Is it possible to do keratin hair straightening at home? Keratin hair straightening. Description, pros and cons of the procedure Undergoing keratin hair straightening procedure

However, experts and consumers have two opinions about this procedure. Study all the pros and cons of the technology, compare the effectiveness, benefits and harm to your curls before getting rid of them. You may be better served by gentler alternatives. And if you decide to go to the salon, then choose an experienced specialist with a good reputation.

The essence of the salon procedure

Keratin straightening is based on the fact that human hair is 90% keratin. A lack of this important protein leads to dryness, brittleness, split ends and other problems visible to the naked eye.

The introduction of keratin artificially makes the hair shaft denser and able to hold its shape. During the procedure, the master not only fills the strands with important protein, but also gives them the desired shape - smoothes and evens them out.

The effect does not last long - just long enough until the roots grow to the level where the styling loses its appearance. Thanks to the possibility of local application, only certain areas can be leveled. Most often, girls get rid of curly bangs.

The procedure lasts about two hours and includes:

  1. Cleaning strands of care and styling products using special deep cleaning shampoos.
  2. Natural and forced drying.
  3. Application of keratin straightening composition in two steps with a break of 40 minutes.
  4. Thorough drying with a hairdryer - it is important that no moisture remains at all.
  5. Straightening each strand with a professional straightening iron.
  6. Hair washing, drying.

After drying, the curls no longer need to be smoothed. They lay beautifully and remain smooth for several months.

  • Do not wash your hair for at least three days.
  • For four days (or better yet, more) do not visit the pool, sauna, bathhouse, beach and other similar places.
  • In the first days, do not use elastic bands or hairpins.
  • In the first two weeks, avoid dyeing.

Contraindications to keratin smoothing:

  • scalp diseases;
  • dandruff;
  • scratches, cuts, pimples;
  • local alopecia;
  • asthma;
  • allergic reactions.

Healthy hair – expectation and reality

During the straightening procedure, keratins, the special proteins that make up the hair, are literally soldered into the weakened hair shaft. As a result, split ends are “glued” together, hair scales are smoothed, and the strands become even, elastic, smooth and shiny.

However, the effect is short-lived, and the duration of the healing effect largely depends on the correctness of hair straightening with keratins and the quality of the keratin composition.

After several weeks, and sometimes even after the first wash, the hair loses that rich shine and elasticity that it had immediately after the procedure, and again begins to split and break off.

Some argue that after the keratins are completely washed out of the hair, their condition becomes many times worse than before keratinization. And so you have to repeat an expensive trip to the beauty salon again and again, or wait until your hair recovers naturally.

Another significant disadvantage is the content of carcinogenic formaldehyde in many keratin straightening products. Of course, after one single procedure you will not get cancer. But if you constantly expose yourself to a dangerous compound, then there is a risk.

There are formulations containing formaldehyde in very small quantities, in acceptable doses, and formulations that do not contain it at all, but their effectiveness, as a rule, is an order of magnitude lower than formaldehyde-containing ones.

Hair straightening with keratins at home

The cost of one session of hair straightening with keratins is quite high - this also cannot be considered an advantage. But for those who are on a budget, there are special products with keratins for home use.

The price of one bottle of this product is slightly higher than the cost of a procedure in a beauty salon, but it is enough for 10-12 applications, depending on the length of the hair, so the savings are significant.

Home straightening algorithm:

  1. Before keratinization, be sure to wash your hair at least twice with a special shampoo that contains keratins.
  2. Then lightly pat your hair dry with a towel and comb it. As a rule, after keratin shampoo, strands are quite easy to comb.
  3. Apply the straightening compound to damp hair, strand by strand, without missing anything, using a spray bottle.
  4. You need to hold it for a while, about 15-20 minutes is enough.
  5. Once the mixture is absorbed, thoroughly blow-dry your hair using a soft round brush. It is very important to dry completely, otherwise straightening your hair with keratins can cause a lot of damage.
  6. Next, separate a small strand, and, starting about 1 cm from the scalp, smooth your hair with a hot (450 degrees) iron.

