The best brown mascara. Colored mascara: everything you need to know about it. How to choose the right shade

This is not the first season that natural beauty has been in fashion. Therefore, every year cosmetics manufacturers introduce new products that positively change appearance girls, and at the same time there is no feeling that she is wearing a “mask” and a ton of cosmetics. Black mascara is not suitable for all women, so stylists promote other shades to the masses: blue, purple, brown. Let's talk about the last color in more detail: who it suits, how to choose and use it in the image.

As soon as a woman sees on a store shelf New Product, she immediately thinks - will he suit her? Who is brown mascara suitable for? Yes, almost everyone. This decorative product also has its own undertones from light to dark.

Therefore, both blonde and brunette can choose the right one for themselves:

  1. Blondes should prefer the lightest brown shades. This mascara will visually lengthen your eyelashes, make them fluffy and luxurious, but will look very soft and natural.
  2. For those with bright or red hair color, it is best to opt for a red-brown tone. It will make your look very expressive and attractive.
  3. A coffee shade is ideal for brown-haired women. This color is very sensual and calm.
  4. Brunettes, who usually buy only black mascara without a second thought, can also play with tones and buy dark brown mascara.

Eye color is the most important factor. Who and what is suitable?

  1. For gray and blue eyes– gray-brown halftone. Brightness blue color can be emphasized with light chocolate shades.
  2. Bronze is suitable for green eyes.
  3. Light brown eyes need coffee-colored mascara, but dark brown eyes need a burgundy or black-brown shade.

If the skin is very dark, and the eyes themselves are expressive, the color of the eyes is searing black, then it is best to use black mascara, not brown.

How to combine with cosmetics?

After we have considered who this tone of decorative product is suitable for, you need to know how it generally looks on the face. Brown looks very gentle and natural. Therefore, the main rule when selecting other decorative products for makeup is airiness, lightness, and maximum naturalness.

If a woman draws eyeliner, then using black pencil is unacceptable. It looks very rough. It is best to choose an eyeliner or pencil that is close to the shade of the mascara, or vice versa. Black-brown mascara can be combined with a dark pencil, but you need to check this in advance.

Which shades of eye shadow should you avoid:

  • silver;
  • grey;
  • pink;
  • light purple;
  • rich lilac.

Choose all tones of brown, sand, chocolate, peach, beige.

Be careful when selecting lipstick - specifically lipstick, not lip gloss, since all shiny and pearlescent products will cheapen the image and make it ill-conceived and inharmonious. For daytime make-up, use not pink, but beige, nude or warm brick-toned matte lipstick.

Stylists reveal the main secret: for daytime makeup It is very important not to overdo it with cosmetics. If you use light or dark brown mascara, simply even out your skin tone with foundation. Then outline the growth of the eyelash line with a pencil or eyeliner to match. Add some beige blush. Complete the look with a matte nude lipstick.

Evening makeup is always more complex. You need to start from the color of the outfit the woman is going to wear to the event. The best brown mascara in this case is a rich dark chocolate one. Blondes can buy a shiny gold product and apply it only to the ends of their hair. And the bravest ones are to apply a brown product to the upper eyelashes, and black to the lower ones, or vice versa. You can see how it looks in the photo.

Product selection

Which mascara manufacturers have the best quality and variety of shades? Which brands should you prefer?

  1. An absolute favorite, according to many women. The bottle itself, which is very stylish and weighty in the truest sense of the word, is already eye-catching. Ideal texture, high-quality non-silicone bristles - exactly what millions of girls expect. Moreover, this the best remedy cares for eyelashes and increases their growth.
  2. Armani Eyes. A large but very comfortable brush with stiff bristles. The consistency of the mascara itself is light, so you can safely layer it until you get the perfect color and luxurious look. One of best products, as it does not weigh down the eyelashes.
  3. Maybelline. This brand is so popular in our country because its relatively low cost hides good quality. The variety of colors is amazing, and brushes of different shapes help any girl choose a product to her taste. Maybelline - definitely best brand in its price category according to reviews.

