What can you use to wash off the resin? We tidy up delicate fabrics. How to Clean Resin from a Jacket

To remove resin from clothes, you can use several methods. The effectiveness of each of them depends on the age of the stain and the type of fabric on which the stain appeared. How can you remove such a stain?

Before you begin removing the stain itself, it is necessary to mechanically clean the fabric of excess resin. To do this, you can use any sharp object (for example, a knife). This should be done carefully so as not to damage the clothing.

Afterwards, the item is placed in the freezer and left there for an hour or two. During this time, the pine resin will harden, and the remaining substance can be removed by simply crumpling the fabric in your hands.

This can be done with all types of fabrics, except for very thin ones - those after freezing may lose their original appearance.

Ways to remove stains

After the preparatory part, when the main contamination has been removed, traces of it should be eliminated. To do this, you can use several methods.


This option is suitable for cleaning delicate fabrics, it is quite safe.

Place paper towels, napkins or a clean rag under the affected area of ​​fabric.

The area with the stain on top is ironed with a heated iron. Under the influence of high temperature, the resin will melt and be absorbed into the underlying material, so you should change the napkins more often during the procedure. When there are no traces of resin left on the fabric, the item is washed using a suitable method.


For ordinary fabrics, you can use any solvent - turpentine, purified gasoline or nail polish remover. It is recommended to first make sure that the product will not damage the fabric. To do this, apply it to an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing (for example, the back seam), and see if the material changes color or appearance.

The liquid tested in this way is applied to the area around the stain - this is done to prevent the stain from spreading throughout the fabric. After this, take a cotton pad or clean rag, soak it in solvent, and rub the stain thoroughly but gently. Afterwards, the clothes are rinsed well and washed.

Solvent and alcohol

First apply a small amount of turpentine or other solvent to the area of ​​contamination.

Leave for half an hour for the resin to soften. Then take a piece of clean cloth, soak it in alcohol, and rub the stain. After the marks disappear, the item is rinsed, then washed and hung out to dry so that no smell remains.

Oil and gel for washing dishes

This method is more troublesome, but it is suitable for cleaning clothes if there are no other means at home.

First apply a little to the stain vegetable oil, leave for a while to soften the resin. Afterwards, apply dishwashing gel to a cotton pad and remove traces of oil and stain residues.

"Coca Cola"

You can try to clean the fabric with this carbonated drink. The area with the stain is placed in a container with Cola, left for a while, and then rubbed with a cotton pad.

Special product

You can also remove dirt with a self-made product. To do this, you need to combine a teaspoon of starch and 4 drops of turpentine with ammonia.

All components are mixed, the resulting paste is applied to the stain and left to dry. When the mass is completely dry, the residue is removed from the fabric with a brush with stiff bristles. Perhaps after the first time all traces will not disappear, then it is worth repeating the procedure.

It happens that a walk in a park or a pine-spruce forest leaves traces of resin on our clothes as a souvenir. These marks may also appear due to construction and repair work.

Everything is not as scary as it might seem, but you will have to work hard to remove these stains.

Success depends on the type of resin, the size of the disaster, the composition and color fastness of the fabric and similar factors.


The main component of products that remove tarry contaminants is turpentine.

It is made from tree resin, so it is a universal solvent for all resinous substances.

But when cleaning colored fabrics with turpentine, you should be extremely careful: it dissolves not only the resin, but can have a destructive effect on the dye used in the manufacture of the fabric.

That's why colored clothes It is best to entrust dry cleaning to specialists, and at home to wash resin from clothes using less aggressive solvents - gasoline, alcohol, acetone, vegetable oils and ready-made stain removers.

Goodbye stain!

Getting rid of resin stains:

  • If the resin is relatively fresh and has not had time to be absorbed into the fabric fibers, it can be dealt with using cold.
The soiled clothes are placed in the freezer for about 1 hour, after which the frozen resin is scraped off by hand or with improvised objects.
  • The resin that has managed to be absorbed into the fabric is removed with gasoline, acetone or another solvent.

The stained area is well moistened with one of the listed preparations and left for 40-50 minutes, then the procedure is performed a second time.

