Positive motivators to lift your spirits. A selection of positive pictures that will cheer you up. Positive to lift your spirits

Theme of smile and Have a good mood popular not only in films and music. It is also relevant in everyday life, because a smile changes a lot.

Psychologists about mood

First, a few serious words in this generally light and cheerful article. Soul specialists - traditional, Vedic, alternative psychologists - unanimously repeat the importance of a good mood in a person’s life.

In psychology there is even a whole direction called “felicitism”, in other words, the science of happiness. Attempts to measure happiness, describe it, find recipes for it lead to nothing but further confirmation of how important it is to be happy.

In a song known from childhood, it was very correctly said that “a smile will make everyone brighter” - and indeed, happiness is externally projected by a smile, and it attracts others to its owner.

The influence of mood on health

There is no need to cite data from controversial alternative psychology about the connection between thought forms and diseases to prove the importance of a good mood. It is enough to remember one good neurologist from a district clinic, who always advises patients to keep good spirits and believe in the best so that the treatment will help.

There is also scientific data on the connection between professional activity and typical diseases, for example, executives more often suffer from cardiovascular diseases, workers - from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, teachers - from mental and nervous disorders. At first glance, such relationships are logical based on the lifestyle of representatives of these areas, however, stress also plays a significant role here, and negativity affects everyone in its own way.

And you can’t ignore your own observations: optimistic and friendly people get sick much less and generally feel better.

How to lift your mood?

Concluding the serious part of the essay, here are several ways to improve your mood:

  • communicate with a pleasant and easy-going person;
  • watch your favorite comedy or funny videos about animals;
  • play with the kids - funny and lively;
  • read a joke or funny poems;
  • listen to the satirist's speech.

It is noticeable that the word plays a leading role in raising the mood, isn’t it?

10 facts about smiling

The components of a good mood are not only words, but also a sincere, joyful facial expression. Here are some interesting facts about smiling:

  • she is contagious;
  • inspires trust;
  • attracts others;
  • Women have a “built-in” smile, men have humorous stories;
  • a smile evokes sympathy;
  • laughter through tears - physiologically they are identical;
  • laughter is a strong endorphin;
  • laughing together is more fun;
  • a real smile is expressed not with the mouth, but with the eyes;
  • satellites - "crow's feet".

Good mood in movies and cartoons

The essence of comedy films is words to lift your spirits. It’s already the end of the film, and the audience is still laughing and repeating their favorite phrases. Let's remember some gems:

  • “So that you carry out explanatory work among me.”
  • "Where is our prosecutor? Where Napoleon used to lie."
  • "I need to take a bath, have a cup of coffee."
  • "Semyon Semyonich..."
  • “Why did you lie down? - We fell.”
  • “I have been tongue-tied since childhood: I think as I think, but I speak as I speak.”
  • "I am a speech therapist for the correction of speech defects."

Who doesn't know these famous phrases that make you smile?

Humor is for different ages: in cartoons they also live to lift the mood:

  • “I’m already tired at work, I barely have the strength to watch TV.”
  • "Working together - for my benefit - it unites."
  • “We haven’t been to any Tahiti, they feed us well here too.”
  • “Well, come in if you want.”

Just read it and a smile will spread across your face - a positive thing to lift your spirits!

Positive for the corporate event

Corporate parties are newfangled inventions of restless HR people for additional motivation of sad employees. A holiday should be fun, and a corporate party is no exception.

Entire scenarios for the event are created, roles and words are distributed, costumes are selected and, of course, funny rhymes - how could we live without them?

Here are some of the famous ones:

The horses are dying from work,

Well, I am an immortal pony!

Words to the boss:

If work goes well,
And profitability is growing
This means our boss -
He does things right.

Or a postcard from a boss to a subordinate:

You work for seven;

You are never late;

You always smile at everyone;

You don't complain about anything;

You don't gossip about anyone.

