Mu's birthday. Original and funny congratulations to a man on his anniversary. Happy birthday greetings to a man in verse

Happy birthday to a man

Always decorated a man
Mind, strength, good deeds...
Of these virtues, hardly
Fate has somehow gotten around you.
We wish you many years of health,
In moments of sadness do not grieve,
In the family to find the support of happiness,
Always, in everything to be a man!

A man is a gift from God for the weaker sex:
A man is a protector, a man is a support!
And there are many more reasons
So that women glorify men today.
And we just need the guns to be silent,
So that you protect a woman from sadness,
They radiated heat, stirring our blood ...
And together we would protect - love!

Today is an unforgettable day
Let the foamy drink flow,
For health, and for the good,
To have a strong fist!
And with the beloved awakening.
Happy birthday, congratulations
I want to be the best in the world!

Man is the steel of the spring
The engine singing in the sky
A single, formidable step of the squad,
Eagle scream in the mountains.
A man is a clot of pepper
A masterly firm hand
And loving women heart.
So give him a HURRAY!

happy birthday congratulations
And with all my heart I wish:
To be as young
Sympathetic, combative.
To health, like an athlete,
There is so much happiness - like the speed of light,
Big love - like an ocean
And a lot of friends, like on a map of countries.
In general, I wish everything
Something you don't even see in the movies.

You live smart and decently
Dimensioning your entire age ...
Happy birthday man
Our beautiful man!
You are rich, smart and well built
(If not in body, then in soul)
At home, women are worthy,
Glory, big prize!
Don't go on the wrong side
Do not cut your wings suddenly
In the vulnerable, childish, thin -
To live in happiness - your dreams !!!

We wish to become
Hero of modern times
Multiply and save
Luggage of spiritual values!
We wish to be for everyone around
Support and foundation
Reliable rear and shoulder,
A man with temper!

Always be happy in life
And up to a hundred years will last.
Let your doors never
Sickness and old age do not knock.
Let there be no place for anxiety
And sadness goes away.
May safe roads
Your car will always find.

A man is kingship and strength.
Man is the creation of heaven.
The man is a shining light.
The man is a miracle of miracles.
Congratulations to the man
The day he was born.
And we wish you a lot of good things:
So that life is like honey, so that life is like a dream!

In fate, you have changed a lot,
But it got even cuter.
All the same, sinning with vocabulary,
So elegant, slowly
slip in your conversation
And a vigorous mother can -
In the native country will always help
He shakes off the stress of life!

I'll drink a glass for you
With one desire of tomim:
Don't pass by, my love.
And in the noisy hustle and bustle of the day
Don't forget about me!
Beautiful in appearance, elegant,
Favorite of women, imposing,
Ladies lose speech and sleep
Delon will fade next to him!

Let me congratulate you on your birthday
Wish you health, happiness,
More inspiration at work
And rest - do not forget!
Leave all sorrows in the past
Hug luck around the waist
And so that all the girls sigh:
“The man is a fairy tale! Just macho!”

Difficult and long way of becoming,
And sometimes it's hard to admit
What to become a man from birth
It is not possible for us, not to match.
To get up and get up
Keep relatives from various troubles,
What would gather with willpower,
Keep your vow of love.
To the one who is a true man
Everything will surely be so
He is wise, strong and perfect,
Not some simpleton.
I wish you today
Heavenly, sincere love
What you need happiness, you already know
Be happy, warrior... give joy!

Only the brave choose
Speed, drive, intensity of passions!
You are one of those who win!
Be true to your dream!
Let freedom and extreme
Let it lead to bright goals!
Everything is done for you
Be the first, luck awaits!

You chose the right path in life -
Be bold and don't back down!
Let success await you in everything,
Achieve all the goals you set!
May the path always be open to you
And plans are given the green light to any!
Forward! Never doubt!
Great achievements, joyful victories!

Man - it always sounds great!
Not every girl can stand here!
Career and money, love and family:
Everywhere you are successful and loved everywhere,
We always appreciate you!
And on your birthday
Don't eat jam!
Gifts, postcards, words and confessions,
Food, positive and congratulations:
You deserve a lot of attention
Care, love and admiration!
After all, (name) - you are a birthday boy!
(Name) - you are a real man!
And on his birthday he is worthy of praise,
Worthy of a high assessment of the mind, intellect:
You are the best, you are class!
Happy birthday we congratulate you
And we wish you the most intimate dreams!

Today is an unforgettable day
Let the foamy drink flow,
For health, and for the good,
To have a strong fist!
So that in life - only luck,
And with the beloved awakening.
Happy birthday, congratulations
I want to be the best in the world!

We wish the farsightedness of the eagle,
To be as hardworking as a bee
To be fast, like a free leopard,
To accurately evaluate everything by eye!
Let your days go by
And you will live to a gray-haired old age,
Let the people around listen worriedly -
Wisdom always speaks in your mouth!

Do you know how to be happy
This is your great talent!
May success, prospects
Inspire and inspire!
Let everything always happen
Just the way you want!
Be yourself, live on the rise
Bright, joyful dream!

Oh, how hard it is to find words
Which are not said in passing...
Let the head keep clarity
Seriousness abides every year.
Let everything that was ever wrong,
Correct you, change
Be healthy in thoughts, soul and body,
Let luck turn to bad luck.
Think more! Unfortunately life is one...
And no matter how the words are beaten,
She must pass with dignity,
So that the hearts of relatives are not broken.

New ideas, beginnings, discoveries,
The happiest, most successful events,
Only wonderful always impressions,
Joyful, bright pictures and moments!
In life, everything will turn out the way you want,
There will always be courage in the heart, courage!
And from the bottom of my heart on this day I wish
Happiness, success, good luck! Congratulations!

We wish you to be strong and kind!
We congratulate you on your birthday!
Good luck, success, conquer heights!
Ability to fit into any turn!
Favorite business, reliable family!
So that your wishes come true!
So that all undertakings continue easily
And they ended with a bright victory!

I wish you to flourish in your career
Good luck doing the whole com
So that the sun sparkles in a glass
And the taste of expensive wine was familiar.
I wish to always be the first
And life's gleam is multicolored
Leave happy moments in life
You can always, one hundred percent!

My only man,
Happy Birthday to You!
It's a glorious reason
Give you ... myself!
Well, how about a gift?
Take a closer look:
He is dear, beautiful and bright!
Come on, turn around!

Accept congratulations
On your most personal day!
You are the best without a doubt
And I'm not too lazy to repeat:
Be happy, healthy, smart,
Rich as a thousand Bill Gates
Illuminated by the love of relatives,
Loving them back with all my heart.

Always gallant with ladies
And always ready to help
You are elegant as a man
Regardless of the year.
You always lend a shoulder
And with you we are safe,
You will not leave in misfortune
And always open to friends.

There is a time for success and victories,
Let his birthday bring him closer!
From this minute in life for many years
Let there be only good luck and luck!
Bold goals and decisions,
Always be the first in everything
Multiply the number of accomplishments
Hour after hour, day after day!

Man on his birthday
We must wish
The mother-in-law is not grumpy
And an affectionate wife.
To want to build a house
And plant a garden
And in love - consent
Start kids.
After all, in principle, for happiness
Not much is needed:
House, garden, wife and children.
And love is the reward.

So important in any situation
Remain confident in victory
Whatever happens, be yourself
And even if it's hard, don't give up!
Let the support of relatives and friends
Support and help in every business,
May wishes come true soon
May all goals become achievable!

Happy birthday, I congratulate you
Have fun, don't be sad.
I wish you a lot of happiness
And especially happiness in love.
May every moment be beautiful in life
And let fate keep you from troubles,
May the world of love be wonderful
And the dawn is joyful with your beloved.

We wish you happiness and good luck
Health, long bright years!
And with ease to any task
Brilliant find the answer.
Reach the heights of your career
And succeed in personal life
To serve friends in everything by example
And look into the distance with optimism!

The most worthy of all men
Congratulations on your birthday
And live without gray hair and without wrinkles
I categorically and sincerely wish!
I want strength, vigor and health
Protected from anxiety and sadness,
Heart warmed by faith and love,
And the years of glorious victories crowned.

Let the vodka overflow
And tables break!
Celebrate your birthday
Like the best balls!
Let the girls always come to you
They fly to the light
We wish you happiness and good
So that everything in the world can!

What to wish a man on his birthday?
More useful business meetings,
And life is sweeter than the best jam
And do not know the diseases of the genitals ...
To have more love in life
Preferably several times a day!
For all women to love you
And warmed the soul and bed!

What does a man need to be happy?
Beloved in life nearby.
Good, loyal friends
And none of them are gay.
Nice house in Malta
Only a Maserati car.
Lucky always, lucky in everything
So that the house is filled with peace
I give congratulations loving
After all, it's your birthday.