Make-up options

Classic makeup is characterized by balance in color combinations. That is, not only mascara and eyeliner, but also shadows should be in the same color scheme. This is the whole secret of visually luxurious eyelashes and an attractive look. What happens can be seen in the photo.

If I had to choose just one makeup item, it would be mascara! Dramatic lashes are probably my go-to makeup look. It is carefully colored and voluminous eyelashes that immediately change my appearance for the better. I love both mass market and luxury brands, because I can achieve a good effect with almost any mascara, but today I will show you 5 of the most interesting, favorite and beautiful options.

So, my eyelashes are pretty good, quite long, but light. I rarely use tweezers, so I expect a bend from the mascara. I paint my eyelashes from the very roots in at least two layers, achieving a dramatic effect, but at the same time I don’t like lumps and make sure that the ends of the eyelashes remain sharp.

Dutch stamp Ellis Faas named after its creator, makeup artist Ellis Faas. Cosmetics are memorable for their unusual packaging, similar to steel cartridges. Unfortunately, they are made not of metal, but of plastic, but they still look impressive. Ellis Faas cosmetics are already available in Russia, and it is with the mascara of this brand that I will begin the review.From an aesthetic point of view, Ellis Faas mascara is very good: the brush with a steel cartridge at the end is long, but it is convenient to paint with. The brush itself is fluffy, has a classic shape, there is no excess mascara on it, but its consistency is a little dry, I prefer more liquid textures.

This mascara does not leave clumps, the ends of the eyelashes are sharp, and the curl holds well. You can't achieve drama with it, but the overall effect is decent: there is a slight volume and lengthening, the eyelashes are separated, the black color of the mascara is natural and suitable for daytime makeup, the eyelashes remain light and soft. My mascara stayed on perfectly all day and did not fall off, easily dissolving when removing makeup.

Mascara Givenchy Noir Couture- new in the fall of 2012 and created a lot of noise. Firstly, the packaging is luxurious: the design combines black plastic and metal, due to which the case lies pleasantly heavy in the hand. Secondly, an unusual brush of three connected spheres, which are not as scary as they seem. The bristles are not silicone, but regular, moderately hard, well separating the eyelashes. The texture of the mascara is creamy, rich in several types of wax and active ingredients that even care for eyelashes.

This mascara is truly capable of a dramatic effect: it gives real volume to eyelashes, lifts them well at the roots and holds their curl, extends them almost to the eyebrows and perfectly highlights the eyes, thanks to its rich black color. The mascara lasts well all day and is washed off quite easily, but its disadvantages come from its advantages: due to the rich texture, lumps may remain on the ends, and the eyelashes themselves turn out somewhat heavy.

My favorite is mascara Armani Eyes to Kill Excess. It captivated me instantly: the heavy metal tube with engraving feels pleasantly cool on my hand, and when closed, there is a click, like an expensive lipstick. The brush is large, classically shaped, and the bristles are very hard, so I can even hear my eyelashes rustling when they are applied. The texture of the mascara is creamy and light, it can be layered to achieve the desired effect.

The mascara gives excellent volume and length, clear separation, holds the curl, and there are no lumps at all. I have sensitive eyes, but the mascara does not weigh down my eyelashes. It is almost flawless, if not for one minus - a little shedding during the day.

Usually brand mascara Estée Lauder Doesn't suit me, but it's an option Sumptuous Extreme I really liked it. The mascara has a mousse texture, moderately liquid and not dry. The brush is very large, with classic bristles, and separates the eyelashes well. One coat of mascara gives completely natural look, and two and three layers bring real drama. The mascara lasts well all day and does not dry out for a long time in the case. Sumptuous Extreme also won me over with the shade. In the summer, I choose Extreme Brown mascara, which has become a must-have. In daylight, the eyelashes are simply soft dark color, and bronze with golden and even red sparks appears in the sun. The shade is very good for blondes and green eyes. In summer, this color goes perfectly with tan and bronzer.

