Is it comfortable to sleep on a hard orthopedic mattress? Is it healthy to sleep on a hard mattress? Physiology of the musculoskeletal system

When a person feels groggy after sleep and experiences pain in the lower back and back, he needs to change the mattress as soon as possible. Some people move to the floor for this, but such changes do not always have a good effect on the spine.

Sleeping on a hard mattress is very beneficial and much better for your health than sleeping on a soft and comfortable mattress. You should not choose a bed or sofa that is too soft at all, since your spine needs reliable support for rest, which will preserve its natural contours, maintain its shape and prevent curvature from developing. In this regard, a rigid surface is especially important for the children's spine during its formation or at the first signs of scoliosis.

Bed arrangement

In principle, it is possible to sleep on the floor, but it is not necessary. You can also arrange sleep on the bed in such a way that the body will rest and the spine will remain healthy. To do this, you need to purchase an ottoman or a bed with a hard surface. If the bed is supposed to have a mattress, you need to buy an orthopedic or a mattress with increased rigidity. The disadvantage of such an acquisition will be its high cost, but if a person’s health is important to him, you can save on other things, but not on benefits for well-being. There is a more acceptable option - choose a thin mattress, and replace the springs in the bed with hard boards laid under it. Of course, such an operation must be performed by a specialist, since the boards will need to be properly secured, sanded and processed.

Sleeping on the floor

Choosing to sleep on the floor is the most comfortable and affordable way for resting on a hard surface. It does not require either expensive mattresses or additional changes in the structure of the bed. However, even this simple way you need to prepare in advance. It will be better if you choose a warm place on the floor, away from windows and radiators. It is great if the floor is covered with parquet or laminate, and not linoleum laid on bare concrete. In this case, you can arrange the bed on a carpet so that the internal organs do not become overcooled.

Place a firm, natural wool rug or thin mattress on the floor or carpet that you will use for sleeping. Make the bed; you can cover yourself with your usual blanket on top. Either an ordinary pillow is placed under the head, or a hard cushion made from a blanket or rug is rolled up. It takes a little getting used to before you feel comfortable in a place like this. Usually, sleeping on your back and the inability to sleep comfortably on your side causes particular discomfort from the very beginning. But this is a matter of habit. But from the first days you can feel that your back no longer remains tense, muscle fatigue goes away, and you can get a full night’s sleep.

Oddly enough, one of the main reasons for constant back pain is the lack of comfortable sleeping conditions. A person spends almost a third of his life sleeping - it is not surprising that the incorrect position of the body on the mattress as a result negatively affects the health of the spine. Many people think that to solve the problem it is enough to purchase a hard orthopedic mattress or, conversely, put the softest and most comfortable bedding in the bed. But is it really that simple? Perhaps it's time to analyze the most interest Ask. Is it good to sleep on the floor?

In culture

Spending nights on the floor rather than in bed is typical of households in the Country rising sun. Many residents of developed Western countries also believe that such a habit, if it does not improve health, then significantly increases overall vitality and prevents back pain. Even in classical literature and cinema, if you wish, you can find examples of this habit. The Count of Monte Cristo, for example, did not at all wonder whether sleeping on a hard floor was beneficial: he simply got used to such rest during the time he spent in prison.

The interested reader is given the opportunity to make his own decision on this controversial issue.

Back pain and spinal problems

For unknown reasons, most patients with back pain believe that a soft mattress will certainly ease their discomfort, help eliminate pain and bring additional comfort to their home. daily life. In fact, too soft mattresses are simply not able to provide the back with sufficient support, as a result of which the position of the body (and, accordingly, the skeleton) in the lying position takes on an incorrect shape. Eventually, the spine curves to follow a set pattern of position on the bed.


If a mattress on a bed can cause significant harm, is sleeping on the floor beneficial? For the spine there is a clear answer: yes. The hard floor provides excellent support for the back and lower back, keeping the skeleton naturally straight even while sleeping.

People who tried to exchange a soft bed for a seemingly cold and uncomfortable floor for one night found that their back pain subsided a little, and their general well-being noticeably improved. If you still doubt whether sleeping on the floor is beneficial if you have a herniated disc, try this method just once - and you will soon return to it.