After this stage, the strands acquire a unique shine and smoothness, since under the influence of high temperature the keratin actually fuses with each hair, giving it an ideal structure.

How to replace hair straightening with keratins

Weighing all the pros and cons, we can conclude that it is better to resort to hair straightening with keratins only as a last resort, when other means no longer help. And if the curls are a little frizzy and frizzy, then you can solve the problem in more gentle ways.

Now there are many products that perfectly moisturize, restore and protect hair without aggressive effects. It’s quite possible to straighten loose curls with an iron. If you don't have one, . When drying with a hairdryer, you can use a special comb-iron.

Be sure to apply conditioner or conditioner every time after washing with any caring shampoo. With such care, over time, the hair will stop splitting and breaking and will be smoother.

Curly-haired beauties, remember, girls with straight hair secretly envy you, be proud of what nature has awarded you - she very rarely makes mistakes.

Keratin straightening is the most modern complex for straightening and improving hair health. It has a natural composition (keratin, protein and other beneficial compounds), which has a beneficial effect on the hair structure. This is due to the fact that 75% of the components of hair are keratin. This technology essentially represents hair in liquid form.

The principle of action on hair

If you have tangled, porous, faded, difficult-to-style hair, this is due to the fact that it has lost its natural keratin due to mechanical damage (for example, a comb) and external negative influences - sun rays, sea water, etc.

In this case, the best medicine will be a keratin complex.

The principle of its operation is very simple.

It fills the empty space in the cortex (the main part of the hair) and the cuticle (their top layer), after which it is securely fixed by heat (using an iron).

The keratin molecule is very small in size. It freely penetrates the hairs, thereby improving them from the inside and protecting them. Therefore, after this cosmetic procedure, the hair acquires additional heaviness and elasticity, straightens and has a healthy shine.

IMPORTANT! Keratin complex is best done by trusted professionals. You should not give preference to low prices, since at a low cost low-quality materials are used, and, as a rule, they are less effective and the result lasts less time.

How to prepare for the procedure?

If you decide that you can’t do without this complex, then prepare for keratin straightening in advance, noting that:

  1. Recently dyed or tinted strands should not be straightened using this method;
  2. Before the procedure, you must wash your hair with a special shampoo for deep cleansing (this is done directly in the salon).

If you neglect the first condition, you risk losing the entire result of painting and tinting, since the keratin mixture and high temperature neutralize all the resulting color. Wait at least a week.

Step-by-step description of the process

Keratin straightening is performed in three stages:

  1. Cleansing. In order to completely remove dirt and sebum, the head is washed with a special shampoo. Afterwards the hair is dried by approximately 80%.
  2. Application of the complex. Then the keratin composition is applied as follows: the master steps back 1–2 cm from the roots, carefully coats each hair to the very ends and combs it with a comb. The head is left in this form for 30 - 40 minutes, after which it is additionally dried with a hairdryer, because even a little moisture can cause unwanted damage.
  3. Thermal impact. At the end, the master straightens the hair with an iron heated to approximately 230 degrees. This allows you to reliably fix the nutritional composition in the cortex and cuticle.

The duration of keratin straightening depends on the length, type, structure and degree of damage of the hair. On average, the procedure takes 2 – 4 hours.

Safety precautions

When performing a keratin hair treatment procedure The master must adhere to a number of rules to ensure safety:

  1. wear gloves when working;
  2. avoid contact of the composition with the skin and mucous membranes;
  3. stop keratin straightening if the client’s well-being worsens.

After care rules

Keratin straightening lasts from 2 to 4 months with proper care, which includes a gentle regimen for 72 hours after:

  1. Do not wet your hair or wash it under any circumstances;
  2. avoid rain and steam, as any exposure to moisture will cause significant harm;
  3. do not use any elastic bands, hairpins, etc.;
  4. do not twist your hair into flagella or braid it, as deformation leads to neutralization of the result.

