Budget wedding

  • What associations do you have when you hear the word “wedding”? A luxurious banquet with a huge number of guests, a magnificent (read: expensive) bride’s dress, an equally representative groom’s suit, a fabulous carriage and other pleasant, but expensive joys? Some newlyweds go into debt to organize everything “to the highest standard”; others ask parents to “sponsor” an event by forcing them to borrow money from someone. But the issue can be resolved easily and simply by making individual items of wedding costs cheaper.

How to have a wedding inexpensively but beautifully?

Has this situation ever happened to you: gala event the event to which you are invited is organized in an expensive restaurant; the budget is clearly unlimited, and boredom never leaves the majority of guests, counting the minutes until the moment when it is proper to bow out and leave the holiday? A cheap wedding in the understanding of many is a canteen on the outskirts of the city, simple outfits “a la local market”, a minimum of guests, not the most best menu banquet Let's try to dispel such misconceptions.

The soul invested in organizing the wedding, the imagination of the newlyweds-organizers, the desire of relatives and friends to provide all possible assistance in preparation are the main conditions for a memorable ceremony. Analyze your expected wedding expenses. Make a business plan for a cheap and a more expensive option. Organizing a celebration by contacting the specialists of an event agency will be much more expensive than planning a wedding yourself.

Another savings item will be the choice of a suitable wedding theme: the rustic rustic style is at the top of its popularity. Organizing a celebration on the cheap will require a lot of work, but the effort is worth it. A buffet in nature is an exciting event; Choose bridal outfits based on the wedding theme; make your own wedding bouquets and decorations; think over the holiday scenario.

For active newlyweds, going out into nature instead of a traditional banquet will help both “keep up appearances” at the registry office and give freedom, the opportunity to fool around and spend time as you want after that. The cost of renting a minibus for guests will be less than booking a restaurant or hiring a catering company. Offer to help your mothers, sisters, and friends with dishes for the wedding. Men can handle meat with dignity. Bring photos and video equipment to capture unforgettable moments of a romantic holiday.

Choosing a venue for the celebration

To have a cheap wedding, decide on the location of the ceremony:

  • Restaurant or cafe. Please pay attention to the following points:
  1. Location. As a rule, popular establishments are located in the city center. Prices for banquets, weddings, and the cost of food are not small. The distance of the cafe from the central part of the city plays into the hands of newlyweds who prefer to have an inexpensive but high-quality banquet.?
  2. "Name" of the restaurant for the wedding. Promoted, well-known cafes are not averse to including part of the “popularity” in the cost of service. To save money, don’t be lazy to find a new, recently opened establishment. They can often offer discounts to attract customers.
  3. Pre order. Once you have decided on the location for your cheap wedding, book the banquet in advance. Draw up an agreement indicating prices for wedding menu dishes.
  4. Conditions for the wedding. Most modern cafes and restaurants offer live music and animators. If desired, discuss the cost of the musicians’ services with the administrator by including the clause in the contract. Such a service will cost less than hiring third-party artists for a wedding.
  5. Holiday period. The end of autumn, winter and beginning of spring are traditionally the “low season” for the restaurant business. If you are planning a wedding during this period, bonuses, promotions and discounts await you.

  • Country house, dacha. Ask your friends and acquaintances if they would agree to provide a country house at the disposal of the newlyweds to have a cheap wedding. If you have such an opportunity, feel free to grab the offer: fresh air, inexpensive food, alcohol, savings on decor, rent and other pleasures outweigh any concerns.

  • Banquet hall of the registry office. Have you decided to go on a honeymoon after the ceremonial painting? Order a mini-buffet in the banquet hall of the registry office - please your family and friends by organizing an inexpensive wedding.

Invite a small number of guests

A large number of wedding guests entails additional costs. But often some people are invited “because it’s customary”: bosses, distant relatives, “necessary” acquaintances. If you want to make the wedding cheaper, discuss with your future spouse a narrow circle of guests, inviting your closest and dearest people whom you are always welcome to attend.