A cool poem to cheer up the boss, and the entire team:

We are not sycophants at all,
But we want to suck up:
Our leader is strong -
It would be a sin not to praise him!

Cool poem to lift your spirits

There is such a talent as composing funny things. Not only Ilf and Petrov are masters, but in our time there are such specialists. Appreciate the depth of thought and smile:

If only I weren't constantly

So modest, and honest, and strange, and boo,

Then I would oh, I would oh,

I would wow.

And just an optimistic little poem:

If life deceives you -
Don't be sad, don't be angry,
On a day of despondency, humble yourself:
The day of fun, believe me, will come!
The heart lives in the future.
Is the present dull? - everything is instant, everything will pass,
Whatever happens will be nice!

Positive to lift your spirits

Funny things are all around us. One of the most famous ethnographers of the humor that surrounds us was Mikhail Zadornov - the name was deliberately invented. He manages to see and hear funny things, as they say, “without leaving the cash register.”

For example, an ad:

"Requires 2 workers who want to work instead of 2 who didn't want to work".

Line from the catering receipt: "Herring with bast."

Funny things happen in politics too. This is how the newspapers went crazy a few years ago: "Elections 2008: save the country! Hide grandma's passport!"

Schoolchildren have a special talent for making people laugh: what they write in their notebooks lifts the mood not only of teachers, but also of all visitors to Internet pages.

Note in the diary: “During recess I climbed the wall to the 4th floor!”

Checking the work in the notebook: “Where is exercise 43? What are you thinking about, Andrey?” Answer: "About girls."

Diary entry 12/21/2012: “The whole lesson was waiting for the end of the world.”

The kids are amazing

Girls and boys.

How to attract a girl?

Psychologists say that women value a man very much: by building a hierarchy of important qualities, they rank him among the top five most desirable traits.

A poem to cheer up a girl - The best way please her. The female sex does not like compliments fewer men, and laudatory odes in their honor will definitely improve your mood.

You can send her a small SMS poem, or you can design a stylish card with heartfelt words in her honor. And girls really love it when they are addressed by name and addressed with personalized congratulations.

You can send the following poem to your mobile phone:

Don't be sad, but smile
And in nothing
Everything will be great - I know!
I miss you so much!

Which girl would refuse to receive such an SMS in the morning?

Or this cool poem to lift your spirits:

I don't have breakfast in the morning because I think about you. I don’t have lunch during the day - I think about you. In the evening I don’t have dinner - I think about you. I can’t sleep at night - I WANT TO EAT!

Make sure that a poem to cheer up a girl is a great way!

Funny ditties

Of course, every age has its own humor: what is funny to a schoolchild will only make an adult smile, and vice versa. However, there is a funny poem to lift the mood that will make anyone smile, and the following ditties are especially popular among funny people:

Yegor answered the lesson -
The teacher fainted!
From his ignorance
The teacher is unconscious.

Play the game on the computer
Denis finished playing by morning.
At school at the blackboard Denis,
Like a computer, it froze itself.

Popular short poems to cheer up not only school topics, but also industrial ones:

Oh, work, you, work,
Oh, it tormented me:
I'm hanging out in my office,
Like a scarecrow in the garden!

Eh, work, you, work,
Best friend:
We're inseparable all day long
Like a horse and girth!

Smile: funny stories

But the funniest stories are always from life: kids do weird things, adults do weird things. People will be amused not only by short poems to lift the mood, but also by prose: stories about glamorous blondes sitting behind the wheel are especially chic. Here is one of the stories told by an eyewitness.

One day he was waiting at a tire shop for his horse to be repaired, and at that time a red Lexus drove up to the workshop with a glamorous girl from a popular breed at the wheel.

The guys at the service station were also humorous and after the repair they half-jokingly asked how to pump up the tires. The girl, without blinking an eye, asked: “What is there?”

The guys looked at each other: “Air with different flavors: there is peach, strawberry.”