How to do it right

Instead of a thick soft mattress, a very thin mattress or summer blanket is placed on the floor. You need to sleep without a pillow so that excessive elevation of your head does not compress the blood vessels in the neck area. The ideal sleeping position is lying on your back. In this form, the spine will remain in a neutral position, and you will be able to avoid discomfort in the shoulder blades and lower back.

  • If a thin mattress or blanket seems too soft for you, feel free to lay a gymnastics mat suitable for yoga on the floor. It's thin enough to allow the ground to support your spine, yet soft enough to keep you comfortable as you change positions.
  • If you are determined to find out own experience, is it useful to sleep on the floor, try to lie only on your back for the first time. In the morning you will be able to observe the results with your own eyes: absence of pain and discomfort, increased tone, excellent health. You can, of course, sleep on your side or stomach, but such positions do not provide adequate back support.
  • You should not sleep on your side in the baby position for more than five hours at a time, as this position can cause severe strain on the muscles of the thighs, buttocks and chest. Unlike healthy muscle strain when playing active sports, in this case you are not facing body improvement, but severe pain in both the upper and lower back.

Other tips

  • Is it beneficial to sleep on the floor if the pelvic bones and shoulder blades rest against a rigid structure? No, since the discomfort from an unsuccessful position neutralizes the benefits that a full night's rest on the floor gives people. Try bending your knees while lying on your back; in this position, the pelvis receives a rare opportunity to get rid of accumulated tension, and the body weight is more evenly distributed over the entire surface of the body in contact with the floor.
  • Make sure you have enough space left to feel at ease. The level of comfort will decrease significantly if your gymnastic mat is surrounded on all sides by furniture that does not allow you to turn around and spread your arms and legs.
  • If you sleep on a carpet, try to periodically change the resting place so that the carpet does not deteriorate or become dented from constantly placing the same weight on the same place.
  • You may have asked yourself another question: “Is it useful to sleep on the floor in a special sleeping bag designed for hiking?” The usefulness of this option has not yet been studied, however sleeping bag is quite capable of providing you with optimal conditions for a comfortable stay.

First nights

And yet, is it useful to sleep on the floor with osteochondrosis and other diseases? Yes, but within a few nights of starting to practice this popular method, a person may experience significant discomfort. Many people immediately begin to dream of a hundred pillows. However, if you are really concerned about the quality of your sleep, you can put only one pillow on the floor - under your head. Never sleep with your back buried in soft feathers or synthetic down. There is no need to provide the spine with softness - you need to guarantee it good and stable support.

If the question of whether sleeping on a hard floor is beneficial comes up in a friendly conversation, do not fall for the oratorical tricks of your friends who are trying to prove to you that sleeping on the floor is extremely harmful. Perhaps people who are overweight or are simply accustomed to relaxing on soft down mattresses will experience certain discomfort in the morning after a whole night spent on the floor, but such discomfort is quite natural and even similar to that divine muscle fatigue that covers the whole body after intense exercise. training in the gym.


For healthy people the question of whether sleeping on the floor is beneficial, strictly speaking, is not even a full-fledged question. They give a clear positive answer. However, it should be kept in mind that sleeping on the floor also has contraindications. Experts do not recommend following new fashion trends to copy the lifestyle of the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans, if the doctor has prescribed you to rest exclusively in a bed of a special design, or if you live on the first floor of an apartment building or a country cottage, where concrete floors make night sleep an extremely dangerous activity.

If you still have doubts, give the new technique a chance - sleep on a hard floor for a week or a little longer. You will see from your own experience: it is enough to endure a little discomfort in the muscles and unusual stiffness, as this method of night rest will become a habit, and you will no longer be able to settle down again with the same comfort. soft bed. It's not so much a matter of convenience as it is a matter of health: when you go to sleep on the floor for the first time, you take the first, but very significant step towards complete relief from back pain.