Reduce costs on newlyweds' outfits

Choose a bride's dress to rent - this will make this part of the wedding business plan cheaper. Another economical, but risky option would be to order the newlywed’s outfit through online stores: both foreign and domestic. In this case, opt for the model that you previously tried on in the wedding salon.

The savings will be so significant that some of the waiting time for your order will fly by. When choosing a suit for the groom, choose one in which your beloved spouse will later appear on holidays or go to work. The wealth of offers of high-quality, but cheaper shoes provides the opportunity to choose shoes that will be useful to you in the future.

Decorate the car and banquet hall yourself

When ordering a wedding car, be prepared to spend money on renting it: decorations, rental time and downtime are not cheap. Would you like to organize a cheaper version of the bridal procession? Contact your family, friends or acquaintances with a request to “provide” a car at your disposal for your wedding day. Think through the decor in advance, make or purchase decorations.

Invite your girlfriends and relatives to decorate banquet hall. To ensure that the decor of the ceremony room matches the theme of the wedding, think in advance general style, what accessories and materials you will need. Use inexpensive tinsel balloons, garlands of flowers to decorate the hall. This will make an ordinary wedding venue look amazing.

How to cut costs on wedding services

What other wedding expenses can you cut? A cheaper option would be: a good camera in the hands of a relative, hair, makeup and manicure done with your own hands, a wedding bouquet of seasonal flowers; host of the holiday from among friends or relatives. If you'd rather go to the experts, let's find out how to save on these costs.

Saving on a wedding photographer

Famous and popular photographers are an expensive proposition. Try contacting a young, unpromoted photographer. The cost of his work will be significantly lower. Alternatively, consider paying an hourly rate for photo sessions during your wedding ceremony and wedding walk. Do interesting photos During the banquet, ask your family and friends.

Bride's hair and makeup

To look like a fairy-tale princess, the bride does not have to turn to a popular makeup artist. Talk to your friends, perhaps some of them use the services of masters at home, which will make them cheaper for you. Have you decided to try it yourself? Select the pre-wedding hairstyle you want to do on your big day.

Simple hairstyles for weddings are now at the peak of popularity. Additional information will help you with your holiday hairstyle: step by step photos. A delicate French manicure will decorate the bride’s hands, emphasizing her elegant taste and style. Neat, sophisticated makeup using your own cosmetics will make this cost item cheaper.

Bridal bouquet and wedding floristry

Order an elegant, sophisticated bridal bouquet from seasonal flowers, cheaper in relation to exotic plants, worth fabulous money. For a rustic wedding, making a tousled bouquet of wildflowers is easy. Perhaps there is a garden plot where your family grows flowers. They will become a magnificent decor for decorating a banquet or wedding venue.

Entertainment program

The high cost of toastmaster services is often the reason newlyweds refuse the host. Don’t be upset, contact the administrator of the cafe where you are organizing the celebration: young, novice animators will be happy to fulfill this role. Children's performances will help make the wedding cheaper, but no less interesting, fun competitions independently organized.

Any savings has its limits. If there are not enough financial resources to organize a wedding, it is better to choose a non-celebratory registration at the registry office, inviting parents from both sides, and go on an inexpensive honeymoon. Are you firmly convinced of the need for a holiday? Please note what it is not recommended to save on:

  • Wedding menu. If you have invited guests, make sure they are not hungry. Monitor the quality of the products. Cheap alcoholic drinks and poor-quality food are the causes of poisoning and poor health.
  • Dresses of the bride and groom. Choose a dress, suit for a wedding, as well as shoes, so that you feel comfortable and comfortable throughout the whole day. Very cheap fabrics and uncomfortable lasts will ruin your mood.
  • Have you volunteered to decorate the banquet hall yourself? Take care of the quality of decorative elements and their compatibility with the style of the ceremony. There is no way to decorate tables and rooms with fresh flowers? It is better to refuse this type of decoration than to give preference to cheap artificial flowers.
  • Wedding photographer. Check out the works of a young, unknown specialist. If you want to make a high-quality wedding photo shoot, invite a master for a couple of hours of wedding walk and ceremonial painting.

