How to fold napkins on the New Year's table. Do-it-yourself Christmas tree from napkins What to make from napkins for the new year

To make your leisure time at home much more interesting and varied, every person, whether an adult or a child, strives to enrich it with numerous exciting activities. It can be drawing, singing, dancing, modeling from clay or plasticine, sewing, knitting, embroidery, or making beautiful crafts from various improvised means available to everyone, for example, paper napkins. This hobby brings great pleasure to the person who is interested and mastery skills in the art of needlework. From such a cheap material, with great diligence, you can get Original gifts relatives and friends in the form of unusual crafts for the New Year 2018, jewelry for holiday table and the interior of the whole house as a whole. If you decide to build something yourself at home, then visit our article. She will provide you with 8 photo ideas of easy and simple do-it-yourself napkin crafts made quickly and creatively. By the way, for those who have never done anything like this, we have prepared a video with master classes that contain step-by-step instructions for beginners. Do not forget to involve your children in this creativity. Even at the age of 3-4 years, 5-6 years old, they will like the whole thing. It will brighten up their gray everyday life, teach them to mastery, develop diligence and diligence, perseverance and accuracy. So, let's get started, dear friends!

Napkin flower

An unusual decoration of the festive table will be a bright lotus made of red napkins, made with your own hands for Mother's Day, for March 8 and for the birthday of your mother, grandmother, sister or girlfriend. Such a flower can not only become a decorative element, but also a napkin holder. To make such a craft, you can see the instructions with step by step description, or a video with a master class.

You will need:

  • green napkins - 4 pieces,
  • red napkins - 40 pieces,
  • thin wire - 10 cm.


  1. To begin with, we will make blanks with our own hands. We take a green napkin, open it so that only one addition remains. Then we need to fold the resulting rectangle along, and open it again.
  2. We have a rectangle with a fold in the middle. We bend the corners of all four sides to the center.
  3. We also bend the sides to the center, and again in half. The result is a narrow rectangle with corners on the sides.
  4. In a similar way, we perform such actions with the rest of the green paper materials.
  5. Without opening the red napkin, fold it in half to make a triangle.
  6. We put the paper material at hand with the top away from us and fold the side corners with the sides to the center. And we bend the corners protruding below from the back side. We perform the same actions with all the remaining red elements.
  7. We begin to form the base of the lotus with our own hands. We take the green material and fold it to each other. Now, to outline the middle, we fold the total mass of these blanks in half, but do not put too much pressure on the fold. We only need it for guidance.
  8. Now in the center we fix the paper blanks with wire and put them on the table with the long side of the corners up. These will be the leaves of our flower. Arrange the leaves so that they lie evenly in a circle.
  9. We begin to collect the petals. We take a red napkin and fold it in half, folded corners inward. We need to insert the resulting triangle with the corners into the green sheets of the water lily, and straighten the upper part to get a voluminous petal and it will be easier to insert the subsequent ones from above into it. The corners of the petal must be inserted so that one is in one sheet and the other in another. Thus, the composition will hold on tighter and there will be no gaps. So we do the 1st row.
  10. The next 4 rows are performed in the same way. So we get a lush and beautiful lotus. Such a do-it-yourself napkin craft made by an adult will bring a lot of pleasure and positive to women, girls and young girls.

Video: paper material lotus at home

Ballerina made of white napkins and wire

In order to make an excellent delicate decoration for the New Year holidays with your own hands, you need, of course, to dream up a little. But, as a rule, only the beloved snowflakes, garlands, lanterns, Christmas trees and the like come to mind. However, in order not to waste your precious time thinking, we offer you, dear friends, to make a tendite and fragile ballerina out of a snow-white napkin. Such a craft can perfectly fit anywhere, even on the ceiling, even on the window, or on a coniferous tree on New Year's Eve. So, we offer you our interesting and useful master class with a step-by-step description of the course of action.

To work on you need:

  • white napkins;
  • wire;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • three-layer bright napkins;
  • wallpaper glue.