How to sleep properly with osteochondrosis

Doctors lament: many sleep blatantly incorrectly, and then complain of pain in the back, neck, and side. Especially people with osteochondrosis. At night, the load on the spine is reduced almost threefold. But complete rest is possible only in a physiological position. When the muscles relax, the discs between the vertebrae straighten, and the nerve roots are not pinched. How to achieve this? You should wisely choose a mattress, pillow and determine the position that is most useful for sleeping.

You will need

  1. – semi-rigid mattress;
  2. - orthopedic pillow;
  3. – two bolsters for the feet.


  1. Let's start at the base of your bed. It must be horizontal and strong. It is better to scrap an iron bed with a sagging armor mesh. A trestle bed, a folding bed, a couch, a hammock - no matter what you lay on them - are not suitable for normal sleep. The most optimal is a simple metal base with transverse wooden slats, convex to support the body.
  2. The mattress is better semi-rigid and elastic. When the spine is rigid, the curves of the spine are deformed. On a soft mattress, the pelvis, without receiving proper support, will collapse. It’s better to refuse grandma’s feather bed, no matter how expensive it is, once and for all.
  3. Today, a lot of orthopedic semi-rigid mattresses of various designs are produced. They relax muscles well, easily support the spine and do not disturb blood flow. The best mattresses are springless, made of latex, but these are, however, more expensive.
  4. The head sinks into the down pillow and sweats, and the neck becomes stiff. Because the pillow is too low, the blood rushes too much to the head. Too high causes the neck to bend to death, and blood flows poorly to the head.
  5. The “correct” pillow should not be low, not high, and not too big. It is better to have a rectangular shape rather than a square shape. But the main thing is that the pillow should only support the head and neck. Shoulders should not rest on it!
  6. All these physiological requirements are satisfied by orthopedic pillows. These pillows have a curved shape, thanks to which the neck is supported along its entire length. They protect the cervical spine from both osteochondrosis and scoliosis. And with these ailments, they allow you to spare it as much as possible during sleep.
  7. The most preferred positions for falling asleep are on your back or side. For osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, it is more advisable to lie on your side. It’s even better to bend your legs and pull them slightly towards your chest - this is the “embryo” pose.
  8. If the lumbar region is affected, then it is better to sleep on your back. In this case, it is recommended to place small bolsters under the knee joints. True, this position often provokes snoring. But here you have to choose the lesser of two evils...

Is it useful to sleep on a hard surface (for example, a board)??!

Dr. Sasha

No. You can sleep on a hard surface only if there is evidence for it.
and only temporarily.
the spine has its own physiological curves (it should not be straight like a stick)
your bed should replicate them.
There are mattresses with orthopedic. effect. (they are called orthopedic
or anatomical) they come in different rigidities. choose individually.
It is best with an independent spring block.

Bald brunette

I would not say, because then you need to sleep strictly on your back, because when you turn to one side, your head will hang, and this is harmful. The best option is rigidity like shelves in a reserved seat carriage. And anyway, you need some kind of cushion under your head...

Is it really useful to sleep on “hard” if you have osteochondrosis?

User deleted

The bed should be a wooden board of sufficient width, covered with a thin mattress, preferably a hair mattress: it retains its elastic properties longer, does not bunch up and is quite soft. Not bad and woolen. Cotton wool is only good when it’s new; after 1-2 years the cotton wool gets knocked down or compacted almost to stone density. Special orthopedic mattresses that take into account the physiology of the spine


Yes, this is true, especially in the acute period (when the pain is very strong), you need a wooden shield made from wide boards, or an orthopedic mattress! It is advisable to use a small sofa cushion too! It is necessary to undergo a course of treatment in the neurology department!

Which mattress is better to sleep on? If it’s monosyllabic, then use a convenient one! But, unfortunately, such an answer does not provide comprehensive information and does not help in any way to choose the ideal mattress, on which you would have a perfect rest. That is why we suggest you study all the parameters that should be considered before purchasing. They will help you understand which mattress is suitable for each specific person.

Criterias of choice

You should know that you will have to decide not only on the parameters of the mattress, but also evaluate your own characteristics.

So, the main characteristics of the selected product are:

  • ergonomics;
  • orthopedic effect;
  • anatomical compliance;
  • type of filler;
  • environmental Safety;
  • rigidity;
  • type and structure of the model;
  • price.

