Caring for nubuck shoes, what you need to know! Proper care of nubuck shoes at home Beech shoes how to care

Caring for nubuck shoes is complicated by the material’s complete resistance to moisture. Therefore, both prevention and basic care for expensive material are subject to one rule - the leather must remain dry inside and out, which means it is well protected from dampness with special impregnations suitable for pile products. Other means that are responsible for maintaining the noble velvety surface of the model, for color stability, and for cleaning stains are also called upon to care for nubuck shoes. All of them belong to the line for shoes made of suede, nubuck and textiles, included in the mandatory series of every company that produces professional care products for products made from natural fibers.

Proper care of nubuck shoes

Correctly selected means of protecting the product is 70% of success in maintaining the good condition of shoes, but the entire line for natural pile leather is very expensive.

In part, some professional measures are being replaced folk remedies, but the purchase of high-quality impregnation cannot be postponed - this is the only means of barrier protection that the owner of an expensive pair must have.

A complete list of cosmetics for proper care of nubuck is included in the following memo:

  • Water-repellent impregnation in the form of a spray or separately applied liquid. It is economical to purchase a colorless version;
  • Brush for nubuck and suede - single- or double-sided. It can be made of metal or with dense short pile;
  • Shampoo, foam to remove dirt;
  • Paint matching the color of the shoes;
  • Dry cleaning eraser;
  • Spray conditioner for the inside of shoes.

You should use shampoo for general cleaning of shoes no more than three times a year, when you need to restore the external gloss not in a separate area, but over the entire surface of the shoes or before putting them away for storage. The brush is used as a tool for fluffing up rough hair, for dry cleaning and giving a velvety texture after wet cleaning.

The dye is purchased in advance, and not when the shoes are worn out, since properly caring for a nubuck pair also means promptly tinting shiny areas or masking traces of salt reagents. The paint is selected in the form of an aerosol, the color of which, when the liquid dries, matches the color scheme of the product itself. This is necessary to carry out spot restoration, if necessary, and not to paint the entire boots.

Impregnation is needed to systematically protect shoes from moisture and liquid dirt. An eraser can be used to clean stubborn stains, but after using it, you must immediately restore the fluffiness of the pile with the metal side of the brush.

Dry nubuck products, just like suede, at room temperature, away from sources of artificial air heating. Before drying, wet shoes are stuffed with newspaper to prevent deformation and wrinkles. Nubuck pairs are stored clean and dry in boxes, at average temperatures and away from humidity. Storage in plastic bags is unacceptable - this way the material “suffocates” during inactivity and acquires a strong specific odor.

Caring for new shoes

After purchase, shoes must undergo two mandatory procedures - soaking and shrinkage on the foot. Subsequently, when the shoes have served for a long time and show signs of wear, impregnation can be purchased to match the color of the product, but new shoes are not so demanding. A high-quality aerosol liquid that is colorless and does not have a strong odor is suitable.

New clothes need to be processed immediately, no later than a day before the first exit to the street. The liquid is applied not only from the outside, but also from the inside. The surface of the shoe is not just moistened, but generously moistened during three applications with mandatory time intervals of 3-4 hours. Only after special treatment is the renovation ready for street conditions. As a rule, impregnation is used at least twice a week for active wear and once for occasional use.

The fit of shoes on the foot is an important point, without which wearing a new pair will not bring a comfortable feeling. If, upon purchase, the shoes feel tight due to the shape of the foot, stretching occurs directly on the foot, with preliminary treatment of the product with a spray to increase the elasticity of the nubuck material. The liquid is irrigated from the inside of the shoe frame, then a thick sock is put on, then boots and walk like this for at least 2 hours. For stability of the result, 3-4 procedures are carried out during the first few days.

Folk remedies

Two more means for safely stretching shoes made of genuine leather. The first method is not suitable for boots with high tops, in order to avoid them breaking:

  • A small, dense bag is placed into the product and distributed throughout the entire cavity inside. The bag is then carefully filled with water to the top of the boots and placed in the freezer. When freezing, water begins to expand the walls of the shoes, stretching them gradually, which is not traumatic for the material;
  • The boots are filled with very hot water. After a minute, the water is drained, and the shoes are immediately put on the foot, with a thick sock, and worn until the skin returns to room temperature.

A crust of dried bread is suitable for cleaning new leather shoes from small random stains. You need to rub the problem area with a cracker, and then brush off the crumbs with a brush.

Professional products

Only high-quality sprays are suitable for pre-impregnation of the renovation - saving on price while initially increasing the functionality of the pair will lead to low level protection from moisture and rapid wear of shoes.

  • Aerosol impregnation Super Invulner from the Shaphir medaille d'or 1925 brand, bases its effectiveness on the presence of fluorinated resin in the formula, which envelops the pores of a dense material without interfering with air exchange and at the same time preventing moisture from entering the layers of the skin. The product makes it easier to clean dirt stains and prevents snow and water from accumulating in the seams and membrane topography. With repeated primary treatment, the second and third application of the spray is carried out on still damp skin;
  • Collonil's water-repellent Nano Complete spray helps renew shoes by accumulating nanoparticles in the layers of the skin, which form an additional protective shell at the molecular level. Shoes become almost insensitive to minor damage, do not react to the effects of salt, grease and dirt, and retain their color for a long time.

