Tree for decorating a group in kindergarten. Beautiful design and decoration of a group in a kindergarten with your own hands: ideas for autumn, winter, spring and summer decoration, junior, nursery, middle and senior groups, photos, templates. How to beautifully decorate walls

Preschoolers love to work and help their elders and friends. Their work is filled with rich content and plays a great educational role if organized using an aesthetically designed duty corner that takes into account the requirements of the program and the age characteristics of children. The teacher can make and equip the corner with everything necessary with his own hands, relying on the support of the students’ parents, as well as involving the children in this.

Organization of a duty corner in kindergarten

Duty is one of the effective forms of organizing the work of children in a preschool institution. An original and brightly decorated duty officer's corner will help make duty more exciting, as well as streamline its implementation.

Beautiful, comfortable corners for duty officers can now be ordered from various manufacturers both in design agencies and on the Internet. They will select both color and shape to order. But sometimes it is much more interesting for a creative teacher to make a corner with his own hands. After all, in this way he can show his talents and attract children, which will have a positive impact on the development of creative abilities and nurturing the diligence of children.

The teacher’s imagination and skill allow him to create interesting compositions from scrap materials, for example, from plastic dishes

Why is a duty corner necessary?

In addition to the aesthetic function of decorating the group room and delighting the students, a corner is necessary for many other reasons. The main tasks it performs:

Dependence of the design of the corner on the age of the children in the group

Duty corners are required in all groups except early age(third year of life). Before you start making a corner, you need to think about what it will be like, take into account all the requirements that apply to it, and also decide where to place it.

One of the main functions of such a corner is to help the teacher organize the sequential participation of all children in the group on duty and report who is on duty today in different areas of activity. Because the different types duties become available to children at different ages, the teacher should first of all pay attention to this point.

The first thing children are introduced to is canteen duty. It is introduced into the second younger group, but not at the beginning, but in the middle of the year. During the first half of the year, children master labor skills by completing assignments: arranging napkin holders and plates for bread. Instructions are given to one or two children, the children perform the same actions, guided by the prompts of the teacher or nanny's assistant.

In the younger group there is enough a corner for dining room duty, decorated with the children’s favorite characters and cute pictures

The second type of duty is introduced in the middle of the year in the middle group. This is class duty. Beforehand, children become familiar with the work performed on this duty and also through assignments. They lay out handouts, plates for appliqué, plasticine, etc. on the tables, and after class they collect them and bring them to the designated place. Instructions are given to those who want to help, so not all children in the group are involved in the work. That’s why duty is so useful, as it allows all students to be involved in work.

In the middle group there will be enough corner for two duties: for the dining room and for classes

The last to be introduced is duty in a corner of nature. It begins in the older group in September, since children of this age know how to quickly navigate, have sufficient skills and abilities, and are able to divide labor operations among themselves, perform them together, and help each other.

Thus, the type of duty corner depends on the age of the children who will be in the group, because pupils are placed not haphazardly, but taking into account the height of the furniture (tables, chairs) that is located in the group room:

  • If children of the second youngest group will live in the room, then a corner for duty in the dining room will suffice.
  • In the group where the kids will be middle group, a corner is made for canteen duties and classes.
  • If the group room is equipped with sufficiently high furniture or the furniture is adjustable in height, satisfying the sanitary requirements for older preschoolers, then such a group requires a corner for those on duty for all three types.

Requirements for the duty corner in kindergarten

In addition to taking into account the age of children, when making a corner for duty officers, the following requirements must be observed:

