A bald hairstyle for men suits anyone. Haircut to zero. Shaved head - minimal care

Many people choose a low-cut haircut due to its undeniable advantages. Practical, convenient model adapts to general style, can look classic or extravagant. When deciding to cut your hair bald, it is worth remembering not only the advantages of a charismatic image, but also the peculiarities of care. Modern men often combined with other fashionable elements of the image - a beard, piercings, tattoos.

General description of the haircut

The history of head shaving goes back to the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Rome, and Greece. Long, flowing locks were a symbol of wealth, and all slaves had their heads shaved. The procedure of cutting is also mentioned in the Bible; the insidious Delilah also cut off the hair of the hero Samson, depriving him of his strength. In the 20th century, members of the working class, as well as prisoners and the mentally ill, shaved their hair bald. In the second half of the 20th century, representatives of the arts - poets, artists, musicians - used the original model.

Law enforcement officers in the pre-war Soviet Union shaved their heads bald like Kotovsky, inheriting the image of the legendary figure of the Odessa underworld and hero of the Civil War. Today, not only prisoners are subjected to the ritual of shaving their hair, it is used by monks, representatives of informal movements, and also performed as a sign of support for people who have undergone chemotherapy.

Modern men often shave their heads bald not only to change their image. Mature gentlemen often resort to cutting their hair to solve the problem of bald patches. It is not surprising that the hairstyle was called zero.

Interesting fact. By cutting your hair, a person seems to say goodbye to the past, resetting the path traveled, starting a new period. Therefore, after the procedure, your character may change, new preferences and hobbies may appear. Shaving hair is not just one of the fashionable haircuts, the process has sacred properties.

Who is it suitable for?

The hairstyle suits confident, charismatic individuals with an active lifestyle. They do not follow fashion trends, adapting to the desired direction, but create their own trends. In the past, it was associated with images of “bad guys”, but today men from creative professions also prefer a bald haircut, refuting existing stereotypes.

Before you decide to make drastic changes to your image, you should find out whether the model will suit your appearance type. To do this, you can use a special program; by uploading a photo, you can see yourself in a new image. A swimming cap will also help in resolving the issue and will provide a more accurate idea of ​​future shaving results.

Who suits a bald haircut:

  • men of different age groups, chosen by young guys, as well as mature men;
  • often used to hide hair growth problems - bald patches, alopecia, can also be used for thick, curly strands, cutting will help solve issues with tangling and styling;
  • suitable for men with the correct shape of the skull, oval type is recommended for owners of a triangular, oblong face;
  • goes well with stubble and a beard; for a business, classic style, a clean-shaven face is preferable;
  • complexion does not matter, but if there is problem skin, scars, it is worth remembering that this haircut option will highlight all the shortcomings as much as possible;
  • in terms of appearance, it is still the prerogative of tall men with an athletic build, but it will also suit guys of average height;
  • There are no restrictions on the field of activity; they are chosen by representatives of many professions, as well as subcultural areas.

A bald haircut is contraindicated for very plump men with a round oval shape. Also It is not recommended if you have moles, scars on the scalp, or age spots.

Is it possible to do a haircut yourself?

You can cut your hair bald on your own; many men carry out the procedure at home, having studied all the intricacies of the process. The procedure requires preparation and shaving skills, in which case cuts and irritation can be avoided. If your scalp is sensitive, it is better to go to a salon. Getting a mirror-like bald head should be entrusted to a professional; the price varies between 300–1000 rubles.

It is recommended that you do not go to a regular hairdresser; for men, the best solution would be a barbershop. How much the procedure will cost depends on the professionalism and experience of the specialist. He will not only be able to perform a flawless haircut procedure, but will also help you decide on the choice of style. This method is suitable for men who prefer a close haircut with a straight razor, as well as for those with moles in the hair growth area. The price includes not only hair removal, but also scalp care and the use of products to avoid irritation and redness.