Manufacturing process:

  1. In order to make a neat craft with your own hands, you first need to prepare a wire of the required size. We put a bright three-layer napkin on the table and measure its diameter with a wire. This is the size of the wire that suits us. Fold it in half and cut it off.
  2. After that, we need to twist a loop on the bent section of the wire for the future head of the ballerina, and separate two ends of the wire should be left for the legs. We round off their edges for the effect of beauty and credibility, and we wrap the main part with additional segments of the same dense, but flexible material. Here at our hand-made article the volume of legs appeared.
  3. Now the hour has come for making the hands of a ballerina. We take the same wire and, having measured the length of future limbs, we fasten them to the body. By means of an additional piece of the same material, we will need to give volume to the arms in such a technique as we previously performed the legs. Form the edges of the hands in the form of a loop.
  4. When the wire frame of the ballerina is ready, we will need to wrap it with small pieces of snow-white napkin, which we prepared in advance. We wind them in turn from edge to edge of the limbs and the entire torso, including the head, and to fix it, you need to use wallpaper glue.
  5. Upon completion of the creation of the entire ballerina with our own hands, we have to make her fluffy skirt from a bright cover. We separate from each other all three layers of paper material, from the white part we need to create a petticoat. We fold our improvised material in half, then in half again. We have a square. So we need to fold it in half again so that a triangle appears, and then bend it again in the same way. We cut off the lower edge of the triangle evenly, and cut off the sharp upper corner a little so that our ballerina fits into her outfit.
  6. We put the finished petticoat on the craft and, so that it does not fly off, we fix it with simple threads.
  7. The final part of our creativity will be the manufacture of the main dress from a colorful napkin. With it, we perform the same functions as with the petticoat, create a triangle from folded halves of paper, align the bottom of the dress, cut off the edge of the top, and then, attention, we twist the entire dress blank into a kind of flagellum to get the texture of the outfit, and then expand. The reaper was formed. We dress it on the ballerina so that the white petticoat peeks out slightly, and fasten it with thin threads.
  8. Do-it-yourself ready-made crafts from napkins can be decorated with rhinestones or bows, silk ribbons or beads. All in all - something to your taste!

Video: paper ballerina at home

sweet heart

You can do this craft with your own hands with a child of 3-4 years old. This will allow the baby to develop patience, imagination, perseverance and accuracy.

We will need:

  • red cardboard,
  • pink and white napkins
  • simple pencil,
  • scissors,
  • PVA glue,
  • palm pre-cut from plain paper.


  1. In order to build our craft, you need to carefully cut out a heart from cardboard, you can use a template or draw it yourself. On the reverse side, you need to circle the palm of paper. Now the base is ready and we can start working with napkins.
  2. A few of their pieces need to be cut into 4 strips, and then each strip into 3 more parts. Thus, you should get small squares of white and pink color, from which you need to make lumps with your own hands.
  3. Now we proceed to the formation of the composition itself. From white lumps we make a palm, the inner area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich should be filled with them. For this purpose, we use PVA glue. According to the same principle, we fill in all the remaining space on our heart with pink lumps. Please note that the lumps should fit snugly against each other.
  4. Our product is ready, of course, if you have any other ideas, you can decorate it further. For example, on the back of the heart, write some kind of wish or poem. If you want your craft to hang on the wall, take care of the loop. For this purpose, you can use a satin or silk ribbon.

Charming roses

You can make various flowers from napkins with your own hands, and in this master class with step-by-step instructions, we want to tell you how to make a rose yourself. This craft can become not only nice gift but also complement the interior of any room. The color of the paper material at hand can be selected based on the color scheme of the room.

We will need:

  • green crepe paper
  • red napkins,
  • pencil,
  • scotch,
  • skewers,
  • scissors.


  1. We take a napkin and cut off the sides so that we get separate squares.
  2. We put the square on the table and roll it into a tube with a pencil, but not completely, leaving a part free - 2 cm.
  3. We collect the resulting roller on a pencil from the edges to the cent and remove it from the pencil. Thus, we get a fixed petal with a corrugated roller. So we make about 7 petals.
  4. Next, we begin to form a bud, folding the petals into a spiral, and laying several layers on top of each other.
  5. Insert a skewer into the bottom of the flower and secure with tape.
  6. off the roll corrugated paper cut off the top piece about 1 cm wide, we get a ribbon. We wind this ribbon on a skewer, including closing the adhesive tape.
  7. We also fix the tip with tape. So we got a very beautiful and original rose with our own hands. Such a craft, even for beginners, will be simple. As a result of painstaking creativity, an excellent bouquet of flowers can appear on your table, which will transform not only the kitchen, but also the living room in your home.

Video: making roses from paper napkins

Topiary from napkins

To decorate your interior, a craft in the form of a napkin topiary, which you can make together with a child of 5-6 years old, will be useful. The main advantage is that the variety of such trees is limited only by your imagination. Let's see how to make a do-it-yourself topiary with step by step instructions.

We will need:

  • napkins in various colors
  • newspaper,
  • stapler,
  • glue,
  • scissors,
  • pots.


Our delicate and original craft is ready. The flowerpot in which our bouquet is located can be decorated with ribbons or a bow, again, it all depends on your desire and imagination!

original doll

Another interesting and unique napkin craft is a doll. It is very easy and quick to do with your own hands and, for sure, your child will like it. In the description below you can see detailed instructions on how to make a doll yourself.

We will need:

  • regular napkins,
  • bright serving napkin,
  • white threads.


Christmas tree from napkins

For every New Year, you always want to decorate your house so that it is beautiful, cozy and original. So a Christmas tree made from napkins will look very beautiful and unusual. To perform such a craft, we made a complete description with detailed instructions in the prepared master class.

You will need:

  • sheet of A3 paper,
  • scissors,
  • ruler,
  • stapler,
  • pencil,
  • glue.


  1. To make the craft come out correct and pretty, we make a cone from a sheet of paper. This will be the base of the Christmas tree.
  2. Next, we make do-it-yourself blanks from napkins. We take one paper element and fold it 4 times, then unfold it once and, on the resulting fold, cut it in half. Thus, we get two square blanks from one material at hand.
  3. We take the resulting square and fasten it in the center with a stapler.
  4. We cut the edges of the square in the form of a circle.
  5. Now, starting from the top layer, you should crush each one individually into a ball towards the center.
  6. When all the layers are wrinkled with your own hands, straighten them to make a craft in the form of a flower.
  7. Such flowers from napkins, preferably green, we need about 50 - 60 pieces.
  8. We begin to attach the flowers to the base from below with glue. We fix it so that we do not have gaps.
  9. From above, you can attach some kind of toy, or you can close the top with a flower. At your discretion, you can decorate the Christmas tree with Christmas beads or tinsel.

Video: do-it-yourself Christmas tree craft from napkins

Creative decoration "Chrysanthemum" from a napkin

You can surprise your guests not only with culinary novelties. Exquisite design of the festive table is an integral part of the festive atmosphere, which will affect the mood of the guests. Therefore, we recommend making spectacular crafts from a napkin of any color in the form of a chrysanthemum. It is very simple and easy to form it with your own hands, if you rely on the master class presented by us with a step-by-step description of the course of action.

We will need:

  • napkin or towel
  • thread,
  • ring on the clip that secures the curtain.


  1. In order to make a craft in the form of a flower with your own hands, which will decorate any napkin, we need ordinary paper material of this type.
  2. Take the single-layer constituent elements and form an even stack of them.
  3. Gently fold each piece of paper until the end of the material. The width of the fold strip should be about 1 cm.
  4. Continue folding the napkins until only one strip remains.
  5. Connect the resulting blanks carefully. Hold the resulting strip of material so that it cannot fall apart, and drag the entire workpiece in the middle with a thread.
  6. The ends of the strips of each side should be cut off to get pointed tips.
  7. Now you need to carefully release both sides of a separate napkin, gradually creating a flower bud. As a result, you will get a chrysanthemum.
  8. Now we must ensure a secure fixation of our handmade crafts. For this purpose, use an ordinary ring on a clip. The clip should be removed.
  9. Tie the ends of the thread of the base of the resulting product tightly to the ringlet. Our flower decoration is ready. Chrysanthemum will allow not only to decorate the festive table, but also to diversify its serving not only for the New Year 2018, but also for other holidays such as March 8, Mother's Day, Birthday and so on.