Birthday is a sad holiday!
But don't be sad!
Head into a tasty salad
You swing down,
For everyone around to say:
A difficult birthday!
Is it a psycho (and we didn't know!)
Or just young!
We wish you good luck.
From people like you
Or laugh or cry
There are no indifferent, believe me!

happy birthday dear
We are here for you today...
I'll take you with me
And show the other world!
Who are we - you did not guess?
Are you afraid of us?
Calm down and don't worry
We are Love, Luck, Happiness!
So, don't think about it
After all, the task is simple:
Take us into your life
And don't be bored in the future!

I want to wish a man a happy birthday
Let life be sweeter than jam
In your wallet, so that it is thick,
To rustle cabbage in it.
successful business relationship,
So that there are no sexual diseases.
I wish to love several times a day
If only for pleasure and not laziness.
So that your friends do not upset you,
And women have a bed to keep warm.
Another year added
In honor of this, my poem.

Even if the blue sky
Dragging gray clouds
Whatever the day is,
But the next one will be better!
Let peace come to old age
And you shouldn't regret the years!
There is little left -
It remains only to build life.
Betrayal of a friend let it be
Known only from stories
Beloved stronger, let her love
And let there be a lot of happiness at once!

The years go by quickly, without looking back,
Fly, melt like smoke
We wish on any ten
Stay forever young.
We wish you happiness and health,
And to have enough strength for everything,
So that every day you love
It only brought joy to life.

No, do not pass in one line,
Not ten words either. find:
Birthday ... This is such a day -
Better than any other day of the year!
Morning like ... Only - not before sleep,
Just why - you will not understand:
Even though the frost is around spring,
The sun shines even if it's raining!
And around friends, relatives, flowers,
There are no troubles, enemies and sadness in the world!...
Because on the day you are the same
I saw a bright light for the first time!

Who came up with judging the age
By the number of years that have flown by?
Well, if you are full of vigor
And dreamy, like a poet?!
If your world is painted with colors,
Where is gray missing?
If you do not lack caresses, -
So you know the secret of youth:
So, let's not judge the age
By the number of years that have come!
If you are still full of vigor,
So there is no place for old age!

The clouds are shining high,
The day is not yet dark.
And now! Now! Now! -
We congratulate you on your day!
Be whatever you want...
Ox of health, strength of a lion
Welfare and love,
Now everything is just for you!
So that life is filled with fun -
Down with sadness and sadness!
And so that the cherished dream comes true,
Though not immediately - so be it!

The long-awaited holiday has come...
When were you born into the world!
And today is such a beautiful day
You have a few more years!
Always stay at the peak -
Good luck, joy, success!
On your proud, bold face
A smile won't hurt!
You laugh, rejoice, fall in love!
'Cause life is a little fast
So come on buddy, keep trying
Live it in eternal bliss!

I wish you all your dreams come true
Let them be as many stars in the sky
And on rainy days, so that you do not think
That trouble is on the threshold.
If you think about her, it's hard to live and love
It's hard to believe, dream and fight
The one who fights, waits, that happiness will find
Come and knock on the window.
Open the door to him and step towards the meeting
Often guests do not go like this
Though you have hundreds of roads ahead of you,
But one only leads to the goal.
I wish you that on rainy days
Mind and heart did not know the disease
And walking the road where the lights shine
Met a regular friend!

Everyone is happy with you
You warm the soul with warmth
And from conversations with you it is clear
Make all your dreams come true
Raise children and be healthy
And provide for the family
In the fire of love, burn with your wife
And take care of your family
Years will pass, do not wait for peace
Always be on the move
And let them go through life with you
Good luck, peace and kindness.

Let the years run like crazy
Let the grass dry in the field
But you will be forever, young for us,
In your soul you only have young foliage,
We wish you more pleasant moments,
Man, you are in power, they are waiting for you everywhere,
We congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish you much warmth and happiness,
Many gentle and kind words to you,
Save our gift for you
Always be happy with yourself
And the years will be a great reward for you.

You are serious and solid, like no one else,
In life there is success, finance, happiness,
And today we celebrate your holiday,
And bad weather will not prevent us.
And my gift is the same as you -
Brief, concise, succinct,
We wish that dreams come true
And there would be more good girls!

Accept our congratulations
They will make you warmer
For life to - a full bowl
Yes, to live without getting sick!
Fishing, dreaming and socializing,
And so does everything else...
All difficulties will be solved
Let them not stop from risk!
When the holiday is coming
... and he will be the most pleasant ...
I had to be born differently
A smile is needed - everything is clear!

Many, many long years
Good health,
New victories in life
Strength and composure.
To be a support for the family,
Less upset
Always be friends with humor
Smile more often.
Always be an optimist
Live without regrets
And for many years
Many birthdays!

Fatigue is in stone and steel -
How long can you beat, crush and bend? ..
You are not old, you are just tired
You just need to get some rest.
Not in the kidneys, not in the liver and in the aorta
You spend a new year of life -
In flowers and girls at the resort...
And all fatigue will pass for a long time!
Don't age your heart -
Kiss the ladies and hug!
Then again, in the end,
Join the ranks of the fathers!
I drink for vodka, lard
You have ... And that's all ... - stood!

Let me congratulate you
The most respectable of men
Say a lot of warm phrases to you
Today there are many reasons!
Generous, beautiful, noble -
I wish you wealth lords!
May good luck accompany you everywhere
And may your dreams come true!

Happy birthday congratulations!
We wish you a lot of joy, happiness.
Never be sad, never be sad.
Well, women just like it.
Let the dawn be the brightest
Every day, waking up with you.
Life will give you many years
Next to the faithful, beloved wife.

For the beloved man
Congratulations on the initiative -
You took a step forward
He took the right tone and mode.
That's why it's joyful
Fun and sweet
The relationship started
And my dreams have come true!
Wish - be with me
Kind, affectionate - such,
Like the hero of all my dreams
I love you seriously!

Happy birthday man!
You are beautiful like Apollo
Divas are circling around in a flock,
For them, you are a super standard!
Congratulations on your day
May happiness be near
Love, all the best in your home,
Give us a captivating look!
Stay always cute

And so irresistible!

When a man suddenly leaves
without explaining anything,
Anguish drives you crazy
And there's no one around
But everything has passed and time heals
And the years fly by
And this rhyme is mine this evening,
Won't harm you
I want to wish you a happy birthday
And wish you happiness in life
Family, kids, a lot of time
Become a good family man.

Happy birthday congratulations!
We wish you personal happiness!
Live with the song, do not lose heart,
Who should - forgive everyone!
You, neighbor, our friend and brother,
Be rich like an oligarch
Be healthy and very strong
Bold, wise and handsome!

Wish a real man
On your birthday, you need a lot:
A hundred times stronger, more beautiful to become
(Even though you are a good man now),
Be as sensitive as always
The smartest, kindest on the planet,
May all dreams come true then
And you will be the happiest person in the world.

Strong and brave
Excellent cook,
breadwinner and father,
young man
Happy birthday
Here we will have fun
Have fun, congratulate
Until the morning we will walk -
We wish you well
And family warmth
Without health - nowhere,
Never get sick
And good luck for your work
And the fruit on the tree!

May you not be spoiled by life
And your dreams did not come true -
Do not remember with an unkind word,
The day you were born!
Seeking salvation from the fetters of fate,
Hurry to people with hope,
Find your destination
A ray of the mind, a flair of the soul.
And give you back the moments
Love, kindness and beauty,
So that your holiday -
Your birthday
The firebird was torn in height!

You do not believe that the birthday
Took a precious year out of my life.
Gives spring blossoms from you,
The sound of rain, snowflakes round dance,
He will add experience and knowledge,
Wisdom, good luck and kindness
And fulfill all your desires
If the time is right for them.
You do not believe that every birthday,
Old age approaches creaking.
Youth return and one day
You will suddenly see yourself in your son.

You are the only one in the world:
Cheerful, kind, groovy.
With you it's not boring on the couch,
With you, it's not scary in the ocean.
You conquer everyone with beauty
Mischievous smile.
Eyes sparkle with charm
(Speech can be lost)
And happy birthday congratulations
We want to keep it up!

Happy birthday congratulations
And we wish you all:
Happiness, money and kindness,
And family warmth
And good luck at work
And hunting prey
respect, friends,
To make it more fun
And a faithful friend
And a strong salary
Be active, hardworking -
And a real man!

People smile at you all day
They carry treats, sweets on a platter,
And you are like a picture, in full dress,
Crazy light and a smile in your eyes!
Yes, everything is very simple, many years ago,
You, our dear friend, were born into the world.
We came today to congratulate you,
Giving gifts, hugging, kissing.
Relatives, friends, all of you, without a doubt,
Happy birthday today!
We wish you three times in a row,
Be happy, lucky, healthy and rich!

Today is a great day for you!
A mountain of smiles, happiness and gifts.
You can dig up that old stump
Where homeless people drink vodka in the park.
And you can run around the house naked
Or scare passers-by with your "gnome",
Come to work on a camel
And do not care that people swear!
I've gone a little crazy.
Happy birthday my dear to you!

