Design on the topic of transport senior group. Summary of a lesson on designing from cardboard in the senior group “Modes of Transport” outline of a lesson on design, manual labor (senior group) on the topic. Visual material, equipment

Elena Kaznacheeva
Paper construction "Bus" in the senior group preschool age 5–6 years

Paper construction« Bus» .

Target: Activate the knowledge of children 5-6 years old about their native country, about types of transport; teach creatively, apply previously acquired constructive skills.


1. Exercise children in the ability to bend paper in half, four times;

2. Strengthen the ability to cut geometric figures from paper;

3. Develop sensory perception;

4. Develop the ability to carefully perform all operations.

Problems of integrable regions:

Educational area: "Communication"- development of dialogical coherent speech (d/i "guess a riddle").

Educational area: "Safety"- consolidate knowledge of traffic rules, expand knowledge about traffic lights (p/i "Fun traffic light").

Educational area: "Work"- develop a neat and careful attitude towards materials, teach how to clean up your workplace.

Activities: gaming, cognitive-research, motor, productive.

Preliminary work: do paper cartoon action figures "Three from Prostokvashino", A4 envelope with an illustration of Matroskin the cat on the return address, A4 paper bus,preparing samples of crafts for children on tables, preparing material for design, reading a fairy tale by E. Uspensky "Three from Prostokvashino".

Materials for everyone baby: square sheet paper with side for body 12 cm; rectangle for windows 2x8cm; square for two doors 3cm; strip for wheels 2.5x10 cm.

Educator: - Guys, come to our place today kindergarten a letter arrived addressed to our group, but without a return address. Who is it from? Let's take a close look at the envelope, what do you see?

Children's answers: on the envelope there is a picture of the cat Matroskin.

And who is it?

Children's answers: cartoon character "Prostokvashino".

Prostokvashino! And what is it?

Children's answers: - this is a village.

I wonder where this village is located?

Children's answers: This village is located in our country Russia.

Well done, you and I found out that the letter came from the cat Matroskin from the village of Prostokvashino. Let's see what's inside?

The teacher opens the envelope and takes out letter:

“Hello, dear guys. The cat Matroskin is writing to you, please help us. We are villagers and want to go on a trip around our country, Russia. But we don’t know how to do it?

Guys, let's think about what you can travel with?

Children's answers: airplane, helicopter, car, etc.

Well done guys, you know many types of transport. But Matroskin wrote a riddle in a letter to us - hint:

What kind of miracle is the long house?

There are a lot of passengers in it

Wears rubber shoes

And it runs on gasoline.

(Bus) .

Children guess.

That's right guys, this is bus(the teacher takes it out of the envelope paper big bus). How can we help the residents of Prostokvashino? I only have one bus, and there are many inhabitants.

Children's answers: do more buses.

What a great idea, let's go to the tables and do some more buses.

Children sit down at the tables.

Guys, look carefully, what do you see on your tables?

Children's answers: scissors, glue, napkins, blanks for design, plates for scraps paper, samples buses.

Well done, before we start the craft, let's review the rules for working safely with scissors. Because safety is very important to us.

Children's answers: work carefully, take scissors only according to the teacher’s instructions, after work put the scissors on the table.

Okay guys, let's take a look at the craft samples sitting on your desks. What parts does it consist of? bus?

Children's answers: body, windows, doors, wheels.

Guys, look at the plate with the preparations, what is there?

Children's answers: large square of different colors, small square Brown, 2 rectangles of red, black colors.

Okay, from what shape can you make a body?

Children's answers: from a large square.

What shape is the body? Look at the samples.

Children's answers: rectangular shape.

How to make a rectangle from a square?

Children's answers: Fold the square in half.

Okay, let's fold it, we learned the body bus. Look at the windows bus, what shape and color are they?

Children's answers: red square shape.

What needs to be done to get red squares?

Children's answers: take a red rectangle, fold it in four and cut along the fold line.