The entire service station is already giggling, ears pricked up, and the conversation continues. The girl calmly clarifies the price, and the master just as calmly issues an invoice for 800 rubles for 4 wheels. Apparently she's happy with the price because she orders strawberry air.

Witnesses to this colorful conversation can hardly restrain their laughter and, unable to stand it, burst into laughter: it’s not every day that you see such a hilarious picture. The girl, not at all embarrassed and without a shadow of a smile, waits until her wheels are filled with sweet berries, counts out the money and sets off safely. People don't just laugh, they cry.

The story had a continuation when, a couple of days later, a familiar red Lexus stopped near the workshop, and a rather serious uncle got out of it. When he asked who rocked the wheels on this car a couple of days ago, everyone became quiet and pressed themselves against the wall: now it has come, the hour of reckoning, now the showdown will begin. But there was nowhere to go, and the owner of the establishment came forward, confirming that the tires on the car were inflated here.

The man finally clarified what the tires on his wife’s car were inflated with, and when the completely embarrassed guys confirmed that it was strawberry air, he did something that no one expected - he pulled out a wad of money and handed a thousand rubles to the owner of the service station.

As it turned out, the husband was not angry at all, but, on the contrary, had been laughing for several days and amused everyone with his wife’s adventure. And when he no longer had the strength to laugh, he decided to come, thank him for the entertainment and encourage the financially resourceful masters.

And here’s another little story from the auto series: “ Sergei Viktorovich parked so badly that people wrote to him on his car: “Stupid”.”.

They are quite popular and observant people have noticed the following pattern:

If the husband answers his wife “no,” then the question was something like: “How long will you continue to watch your football?” If the husband answers his wife: “As you wish,” then the question was something like: “Should I get orange highlights?” If a husband answers his wife “yes,” she probably asked, “Are you listening to me?!”

And finally, a few apt statements from Zadornov:

  • Only our man, crossing the road at a red light, can be knocked down by a pedestrian running towards him.
  • Don't dig a hole for your neighbor, otherwise he will use it as a trench.

A good mood is a companion of good luck, the key to success. Each of us is familiar with this statement, but how can we start the day on a positive note? There are a lot of different ways to help you tune in to the good. You can start in the evening, looking through funny ones with captions before going to bed.

The beginning of a new day is the awakening of all living things, everyone rejoices at the first rays of the sun illuminating the sky. It is at this time that you should take care of a good mood that will not leave until the evening.

Psychologists say that how you start your day is how you will spend it. This is not a myth at all, but a reality. A cup of invigorating coffee, contemplation of something pleasant, pleasing to the eye and soul, will undoubtedly affect your inner mood. Well, if a work colleague or friend sends pictures wishing you a good morning, good luck, or good luck, it will be incredibly pleasant, and the good impressions will remain until the evening.

On the Internet you can find many pictures to lift your spirits, containing wishes for a good or successful day, a great evening. We have selected for you the most beautiful and cheerful cards that radiate positivity.

It is worth noting that the color scheme of the picture, which is sent to lift the mood, plays an important role. After all, the more colors, the better the information contained in it is perceived. This is how our brain perceives joy and fun.

The smiles contained in the image immediately evoke positive emotions. So why not smile back, enjoy the world around us? with inscriptions allow you to fully understand its meaning and get acquainted with the hidden meaning.

As a positive message, you can send a friend an anecdote or a joke. If your interlocutor has a sense of humor, then such a surprise will definitely lift his spirits.

For your loved one, it is best to choose beautiful, funny cards with animals. Wishes for a sunny, good mood and a wonderful day will definitely be appreciated by your other half.

It’s so easy to enjoy life and give positive emotions. Just one card containing wishes for a pleasant evening, good luck or good morning, works real miracles. The level of endorphins responsible for pleasure immediately increases in the blood. Accordingly, your mood improves, you feel cheerful, and you gain confidence in your own abilities. All this moves us forward - we will conquer previously unexplored peaks.