The day of joy, fun,
And the anticipation of a hangover
Birthday is like beer
Man - celebrate playfully!
Wish at this moment
Need a huge cake
Don't forget the stripper
To please the eye.
Bills more rustling,
Bucket of real diamonds
Control package from Gazprom,
And a case of sweet rum
Here is the rhyme of congratulations
Meet the man Birthday!

Our glorious defender, brave hero,
Today, roulades sound in your address,
After all, you celebrate your birthday,
Success, luck, love and luck,
We wish you, in glasses of wine,
Life to be beautiful like in a movie,
You did not know, our dear, what trouble is,
And happiness accompanies forever, always!
Let's raise a glass to your health
Be successful, that's our condition!

We would like to congratulate you on this date,
Never to be sad
For you to be successful
All dreams would come true
For good health
Friend to stay true
So that you are lucky in love
Defeat enemies for evil
receive compliments,
You become an oligarch!

Today the world is not perfect
But there is a birthday in the world!
And that means the holiday is guaranteed
So accept congratulations!
You are a fusion of romance and style!
Generous and shy
But if the ladies are sad,
Your humor will be endless!
And in this verse we will glorify you,
Let it not be written in trochee.
And happy birthday congratulations
So raise your glass quickly!

I am satisfied with our acquaintance,
And I don't think you mind.
Any issue was resolved immediately.
And you always wanted to help!
Today, my friend, happy birthday,
I came to congratulate you!
You sit at the table so important
Your whole family is with you.
I wish you great health,
And a guiding star
May there be happiness and good luck -
Adversity minutes aside!

Birthday knocks on the house today.
And the birds sing fun outside the window,
Congratulations to a man - this is a verse,
He will help to divide us into three
This holiday, these wines, sweet table.
We wish you to go through life for a long time,
Collecting only good luck on the way,
We wish the fulfillment of dreams
Let it fly like a bird, high
Your happiness, spreading wide,
So that every day is important, and not small.
And for this - our very first glass.

Oh, and the roar behind the wall,
Suddenly we heard at night
It's a birthday there
They are celebrating very loudly.
We weren't mad at you at all.
And dress nicer
We came to you to congratulate
And then sleep in the car.
We used to think it was hard
I write poems for someone
But now we understand
It's simple, very simple.

They say as if to a man
Not needed beautiful words,
And for this, for a simple reason,
I'm wrong too
Happy birthday, beloved, congratulations
I will read you a gentle rhyme,
I wish you happiness, joy until old age,
And the family is like a sushi island,
You are my best and always desired,
You are the backbone of my life,
You are so painfully long-awaited,
I don't love you in the world.

How difficult it is to congratulate men!
Well, what flowers to give them?
Besides money, what do you want?
And what words to say?
Be healthy! - It must be said.
Be beautiful, and smart, and strong!
And flatter, they say, neither give nor take,
Our man, as it is - Apollo!
It's a joke. But seriously,
Who is a man is already a man!
You are a man with us, no question!
Happy Birthday! And happiness - forever!

How important it is to do everything in life:
Plant children and give birth to a house,
And do not forget to build a tree,
Yes, and I would like to have a model wife ...
All this will be with you, I know for sure
In a different order, maybe, but not the point.
Happy birthday to you today
And I'll try to look in the evening!

The clock is ticking and the pace is slow
But he does not stop for a moment,
Follow us and don't miss
Not a wave of the eyelids, and not a heartbeat.
Do not sleep, do not sleep stern accountant,
Even if sleep reigns over everyone for a long time.
“Tick-tock” - oh, how slow this move is!
"Tick-tock" - how quickly time flies!
You say to yourself: “The clock is ticking.
What did you do by listening to their fight?

A man was born, a beautiful eagle,
Cover quickly festive table,
We came to congratulate you on this day,
So that you are happier than many people,
To win the lottery you are a super prize,
And flew off on a world cruise
So that your eyes shine with happiness
Let any storm pass by!

Eastern wisdom says:
Only that age will win
Who once a year, having gathered friends,
Pour glasses to fill up,
And he will not drink for a year,
that flew away forever
And he will drink for every year,
What will come to him in the future
And the fuller and more often you drink,
The more years you can live!

Who is so elegant
In a jacket with a tie
Walks important and neat
To everyone's joy?
Hey man, happy birthday!
Dazzlingly beautiful
Clean-shaven, perfumed
The look is captivatingly obstinate.
Be healthy for everyone
You and I are lucky!

The male! You are just a class today
You look great!
Happy birthday -
You look grateful.
You are beautiful in your soul,
Women always sigh
They follow you in a crowd
They are hinting at something.
Our wish is
Shine like a pure diamond!

You are the most beautiful man, dear,
Oh, it's good to have you by my side
That we found each other, understand
I love you, accept my gift.
And your birthday is a holiday of love,
I catch every gesture and your smiles.
I want to enjoy every date
I love you even from a distance.

We drink for you today
And if we get drunk, it means
We live life once -
Always seize your moment of luck!
And let the crystal chime
Composes a hymn to the birthday man,
May he always be happy
And those who keep pace with him!
May your youthful enthusiasm for a long time
Caresses us both hearing and sight!

Who's having a birthday here?
Turn up your ears!
We will not pull for them -
Just sit down and listen.
Be healthy, smart and happy
Grab your luck.
Don't let her out of your hands
Ask for a car, yes.
Fortune is a mischievous girl,
Anyone can teach.
We wish that there is enough gunpowder
Tame Fortune for you.

With all my heart on this day
I want to congratulate with love
You, my dear, dear,
You, my beloved handsome!
My support and support!
With you I feel
It's great that I'm ready to move mountains,
I am always happy with you!
I wish you my dear
Love, health, long life!
And always be by my side
My precious man!

You, dear, not without a reason
You call yourself a man
On you, as they say
You can safely rely on.
And as a birthday present
I send you congratulations
And a simple wish
Fulfillment of all desires!

What to wish you? I'm lost.
You seem to have everything:
There is strength, courage, knowledge,
Skill, charm, honor,
And the strength of the hands, and fidelity to the word,
And resilience in the face of adversity.
What to wish you? What is it?
Here you can think for a whole year
And wait for inspiration.
I envy you. Happy Birthday!

Well man! Well handsome!
You always look 100
Not years, of course, by the view.
Flawless, like from the movies!
Happy birthday congratulations
You hammer man!
We wish you great luck
Let's give this verse.
May fortune be near
Girls are captivating!

What is a "man without rank"?
This is a misunderstanding.
real man
Helmet congratulations today.
It's very beautiful
That once you were born
Grew up, matured and developed,
Met, fell in love, got married.
And now, having achieved a lot,
Let, not spoiled by fate,
You go your own way
Remaining just yourself.
Keep it up! love, work
To meet many days and years,
The main thing is not to go astray,
Happiness, creative victories!

We congratulate the man
Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart!
You are beautiful, brutal, -
Children read poems
Enemies - look with envy,
Friends - with admiration,
Women's eyes are on fire
And thoughts - with a perversion!
Always be nice and polite -
This is how you take your
May luck be near
For fortune to spite everyone!

Happy birthday my dear
Protected by heart and soul.
I hasten to congratulate you
Send you congratulations.
In it I wish you strong will,
At work - tenacious grip.
Be successful in all things
To be joy only for sinners.

Do not wrinkle your forehead for the holiday you -
We don't give you flowers!
We give warmth of hearts
What a fine fellow you are!
A wonderful son, a worthy husband -
You won't find people like you!
Be healthy, and then
You will achieve everything with your hard work!
Here jokes, laughter, fun -
Beloved, happy birthday!

Congratulations! I wish you
The strength of male and female attention,
Business to develop to the scale of the universe,
Cold beer in a warm company.
One more time about female attention...
Bourgeois money in a leather wallet,
Less in life to meet frostbitten,
A cool wheelbarrow and green light,
(To beer, I forgot, more salty)
Soak our enemies all in the toilet,
And, accordingly, world peace!

The birthday has come
All friends sat down at the table!
Congratulations dear
We are always with you in everything!
And we wish that always
Happiness clear star
Illuminated your path!
You are always loved!

Happy birthday! Wish
You live like in the picture:
Long legged brunettes
busty blondes,
A sea of ​​beer and snacks
densely inhabits the table,
And on all TV channels
Football around the clock!

Under the champagne hiss
And drunken courage
We congratulate you on your birthday
You, our beloved!
We wish adversity
Were aloof
To make your years happier
They were all double.

Like a ruler in the kingdom of the jungle
Master of all animals.
We'll find you on Google
You are a man of blood.
The mountains will be subject to.
The looks of women are not dangerous.
After all, poems, like those trophies,
Decorate the galleries!

I wish you red girls
To drive blood in the veins,
Wines, vodkas and various sherbets,
What an empty stomach love!
Let the fun of a fairy tale splash
And let everyone understand the joke
I will not build eyes here,
Good luck in life awaits you!

birthday for a man
Not an easy day
And for that my reasons
Simply put - a migraine!
To get out, man
From such a stupor
Give him a car
With number change!