So our article has come to an end, which has provided you with a lot interesting photos ideas and videos on how you can make crafts from napkins with your own hands quickly and seamlessly to decorate your home, festive table, for an original and unusual gift to family and friends, friends and acquaintances. Even if you have never been engaged in such creativity, it will captivate you and your children in one moment, you just have to want and try. And our prepared master classes with step-by-step instructions will become real helpers and mentors for you in independent work carried out at home. As a result of painstaking efforts, you will be able to get not only lush and excellent bouquets of flowers, but also decorative toys in the form of dolls, various cartoon characters, Christmas trees, animals, birds and much more that comes to mind. Turn on your imagination, treat this activity with soul and love, and then you will certainly succeed. Happy holiday, dear friends! Peace to you, kindness and prosperity!

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What is important in new year holidays? Not gifts and not a Christmas tree. And not even champagne. The main thing is the mood of miracle and magic. Best of all, it is "caught" in preparations, which in themselves are already part of the holiday and New Year's magic.

We are in website we have collected simple and cute ideas for you that will help create a mood and turn the New Year's Eve into real holiday for family and guests.

Christmas tree napkins

Delicate greenery and garlands of light bulbs

A gentle and romantic mood will be created by coniferous plants in small pots or gypsophila twigs (everything can be bought inexpensively at a flower shop) and a garland of large light bulbs.

Serving in the form of snowmen

With the help of plates, cutlery, a piece of carrot, olives and colored napkins, you can build a cute snowman in front of each guest.

Fir branches

Spruce, fir or juniper branches laid in the center of the table and decorated with candles are stylish and fragrant. By the way, as an alternative to candles, you can intertwine spruce branches with a luminous Christmas tree garland.

apple candles

Paper snowflakes and candles in the snow

Another great idea is to arrange paper snowflakes on the table, complementing them with candles and cones. Please note: candles and cones are in jars of coarse salt, as if in snow. By the way, you can go even further and make a tablecloth out of snowflakes by fastening them together with small pieces of adhesive tape. Not very practical, but for one evening, to create a snow-magical mood, that's it.

Personalized glasses with Christmas balls

If guests come to your dinner, it will be great to make festive personalized glasses for them - it seems like a trifle, but nice. To do this, you need to cut out multi-colored Christmas balls with a slot from cardboard and write the name of the guest on each.

List of New Year's entertainment

In the photo - an idea for a children's holiday, but it is quite possible to transfer it to adult party, drawing a list in front of each of the guests: write a wish on a piece of paper and eat it under the chimes, dance on the table or tell Santa Claus a joke from a stool.

Glasses and balls

Why not bring together the symbols of the New Year - candles, balls and glasses, of course - and make bright, sparkling and iridescent candlesticks? In addition, the work here is about 2 minutes. And how comfortable it will be to sit in this circle of warm shimmer if you dim the overhead light in the room.

Candles and candlesticks of all shapes and sizes

What better way to create a New Year's mood than making a candlestick for a festive table with your own hands?

  • The "clothes" for the candles in the upper left photo can be made from old sweaters (or specially knitted).
  • Floating candles look incredibly impressive in a dark room - frozen cranberries and twigs from a flower shop will help you.
  • For the candle at the bottom left, a sheet from a music book was used, but you can take a beautiful magazine page or cardboard with a picture and paste over a jar with it.
  • Red and green are the colors of the New Year and Christmas, and cranberries with spruce branches will look very elegant.

Christmas trees

Colorful Christmas trees are a fun and elegant idea for decorating the table. Such a grove can be made from cones wrapping paper or collect from truffle sweets and toothpicks, to which triangles of cardboard or colored paper with a pattern are attached with adhesive tape (you can just green).


To decorate the table, you can put a personalized cookie in the form of a heart, a Christmas tree and a Christmas ball with the initial letter of his name on a plate for each guest.

cute little things

Sometimes a detail is enough to set the mood. For example, a paper snowflake on the edge of a glass or an ice fortress made of sugar cubes.

Orange decorations

Oranges and cloves will fill your home with a fresh and spicy scent, and this combination of orange and brown looks very beautiful. You can simply decorate oranges with cloves, which are easily stuck into the skin. And you can make candlesticks, as in the bottom photo. Making them is easy - first you need to cut the orange peel in half and carefully remove both halves with a spoon. For a detailed guide with photos, see this

Helpful Hints

To festive New Year's table looked brighter and more attractive, it can be decorated napkins by adding them in an unusual way or by using interesting embellishments for these napkins.

Here you will learn how to beautifully and originally fold fabric and paper napkins for the New Year, as well as how to create beautiful jewelry for these wipes.

New Year's napkins: felt decoration

You will need:

Scissors or utility knife

Template (optional)

Hot glue

Pompoms (optional)

Christmas tree napkin

The origami technique will help you beautifully fold paper or tissue paper in the shape of a Christmas tree. There are several ways to do this, and here are the most interesting ones:

DIY New Year's napkins: a candle

Do-it-yourself napkins in the shape of an iris flower for the New Year

Crafts from napkins for the New Year: a star

1. Lay the napkin on a flat surface and turn it diagonally towards you.

2. Bend the top half so that the top and bottom ends touch.

3. Fold the left and right sides towards the middle.

4. Turn the napkin over, keeping the folded pattern in the same position.

5. Fold the bottom up.

6. Lift the napkin from the bottom as if you are going to fold it in half.

Here's how it should look. The lower two sections will play the role of the two lower rays of the star.

7. Lower the upper two sections to the middle, thereby straightening the remaining two rays of the star.

* Adjust the napkin so that its sections are more or less even, and place on a plate as a table decoration.

* You can use a paper napkin, and if you take a few different colors, the New Year's table will look even brighter and more fun.

Napkin rings for the New Year

You will need:

Toilet paper rolls

Acrylic paints or gouache and brush


Sequins and rhinestones

PVA glue

Hot glue.

1. Cut lengthwise 10 cardboard sleeves and paint each one green on the inside.

2. When the paint is dry, paint the bushings on the outside.

3. Cut (lengthwise) each of the painted bushings into strips, 5-6 mm wide.

4. To make the main branch of the future Christmas tree, prepare several strips and twist one end of each strip around the tassel to create a coil. The lower the branch, the less you need to twist the strip.

5. Using hot glue, glue all the branches. Add a few more branches on the sides and glue them as well.

6. Spread the sides of the branches with PVA glue and sprinkle glitter on top.

* You can glue small buttons and rhinestones to the Christmas tree.

7. Cut a few more cardboard sleeves in half and paint each half red. The number of halves depends on the number of napkins.

8. Glue your Christmas tree to the painted half.

Now you can thread a napkin through the ring and decorate the holiday table with this craft.

New Year's napkin in the form of a lily (scheme)

1. Lay the napkin on the table and fold it in half diagonally.

2. Put the resulting triangle so that its top looks at you.

3. Bend the lower part so that the top slightly overlaps the base of the triangle by about 2-3 cm.

4. Fold the napkin like an accordion from left to right.

5. Hold the napkin firmly and insert it into the glass or ring to make a lily.

New Year's crafts from napkins: double Christmas tree

1. Prepare two napkins of different colors, but about the same size. Lay one on top of the other. A napkin with the main color should lie below.

2. Fold the napkin in half once, and then again.

3. Turn the napkin so that all the loose ends are facing you.

4. Fold up the first layer.

5. Begin to fold up each new layer, leaving about 2 cm from the top.

6. Turn the napkin so that the top of the napkin is facing away from you. Now turn it over.

7. Bend the right side 2/3 and then also bend the left side (see image). The top of the fold should be parallel to the edge of your table. You should end up with a small triangle.

8. To keep all layers in place, secure them with a paper clip or large paperclip as shown in the image. Turn the napkin over again so that all the layers are facing you.

9. Start folding each triangle inside the layer above.

* You can make a few more of these Christmas trees and decorate the New Year's table with them.

DIY napkin rings: red flower

You will need:

Felt (green and red)

Beads (3 pieces)

Cardboard sleeve made from toilet paper or paper towel


PVA glue or hot glue.

1. Cut the cardboard sleeves into 2 or 4 pieces.

2. Cut off a piece of felt that could cover a piece of cardboard sleeve.

3. Wrap the pieces of cardboard sleeves with felt and secure with glue. Hot glue is best, but you can also try PVA glue. You have a ring to which you need to add a beautiful flower..

4. Prepare red felt and cut out some leaves from it (see image).

5. Glue 5 leaves first, and then glue 5 more on top.

6. Glue the beads on top of the received flowers.

7. Now glue the flower to the green ring.

New Year's serving napkins in rings with cones

You will need:

A small spruce branch (preferably artificial)

* If the branch is too long, then you can cut it with wire cutters.

Not everyone knows how to make New Year's toys or decor elements, which have been very popular lately. For example, garlands or snowflakes. All this can be bought in large quantities, the stores are full of goods. But do-it-yourself toys look much nicer and nicer. What to use besides paper, fabric and sequins?

Beautiful, thick napkins that housewives buy before the holidays to decorate the table. Where else can they be applied? Especially when there are really beautiful options with high-quality material. It is a pity to use just for personal hygiene when there are ordinary white or colored napkins. What can be done? Yes, at least do-it-yourself balls and napkins step by step photo. Large, beautiful and soft, insanely pleasant and easily fit into any environment.

Making such homemade ones is not only a solution to the problem of decorating a room, it is a great way to relax in the evening, learn something interesting and new, and keep children entertained. They love to do things with their hands. At the same time develop creative thinking in yourself. Similar balls are easy to make at work, since there are materials at hand there.

It seems that the long and cold evenings of winter are made for warm, homely comfort, when there is no desire to wander through a dark park or go out to the embankment. From the TV or computer eventually get tired. Ancestors have been doing needlework for centuries, girls embroidered or sewed something, darned, and decorated houses on holidays.

What will be required

Ready-made plastic or foam ball

Napkins, beads or beads for decoration, you can also cut out several paper or fabric figures in advance, also for decoration. Scissors with a needle, pencil and thread. Just look at the color so that the threads are not noticeable later.

Production order:

First, prepare a stencil with the selected figure. Here is a small flower. To make a do-it-yourself ball from napkins beautiful, the figure should be small, with pronounced edges. It can be a rhombus or mugs, the flower is well associated with the color of the napkin.

You need to carefully cut out the figures, the fabric of the napkin is quite terry, it can fluff from the edges. Here I used a figured hole punch. Christmas ball it will turn out neat and beautiful if the napkin figures are neat and the same.
Cut as many flowers from the napkin as possible, tracing the stencil each time with a pencil, then cutting with sharp scissors.

Then, for each part, you need to make a cut to about the middle, then glue the petals (5 with 4m) so that the flower gets a certain shape. Take a good glue, such toys from napkins require a delicate but strong glue that will not leave marks later.

Then glue each flower to the ball with a glue gun, holding a little each time so that the glue has time to harden. Start with the center of the ball that is closest and glue in turn, placing the flowers close together.

Glue them evenly, in rows, so that the flowers completely wrap around the ball “along the equator”.

Then continue already being guided by it, so that the flowers are only in a checkerboard pattern. This is how you avoid gaps. Move closer, lift the petals, hold. Do-it-yourself New Year's toys always carry a particle of the soul invested by the needlewoman, do not worry if the first ball is not too neat.

This is just the first experience. Having figured out how they look, you will quickly begin to build up experience. You need to fasten the braid for hanging with a safety pin. With it, simply grab the braid and press firmly so that the needle completely "goes" inside. If the ball is plastic, then the braid can be glued in advance, then the place of gluing can be hidden under the flowers.

Such a ball will well diversify a standard Christmas tree set with toys or will be a separate element for decoration.

What else can you do with your own hands photo from napkins? They have pleasant, calm shades, material that is easy to process. And the shape of the flower is very beautiful. For example, a Christmas tree.

Here, for the base, use a cardboard cone. It is easy to glue it using cardboard. Just make sure the base is good. Then the Christmas tree can stand on its own. The principle of operation is the same. Glue double flowers, following a checkerboard pattern, now onto a cone. Perhaps the tree is larger than the ball and napkins will need two or three. The top can be decorated with a star or other figurine.

Instead of a star, you can make another figure, for example, glue the base ball with small fluffy flowers, something like a chrysanthemum.

Procedure - cut the same strips 25 cm long and 12.5 cm wide from prepared napkins.

Holding the narrow side, we fold the "accordion", making sure that all the edges are the same. Then, holding, we tie it in the center with a thread, then straighten both ends of the part.

You need a lot of such blanks, but your ball will turn out to be fluffy, “chrysanthemum”. For a change, napkins of two, similar shades are taken here. Pink with pale pink. They harmonize beautifully with each other.

Generously lubricate the bottom of each of the flowers with PVA before gluing. Press for a few seconds to the ball, then glue the next one. Place them side by side, alternating colors. If the base is a fragile balloon, then first glue it with newsprint so that the flowers hold tight and do not slip.

Such balloons can be placed in transparent glasses or vases, they can be hung up (although if the balloon is airy, warn your family to be more careful with it).


However, instead of chrysanthemums or flowers, small roses can be made from napkins. It's interesting that beautiful flowers are obtained even from simple white napkins, they are even more convenient to twist. Cut long strips and carefully twist, holding one end. But twist it tighter while pressing it down. Drop glue on the bottom so that the rosette does not unwind later, and carefully unfold the edges, giving the shape of a bud.

As soon as the flower has already been twisted to the end, pressing strongly, pull the edge, forming a stem. It needs to be cut off at the top so that the bottom of the rose is more even and flat, then it will be more firmly fixed on the ball.

Such roses are small and will not take up much space on the ball. So twist a lot to encircle the ball and tighter.

You can leave it white, but if you want variety and more presentability, cover the decoration with spray paint of any color - gold or red, cream.
It will reflect brighter precisely at the ends of the petals, leaving white stripes.

You can make different balls from these napkins, of any color, with any decorations. Some are more like bouquets, others are like bright terry pillows.

Others look so delicious that you want to eat. Large ones are either hung high by the chandelier or by the window, medium ones beautifully complement the composition on the windowsill or shelf, and small ones can decorate the Christmas tree. Such balls are given to friends, children willingly play with them, you can even sell them! Already one photo pleases the eye.

Handmade items have always been valued more than purchased items. You can give them as a gift or decorate the interior with them. Napkins are a material that is freely available in many stores and has a low price. Even a child can make crafts from paper napkins with their own hands. And the work of adults does not look "childish".


Kids do not yet have pocket money, so a gift for mom, grandmother, aunt on International Women's Day has to be created by one's own efforts. What can be done with your own hands in kindergarten? Paper napkins make interesting applications, postcards, trees and much more. Almost all works will use the same materials: napkins of different colors, scissors, glue, a stapler.

Even a child can make carnations. Add thin twigs and a bright marker or felt-tip pen to the base materials.

  1. Fold one napkin twice. Should be a square.
  2. Secure in the center with a stapler.
  3. Draw a circle inscribed in a square.
  4. Color the edges of the circle with a marker.
  5. Insert a branch into the center, and glue the top layer of the napkin to it.
  6. Begin to gently crumple the rest of the layers.

The first flower turned out, make a few more of these, forming a bouquet.

You can experiment with sizes, colors and decorations. Wrap the bouquet with gift wrapping, tie with a ribbon. Cut the edges of the flowers with a wavy line or You get excellent crafts for March 8 with your own hands. In kindergarten, very beautiful things are also created from paper napkins.

Lump Animals

To make animalistic pictures, you will need to add to the basic materials colored paper and cardboard. It is easy to make crafts from paper napkins with your own hands. Master class "Animals" is an application. Having mastered the basics, you can come up with your own stories. So, the progress of work on creating a butterfly:

  1. Print the Butterfly coloring page, the rest of the work will be done on its basis.
  2. Color the background blue - the color of the sky.
  3. Take napkins of different colors and cut them into small squares.
  4. Now you need to crumple each one with your fingers into a small ball, and with the help of PVA glue, glue it to the coloring in the appropriate place.
  5. Having finished with the butterfly, proceed to design the background. Cut out the sun, grass and clouds from colored paper.