All these parameters are necessary select based on age, weight, health status and the presence of chronic diseases, as well as individual tastes.

Convenient or not

Neither a sales consultant nor best friend, nor a work colleague.

Each of us has our own preferences. That is why it is best to test the mattress in real conditions before purchasing. This is quite simple to do, because consultants of many stores not only do not prohibit, but insist: “Lie down! Rate it!

Some manufacturers offer completely ideal options. Test the purchased mattress at home, and if for some reason it is not suitable, the consumer has the right to return the product.

Many experienced buyers who are choosing a mattress not for the first time, compare assessing the comfort of a mattress with trying on shoes. No matter how nice the shoes may seem visually, if you feel uncomfortable in them, it won’t work. Of course, shoes can be broken in and calluses can be periodically covered with a band-aid, but shoes or boots will never be perfect. The same goes for the mattress. If you are uncomfortable lying on it and you cannot relax, then you can hardly expect that everything will change at home. It is better to refrain from such a purchase, especially since the choice of analogues is extremely large.

"Magic" effects

If you see a message about the anatomical effect in the description, this means that the mattress is ready “repeat” the contours of the body and provide you with the most comfortable position during rest. It will also help your muscles relax completely.

Orthopedic mattresses with high anatomical characteristics, according to doctors, are best choice for healthy sleep.

An orthopedic product most comfortably supports the spine in the correct position, takes into account its curves and reduces the risk of curvature and the development of various diseases.

Which filler is better

Studying the proposed fillers, it’s easy to get confused. Not only its durability, but also how comfortable your sleep will be depends on the quality of the “filling” of the mattress.

One of the most popular types of fillers is latex - artificial or natural. Both of them are similar in structure to a honeycomb. Both do not cause allergies (provided, of course, that synthetic latex has high quality). With different densities of honeycomb placement, the product has a good or very good orthopedic effect. However, latex is hygroscopic, that is, it absorbs moisture from the air and reluctantly gives it back. This problem is almost completely eliminated if ventilation holes are provided in the design.

Manufacturers are replacing the name “foam rubber”, which scares many consumers, with more harmonious ones - waterlatex, bilaxilast, etc. With characteristics similar to latex, mattresses with foam filling are much cheaper.

Mattresses with foam rubber should not be chosen by overweight people. An excellent option for them would be models with coconut coir or sisal.

Innovative material: memoryform, memoryx, tempura, etc.

Knowing the caution with which many treat foam rubber, manufacturers have proposed a modern alternative - a material with a “memory” effect. The main feature of “smart” foam rubber is that it perfectly follows the contours of the human body. These “abilities” are based on the thermal expansion of the material: the cooler the room, the stiffer it is. However, some buyers are not happy with its characteristics. During sleep, they experience discomfort and a feeling of being “immersed in plasticine.”

Material with a “memory” effect returns to its original position with a delay of a fraction of a second, which can hinder freedom of movement. Such models are not recommended for people with restless sleep.

Spring or not

Spring mattresses are one of the most popular. Particularly in demand are models with an independent spring block, in which the operation of each spring does not depend on the actions of its neighbors. Such a mattress Ideally supports all areas of the body and allows you to have a wonderful rest.

High-quality spring models can have various fillers and their combinations. In addition to those mentioned above, these may be:

  • cotton fibers – create an ideal microclimate;
  • sheep wool – great for the winter version of the mattress;
  • jute or flax - extend service life;
  • coconut coir – increases rigidity.

Another type of spring mattress are models with a dependent spring block. If the quality is poor, the woven springs may lose their function, resulting in a hammock effect. Regular sleep on such a mattress is a direct path to a crooked spine.

Hard or soft

When choosing the firmness of a mattress, most people rely on their own taste. Some people love soft, enveloping feather beds, while others quickly fall asleep almost on the boardwalk. Extremes, as we know, are fraught, because an overly hard mattress can cause disruption of blood circulation, and a soft one can negatively affect the spine.

A high-quality mattress should be elastic enough to “push” the body and not allow the shoulders and hips to sink.