The product should not be sprayed directly onto shoes - a non-woven cloth is first sprayed with the spray, and then the surface of the shoes is wiped with it.

After using any impregnating agents, as they dry, you need to iron the product against the lint several times, not allowing it to stick together.

How to care for nubuck shoes in winter

look after winter shoes You can make it from nubuck using home remedies, but you need to clearly know how certain elements affect expensive leather. Before using any solution or dry substance, you need to rub a small amount of the product into the back of the wafer and watch the reaction of the material.

Caring for a nubuck product in winter requires not only cleaning, but also washing the shoes, and subsequent restoration after treatment .

The easiest way to restore an elegant appearance to boots after a thorough cleaning is to hold the dried and unpresentable-looking model over steam, and then treat the product with a brush, moving it against the pile.

Oiling shoes with impregnations is carried out after each serious cleansing procedure and twice a week as a preventative measure.

Folk remedies

The two most effective folk method for cleaning nubuck shoes suitable for light-colored materials - solutions with ammonia and vinegar:

  • Using a composition of ammonia and water (1:4), even old traces of reagents containing salt are removed. Shoes are wiped with a sponge moistened in a solution, then rehabilitated over steam;
  • Vinegar (6%) helps fix color and remove simple dirt stains. Take 0.5 tbsp per liter of water. spoons of vinegar and this composition, applied to a soft cloth, cleans the dirty area.

On black or brown shoes, vinegar leaves bleached areas.

Professional products

Winter care for leather products involves the use of complex products that care for, restore and protect shoes at the same time:

  • Nubuk + textile by Collonil is a liquid cream specifically for leathers such as suede and nubuck. The product instantly penetrates deep into the surface, gives the product softness and saturates the color. The liquid is applied with a sponge included in the kit in a very thin layer, without rubbing;
  • Omni Nettoyant medaille by Shaphir medaille d'or 1925 is a cleaner that is applied with the included brush. Removes even strong grease stains and old salt stains due to the tensioactive solvents contained in the composition.

Treating the product after drying with a special silicone brush is mandatory in all cases.

How to care for nubuck shoes in summer

Summer care consists of timely dry cleaning of the product from dust. When wet from sweat or when liquid accidentally gets on the surface of summer shoes, dust instantly forms mud stains on the skin, forcing serious measures. You should also quickly remove them from your shoes. greasy spots covered within a few minutes with a film of dust.

For daily care, a spray is used to maintain the condition of the pile, but if stains are detected, only drastic measures are applicable.

Folk remedies

It is not recommended to use solvents of initial concentration for nubuck shoes. Any substance that affects the coloring pigment must undergo a concentration reduction of at least 4 times. Other homemade ways to rid shoes of household stains are:

  • Table salt is applied in a small amount of dry substance to the contaminated area, the mark is carefully rubbed in and removed with a damp cloth;
  • Moistened coffee grounds with large abrasive particles are applied to the stain in a thick layer, gently rubbed in with a finger or a napkin and left for 5-10 minutes. Then the abrasive is removed with a damp cloth. The method is suitable for dark shoes.

The latter method perfectly replaces the dye for a brown model.

Professional products

For summer shoes important gentle cleansing, so it’s better to leave expensive strong impregnations for the winter. Optimal choice for light shoes the following options remain:

  • Nubuk + velours spray from Salamander protects against penetration of moisture, dust, and grease into the skin layers while maintaining all the qualities of the material. The liquid is sprayed onto the brushed surface from a distance of 20 cm. Care must be taken to ensure that the product is applied evenly;
  • Clean&Care from Collonil is a soft shampoo-foam, which is applied in the form of an airy foam mass on a napkin and then distributed over the entire surface of the product. The optimal time for cleansing to occur is 10 minutes. Then the substance is removed with a damp sponge and the shoes are put away to dry.

A classic example of shoes made from this material is the “military” style, popular among young people. The forerunner of the style was military equipment, and nubuck, lightweight, practical and wearable, fits perfectly into this framework. But this is only the external indicative side of the issue - in fact, painstaking care of nubuck shoes is a daily measure that is impossible in military life. This is the only way - by paying constant attention to an expensive nubuck product, you can achieve the preservation of its original appearance and that general impression of reliability that is characteristic of the popular military style.

In order for your favorite pair to give your feet pleasure for as long as possible, it is necessary to organize proper care for nubuck shoes. Preparing your boots or shoes for the first walk, constant care using special products is not only additional effort. Thanks to strict adherence to some recommendations and tips, nubuck shoes will become your favorite pair, in which your feet will feel comfortable and comfortable.

Video about care products for nubuck shoes

The answer to the question of how to clean nubuck shoes will be incomplete if you do not understand the features of the material and its performance characteristics. After all, the application modern means shoe care can not only help maintain a “healthy” appearance, but also significantly harm fashionable shoes or boots.

Features of the material

Nubuck is a modern natural material that is produced using high-quality leather processing technology in factory conditions. Many owners of trendy shoes are ready to complain about their “capriciousness” and impracticality. This is all due to the lack of knowledge on how to care for nubuck.