Solvents are contraindicated for clothes made of delicate fabrics, so alcohol, vegetable oils or ether are used.

The contamination is moistened with the selected product twice, with an interval of about half an hour.

Then the affected area is moistened with dishwashing detergent and left until completely dry, but for at least 12 hours. Then wash as usual.

In cases where washing is contraindicated for the product, ether is used.

The resinous stain is treated with ether and then with alcohol. The cotton pad or napkin is constantly replaced, and the procedure is repeated several times until the desired result is achieved.

  • You can prepare a mixture of alcohol, starch (potato) and turpentine in the proportion: one part alcohol, two parts starch and one turpentine.

It is applied to the stain and left for 12 hours. Then the item is thoroughly rinsed and washed. This method of removing tar stains is only suitable for delicate fabrics that require especially careful handling.

Pine resin

Wood resin, in particular pine resin, is the most difficult type of contamination. It absorbs extremely quickly, making it especially difficult to wash from clothes.

Typically, natural resin stains are removed using the following methods:

  • The stain is soaked in medical alcohol and rubbed vigorously. During the process, the alcohol permeates the fabric fibers and dissolves the resin particles.
The soiled area is covered on both sides with napkins or any loose paper. Using a very hot iron, iron the stained area until the melted resin is completely absorbed into the napkins.
  • Turpentine and acetone will do the job perfectly, but they are best used for cotton and linen fabrics in white and various light shades.

For colored fabrics it is better to use white spirit. The algorithm of actions is standard: the stain is soaked in the preparation, left for several hours, then rinsed and washed.

So, it is quite possible to wash wood resin from clothes. Therefore, the fear of getting dirty should no longer overshadow walks in the fresh air.


  1. First you need to clean part of the stain mechanically - using a knife or other sharp object. Be careful not to damage the fabric.
  2. Place the clothes in the freezer. After a couple of hours, when the resin has hardened, crush the contaminated item and try to scrape off the cracked parts of the resin.

These two steps are required before further processing, no matter what product you choose. However, you should avoid putting clothes in the refrigerator if you are going to clean dirt from thin fabric - it is very easy to damage.

If you want to get rid of a tar stain, the most effective way to achieve this is by using the combined use of folk remedies. But before cleaning, test how the fabric reacts to the product by using it on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.

We use a solvent

As a solvent, you can use gasoline, nail polish remover (with acetone), acetone itself and turpentine. However, when cleaning silk products, any products that contain acetone cannot be used. Just soak a cotton swab in the product and blot away the dirt.

Soak a cotton swab in some solvent and blot the stain

Alcohol with turpentine

If you want to get rid of resin on things, first treat the stain with turpentine, and after half an hour with alcohol. But under no circumstances rub the dirt into the fabric, but blot it carefully, otherwise there is a high risk of aggravating the situation. To remove the smell of solvent, after a while you just need to wash the item in the usual way.

How to remove a stain with an iron?

An iron is an ideal tool when working with delicate fabrics. In addition to this unit, you will also need napkins and towels - cover the fabric with them on both sides, and then iron the stain. In this case, napkins should be periodically replaced with new ones. Finally, wash your clothes.


Household chemicals against stains

If you are afraid to use folk remedies to clean resin, try using household chemicals - you can find products on sale that are suitable for working with any type of fabric. To get rid of dirt, simply follow the instructions.

Coca-Cola to help with tar

How else can you remove resin from clothes? Try this invigorating drink. Soak the damaged item in a bowl of cola for 2–3 hours. Dried resin will begin to get wet, after which it can be easily removed with a brush.

Dish detergent and vegetable oil

To remove a stain from wool clothing, first soak it in vegetable oil and then wipe it with dishwashing detergent, applying it with a swab. After completing all the work, do not forget to wash your things.

Coca Cola
Detergent for dishes Vegetable oil

We use ammonia, starch and turpentine

To remove resin from things, first prepare a suitable mixture: 1 spoon of starch; 4 drops of turpentine; 3 drops of ammonia. Mix all the ingredients, apply to the stain and scrub with a stiff brush.