Okay, fold and cut. What parts do we still have to do?

Children's answers: doors and wheels.

What shape and color of the door does it have? sample bus?

Children's answers: rectangular shape, brown color.

What shape can doors be made from and how?

Children's answers: from a small brown square, folding it in half and cutting along the fold line.

Okay, let's do it. Now, what's left for us to do?

Children's answers: wheels.

How and from what can wheels be made?

Children's answers: Fold a black rectangular blank into quarters and cut out a circle.

Children fold and cut.

Guys, now let's play an outdoor game "Fun traffic light", and remember the traffic rules, you turn into buses and off we go.

Children leave the tables, music sounds “We’re going, we’re going, we’re going...”. The teacher holds a model of a traffic light, the children move according to the traffic signal.

Well done, take your seats, let's continue design a bus. Let's see what we got together, shall we? So what's left to do?

Children's answers: got the parts for bus, they need to be glued to the body bus.

Okay, guys, look at the sample, how are the doors, windows, wheels located?

Children's answers: the doors are located at the bottom right and left of the edge of the body, the windows are located at the top center of the body, the wheels are located at the bottom right and left, protruding beyond the edges of the body.

The children complete the task, while the teacher makes noise in the envelope.

Guys, did you hear? Where is this noise coming from?

Children's answers: Yes, this is noise from the envelope.

The teacher takes Prostokvashino characters out of the envelope and distributes them to the children.

Children glue heroes to their buses, and put them in a row one after another.

How many beautiful we got the buses Well done guys, now the residents of the village of Prostokvashino can safely go on a trip.

1 part.
Educator: Guys, a letter has arrived to our kindergarten, from the land of fairy tales. Kolobok writes to us. Do you want to know what's in the letter? The teacher reads the letter:
Trouble happened in a fairy tale!
The animals disappeared and scattered in all directions.
Help! Return the little animals to the fairy tale, I, Kolobok, sent you a hint."
Educator: Do you want to help the animals? Do you know in which fairy tale the disaster happened?
Children: No!
Educator: We have to find out. Today you and I will conduct an investigation like detectives: solve riddles, think, search. Let's remember the Russians folk tales, where the main characters are animals.
Exercise “Name a fairy tale”
Children: “Three Bears”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Winter Hut of Animals”.
Educator: You named a lot of fairy tales, but it’s not clear which of them had trouble? We need to get to the land of fairy tales, and a hint, a magic map sent by Kolobok, will help us with this.
We take the card out of the envelope and examine it on the table.
Educator: What do you see on the map? Children: Numbers, pictures, directions. Children name numbers. Educator: What number should we start the search with?
They look around, looking for the first symbol in the group.
“Magic Stone” and the inscription “Land of Fairy Tales”. Nearby there is an inscription and arrows indicating “right” and “left”.
Educator: This is a magic stone that opens the way to the land of fairy tales. If we do right choice- let's find ourselves in the land of fairy tales. Listen carefully to what is written here.
“If you go to the left, you will lose everything and disappear yourself.
If you go to the right, you will find what you are looking for!”
Part 2.
Go right, find the second symbol. A chest with the number 2 on it.
Educator: This is a fabulous chest with riddles. Let's open it. The one who solves the riddle will take a picture of his hero.
1. Small stature
A long tail.
Collects crumbs
Hiding from the cat. (Mouse)
2. White in winter,
Gray in summer.
Doesn't offend anyone
And he himself is afraid of everyone. (Hare)
3. Prowls through the forest day and night.
Searches for prey day and night.
He walks and wanders silently.
The ears are gray and erect. (Wolf)
4. A cunning cheat,
Red head.
Fluffy tail is beautiful,
Who is this? (Fox)
5. Who lives in the deep forest,
Clumsy, clubfooted.
In summer he eats raspberries, honey,
And in winter he sucks his paw. (Bear)
Educator: Now guys, put the pictures on the table. What fairy tale do you think these animals are from?
The children answer. "Kolobok" "Teremok". (If “Teremok”, why is there no frog)
Educator: It’s not clear, which fairy tale is in trouble? What is the next number on the card? They go further, find the number three and an envelope with an assignment from “Kolobok”.
Game "What's extra"
Four pictures with the plot of the fairy tale “Kolobok” and one “Teremok”.
The teacher lays out the pictures on the table and looks at them with the children.
Educator: Find the extra picture. Why is she redundant? Now, can you tell me, in which fairy tale did the disaster happen? You speak somewhat uncertainly. Listen to the hint:
Once upon a time in a dense forest
A house grew up under a bush.
What kind of miracle house is this?
Animals settled in it.
The mouse and the bunny are happy,
And the fox, the top is happy.
This is a fairy tale (Teremok).
We identified a fairy tale in which trouble happened. There is only one problem left: how to return the animals to the fairy tale? Let's look at the Kolobok map. Number 4 is the hint symbol “Forest Workshop”. The children look around and find the Forest Workshop.
Part 3.
Educator: This is the “Forest Workshop”. But there is no master. Look, there are “animal heads” blanks, but no body. We will make the body. Sit down at the tables. Let's get our fingers ready for work.
Finger game
I have ten fingers (show fingers)
How much can I do!
If you want, I’ll show you (fingers open, turn your hands, towards you, away from you)
And I’ll tell you about it.
I can clench my fists (we clench and unclench our fists)
And then open them,
I can intertwine, (interlace fingers, clasp hands together)
Or I can hide them (put them behind my back)
I can fly (lift up, bend and straighten my hands)
And then fall (down and shake your tassels)
And then I’ll fold it quietly (we fold our hands on our knees in a boat, putting one into the other) On my knees, like a kitten.
Educator: What is on the table? (paper - according to the color of the animals, glue)
We will assemble the figurine of the body according to the master’s model.