Live and hello for many years
Surprise us with your mind.
We wish you victories over yourself -
Pour a glass sooner!
And let the sun melt the light
There are gray ice in your eyes.
Let them wink back at you
Your Favorite Blondes!

You can afford cinema
And, if you like, five hundred popsicles.
The wizard will leave his helicopter
And he will ask: “What do you want this year?”.
I will boldly answer him for you:
“Let them throw anchors on the shore of fate
Love and care, luck and laughter,
Friendship, attention, joy, success.

Your age is wealth, it has no price,
And your birthday is celebrated by the light!
Your advice and your experience so often
We were saved from troubles and misfortunes.
We want to wish that you can continue,
To be like this - a poem from us to you!
We wish you patience and long years,
So that there is no grief, sorrows and troubles!

What do you want on your birthday?
To make life happy
Beloved woman to be near
So that there is a crowd around relatives, friends.
To improve health
To all doctors, to spite statistics,
To live at least a little, but easier,
And so that more often in your life you are lucky!

Wishing you victories and good luck on your birthday!
Feel like a captain of fate!
May your achievements be priceless
On a bright, beautiful path of life!
Great prospects, bold plans for you
And worthy goals, success in destiny!
Raise the sails! Luckily, full speed ahead!
May you be lucky!

Well, today is your birthday
And with your whole appearance you showed
What if you walked through life, loving, -
The fate of great beauty will be formed.
You are an example to us and to our children,
And today, reading this poem,
We accidentally celebrate
What is your fate, oh, difficult!

Each of us has a fixed birthday, and this is hardly just a time period indicated by a calendar date in a passport or birth certificate. It happens that some extreme event changes the normal course of life, and then there is a desire to celebrate this day as the second (or even the first) moment of one's feeling in this divine world. As a rule, all our friends and relatives know about such minutes. When a person celebrates such a significant event, hundreds of congratulations come, and only a few are remembered. And this happens because congratulatory odes are often banal, and wishes pass on a tangent, without touching the auditory nerve and leaving no response in the soul.

So important in any situation
Remain confident in victory
Whatever happens, be yourself
And even if it's hard, don't give up!
Let the support of relatives and friends
Support and help in every business,
May wishes come true soon
May all goals become achievable!

On my birthday I wish:
May you be lucky everywhere!
To be the first in the rest,
He was not the last to work!
To have a big apartment
The house outside the city is high!
So that salaries and advances
Didn't fit in my wallet!
So that health is strong -
It's impossible without him!
So that you are not forgotten
All old friends!

Oh, how hard it is to find words
Which are not said in passing...
Let the head keep clarity
Seriousness abides every year.
Let everything that was ever wrong,
Correct you, change
Be healthy in thoughts, soul and body,
Let luck turn to bad luck.
Think more! Unfortunately life is one...
And no matter how the words are beaten,
She must pass with dignity,
So that the hearts of relatives are not broken.

With whom does a man sleep in his life:
Up to 5 years - with a pacifier,
from 5 to 10 - with a bear,
from 10 to 20 - with a dream,
from 20 to 30 - with his wife,
from 30 to 40 - with a stranger,
from 40 to 50 - with any,
from 50 to 60 - with a heating pad,
from 60 to 70 - with a closed window.
So let's drink to never
vent didn't close!

New ideas, beginnings, discoveries,
The happiest, most successful events,
Only wonderful always impressions,
Joyful, bright pictures and moments!
In life, everything will turn out the way you want,
There will always be courage in the heart, courage!
And from the bottom of my heart on this day I wish
Happiness, success, good luck! Congratulations!

You chose the right path in life -
Be bold and don't back down!
Let success await you in everything,
Achieve all the goals you set!
May the path always be open to you
And plans are given the green light to any!
Forward! Never doubt!
Great achievements, joyful victories!

Man on his birthday
We must wish:
The mother-in-law is not grumpy
And an affectionate wife.
To want to build a house
And plant a garden
And in love - consent
Start kids.
After all, in principle, for happiness
Not much is needed:
House, garden, wife and children.
And love is the reward.

As you know, men treat their birthdays differently than women. After all, they are used to the fact that a courier who brought them a huge bouquet of flowers and a large teddy bear at midnight does not ring at their door, or early in the morning a beautiful inscription painted on the pavement "Happy birthday, darling" does not appear under their window. In general, usually men do not expect any beautiful congratulations on your birthday, but it's time to break this pattern and congratulate your dear man on his birthday not with a standard set of phrases, but with a beautiful poem that will express the whole gamut of feelings and show the man that he plays a fairly large role in your life. Choose the poem that appeals to you the most and send it to the man.

I wish you all your dreams come true
Let them be as many stars in the sky
And on rainy days, so that you do not think
That trouble is on the threshold.
If you think about her, it's hard to live and love
It's hard to believe, dream and fight
The one who fights, waits, that happiness will find
Come and knock on the window
Open the door to him and step towards the meeting
Often guests do not go like this
Though you have hundreds of roads ahead of you,
But one only leads to the goal.
I wish you that on rainy days
Mind and heart did not know the disease
And walking the road where the lights shine
Met a regular friend!

Success, joy and happiness,
And to be lucky with a career,
Rule over your subordinates
Forward to fate, to spite the enemies.
I don't know how, but we congratulate
Today is fun for you.
And we'll make you drink a glass,
Let the family be happy!
Well, happy birthday, our dear friend!
Be healthy and young
And so that you have enough strength,
Stay like this for a long time!

We congratulate you on your birthday
You, our hero, hero.
May luck be with you
Let there be trumps in the deck!
You have already gone a lot, and you will pass,
And every day you are stronger than granite.
You love work and do not betray your friends,
May the Lord keep you!
In a world full of noise and fury
You will always be brave.
And we wish you many more years
Let your ticket be happy.

Your temper is known to us for a long time,
In everything you go right to the goal.
You know life is not from the movies,
And he actually tested it.
Your birthday is a step
Which means a lot in life.
We want to wish you
Health, happiness and good luck.

Good luck, bold plans, inspiration!
Always be the first, move forward!
Let a new desire for victory
Will bring good luck!
In deeds and thoughts - complete order,
Tempting, beautiful prospects!
Good and lasting prosperity
On a new bright life path!

Only the brave choose
Speed, drive, intensity of passions!
You are one of those who win!
Be true to your dream!
Let freedom and extreme
Let it lead to bright goals!
Everything is done for you
Be the first, luck awaits!

A man is like fine wine
After all, age is not a hindrance to him.
And even though you are a locksmith, even a movie actor -
There is no flaw in a middle-aged man.
So let us be happy for you
And on this day, raise a glass of champagne!
We wish you what you wish for yourself
And let only joyful colors surround you.
"Be happy and live a hundred years" - our toast,
and let it seem to you that it is so simple,
we rejoice with all our hearts and cheer for you,
you are our man, our bright star!

Wishing you victories and good luck on your birthday!
Feel like a captain of fate!
May your achievements be priceless
On a bright, beautiful path of life!
Great prospects, bold plans for you
And worthy goals, success in destiny!
Raise the sails! Luckily, full speed ahead!
May you be lucky!

A quiet fairy tale, our cozy home -
We created it all together.
We walk hand in hand with you
And we do not need the highest honor.
Let's celebrate your birthday today
In the family circle, among the closest,
And I know that we will meet with you
Many more days - yours and mine.
May your heart beat forever
Let the eyes always play the same way
Let any bad weather break,
Let the storm be warm!

Accept congratulations
On your most personal day!
You are the best without a doubt
And I'm not too lazy to repeat:
Be happy, healthy, smart,
Rich as a thousand Bill Gates
Illuminated by the love of relatives,
Loving them back with all my heart.

You know, "me" has been gone for a long time,
As there is no "you" for a long time.
There is "we" with you for many years,
And life has been bright ever since.
Today your holiday has come
Your bright birthday!
The Almighty himself wished
Our, my dear, connection.
So let everything be as it is,
Quiet happiness just for you and me.
And let heaven judge from above
About what I consider bliss.

Joy, good luck, prosperity!
It's time to win!
May all changes be for the better
The heart will not forget how to dream!
Bold plans, strength and inspiration!
Let the anniversary bring happiness
And fill bright moments
Each of the successful, glorious days!

Though life is harsh sometimes, be strong
And for yourself, quickly open a reliable path.
Don't know how to survive, but live, go ahead,
With luck always be friends and on the way
Catch your success soon, be healthy,
And you will comprehend the essence of love and life.

There are so many bright colors in your name,
And in the fate of beautiful deeds
Your eyes are the fire of hot stars,
And the voice is a song for the happy
But you don't know much about yourself
Considering myself ordinary
Meanwhile, you inspire us all to live
Our meta embodying
But this ignorance is by no means a problem.
That's why we are next to you
We always remind you that you are unique
And give our love.