White Spirit

White Spirit

What is the best way to remove old tar stains from clothes? Here the cleaning process will be much more difficult, since over a long period of time the contamination has become very deeply ingrained into the fabric. Before treatment, first lubricate the stain with vegetable or butter(Vaseline will also work) and leave it there for at least three hours. After this, try to scrape off the top layer with a very sharp knife, try to clean the remaining dirt with turpentine.

However, you should under no circumstances use turpentine when working with light-colored clothing! This will ruin the thing completely.

Afterwards, rinse off the residue with water and blot the area of ​​clothing with a sponge soaked in warm water. Without this, a mark will remain on the fabric.

Try to scrape off the top layer of the stain with a knife.

Another remedy is a mixture of potato starch, white clay and turpentine. Take each ingredient in equal proportions, dilute with water until a paste forms, add 2 drops of ammonia and apply to the stain. After the slurry has completely hardened, wipe the material with a brush. It is not always possible to remove a resin stain the first time, so you can repeat the procedure.

When working with white fabrics, the use of turpentine may leave yellow stains - they can be easily removed with simple laundry bleach. A mixture of a spoonful of potato starch, turpentine and two drops of ammonia works in a similar way. The removal process is the same: apply it to clothes, wait for the mixture to dry and remove any remaining dirt. Don't forget to wash your stained clothes after cleaning.

Now you know how to remove resin from clothes. But when performing any actions, you need to remember that fabrics differ in texture and quality, so one product may be suitable for synthetics or cotton, while another will ruin the fabric.

Therefore, our following notes will obviously not be superfluous for you:

  • the use of acid and alcohol can lead to the dissolution of paints on the fabric;
  • Acetone and acetic acid should not be used when working with silk;
  • Any alkalis and bleaching agents can only be used for white clothes.

Alcohol and acid can cause paints to dissolve
Acetone and vinegar should not be used when working with silk
Bleach can only be used on white clothes.

You should also remember some recommendations during the cleaning itself. So, if you do not want the stain to spread across the fabric when removed, wet the fabric around the stain - a kind of limiter. Talc is suitable for these purposes. You need to treat stains from the edges to the center of the stain, and not vice versa. And when removing a small spot, it is advisable to apply the selected product with a pipette.

Walking in the fresh air is extremely beneficial for the body. Coniferous forests are saturated with oxygen. An unpleasant moment can be a resin stain on clothing. Every housewife had to face this problem.

Removing a resin stain yourself is a difficult task. Resin tends to dry out in tissues. It is absorbed in liquid form and then hardens. Regular washing won't help. The stain cannot be cleaned by soaking.

Step-by-step removal of resin from clothing:

This method is the most effective. Its disadvantage is that it takes a lot of time. There are other ways to remove contamination.

The easiest and fastest way:

  • The top layer of resin is carefully cleaned off with a sharp object. A knife, blade or scissors will do. This action must be performed carefully so as not to damage the fabric.
  • The item is placed on the table and a napkin is placed on the stain. The iron is passed over the napkin until the remaining resin inside the fabric warms up and begins to be absorbed into the napkin.
  • After this, the item is washed as usual, after rubbing the stained area with laundry soap.

Important! This method is only suitable for dense, coarse fabrics. Thin tissues will be damaged even at the stage of cleansing with a sharp object. The item will be damaged.

How to remove spruce resin stain?

Spruce resin is somewhat different from other types of resins at the molecular level. Stains from spruce resin are also difficult to remove. This is done using other methods.

Algorithm for removing spruce resin stains:

  • The stain and the area around it are rubbed with a solvent.
  • The item is placed in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer to cool.
  • After two to three hours, the item is taken out of the freezer and rubbed with solvent again.
  • The remaining part of the stain is removed with vodka or alcohol.

Removal with folk remedies

  • Regular Coca-Cola does the job perfectly. The drink is suitable not only for cleaning dirt from pots, tiles and plumbing. There will be nothing left of the difficult stain!

    The area of ​​contamination is filled with Coca-Cola and left for one hour. The resin will soften so much that it can be washed off with laundry soap.