You can perform the procedure yourself; for this you need to have a standard set of tools:

  • hair clipper;
  • razor;
  • brush;
  • shaving foam;
  • warm compress;
  • moisturizing, soothing cream.

Haircut technology in different ways

You can cut your hair to zero using different tools. But before the procedure, you need to prepare the scalp; this will ensure a good result, allowing you to protect from injuries, cuts, and irritations:

  1. You need to cut your hair as short as possible, using scissors or a clipper.
  2. Afterwards, wash your scalp with shampoo, steaming thoroughly. Dry with a hairdryer or dry with a towel.
  3. Apply shaving gel or foam in a thick layer. This will soften the skin and avoid injuries and cuts due to mechanical impact. Leave for 5-10 minutes, then you can start shaving.

Men's haircut bald shaving can be done using an electric razor, a disposable one, or a machine with replaceable blocks. In the case of an electric razor, you need to choose a waterproof tool, and you will also need a trimmer attachment. When using machines, several units will be required to achieve perfect smoothness. It is not recommended to use a straight razor without the appropriate skills; the risk of cuts is high.

Shaving hair with an electric razor:

  1. Start from the frontal part, processing the parietal area with parallel vertical stripes.
  2. Carefully shave the back of your head, first from top to bottom, then in the opposite direction. Pay attention to depressions and swirls.
  3. Remove the strands on the temples, carefully moving the ears away; the direction of movement of the trimmer does not matter.
  4. Rinse off the remaining shaving foam, the process is almost over, finish with rinsing with cool water.
  5. Dry with a towel, treat your head with a soothing, moisturizing cream with aloe or panthenol.

Machine haircut diagram:

  1. Start from the hairline on the forehead, grabbing the crown, and move towards the back of the head.
  2. You should not shave with pressure or cover too wide areas; it is enough to shave areas up to 3 cm. First move along the hairline, then in the opposite direction.
  3. For remaining areas with strands, re-treat your head with foam and repeat the shaving procedure.
  4. The neck and back of the head are shaved in different directions, temples first from top to bottom, then, conversely, from bottom to top.

Shaving with a straight razor:

  1. At the first stage, perform gentle movements along the hair growth, holding the razor at a slight incline. Move according to the standard pattern - from the forehead to the back of the head.
  2. Before moving on to the next section, rinse the razor to remove any remaining foam each time.
  3. After the crown, move to the back of the head, the direction is from the neck up. It is important to move slowly, not to rush, to focus on the movement of your hand, and not on your own reflection.

Video: DIY haircut to zero.

Rules for caring for a bald head

At first glance, the haircut is practical, but the model requires more careful, careful care compared to complex model hairstyles. Hair has protective properties; after shaving, the scalp needs special care and protection from adverse climatic conditions. The main problems that owners of a stylish bald spot face are irritation and itching. There are also allergies to selected cosmetics, peeling as a reaction to temperature changes, and the scorching sun.

How to care for a bald head:

  • regularly use a cream or balm that is suitable for your skin type; at the slightest reaction, you need to change the product, give preference to natural, professional lines that contain vitamins, herbal ingredients, and valuable oils;
  • wash your hair with shampoo, carefully choose a product, the absence of parabens will protect you from irritation and redness, moisturizing formulas will not only help cleanse the skin of impurities, but will not upset the pH balance;
  • use gentle temperature conditions, after washing your hair, complete the procedure with a short cold shower to close the pores, remove moisture with a soft towel
  • after carrying out all hygiene procedures, you should use talc, which eliminates the mirror effect of a bald spot; it is important not to overdo it, use a minimal amount so as not to clog the pores.

Attention! Throughout the year, wear hats according to the season; during periods of active sun, do not forget to use cream with UV filters.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is important to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages before performing the procedure. Many people gorge on haircuts, using them to increase thickness or solve problems with alopecia, irritation, and itching of the scalp. Therefore, it is worth studying all the pitfalls, which many are not aware of, before drastic external changes.