So you want a wedding, but you don't want to spend a lot of money on it. But you want everything to be beautiful and modern. Excellent))) Your wishes can be fulfilled - contrary to popular belief, nice wedding may be inexpensive. Just get to know us first best friends all thrifty couples. These are eight principles that help make a budget wedding not a cheap binge, but a worthy celebration.

1. Creative

Your number one friend. Moreover, I’m talking not only and not so much about creativity in the decoration of the celebration. First of all, you need to expand the scope of your own ideas about a wedding and understand that this is not a set of “required elements”. Any part of the wedding can be modified, or even replaced with something else. Instead of a crowd of guests - just the two of you. Instead of a six-hour banquet there is a buffet. Instead of a vulgar toastmaster - a quest. Instead of renting a cafe, have an open-air picnic. Fantasize, invent, think more broadly: let the very approach to the celebration, to the holiday scenario, be unusual. And the point is not only in originality, but in the fact that this way you can save a lot of money!

2. Time

As you know, time is money. Money saved by you. Do you want a beautiful and inexpensive wedding? Allow at least six months for preparation. Firstly, you will need a lot of time to find good and not exorbitantly expensive contractors. They exist, but they are not on the first lines on wedding portals and in searches. To find them, you will have to ask your friends carefully and scour the Internet. Secondly, most contractors offer pleasant discounts for early booking (from six months before the scheduled date). It is especially profitable to make a reservation for the next year (for example, in November-December of the current year) - then the seasonal price increase, which is 10-20%, will not affect you. Thirdly, time is needed for careful planning and thinking through the wedding concept - in your case this is especially true.

3. Season

How many times have they told the world: if you want to save money, don’t have a wedding in the summer, but have one. Autumn and spring are also options. The fewer people who want to hold a celebration in a given month, the more loyal the contractors are, the lower the prices, the more discounts and special offers there are. And the standard bride’s “horror stories” like “it’s very cold in winter,” “rain in autumn,” “slush in spring” are far-fetched problems, to put it mildly. In the summer, nothing will protect you either from a sudden thunderstorm or from the +40 heat - unless, of course, you think about it in advance. As well as about the difficulties of all other seasons and how to get around them.

4. Connections

The saying “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends” remains relevant. Friends who recently got married, acquaintances on social networks, and finally, parents probably have a lot of valuable acquaintances for you. “Through friendship” you can get a good discount on any service, find cool and not yet promoted (read: inexpensive) specialists. Most of the fabulous brides' stories about a brilliant photographer/decorator/anyone at the wedding for a ridiculous amount of money come from useful contacts. Don’t be shy to ask, look for mutual friends - this is a sure way to save money without losing anything in quality.

5. Prioritization

Once you decide to save, you need to determine where. Otherwise, your head will spin from the huge number of wedding proposals and possibilities, and half of the budget will be spent on completely unnecessary things. Make a list of what is really IMPORTANT to you at your wedding and what doesn't matter at all. Let these be abstract categories: imagine an ideal picture of a wedding in your head, feel its atmosphere, and then describe it.

For example:

Beautiful photos
My fiancé and I are beautiful
To make it fun
To have something crazy)))

Doesn't matter:

When you choose wedding services and things, make a plan for the day, check the list of priorities. Nice photos? This means you can’t do without a good photographer and well-thought-out places for a photo shoot. Do you want to be beautiful yourself? Then your priority is a good stylist, not the hairdresser closest to your home. Are guests important? A wedding for two is excluded. Fun? This means a well-thought-out wedding program and/or a worthy host. The same goes for the “unnecessary” list. Do you care about tradition? There is no need to spend money on loaves, garters, glasses and locks. Is riding not a priority for you? This means that you don’t need to rent premium cars with limousines. Do you consider the registry office a Soviet relic? Outdoor ceremony for you. By the way, it can be made an element of “something crazy”: for example, held on the roof or in any other unexpected place.
Everything that is not included in the lists falls into the middle category: it may or may not exist. The budget should be distributed primarily in favor of the “wish list”, and for everything else - on a residual basis. For example, decor is not included in the list of priorities, which means you can limit yourself to the minimum: compositions for tables + a simple arch for on-site registration. But the sweet table - although beautiful, is an obvious luxury that you don’t need. This is a huge plus of the priority list: it will be much more difficult to sell you unnecessary goods and services. And they will do this at every step, believe me. However, avoid the temptation to save on your priority items! In everything regarding the first list, quality should be at the forefront, and only then money.