Another unusual shade for me is Extreme Indigo. It's not just deep Blue colour, and even with a blue metallic sheen. It will perfectly highlight blue and brown eyes, successfully highlight the whites, and hide yellowness. In daylight, the blue color is barely noticeable on the eyelashes, they look simply dark, but in the sun it is fully revealed.

Which mascara did you like best? Are there any matches with your favorites?

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Comments: 11


    Oh, thanks for the post! I keep planning to leave my once beloved Chanel - either the manufacturer has passed it on, or they are selling counterfeits in our city, but it is completely different from what it used to be - it leaves lumps and is generally applied unevenly. I plan from your advice Estee Lauder!)

    18.01.2013 / 15:48


    18.01.2013 / 20:28


    Yes, coincidence Armani! She suited me too! But Givenchy, I look at your effect and even envy, I have a terrible effect from it, it’s lying around, I don’t use it...

    18.01.2013 / 20:29


    In the review, I really liked the brown Estée Lauder Sumptuous Extreme mascara, such a natural and, moreover, bright color! And of those not mentioned, I would complain about Clarins Wonder Perfect Mascara, my mother bought it for me in Il de Bout, her consultant told her that the mascara lengthens perfectly. It's true, the lengthening is very good, the eyelashes do not thicken - beautiful! Especially visible on the lower eyelashes. But what's the point?! This mascara has a very harmful character. Let's start with the fact that a drop of mascara always forms at the tip of the brush, so first you need to carefully remove it, then paint your eyes (and if you're in a hurry?). Once you put it on, God forbid you blink, the mascara is liquid and immediately imprints on the skin. But let's say it succeeded. After an hour, fine black dust from the tips of the eyelashes begins to settle under the eyes - just have time to clean it up. And the whole lengthening effect disappeared, and because I always have to touch the skin under my eyes, it looks deplorable by the evening.

Today, decorative cosmetics has a wide variety of not only makeup products, but also color scheme within one medium. A prime example is mascara. Her palette includes colors from blue to graphite. Among them special attention deserves brown mascara.

Sometimes a false impression is created that this eyelash color is banal and uninteresting. In fact, when used skillfully, it can make an image beautiful and unusual at the same time.

Choosing a shade of brown mascara

At first glance, it may seem that brown mascara has no shades. But it has its own color nuances. This should be taken into account when choosing a set of decorative cosmetics.

As for daytime makeup, girls with light brown and dark brown hair will look good with coffee-colored mascara. Dark eyelashes Brown ideal for women with black hair. This tone is called ebony color by makeup artists.

Its peculiarity is that in bright daylight it gives the eyelashes a rich, noble shade, and in dim evening light it looks muted black. Blondes or those with gorgeous red hair can safely use mascara in light brown or red-brown tones.

It is quite appropriate to sometimes get creative and apply mascara of one color to the upper eyelashes, and another to the lower eyelashes. You can choose a combination experimentally and choose the most interesting one. It looks very extravagant and bold.

Makeup for the evening can be made more impressive by using rich brown mascara with gold glitter. It can be applied to the entire length of the eyelashes, or you can make only the ends shiny. The golden glitter on the eyelashes looks especially beneficial in combination with tanned skin.

Features of makeup with brown mascara

Makeup with brown mascara requires following some rules. An ivory or light beige foundation is applied to the face. Blush choose warm dark beige, red or coral shades.

Coffee and chocolate tones on the eyelashes look harmonious with shades of green and brown. A brighter brown color goes well with golden and beige shades. Lovers of brown mascara should remember that silver, gray, gray-blue shadows and eyeliner are best left for makeup with black or blue mascara. You should also avoid pink shadows, which in combination with this mascara make your eyes teary.

To visually enlarge the eyes, the upper eyelid is emphasized with a dark brown pencil. Satin shadows in beige or cream shades are applied to the upper part of the eyelid under the eyebrow.