  • Durability and reliability. Since the corner is made not for a week or a month, but for a long period, its preservation should be ensured during this time. Therefore, for the base it is worth choosing a durable material, such as plywood or chipboard. Plastic or cassettes for pasting the ceiling can serve as a good replacement for these materials. When purchasing them at a hardware store, you must definitely ask for a certificate stating that this type materials can be used indoors. Paper, even whatman paper, will not last long; the only other option is very thick, high-quality cardboard.
  • Possibility of wet cleaning. All equipment in the group (especially long-life equipment) must be wet cleaned according to the schedule. This does not mean that the corner will be washed with soap, but it is necessary to wipe it from dust with a damp sponge. Therefore, inscriptions and drawings on its surface must be indelible.
  • Compliance with hygienic requirements is one of the most important, because the health of children depends on it.
    • In the duty corner there is not only a stand with individual cards, but also aprons and caps (kerchiefs) for the dining room attendants. Children put them on after washing their hands, before performing work activities. Therefore, care should be taken to place the corner where the clothes of the attendants would be safe: away from the play and art areas. Carried away by the game, the children can drop their aprons on the floor, step on them, and get paint on them while drawing. You cannot require a preschooler to think about the safety of the clothes of those on duty while playing or creating. The teacher should take this nuance into account.
    • When duty is introduced in a corner of nature, it is necessary to provide those on duty with protective clothing while caring for plants. To do this, you need to have sets of oilskin aprons with sleeves. Aprons for dining and caring for plants should not be stored nearby. Clothing that children wear when watering, replanting, or washing plants should be in a corner of nature, next to watering cans, loosening sticks, and flower pots.
  • Accessibility for children. The corner is placed in such a place that preschoolers can freely approach it, look at pictures, and diagrams of operations during duty (if any). The design should be understandable to children, so the inscription “On duty by nature” or “On duty by class” is of no practical use; children are unlikely to read it. It is better to indicate each type of duty with a bright and clear picture: an image of dishes, plants, an album and pencils. As an option: a picture of children at the dining table, watering flowers, busy with modeling or drawing. At the beginning of duty, children are introduced to the corner, explained what the images mean, what duties the duty officers perform in different areas.
  • Aesthetics. Of course, every teacher wants his duty corner, as well as other group decorations, to be the best and most beautiful.
    • Creative teachers turn to parents and craftsman dads for help, who cut out the basis for a corner in the form of a samovar, a cloud, a chamomile, or a train from scrap materials. Such corners always look beautiful and attract children's attention.
    • But even a simple rectangular base can be decorated tastefully and attractively, showing imagination and a sense of proportion. In this case, you need to be guided by the general appearance of the group. Previously, about twenty years ago, furniture in kindergartens was the same type, white or light wood color. Nowadays, colored furniture that combines two or three colors has become fashionable. It would be great if the teacher takes this into account and decorates the corner to match the overall design of the group. For example, the “Vasilyok” group with blue, white and green furniture has absolutely no need for a corner of the attendants in red and yellow tones, but blue with blue and white will be out of place. You can teach children how to combine successful colors and instill in them taste in such small things.

The bright painted corner of the attendants looks great against the background of a simple plain wall

Not a requirement, but advice: place the corner where direct sunlight will not fall on it during the day. This will protect the background and cards from fading and keep them looking attractive longer.

The main, most striking and attention-grabbing component of the duty corner is, of course, a stand on which information about the duty officers will be posted. Attached to the stand is a set of pictures or photographs of children, which, for better preservation, it is advisable to laminate with transparent film.

To be on duty in the canteen you must have the following equipment:

  • A brush for sweeping crumbs from the table, about 25–30 cm long together with the handle. The handle should be no more than 3 cm in diameter, comfortable for a child’s hand.
  • A dustpan for crumbs, measuring about 15 by 15 cm, with a handle up to 12 cm long. The dustpan and table brush are stored suspended on hooks and are not placed on the floor under any circumstances.
  • A floor broom for sweeping with a handle length of up to 110 cm and a cross-section of up to 3 cm.
  • Garbage scoop with long or short handle. These tools are stored near the corner, but not in the vicinity of the clothes of the attendants.

Equipment for sweeping crumbs off tables should be stored hanging on hooks

Broom for sweeping kindergarten not used, it is difficult to disinfect, and its use does not comply with sanitary standards.

The clothes of the dining room attendants consist of aprons, which can be made from chintz, guipure, satin, preferably in light colors. Headwear for girls: scarves, caps. Boys are offered only caps.

Craftswomen - mothers and grandmothers of pupils - will help make aprons and caps for the attendants

For duty in a corner of nature, purchase waterproof aprons and, if possible, sleeves. To care for plants you need the following equipment:

  • watering cans;
  • basins for washing plants;
  • sticks for loosening the soil;
  • sponges for wiping leaves.

Diagrams and step-by-step images of the actions of duty officers, pictures and photos of correctly set tables can complement the design of the duty corner.

In order for the duty officers to properly understand the duty schedule, an explanation from the teacher is necessary

Class duties do not require special clothing or equipment. The main thing that students should be equipped with is the ability to quickly and organizedly carry out the assigned work. In senior and preparatory groups a lot of material is used in classes, so children need to be collected and be able to clearly perform actions (take and place plates, lay out oilcloths, etc.), because from breakfast to organized educational activities Not much time passes, and the teacher sometimes really needs the help of those on duty.

Some interesting ideas for decorating duty corners

As a rule, the stand, that is, the base of the corner, is made in the form of a panel on which the name, pockets for pictures-signs (or photos) and decorative elements are located. Several design ideas will help to diversify and make the corner unusual.