After 3 days, you can wet your hair, but you should use only those shampoos and conditioners that do not contain sodium chlorides and sulfates. We advise you to purchase special products for subsequent care. You should also avoid coloring your hair for at least 2 weeks.

ON A NOTE! After the procedure, the hair can be curled, blow-dryed, curled, etc. In this case, styling products are almost never required. And by the way, lovers of saunas and baths can visit these places as much as they like.

Advantages, disadvantages and risks

Whether to do keratin straightening or not is up to you. However, remember that this is an innovative method that not only straightens your hair and makes it easier to style, but also heals it and returns your hair’s natural shine and strength!

Photo: keratin hair straightening at home

Women with curly and curly hair have to put a lot of effort into making their hairstyle look neat and attractive. Many of them strive to straighten unruly curls using special straightening irons and curling irons. But regular thermal exposure spoils hair, destroys its structure, makes it dry and lifeless. As an alternative, many beauty salons offer keratin hair straightening. After it, the hair looks well-groomed, smooth and shiny for a long time. But many representatives of the fair sex are embarrassed by the high cost of the procedure, so they are interested in whether it is possible to do keratin hair straightening at home? This is quite feasible, and the effect of the procedure will be no worse than the salon one, and the additional advantage will be a significant saving of time and family budget.

Keratin hair straightening is an absolutely safe procedure that can radically transform your appearance for the better in a few hours. Experts call this technology revolutionary because it allows you to quickly restore hair that has been burned by a hairdryer and depleted by chemical care products. The use of keratin formulations will provide luxurious, smooth and healthy hair with a vibrant shine.

This procedure is a real find for the modern woman. It will help save time that was previously spent on styling unruly curls, give your hair the desired smoothness, allow you to preserve the color of your dyed strands for a long time and visually make them longer. This effect is achieved through the action of keratin. What is this substance and what are its benefits for hair?

Keratin is a special protein in our body that is responsible for the normal structure of nails and hair and protects them from the negative influence of external factors. In fact, hair is 70% composed of this substance, which provides elasticity, strength and healthy shine to curls. Lack of keratin leads to dryness, brittleness, split ends, and hair becomes weak, thin and lifeless.

An innovative procedure allows you to saturate it with synthetically obtained. The composition penetrates deep into damaged hair and effectively restores its structure. During the procedure, thermal effects are applied, due to which the keratin curls up and fills the voids, and also creates a protective film on the surface of the hair. As a result, the hair becomes thicker, denser and stronger. The keratin composition evens and straightens strands, provides reliable protection and gives a beautiful shine.

The procedure has virtually no contraindications and is recommended for owners of unruly, curly hair that is difficult to style into a neat hairstyle. It is also used in cases where it is necessary to improve the health of hair and restore the structure of strands depleted by regular dyeing and hot styling.

Initially, this process was performed only in beauty salons, but now keratinization can be done independently, at home. In this case, you need to purchase professional cosmetics (keratin sets). And although such kits are more expensive than similar services in the salon, they are enough for 8–10 procedures, which in the end will cost much less than the services of a professional.

To carry out keratin smoothing, it is important to choose a high-quality composition. Buy a kit for the procedure in a specialized store, so you can be sure of its safety and effectiveness. Give preference to professional products that beauty salons use. Such products are not cheap, but in the end everything pays off, since the set can be used repeatedly.