6. Thoughtful guest list

A wedding for 50 or more people is definitely not your case. Because a large-scale celebration requires large-scale finances. Golden rule economical wedding: the fewer guests, the better. Think about, or only for immediate family. Such a celebration is no worse than the usual giant party. And in many ways it’s even better: you will be sure that next to you exactly those people who will share your joy with all their hearts will be sincerely happy for you. Be thoughtful when compiling your guest list: let it only be really close relatives and friends with whom you communicate regularly, and not just friends, colleagues and former classmates with whom you see once a year. Put aside thoughts on the topic “well, they invited me to a wedding, it’s inconvenient,” “they’ll suddenly be offended,” etc. A wedding is entirely your personal matter; you don’t have to involve anyone in it at all. And if you decide to share your holiday with someone, let them not be random people.

7. Skillful hands

Handmade is another one of your main friends. A beautiful wedding should be beautifully decorated, but here’s the problem: good decor is expensive. (We don’t take balloons, fabric wrappings and other collective farm things into account - none of this has anything to do with a stylish wedding). But you can do a lot for a wedding: accessories (from pillows for rings to gifts for guests), runners and napkins for tables, vases for central compositions, even an arch for an outdoor ceremony! And the cost of your labor will be several times cheaper than hiring a professional decorator. Consumables will be inexpensive, and creativity can be done jointly: involve girlfriends, parents and fiancé. And if you also find a florist who will decorate the banquet tables with floral arrangements, you will get chic decor for little money.

8. Careful planning

The basis of any perfect wedding. Carefully plan expenses, time for preparation, the day of celebration itself - then the wedding will not cost you as much as brides who prepare “at random” (and spend a lot of extra money on their own mistakes). And how to plan a wedding competently and correctly - I tell you in the book “Wedding Step by Step”, you just have to read)))

A wedding is a very expensive holiday. But even if you don't have a lot of money (or the desire to spend it), this is not a reason to refuse a wedding. After all, this day cannot be repeated.

But we know how to organize a wedding inexpensively on your own, we have collected interesting and simple ideas for a cheap wedding.


It’s no secret that it is the banquet that “most often” eats most of budget. This means that cutting costs will provide the most significant savings - which is what is required to organize an inexpensive wedding.

How to save money on a wedding banquet?

Great idea for modest wedding- arrange a buffet instead of a banquet. This holiday option will be especially appropriate if the newlyweds are leaving for their honeymoon on the wedding day.

Even simpler is to shift the start time of the holiday. The later the start, the shorter the banquet and the less food and drinks needed. Plus, a shorter restaurant rental period is a great idea for an economy wedding.

Choose your restaurant carefully. Everyone has different conditions, but it is quite possible to find a decent place with reasonable prices. Try to find a restaurant that allows you to bring your own drinks, food, fruit, and cake. The cost of the banquet can be reduced by 30-50% in this way.


The easiest way to significantly reduce the cost of wedding transportation is to avoid using a limousine. The money you spend on it will be used for more important purposes if you are looking for how to plan an inexpensive wedding.

Think over your travel plan and delivery of guests to the holiday in advance. It is advisable to choose the shortest and most convenient route.

Perhaps your guests will agree to come on their own. You can rent a minibus/bus and get everyone to your destination together. Either a car for the newlyweds and a minibus for guests.


How to organize a budget but fun wedding?

You should not refuse a wedding officiant if you are inviting more than 10 guests. Someone must lead them, cheer them up and entertain them.

How to save money on a wedding officiant?

The same trick as with the banquet: shift the celebration to the evening and invite the host for fewer hours.

Photo and video

Under no circumstances should you skimp on the services of a wedding photographer, even if you are planning the most budget wedding.

Wedding photos will remain forever, and low-quality, boring photos will only spoil pleasant memories.