  • suitable for men of different appearance types, has no haircut and age restrictions, used by young guys and mature men;
  • it is convenient, practical, you don’t need to waste time on daily styling, you can cut your regrown hair yourself, you don’t need to have professional skills for this;
  • you can forget about problems such as peeling, seborrhea, pediculosis, alopecia;
  • comfort is especially valued during the hot summer period;
  • easy to hide the presence of bald spots, bald spots, soft, sparse, fine hair;
  • suitable for active men, representatives of different professions and fields of activity - actors, businessmen, politicians, scientists, doctors, managers;
  • goes well with a beard, three-day stubble, a similar look is chosen by men of different age groups;
  • looks solid, looks harmonious with different trends, successful tandems with biker, rocker style, no less impressive with business suit, you can use classic wardrobe elements or turn to street shocking;
  • corresponds fashion trends, a bald haircut has remained popular for decades, emphasizing the brutality and charisma of the image.


  • suitable for men with a regular, oblong oval shape, it is important that the skull is without flaws, the model is contraindicated for people with an elongated head shape, similar to an egg;
  • The benefits of shaving for hair growth and thickness are a myth;
  • The scalp requires careful care, choosing quality cosmetics, use of hats throughout the year;
  • requires frequent correction, updating at least once a week;
  • after removing the natural protection of the scalp, heat exchange increases;
  • the model does not have corrective and rejuvenating properties and emphasizes all external flaws.

Which celebrities used to have this haircut and who now?

More than one celebrity has cut her hair bald; the popular model has been a favorite among men for decades.

Jason Statham perfect example good haircut The bald, colorful image has won many fans around the world.

"Toughie" Bruce Willis one of the first stars to shave his hair.

Hard to imagine Wine Diesel With long locks, the Fast and the Furious star has shaved his head throughout his career.

Dmitry Nagiev preferred long haircuts, today the showman does not change his image even for new roles.

Maxim Averin I was remembered by the audience with my haircut to zero in the TV series "Capercaillie". New roles require changes and today the actor wears voluminous hair.

Then on this page you will find arguments for and against. We talk about the pitfalls and benefits of living without hair.

Shave your head: first things first

A shaved head in men has long ceased to be associated with ill health or aggression. In many ways, such changes in perception have occurred thanks to many charming actors who manage perfectly well without hair on their heads.

For example, film actor Dwayne Johnson, also known as The Rock, looks as brutal as possible with a shaved head. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock.

Shaving your head - who is it suitable for?

Before you shave your head, it's worth considering whether you have a beautiful skull shape. To do this, consult with in advance or, if in doubt, try first. If you feel comfortable with a little hair, then why not try shaving your head. Girls like men with shaved heads just as much as guys with short hair. middle length And .

Famous actor Ben Kingsley with his wife. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock.

Shaving your head is easy

It may not be so easy to decide to part with your hair. But performing such a haircut is not at all difficult. The master simply removes the hair length to zero. Then, if desired, he can polish his head with a razor.

A large part of Bruce Willis's acting image is his shaved head. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock.

Shaved head - minimal care

One of the important reasons why men choose to shave their heads is convenience. In the summer it’s not hot without hair, and in the winter it doesn’t become electrified and doesn’t get tangled under the hat. True, you will still have to wash your hair with shampoo in order to cleanse the scalp properly.

For actor Vin Diesel, his shaved head only adds to his brutality. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock.

It is better to choose a shampoo designed for men as it is best suited for men's scalp.

Editor's tip: It is better to choose a shampoo designed for men, as it is most suitable for men's scalp. For example, it could be with refreshing lemon. The product helps control the balance of oily scalp and prevents the appearance of oil. After all, if your scalp is always visible, you need it to look flawless.