Restorative products contain keratin and a complex of nutritional components (plant extracts, vitamins, cocoa beans), which are completely harmless to the body, work to restore hair health and also have a pleasant aroma. Many well-known cosmetic brands offer their products designed for hair straightening. The following brands are especially popular:

In addition to the keratin composition, the set must also include a balm - a mask or a special caring serum. Shampoo is used to cleanse hair before the keratin application procedure. This is a special peeling shampoo that effectively removes remnants of coloring and styling products and provides deep cleansing. The balm is used at the final stage for hair care after straightening.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular products that are most often chosen for home procedures:

  1. CocoChoco is an Israeli brand. A keratin straightening kit can be bought in specialized stores; its price is quite affordable (about 3,000 rubles). One set is enough for 6-8 procedures. The main advantage of this professional product is the absence of formaldehyde in its composition. Its use will straighten curly locks and also restore porous hair damaged as a result of dyeing, highlighting or bleaching. The set contains a keratin composition (100ml), shampoo for deep cleansing and aftercare with natural plant extracts and soy protein. The effect of the procedure using this product lasts for 6 months.
  2. BrazillianBlowout– professional product for Brazilian hair straightening. Today it is considered the most effective and popular product. But it has a high price. The cost of the set can reach 20 thousand rubles. The main keratin (working) composition includes plant amino acids (from Brazilian acai berries). This base reliably envelops each hair and seals its scales when processed with a hot iron. The standard set includes a deep cleaning product (1000ml), a keratin composition (1000ml) and a fixing balm - mask (240ml). The volume of products is large, one package is enough for a large number of procedures. Therefore, such sets are mainly purchased by professional beauty salons. But you can find sets in which the basic equipment is presented in a smaller volume, and accordingly they will cost less. The effect of the procedure lasts on average for 12 weeks. If you take care of your hair with appropriate products, the results will last longer (up to 4 months).
  3. Inoar– The products of this brand are of high quality. The Inoar Professional company has been developing hair cosmetics for more than 10 years and approaches this process very creatively. In addition to the main task of straightening curls, the products effectively treat and restore dry and thinning strands. In addition to keratin, the working composition is enriched with argan and cocoa oil, white clay, vitamins and microelements. The price of Inoar kits varies depending on the volume of keratin composition and additional care products (shampoo, balm). If the volume is small (300ml), the set costs about 4,000 rubles. If the products are packaged in 1000 ml bottles, the price can reach 12,000 rubles. One of the disadvantages of this line of products is the presence of formaldehyde in the composition.
What you will need for the home procedure

To carry out keratinization yourself at home, you need to prepare:

  • Set of products for keratin hair straightening;
  • Sprayer - will allow you to evenly distribute the keratin product on the hair;
  • Hairdryer – should have gentle drying modes using cold air. This will avoid drying out your hair;
  • Brushing (large round comb);
  • A hair straightener with a ceramic coating that provides a heating temperature of 230°, otherwise the keratin simply will not be able to penetrate the hair shaft to the required depth;
  • Special tongs - a comb.

Additionally, prepare hair clips, a container (glass or plastic), a brush and protective gloves.

And the most important component is a beloved friend or relative who knows how to iron and brush, since it will be difficult to straighten your hair yourself, carefully processing thin strands.

After all the necessary components are prepared, proceed directly to the procedure. Let's take a closer look at each stage:

This concludes the procedure for keratin hair straightening at home. Next, you need to follow some recommendations and rules for caring for straightened hair.

Features of hair care after straightening - before and after photos

To ensure that the maximum effect of keratin straightening lasts as long as possible, follow some care recommendations:

The recipe for keratin hair straightening at home allows you to avoid expensive salon services and provides excellent results that transform your hair and make your hairstyle perfect. This procedure is similar in appearance to biolamination. Why should you give it preference, what are the advantages of this method and does it have any disadvantages?