We all need a daily dose of positive emotions; that’s when we can easily overcome all obstacles. So why not wish a sunny morning, a good day, a pleasant evening to your friends and family by sending cards to cheer you up? Warm wishes that bring joy and fun will pleasantly surprise the recipient and he will definitely answer you in kind.

You can make each other happy with funny pictures every day. Believe me, it can't get boring. What could be more pleasant than looking back at cool images that lift your spirits? Yes, probably nothing. It is advisable to start a new day with a dose of humor, then it will go exactly the way you wanted it.

Look out the window, because in every little thing you can find something fun and funny. This is how you will perceive the world around you when you receive wishes for a great day. Even cloudy weather carries something positive - peace and tranquility, which sometimes we so need.
Smile more often and enjoy life every day, and we will try to provide you with a dose of positivity.

Life quite often presents us with surprises for which we are not prepared, so sometimes it is quite difficult to adequately assess the situation and accept it as it is. The layering of events, of course, leaves its mark on the emotional state, but it is worth remembering that there is always a way out, success is just around the corner.

It is quite possible to avoid both emotional and psychological burnout; daily motivation, inspiration, and self-support play a big role. Today there are many ways to lift your mood.

Some people benefit from morning meditation or yoga sessions and exercises, while for others it will be enough to take a shower and drink a cup of aromatic coffee to feel a surge of strength not only physical, but also emotional. Whatever way you choose to cheer yourself up, there will always be funny, cool and amusing motivators.

What are motivators?

Motivators are, first of all, positive, motivating words designed to lift your spirits. They can be funny phrases that are presented in an easily understood form, but at the same time endowed with deep meaning. The topics of motivators can be very diverse, but they are all relevant and vital. Motivators about life can also contain thematic pictures that allow you to immediately understand the essence of the phrase you read.

Motivators: find a use for every word, photo and picture

You can download your favorite motivators about life to your computer and view photos and pictures at any appropriate moment. Looking through funny pictures, by reading motivating words to lift your spirits every day, you manage to relieve emotional stress and release the heavy burden of accumulated thoughts.

Even just by downloading funny photos or motivating pictures with meaning, you can laugh to your heart's content, which will have a positive effect on your general condition, and there will be no trace of your former mood.

Remember, it is worth learning to laugh at yourself even when there is no desire. Only by developing this quality every day can you get a mindset for success. To lift your spirits, it will be quite enough to look at cool, positive motivators containing photos or pictures.

Besides the fact that funny photos or pictures themselves stimulate the release of hormones of joy and pleasure into the blood, you should pay attention to the words that are placed directly under the image. Usually such phrases are endowed with a deep, life-affirming meaning.

The text you read can be applied in your life as an affirmation. By repeating memorized positive words every day, you will notice that you are providing incredible psychological support for your own body. And sometimes a difficult, hopeless situation will seem not at all as difficult as it was before.

How are motivators useful, how do they affect our lives?

By constantly repeating positive words or statements, we subconsciously reposition ourselves for success, change our own thinking, transforming it from depressing to positive. By doing this, we have a huge impact on what is happening around the event, setting ourselves up for success, which will certainly come in the near future.

In addition, reading cool phrases to lift our spirits every day, we unknowingly develop our brains as well as creative thinking, which helps to look at an ordinary situation in a completely different way. Thanks to this it will work out on its own new approach To life situations, you will be able to get away from developed stereotypes and rules, which quite often prevent you from achieving success and perceiving the world around you as it really is. After all, there is much more good than bad.

We have selected for you only the best motivators with photos or pictures. Be sure to download positive, funny pictures and photos containing statements with deep meaning, because they are the key to a good mood every day. Have a fun, positive time by reading the best motivators from the Internet. Know that success will definitely await you in everything! The motivators were taken from the Motivators.Ru website.
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