  • Fairy liquid removes such stains well. The stain is first soaked in vegetable oil. It has solvent properties and perfectly removes paint marks from fabrics.

Important! Contaminants from any type of resin can be easily removed from skin tissue using vegetable oil. Traces of oil can be washed off with regular soap.

After soaking the dirt in oil, it is washed off with Fairy. The resin comes off easily from the fabric. The liquid product also removes greasy traces left behind by vegetable oil.

  • Acetone cleans a little worse. The liquid is applied to a sponge or cloth and rubbed onto the dirty area. The advantage of this method is that acetone will not leave streaks like vegetable oil.
  • Gasoline will do the job. Only special gasoline that is free of impurities is suitable. It is sold in specialized stores. If you use a car one, it will ruin the item in minutes. The fabric will stretch and change color. A hole may appear.
  • A few drops of ammonia are mixed with the same amount of turpentine, and a pinch of starch is added. The resulting mixture is applied to the area of ​​contamination and left until completely dry. Afterwards, the surface is scrubbed with a stiff brush.

Important! If after this procedure the stain is not completely removed, you should repeat it again. It won't harm the fabric.

  • You can use a stain remover. The algorithm of actions is usual: it is kept on the fabric, then washed off and the item is washed in a machine. This method does not give an ideal result. The resin is firmly embedded in the fibers. It can only be used if the stain is small and fresh.
  • Milk has a softening effect. The area of ​​contamination is placed in milk for several hours. This is necessary so that the fabric fibers are separated from the resin. After this, the item is washed with laundry soap.
  • Another effective way- ether. The area of ​​contamination is moistened with it and soaked. You need to scrub for a few minutes with a rough brush. This is followed by regular washing using powder.

  • It is not recommended to use acetone on thin materials. He is capable of damaging them.
  • By removing contamination, gasoline and solvent can ruin the item. They erase the paint, removing it from the fabric. It is worth trying these products on the inside of the item, where White spot it won't be so noticeable.
  • Any dirt is cleaned from the edge to the middle. This will avoid divorces.
  • Treatment with cleaning agents is carried out on the inside of the fabric. This way, the area of ​​contamination will be cleaned with the least harm to the appearance of the clothing.
  • If the area of ​​contamination is small, apply cleaning products with a cotton swab. This allows you to clean small areas without streaking.
  • Use bleach only on fabrics for which it is intended. You should carefully study the instructions.

Methods for removing stains are very diverse; any housewife can choose the one that suits her. The main rule is not to rush, carry out the procedure carefully in order to preserve the integrity of the material and the aesthetic appearance of the item.

Having learned about the variety of ways to remove tar stains from clothes, walking in the woods will not be a worry. You can find an approach to any stain by being smart. Resin tends to eat into fabric and harden into fibers, but there are many different ways to remove it.

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Resin stains on clothing are the most persistent, so it may seem that an item with such contamination is hopelessly damaged. However, it is not. Removing, removing, washing or washing resin from clothes is not an easy task, but it is quite doable. Using the means at hand, you can clean the fabric from any stain. The main thing is to follow a certain algorithm.

Types of resins

Resin is a plant or synthetic substance that normally has a solid structure. But under the influence of temperature, it begins to melt and becomes viscous, plastic, and can roll down surfaces. The substance has a complex composition and therefore can be difficult. There are several types:

  1. Plants are woody, for example, from linden or poplar, coniferous: thuja resin, pine, spruce.
  2. Synthetic - the most common: bitumen, which is used to cover roofs and repair highways.

Depending on the type of resin, different cleaning products are used in home dry cleaning.

What not to do with a stain

The most common mistake when washing resin from clothes is to try immediately on stained pants or a T-shirt. Under no circumstances should you do this. The mark not only does not wash off, but can also become firmly embedded in the fabric. An item can be hopelessly damaged, so the first rule is not to wash the item without pre-treatment.
The second rule is that you should not rub dirt on the fabric trying to remove it. You still won't be able to remove it, but it will be more difficult to clean later. Therefore, in order to give things a second life, it is better to abandon mechanical methods of influence.


To make the task easier, you must first remove the top layer of resin. It is advisable to do this after freezing. However, if the item is made of fabric that requires careful handling, it is not recommended to expose it to heat.