We wish you pleasant preparations and finding suitable ideas for an inexpensive wedding!

You can use our advice or contact professionals -

During a crisis, many newlyweds have a question: “How to organize a cheap, but at the same time beautiful wedding?. Some even, not finding an answer to this question, refuse the celebration itself, and simply sign at the registry office, or think about the question: “Is it worth taking out a loan for a wedding?” But in vain, because there are many interesting ideas for organizing a budget celebration, which the Svadebka.ws portal will tell you about.

Advice: when starting to prepare for a budget wedding, set your priorities correctly by thinking about what is really important to you and what you can do without and save significantly. Make a list and strictly follow it!

Celebration format: how to have a budget wedding?

A grand celebration with a banquet on large number guests will require a lot of financial investment, or the following wedding options:

Wedding banquet and menu

The banquet is the main expense for a wedding. Therefore, if you save on it, you can spend the money on other things, making the budget celebration more interesting and original. How to rationalize spending on the menu and the banquet itself?

  • The first and most important advice is to invite only close relatives and friends to the wedding, and not a distant aunt whom you have not seen for a hundred years.
  • Look for a venue for your celebration where you are allowed to bring your own alcohol, food and fruit. This way you will save significantly on the menu without sacrificing the richness of the festive table.
  • Include simple and hearty dishes, which will quickly satisfy the hunger of guests. When purchasing food for a wedding, give preference to budget vegetables and fruits in accordance with the seasons: in the summer, buy cucumbers, tomatoes, cherries, strawberries, early pears and apples; in autumn - apples and pears, persimmons, etc.
  • Compare prices for wedding cake, ordered in a restaurant and pastry shop (institutions often increase prices). It might even make sense to ditch the traditional cake in favor of a trendy cupcake or macaron stand, especially if you're planning a celebration with a small number of guests.

General rule of saving: Reduce the number of hours for the banquet. This way you will not only benefit from renting a hall, but also from the services of a presenter.

The image of the newlyweds

In no case should you fanatically skimp on the details of your wedding look, because it’s your day, which means you should look simply stunning. But still, there are a couple of tricks that will help you create a stylish and effective holiday look without spending a lot of money:

What should you not save on? On hair and makeup, because on your wedding day you should look perfect! Therefore, it is better to give preference, if not to famous beauty specialists, then at least to professionals with good reviews.

Wedding cars

If you don’t dream of arriving at the restaurant in an expensive limousine, then you can easily save on a wedding cortege:

  • Rent a car without a driver, who can be one of your friends.
  • For guests, rent a minibus, which will cost much less than individual cars. You can even invite them to come directly to the banquet hall themselves or ask their friends in their own cars to take their walking guests with them.

Wedding specialists

It is clear that each celebration is individual, but in any case you should not skimp on the host and photographer - these are the two pillars on which a successful celebration “rests”. Without a host, your wedding will turn into a banal feast, and without a photographer, you will only have amateur, most often unsuccessful, shots as a souvenir! Therefore, you should plan your wedding budget in such a way that it necessarily includes these expense items.

But you shouldn’t pay exorbitant amounts of money for a name; look for specialists in positive feedback. In addition, you can turn to talented beginners who can work a wedding just as well as professionals thanks to their creativity and desire to earn an excellent reputation.

Regarding video shooting, think about how often you will watch the video from the celebration. Maybe just a photo or a short recording of the wedding painting will be enough for you. But you can do without different kinds of artists, especially if you find a presenter with a good voice! A couple of songs from him will diversify the wedding banquet. Or, if one of your guests is involved in vocals or choreography, you can ask them to prepare a creative number for the wedding.

Wedding accessories

You can order many accessories and small items for a budget wedding online; it will be much cheaper than buying in expensive salons. Or you can do them yourself with the help of simple and exciting master classes, which are available both on our website and on the Internet. In addition, in handicraft stores you can find special kits for creating various kinds of accessories. What you shouldn't skimp on is rings, because you'll be wearing them for the rest of your life!

How to organize an inexpensive wedding? The celebration associated with marriage is traditionally celebrated in luxury. However, some couples prefer to save money on the holiday.