Determining the correct firmness of a mattress is simple by experiment. Lie on your side and assess the position of your spine. If it is curved upward, then the mattress is too soft for you, if the spine “sinks” downward, then it is too hard. The ideal position on the side during healthy sleep is one in which the entire spinal column is parallel to the surface of the mattress.

By the way, Spanish scientists have refuted the stereotype that people with back problems need to sleep on a hard mattress. As a result of three months of testing, experiment participants proved that relief from pain occurred twice as often if the mattress had medium hardness.

Seven zones

Our body can be roughly divided into seven zones, each of which has its own weight and requires an appropriate level of support. Before purchasing, you should ask the seller about the number of zones that are provided in a particular model. Ideally, there will be seven of them. Each zone should have its own rigidity.

Specific smell - a problem or not

It's hard to argue with the fact that any new thing has its own smell. The mattress is no exception. However, the persistent “aroma” may disappear after a few hours, and can cause great harm to health. So how do you know what smell you can tolerate and what smell you should return the product to the seller?

All mattress manufacturers can be divided into two large groups. Some produce high-quality products using safe hot-melt equipment, while others reduce costs using adhesives based on formaldehyde resins and hazardous solvents. Therefore, it is quite logical to find out what technology is used in a particular product and refuse to buy a mattress from those who are trying to save on consumer health.

The criterion of hygiene is no less important. The interior of the mattress should not become a haven for pathogenic bacteria and insects.

How to choose the size and height of a mattress

To calculate the ideal length of a mattress, you need to add 10-15 centimeters to a person’s height, and the ideal width – at least 80 cm for each sleeper.

The height of modern models can range from 5 to 50 cm. Experts are convinced that a 16-18 cm base is enough for a person of standard weight to rest comfortably. If it is greater, then it must be more elastic and have a better orthopedic effect. But models with a height of less than 15 cm are suitable only for temporary rest or as an addition to the main mattress of a bed or sofa.

Please ensure that the height of your bed and mattress is comfortable for you. You should also take into account the height of the bed recess - this is the distance from the base where you put the mattress to the top line of the side wall.

The optimal ratio of the depth and height of the mattress (respectively):

  • up to 5 cm – no more than 17 cm;
  • 5-10 cm – 17-23 cm;
  • 10-15 cm – from 22 cm or more;
  • over 15 cm – from 25 cm and above.

Cheap or expensive

Cost is a parameter that often plays a decisive role. After selecting the required model parameters, compare analogues from several manufacturers, evaluate the warranty terms, shipping options, and return policies offered.

Is it worth paying for silver threads, which, according to the seller, will help the body plunge into a state of relaxation, or shell out thousands for lavender impregnation? Everyone answers these and similar questions independently.

Physiological characteristics of a person

There are a number of typical parameters that will be significant when choosing a specific model.


If in adolescence When the body is forming and the risk of spinal curvature and deterioration of posture is especially high, it is better to choose mattresses of medium hardness or hard models, while in the elderly it will be most comfortable on a soft base that does not interfere with blood circulation and gently envelops the body.

Health status

In case of serious chronic diseases, you should follow the doctor’s recommendations, as well as rely on your own feelings. If the pain on the chosen mattress does not go away, then you should probably return it to the store and try to find a more comfortable replacement or pay attention to special beds for bedridden patients. It is recommended to concentrate on models of medium hardness. And remember that even the best mattress, unfortunately, has no medicinal effect. It can only become part of preventive measures or relieve pain.

Which mattress is suitable for spouses?

When choosing a double mattress, you need to navigate the weight of a heavier partner. If the difference in weight is no more than 40 kg, then you can consider purchasing both a spring and springless mattress.

There are other options:

  • each spouse chooses a mattress to their liking, and then the models are combined with a common mattress cover;
  • if the weight of the spouses differs by more than 40 kg, then it is recommended to give preference to a mattress with different halves of hardness. Of course, such models are more expensive, but they are guaranteed to provide comfort;
  • you can choose a duo mattress with double springs - such models are convenient for people of any weight, since the internal spring, which is built into the main one, begins to “work” only under heavy loads.

You should not buy a soft mattress, because more easy man will “roll down” to something heavier.

And don’t forget about the main thing - you are choosing a mattress “for yourself”, so you will also have to make the final purchasing decision. But believe me, if you make a good choice, you will be satisfied.

For the first time, you start thinking about whether sleeping on the floor is beneficial when you experience back pain that does not go away while sleeping in a soft bed.

The search for comfortable rest of the body leads to a hard surface and, if the pain goes away or decreases significantly, the recognition comes that sleeping on a hard surface is useful.

This is not a new question for humanity. From sleeping on the floor, people moved to beds, gradually creating comfort for the body. But medicine proves that sleeping on a hard surface is good for the spine, stimulates blood circulation and normalizes the functioning of the internal organs of the body.

Physiology of the musculoskeletal system

With the correct position, the load on the spine is reduced

To figure out whether it is useful to sleep on the floor or better on a feather bed, let’s turn to the spine, the basis of the musculoskeletal system of our body.

In a waking person, the muscular corset of the spine is in constant tension, supports the spine in an upright position, with physiological bends, and protects it from damage.

To restore muscle activity and the body as a whole, nature has provided sleep, which makes up a third of a person’s life.

With stagnation, muscles are not supplied with blood

During sleep, with the correct position of the body, the spine has the least load, the muscles are relaxed. If you sleep on a surface that is too soft or hard, the weight of the spine takes on an unnatural position, forcing the muscles to keep the vertebrae from spreading out.

In these cases, blood flow in the soft tissues may be impaired, the muscles do not rest, and the body does not recover.

The result may be a disease of the musculoskeletal system, and lack of sleep will lead to chronic diseases. By experimenting, we find the most comfortable bed for relaxation.

On surfaces that are too soft, the spine becomes curved

When you constantly sleep on a bed with a feather bed or a soft mattress, over time, discomfort occurs in the body and in particular in the back.

The reason is that in a soft bed the body does not take the correct position to relax the muscles; under the weight of the body, the spine bends in an unnatural way, the muscles are tense and sleep becomes incomplete.

The habit of sleeping on a soft bed changes the position of the vertebrae, their functions are limited, and this leads to damage to the nervous system and blood vessels, blood circulation is impaired, and the basis of chronic diseases is laid.

But those who sleep on the floor or on a hard bed do not have such problems.

The habit of sleeping on a soft bed leads to diseases of the musculoskeletal system of the body and the development of chronic diseases in the body.

Table of required sleep time

Benefits of sleeping on the floor

Lying on hard surfaces relaxes your back

Sleeping on a hard surface allows the spine to straighten and the muscles to relax. Blood and nervous system work normally, there is a complete blood supply and oxygen supply to internal organs, blood purification.

The restoration of the human body during sleep depends on the proper arrangement of the sleeping place. Scientific research on whether it is possible to sleep on the floor confirms that sleeping on a firm, but not hard surface allows the body to fully recover:

The benefits of sleeping on a hard surface are obvious, but we choose a bed without fanaticism. A hard surface does not mean hard; on the bed, the body takes a comfortable position so that tension in the spinal muscles is eliminated during sleep.

Organizing a place to sleep on the floor

The arrangement of a place to sleep on the floor, first of all, takes into account sanitary standards, so as not to expose yourself to allergies and colds, and it is also important to know how to choose the right bed, on which a good sleep depends. To do this, the following rules are observed:

  1. Daily wet cleaning of the floor on which the bed is located.
  2. The room is ventilated before going to bed.
  3. We arrange the bed on the floor in a place that prevents through air movement.
  4. We use an orthopedic mattress for the bed: firm, but not hard. To learn how to choose a mattress, watch this video:

A healthy back is the key to a long and happy life

Organizing a bed on the floor is advisable not only from a health point of view, but also from an economic one. An expensive bed is not required, and if the apartment is small, space in the room is freed up for daytime activities.

But if the bed on the floor is uncomfortable, and the dimensions of the room are limited, we use a transforming bed with a hard mattress. During the day, the bed is located in a niche in the wall and can be used as a table; in the evening it is folded out as a bed with a low position from the floor.

