A cool organizer to lift your spirits. Do-it-yourself good mood organizer: creating a pleasant surprise. What to prepare in advance

Is it possible to influence your mood? Of course! It's easy to ruin, but it's also not that difficult to improve. And in order for mom, dad, beloved husband or girlfriend to instantly receive a portion of positive emotions, you can make a good mood organizer for them. It can not only be given as a gift, but also used to communicate important news.

You can give such a gift for any occasion - a birthday at 18, or a 50th anniversary; it is suitable for a man, a woman, and a child.

There are a lot of ideas for organizing an organizer. Of course, inside there should be a lot of trinkets, sweets and little things that the recipient will be happy with. You can add funny captions to the content. It is advisable to highlight one gift that is somewhat larger, for example, perfume or money. And you can’t do without pictures and photographs that will immediately make you smile. And it is desirable that the useful fillers be accompanied by pleasant ones, for example, sweet ones. Of course, the contents of the organizer will depend on what the organizer wants to fill it with, but we dare to offer a few ideas.

This gift is filled with various little things:

Preparation of materials

There are a lot of ideas, so you need to think about the theme of the gift and all the little things in advance. For such a joy organizer, you should carefully consider the content.

Take care to prepare pictures and photographs, as well as funny captions for them - after all, they are intended only to lift your spirits, no tears or sadness.

You will also need preparation:

  • Small gifts;
  • Candy;
  • Double-sided tape of different widths;
  • Silicone or PVA glue;
  • Thick paper for securing gifts;
  • Markers and felt-tip pens for bright inscriptions;
  • Folders in which the happiness sheets will be attached.

Making a good mood organizer

In fact, you don’t need super skills to make an original gift with your own hands. Its production consists of only two important steps:

  1. We decorate a folder that will be filled with gifts and wishes. Only imagination will help with this. And, of course, you should take into account the reason for which a good mood is given: a birthday, wedding anniversary or teacher's day. The cover can be colored bright colors to evoke good emotions, you can stick beads and ribbons on it, funny pictures and other decorations.
  2. We attach all the gifts to sheets of cardboard or paper. Each page can be devoted to a separate topic. Of course, we can’t forget about cool inscriptions. You can find them on the Internet, or you can come up with them yourself, because sometimes there are phrases that make two people smile and mean a lot to them. All poems and inscriptions can be printed, or you can write them beautifully with your own hand. There should be no free space on the pages: they should all be filled with gifts, inscriptions and drawings. For a boyfriend or husband, you can get a special gift for two. Here you can place your photos and piquant gifts.

Important! This gift is suitable not only for adults. Parents can help their children make it as a birthday gift. Of course, in this case the filling will be mostly sweet. The most important thing is to make the gift as bright and colorful as possible!

Of course, a good mood organizer made with your own hands for a specific person is a special gift. For stranger It won’t be possible to do this, because only close people know all their wishes and dreams. In addition, it can be an excellent alternative if you don’t have enough money for a solid present. Believe me, it will bring no less joy than an expensive gift! And so that you don’t have any problems with production, take advantage of the visual master class from the proposed video.

A gift is good not only because it is made with your own hands. Original idea plays an important role in what impression your surprise will make and how long it will be remembered. A book, a box, a key holder, a notebook in a designer cover, a bracelet with miniature sweets... All this has already been given as a gift, and more than once. It's time to move to another gift level.

Level 80 Giver

You can't forbid giving gifts. The main thing in this matter is not to be trivial and boring. Fortunately, the world has been swept by a wave of handmade products. The waters of the creative ocean fell upon us and flooded everyone with an incredible variety of ideas. Choose - I don’t want to. Mastery - I won’t. And when there are only a few days or hours left before the solemn date, a fever begins called “What to give?”

You need to be simpler, look at the world with irony and joyful expectation of a miracle.

A DIY good mood organizer is just the gift worth making and giving. Learn to do Original gifts not difficult. It's difficult to come up with ideas.

Ideas are in the air - catch them and do them

The idea is simple: several humorous and useful surprises will be collected in one folder or box. The contents of the gift must be related to the theme of the holiday and correspond to the age, gender, and interests of the recipient. Essentially, these are ordinary things presented in unusual packaging.

What is included in the contents of such organizers:

  • various little things and trinkets that will delight the recipient;
  • one useful gift(purse, perfume, money or something that will probably come in handy);
  • pictures to paste or photographs with a positive meaning.

It is clear that the main component is gifts. But simply attaching a chocolate bar, a bag of coffee, a marker and a handkerchief inside the folder is not enough. All little things need to be accompanied by funny phrases or wishes.

For example:

  • next to the coffee bags, attach a beautiful inscription “to maintain a working mood at night”;
  • near the package of paper handkerchiefs - “blotters of tears of happiness and tenderness”;
  • chocolate as an “endorphin dope”;
  • soap self made“for external cleansing”;
  • peppermint candies “for clarity of communication”;
  • a packet of hot seasoning “for a lack of spicy sensations”;
  • jump rope “to invigorate the body”;
  • crackers - “strategic stash”;
  • socks “to keep your feet warm.”