  1. The procedure is completely safe, it does not have an aggressive effect on the hair, is not harmful to health, and does not destroy disulfide bonds in the hair structure. The only limitation to its implementation is the period of pregnancy and lactation.
  2. The application of a keratin composition does not weigh down the hair, it does not look greasy and sticky, it retains freshness, vibrant shine and looks well-groomed and luxurious. After the procedure, the hair can be curled into curls, and after washing the hair, it will again become straight and smooth, maintaining the structure and volume of the hairstyle.
  3. Keratin formulations allow the hair to “breathe”; in addition, additional components (vitamins, herbal extracts) provide gentle care, nourish and heal the curls. Repeated sessions will provide a cumulative effect and the hair will remain beautiful, smooth and shiny for a long time.
  4. The procedure is considered therapeutic; it not only straightens and smoothes strands, but also effectively nourishes, moisturizes and restores the structure of hair damaged by thermal styling or the use of aggressive dyes.


Is it worth doing keratin hair straightening at home? With the right approach and use of quality products, you can achieve amazing results, restore the vitality of your hair and amaze others with well-groomed, beautiful, smooth and manageable hair.

Today there is just a real boom in hair products with keratin: shampoos, conditioners, masks, leave-in products and of course keratin hair straightening. And this is not surprising, because keratin has unique properties to restore hair from the inside, but for this, the products must be of high quality and professional.

Keratin is the basis of our hair, or rather a type of protein that contains an amino acid responsible for the elasticity, smoothness and health of hair. If the body cannot independently synthesize the required amount of keratin, it is imperative to adjust your diet, include daily foods rich in animal protein, and B vitamins (B6) and a number of microelements (silicon, magnesium, nitrogen, sulfur, selenium). All these important vitamins and microelements can be obtained from foods; they are best absorbed from foods.

And keratin straightening promises well-groomed, soft, smooth, elastic and shiny hair after just one procedure and for a long time. Well, how can a modern girl not be interested in this? After all, with our hair we emphasize our uniqueness, beauty and our daily image.

The keratin craze began about five to six years ago in Brazil, thanks to the Brazilian hair straightening technique, which used keratin as one of the main components. Therefore, sometimes keratinization is also called Brazilian hair straightening.

The essence of the keratinization or keratin straightening procedure is that keratin (liquid) penetrates deep into each hair and fills damaged areas, cracks, and under the influence of heat it acquires elasticity and becomes a protective layer for each hair to the very ends.

Stages of keratin hair straightening

Keratin hair straightening is most often done by girls with curly, unruly and porous hair, but even those who have naturally straight hair can also do this procedure, because keratin primarily restores hair, makes it more elastic and shiny, straightening comes as an addition.

If you are thinking of doing keratin hair straightening, then be sure to go to a good salon, to an experienced, qualified hairdresser, where they use high-quality raw materials. At least the first few times to learn the essence of the procedure, and then you can try it at home, but I still don’t recommend it.

The whole procedure depends entirely on the master and the quality of the keratin!

Stage 1. The master, based on the type of hair and, of course, its condition, selects the appropriate composition. It is very important to do everything in the correct dosage and then this procedure will have a therapeutic restorative effect on the hair (it is quite difficult to do this at home). It is necessary to use the products in strict accordance with the instructions. It is precisely the strict implementation of the instructions that will allow keratin to penetrate deep into the hair structure and have the desired effect.

Stage 2. The master combs the hair and prepares it for thorough cleansing, using a special deep cleansing shampoo. The shampoo deeply cleanses the hair of various contaminants (styling products, silicones, sebum, dust and other contaminants), then it is well filled with keratin.

Stage 3. Next, the hair is slightly dried with a hairdryer and keratin is applied. It is important to carefully distribute the product over the entire length, since smoothing the hair in all areas depends on this. Be sure to ensure that the mixture does not touch the hair roots. After some time, the hair is dried with a hairdryer until it is completely dry.

Stage 4. Then the hair is divided into zones and small strands are taken and carefully straightened with an iron (for different keratins, the temperature can vary from 180-200 to 230 degrees), this is necessary in order to seal the keratin inside the hair. After the procedure, all hair scales are completely closed and fit tightly to each other, as a result the hair looks elastic, manageable, shiny and well-groomed.