There is no discussion about the benefits of sleeping on the floor, or rather on a hard surface. The conclusions of doctors and the practice of many people prove that sleeping on a hard surface allows the body to fully recover, prevent chronic diseases and remain in a positive mood.

Until recently, people preferred to sleep on soft mattresses and feather beds. It was convenient, but easily caused back pain. In addition, feather beds quickly caked and provided an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, the palm soon moved to hard surfaces. It was less comfortable to sleep on them. But it was believed that hard mattresses contribute to the correct position of the spine.
It has now been established that sleeping on a hard surface is not always useful, but only if a person does not suffer from spinal diseases and does not have the habit of sleeping on his back. Proper sleep for spinal diseases is of no small importance in alleviating the general condition, especially with back pain. For insomnia, arthritis, spondylosis, bursitis and other diseases, sleeping on hard floors not only does not bring benefits, but often is harmful.
It’s difficult to give just one piece of advice. The solution is to choose from alternatives. The main rule is that you should be comfortable.

So, try to find the right sleep for you.
1. You can sleep on a hard board. A board under your mattress may help you, but it may not work for everyone.
2. Try the lazy S pose. A bad back often doesn't tolerate lying face down. Place a pillow under your head and neck with your back fairly flat on the bed, and then place a pillow under your knees. When you straighten your leg, the hamstring muscles stretch and press against your lower back. With your knees bent, your hamstrings are not stretched and there is no pressure on your back.
3. Try sleeping in the fetal position. You will sleep like a baby - on your side, in the fetal position. It's a good idea to place a pillow between your knees when you sleep on your side. The pillow prevents your legs from sliding forward and rotating your hips, which would put additional pressure on your back.

General recommendations how to Right sleep.
The most physiological is considered to be sleeping on the right side, with the knees slightly bent. Thanks to this, all muscles relax, the work of the heart is not hampered, and snoring is less likely to occur (it is still better for a person who snores heavily and constantly to see a doctor).
The bed should be neither too soft nor too hard. People with heart disease are better sleep on a high headboard. It is very harmful to wrap yourself in a blanket over your head - in such cases you have to breathe in exhaust gases. Fresh, clean air helps you fall asleep, so it’s useful to train yourself to sleep with the window open in the summer, and with the window open in the winter.
Bedding, as well as nightwear, is best to have cotton, which is highly breathable and absorbs moisture. It should be changed as often as possible and should not be starched after washing.
While working with the NT-01 Simulator, we noticed an interesting feature. If a person just lies on the exercise machine at the lower angles for 5-10 minutes before going to bed, then his sleep becomes much deeper and better quality. Some users claim that even dreams become brighter and richer in images.

The most difficult task when choosing a mattress is determining the required level of firmness. This is one of those parameters that cannot be assessed using standard measuring instruments.

Misconceptions about mattress firmness

Many buyers are mistaken in believing that the firmer the mattress, the more beneficial it is for the spine and back in general. This is one of the myths that formed in our country back in the Soviet years. At that time, a very hard mattress was actively opposed to a soft sleeping place with pressed springs, creating the so-called hammock effect. In fact, both the first and second options are harmful to the health and condition of the spine in particular, since they exclude the possibility of resting in a natural position for the body.

Let's turn to physiology. The spine is not a straight line like a string; in its shape it is more like a wave. Accordingly, sleeping on a very hard surface will result in the shoulders and hips receiving the maximum load - they simply will not be able to sink into the soft layers of the mattress. At the same time, the space around the lumbar region will remain unfilled, it will not receive the necessary support, which will lead to overstrain of muscle tissue. A surface that is too hard can disrupt the functioning of the circulatory system due to excessive compression of individual vessels, which causes problems with blood circulation. This can cause numbness in the limbs, stiff muscles, and a general feeling of fatigue after sleep.

A mattress that is too soft is no less harmful to health, but for different reasons. On such a surface, the spine bends too much and takes the shape of a crescent. And again the muscles become overstrained, the lungs are compressed, and the breathing process becomes difficult.

When choosing the firmness of a mattress, you should take into account the weight and age of a person, the anatomical features of his body, medical indications based on diseases of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs.

How to determine the optimal firmness of a mattress