This may be due to the fact that the newlyweds want to save money that they could spend on celebrating, to travel during their honeymoon. Some people simply cannot afford a big-budget holiday. But even with little expense, a wedding can be celebrated beautifully.

The savings that can be obtained by wisely changing the organization of a wedding can amount to several hundred thousand rubles. To achieve such impressive results, it is enough to reconsider the cost of some components. You can save on things from the following list:

  • live music;
  • renting a hall, replacing the restaurant with a country house or lawn for a picnic;
  • professional participants of the festival (toastmaster, organizer, etc.);
  • alcohol (you can’t take cheap brands - you should either limit yourself to a less expensive type of alcohol, like craft beer instead of wine, or give it up altogether);
  • wedding cake;
  • suits of the bride and groom;
  • motorcade;
  • decoration of the hall;
  • number of guests (invite only your closest ones, parents);
  • car decor.

Some things should not be touched - if you skimp on them, the holiday will be a failure. What elements of a wedding are “taboo” are described below.

Original wedding idea

The concept of the wedding celebration greatly influences the holiday budget. You can organize a wedding that will cost only 2-3 tens of thousands of rubles. The most important thing is to think about the location of the holiday.


  1. Cheap holiday in your own country house. In both winter and summer, you can have a good time at the dacha fresh air, organizing competitions, buffets and full meals. This option is ideal for a group of friends or family. Here you can even save on entertainment if you have a projector or a good TV in your house - this equipment can be used to create a home theater. Family holiday outdoors, where children are invited, usually goes without alcohol, which also allows you to save money. In general, you will have to spend no more than 50,000 rubles.
  2. Picnic in nature. This method of marking allows you to save not only money, but also time. A modest picnic can seem unforgettable if you tie it to something - for example, use food, clothes, movies in the style of the 60s. Since the celebration in nature is short (guests simply cannot stay in the fresh air for a long time without amenities), the costs are very small - 20-30 thousand rubles, and if about 10 people are invited, then you can lower the bar to 15 thousand.
  3. The event will take place in a small cinema, where the hall will be rented exclusively for the wedding celebration. Particularly impressive will be the independent choice of an open-air cinema or a night cinema. The cost reduction lies in the fact that you can forget about all the traditional attributes of a wedding - the toastmaster, the organizer, the banquet hall, even the motorcade. You can make homemade snacks in advance and limit the menu to invited friends. You almost don’t have to think about entertainment - you can watch 1-2 films dedicated to the theme of the wedding or to the favorite genre of films of the newlyweds. Particularly interesting are nightly programs in honor of certain directors - for example, the night of Hayao Miyazaki or Quentin Tarantino. Renting the hall will cost about 20 thousand rubles, snacks - no more than 10.

Wedding planning should be done at least a month before the celebration, otherwise, due to the rush, you can forget about many ways to save money. If you delay preparations, you may need agency help at the last minute, which will increase the cost of funds.

Should you hire a wedding planner?

If the wedding is inexpensive, this most often means that there are few guests, and the location of the celebration, the decoration of the hall, and the entertainment are simple and do not require much effort during the organization. All these items can be prepared by the newlyweds and their parents themselves, which will allow them to avoid spending money on the cost of wedding planner services. Savings – up to 15 thousand rubles.

How can I create beautiful holiday without using professional services? You just need to distribute responsibilities between future couple, partially – between guests (if they don’t mind).

There will be a minimum of problems if all actions are performed step by step, without haste.

Here is a general step-by-step plan that will help you prepare your wedding yourself:

  1. Choose a wedding theme and limit your budget. Select the elements of the celebration (costumes, decor, restaurant) in accordance with your budget. Below are the rules for selecting inexpensive wedding elements.
  2. Keep the decor and wedding food simple. It is better to decorate the hall yourself or together with friends, and leave the preparation of dishes entirely to the cafe staff (or order ready-made dishes for a picnic or to the cinema - depending on the location of the celebration).
  3. First, develop a general schedule for the day (registration at the registry office, then a buffet, then a banquet hall and a walk), only then add details.
  4. Be sure to think through several options entertainment program. It is better if the classes are “with reserve” - in case the guests don’t like something and have to replace the game or competition.
  5. Involve adult relatives who already have experience in holding a wedding in the organization. They will give valuable advice and can take control of the preparation time.