Oh, how hard it is to find words
Which are not said in passing...
Let the head keep clarity
Seriousness abides every year.
Let everything that was ever wrong,
Correct you, change
Be healthy in thoughts, soul and body,
Let luck turn to bad luck.
Think more! Unfortunately life is one...
And no matter how the words are beaten,
She must pass with dignity,
So that the hearts of relatives are not broken.

Today is a special holiday -
One for a lifetime
Today was born
Special person
Born to be a father
And so raise children
To them with a proud face
Passed among worthy people
Born to be a husband
Give one warmth
And you can only dream
About a "beloved friend" like that.

Remember, success chooses the strong.
Strive for distant horizons
May luck always help
So that any wishes come true!
Always achieve goals in life.
May all questions be answered.
Believe in yourself, never give up
Bold ideas, new victories!

In this glorious moment - a moment of joy, excitement,
For which there is a good reason:
We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday
And we wish a real man
Do not get sick, live long, long and successfully,
Conquer any mountains and peaks!
And victories, and big positions, of course,
What makes a real man so beautiful.
And love, and happiness in marriage (monogamous!),
Palace house and the best car.
And at the end of the poem - about the main thing:
You are our symbol of a real man!

You are always on top
This commands respect!
Let them accompany you again
Happiness and enviable luck!
Joy, health, long years,
All possible blessings and abundance!
Let it be famous everywhere, it sounds
Your name will be heard!

We wish to become
Hero of modern times
Multiply and save
Luggage of spiritual values!
We wish to be for everyone around
Support and foundation
Reliable rear and shoulder,
A man with temper!

My dear, happy birthday
I hasten to congratulate you!
Let life be all pleasure
And let friends be near!
May the bright moments of life
They flow carelessly.
I love you, do you hear?
My eyes don't lie to you.
May they become eternal companions
Luck, happiness and success!
Let all worries sink into oblivion!
My sweet, you are the best!

I want to congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you to get everything you want from life, appreciate minutes and hours, do not waste your time on trifles, make big plans and plan great things! Achieved, conquered, won! Happy holiday!

Comic congratulations to a man happy birthday from friends

May you live deliciously -
Cabbage crunches in the wallet.
Lamborghini in the garage
There is a lady in a negligee in bed.
May you live sweetly -
If you are always shaved clean.
Bury caviar with spoons -
Let your gut relax!
Let's drink cognac today
For a cool guy!
You will not find a flaw in it!
Happy Birthday Buddy!

Sincere congratulations to a man happy birthday

I wish you to be an eagle soaring in the sky
I wish you to be wiser and stronger.
Let all doors open before you
And you step forward even bolder.
Work, vanity, worries and anxieties -
All this will pass like gray smoke.
But I know that even after years
At heart you will be young again.
I send you my heartfelt wishes!
Well, you are a birthday boy, so somewhere like this:
May all bright dreams come true
Let the friend be faithful, and the weak one who is the enemy.
Let cheerful laughter be heard in the house,
Let there be continuous success in work,
In everything, luck smiles at you,
May you be the happiest person on earth!

Touching congratulations to a man happy birthday

Let everything be as it should be in life:
Love, confidence and friendship,
Striving for the goal and always good luck,
And let the heart be hot!
Let the star always burn
Which lights the way for you!
And may it never be
Desires from that path to turn.

Happy birthday greetings for a man with humor

happy birthday congratulations
Let everything be with you:
Yacht, Bentley and servants
Your personal company!
For business to develop
The female gender to admire
In your life and destiny
Everything was always ok!

Happy birthday greetings to a man friend

Happy birthday congratulations!
What do you wish a friend?
We've known each other for a long time
Seems like there's nothing to say
Everything is trite, everything is boring,
Everything is formal, etc.
But let's take the courage,
We wish you again
Happiness, joy, good luck,
Because you are so
Fighting, dashing, hot,
Fair, groovy,
businesslike, principled,
You don't waste your words.
Well, let it all be trite.
Happy Birthday! Be healthy!

Happy birthday greetings to a man

We wish you happiness and good luck
Health, long bright years
And with ease to any task
Brilliant find the answer.
Reach the heights of your career
And succeed in personal life
To serve friends in everything by example
And look into the distance with optimism!

Cheerful birthday greetings to a man

Be rich like Rockefeller
Be fast like a cheetah!
Let the propeller of love circle
Let there be excitement in work!
Let everything in life be great!
You row money with a shovel.
Don't waste your nerves
Take care of your health!
Do not know defeat in anything,
Take any borders!
Happy Birthday,
We wish you happy life!

Personalized birthday greetings to a man

___________ (name!), I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you a warm mood, joy, peace and kindness, good health, good luck and love! Stay always so kind, sympathetic and attentive! May my wishes come true!

Happy birthday greetings to a man in prose

It is believed that birthday is a holiday of childhood. Is it so? After all, every passing year is an experience gained, some achievements and conquering the next peak. No need to be sad! Plunge into childhood and remember - what an important day it is - you came into this world and made many people happy. I sincerely congratulate you on your date and wish you many more heights. And, of course, simple human happiness.

Happy birthday to a man

Congratulations on your birthday! We wish you health, love and warmth! May your life be interesting and long! Let there be peace, laughter and warmth in the house! Good friends you meet on the path of life! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday greetings to a man from friends

Hey buddy! hurry up
Pour ice cold vodka!
On this day and at this hour
We have a reason to drink!
Your birthday today!
We, having cast aside all doubts,
We hasten to congratulate you
We wish from the bottom of our hearts:
decent salary,
For everything to be enough.
desire to
Never gone!
Brilliant ideas -
After all, you are smart!
And there are many holidays
Fun and noisy!
Don't forget us friends
Invite more often!
Let's drink a glass to the bottom,
After all, one life is given to us!

Congratulations to a man on his birthday in prose

What can you wish for a man who personifies stability and self-confidence!? Sustainability in everything: in finance, in business, in positive trends and charts, in love, in relationships with colleagues and partners! But the most important thing is strength and good health to endure it all! Happy birthday!

Cool birthday greetings for a man

On my birthday I wish
To be the coolest and most fashionable,
To be funny, a little drunk
Be successful and desirable!
Conquer any trouble
If they are sometimes!
May success be abyss
Shining bright star!

Happy birthday to your beloved man

From love to you I melt
Happy birthday, dear, congratulations!
I always dream of being with you
I miss you so much, my love!
Let there be smiles - a huge sea,
You know neither troubles, nor longing, nor grief!
Let the ocean fill your world with love.
You know neither fear nor deceit!
And remember, I'm always by your side
May our years be happy!

Congratulations for a man happy birthday

___________(name)! We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts and wish you good health and eternal vigor, cherished happiness and untold wealth! Excellent mood and well-being in all matters! Happy birthday!

Humorous birthday greetings for a man

Happy birthday
We wish you patience
Live without any hesitation!
His own, to achieve
And you didn't need anything!
To not offend you
And loved and caressed!
So that everything works out,
And you were not offended!
So that the weather was in the house.
To have a lot of money
To make children happy
You are the best dad in the world!
In general, everything to be cool
There will be a happy moment
When we give you
This memorial gift
Let every moment be sweet!

Comic birthday greetings to a young man

On your birthday
There is a reason to drink!
You are without a doubt
Staten and young!
We wish you longer
Stay like this
In female attention
How to swim in the sea!
We wish you
stormy novels,
long-legged girls,
Cool restaurants!
So that bourgeois money
Crispy in your pocket
Cognac expensive
Splashed in a glass!
apartment, car,
Dacha outside the city.
Well and health
We wish you more!
be in shape
We wish you for sure!
In short, to be
Always awesome!

Comic birthday greetings to a man

We are the best man
Happy birthday congratulations
And we wish you great personal happiness,
Great understanding and kindness,
So that the soul has a beautiful spring!
In a career, only growth is infinite,
Let everything in life be easy and simple,
Let luck come to you
And around the corner, what you want is waiting!

Happy birthday to the man of your dreams

I wish this holiday never ends, and may all troubles and sorrows bypass you. I wish you great happiness and devoted and true friends, health, success and bright sunny days. And may your life be beautiful and pure.

Happy birthday greetings to a man in prose

___________ (name!), Happy Birthday to you! We wish you success, good luck, conquering all heights, your favorite business, a reliable family! Be strong and kind! May the joy and kindness that you give return to you with words of gratitude and love!

Happy birthday greetings to a male colleague

Life smiles upon us!
We want to tell you beautifully
What do not roll on the road
Such team members!
We go to work like a holiday
Let's go, because we always remember:
There are many different colleagues
But you are a superstar among them!
Happy birthday to you,
We wish you happiness and good!
Accept our assurances:
We love you! Hip hip, hooray!

Happy birthday greetings to a male colleague

Today I want to congratulate my real man on his birthday and wish him: let everything that is needed in life, than life happens, be good: love, health, happiness, friendship and an eternally kind soul. With an open heart and love, I wish you happiness and health!