There are many options. And what exactly you fill your gift with depends on you, your imagination and the preferences of the recipient.

With packaging everything is much simpler. You will need the following:

  • folder A4;
  • colored cardboard;
  • satin ribbons of different colors;
  • double-sided tape or superglue
  • scissors.

Manufacturing stages

1. First, distribute the prepared gifts and pictures on colored cardboard. Give everyone their place; perhaps something will be superfluous. Or, conversely, there will be a lot of empty space left and you will have to look for additional surprises.

2. Make holes for the ribbons you will use to tie the gifts. Or carefully glue the ribbons with superglue.

3. Then glue the sheets of cardboard inside the folder.

4. Decorate the cover.

5. Distribute pictures and inscriptions.

6. Tie up gifts. You can glue them with double-sided tape for reliability.

7. Wrap everything in beautiful paper.

The gift is ready.

Such a wonderful day, such a wonderful me and... organizer

Don't hesitate, you will definitely like the surprise. Both the hero of the occasion and the guests will look at your creation with interest and admiration.

The uniqueness of such a wonderful solution is that you can choose the contents of the folder for any holiday, for any person. The only condition: the future lucky person must have a sense of humor.

Making such a surprise for a friend is the easiest way. Here you can literally put whatever comes into your head. From lace panties to trendy lipstick. Gift certificate or discount card. A face mask or a gym membership. Jewelry, cosmetics, vitamins, notebook, stockings, phone accessories. And most importantly - sweets.

But a present for your loved one will require a more serious approach from you. This does not mean that everything should be prim and strict. But you shouldn’t give socks or panties. Let a man buy such things for himself. You are his girlfriend, not his mommy. Men love sweets too. So put it in and don’t be afraid. There are sets of mini bottles with cognac. If your man smokes, you can buy a cigar or cigarillos with a good lighter. Focus on his hobbies and then you won’t go wrong with surprises.

A do-it-yourself good mood organizer is creative gift for all holidays.

To give a person moments of joy, you don’t have to spend large sums on buying store-bought gifts, but make them yourself. The main thing is to approach the matter with imagination and a dose of humor. Then the hero of the occasion will have pleasant impressions for a long time. We suggest making an organizer to create a good mood for every day with your own hands.

This homemade souvenir is a poster, binder, or book. Inside it there are various pleasant little things and cute notes that give you a good mood. When decorating such a surprise, the main thing is to take into account the interests of the person to whom you are giving it. Thanks to a creative approach, you can charge the person for whom the organizer is intended with positivity and good mood for a long time.

Learn how to make a good mood organizer with your own hands in a step-by-step lesson

What you will need:
  • the base on which gifts are attached;
  • original notes. You can come up with them yourself or download ready-made ones from the Internet;
  • stationery;
  • the gifts themselves. Some items can fit into any organizer, no matter who you give it to. These include sweets, hygiene products, money.

If you happen to congratulate your mother, sister or friend, we suggest making a unique souvenir. In addition to sweet gifts and notes with warm wishes, women will be delighted with a ticket to the theater or cinema.

  • binder folder;
  • variegated paper;
  • glue, tape, ruler, pencils;
  • ribbons;
  • notes printed on colored paper;
  • something that lifts your spirits.
Making a gift:
  1. We decorate the cover with colored paper. Depending on who you are giving the folder to, it can be very bright or, on the contrary, decorated in strict colors. Be sure to sign on the cover that this is a good mood organizer. You can also decorate the outside with beads, braid, and postcards.
  2. Make a background on each page and glue the gifts on double-sided tape. All small items must be signed.
  3. Between the souvenirs you need to carefully stick notes with warm wishes.

We offer several options for filling this funny gift.

  • chocolate, so that it provides happiness hormones;
  • a bag of coffee to always be in good shape;
  • a bag of tea for a fragrant drink in the evenings;
  • paper napkins blot away tears of happiness;
  • glue to make your friendship as strong as possible;
  • marker to make life bright;
  • peppermints to help you think fresh;
  • a small piece of soap for external cleansing;
  • a diary to remember all the details;
  • effervescent vitamins for good spirits;
  • photo album to collect happy moments.

You can supplement the organizer with your own unique souvenirs that will be understood only by you and the birthday girl.

Putting together a delicious and pleasant organizer for your loved one

In order to please your man and give him a lot of positive emotions, you don’t have to wait for an official date. Give a feeling of happiness here and now.

  • Whatman paper;
  • chocolate bars, juice, nuts, seeds;
  • stationery: glue, tape, colored pencils or paint.
We make a gift:
  1. We decorate a sheet of paper with paints or pencils.
  2. We come up with original congratulations. There are many edible products with original names. You just need to understand how to fit them into your congratulations in an original way.
  3. Glue the little things with glue or double-sided tape. We get a cute collage.

You can add to the folder what your significant other is interested in. A smoker will love a pack of expensive tobacco. The fisherman will be delighted with the set of hooks and lures. A car enthusiast can be given a fragrance. Many men are delighted with expensive office supplies. If you want to present money, then stick an envelope for it at the very end of the craft. In this case, the intrigue will remain until the last page of the gift.