Shaving your head: other pros and cons

After all, hair is a huge part of your appearance, and you can be convinced of this only by getting rid of it. They may even stop recognizing you based on your old documents. But it is quite possible that your appearance will only benefit from the lack of hair.

Actor Jason Statham's shaved head only makes him look better. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock.

But you can forget about brittle, dry, unruly or lacking shine hair. Instead, care should be focused on improving the health of the scalp. After shaving your head, you may see accumulations of dead skin particles on its surface.

Actor Mark Strong knows how to look elegant without fancy hairstyles. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock.

Take care of your scalp correctly, and gradually it will become even and smooth.

Editor's tip: also take a closer look at . It is worth using this product regularly to get dandruff under control. Perhaps this main secret How to look perfect after shaving your head.

Shave if your hair is thinning

Another reason why men choose to shave their heads is patchy baldness. To avoid struggling with receding hairlines and facing inevitable hair loss, many people prefer to go all in and shave off all their hair at once.

If your hair has thinned significantly, it may make you want to shave your entire head. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock.

The radical decision to shave your head, however, can help you look fresher and younger, as well as speed up hair growth. Many people are interested in how long it will take for their hair to grow back if they shave it off. This question is difficult to answer unambiguously. However, it can be said that if you shave your head, your hair will be thicker. Sometimes shaving can really make thin and brittle hair stronger and stronger.

Editor's tip: If you're considering shaving your head as a temporary measure to strengthen your hair, try taking care of your roots with extra hair care. For example, rubbing it into the scalp helps stimulate blood circulation, stimulate hair growth and strengthen it against breakage.

If you are not yet ready for such radical changes, but don’t want your hair to bother you, learn how to style it. You can find options for men's styling on our YouTube channel All Things Hair Russia.

A bald haircut is a common option, regardless of a man’s profession and his age. She has a large number of functional advantages, due to which it gained its popularity. This may not be the most beautiful and sophisticated haircut, but despite this, it has long been in first place among popular hairstyles for men and is relevant at all times.


This haircut is quite simple and can be done independently using a clipper. Some men prefer to shave their head every few days with a straight razor for maximum results. Others let their hair grow a little and their hairstyle changes. Due to this, the effect of diversity is achieved.

Who does it suit?

In general, this hairstyle suits almost all men. However, there are some nuances in which it is better to refrain from such a hairstyle. These include:

  1. Irregular skull shape. If the shape of the skull is uneven from birth or due to some kind of injury, then making such a haircut will be difficult even for an experienced hairdresser. It will also not look aesthetically pleasing.
  2. Scalp diseases. If there are any skin defects, appearance the person will look ugly and scare away others. Therefore, before doing this hairstyle, you need to consult a dermatologist.
  3. Coarse hair. When they grow back, they will be quite unpleasant both to the touch and to look at. In this case, having fine hair is a clear advantage.
  4. Birthmarks on the head. They are almost invisible under the hair. However, if you shave your head, everyone will see them.

Advantages and disadvantages

Going bald has a lot of benefits. The main ones are:

  • Does not require special care, combing or styling. Significantly reduces the time for washing and drying your hair.
  • Allows you to save on shampoos and styling products, since some men also spend a lot of money on them.
  • Suitable for absolutely any age and field of activity.
  • Suitable for any style of clothing, both classic and sporty.
  • Possibility of doing it at home. To do this, you need to have a clipper or a sharp razor. This will significantly reduce the cost of visiting the hairdresser.
  • Gives adult men brutality, especially if you wear this haircut with stubble or a beard.
  • Young people can have it on their heads get tattoos. This will not only be stylish, but will also help hide some imperfections on the surface of the head.
  • With a haircut like that it won't be hot in summer time of the year as with more long hair. However, it is worth remembering that you should wear a hat in the sun to avoid sunstroke.
  • The man's gaze becomes more expressive.
  • Is good option in the treatment of seborrhea or pediculosis.
  • Balding men can use this haircut to hide their shortcomings.
  • When cutting, dead skin cells fall off, which promotes their renewal.