If both husband and wife are always bad at planning events, you can ask a friend to help with the planning for a small fee.

How to choose a restaurant

Where can I find a good but inexpensive cafe for a celebration? There are several tricks that will help you save:

  1. Make your own snacks instead of ordering them from a restaurant. Savings up to 5 thousand.
  2. Go to an establishment outside big city, in the suburbs. Prices there are on average 30% lower.
  3. Rent not the entire hall, but only individual tables.
  4. Negotiate with the restaurant a discount in exchange for free photos for the company website, on good recommendations etc.

You can even abandon the restaurant altogether (this was discussed above).

Inexpensive wedding dress – where and how to choose

A wedding dress is one of the most expensive parts of the entire celebration. A new outfit, tailored according to the fashion of the latest season, can cost several hundred thousand rubles. Typically the cost ranges from 50 to 100 thousand rubles.

Options for saving on a dress without compromising your appearance:

  1. Wear a family heirloom. In some families wedding dresses passed on from generation to generation. This option is only suitable if the fabric is of high quality and the outfit has not deteriorated over time. If you take a family dress, you can do without any expenses at all, but in some cases you will have to alter the outfit to the size of the new owner. This will cost several thousand rubles.
  2. Rent a dress. Price for half a day - from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles. Compared to an expensive dress, this is a savings of almost 10-20 times.
  3. Buy clothes in a regular store. Not all weddings should be held in a strict traditional style. Often it is enough to put on colored dress good cut, which differs from the usual only in accessories.
  4. Buy clothes at a discount. Bridal salons sell old collections at a special price. Price reductions can be up to 50%.

The simplest and least expensive option is to simply introduce a non-traditional dress code so that the bride can come to the holiday in a looser outfit.

How to inexpensively do a bride's hair and makeup (tips)

You can reduce the cost of makeup by doing it yourself or asking a friend. Nowadays, many girls know how to do excellent makeup on their own.

But you will have to allocate funds to purchase expensive cosmetics - cheap ones will be noticeable even with skillful application.

It is almost impossible to create a complex wedding hairstyle for little money. A girl can simply loosen and style her hair in a standard salon, and then decorate it with a wreath.

If you still want to get an interesting composition, you can ask your familiar stylists for help or try to do your hair yourself, following the instructions in the video tutorials.

How to decorate a hall and cars at minimal cost

Decorations for cars should be prepared by yourself. There are inexpensive traditional types of jewelry:

  • you can make natural wreaths with woven ribbons yourself using plants from your garden plot;
  • Rag dolls are often attached to the bumper of a car - there are no costs at all, since many people still have rag toys from childhood;
  • good decoration option balloons, which will cost about 10 rubles. per piece, but they always look great thanks to the bright color.

If the husband and wife have friends in the printing industry, you can ask them to print temporary stickers for vehicles.

Decorating the hall is a more difficult task. The following budget elements can be used:

  1. Balloons. If you have the skill, the balls can not only be attached to the arches and left near the ceiling, but also arranged into entire compositions depicting the rings of the newlyweds or a swan (a symbol of love). The easiest option is to purchase a large number of balloons in “expensive” colors (white, cream, gold) and fill them with helium.
  2. Flowers from your own garden. If the bride or groom has their own summer cottage, and the wedding time is summer or early autumn, you can cut flowers from your own property to decorate columns and tables. Some inflorescences, such as hydrangea, are dried, others should be cut right on the day before the holiday. To prevent the flowers from wilting, you should prepare small baths of water for them, which can be hidden in the overall composition.
  3. Candles. You can buy many candles for up to 1000 rubles. They will give the holiday a traditional atmosphere, especially decorating the hall at night. To make candles look even more impressive, you should use beautiful candlesticks or lanterns. Buying them yourself is expensive. It is better to inquire in advance if the restaurant establishment has such props in its pantry. Restaurants often stock this kind things for decoration at banquets.