Shoes made from high-quality material are characterized by high levels of durability and strength. Such shoes are able to maintain their performance characteristics in conditions of constant daily wear.

At the same time, being a natural material, nubuck provides “breathing” of the skin, which is a necessary condition maintaining the health and beauty of your feet.

Advice! In order for shoes to please their owners with high performance characteristics, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the product when purchasing. Buy only branded shoes, and then disappointment with your choice will never take you by surprise.

Proper shoe care will allow your feet to enjoy comfortable conditions without dust and dirt for a long period.

How to clean nubuck shoes at home

Self-cleaning of nubuck products is possible subject to maximum care and precision. If we are talking about the use of special aerosols, then this must be done in compliance with safety rules. It is recommended to spray the chemical shoe care product in well-ventilated areas.

Please pay attention! When applying products using spray technology, it is necessary to take into account the distance to furniture or wallpaper. An aerosol is a volatile substance that can be transported over a short distance by air flow and damage interior items.Each new canister must be identical in composition to the previous one and it is desirable that both are from the same manufacturer.

Care for nubuck shoes is carried out in strict compliance with the instructions for using a special chemical.

Most of these instructions indicate that impregnation is applied three times during initial processing. In this case, each new layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried.

Important! Cleaning nubuck shoes involves carrying out such a thorough treatment every time after drying the shoes when exposed to unfavorable factors (seasonal snowfall or rain).

Modern market V wide range Product care products offer not only aerosols, but also special paint, which is applied with a sponge.

Daily care involves a certain sequence of actions:

  • remove dirt from the sole and heel using a damp rag;
  • clean shoes from debris and dust;
  • apply impregnation once.

Remember! It is not recommended to apply care products (creams, impregnations, foams) to the surface of the product itself. Such products are applied to a soft cloth or sponge, which is then used to carefully and carefully clean the contaminated surface or tint it.

In order for the shoes to acquire an additional water-repellent effect, it is necessary to carry out an extensive first cleaning with the application of impregnation.

Shoe care using special products

It is a mistake to assume that for this purpose you can use ordinary paints and impregnations recommended for smooth leather.

Not only the quality of the aerosol or impregnation matters. To increase the effectiveness of the effect on nubuck, it is recommended to purchase an appropriate brush.

According to the existing classification, brushes are of the following types:

  • three-sided, four-sided;
  • with a dedicated edge;
  • a combination of synthetic and metal bristles.

However, there are situations in which it is necessary to give shoes a “fresh” look quickly. To achieve this effect, “express” technology is used. For this category of types of product cleaning, manufacturers produce liquid water-repellent cream-paints. This product will provide reliable protection from the effects of adverse environmental factors, and will also provide instant renewal of the surface. The effect of household chemicals in this category when painting over scratches and worn areas is absolutely harmless to the structure of the material. Uniform application of the care product is ensured by a convenient sponge applicator.

For owners of products made of suede, velor and nubuck who cannot afford to spend time choosing the appropriate household chemicals and brushes, manufacturers offer special sets. The kit includes means for protecting and cleaning various nubuck products, as well as instructions for restoring them. appearance at home.

We reanimate “dead” shoes

Proper cleaning of nubuck shoes can in some cases even restore them. Most often, hot steam is used for this.

The shoes are suspended over a pan of boiling water for a few minutes, making sure that they are only dampened and not wet. Then let it cool, and then comb it with a stiff brush. Finally, they are treated with a coloring aerosol of the appropriate shade.

To soften dry, “stiff” skin, use a special cream. They treat shoes according to the instructions, and then apply paint.

You can try scrubbing worn, shiny areas with a wire brush or even a knife. With this method of restoration, be prepared for the fact that you will have to “scratch” the entire surface in order to make it even with the wiped part.

When answering the question of how to care for nubuck shoes, you should take into account many details and nuances that require increased attention.

Each of us wants to dress not just well and beautifully, but also comfortably. This applies to absolutely all things that form a wardrobe, and even shoes. One of the highest quality materials that provides comfort and has excellent external characteristics is nubuck. Shoes made from it, with proper care, look profitable and stylish, emphasizing the individuality of their owner. However, achieving such an effect is not easy.

1 Nubuck shoes: structure of the material and rules for caring for it

In terms of its structure, nubuck is a type of natural leather that undergoes special processing. To obtain it, natural material goes through several stages of processing, which contribute to obtaining an excellent surface with fine pile, which is pleasant to the touch. In addition, it has excellent thermal insulation qualities and provides good ventilation. Its only disadvantages are intolerance to dampness and the rapidity of contamination. However, with careful and careful handling, such shoes will serve for many years without losing their attractiveness and without losing their basic qualities.

Structure of the material and rules for caring for it

Nubuck is highly susceptible to various external influences, gets wet easily and gets dirty quickly. Based on this, it follows that the ideal conditions for using such shoes are frosty, dry weather, and rain and slush are contraindicated for them. Therefore, immediately after going outside, it is subject to preventive treatment aimed at maintaining the integrity of the coating.