The eyebrows should be in harmony with the eyelashes, so to emphasize their line you need to use a brown pencil or eye shadow. In evening makeup, when using gold on the eyelashes, you can highlight the inner corners of the eyes with golden glitter.

The final touch is lipstick. Pink and pearlescent colors should be excluded immediately. If you use brown mascara, then it is better to choose shades of lipstick from a warm range - brick or lilac-beige. And again a drop of golden glitter. It can be made discreet and subtle.

Beauty and charm to you!

Black mascara has become a classic in a woman's daily makeup, but its brown alternative is no worse. Makeup artists say that the brown counterpart allows you to emphasize natural beauty and is suitable for all representatives of the fair sex without exception. The only thing that the masters are silent about is that the shades of this cosmetic product differ from each other and require a competent approach in choosing in order to create that very beauty.

How to choose a shade?

Shades of brown mascara are divided into warm and cold. They are so versatile that they allow you to choose the perfect shade for dark or tanned, snow-white and simply light skin, for green, brown and even blue eyes. To choose your shade, you should rely on your type of appearance. Take a look at your natural hair color: if it has a “red” or golden tint, then your type of appearance is warm (brown eye color and golden skin tone may indicate this). For representatives of this type of appearance, warm shades of brown mascara are suitable - chocolate, classic with red or red pigment in the composition.

Girls whose hair has ashy shade, and the eyes are blue or gray, have a cold type. Dark brown mascara, which strongly resembles black, suits them.

By eye color:

  • Brown mascara suits the wearer brown eyes, in this case, it is worth paying attention to the burgundy undertone of decorative cosmetics.
  • For green-eyed people, a product with golden or bronze pigment or warm undertone is suitable.
  • For girls with gray or dark blue (cold) eyes, you should rely on black-brown or gray mascara.
  • Blue-eyed beauties will suit a deep chocolate shade of decorative cosmetics.

By hair color:

The pigment of decorative cosmetics can be selected based on natural color hair, provided that the curls are not dyed. Brown mascara is suitable for any girl, without exception, but it is the undertone of decorative cosmetics that will emphasize natural beauty and make the look more expressive.

  • Brown-haired girls and brown-haired women will look good with brown, chocolate mascara without splashes of other shades;
  • For redheads, it would be appropriate to use a composition with red, red, fiery pigment;
  • Blondes are recommended to choose cooler shades of mascara, especially if the girl has light blue eyes - taupe or any other light;
  • Dark-haired girls will suit a shade of mascara that will be as close to black as possible, but the paint will have a warm base that will make the image noble.

What shadows does it go with?

Brown mascara is ideal for creating everyday makeup: it looks elegant and discreet, gives charm to the look and plays with new colors. This pigment can become new classics in makeup, however the practice of wearing brown pigment on the eyes is not as common. To create a truly attractive makeup, It’s worth learning a few rules for combining mascara with other decorative products:

  • Brown mascara goes perfectly with brown and beige shadows in warm chocolate shades, while the shadows should be lighter or darker than the mascara to create contrast;
  • Green, golden, bronze shadows - perfect combination with chocolate-colored mascara;
  • Avoid blue, lilac, pink, silver-gray colors in the shadows;
  • It goes perfectly with any beige, gold and brown decorative products, and shine is appropriate. For example, you can apply some shiny shadows to the lower eyelid, and a matte finish to the upper eyelid;
  • When using eyeliner, you should give preference to a dark brown texture and not use charcoal black;
  • Regarding the choice of shade foundation, then it’s worth choosing the color “ivory” for fair-skinned girls and any shade of beige for dark-skinned ones.

Brown mascara goes well with eye shadow and other decorative cosmetics, and looks especially good with warm shades like beige, gold, and green. The main rule when creating makeup is to use soft shades and textures, and do not combine golden and silver (gray) textures.

Rules for creating makeup

Doing natural makeup with brown mascara takes just a few minutes. In order to simply leave the house, it is enough to apply one layer of the product: the pigment will highlight the eyes favorably and emphasize the natural beauty of a woman. For more complex makeup, you should opt for shadows as an additional element of the image; you can add lipstick, blush, and highlighter.

You can do the right full-fledged makeup by following these simple tips:

  • As a foundation, choose any beige shade, complemented by a little bronzer - it will give a voluminous shape to the face and visually correct imperfections. Additionally, use a highlighter to highlight the area of ​​the nose, cheekbones, and chin, so the make-up will turn out even more natural;
  • Colored mascara goes well with other brown “players”, for example, with beige shadows - they can be applied as a base, blush, or eyebrow pencil;
  • It is better to eliminate the use of black eyeliner and replace it with dark brown, green or bronze. An interesting solution would be to use black mascara and black eyeliner on the upper eyelid and brown counterparts on the lower eyelid;
  • To make your makeup look evening, use a richer, darker shade of mascara and don’t neglect glitter eyeshadow. You can make a brown smokey eye and diversify it with golden eyeliner on the lower eyelid or draw a line with a golden or beige kajal pencil;
  • When choosing lipstick, pay attention to salmon and pink shades - they will add freshness to the image. Nude and beige shades, lipsticks with red and brick pigments for brown-haired women will look equally good.

The main rule in creating makeup with colored mascara is to choose other warm shades of decorative cosmetics. You can't combine cool metallic shades with beiges and creams, unless it's a look for photography.

How to do “Smoky Eyes” makeup in brown tones, see the following video.

Despite its versatility, it is quite capricious in combination with other shades of decorative cosmetics and requires the implementation of certain rules - we talked about them in the two previous sections. Professional makeup artists recommend remembering a few more rules:

  • To create a natural look, apply just one coat of mascara, or two at most, to add volume and curl to your lashes. The second layer is applied without waiting for the first to dry, in order to avoid brittleness of the product and shedding;
  • Brown mascara goes with any soft dark and light beige, cream shades and does not tolerate gray, silver and black tones;
  • When choosing blush, give preference to salmon, brick shades (with red), pink should be excluded.

Thanks to the fashion for natural beauty, nude look makeup has remained relevant for several seasons in a row. When it comes to eye makeup, brown mascara fits this trend best. It can be chosen for daytime makeup in the most natural shades, or it will decorate more expressive evening make-up with bright matching eyeliner or trendy matte lipstick. We'll tell you who brown mascara is suitable for and how to use it for an endlessly elegant look.

Who is brown mascara suitable for?

“I’ll buy a tube of brown mascara and look natural,” most girls think when studying trendy shades of brown. In fact, for a truly beautiful result, dozens of nuances must be taken into account: the appropriate tones of eye shadow, eye and hair color, and much more.

It is worth remembering that black mascara suits everyone without exception, while a brown shade requires compliance with some conditional rules:

This colored mascara will look best if your hair color is no darker than chocolate chestnut. Ideal options are blond, red, warm brown and light brown;

Eye color is a less strict requirement: for green eyes, dark brown mascara is suitable, for gray and blue eyes - with a cool undertone, and for brown eyes you need the darkest mascara, for example, bistre or espresso shades;

Makeup with brown mascara should generally be perfect. Like bad hair dye, such cosmetics can focus attention on imperfections, for example, dull skin color, specific eye position and other features. Therefore, you need to take care of an even, radiant complexion and flawless shadows;

Any colored mascara, be it blue or brown, must be dominant, i.e. eyelashes cannot be lighter than eye shadow or eyeliner, otherwise the eyes will appear sleepy or even puffy;

The shade of mascara should correspond to the color type; warm tones suit owners of chestnut and red hair, cool tones are good for blondes and fair-haired women.

In the NYX Professional Makeup series, the best brown mascara is available in the Color Mascara collection. It has a universal chocolate undertone, a pleasant creamy texture and a glossy finish that will remain vibrant throughout the day.