Place the soiled item in a plastic bag and place it in the freezer for several hours. You need to freeze your favorite shorts or sweater for at least 2 hours. During this time, the resin will harden and it will be easy to either scrape it off with a blunt object, such as a spoon or knife, or simply knead the place where the resin is stuck with your hands. The substance will crumble and can be easily removed.

If the item is large and does not fit into the freezer (for example, a down jacket), you can treat the area with resin with ice. The best way- wrap the piece in plastic and place it on the contaminated area of ​​​​the fabric. After some time, remove the cooled resin.
After the cooling procedure, it will be much easier to remove the mark from clothing. However, before finally getting rid of dirt, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation.


To protect an item from additional stains and stains, you need to perform a number of operations:

  1. Using a clean, dry brush or adhesive tape for clothing, remove all dirt and dust.
  2. If the product is lined, it must be carefully propped up and only the top layer of fabric must be processed.
  3. It is better to turn soiled clothes inside out - this way there is a better chance of not damaging the material.
  4. Under the area that will be treated, you need to place a flat, hard object, for example, a small board wrapped in clean cotton cloth.
  5. The area around the stain should be wetted along the contour and sprinkled with talcum powder or starch. This will prevent the stain from spreading further throughout the clothing.
  6. For dosed use of cleaning products, it is better to use a pipette and cotton swabs or disks.
  7. A very important rule is that processing should be done from the edges to the center. This will prevent the stain from spreading.

Various means

In order to get rid of traces of resin, you can use various available means. Let's look at the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Most often, various solvents are used at home: gasoline, alcohol, acetone. You need to take not regular automobile gasoline, but specially purified one. To reduce the harmful effects on the fabric, it must be mixed in a 1:1 ratio with planed baby soap. Apply the mixture to the stain with a pipette or cotton pad and leave for 1 hour. After the procedure, rinse the item in clean water. When using acetone, you need to saturate a cotton pad with it and treat the stain, wiping from the edges to the center until the stain completely disappears. Instead of acetone you can use cosmetic product for removing nail polish. If you use alcohol (medicinal, ammonia and formic alcohol are suitable), you can get rid of the stain quite quickly. It is believed that alcohol dissolves even old tar marks.
  2. Turpentine is another good stain remover. It works especially effectively in conjunction with alcohol. To clean, first soak the contaminated area with a cotton pad with turpentine and wait 30 minutes. Then soak another cotton swab in alcohol and wipe the stain until it disappears. When processing, do not forget that these products are quite odorous, so there should be good ventilation in the room. Washing in a machine with a good quality will help to completely wash off any remaining cleaning products and eliminate the smell. washing powder and air conditioning.
  3. Starch paste is easy to prepare and works well. To prepare, you need to mix 1 tsp. starch, and 4 drops each of turpentine and ammonia. Apply the mixture in a thick layer to the stain and let it dry. Then clean the treated area with a hard brush (for example, a toothbrush). If the procedure does not have the desired effect, it can be repeated.
  4. Wonderful folk remedy to remove resin traces - drinks with gas. Coca-Cola or Fanta are so aggressive that any stain, including resin, will disappear from an item soaked in it for 3-4 hours. You can lightly rub the item directly in this drink, and then wash it as usual.
  5. To remove tar stains from jackets or other leather clothing, it is good to use olive and sunflower oil. The contaminated area is wiped with a soaked swab until the desired result is achieved. So that it doesn't remain on the skin greasy stains, it is treated with alcohol and dried with a clean cloth.
  6. To remove resin stains, use household cleaners - stain removers or bleaches. They are applied directly to the stain and wait for the result.
  7. High temperature is one of the most popular methods. Using an iron, you can quickly remove even a large stain, for example from trousers or jeans. For the procedure, lay the item on an ironing board and place unnecessary fabric on top and bottom of the stain. Iron with a heated iron and, as the material becomes dirty, change it to a clean one. When exposed to heat, the resin will melt and be absorbed into the supporting flap. After the contamination has completely disappeared, it is recommended to wash the item as usual.