Sometimes there are other reasons why men decide to shave their heads. For example, male actors who have shaved heads find it easier to wear wigs. This haircut does not bother athletes at all during competitions. Also, after shaving bald, the structure of the hair changes. Therefore, even men sometimes decide to take such a step so that in the future the hair of the industry will be more beautiful and thick.

In addition to a lot of advantages, this haircut also has a number of disadvantages. These include:

  • Opinions of others. Many people associate this haircut with the criminal world. Therefore, people around them are often afraid to contact such men.
  • Doesn't suit some men this type haircuts.
  • Problem with documents. A bald haircut greatly changes a man's appearance and makes him almost unrecognizable. Therefore, if a person decides to leave such a haircut for a long time, then in order to avoid troubles it is worth taking care to change the photograph in the documents.
  • Hair does not grow back immediately. There is a chance that the man will not like the result. If you have a regular haircut, you have the option of visiting the salon again, but in the case of a bare haircut, there is no such option. For some people, hair takes a long time to grow.
  • Lack of hair deprives the skin of thermal protection. This negatively affects the scalp and the body as a whole. The body uses all its forces to warm the surface of the head. However, in cold weather A warm hat can solve this problem.

There are many more positive aspects. In addition, many shortcomings are not a significant problem and can be solved.

Many people have the opinion that if there is no hair, then there is no need to take care of your head. However, it is not. When cutting your hair bald, certain scalp care is required. It consists of the following points:

  1. Dry or sensitive skin needs to be treated with moisturizers daily.
  2. In summer it is necessary to use creams that protect the skin from ultraviolet exposure, and in winter - cosmetic oils.
  3. Hats should be worn in accordance with the time of year.
  4. If there is increased sebum production, it is necessary to wipe the scalp with alcohol-based tonics or use wipes with a mattifying effect during the day.
  5. So that the skin does not become rough from exposure external factors, you need to regularly massage your head to improve blood circulation.

At proper care even this hairstyle can look elegant and well-groomed.

Thus, a bald haircut is a good option for men who want to change their look. It suits almost all men, regardless of age. However, before deciding to take this step, you need to weigh all the pros and cons. This hairstyle also requires maintenance, which must be done regularly.

Today, the bald haircut is gaining popularity not only among men, but also among women. Many try on this daring, unusual image. But before you radically change your style, you need to learn about the features of such a haircut, as well as its advantages, disadvantages and technique.

Features of a bald haircut

The main feature of a bald haircut is its versatility. This hairstyle can suit both men and women. In addition, parents often cut their young child’s hair in this way. Of course, it is necessary to take into account that a bald haircut may not suit absolutely everyone, since on some people it will look quite ridiculous. Therefore, before making a decision, you still need to familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages.

Why do people shave their heads bald?

Men generally do not shave their heads to stand out from the crowd. It is simply convenient for representatives of the stronger sex to wear such a haircut. Of course, it requires much less care than luxurious hair. Many men simply don't want to spend an hour in a salon every month. This is why guys often decide to radically change their image.

As for women, things are more complicated here. Not everyone can decide to take such a bold step. The main reason lies in self-expression. Today on the streets you can meet a lot of girls of the same type, who have long ceased to interest the stronger half of humanity. To stand out from the crowd and interest a potential partner, women are even ready to shave their heads bald. Of course, they are not guided solely by this. A girl will always think carefully about whether this or that hairstyle will suit her.

Apart from individual reasons, there are also common intentions for men and women to shave their heads bald. Young girls and boys join informal organizations, where they often adopt the style of its representatives.

Often during periods of strong psychological experiences people decide to make drastic decisions. Many people believe that along with our hair we get rid of all the accumulated negative emotions. Indeed, men and women often noted that after shaving their heads bald, they felt much better and did not regret their choice. Perhaps self-hypnosis is at work here.

Advantages and disadvantages of going bald

Of course, like any hairstyle, a bald haircut has its advantages and disadvantages. In order not to regret changing your image, you need to familiarize yourself with these nuances.


Having no hair on your head has certain advantages:

  • convenience. The haircut does not require special care; it is enough to simply wash the scalp periodically with ordinary shampoo;
  • saving. You can shave your head bald even at home, since anyone can easily master this technique. Forget about expensive salons and endless spending on hair care products;
  • cool. Many people do suffer from heat problems. This especially applies to those who live in a warm country. When there is no hair on the head, it becomes much easier to endure intense heat;
  • versatility. The haircut is suitable for almost any gender and age. It also goes with any style of clothing. No matter how strange it may sound, the hairstyle is suitable for both a sporty and a classic look;
  • improving scalp health. Because of the hair, we cannot properly cleanse the scalp of dead cells and other impurities. Many people note that after shaving their heads, their skin has become noticeably smoother;
  • getting rid of complexes. Many men worry about hair loss, and a hairstyle in the style of Hollywood gangsters will allow them to easily forget about embarrassment.

Why I cut my hair bald - video


This extravagant hairstyle also has a number of disadvantages:

  • the opinions of others. Most people associate a haircut with the criminal world. But not every person thinks in this way, so if you wish, you should still decide to experiment;
  • problem with documents. A bald haircut really dramatically changes a person's image. Many people note that the face literally becomes unrecognizable. Therefore, you should take care to change the photo in the main documents to avoid troubles;
  • hair does not grow back immediately. If you just dyed or cut your hair and didn’t like it, then this situation can be easily resolved by visiting the salon again. But a bald haircut will take a very long time to grow and you definitely won’t be able to dye it;
  • cutting your hair bald deprives your scalp of thermal protection. For this reason, the body puts all its efforts into warming the most precious part of the body during cold weather, but an insulated hat will help solve this problem.

Who is suitable for a bald haircut?

A bald haircut will look good on those with an oval face type. The shape of the skull should also be round, without any irregularities or moles, otherwise the hairstyle will look extremely sloppy.

As for the external characteristics of a person, the most different variants. Many celebrities (Jason Statham, Bruce Willis) do not have pretty features, but a shaved head looks very appropriate in their image.

It is worth noting that a bald haircut is more suitable for thin people, since with rounded cheeks and a double chin, the hairstyle will not look as advantageous as possible. All these nuances apply to both women and men. A haircut looks especially interesting on those with full lips.

Bald haircut technique

Making such a hairstyle is not difficult. It is enough to follow the instructions:

  1. First, cut your hair as short as possible to make the shaving process more comfortable. The nozzle number should vary from zero to three. But you don’t have to use it at all.
  2. Be sure to have a small mirror with you. You will need it when you shave the back of your head. This way you can avoid small wounds and unevenness that the machine can leave.
  3. Start cutting your hair from the forehead and crown, and then smoothly move to the temples and occipital area in a clockwise direction.
  4. Drive the car slowly. It is necessary to shave against the direction of hair growth.
  5. After completing the procedure, do not forget to pay attention to the area behind the ears and near the neck.

Video: how to cut your hair bald on your own

Should I cut my child's hair bald?

There is an opinion that if you shave a child's head in early age, then in the future the hair will be thicker and more beautiful. The reason for the existence of this myth is various superstitions that have come to us since ancient times. For example, it is believed that cutting a hair bald drives away dark forces from a child. But this method also has its advantages and disadvantages.

It was strictly forbidden to cut children's hair before they reached the age of one. Many children were born in the family, but they often died in infancy, and cutting a child’s hair could deprive him of the strength he needed so much in order to survive. It was believed that before the baby was one year old, he decided whether to stay in the family or leave it. If the child did not die, then on the first name day the first lock of hair was ceremoniously cut off from the top of his head, and all other hair was left intact. This was done as a sign that the baby had been accepted into the family and was now under family protection.