The smell during the procedure is tolerable, but your eyes begin to water a little, I recommend that as soon as you feel a slight burning sensation in your eyes, just close them.

If everything is done correctly, then the result will not keep you waiting: the hair will be soft, one might even say “alive,” smooth, elastic, shiny, weighted. Keratin hair straightening has cumulative effect.

How to care for hair after keratin straightening

The effect of the procedure remains from 3 to 6 months and therefore it is very important to properly care for your hair after keratin straightening so that the result pleases you for as long as possible.

Some formulations allow you to wash your hair immediately after the procedure, and some recommend refraining from washing your hair for three days and not pinning it with hairpins or elastic bands to avoid kinks.

Choose gentle, sulfate-free care!

Shampoo. It is imperative to choose a sulfate-free shampoo, so the effect of the procedure will last much longer.

Conditioner and mask. Despite the fact that the hair looks, one might even say perfect, it still needs care as always. That is, after each wash we apply conditioner or a mask, preferably with more natural compositions.

Leave-in products. Oils, fluids, and crystals are also needed by hair for additional care and external shine.

Pros and cons of keratin hair straightening

  1. An immediate effect, that is, you get perfectly straight hair immediately after the procedure and the effect lasts from three to six months (with proper care).
  2. The hair is perfectly straight, soft, elastic and incredibly shiny... and so on for several months. And besides, during rain or humid weather, your hair still looks perfect.
  3. The hair is easy to comb and does not electrify; for those with unruly hair, this is a godsend.
  4. Keratin straightening has a cumulative effect; with each procedure, the results will last longer.
  5. Keratin straightening can be done on both colored and undyed hair. You can dye your hair immediately before the procedure, or 1-2 weeks after.
  6. After keratin straightening, you can safely style and even curl your hair; it is easy to style. Drying and styling your hair takes much less time.

This procedure also has disadvantages:

  1. The downside is that volume is removed, because porous hair looks voluminous, and after the procedure the hair looks smooth and manageable, but many note that after washing with shampoo several times, the volume returns a little.
  2. Keratin straightening is not suitable for girls with very thin hair, since after the procedure it will look even thinner.
  3. Many girls note that after the procedure, their hair needs to be washed more often than before keratin straightening.
  4. During the procedure, when keratin is sealed with an iron, the keratin composition may be a little harsh on the eyes and the smell is not pleasant.
  5. Some manufacturers use formaldehyde in straightening compositions, which is considered a carcinogen and can be dangerous; its proportion should not exceed 0.2%. Therefore, choose your keratin brand very carefully. Formaldehyde is used in cheaper products, mostly produced in Brazil. Formaldehyde is a chemical that, when exposed to hair for long periods of time, can have a detrimental effect on hair and the general health of the body.

Keratin straightening is suitable for:

  • if the hair splits not only at the ends, but also along the length of the hair, it looks dull, lifeless and brittle;
  • if you have curly or curly hair and want to have perfectly straight hair;
  • if your hair becomes frizzy and reacts sharply to humid weather;
  • if you are tired of styling your hair with a hairdryer and straightener every day.

Contraindications to the procedure:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • damage to the scalp (wounds) or too sensitive scalp;
  • scalp diseases;
  • hair loss (any type of alopecia).

Types of keratin for hair

  • Cadiveu Professional
  • keratin Research (USA)
  • Global Keratin Hair (USA)
  • Keratin Complex Therapy (USA)
  • Brazilian Blowout (USA)
  • Brazilian Keratin Treatment
  • Cadiveu Brasil Cacau (Brazil)
  • Cocochoco (Israel)
  • Natura Keratin
  • Nanokeratin

The key to high-quality keratin hair straightening: you need to find a qualified, experienced master who works with high-quality keratin, a proven brand and will not spare the composition, but will apply a sufficient amount. A professional iron that seals the keratin, rather than stroking it through the hair, and all the keratin will be washed off after several hair washes and, of course, special care after the procedure.