A significant problem for owners of such shoes is dirt and dust, since due to their fine fleecy structure they quickly get dirty, causing the surface of the material to become less attractive and colorful. Therefore, when purchasing nubuck products, it is best to immediately purchase products that will help care for them and extend their service life.

You should start caring for nubuck shoes from the very first day of wear, and best of all, from the day you purchase them in the store. In this case, you do not need to wait until it gets dirty, but immediately take preventive measures to care for it.

2 Daily care for nubuck shoes: water-repellent impregnation, rubber brush and special eraser

Buying nubuck shoes requires daily care. Before you go for a walk, putting on new clothes, it should be treated with a special impregnation that will protect the skin from moisture and provide a dirt-repellent effect. You can purchase such products at any supermarket or directly at the place where you purchased the boots or shoes themselves. However, when using them, you need to be extremely careful and not spray impregnation in the immediate vicinity of the nubuck surface. Such negligence will inevitably affect the appearance of the coating, leaving stains on it, and may even deform the pile. It is necessary to care for nubuck shoes in this way every time immediately before going outside, since this process makes it possible to avoid the appearance of dirt stains, water marks and salt stains that can appear on the shoes.

3 Mechanical removal of dirt from nubuck shoes: sequence of actions and steam treatment

Daily prevention is the key to keeping the leather surface intact. However, when using shoes it is very difficult to avoid contamination. Moreover, we can say with confidence that sooner or later this will definitely happen. If it so happens that the nubuck gets dirty, then the first thing you need to do is dry your shoes or boots thoroughly. Only after this can rescue measures be carried out, and if you start them on a wet surface, then there is a risk of deepening the contamination, which will significantly complicate the procedure for its further cleaning. When the shoes are completely dry, they are cleaned of stains using an eraser or a stiff brush. The sole can be washed under the tap, and the welt and heels can simply be wiped with a damp sponge. However, when working with water, you should be extremely careful not to catch the edge of the heel or the bottom of the nubuck frill. Banal carelessness can lead to serious consequences that will take a long time to eliminate.

Mechanical removal of dirt from shoes

Small stains on the surface of nubuck should be cleaned with a rubber brush, and salted areas should be thoroughly treated with a special eraser. In this case, the place that deserves special attention is the boot top. It is this part that should be processed especially carefully, since the pile most often breaks and folds form at the joints and seams. Therefore, they should be thoroughly leveled and treated with impregnation, and the decorative parts should simply be cleaned.

After processing, shoes do not always return to their original appearance. In this case, you can use a technique that involves exposing the nubuck to steam. This influence will help straighten out remaining wrinkles and smooth out the pile, which helps return the shoe to a colorful and clean surface. In this case, you can use any available devices as a source of steam, for example, a regular kettle or a pan of water.

4 Combating difficult stains on nubuck: coloring sprays and the specifics of their use

If we are talking about complex contaminants that can also appear on the leather surface, then it is simply not advisable to act using traditional methods. Such defects include salt stains, stubborn dirt and other dried stains that are easier to paint over than to remove.

To carry out these manipulations, you should not use ordinary creams intended for the care of smooth skin, since they will only spoil the appearance of the pile. A person who constantly cares for shoes should know that only special creams and sprays should be selected for working with nubuck. Wherein Special attention You should pay attention to their shade so that it matches the color of the shoes as much as possible. The cream must be applied in a thin layer and with extreme precision, covering not only the stain itself, but also the area adjacent to it. This is the only way the coloring will be uniform and natural.

The inside of the shoe is also subject to treatment, regardless of whether it is insulated or not. Caring for it involves the use of a special shoe deodorant, which allows you to refresh the inner surfaces of the shoes and eliminate any unpleasant odor. To do this, you should completely unfasten the boot and spray deodorant over the entire surface of the insole, and after finishing the treatment, the shoes should be thoroughly dried. Now you can wear it again.

5 Conclusion on the topic

Nubuck shoes are quite comfortable and have a great appearance. However, its maintenance is a complex and responsible process, which includes many subtleties. At the same time, you need to start caring immediately after purchasing shoes or boots, and special products for suede and nubuck, which are sold in any shoe store, will help with this. More complex stains should be removed very carefully, and some of them are easier to paint over than to clean. Only daily care makes it possible to maintain the attractive appearance of shoes and their integrity, so it is not recommended to ignore such measures.

Nubuck is a popular and fashionable material for making various shoes. However, it requires some care. Therefore, the question arises: how to clean nubuck shoes at home, trying not to spoil them? To do this, you need to take into account all the rules for caring for the product and apply tips to help maintain the presentable appearance of the material.

How to clean nubuck shoes?

Natural nubuck is a leather material with a rough, lint-covered surface. Due to this feature, creams and emulsions for smooth skin are not suitable for caring for the material. If special products and devices are not purchased with nubuck shoes, then options that are relevant for velor and suede products may be suitable for cleaning and care.

In hardware stores and shoe stores, you can purchase either special kits that contain all the necessary tools, including shoe deodorants, or you can purchase separate products and devices for caring for nubuck shoes.