Funny congratulations to a man happy birthday

Once a year without your desire
Your birthday is coming.
Congratulations on this Day to the parishioners,
We wish you happiness from it.
Accept generous gifts
Even if not foreign cars.

Happy birthday greetings to a man in prose nominal

____________ (name!), Happy Birthday to you! We wish you not to know sadness, to be always cheerful, cheerful and happy! So that a cheerful laughter is your friend, so that your life is accompanied by: health, happiness and success!

Happy birthday greetings to a man

Dear ___________ (name)! Congratulations on your birthday! We wish you great happiness and good health! So that your family lives in abundance, so that your wife loves and appreciates! Good luck to you and good luck!

Happy birthday to your beloved man

Dear good man
Birthday is an important reason
To wish you happiness -
To my beloved man.
May spring reign in your soul,
The song is not ceasing nightingale.
What would I not only in dreams -
Nayavu called his beloved.

Humorous birthday greetings to a man named Andrey

Our dear friend, Andrey,
Pour some vodka for us!
Need a drink now
Rest - just class!
You are good at computers
And the mind is not deprived!
I've seen a lot in my life
Learned a lot!
We wish you
To have enough strength for everything
So that you win in everything
Achieved personal goals!

Original birthday greetings to a man

I don't care if we're together or not...
I don't care if you're with her or with me...
You eclipsed the whole wide world for me,
You are my one and only!
On your birthday I will tell you:
There is no hotter fire in the world!
You are forever alone in my destiny ...
So be happy! With me or without me!

Happy birthday greetings to a sweet man

Be happy, although it is sometimes difficult, be loved, because love always saves from all troubles and hardships. I wish you to meet such love on your way, only so that you can consider it and not let go of it from your hands. Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to a man at 35

Happy birthday! 35 for a man is not age. Life is just beginning to give perspectives and new opportunities. Therefore, I wish you many positive people and a sea of ​​promising ideas!

Happy birthday to a man

Here are all the guests in the collection,
The table is bursting with food
Happy Birthday
We love you wholeheartedly.
Be healthy, honest, smart,
Solve all problems instantly
Don't make crazy decisions
You are our Russian man.
Be economic and courageous
Be dexterous and be skillful
Always have your own opinion
Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday greetings to a man in verse

You have a holiday today!
Listen to the verse you bastard.
You man are so good
And, in his own way, handsome.
From you today happiness
A lot of splashing over the edge.
On a birthday there is no bad weather,
Accept congratulations!
I congratulate the man.
Not just like that - in verse!
I will glorify the day at birth,
So that he remembers for centuries.

Happy birthday to a man

We are grateful to you for your friendliness and good friendship. Your optimism and vitality delights us and helps us recharge with energy from you. So accept from us the kindest and most sincere wishes on this holiday, your birthday, happiness, health and all the best.

Happy birthday greetings for a male leader

Today, congratulating our wonderful leader, I want to note that, thanks to you, our company is successfully developing! Your plans and ideas are the engine of progress of our team! We hope that in the future we will conquer more and more new horizons, defeating competitors and delighting our consumers! Good health, happiness and prosperity to you!

Friendly congratulations-toast to a man on his birthday

I hasten to congratulate you with all my heart,
After all, you have a glorious birthday!
I want to leave you a present
After all, we have long been faithful to you!
And together we experienced a lot,
We drank vodka and wine together,
Do you remember how we were from the very beginning,
With the girls dreamed of a movie!
We have changed outwardly, matured,
But souls and hearts are also young
Let all sorrows be forgotten,
And let sorrows go away forever !!
Let there be only a little pepper,
And more happiness and kindness in life!
I wish you a lot of money and health,
Let me have a drink for you!

Funny birthday greetings to a man

We congratulate you importantly and decorously,
You are no longer a boy, you are a man.
Happy birthday to you congratulations,
As with a good purchase.
But you look at you - you see, sometimes,
In you the boy will flash mischievous,
The one who is sincerely cheerful and sweet -
Save your enthusiasm and ardor!

Happy birthday greetings to a male colleague

May wishes come true!
I wish, among my colleagues
Be an example to follow.
Let a whole year, or maybe a century
Work boils and argues.
After all, you are a responsible man.
Let it be on the board of honor
Your proud face flaunts!
I want to earn respect
All employees have their
And congratulations on your birthday!
I dedicate a verse to you!

Congratulations in verse to a man on his birthday

Everyone is waiting for spring: both adults and children,
After all, many feelings are subject to her.
I know that all over the planet
Everyone will be happier soon.
And you were born at this time
Wonderful, colorful, spring day.
You are my shoulder, support,
And we drink to you today.
And every day you from work
I'm looking forward to it.
I caress and care for you,
My surroundings.
Let times change the mountains
Fields, plains, cities.
But I want you to be the same
Never changing.
I have loved everything about you for a long time:
And heart, body, and soul.
When next to you, dear,
And time goes by slowly.
Please accept my congratulations
Let spring live in you.
I'm very happy, believe me
That I am yours, yours, wife.

Happy birthday greetings for a man

I remember you came to me
In the evening twilight, in bad weather,
In love confessed in silence,
And gave such happiness.
Accept, my beloved, a bouquet,
Fragrance of beautiful roses!
I made a sonnet
About the first sweet date.
I congratulate my dear
Happy birthday to you, my love!
Forever be by my side
Your love is my salvation!

Happy birthday greetings to a man are cool

Looks like it's not the first time
Happy birthday congratulations to you.
Wishes of different boxes
We always gave on this day.
Do not rush to do something
Our wishes for "five",
Apparently we have to repeat:
Happiness, happiness, happiness to you again!

Happy birthday greetings to a man funny for phone

Happy birthday dear, keep it up!
Life is such a thing, be friends with her,
If you want, you can invite
The list of those who will be - announce.
And the menu? A present for you?
I remembered, I won’t come - I have something to do.

SMS congratulations happy birthday funny man

You with a deep sense of respect,
I congratulate my friend, happy birthday,
I hasten to send urgent congratulations,
So that you note devotion, respect,
My loyal fervour,
And don't forget to congratulate me!

Toast to a man on his birthday

Dear, (name)! Thank you very much for a good reason to drink. And most importantly - health, most importantly - tomorrow!

Happy birthday to your beloved man

Congratulations on your birthday.
I don't miss this holiday.
Beloved man
I commit myself.
I wish you a sea of ​​affection
But only without publicity.
I wish you many tears
You don't take it seriously.
Those will be tears of happiness
Why do we need bad weather.
Let the ocean of love
Away from the earth
We will be swallowed up in the abyss.
I thank him.
I hand over my life, you accept our congratulations from the heart,

For a man, his birthday, especially if the date acquires an anniversary status, is often an occasion for summing up all kinds of results, conclusions, and calculations. True, in fairness it should be noted that this is usually only one side of the coin. On the other hand, a man's birthday is an opportunity to spend time with numerous friends and acquaintances, indulging in idleness and other excesses. The options for holding the celebration itself are so diverse that they probably far exceed the size of the male part of the population. And most of them are taken into account in the collections of happy birthday greetings to a man, which will come in handy for numerous invitees to such events. In birthday greetings to a man, everything can be expressed: respect, gratitude, boundless friendship and selfless love. It all depends on the choice of the congratulator, that is, on you.

Taking this opportunity, I want to wish you that luck becomes your faithful companion, that every minute of life is beautiful, all desires come true as soon as possible, and dreams come true. I wish in the fate of a fair wind, good weather, sunny days. May you be truly appreciated at work, may love and mutual understanding reign in the family, may children delight with their successes! May there always be loved ones around you, may there be peace in your soul, and happiness in your heart!

Congratulations from us - this is the time
We helmet good words- it's two
Being ahead all the time is three,
To live in harmony and peace is, it seems, four.
Never lose heart - that's exactly five,
Multiply all that is - it's six and seven.
Being always with friends together is 8, 9, 10
Well, in addition to this - happiness, joy, good luck!

Always let there be a strong hand
Shoulder secure, hawkish look.
Let the fate of men is not easy,
But the peak of success will be taken by you!

Happy Birthday to You,
May there be happiness for years
All dreams come true
And every day in great love!
Enough to be huge
Nobody to forget you
And my heart was warm
The rest is all the same!

Everyone knows that men don't cry
Even if adversity is fatal,
But at heart, a man is a boy,
That dreamed of long-distance roads.

Find the naughty boy
That he looked at the world differently.
He was wearing short pants
He was cheerful, desperate and bold.

We wish you today
To make the world the same as in childhood,
It was again knee-deep sea,
And such a brave heart!

Birthday wishes we send to you:
To be a brave fellow, to win any fight,
To be a wise leader, he always sought a compromise,
To be stronger in his decisions than the strongest rocks.

And we wish you that love will find you,
She warmed me with her warmth, gave me two wings.
So that it is mutual and your only,
To make life with her brighter, to make life fuller.

And we wish you health, because without it, nowhere,
To only add strength and wisdom of the year.
Be happy, be successful, always be yourself,
So that anyone can envy your success!

New ideas, beginnings, discoveries,
The happiest, most successful events,
Only wonderful always impressions,
Joyful, bright pictures and moments!
In life, let it turn out the way you want,
There will always be courage in the heart, courage!
And from the bottom of my heart on this day I wish
Happiness, success, good luck! Congratulations!

We want to wish you success in everything,
Let fate itself help in life,
And for one good good day,
Another, even more beautiful, is coming.
May all who are dear live happily,
After all, the happiness of loved ones means a lot,
May joyful meetings await in life,
Love, health and good luck!

Let him smile broadly
And luck will give joy
Business brings prosperity
Rewarding the heart!
May the intoxication with happiness
prevails in life
And all weekend
Rest is wonderful!

We wish you simple happiness
And the quiet joy of the earth.
Let you everyday bad weather
Always bypassed.
As always, take good care of
Beautiful features in the soul.
As before, generously give to everyone
Fire of warmth.

Real courage is a strength of spirit, wisdom, generosity, clarity of thought, the ability to be friends, the ability to be a support and support for loved ones. So happy birthday to you, as one of the most courageous men! And I also want to wish you to always remain the happiest person all your long life!

Traditionally - health and happiness! Be happy every day and every hour of your life, let your health be such that you don’t even remember about it! May your beloved always be there, may well-being and prosperity reign in the house, may all plans and dreams come true with ease! And may every year for many, many more years, we still celebrate your successes and rejoice in your successes!

I would like to wish you happiness in absolutely everything on your birthday. May everything you undertake, one way or another, bring success! I wish you to always remain the same beautiful and bright man as you are now. May fortune accompany all moments of your life and help in all plans. Appreciate what you have and achieve more! Happy birthday!

Let each new day be similar to the previous one in only one thing - it will be just as successful! Joy, good luck, inspiration! May everything you want come true in your life! Be always a darling of fate, always be able to be in the right place, at the right time. Congratulations!

With all my heart I wish that every new day of your life be filled with optimism, interesting creative ideas, meetings with friends and like-minded people. Health to you, family happiness and always a great mood!

With all my heart I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you much happiness, kindness and love! And do not forget that no matter how serious life is, it is just a game in which I wish you to be the winner!

For you today, a thousand hot congratulations and a million good wishes! And the main thing, of course, is the wish for happiness, because with it the world becomes brighter, it is easier to breathe and life becomes easy and pleasant! Live happily ever after and may all your dreams come true by your next birthday!

I wish you to perceive life as it is, but always try to see more good in it!

May your house always be a full bowl, your wife be affectionate, and your children only delight with their successes and inherit your best features! May life always be full of such simple, but at the same time very real happiness!

A thousand times congratulations! I wish you to continue to be the Creator, the Master of your happiness! I wish to increase it, to live easily and pleasantly, every day adding new events to the baggage of good memories, because people like you deserve the best fate!

You are the only one in the world:
Cheerful, kind, groovy.
With you it's not boring on the couch,
With you, it's not scary in the ocean.
You conquer everyone with yourself -
Soul, mischievous smile.
Eyes sparkle with charm -
The gift of speech can be lost!
And happy birthday congratulations,
I want to keep it up!

May the next year of life
It will be without worries
Joy only gives
Will not leave you without luck
Happiness will bring you
To soar on high
Be what you want
Got everything you want!

Today you are in the spotlight
You shine like a new fifty dollars!
We are our noisy company,
We wish you birthday

If the silushka is a heroic one,
If happiness - so that the ocean!
Let health be Siberian
Let love boil like a volcano!

Happy birthday to a successful and wonderful man! You have many happy years ahead of you - may they be filled with new ambitious goals, the love of loved ones and the recognition of others.

I wish you strength and I wish you will
Go through life proudly, ahead,
So that you are happy with your fate,
So that you love the world and be happy in it.

I wish you could live
And everything that life gives to appreciate,
And if the Lord did not give,
So that you do not lower your hands,

And in order to achieve everything,
He didn't stop learning.
Well, a bit more luck
I wish you happiness! Happy Birthday!

We are glad to congratulate you on the next date on the calendar of your life and wish you three pillars on which male happiness rests: a loving family, a true friend and a beloved job.

I wish you to live life - do not stumble,
I wish everything that you created to be proud,
I want everyone to love you
And so that only friends were around.

Every year you become only wiser,
And of course, stronger, kinder, healthier,
Oh, what a man - one feast for the eyes,
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday!

I wish you high victories in life,
Let the moments of good luck, like sweet candies,
There will always be a lot to make dreams come true
So that you are loved, and happy in your fate!

May many years of a happy, prosperous life await you ahead, in which all dreams come true and only true friends and closest people surround you.

We wish you the most important thing today - be sure to be happy! Love your beautiful chosen one and children, live with pleasure, go in all matters until victory. Enjoy every unique moment of a wonderful life, and may you always have plenty of strength and opportunities to fulfill all your desires!

Birthday boy, where have you been?
You forgot to sign up!
How much can you, your mother,
Wait idle?!

Where is the liver? Where is the balyk?
Where is the herring? Where is the language?
Where is the vodka, cognac, wine?
Have been waiting for a long time!

Excite congratulations
Alcohol and food...
Now here's another lineup!
Be happy and be rich!

I want to be always healthy
Happy, kind, young,
Reliable friends, peace in the house,
And, of course, love!

More colorful moments
Merry moments of life
Not aware of life incidents
And let adversity go around!

Congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy birthday I want.
Wish you good health
So that everything is on the shoulder.

Let the heart be hot
Be loved and loved.
So that all ideas come true -
Be invincible in business.

Let the weather reign in the soul -
Warmth, comfort and joy.
Let them meet you at home
Believe, love, always wait.

Let life surround
Your true friends.
Remember that you are the best -
Happy Birthday to You!

I congratulate you on your birthday!
And I wish you from my heart
So that happiness always smiles
To give good luck to fate!

To reduce the difficulties
To have enough patience and strength,
So that you are certainly rich
In this life, and in the next!

We wish that life will definitely give you the opportunity to fulfill your dreams, and that you do not miss it. And obstacles on the way will be dispelled by the wind of good luck, which will surely accompany you.

On your birthday, I wish that the path of your life spreads like an endless carpet and leads you confidently and with dignity to the pinnacle of wisdom, glory and happiness. May the faithful shoulder of a friend and the gentle look of your beloved, turns of success, turns of achievements and stops of good luck always be near on this road. Good health to you on this long and long journey of life.

Congratulations sincerely today
With a birthday party.
Let hundreds fly to you,
Surrounded by happiness, magic.

Let there be a big apartment
And the cottage outside the city is tall.
Money of all currencies from all over the world
Let not one of them fit a wallet!
Let life be exciting
Like a big hunt
Let the instincts of the catcher wake up
Tempting you with prey.

Your traps will fall
May happiness, love and luck
And let there be
Solutions to difficult problems.

Congratulations! May the parental blessing, the support of comrades and the love of the desired woman always be there. Possessing a real masculine character, wear the crown of the winner with dignity, set any goals for yourself and consistently achieve new successful results.

They say that true men
It is not easy for us women to understand
And there are many reasons for this.
Well, then I hasten to wish:

Be strict and gentle at the same time.
Brave, but also show weakness.
To intrigue us
To conquer hearts and thoughts.

I will not wish for one
Casanova to be for lovely ladies.
So that we can respect you
And to respect yourself.
Happy birthday!
Be strong and willful!
Years rush, but I wish
Stay young!

Let the banknotes in the purse
There will always be big
And let him give good luck
Guiding star!

Happy birthday sunshine
And let the heart beat more cheerfully,
More kind, sincere speeches,
Let the holiday turn into a huge miracle!
Cherished dreams will come true
And all the bad things will come back instantly,
Health, happiness, sincere love,
So that life is extraordinary!

Happy birthday! You are strong, stylish, courageous, - a real man! I wish that life abounded with joyful meetings and pleasant moments. May every person you meet in life carry a sea of ​​​​positive, saturate you life energy. Let the work bring an excellent income and pleasure!

Birthday is a special occasion
I congratulate you with all my heart,
And I wish you to be happy and young
You lived a long time, laughing and loving.

So that success surrounds you
And your career to grow
Of course, friends respected
And the beloved was there.

Be healthy in mind and body
The standard of male beauty
And with dignity, confidently, boldly
You live making your dreams come true.

It doesn't matter how old you are
May this day dawn
Dawn for life dear,
With love, with great joy!
Together, let the fairy tale arrive
Fulfills your wishes
And celebrating a birthday
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

Here comes the birthday again
What do you wish me?
To begin with, let, luck,
And love, as in 25!
Fulfillment of dreams,
Acquisition of new knowledge
Become wise, but do not grow old,
Don't rush to be everywhere.
Pleasure in everything
Dark night, bright day
In relaxation, in work,
Wherever you are - everywhere.
Get away from the routine
Finally get some sleep
Good not to lose friends,
Achieve goals faster.
Safe adventures
Impressions are sonorous, clear,
Never fly by
But soar, fly, fly!
Every day is like the first time
Get Enthusiasm,
Find out what Happiness, Loyalty, Friendship and Participation mean.
In general, don't let me down
Whatever you want, get it!