There are usually no difficulties with the name of the duty officers’ corner, since in most groups it is called that way: “Duty duty corner.” There are also options: “We are on duty, they are on duty today.” But how much more interesting and useful in terms of the development and upbringing of children is to name the corner “We love to be on duty”, “Little Helpers”, “Hardworking Suns, Bees, Daisies” (depending on the name of the group).

The kids will definitely want to know what the inscription means, and it will be much more pleasant to hear in response not just a phrase, but praise. This will create a desire to participate in the labor process and may even serve as the topic of a fascinating educational conversation: “Why do you think our corner is called that? Who is called hardworking? How can you help the teacher, the nanny, your group friends?”

There are also several options for individual symbol cards:

  • Figured: in the form of flowers, clouds, mushrooms with an individual picture and the child’s name. In this case, the stand itself should be designed accordingly - like a lawn, a sunny sky, a clearing in the forest.
  • With fastening on stud buttons. In this case, pictures indicating the types of duty are placed on the stand, and under them there are buttons with a protruding plastic part, the so-called studs. In this case, children's cards are made with loops or slits, hanging them on buttons. The buttons must be secured to the stand securely, not just by sticking them in, but additionally secured with superglue so that they do not fall out and cause injury.
  • In the form of flags. Under the pictures of those on duty in the dining room, nature and activities there is a shelf, and on it there are two holders for flags for each type of duty. Individual pictures or photos of children are glued onto the flags and inserted into the holders.

Photo gallery: examples of designing duty corners in kindergarten for different age groups

The teacher can also get an original idea from tea utensils by making a corner in the shape of a teapot and cups. The idea of ​​a corner in the form of a clock, the arrows of which point to those on duty, deserves attention. Cards of duty officers can be hung from stud buttons.

The duty corner helps organize and interest children in regularly performing work duties. A colorful, attractive corner, made by the hands of a teacher from inexpensive improvised materials, will definitely arouse the interest of little fidgets and will help make the work process easy and fun - after all, children or their relatives, handicrafts mothers and skillful fathers will definitely take part in the design of the corner.

Kindergarten is a place where a child first meets and communicates with a large number of different children, where there are rules and requirements that must be obeyed, where they find their first friends and, funny as it is, sometimes their first love. Yes, yes, many boys and girls remember for a long time their first feelings at 3-4 years old for “that same Sasha” or “the most beautiful Anechka.” Parents must understand that the environment in kindergarten means a lot to children. That is why many educators, and even parents themselves, decide to do the decoration of the kindergarten group with their own hands. Read our article about how you can colorfully decorate rooms in a kindergarten.

Decorating a group in a kindergarten with your own hands is, of course, the prerogative of parents rather than teachers. But both of them can give useful and interesting tasks to children, with the help of which they can then decorate the rooms and entrance area of ​​the kindergarten.

Decorating a group in a kindergarten with your own hands: ideas for creativity

For you, parents!

This poster must contain file frames with useful information for parents. It is usually hung on the entrance group. On one poster there are columns for filling in for different groups, since usually there is not so much information for parents who can “be patient” and wait for the parents’ attention. Bring something important for the next week, information about upcoming vaccinations, etc...

Nature calendar

The nature calendar is a stand that will help children learn the characteristics of each season. It will be interesting to make images of clothes that are suitable for each weather under the pictures of summer, winter, spring and autumn.

Our crafts

A stand with children's crafts can become the main decoration of each group's room. Of course, children usually take their most favorite crafts with them, but a lot of creations remain in the group, which means they need to be put to use!

Menu for the week

A stand that will be interesting for children to make every week, and interesting for parents to look at every day! After all, nutrition is one of the most important aspects for a harmonious child development. This menu poster will definitely be popular!

Favorite holiday

A very interesting stand on which you can hang information about the next birthday person. So both teachers and children will not forget to congratulate him on this memorable day.

Our lockers

It will be useful to hang a stand near children's lockers with information on how to properly put away clothes, as well as in what order to put them on.

Subject-spatial development environment in preschool educational institutions.

Junior group of kindergarten "Solnyshko"
The organization of the subject-development environment in the preschool educational institution is built in accordance with the principles of the program“From birth to school”, edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, N.E. Veraksa and T.S. Komarova and “Concepts for building a developmental environment” by V.A. Petrovsky, corresponding to the personality-oriented model of interaction with preschoolers.
The group space is organized in the form of well-demarcated zones, equipped with a large number of developmental materials. All items and materials are available to children.
Such an organization of space allows preschoolers to choose interesting activities for themselves, alternate them throughout the day, and gives the teacher the opportunity to effectively organize the educational process, taking into account individual characteristics children.