Caring and cleaning materials include:

  1. water-repellent (waterproof) creams, impregnations and ointments;
  2. aerosols, sprays, foams;
  3. rubber bands (“erasers”) for nubuck;
  4. special shampoos;
  5. coloring agents for shoes made of similar materials;
  6. various brushes for cleaning shoes of this type which can have different bristles (soft, hard, rubber, brass or other metal, and so on).
In addition to the above options for devices, the following are considered suitable for caring and cleaning nubuck material:
  • any scraps of dense, absorbent and soft fabrics;
  • wet, but not scented, wipes;
  • ordinary stationery erasers;
  • foam sponges, cotton pads and tampons;
  • some folk remedies for cleaning shoes with your own hands.
Popular brands whose products you should choose are:
  1. "Ecco";
  2. "Keen"
  3. "Colonil";
  4. "Saphir";
  5. "Niki line";
  6. "All Combi";
  7. "Hatch".

When choosing a brush for nubuck shoes, you should give preference to those models that have additional metal bristles. There are also special ribs for removing dirt from hard-to-reach places on shoes or boots.

How to clean nubuck shoes: general rules

When becoming the happy owner of shoes made from such material, you need to remember two key features nubuck:
  1. it does not tolerate water, which rolls off the fibers;
  2. does not perceive artificial thermal influence..
The main rule for cleaning shoes at home: boots, boots and shoes must be completely dry. In this case, drying should take place outdoors using paper, newspapers, or a special dryer. It is unacceptable to leave nubuck products near the battery. It is not recommended to even remove dust from wet shoes, which in the process of removing it is only “rubbed” into the rough surface of the material, like other contaminants.

Brief instructions for proper shoe cleaning
  1. Remove all debris and dirt from the soles and heels using a damp cloth or cloth.
  2. The top covering of the shoes is brushed and then covered with the selected necessary product (aerosol, paint, cream, etc.).
  3. When the base coat dries, a shoe polish must be applied on top to protect against moisture and salt.
What to do if nubuck shoes are covered with spots and white streaks? It is necessary to use either a special rubber band or a stationery eraser. Gently, without pressing hard on the surface, rub the material, then brush off the pellets with a soft bristle brush. Afterwards, you need to “comb” the villi with metal teeth.

To restore the color of a product, you need to use creams and ointments with coloring components or resort to shoe paint. In this case, it is necessary to use the same tone of the product all the time and buy tubes from the same manufacturer.

Nubuck shoes should not be washed in washing machines, soaked in basins, and so on. The use of water should be minimal, even if a special shampoo is used for such shoes.

Care and cleaning of nubuck shoes should be regular, and not occasionally. Then the boots or boots will last a long time. However, the constant purchase of special products can significantly affect the budget. To avoid this, you can resort to popular advice on how to clean shoes made of this material at home.

Method one

You need to take water and ammonia and mix everything in a 4:1 ratio. Apply the composition to a cloth or cotton pad in a small amount, wipe the contaminated areas on the shoes. Then leave the product for a day in a well-ventilated place with minimal humidity.

Video about cleaning rules

The video below clearly shows the process of cleaning shoes with a folk remedy and the resulting result, which requires the use of additional materials to bring the shoes into perfect order:

Method two

A teaspoon of ordinary table vinegar is diluted in a liter of water. Then, based on the above recommendation, the necessary manipulation of the shoe product is performed.

Method three

To get rid of greasy stains, you can use regular salt. A small pinch is applied to the area of ​​contamination and lightly rubbed in with a sponge. Afterwards, wipe the surface of the shoes with a damp cloth. Then you need to dry the product and carefully comb it with a wire brush.

Alternatives to salt include: gasoline, talc, food starch.

In some cases, it is necessary to use complex folk remedies to obtain the desired result.

Useful tips for caring and cleaning nubuck shoes at home

  1. After purchase, such shoes must be treated three times with a water-repellent agent. It is important to maintain short intervals between actions so that each layer of coating has time to dry.
  2. In situations where an aerosol or spray is used, it is necessary to cover shoes with the product outdoors.
  3. Any chemical material for nubuck shoes must be used strictly according to the instructions.
  4. To avoid an unpleasant odor from the product, as well as maintain an attractive appearance, shoes should be stored either in air-permeable bulk boxes, or simply in the hallway, without packaging.
  5. Shoes made from this material require regular combing and removing dust that has settled on it using a rubberized or rubber brush.
  6. To clean out old dirt or heavy white stains that are difficult to remove, nubuck shoes can be exposed to steam for 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, when the coating becomes more pliable, remove dirt with soft sandpaper or “comb out” with a brush with coarse bristles.
  7. Products made from artificial nubuck require less thorough cleaning, and such shoes do not require the application of a waterproof emulsion.
  8. Do not apply cream, foam or any analog product directly to the product. A small amount of cleaning or protective material is applied to the surface of a sponge or thick rag, after which the shoes themselves are rubbed.
  9. It is unacceptable to use ordinary soap, soap suds or powder to clean nubuck shoes at home. Otherwise, there will be unsightly stains on the surface, which will be difficult to remove.
  10. If you bought new boots, then do not forget to stretch them correctly as you follow.
Nubuck shoes are distinguished by their beauty, comfort and quality of material. By following all the given rules and useful recommendations on how to clean them at home, you can extend the life of your shoe product, maintaining its attractive appearance for a long time.