Galina Trofimova

Program content. Teach children to paste over finished boxes with colored paper, after making a pattern. Develop attentiveness, accuracy, and the ability to perform crafts in a certain sequence. Strengthen previously acquired skills in working with paper, careful handling of scissors.

Equipment. Pictures with rules of conduct in public places. Tape recorder, recording of physical education session ( Boxes for toothpaste, cream, etc., pre-prepared templates of colored paper for each box, patterns for wheels and windows, glue, scissors, napkins.

Preliminary work: Making patterns for boxes, patterns for wheels and windows.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, what types of transport do you know? (passenger, cargo, passenger) What type of transport is classified as passenger/truck/passenger transport? (Children's answers)

Today I invite you to make buses. But first, I want you to remember how to behave on public transport. (Children's answers)

When using public transport, the following rules must be observed:

1. You should not come close to the edge of the road when boarding a bus, especially during icy periods.

2. Enter public transport holding the hand of an adult.

3. hold onto the handrail tightly.

4. You cannot stand at the doors - this interferes with the exit and entry of passengers.

5. Do not stick your arms and head out of the open windows of the vehicle. Is it dangerous.

6. It is customary to give up your seat to elderly people, passengers with small children, and people with disabilities.

7. When exiting the vehicle, hold an adult’s hand.

8. If the pedestrian crossing is located near a bus stop, when leaving the vehicle, wait for it to depart and only then make the crossing.

9. Buses and trolleybuses should be passed from behind, trams in front.

Well done. I suggest you go for a walk on the bus

Physical education lesson “Bus”

(Children go to the tables and take their places)

Let's see what interesting things are on your tables. What do you think we need the boxes for? Today we will make buses out of them.

A sample of the craft is exhibited and examined together with the children.

How do you think such a bus can be made? Where should you start? (Children's answers)

To get started, you need to try on our patterns so that they match your boxes in width and length.

Next, apply glue to one side of the box and apply it to the pattern. Then we apply glue to the other side and turn the box. This way the entire box is covered. Next, the children glue the windows and wheels.