Video on the topic of the article

Additional ideas for decorating such a funny gift can be found in the videos that we bring to your attention.

As a gift it will definitely surprise and delight. will be a pleasant surprise for any occasion. The components of such an organizer can be changed as desired. It all depends on your imagination and preferences of the person to whom it will be presented.

The base is a regular cardboard folder. The following were used as “fillers” for the organizer:

chocolate bar, tea bags, 2 different chocolate bars, multi-colored dragees, Activated carbon in tablets, soap, paper napkins, chewing gum and an envelope.

We also needed inscriptions and comments for each of the “fillers”. They just need to be printed and cut out.

In addition, you need white and orange adhesive paper and a heat gun.

Let's do good mood organizer.

We had a folder with a metal fastener, so it needs to be carefully removed. Measure pieces on sheets of adhesive paper to fit the size of the folder. Ours is 51 by 31 cm. Cut one piece from white paper, leaving an extra centimeter on each side. This is necessary so that you can bend the edges. Cut a piece of orange paper the size of a folder.

Then, very carefully, gradually peeling the base off the paper, stick the white sheet onto the inside of the folder. Cut the indentations that were left at the corners and fold them over to the front side. This way the cardboard edges will be hidden. Glue the orange paper to the outside.

Now you can glue the gifts. Before you finally fix them with a heat gun, you need to attach them the way you would like, to try them on in place. Each gift has a corresponding inscription. In our folder it looks like this:

To produce happiness hormones - a chocolate bar.

And a little more for complete happiness - a chocolate bar.

For external cleansing - soap.

For internal cleansing - activated carbon.

The alarm clock should be soft - tea bags.

Blotters for tears of happiness are paper napkins.

And this is a little “evil” that is always missing - an envelope with money.

For strong friendship - chewing gum.

Sweeter for two - Twix chocolate bar

Try the rainbow - M&M's jelly beans.

After fitting, stick everything on using a heat gun.

The largest list of gift ideas for a good mood organizer, as well as a master class how to make a good mood organizer with your own hands with photos. Such a gift can be made for almost any amount of money from 100 rubles. Originality and sparkle in the eyes of the recipient are guaranteed!

Ideas for a good mood organizer

  • Centimeter - to measure the volume of happiness
  • Anti-allergy tablets - to relieve allergies for happiness
  • Coffee Bags – A Mild But Energizing Alarm Clock
  • Balloon - Lightness
  • Soap bubbles - childlike spontaneity
  • Jump rope - vigor of body and spirit
  • Twix – a sweet couple or sweeter for two
  • Paper handkerchiefs - for blotting tears of happiness and joy
  • Soap – for a clean environment
  • Milky-way - pocket milky way
  • Chewing gum - For a fresh kiss
  • Denyushka - for fulfillment of desires
  • Activated carbon -In case of if the 5th point sticks together or for internal cleansing
  • Super glue - for strong friendship
  • Sweets – for the production of happiness hormones
  • Panties or a candle - for romance
  • Kinder Surprise
  • Pen - for writing dreams
  • MLDMS – colored joys or rainbow
  • Batteries – extra energy for shopping
  • Nail polish – beauty to the tips of your nails!
  • Socks – for the warmth of your feet and soul
  • Good juice - so that there is goodness outside and inside
  • Crackers - a stash in case of delay at work
  • Pepper or spices - spicy sensations
  • Photo frame – for capturing happy moments
  • Costume jewelry – best friends girls are diamonds.
  • Aspirin – for health or for prevention or a vitamin of happiness
  • Antiviral mask - for protection against germs and for greater mystery. Below are more details and photos.

How to make a good mood organizer

First of all, you will need a folder. Better thick, office one for documents on rings. But you can use a thinner one, just take into account its thickness so that it can close. It’s even better if it’s beautifully colored.

We cover the inside of the folder with colored paper. The joints can be hidden with satin or decorative ribbon. Don't forget to leave holes for the rings.

Glue the gifts using a glue gun.

We attach a heartfelt inscription to each gift.

We design the cover and side pages beautifully. We use ribbons, bows, buttons, and decorative elements.

Good mood organizer for your loved one.
A man will also be pleased to receive such a gift. Such male version of the organizer characterized by romanticism and original surprises. A good mood organizer is a great gift that you can easily make with your own hands. If you do good mood organizer for husband and loved one, then put in it, for example:

  • , for erotic massage performed by you, for example
  • your erotic photos. Here .
  • candle - for romance
  • blindfold - for sharp sensations
  • movie tickets
  • invitation to a restaurant.

If this is a gift for a man with a hobby, then you can add not only a set of razors, but also fish hooks or a car shine sponge, or a screwdriver. Consider the interests of this man.

Useful tips on how to make a good mood organizer with your own hands.

  • You can add a gift card as one of the surprises.
    Put some money in a beautiful envelope - if the gift seems insufficient to you.
  • In addition to gifts, you can place a file with professional jokes inside. You can place a photo frame on the back or one of the spreads.
  • Ideas for original captions for chocolates can be found in the article, which is done on whatman paper with your own hands.

Another creative gift for your loved one is .