To produce nubuck, cattle leather is used. The raw material is chrome tanned and then polished. If you compare it with smooth leather, the difference lies in the small fibers on the surface of the material. Nubuck is a durable, lightweight, wear-resistant material, but it does not tolerate moisture, and you also need to know how to care for it. Let's look at what kind of nubuck material it is and how to care for shoes made from it.

Material characteristics

Nubuck is a high quality genuine leather. Compared to smooth leather, this material is not as moisture resistant. On the other hand, nubuck is superior to suede in this indicator. To summarize the characteristics, this material can be placed between suede and smooth leather.

Nubuck can be different:

  • Natural. Air passes through this material freely, but it must be carefully maintained.
  • Artificial. It is of synthetic origin. Visually similar to natural, but wears out much faster. It is waterproof, but does not allow air to pass through.
  • Nubuck oil. It is of natural origin. This is a natural material with additional moisture-proof treatment. To the touch it seems that its surface is wet. The main characteristic is high wear resistance, in addition, it is quite unpretentious in maintenance.

Depending on what kind of material is the basis of your boots or shoes, the care of nubuck shoes will be somewhat different.

Getting ready to wear new shoes

So you bought a new pair, but how to care for nubuck boots? You shouldn’t go outside in it right away. The first step is to prepare your shoes for exposure to dampness and snow.

Important! In order not to waste time, when buying shoes, immediately take care of purchasing special care products:

  • Water-repellent impregnation;
  • Special brush for removing dust;
  • Cream paints;
  • Eraser;
  • Shampoo;
  • Shoe spoon;
  • Special deodorant.

We impregnate new shoes:

  1. Place a thick layer of newspaper on the floor in a well-ventilated area.
  2. Shoes are placed on newspapers and covered with water-repellent impregnation.
  3. Wait for it to dry completely and repeat the procedure twice.

This way the initial processing is completed, after which you can safely go for a walk.

Caring for nubuck

How should nubuck shoes be cared for at home and can they be painted? These questions undoubtedly concern everyone. It is believed that this material is quite capricious, but in reality, it is not difficult to care for it, the main thing is to be delicate:

  • You need to try to prevent excess dirt and moisture from getting on your shoes, that is, try not to put them on in slush.
  • In order not to look for how to restore nubuck boots later, it is better to avoid the period when the roads are sprinkled with reagents.
  • The best weather is frost or off-season, when there is no heavy rain.

The most important thing is to carry out timely care of the material. If you don't pay attention to it, your shoes will start to get wet and wear out quickly.

Important! Nubuck shoes cannot be treated with traditional shoe creams; special aerosols and impregnations should be used. When choosing aerosols and cream paints, be sure to check the labeling.

Let's look at brushes - which ones are needed?

You will need not only special care products for nubuck shoes, but also a special brush. With its help, not only dirt is removed, but also the special fleecy surface of the material is not disturbed. It is used to clean areas covered with skin. In order to clean heels and leather, you will need to purchase an additional brush.

Dry or wash first?

Only well-dried shoes can be cleaned. Drying should be natural; heat sources should not be used. If you want to quickly get rid of excess moisture, you can use old newspapers.

Important! The pile must be combed, otherwise it will cake.

Can nubuck be washed?

How to care for nubuck shoes in winter?

  • First of all, washing in a washing machine is not allowed. It is not recommended to use water at all, as it will cause the fibers to stick together.
  • If a persistent dirty stain appears, prepare a solution of water and ammonia, which is used to treat the stain.
  • To restore heavily worn shoes, you need to treat them with a jet of steam. In order to tidy up the pile, it needs to be treated with the metal side of the brush.
  • After each cleaning, impregnation must be applied.
  • You cannot use ordinary shoe polishes; to remove white stains, use a slightly damp cloth or a special preparation.

Now you know how to care for nubuck shoes in winter, but how to store them? After brushing and applying a protective layer, the shoes are placed in a loose, well-ventilated box.

If you are unable to purchase a modern, effective product, you can use the folk remedies that our mothers used to care for suede and velor:

  • For cleaning, you can use a regular eraser and crusts of stale bread.
  • To touch up and update the color, I used carbon paper for the black and coffee grounds for the brown.

The most important thing in such products is not only effectiveness, but the absence of chemicals in the composition, which means there will definitely be no allergies.

As you can see, the most important thing in caring for your favorite shoes is consistency. If you pay attention to cleaning and protecting the material, it will last for many years.

Nubuck is a material made from cattle leather with a soft, velvety surface. Unlike suede, it is sensitive to moisture, has less hairiness and greater rigidity. Shoes made of nubuck have a pleasant gloss, are neat and attractive in price. How to care for it so that it retains its appearance for as long as possible - we give simple tips.

Rules for caring for nubuck leather shoes

The secret to the longevity of any pair lies in following the rules of the first treatment, daily care and storage. Let's look at how to care for nubuck shoes step by step.

First treatment. Performed after purchase before wearing using sprays to increase moisture resistance and fix color. It is recommended to apply it three times, allowing the first layer to dry completely.

Care every day. These are removal of contaminants, drying, color restoration and protective impregnation. This is done carefully so that the pile does not fray or stick together. Choose non-woven cloths and brushes with soft bristles. When cleaning with a special cream, apply the composition to the sponge and then blot the surface. To restore color, use an aerosol.

Storage. Allowed in fabric bags and cardboard, polyethylene cannot be used. Must be completely dry before storing. Store in a cool place away from direct heat.

What not to do with nubuck shoes

  • do not wash or wipe with a wet cloth;
  • do not clean with a brush or cream for smooth skin;
  • do not leave wet shoes overnight;
  • do not wear in rain and snow;
  • Do not use products containing oil.

Products made from nubuck raise the status of their owner, but not all fashionistas decide to purchase such shoes, only because they do not know how to properly care for them. In fact, everything is not so scary; it is enough to know a few basic rules for caring for shoes made of nubuck and suede so that they do not lose their representative appearance for a long time.

What is nubuck?

This is a high-strength, wear-resistant, attractive material, which is a finely fleecy leather, treated with chrome tanning and polished during the manufacturing process.

It would be unreasonable to save money on caring for nubuck shoes, because the product will very soon lose its neat appearance and will no longer protect your feet from the external environment (cold, rain, frost, wind, etc.).

How to care for nubuck shoes?

Cleaning nubuck products requires maximum care; spray various means To care for nubuck shoes, it is recommended to use well-ventilated areas, and if we are talking about aerosols, it is important to follow safety rules when using them so as not to cause harm to health and not to damage surrounding objects with the paint layer.

Proper care taking care of nubuck shoes will allow you to keep the shoes clean and tidy, the products will not get wet, creating discomfort for the owner. The first cleaning should be the most extensive, so that the material becomes durable and water-repellent.

When purchasing a nubuck shoe care product, you need to carefully read the instruction manual; it is best to clean the product on a balcony or in a well-ventilated room.

Types of care for nubuck products

Primary care for nubuck shoes:

  • the material must be processed three times;
  • thoroughly soak each layer;
  • such treatment will be indispensable in the autumn-winter period.

Daily care for nubuck shoes at home:

  • the material is processed with a damp rag;
  • remove dirt from the sole and heel;
  • It will be enough to impregnate the material with a special agent once.

Only dry shoes can be cleaned with a brush, while wet ones need to be thoroughly dried, and only then proceed to cleaning.

If you drive a car, it is best to use a special heel pad to prevent the lint from being rubbed off.

How to clean dirty nubuck?

If the material has become dirty and wet, then additional manipulations will be required to return the product to its former representative appearance. What needs to be done, how to care for nubuck shoes after rain or slush:

  • first you need to dry your shoes, but only naturally;
  • wipe the stained area with an eraser;
  • treat the material with a special brush, which is most often sold with nubuck shoes;
  • if the stain is not removed, then you can try care products for nubuck shoes, shampoos, foams, aerosols;
  • to restore color, you can use special paints that are sprayed onto shoes according to the instructions;
  • The coloring agent must match the color of the product, the same tone and manufacturer.

Attention! Each cleaning must be completed by applying impregnation, this is the only way the shoes will last you a long time. In this case, it is forbidden to use ordinary shoe polishes, so as not to completely damage the product.

Special products for nubuck material

There are brushes various types, with a ribbed or one-sided base, with synthetic and metallic pile.

If you need to give nubuck a representative look quickly enough, you can use “express” technology for this purpose, using a water-repellent cream mask.

This nubuck shoe care product will provide:

  • quick surface renewal;
  • high efficiency of product operation.

For owners of shoes made of suede and nubuck, there are special kits that are used to restore the appearance of the product. Thanks to them, caring for nubuck shoes in winter does not create difficulties for the owner.

If you do not want to use toxic products to care for nubuck shoes at home, then you can use folk tips and recommendations.

  1. A crust of stale bread and a regular eraser are suitable for cleaning suede products.
  2. Black copy paper is suitable for tinting and updating the color; coffee grounds are suitable for caring for brown shoes.
  3. For better cleaning, nubuck products should first be kept over steam, and only then comb the fibers with a special brush.

Preventive action when caring for nubuck. What should you always remember?

It is strictly forbidden to wash nubuck material in water, so that the fibers do not stick together and wear off. Shoes should only be cleaned dry; it is forbidden to dry nubuck items near a radiator or fan.

An excellent option would be to use special shoe dryers, or old newspapers and banquet napkins, which have the ability to “pull out” moisture. Villi on shoes should be combed with a special brush, and small dirt with a stationery eraser.

To restore worn-out shoes, you need to use a jet of steam, and it is best to use a professional shoe restoration service. Caring for nubuck shoes should only be done by hand; under no circumstances should such shoes be placed in washing machines.

Attention! Such shoes should be stored in paper boxes, spacious and well ventilated, but not in bags or open dusty places. Before storing nubuck shoes for the next season, you need to clean them with a brush and apply a layer of protective cream.

Take care of your shoes and enjoy the comfort of using them for a long time!

Nubuck is a material of natural origin. It is not only attractive in appearance, but also very comfortable to wear. Nevertheless, nubuck is significantly inferior in demand to its competitors - suede and leather. This is largely due to the fact that not all people know how and how to properly care for such shoes.