At the end of the lesson, the work is analyzed and the most successful crafts are highlighted. Then the children are invited to act out their works.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the integrated GCD in mathematics and design in the senior group “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” Tasks: Continue to learn to count within 7, correctly answer the questions: “How much?”, “Which one is it?”, “In which place?” Continue.

Abstract of the educational activity “Bridge over the river”. Design in senior group. Goal: To teach children to independently identify requirements for construction.

Summary of GCD for designing from cardboard cylinders in the senior group. "Rockets" Educator T. B. Sheerman Purpose: To train children in modeling and designing from cardboard cylinders; activate your vocabulary of nouns.

Goal: To introduce children to the metro and teach them how to design a metro station. Metro Program content: Educational: 1. Continue.

Program content: Introduce children to the process of making crafts from a new material for them - threads. Help you learn how to create.

Summary of the GCD lesson on designing from counting sticks in the senior group. Topic of the lesson: “Letter from Dunno.” Program content.

Summary of a design lesson in the middle group.

Topic: "transport"

Goals: continue to teach children to assemble a whole object from parts, to notice the external qualities of an object (shape, size), to form children’s spatial ideas.

Material: parts of various vehicles (plane, ship, car, train) cut out of colored cardboard, a board with magnets. Airplane parts cut out of colored cardboard for appliqué for each child, blank sheets of paper (A4) for each child, glue.

Progress of the lesson:

Educatedtel: Guys, today our doll Masha told me that she was bored and wants to go on a trip, she has a whole bunch of parts from different types transport, but she doesn't know what to do with them. Let's help her? Among these details there are several types of transport, and to find out which ones you need to solve riddles. Ready?

Riddle 1.

What kind of miracles are these:

Is the wind blowing in the sails?

Neither a ferry nor an airship -

Floats on the waves... (ship)

The teacher shows the children a picture of a ship, asks the child who was the first to name the correct answer to come to the board and asks from all the parts laid out on the table to select the necessary parts for the ship (looking at the picture) and use magnets to attach the collected parts to the board. After completing the task, everyone evaluates its correctness.

Educator: Well done, Sasha! (Ksyusha, Egor). Now our Masha can go on a journey across the sea on the ship that you assembled! Please take a seat! And I will tell you the next riddle! Be careful!

Riddle 2.

Floats quickly in the sky,

Overtaking birds in flight.

Man controls it.

What's happened? (Airplane)

Children guess the riddle, and the teacher shows a picture of an airplane.

Educator: describe the plane? What details does it have?

Children: Wings, tail.

Educator: the main part of the aircraft, to which the wings are attached, is called the body.

The teacher again asks the child who guessed the riddle first to go to the board and assemble the plane from the parts presented on the table.

Educator: That’s right, Anya! How will our Masha be able to travel now?

Children: across the sky!

Educator: Correct! Our Masha is very happy, but we still have unused parts, which means it’s time for a new riddle!

Riddle 3.

Drinks gasoline like milk

Can run far.

Carries goods and people.

You know her, of course? (car, automobile)

The teacher shows a picture of a car.

Educator: That's right, Kirill (Alena, Olesya)! Come quickly to the board and first tell us what parts the machine has, what parts it consists of? And you guys will complement Kirill’s answer!

The child and other children name the parts of the car (body, wheels, headlights, trunk, roof, hood), then Kirill assembles a car from the parts and attaches it to the board using magnets.

Educator: Well done Kirill! Now Masha can drive her car on any road! You helped her a lot, but we still have one last mystery left!

Riddle 4.

Along steel tracks

The Centipede rushes.


Round heel clicks.

With a funny song

Along the iron ladder. (Train)

After guessing the riddle, the teacher shows a picture of a train.

Educator: That's right, Polina, it's a train! Come out to Masha and me and put it together on the board.

The child assembles a train from the remaining parts on the table and attaches it to the board with magnets.

Educator: what does the train consist of?

Children: from the carriages!