When creating a subject-development environment, you must remember:
The environment must perform educational, developmental, nurturing, stimulating, organized, and communicative functions. But the most important thing is that it should work to develop the child’s independence and initiative.
Flexible and variable use of space is necessary. The environment should serve to meet the needs and interests of the child.
The shape and design of the items is focused on the safety and age of children.
It is necessary to provide space in the group for children's experimental activities.
Decorative elements should be easily replaceable.

The kindergarten is a second home for employees and children. And you always want to decorate your home, make it cozy, original, warm, and different from others.
In accordance with the principles discussed, the following subject-development environment was created in the junior group of the preschool educational institution “Solnyshko”:
1. Center for theatrical activities;
2. Center "Ryazheniya" and role playing games;
3. Center for physical development;
4. Center of the book;
5. Game center
6. Center for educational games;
7. Center of water and sand;
8. Center “Creative Workshop” (for an exhibition of children’s drawings, children's creativity,);
9. Hanging modules
10. Information blocks.

The equipment of the corners varies according to thematic planning educational process.

Center for theatrical activities.
The Theater Activity Center is one of the active sectors in our group.
The purpose of the theater corner:
Development of creative abilities in children;
Development of imagination, ability to improvise;
Development of memory, attention, expression of basic emotions;
Instill a sustainable interest in literature, theater, music;
All costumes and attributes are arranged so that it is convenient for children to take them and use them, and they will unite in subgroups based on common interests.
In the corner there are props for various types of theater: finger theater, tabletop, flat, masks for acting out scenes.

Dressing center.
In our group there is a corner that all children, without exception, love. Everyone chooses their own image, according to their sympathies and feelings living in their soul here and now. This provides psycho-emotional release and lifts your spirits. Children learn to combine things, fabrics, sizes. They study the purpose of things and their seasonality. They choose their own image.

Center for Physical Development.
To successfully solve the problems of physical education in preschool institutions, it is necessary to have physical education equipment, which should also be in the group room, in a specially designated place “physical education corner”. The selection of equipment and maintenance of the physical education corner is determined by the program objectives of both physical and comprehensive education of children. The teacher’s task is to teach children independent physical activity in limited space and the correct use of physical education equipment.
In our kindergarten group, the motor activity center is designed as part of a large play area. There are rolling toys for kids; balls of different sizes; balls - hedgehogs; bags filled with peas for hands; massage mats; massage mittens; skittles; dumbbells; ringbross; hoops; jump ropes; ropes, cords; dry pool; Children are constantly in active motion and use the toys offered at their own discretion. In the sports corner there are devices for organized children's activities: for sports games and exercises. That's why our center has masks for games. Basically, these are the characters that are most often found in their games: cat, hare, fox, bear, wolf. Items for carrying out exercises - for all children in the group: cubes, soft balls, plumes; breathing simulators - houses. Be sure to have a tambourine to perform exercises in the suggested rhythm.

Book Center.
The most accessible and effective way children's development is reading. For many parents, this is also a very cheap way to keep their child busy. The educational potential of a children's book is limitless. Thinking, speech, memory, attention, imagination - all this is formed through communication with a book. For this reason, we decided to create a book museum. Our museum displays modern books, books from the childhood of our grandparents, and books created with our own hands. Moms, dads, grandmothers and even grandfathers responded to our proposal to create a book with their families. The topics chosen were varied: “My favorite pets”, “Polite words”, “Seasons”, “Our favorite kindergarten”, “My favorite grandparents” and many others. We actively use all the books presented, because... fiction serves as an effective means of mental, moral, aesthetic development of children.

Game center.
IN play area There are a variety of games for children, taking into account age and gender education.

Center for educational games.
The center for educational games is aimed at developing speech, sensory perception, fine motor skills, and imagination.

Center of water and sand.
The “Water and Sand Center” in our group helps organize children’s cognitive and research activities. It's about about play-experimentation with various objects and natural materials. By organizing games with water and sand, we not only introduce children to the properties of various objects and materials, but also help them consolidate ideas about the shape, size, color of objects, develop fine motor skills, and lay the foundation for learning to design (molding from sand).

Suspended modules.
Small children do not know how to get bored; they need to constantly do something: look at something, touch something, observe something - for them this is the same action as running, jumping, playing. Therefore, the presence of hanging figures, butterflies, birds, stars in the room creates an atmosphere in which something is constantly changing and moving. A color cascade is very useful from an aesthetic and psychological point of view. There are many such cascades in our group room.