In fact, there are several life hacks that will help keep products made from this material in great shape and extend their service life. But how to properly clean nubuck shoes at home?

Most buyers are mistaken, confusing nubuck with suede. Some are sure that this material is fabric. This is due to the recent use of nubuck in shoe production.

It gained its popularity several years ago. In fact, this material is unique in its composition and properties.

First of all, nubuck is leather. However, its tanning is carried out in slightly different ways than the leather that we are used to seeing everywhere. Each tanning method determines the final price of the original product. It can be carried out using fats, salts, and wood extracts. Masters hide their secrets from publicity and general availability.

So what is the difference between nubuck and suede? The latter is made from the skin of small horned representatives of the animal world, and for nubuck the skin of cattle is used. These are deer, elk, yaks. Since these species of animals are quite rare, shoes made from their leather are much higher in price.

Suede is made on the basis of compounds of fats or fats with formaldehyde. In the production of nubuck, mineral salts are used, which makes the final material pliable and wear-resistant, but at the same time, very capricious.

Capriciousness lies in increased requirements for conditions environment and careful care. But this does not prevent nubuck shoes from looking elegant and blending flawlessly with any wardrobe.

Important rules for cleaning nubuck shoes

You need to clean any shoes at home in compliance with the rules and recommendations used in specialized dry cleaners. The most important of them:

  • clean only completely dry shoes;
  • do not wash your boots under running water;
  • If you use stain removers or other products, apply them after finishing the dry brushing procedure;
  • when caring for nubuck shoes, use only special shampoos and other products intended specifically for such shoes;
  • Do not dry such products near radiators or electric heaters. Otherwise the couple will become rude;
  • Do not apply cleaning products directly to the surface of shoes or boots. Use a sponge;
  • upon completion of wet cleaning, dry the shoes thoroughly, and then “comb” them with a dry brush to restore the crushed pile;
  • For the result to be successful, secure it: to do this, treat the surface of the shoe with a special impregnation with moisture-repellent properties.

Since nubuck shoes require regular care, it would be a good idea to purchase a set that includes all the necessary tools and available materials.

It is important to clean nubuck shoes every morning and evening. You should not use universal products for these procedures. Not only will they not bring the desired effect, but they can ruin the couple.

How then to clean nubuck shoes? It is worth buying in addition to the purchase of the product all the funds that may be needed.

  1. Impregnation in the form of an aerosol. It is applied at the final stage of work, preventing moisture from settling on the shoes.
  2. Cleanser (foam).
  3. Spray paint specifically for nubuck shoes.
  4. An eraser with which you will remove visible dirt.
  5. Brush for such surfaces.
  6. Shoe deodorant. It will eliminate unpleasant odors from the inside.

All of the above products can be purchased individually or in a comprehensive set, which are offered by almost all shoe stores. They may include sprays, deodorants with an antibacterial effect, protective elements that fix the color of the insoles, which will prevent shoes from staining your socks. Brushes are also available different forms and with excellent pile.

When purchasing products, pay attention to the fact that they are all intended specifically for nubuck shoes.

How to clean nubuck shoes at home?

How to clean with purchased products at home? Here basic moments.

  • When you return home, immediately try to wash the soles of your shoes from dust, dirt, and foreign stuck objects. Be careful not to let water get on the nubuck surface.
  • Dry the pair well. If you don’t have a special dryer, then old newspapers, which need to be placed tightly in your shoes, will be a great help.
  • If there are pinpoint noticeable stains of dirt or dust on your boots, an eraser will help to deal with them. In cases where it is powerless against pollution, you can use a more aggressive approach using shampoo. It will not only remove dirt, but also wash away salt stains and white streaks.
  • As already noted, it is not recommended to wash nubuck shoes under running water, so use a solution of one part shampoo and two parts warm water. Soak a sponge in it and treat the surface. Remove any remaining product with a soft cloth soaked in water and well wrung out.
  • Wait for the shoes to dry and proceed to the next stage of care.
  • If the shoes have lost their color, spray paint from a can to refresh the product. In order to protect all decorative elements, use tape to cover buttons, laces, key rings and other decorations, if any.
  • The result of the work carried out should be the impregnation of the pair with a special water-repellent spray. Take the time to do the work carefully. The better the application, the better the protective shell on the surface of the boots will become.

Except professional means, at home you can use proven in effective ways, which will not harm the shoes, but will make them cleaner and more well-groomed.

It is not possible to dye nubuck shoes using folk remedies. Only special cosmetics are suitable for these purposes. It will also protect the couple from moisture.

Helps remove dirt or oil stains next way.

  1. Dry your shoes.
  2. Walk over its surface with a rubber brush.
  3. Make a solution: pour ¼ cup of ammonia into a glass of water (it can be replaced with table vinegar. In this case, one teaspoon of vinegar is needed for one liter of water).
  4. Soak a soft cloth in the solution and wipe off all visible dirt.
  5. Treat the removed stains with a sponge soaked in clean water.
  6. Spray dry shoes with paint or spray.

If you know how to clean nubuck shoes at home, you won’t have to waste time and money on going to the dry cleaner. The main thing is to follow one important rule: regularity of procedures.