Educator: But what is the name of that carriage that drags all the other carriages behind it? What does the train travel on (rails, railway).

If children find it difficult to answer, then name « locomotive» and ask the children to remember this word.

Educator: Well, we helped Masha figure out the means of transport, now she can easily choose the method of her travel. Let's remind her what she can use to travel to other cities and countries?

Children: plane, ship, car, train!

Educator: you guys are great! Now each of you will assemble your own personal plane and glue it onto a blank sheet of paper.

Children complete the task, at the end of the lesson the teacher collects the children’s work, thanks them for completing the task, and praises them.

Ekibastuz kalasy akimdiginin bilim boliminin No. 20 "Merey"

MSE "Center for Multilingual Development of Nursery-Garden No. 20 "Merey" of the Education Department of the Akimat of the city of Ekibastuz"

Communal state public Enterprise the center of polylingual development of a nursery garolen No. 20 “Merey” of the education department formation city of Ekibastuz

on design

in the senior group "B".

on the topic: "Bus".

Conducted by teacher: Litvin S. M.


Ekibastuz city.

Target: Build a bus from building material.

Tasks: Teach children to analyze a sample and build according to the model, clarify with the children the names of the main parts of the building material (cube, brick, prism, plate, cylinder) and their structural properties. Reinforce the concepts of “tall – low”, “long – short”, “wide – narrow”. Cultivate accuracy and independence.

Vocabulary work: public transport, passengers.

Equipment: a set of building materials, small toys - passengers, a workbook “Construction”, illustrations: train, plane, ship, bus, helicopter, steamship, tram, trolleybus.

Multilingualism: kolik – transport - transport; qogamdyk – public - public; adamdar – people - people; zhurgizushi – driver - driver.

Stages of activity.

Teacher's actions.

Children's actions

Motivational - incentive

Offers to children didactic game: "Transport".

Lists: showing illustrations - train, plane, ship, bus, helicopter, steamship.

How can you call all of the above in one word?

What types of transport do you know?

Shows illustrations and lists: bus, tram, trolleybus.

What type of transport do they belong to?

They are also called urban public transport, it is designed to transport passengers.

Asks a riddle:

There's a house going down the street

Leads everyone to work.

But not on chicken legs -

In rubber boots.

Show interest and desire to play.

Look at the illustrations and answer questions.


Water, air, land.

They listen and guess the riddle.

Organizational and search

Invites you to look at an illustration or toy of a bus.

Each part is considered from the point of view of the composition of the parts and their arrangement: the interior is made of bricks, the cabin is made of prisms, the “half-cabin” ceiling is made of plates, the wheels are made of cylinders.

Examines the sample and marks the outline with his hand.

Reinforcing the ideas: high - low, wide - narrow, long - short.

Physical education lesson: “Chauffeur”

“I’m flying, flying at full speed.

I myself am a driver,

I myself am a motor.

I press the pedal

And the bus rushes into the distance."

After analyzing the sample, he invites the children to build a bus. During the process of creating a bus, he monitors the sequence and provides individual assistance.

The main parts are called: passenger compartment, driver's cabin, wheels, engine.

They examine the sample - the building, identify in it the main parts and details from which the bus is built.

They name ways of changing a building in height, in length - building on top, and a method of replacing small parts with larger ones.

Perform physical education.

Each child pretends to be a driver, imitating turns of the steering wheel and steps forward, when they say “I press the pedal” they stop and with their right foot “press the pedal” and move on.

They build a bus from small toys - passengers.

Reflexive - corrective

When analyzing the discussion of buildings, he notes their compliance with the model, functional purpose, as well as the independence of children.

Take part in discussing the results of the lesson.

Expected result: Know: types of transport, types of urban public transport, words in three languages ​​on the topic of the lesson.

Have: representation: “high - low”, “wide - narrow”, “long - short”.

Be able to: design according to a model, as well as based on your observations, distinguish and name the parts of a building material.