Happy birthday, congratulations
And, as usual, I do.

So that Good Luck and Success,
You have been chosen from all.

Everything you dream of
To receive immediately.

So that Spring lives in the soul,
It would last forever.

To have good health
Happiness - so that it does not go away.

So that the family flourished
And beloved friends.

To make life beautiful
Perspective - clear, clear.

And Fortune to love
Never failed.

Rapid - career growth,
To make everything easy and simple.

On your birthday, let
Wish you a lot of happiness
Always be strong and successful
Troubles and grief are unrecognizable.

In a family of peace and comfort,
And understanding relatives.
Heartfelt minutes,
Have a nice long weekend.

In a career - takeoff, in business - order,
Good health forever.
You are very polite, pleasant,
Good, kind person.

I want only what is especially important:
Better health, good luck more often,
Cash in pieces of paper - banknotes are larger.
Container - luck, happiness - wagon,
And joy, in a bag, and bring more fun.
Wishes - to come true, money - a van.

Birthday boy, happy birthday!
Happiness joy luck
Health, stronger than wine,
Love forever and, like in a movie,

Friends that will not leave in trouble,
Good luck in everything, everywhere.

And let your capital grow
Everything will come true, what you dreamed about,
And your life is a boat
Let the breeze blow!

I want to be always cheerful
Handsome, smart, young.
I want to be always happy
Beloved, dear, dear.

I wish you luck
Car, house, apartment, cottage.
Always so that a full wallet,
But also in bed for some coffee.

Men don't count years!
They know in advance
Wisdom grows with age
Soul aspirations flight!

Let this day rush more quietly,
Fate unrestrained tangle,
What would the years have done
There is still a turn in your life!

What can you wish on your birthday
Already a successful man?
Never get sick, never get sick
Smile, be the happiest!

Let the career lead only up
And the salary is growing every day!
May only success await you in everything,
And dreams come true - instantly!

I congratulate you on your birthday,
And I wish you so much good
To select only the best
And give the rest to loved ones!

Let the sails of your fate
Only a tailwind will blow,
May all dreams come true
And your path will always be bright.

Wish I never knew
The taste of bitterness from defeat
And even the broken to get up,
And never know doubt.

I wish you good health
Hot love, long years.
I congratulate you on your birthday!
You worthy man!

Happy birthday!
And with all my heart I wish:
Happiness, joy, health,
Rainbows, warmth, care,
Excellent not dusty work,
Let dreams come true
And you always look into the distance
So that the aspirations do not end,
And all goals were fulfilled.

I wish you new discoveries, beginnings, ideas,
Good in life, so that you meet people.
For relatives, be a support and a strong wall,
Live as you live, but be yourself.

Hold the world, it's on your shoulders
Protect the one that keeps your hearth.
Go through life, throwing away doubts.
Relax, because today is your birthday.

Today is a good reason
Congratulate a great man.
We send greetings and congratulations
Happy Birthday:

We wish you a lot of positive
At leisure - creativity,
At work - more "grandmothers",
Health to you - without any references!

Let me wish you a lot:
Happiness, joy, eternal love.
Let the road be free
Let no one stand in the way.

May luck smile on you
Let friends be reliable.
We want to be a little richer
And of course, be at the helm.

To be able to conquer all the peaks,
He was brave and never shy.
Let me wish you a lot of strength
So that you can do everything in this life.

Today is a holiday and fun
Indeed, on this day and at this hour
A man was born on earth
Worthy of all laudatory phrases!

Happy birthday to you
Relatives and friends rush.
We wish you good luck
After all, you can't live without it.

We also want to be healthy
And do not notice the course of years
With love in my heart, as for the first time,
You meet spring every year.

So that life is filled with meaning
In the eyes of a perky sparkle,
And all the hardships and suffering
Let life be carried away by the stream.

Happy birthday!
I wish you happiness and good.
And I want more laughter
And in all matters of success.

To always be a true friend
So that you do not know the disease,
So that you live in abundance,
For everything to be alright.

What would you like to wish?
Lie down until noon?
Don't go to work?
Grandmas easily chop?
Maybe you want a beer sea?
You better not know grief.
Be always ruddy and fresh,
Eat delicacies more often
Don't forget to smile
And always be healthy.
Prepare meals soon
Happy Birthday!

I wish you good luck and bright moments,
Health, success always and in everything,
I wish you achieve your goals
May you be happy both at night and during the day!

I want to wish you career growth,
Luck, good and true friends,
Adversity let everything evaporate forever,
So that your life goes every day more fun!

Happy Birthday! Let today
All your dreams will come true.
Hundreds of smiles will come into life.
All things will rise to the top.

Let health be strong
And pursues luck on the heels.
Surrounded by joy with love
Happiness blooms here and there.

I wish you a wonderful day
Your dreams come true
Health would be iron
Traces of grief have disappeared.

In business, order and stability,
And the house is warmed by the warmth of relatives,
Adversity passed by
You didn't remember them.

I wish you a lot of positive
I wish you bright, bright days,
May your life be happy
Let everything be OK in life!

I congratulate you on your birthday,
So that he was always young and quick,
And life is long every moment
Warmed by the warmth of smiles!

Happy Birthday,
Let dreams come true
And in a good mood
You will always be.

On this day I wish you
Lots of money and love
To be a good father
And support for the family.

Lots of strength and patience
In order to achieve goals,
Warm, faithful relationship,
To not be alone.

On today's birthday
On the day of fun and gifts
We wish you inspiration
To be strong and healthy

To make the house a full bowl,
So that there is peace and harmony in the family,
Household so that all your
You were valued like a treasure

To make your eyes glow with happiness
For the world to give success
So that Love with its participation
She kept you from troubles!

Today you were born, I congratulate you,
May the sun shine brightly in the sky on this day.
I wish you happiness, I wish you well.
You make a wish - everything will come true, believe me.

You are strong, kind, smart, there are not enough of them in the world.
Let the cherished dreams come true.
Love, I wish you good health
And do not meet obstacles on the path of life.

I wish you smiles and mood,
Let there be fun in the house today.
Health, good luck and money with a mountain,
Always and everywhere be satisfied with yourself.

May the sun always warm with warmth,
And your loved ones will never forget you.
Peace in the soul, luck, success,
Happy minutes and merry laughter!

We wish to walk on this day,
Relax in Bora Bora.
There to meet Angela Jolie
And ride with her to Bali.

And lie on the sand
Drive a Porsche Pitt
Win an apartment in a casino
Play Schwarzenegger in a movie.

Get an Oscar for this
It's great to live in Hollywood.
Holding the award, smile
And wake up in a joyful sweat.

May today and always
Happiness will answer you "yes"!
And luck will smile
And luck will wake up.

Let people not be upset
Don't let the money go
So that you, like Scrooge McDuck,
We swam in the golden mountains.

May all fish be golden
And Hottabychi are gray-haired
Execute today
A small order for you:

And an expensive car
The dacha is also small,
Yes, health for the year ahead,
And a bag of smiles!

Get over it, get over it, get over it!
Squeeze into a fist, burn, scatter in the wind.
Forget, don't remember, don't regret.
Go over yourself by the millimeter.

Sift through the sieve all your friends.
Lose, gain, but remember the measure.
You, clenching your teeth, overcome everything,
Without becoming a bad example for everyone.

All come true. Whether we like it or not.
But it is important that the way they wished.
And so that time, place, smell, color
We matched in the same heart!

Happy Birthday.
With new joy, luck.
I wish you
Only the best in fate.

Be successful, wise, strong,
Passionate and loving.
May you be a star of luck
Happiness will bring in addition!

Happy Birthday!
And I wish on this day
To be in a good mood,
In the circle of relatives and friends.

I wish you happiness
Fiery great love.
To light up the heart
Clear sunshine inside.

May luck be with you.
Eyes always glow.
Be always so cheerful
Keep joy in your heart.

I wish you every success
Let everything go according to plan!
Let there be a lot of laughter in life
May every moment bring joy!

More vivid impressions
Love to you and hot feelings,
In a career, only promotions,
So that you become richer!

On this clear wonderful day
Wish you are not too lazy
More happiness and kindness
Loyalty of friends, warmth.

More money, more power
So that happiness knocks on the window.
The wizard flew over you
What do you dream about fulfilled.

Today is your birthday!
So accept our congratulations.
Be healthy and rich
and friends are always welcome!
And we want a girl
with long legs!
And so that you do not end up with huge
Let's have some fun today
And it wouldn't hurt to get drunk!
Fill your glasses quickly
and snacks on the table.
Let's drink to you
dear friend!