Folk signshttp://sueveriya.ru/archives/3261

The hairstyle has a number of advantages:

  • convenience. Of course, going bald requires virtually no maintenance;
  • comfort. If a child constantly sweats, then cutting his hair bald can solve this problem. But even in this case, it is not recommended to shave the baby to zero. Make do with just short hair;
  • cool. With a short haircut, it will really be easier for a child to endure a hot climate.

But don’t forget about the disadvantages of going bald:

  • the baby will often be cold. The child's head is deprived of natural thermal protection, so he will freeze faster. If you still decide to cut your baby’s hair, be sure to warm him with all kinds of hats and hoods;
  • expectations are unlikely to be met. Cutting your hair bald will not make your child's hair thicker and healthier, since all this is determined at the genetic level. If initially the baby’s curls are thin and fluffy, then most likely they will remain that way;
  • It is easy to injure a child during a haircut. The shaving process can damage your scalp and hair follicles. As a result, this will lead to the loss of existing follicles, as a result of which the strands will become sparser. If you still decide to shave your baby’s head, then do it in a professional salon;
  • There is a possibility of infection during the shaving process. The skin on a child’s head is very thin and can be easily injured, so if handled incorrectly, there is a risk of seriously harming the baby.

Pediatricians do not recommend shaving a child's head, as this is fraught with negative consequences. You should only decide to take such a risky step if there is really a need for it. A good reason for cutting your baby bald can be constant irritation of the scalp, skin diseases and increased sweating child.

To shave a child or not - video

A bald haircut is popular today mainly due to its ease of care. But some people express themselves in this way or show their belonging to a certain culture. Before you radically change your appearance, you need to accept all the possible disadvantages of such a haircut. If nothing bothers you, then you can safely decide to change your image!

Ekaterina, 21 years old. A native of the small town of Chkalovsk. I work as an insurance agent, but I am a creative person at heart. From an early age, she wrote poetry and kept a diary, where she expressed her thoughts almost daily. I've wanted to start writing for a long time. Do not rewrite, do not copy, but write. And thanks to Monica, I got this opportunity, for which I am very grateful to this editor. Thank you for the opportunity to develop as a real author!

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Hi all. As promised, I’m telling you about my experience of cutting my hair bald, and whether it changed the structure of my hair and whether my curls became thicker.

Since school, I have painted with various toners and lightened with powder. On summer period I left my hair blue, and for winter I dyed it in natural shades. Since the toners were not of particular quality, my hair gradually began to shimmer different colors, and the bleaching powder has deteriorated the hair structure. To achieve a monochromatic hairstyle, I dyed my hair black.

After a couple of months I was very tired of this color, and I decided reset hairstyle. I took the clipper without an attachment and started shaving my forehead so that there was no turning back. My husband helped me get rid of the hair on the back of my head.

Your hair color and a week before shaving

Reaction of loved ones

Then we lived with my husband’s parents, my mother-in-law joked and asked me to wear a headscarf in front of her. Mom, of course, cried. She is very sentimental to me. The others weren’t particularly surprised and said it suited me.

Going out to people

I quickly got used to the new hairstyle, but initially I planned to wear a wig, then get extensions. Since this was the first experience short haircut, I was worried that the short length wouldn’t suit me. I felt uncomfortable only once - in the theater with evening dress a bald head doesn't look very harmonious.


How did hair grow?


  • At first it was cold to sleep, blow to the back of the head;
  • Sometimes I had to go to the hairdresser to get the strands to fit into my hair as it grew back.


The hair did not change its structure and did not become thicker. Sprouted enough fast- in six months I had a medium-length hairstyle, in a year it dropped below the shoulders.

1.5 years after cutting my head bald

When is a bald haircut suitable for you?

  • The dress code at work allows;
  • You have a straight skull without dents or peaks at the top;
  • Your ears don't stick out much;
  • You are for experiments.