How to save money on the services of a toastmaster, musicians, photographer, videographers - ideas

It is better to abandon the toastmaster and musicians. The couple's relatives can host the entertainment program, and a music playlist that switches automatically is even more convenient than live music. Savings – up to 50,000 rubles.

But what about the photographer and videographer? You can choose from the following options:

  1. Call a photographer you know. If you know someone, they can give you a discount.
  2. Combine the cameraman and photographer in one person. Saving 1.5 times.
  3. Find aspiring photographers online who are building their portfolio. They are often willing to conduct photo sessions for a nominal fee or even for free, but in exchange for good recommendations.
  4. Install the video equipment on a tripod and turn it on for the entire duration of the celebration. So you can refuse the videographer.

It is better not to ask friends who have no experience in photography to photograph.

Cortege for an inexpensive wedding

Are you sure you need a limousine? Perhaps the cortege can be removed from the list of items required for the wedding. This will significantly save money.

If the tuple still seems mandatory to you, you can choose budget option. You should choose cars from car sharing organizations. This is a car rental for an hour.

Calculate exactly how much time you will need to transport your guests. After this time, deliver the cars back to the company with your friends. The savings come from the fact that wedding agencies often rent out a car for the whole day and add a large markup.

Another inexpensive option is to use a relative or friend's car.

If the number of guests is small, you can limit yourself to 1-2 cars. It’s easy to get this amount of transport by simply asking your friends.

If there are a lot of guests, you can order a minibus. Simple, no-frills transport, which is intended only for transportation, costs about 2,000 thousand rubles per hour. But you can also use the service of a mobile party - rent a bus, inside of which everything is equipped for dancing, making cocktails, etc.

Cost - about 10 thousand. This is 2.5 times less than the cost of a holiday limousine, while the capacity is greater, and the interior is spacious and there is an opportunity to have fun along the way.

What you can't save on

Most wedding paraphernalia can be removed and made less expensive to save money properly. But the question arises: “Which moments must be left traditional and dear?” Not every way to reduce spending is right.

It's best not to try to squeeze additional savings out of the following:

  1. Bride's makeup. Let better image The girl will be prepared by a master, but she will look impressive and will amaze everyone with her beauty. If attention is not focused on the future wife, we can assume that the holiday was a failure.
  2. Taste of festive dishes and timely ordering of a table. You can limit the number of different food options and replace main courses with appetizers for the buffet table. But the main component of the dishes, the taste, cannot be deteriorated, otherwise the guests will literally be left with a taste of cheapness. It is better to spend money on individual dishes (cake, meat compositions), but you can save on snacks.
  3. Cake. You can reduce its size several times, but if you start saving completely on it, both the guests and the newlyweds themselves will be unhappy. It is better to find out the address of the nearest expensive pastry shop and order a small cake with a minimum of decor, which is suitable for a family celebration. You shouldn’t bake the product yourself if you don’t have the skills, or buy regular store-bought options.
  4. Rings. When proposing marriage, it is important to understand that changing rings after the wedding is a bad omen.Therefore, it is better to try and be able to buy expensive jewelry than to change it after the wedding. If you change the rings, then the young couple, according to popular beliefs, will have to face troubles.
  5. Working on the groom's style. You should at least find a decent suit to rent if you don’t have a business jacket and trousers in your wardrobe. If you forget about appearance groom, he will be overshadowed by male guests.
  6. Bride's hairstyle. Here it is also better to trust the professionals.
  7. Photos and videos. It’s better to give a lot of money to a professional photographer to capture one of the most important days in the life of the newlyweds, than to see blurry, failed shots instead of ceremonial photos against the backdrop of the city and the wedding palace.

There's a lot in this video useful tips how to organize an inexpensive wedding:

Even a very inexpensive wedding can be the best day in the life of the newlyweds. After all, the main thing is not the amount of money invested, but the quality of the entertainment program, the friendly atmosphere and the originality of the celebration. Have you come across examples of successful low-cost weddings in your life? Surely yes.