Creativity Center.
Creativity in the broad sense of the word is an activity aimed at obtaining something new and unique. In the design of the reception room there is always a place for children’s work and creativity. The exhibition is very colorfully decorated, where we display children's drawings and applications. In the creativity center, something is constantly changing depending on the lexical topics and techniques being mastered.

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Hello friends, today I will tell you about decorating in kindergarten for September 1st. We will look at several variations of decorating a preschool educational institution, and I will also introduce you to some master classes that will be useful to you in decorating.

The first of September is not only a holiday for schoolchildren. Children from kindergarten are also carefully preparing for Knowledge Day. On this day, the garden often hosts themed matinees and concerts for parents and kindergarten students.

Registration in kindergarten by September 1

In order for the children to remember the holiday in the brightest colors, parents and kindergarten workers need to try hard and beautifully decorate not only the concert hall, but also the rest of the rooms of the building. I suggest you consider the most interesting options registration

Decoration of the reception room

Every child’s day begins in this room, where he changes clothes and goes to the group. There are a lot of decoration options, the main thing is to show your imagination.

You can make a themed design. For example, if the group is called “Droplet”, cut out a large squirrel, a cloud, an umbrella and droplets. Decorate all this and stick it on the wall in such a way that the squirrel will be under the umbrella and droplets from the cloud will fall on it. Glue a photo of the kids from the group onto each drop.

If the group is called “Sun”, you can cut out the sun with rays and glue a photo to each ray. You can come up with a similar idea for absolutely any name. You can also tie a helium balloon to each cabinet, cut out bells from colored paper and glue them to the cabinets. This option for decorating a reception area will not leave anyone indifferent, as it will look very beautiful and inventive.

A simple design option is to cut out and decorate the inscription “September 1st”, a bell, leaves, cones, mushrooms and a poster with a cartoon pencil.

Corridor decoration

The corridor is the first thing the kids will see when they enter the kindergarten, so it must be impeccable. I suggest you decorate the corridor with paper figures. You can make them yourself, spending just a few hours and a couple of packs of colored paper.


To create them we will need:

  • threads;
  • sheet of paper (50*250 cm);
  • scissors.

We unfold the paper to its full width, fold it in half and cut it. Unravel one half, fold it in half, then in half again. Cut the folds on both sides.

We take one layer, fold it like an accordion, and then fold it in half and cut off the non-solid end, giving it the shape of a semicircle. Now on the opposite side we cut off the oblique strips on the sides and narrow the middle. We make the same blanks from the remaining 7 sheets.

Now we take all our prepared accordions and put them in our hands, one on top of the other. We take the thread and tightly tie all the accordions together in the middle. Now we begin to form the ball itself, take each petal and open it.

The ball is ready, such multi-colored balls will be an excellent decoration for the corridor.

Paper bell

To make this you will need

  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Draw a bell and cut it out. Then on another sheet we draw a daisy and a small circle (the middle of the daisy) and also cut them out. Glue the middle of the flower from below onto the bell and glue the middle of the flower from above. Apply glue to the edge of each petal and, pulling it slightly towards the center (to create volume), glue it.

We cut several strips of green paper and twist them using scissors.

Now we glue each strip with one end between the petals, and glue the other end a little higher. We make a hole at the top of the bell, thread a festive ribbon through it and tie it.

Music hall decoration

This is the most important place on a holiday, because visitors will stay here the longest. Decorators will need to work hard to ensure guests are satisfied. Most often, balloons are used for decoration in a wide variety of forms: they are hung from the ceiling, they are made into figures and arches, and they are tied to chairs. Here are some options for beautiful decoration using balloons:

The music room will look pretty good with beautiful hanging paper decorations.

Group decoration

After the formal part, all the children will go to their favorite group. They will be very pleased to come to a beautifully decorated room. Before answering the question “how to decorate a group,” you should take into account the age of the children and their hobbies.

Decoration of windows and ceilings

Don’t forget that everything should be beautiful on a holiday. Therefore, you should also decorate windows, curtains and ceilings.

You can glue a lot of thematic stencils onto the windows, this will create a feeling of celebration for visitors even before entering the building. Another simple option for decorating windows is paper curtains made from maple leaves. It's easy to do and looks great.

You can decorate ceilings in several ways:

With this, I say goodbye to you, friends. I hope you find the ideas from my article useful; most importantly, before decorating a kindergarten, do not forget to take into account the interests and wishes of the children.

If you don’t have enough funds, but you still want to beautifully decorate a group or hall, don’t worry, you can do everything yourself with your own hands and not overpay to intermediaries. The main thing is to sit down calmly and carefully watch the master class - you will definitely learn how to make any jewelry no worse than professionals.

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Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva