts of nature to maintain health and beauty. Mumiyo was used back in Ancient Egypt, India and Mongolia for the treatment of diseases of bones, joints, cardiovascular and digestive systems. In the 21st century, women use it to restore and maintain healthy hair and skin. For example, mountain resin is widely used to get rid of stretch marks.

Mumiyo: what is it and how is it useful?

Mumiyo is an organic mountain resin. It consists of pieces of thick mineral matter of asymmetric shape and different sizes. Their surface is matte or glossy, smooth or with grainy inclusions. The color range ranges from light brown to black with gray stripes.

Regardless of the color and shape, mumiyo is extremely effective remedy in the fight against skin imperfections.

Thanks to natural composition(and it includes at least 80 micro- and macroelements necessary for the body) black resin helps for short term get rid of acne, age-related signs, post-acne and stretch marks. This natural gift restores mineral metabolism in the body and accelerates tissue regeneration.

There are several varieties of mumiyo, which have their own characteristics:

  1. Kyrgyz helps in the fight against scars, scars and post-acne.
  2. Indian - a universal remedy for rashes and facial wrinkles.
  3. Altai is the most popular type of mumiyo. Used in the treatment of acne, effectively eliminates cellulite and stretch marks, and fights noticeable wrinkles.
  4. White mountain resin differs from black resin in the absence of organic impurities in its composition. This product has a regenerating, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

Mumiyo is available in different dosage forms. Each of them is suitable for making homemade skin care products, but they have minor differences. So, the resin in tablets is convenient to take. The best-selling type in Russia is “Golden mumiyo”. It gained its popularity due to its high degree of purification from impurities and the maximum amount of useful elements in its composition. The disadvantage of this type is that the tablets are difficult to remove from the plate; the advantages are that they dissolve quickly in liquids and creams and are easy to determine the dose (each tablet weighs 2 grams).

At the pharmacy you can buy mumiyo in plates. Often, packages sold contain only one weighing 2 grams. This form of resin is inexpensive, so it is purchased to evaluate the effect of the product. The plates are inconvenient to use (because it is difficult to determine the correct dosage), and this is a significant drawback. However, it is easy to make homemade creams and masks with them.

Mountain resin in its natural state is less common on sale, because its shelf life is much shorter than that of other dosage forms (this is a significant drawback when used). A jar weighing 50 grams of mumiyo “Gold of Altai” or 5 grams of “live” mumiyo will cost less than tablets. This form is suitable for preparing skin care products as it dissolves better in creams and liquids. This type of resin is easier to remove from the package than tablets and does not require the cutting and breaking required by tablets.

Types of stretch marks

Stretch marks are micro-tears in the surface tissue that lead to the formation of strip-like imperfections in the skin (similar to scars). Most often they appear after a sharp increase in weight, during pregnancy. Striae also occur in adolescence when the skin does not have time to adapt to the growing body.

They are localized on the skin of the chest, abdomen, thighs and buttocks. The following types of stretch marks are distinguished:

  1. Thread-like - whitish shallow stripes on the skin.
  2. Short, pale pink scars (scars).
  3. Longitudinal defects are bluish-burgundy in color (they lighten over time).

At the first stage of development, these are burgundy or red striae. On the second, they lighten, become whitish, but may remain with a reddish or purple tint. Dark stretch marks are the most difficult to deal with because they are deeper than light ones.

Video: The process of formation of gaps

Recipes for products with mumiyo for stretch marks

Products with mumiyo have an equally effective effect, so it’s worth trying each of them to find the most suitable and convenient one for yourself.

Universal cream

This composition is easy to prepare, but in a fairly short period of use it eliminates shallow stretch marks and makes dark ones less noticeable. You just need to dissolve 2 grams of mumiyo in any suitable body cream.

It is best to make the mixture at once, because when interacting with oxygen, the resin loses its properties.

If the specific smell of mumiyo causes discomfort, you can add a few drops of your favorite oil to the mixture. It is worth considering that some of them multiply the effect of the cream against stretch marks:

  • mint oil cools the skin, has the effect of a contrast shower, stimulates blood circulation in the problem area;
  • orange has a bright anti-cellulite effect;
  • Frankincense oil has a rejuvenating effect and is used in the treatment of scars;
  • lavender tones and improves blood circulation to the skin;
  • Rosemary oil promotes cell renewal.

It is best to apply the cream to problem areas where stretch marks are concentrated, after a shower and using a mild scrub. It should be rubbed in with massage movements until the composition is completely absorbed. If desired, you can cover the areas with stretch marks with cling film for 15–20 minutes. You need to use the product 2 times a day every day (after taking a shower) for two months. At the end of the course, you should take a break for one and a half to two weeks. If the desired result is not achieved, it is allowed to continue use. In the future, it is recommended to use cream with mumiyo to maintain the effect.

Video: Children's cream with mountain resin tablets for stretch marks

Wrap with oils

Another option for a home treatment for stretch marks is a mummy wrap. To carry it out, add a teaspoon of any vegetable nutritious oil, for example, avocado, grape or apricot kernels, coconut Then mix the resulting mass with 5–10 drops of the selected oil from those already discussed in the previous recipe.

Next, you should take a shower, using a scrub to cleanse problem areas. Apply the slightly warmed prepared mixture to the skin and rub it in with massaging movements for 5 minutes. After this, wrap the areas with stretch marks in cling film and try to move as little as possible. After no more than 15 minutes, everything must be removed.

It is recommended to carry out this procedure 2-3 times a week for two months; it is advisable to alternate oils with each use. If the desired result is not achieved within the specified time, you will need to continue the course. In the future, wraps with mumiyo can be performed once every 1.5–2 weeks to maintain the effect. On average, the recipe allows you to achieve a noticeable effect in 15 procedures.


To improve the effect of store-bought massage oil, mumiyo is added to it. To prepare the composition, you should dissolve the mountain resin in a suitable care product (coconut, grape and apricot kernels, jojoba, avocado, etc.) at the rate of 1 tablet (2 grams) per 1 tablespoon of oil. The resulting product should be massaged into problem areas after applying the scrub for 15–20 minutes. Excess mixture is removed with a napkin. The best effect can be achieved with regular use (daily or every other day) of this composition for one and a half to two months. After the results appear, you can use homemade massage oil 1-2 times a week to maintain skin elasticity.

It is best to prepare such a quantity of the product that it is enough for only one use; you should not stock up for future use. The fact is that mountain resin, combined with oil, forms a perishable mixture, so there are practically no useful microelements left in it.


You can make a liquid for lotions from mumiyo. To do this, make a 3% solution of mountain resin (3 grams per 100 ml of water), which is stored in a dark, cool place. The mixture will become more effective if you add two tablespoons of skin oil to it. It is better to carry out the procedure at night: moisten gauze or bandage in the prepared solution, apply to the location of the stretch marks and leave for 30–40 minutes.

Regular use of lotions improves skin elasticity and makes whitish stretch marks less noticeable. The effect will appear only after two months (minimum) of regular procedures. They need to be repeated daily or every day.

Contraindications and possible harm

Mumiyo is a low-toxic substance, the external use of which does not cause side effects if the dosage is observed. But still, before procedures with mountain resin, you should consult a doctor (allergist and dermatologist), if possible.

When using homemade stretch mark remedies, you need to carefully select the ingredients for the recipe. Add to the mixture only those products that do not cause allergies to you personally. It is advisable to do a test before using this or that composition: apply a little product to the skin of the wrist or elbow and observe the reaction of this place to lubrication for several hours (or better yet, for 24 hours).

Inappropriate stretch marks make you think about how to solve the problem quickly and safely. Supporters of traditional skin care methods advise using mumiyo (mumiyo) - natural product, known for its healing properties. The recipe for preparing products with mumiyo for stretch marks is quite simple; the product has practically no contraindications. It remains only to find out how effective it is in the fight against stretch marks on the abdomen and chest.

Healers of the Caucasus and Central Asian countries actively use mumiyo for therapeutic purposes. The medicinal power of this product has been tested by time: Aristotle used the substance to relieve patients from various ailments. But will the remedy, which in the East is called the elixir of life, help in the fight against stretch marks?

What are striae and why do they appear?

Stretch marks, or scientifically called stretch marks, are formed as a result of rupture of skin fibers - collagen and elastin. When such damage occurs, the body, without thinking about the aesthetic feelings of its owner, “repairs” the injury by “stitching” the fibers together with connective tissue. As a result, stripes with uneven edges appear on the body - atrophic scars. They do not cause pain, but they cause anxiety about appearance skin that has lost its former smoothness and elasticity.

Stretch marks appear as a result of:

  • prolonged stretching of the epidermis- when the skin “does not have time” to adapt to rapid changes in body volumes;
  • hormonal changes in the body- due to which there is a violation of the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

Most often, striae are formed:

  • during pregnancy and lactation- on the chest, stomach;
  • during weight gain or sudden weight loss- on the stomach, thighs, buttocks, and other areas of fat deposits;
  • in athletes with rapid increase muscle mass - on the chest, shoulder girdle, inner surface of the arms, hips;
  • during active teenage growth- in the lumbar region, as well as on the hips and chest of girls;
  • for diseases associated with metabolic disorders- Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, adrenal hyperplasia, Marfan syndrome.

A fresh stretch mark that formed less than six months ago has a red or reddish-purple hue. Over time, it brightens, becoming almost white.

Description and beneficial properties of the substance

Supporters of alternative medicine position mumiyo as a product unique in its healing properties. Mountain resin (or mountain balsam) - this is what mumiyo is often called, and it is no coincidence: the substance is mined exclusively in high mountain areas. The healing substance has the appearance of a thick, resin-like mass, endowed with a rather pungent, unpleasant odor.

The process of formation of mumiyo is still shrouded in mystery. It is only known that it takes several hundred years for the substance to appear through the interaction of soil, rocks, animals, plants and microorganisms.

Unique composition

Information about the composition of the product is also ambiguous: the components contained in mumiyo may vary depending on the place of its extraction. It is officially believed that the substance contains more than 85 minerals valuable to the body (including magnesium, iron, manganese, gold, copper, silver), eight amino acids, as well as a certain substance endowed with the properties of penicillin.

Value for skin

The unique composition of the product ensures its beneficial effect on the skin. Regular use of mountain resin:

  • stimulates regeneration;
  • activates blood microcirculation;
  • saturates the epidermis with useful substances, increasing its firmness and elasticity;
  • moisturizes.

Does mummy help with stretch marks? Thanks to medicinal properties the organ-mineral substance really makes it possible to make old stretch marks less noticeable. The substance can also be used as a prophylactic agent to prevent their occurrence.

The healing power of mumiyo is used in the treatment of fractures and wounds, diseases of the digestive system, and sexual dysfunction in women and men. Many beauties have appreciated the effectiveness of the product in skin and hair care.

Choosing a quality product: how not to buy a fake

When thinking about how to use mumiyo for stretch marks, you should first take care of purchasing a quality product. During the reign of the Persian king Faridun, the quality of mountain resin was tested experimentally. When treating fractures in small animals with a mixture of genuine mumiyo and rose water, the bones healed in about a day. This method is no longer relevant these days, but there are three important points to consider.

  1. Release form. The easiest way to buy the product is in the form of tablets, capsules or powder, but these preparations only contain mountain balsam extract. It is best to purchase mumiyo from pure form. True, it is more difficult to find such resin, but you can use the services of trusted online stores.
  2. Appearance . A quality product is bitter in taste and has a smooth, shiny surface. If you crush a piece of mountain resin a little with your fingers, it will become pliable and soft.
  3. Solubility in water. A high-quality product completely dissolves in water.

Unscrupulous sellers may pass off as mumiyo a mixture of clay and sand, droppings of small rodents, canned meat, etc.

Recipes for mixtures with mumiyo for stretch marks and methods of use

You can use mumijo for stretch marks at home in two ways: in the form of a self-prepared cream and a wrap mask.

Homemade cream

Making the cream is not difficult, but you can store it in a glass container on a refrigerator shelf for no longer than two weeks. Shilajit tablets against stretch marks can be used, but please note that 1 g of natural mountain resin can replace 50 tablets.


  1. Stir 4 g of mumiyo with one or two teaspoons of boiled water, cooled to room temperature.
  2. Mix the resulting mass with 70-100 g of any baby cream (body milk is also suitable).
  3. Let the mixture sit for a quarter of an hour, then mix thoroughly.


  1. Take a warm shower, treating problem areas with a scrub, or massaging areas with stretch marks with a hard washcloth.
  2. Apply cream to areas with stretch marks. Rub the product in a circular motion.
  3. After two to three hours, take a warm shower to wash off any unabsorbed residue.

You need to apply cream with mumiyo against stretch marks once a day (preferably in the evening, before going to bed), daily. For prevention, it is enough to use the product two to three times a week. To prevent the smell of homemade cream with mumiyo from being so strong, you can add two or three drops of mint or essential oil to the composition.


It is not difficult to mix mumiyo and baby cream for stretch marks, which is why this method is most often used in the fight against stretch marks. However, this valuable product is also used for an effective wrapping procedure.


  1. Make cream with mumiyo (see recipe above).
  2. If you have cellulite, add two or three drops of any citrus essential oil.


  1. Take a warm shower or bath to open your pores as much as possible. Treat problem areas of the body with a scrub.
  2. Apply the composition with mumiyo to problem areas.
  3. Wrap the treated areas with plastic wrap.
  4. Wear loose clothing that you don’t mind getting dirty.
  5. Relax for 40-60 minutes. It is advisable to lie down at this time, covered with a blanket. If a composition with essential oil, its duration is reduced to 15 minutes.
  6. Take a warm shower.
  7. Apply stretch mark cream.

The procedure must be carried out every other day; the full course consists of 12 sessions. For older stretch marks, it may take two to three months. After this, it is recommended to resort to wrapping once a week to consolidate the result. As numerous reviews indicate, mumiyo wraps for old stretch marks are also effective.

Contraindications and precautions

Before using any product with mumiyo, it is recommended to undergo an allergy test. A small amount of the product should be applied to the bend of the elbow and wait a day. You can use the composition if no undesirable reactions are found on the skin (irritation, peeling, rash). Wraps are contraindicated for:

  • individual sensitivity to the components of the composition;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diseases of blood vessels and heart;
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • high temperature;
  • infections;
  • oncology;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • open skin lesions;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • the presence of a large number of moles on the body;
  • varicose veins;
  • alcoholic intoxication.

Shilajit sometimes leaves a brown mark on the skin, which can be removed lemon juice or makeup remover milk.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

External use of the product has virtually no contraindications or side effects. You can use mummy for stretch marks immediately after childbirth and during pregnancy. However, there are a few caveats:

  • You should first consult a doctor;
  • do not use essential oils;
  • You should stop using mumiyo if you experience discomfort;
  • It is not recommended to do body wraps during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

During lactation, you should not apply formulations with mumiyo to your breasts. When using on other parts of the body, you need to ensure that the product does not get into the baby’s mouth.

4 Secrets to Skin Without Unsightly Streaks

It is better to prevent stretch marks from appearing than to deal with them later. The use of mumiyo is most effective for the prevention of stretch marks, so it is better to start using the product when there is a possibility of their formation (for example, in the first months of pregnancy or during weight loss). You can increase the effectiveness of home remedies with mumiyo by following four simple rules.

  1. Start fighting stretch marks as early as possible. If the appearance of stretch marks cannot be avoided, it is better to start treating them immediately. You can get rid of fresh stretch marks quickly enough, but old ones are almost impossible to completely remove.
  2. Use additional methods. The process of getting rid of stretch marks will speed up if, in addition to products with mumiyo, you use other methods. So, a contrast shower and oil massage will perfectly help the skin recover. For old stretch marks, you cannot do without stronger methods, for example, laser resurfacing.
  3. Eat properly. A balanced diet will provide the body with the nutrients and vitamins necessary for skin restoration.
  4. Use mummy regularly. Home remedies for removing stretch marks should be used constantly, and not from time to time, only in this case you can count on good results.

The effectiveness of mumiyo for stretch marks is confirmed by numerous reviews from those for whom this product helped restore their skin. But you shouldn’t expect results after two or three sessions - you will need at least ten procedures, supplemented by self-massage and regular home wraps.

Stretch marks (striae) are a problem that worries many women. They can occur during pregnancy on the stomach, during breastfeeding - on the chest, and with heavy weight - on the buttocks and thighs. Stretch marks look like scars and getting rid of them is not an easy task.

To solve this problem, there are various measures such as massages, wraps, rubbing with cream and other procedures that make stretch marks almost invisible, and if the skin has good regeneration, then it can be completely restored. The most effective remedy in this case is a cream containing natural mumiyo.

What is this substance

This is the name given to mountain resin, which is a mixture of elements of organic and inorganic origin. It is mined high in the Asian mountains, mumiyo has a dark brown hue, rather even black. This substance has an unusual aroma and tastes bitter.

Although there is such a product as “White Shilajit”, which is also called stone oil. It has been used in alternative medicine for more than four centuries by the Mongols, Chinese and Burmese. It is also known to Russians living in Eastern Siberia.

The healing powers of black mumiyo have also been known in the East for more than a millennium, and in Eastern medicine it is one of the main medicinal preparations.

The wide range of healing capabilities of mumiyo includes a general strengthening of the immune system, as well as acceleration of regenerative processes in tissues. With the help of this substance, external and internal wounds heal, ulcers heal and help bones recover faster after fractures.

This substance helps metabolic processes, eliminates inflammation on the skin, resolves scars - it is this ability that makes stretch mark cream with mumiyo the most effective means of combating such a difficult cosmetic problem.


If you use this product regularly, the effect will really be noticeable. But with factory-made drugs, not everything is so good - as a rule, they do not produce the effect you hope for, and there are frequent cases of allergic reactions to them.

It is much better to make your own cream, but it has a very short shelf life.

The process of preparing such a cream is not at all complicated, and it does not take much time. You just need to purchase mumiyo in advance, and this can be done at a pharmacy or at a company that specializes in this substance. Typically, rock resin is sold in tablets, capsules or sheets. It is better to choose capsules or wafers, because the tablets will be difficult to dissolve quickly.


You need to take a teaspoon of boiled water and dilute 2 to 4 grams of mumiyo in it (if the drug dissolves without a trace, it means you bought real mumiyo).

Now mix the resulting mixture with baby cream or good cream for the face (from 50 to 100 grams). The resulting composition should be thoroughly mixed to obtain a mass of homogeneous consistency.

Now let the cream “rest” for about 10 minutes, and then mix it thoroughly again. That’s it, now the preparation can be used, and the remains should be placed in a glass container and put in the refrigerator, because natural mumiyo, even mixed with cream, is a perishable product.

Best choice for making cream there will be “Altai mumiyo”, as it is superior in quality to all other varieties.

Other recipes

  1. Take 1 gram of mountain resin and dissolve it in one tablespoon of rose oil. The rubbing balm is ready. This procedure is best done before bedtime.
  2. Take 4 grams of mumiyo and dilute it in body milk (50 ml), tonic or cream. Massage the resulting mixture into problem areas on the skin, rubbing it in in a circular motion.

How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of cream

An excellent healing substance that can cure many ailments, which is confirmed by many reviews about it, the smell, unfortunately, is not the most pleasant - specific, which not everyone likes.

If this is important to you, you can experiment with different creams - not all, but some can slightly interrupt the unpleasant aroma of resin. Another option is essential oil.(there are specially recommended for problems with stretch marks), which is added to the composition during its manufacture. Literally two or three drops are enough to get rid of the repulsive smell of mountain tar.

List of oils to add to homemade cream with mumiyo:

  • any citrus oil(this is an effective remedy for cellulite);
  • rose oil(for healing and relieving irritation);
  • mint oil(soothes and softens the skin);
  • grape oil(to moisturize the skin and eliminate cellulite);
  • ylang-ylang oil(natural aphrodisiac and effective antiseptic).

There are some other options for additional components, but not every additive can be used to extinguish an unpleasant odor - there are also those that will only increase the unpleasant odor. These are oils such as lavender, bergamot and coffee.

We apply it correctly

This drug should be applied using circular massage movements on those parts of the body that are covered with stretch marks. To achieve the greatest effect, the composition should be rubbed in until it is completely absorbed. The body should be prepared before rubbing the cream - it should be a steamed scrub or a hard washcloth.

By the way, by getting rid of stretch marks with this product, you will be “killing two birds with one stone”, because along with the stretch marks, cellulite will also go away.

Mumiyo is an excellent remedy for normalizing metabolic processes in the skin and fat layer. That is why, when getting rid of stretch marks, you will also remove the orange peel from your problem area.

To avoid stretch marks during pregnancy, you can use this product for preventive purposes - use the cream every other day or two. This way, your skin will be constantly toned and will not lose its elasticity, and stretch marks appear precisely because the skin loses it.

The same should be done if the first stretch marks have already appeared - lubricate them with cream, this way you will get rid of them and prevent new stretch marks from appearing.

At first, stretch marks usually simply decrease in size, and if you do not stop using a product based on mountain resin, they will soon disappear completely. However, one should take into account the fact that mumiyo in large quantities can become a toxic substance. This is especially important for pregnant women, so you should use the cream with caution, and only after your doctor allows you to do so.

Application nuances

The effect of using this product will be noticeable a month later, although after half a month it will already be clear that the healing process has begun. To quickly say goodbye to the problem, you need to know about some features of the treatment.

The main feature is that treatment should be regular, without interruptions. The procedure for applying the cream should be performed twice a day - in the morning and before bed.

It happens that the cream, after mumiyo is added to it, loses its texture and becomes either too liquid or too thick. In this case, you just need to replace the cream with another one or take less resin.

To make the effect stronger, use a massage roller - this way the blood will flow more actively to the skin and the stretch marks will heal faster. During pregnancy, abdominal massage is strictly prohibited.