If you don’t yet know what keratin hair straightening is, this article is for you. How does the straightening procedure work, what are the advantages and disadvantages of keratin smoothing?

Many girls dream of perfectly smooth, shiny and healthy hair. But few people have yet tried what keratin hair straightening is. It is this method that can give your hair shine and silkiness, straighten unruly curls (which, oddly enough, is the dream of many curly girls), protect hair from negative external factors and the effect of “increased shaggyness” during rainy weather and high humidity.

Keratin straightening restores damaged, weak hair, and not only makes styling easier for many months. This advanced method corrects, saturates and evens out hair, and also restores hair damaged by various chemical procedures (dying, color restoration, perm), after exposure to sun and sea water. Your hair will look healthy again, soft and silky.

What is the effect of keratin hair straightening?

Creatine itself is a very rich protein - it is what ninety percent of hair is made of, and over time the amount of this protein gradually decreases. The negative influence of dyeing, solar ultraviolet radiation, dry air flows, heating, chlorine contained in tap water - together, these factors reduce the amount of creatine in the hair, therefore, the hair becomes dull, over-dried, destroyed and becomes brittle.

Keratin hair straightening makes it possible not only to make hair soft and silky, but also to restore health. The leveling product often also includes various regenerating components, such as silicone and silk proteins, which prevents oxidation and nourishes the hair with fatty acids. The product is suitable for all hair types.

You can forget about straightening your hair for about 5-6 months!

What are the advantages of keratative hair straightening:

  • The straightening product creates a special sheath around the hair - so your hair will not only be silky and shiny, but also protected from external factors.
  • The effect lasts for quite a long time, from 90 to 180 days.
  • Hair dries faster.
  • Hair looks fuller due to saturation with keratin.
  • Hair does not require special styling with the help of auxiliary cosmetic preparations. You will finally be able to stop thinking about using a hair straightening iron for half a year.
  • Hair is always smooth and silky after washing and drying.
  • Pliable straight hair allows you to create the most unimaginable hairstyles, because it becomes flexible and can hold its shape for a long time.

Phases of the keratin straightening process:

REMEMBER: you cannot do the procedure at home, on your own. An incorrect procedure can harm your hair and even your health!

  1. Hair is washed with a special cleansing shampoo.
  2. The hair is thoroughly dried.
  3. The specialist selects keratin depending on your hair type and applies it along the entire length of the hair.
  4. 40 minute wait.
  5. Unnecessary keratin that has not been absorbed is removed with a special comb.
  6. Without washing, the hair is thoroughly dried.
  7. The specialist, using a straightening iron, fixes the absorbed creatine in the hair. The iron is heated to a temperature selected by a specialist, and the number of strokes of the iron through the hair is also individually selected, guided by the type of hair and the degree of its deterioration.

The entire process lasts up to 3 hours.

We recommend hair care after keratin straightening:

Depending on the product, your hairdresser should tell you how to care for your hair after this procedure. But the standard basic rules are:

  1. Can be used .
  2. After the process, you are not allowed to wash your hair for three days, use hairpins, or tuck your hair behind your ears, because breaks are possible.
  3. If there are still breaks, you need to straighten your hair using a straightening iron. You will probably need powdered dry shampoo.
  4. The effect of hair straightening will last up to six months, it depends on how much the hair was damaged and proper care for it.
  5. It is not advisable to dye your hair, because the dye helps displace creatine from the hair, and the hair will become the same as it was before keratin straightening.
  6. Incorrect hair care products accelerate the displacement of keratin from the hair - it is optimal to use SULFATE-FREE shampoo, hair oils and balms.

Can keratin straightening be harmful?

According to reviews from girls who have already tried the effects of keratin on themselves, their hair looks perfect for six months after the procedure - even, manageable, smooth and shiny. During keratin straightening, the most important thing is the correct selection of shampoo. We strongly do not recommend using shampoos that contain any sulfate (SLS, SLES), otherwise The straightening effect will end within seven to fourteen days.