It turned out to be a wonderful picture! By the same principle, you can create any animals. Just look for the appropriate coloring page and fill it with colors of your choice. Turn on your imagination, and you may be able to adapt threads, buttons for the eyes of animals, a herbarium and much more.

Such crafts made from paper napkins, created with their own hands, help children develop fine motor skills.

Animals from squares

This option is suitable for creating not every animal, but only one that has the shape of a circle in its body. These do-it-yourself paper napkin crafts contain only one square:

  1. For example, make an application "Penguin" from ordinary colored paper.
  2. Fold the napkin twice to make a square.
  3. Staple it in the center with a stapler and cut out a circle.
  4. Crumple all layers from bottom to top, except for the last one.
  5. Glue the last layer to the application in the corresponding round place on the body of the animal.

That's all! In the same way, you can make a bear, a fish, a lion's head, a kitten and other animals.


Topiary from napkins is willingly made not only by children, but also by adults. Such crafts from paper napkins (with your own hands) fit perfectly into the interior. The master class gives only basic knowledge, and how to decorate the work, the craftswoman herself chooses. Branches, a flower pot, newspaper and threads must be added to the main set. Progress:

  1. Crumple the newspaper and fix its shape with threads. It is not necessary to make a very large size, since the volume will already be increased due to napkins.
  2. On one side, make a hole for the branch.
  3. Cut the napkin into four pieces.
  4. Fasten two of them with a stapler and cut out a circle.
  5. Start crushing each layer, do not touch the last ones, they should be glued to the ball made at the first stage.
  6. When the ball is ready, insert a branch into the hole and glue it.
  7. Fill the flower pot with newspapers, you can put stones at the bottom for stability.
  8. Insert a branch with a ball and securely fix it in the pot.
  9. To hide crumpled newspapers, you can use small decorative stones, pebbles or the same napkins.

This is the basics you need to know to create a topiary.

Design Options

When creating a topiary, you can use any materials at hand. If you do not have a branch, then simply attach the ball to the flower pot, it looks no less attractive.

When creating a ball, think about what the topiary will be used for. If the room in which you plan to put it does not contain many bright decorative elements, then you can add butterflies to the craft, use different colors, tie the stem with ribbon, decorate the pot. And in the case when the room is already cluttered with paintings, figurines, flowers, it is better to dwell on minimalism.

New Year

Waiting for the New Year is the time when the flight of creativity begins, and the festive mood does not leave until December 31st. New Year's crafts from paper napkins can be made in the form of the same topiary, just use more green flowers and New Year's toys.

But it's better to make a real Christmas tree:

  1. Take a large piece of paper, preferably whatman paper. Fold it in the form of a cone resembling a Christmas tree, glue it.
  2. Trim the bottom so that the craft can stand straight.
  3. Now, according to the already studied technique, which was described during the manufacture of the topiary, it is necessary to make a lot of green flowers.
  4. They can be the same size or decrease upwards.
  5. When the spruce is ready, decorate it with tinsel, hang flat paper toys, put on a star.

This would make a great holiday gift. Very interesting New Year's crafts from paper napkins. The photo shows a variant of the decoration.


A small piece of decor that can be attached to the ceiling is a great craft for a girl's nursery. You will need wire. Progress:

  1. Make the skeleton of a ballerina out of wire.
  2. Glue the wire with white napkins using PVA.
  3. Get on with your clothes. Take a napkin of any color and fold it into a triangle, bending in the center.
  4. Now cut the bottom in a semicircle.
  5. Do the same with another color, but using a smaller napkin.
  6. We put the resulting "dress" on the doll.
  7. At the waist we tie with threads or a ribbon.
  8. For greater splendor, napkins can be twisted.

Experiment with skirt sizes, linings, and embellishments. Using clear fishing line or thread with a safety pin, attach the ballerina to the ceiling.

Now you know how easy it is to create crafts from paper napkins with your own hands. All you need is napkins of different colors and fantasy. Using improvised materials, you can create very unusual and stylish things. The works will fit well into the interior of the apartment or fit as a present for some holiday.