Advantages of keratin hair straightening:

  • The hair is easy to style, and wet hair can be combed instantly.
  • Straightening is suitable for all hair types. This means that a woman with very thick hair will also be able to carry out the procedure without fear that her hair may lose its volume.
  • Hair becomes shiny and silky. This is undoubtedly the main advantage of the procedure.
  • The installation maintains its original appearance even in rain or wind. In the event of an upcoming walk on the street, you should not worry, because after the procedure your hair will not get tangled from gusts of wind and will not become hard and fluffy after rain.
  • The effect lasts for a long time. After the procedure, hair retains its smoothness effect for up to six months.
  • Hair will be protected. Air containing various impurities, dust, and sun will not be able to spoil your hair.
  • Your hair will no longer be frizzy. In addition, your hair will no longer accumulate static electricity, which especially often happens in winter when wearing a hat.
  • In case of an undesirable effect after a perm, after just fourteen days you have the opportunity to return your hair to its previous appearance using keratin straightening.
  • Easy to correct. Straightening correction is carried out in much less time than the first straightening process, and its cost is already slightly lower.

Disadvantages of keratin straightening

Disadvantages are common to all existing cosmetic processes, and they are also present in the keratin straightening process.

  • You cannot wash your hair for three days after keratin straightening. This drawback was not to the liking of most clean people. If it rains, we strongly recommend using an umbrella when leaving the salon. Otherwise, the effect of keratin straightening will be lost.
  • Allergy manifestations to some components of the straightening drug are possible. It is forbidden to “stress” your hair for 72 hours, this means that you should refrain from ponytails, braids, buns and other hairstyles that can break your hair.
  • The process is not very pleasant because it can cause tears from the eyes, this is due to the fact that the product contains components such as formaldehyde, the vapors of which negatively affect the mucous membrane of the eye.
  • If the process is carried out in an unventilated area, there is a possibility of formaldehyde poisoning. This is more dangerous for someone who works with liquids and dries your hair by inhaling the fumes. The technician must use a protective mask (respirator) and gloves.
  • You may have the illusion of neglected, greasy hair - this is mainly due to the fact that you will often straighten your absolutely straight hair with your hands, thereby putting grease and dirt on it. Stop touching your hair unnecessarily, and it will get greasy less often.
  • Your hair will lose a little volume - this is natural, because it is caused by frizz, protruding scales and split ends. The volume will be lost, but it will only be noticeable slightly (unless, of course, you have naturally very thin hair, you should not do this type of straightening).
  • The process takes a lot of time. If you have very long hair, then you should prepare to spend about five hours with a specialist for the procedure.

Contraindications to keratin hair straightening – cosmetologists advise:

Most believe that keratin straightening cannot cause harm, but there is a list of contraindications for this process (not taking into account the disadvantages mentioned above).

What should you pay attention to before visiting the salon?


  1. If there are injuries on the head. In the case of the presence of even the most insignificant scratches on the head, you should refrain from keratin hair straightening.
  2. If you have existing skin diseases on your head, you should consult a doctor.
  3. The process will not be advisable if you have hair loss. Because the hair will become heavier and the hair roots will weakly hold it, which will lead to even more intense hair loss.
  4. Breastfeeding and pregnant women should avoid the process.
  5. People with suspected cancer should also refrain from this procedure.

So, to summarize, keratin straightening is far from simple, but a very impressive and effective procedure. Your hair will become smooth and silky, acquire shine and a healthy appearance for six months. If you suddenly decide that you no longer need perfectly straight hair, just wash your hair several times with regular sulfate shampoo or contact a hairdresser (he must have special products for removing keratin).

Remember that the procedure can be dangerous (especially for the specialist), so take precautions and make sure that your scalp is healthy, your hair is not falling out more than normal, you are not pregnant or have complex diseases.