Lunar calendar of hairdresser's haircuts. Lunar haircut calendar for September - favorable days Lunar horoscope for hair cutting for September

Present to your attention Moon calendar haircuts and hair coloring for September 2016. Thanks to this calendar you will be able to find the one suitable for cutting and coloring your hair. Here you can find the perfect day for a haircut at any time by scrolling the page. If you have the opportunity to choose the desired favorable day for a haircut, it is better to choose it. Otherwise, don't worry - think positive! We hope you find this lunar coloring calendar useful and you will be happy. with our haircut calendar September 2016:

Always remember that any of your actions that concern you appearance, at a certain moment can change your destiny quite strongly. Before visiting your favorite stylist or colorist, always consult your beauty calendar.

Date/Lunar dayMoon in Zodiac signMoon phaseFavorable and not favorable days for cutting and coloring hair
September 1, 2016, 30/1, ThuMoon in VirgoNew Moon 12:03Just like yesterday, this is not the best day for a haircut / 1 lunar day is not suitable for a haircut, since this procedure today shortens life.
September 2, 2016, 2, FriMoon in VirgoWaxing CrescentHaircut on the 2nd lunar day is not recommended - it can lead to quarrels and unfavorable situations in your life.
September 3, 2016, 3, SatMoon in LibraWaxing CrescentHaircut on the 3rd lunar day is also not recommended. This can cause health problems and improper energy distribution. (For example, it may provoke you to make thoughtless purchases)
September 4, 2016, 4, SunMoon in LibraWaxing CrescentDon't get your hair cut on the 4th lunar day. This can bring into your life the fear of losing something valuable (we are not talking about material things), as well as possible minor illnesses.
September 5, 2016, 5, MonMoon in ScorpioWaxing CrescentThe 5th lunar day after long unfavorable days is good for both haircuts and coloring. It will bring wealth and prosperity into your life
September 6, 2016, 6, TueMoon in ScorpioWaxing CrescentDo not cut or dye your hair on the 6th lunar day. You may get sick or simply become depressed. Haircuts are especially not recommended on this day.
September 7, 2016, 7, WedMoon in ScorpioWaxing CrescentAgain, the 7th lunar day is not a good day for a haircut - you can attract quarrels into your life.
September 8, 2016, 8, ThuMoon in SagittariusWaxing CrescentThe 8th lunar day is a very favorable day for coloring - you can bring an abundance of colorful events into your life
September 9, 2016, 9, FriMoon in SagittariusWaxing CrescentOn the 9th lunar day, haircuts are not recommended, but you can pamper yourself with coloring, but only without haircuts, so as not to attract diseases.
September 10, 2016, 10, SatMoon in CapricornWaxing Crescent10 lunar days a good day for everything, both for cutting and coloring hair: increase strength and success, increase sensitivity.
September 11, 2016, 11, SunMoon in CapricornWaxing CrescentThe 11th lunar day is one of better days per month for coloring, combine with haircut. On this day, the subtlety of perception improves, the mind becomes more insightful and clear.
September 12, 2016, 12, MonMoon in CapricornWaxing CrescentOn the 12th lunar day, coloring and haircuts are strictly not recommended - you can attract suffering and a threat to life.
September 13, 2016, 13, TueMoon in AquariusWaxing CrescentHaircut and coloring on the 13th lunar day will increase your attractiveness and bring a lot of useful acquaintances.
September 14, 2016, 14, WedMoon in AquariusWaxing CrescentHair coloring on the 14th lunar day will bring good luck to your life and improve the results of your endeavors
September 15, 2016, 15, ThuMoon in PiscesWaxing CrescentAstrologers do not recommend getting your hair cut and dyed on the 15th lunar day; it is not the most favorable day of the month - it is possible that your blood pressure may increase or your health may become unstable. May cause headaches and feelings of fear.
September 16, 2016, 16, FriMoon in PiscesFull Moon 22:06Along with the 15th lunar day, we strongly advise against cutting your hair and coloring your hair on the 16th lunar day; you may incur feelings of fear and anxiety, which will cause you to make many mistakes in the future.
September 17, 2016, 17, SatMoon in AriesWaning moonThe 18th lunar day is a bad day for haircuts. The possibility of various diseases occurring due to the influence of evil spirits.
September 18, 2016, 18, SunMoon in AriesWaning moonDo not get your hair cut on the 18th lunar day - there is a high probability of problems with property, including theft.
September 19, 2016, 19, MonMoon in TaurusWaning moonThe 19th lunar day is very suitable for coloring and haircuts. It prolongs life.
September 20, 2016, 20, TueMoon in TaurusWaning moonThe 20th lunar day is especially bad for coloring.
September 21, 2016, 21, WedMoon in GeminiWaning moon21 lunar days are a great day for transformation to increase beauty and prosperity. Astrodogs lament being in a harmonious state in the near future.
September 22, 2016, 22, ThuMoon in GeminiWaning moonThis is a good day for any transformation - rationality and expediency in your future purchases. Luck is on your side.
September 23, 2016, 23, FriMoon in CancerWaning moonThe 22nd lunar day is a good day for a haircut to improve your well-being, as well as to get beautiful colour faces.
September 24, 2016, 24, SatMoon in CancerWaning moonThe 23rd lunar day is an acceptable day for coloring and haircuts; improving your appearance portends well-being in the family.
September 25, 2016, 24, SunMoon in LeoWaning moonThe most unfavorable day of the month, do not cut your hair or dye your hair on this day - this may cause illness.
September 26, 2016, 25, ThuMoon in LeoWaning moonThe 25th lunar day is bad for haircuts; problems with hair growth are expected as a result.
September 27, 2016, 26, FriMoon in VirgoWaning moonThe 26th lunar day, according to astrologers, is one of the best days for cutting and coloring hair. Brings good luck and happiness.
September 28, 2016, 27, SatMoon in VirgoWaning moonThe 27th lunar day is a good day for cutting and coloring. After visiting the beauty salon you will get a pleasant and joyful feeling.
September 29, 2016, 28, SunMoon in VirgoWaning moonThe 28th lunar day, like the 26th, is the most favorable day for going to a beauty salon for a haircut and coloring. A good mood and good luck will accompany you.
September 30, 2016, 29, MonMoon in LibraWaning moonThere is no need to cut your hair on this day - cutting your hair can lead to division of the soul and poor hair growth.

Lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for April 2016.

Lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for May 2016.

Lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for June 2016.

Lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for July 2016.

When is the best time to cut your hair in September - the main characteristics of the hair cutting calendar for this day, necessary for drawing up a haircut horoscope. Trim your hair only on favorable days

Lunar day today

14th lunar day

This period is not included in the days favorable for hair cutting. This can disrupt your emotional state and undermine your mental stability. There is a risk of depression.

However, the lunar haircut calendar advises you to dye your hair a different shade. This will help you achieve success in your career. Your hairstyle should be kept as simple and casual as possible. The presence of a parting is favorable.

In terms of behavior, the Moon will affect you with an influx of activity. There will be a desire to do a lot of things and sit as little time as possible, “with folded hands.” You should make the most of your chance.

This figure at this point is approximate . The exact meaning of the beginning and end of the lunar day for regions in different time zones differs significantly. What lunar day is it today for each city in its time zone, you need to find out online in the section. To do this you just need to select city ​​name and fill in the time, date, month and year. This way you can find out when it is better to cut your hair on lunar days favorable for haircuts.

Haircut on Thursday

The day influences the development of you as a person. There is a high probability of raising self-esteem and strengthening influence on others. This leads to an increase in inner spirit, which makes it easier to cope with problems.

Even. if you have determined exactly when it is better to cut your hair on favorable days, be sure to look at the main page - section “ 10 secrets of a correct and safe haircut«.

Some simple tips, compiled according to folk signs, will help preserve the natural strength and beauty of your hair for as long as possible. Cutting hair during an unfavorable period has a negative impact not only on the hairstyle, but also significantly reduces a person’s energy field, worsening health and well-being.

Moon in Pisces

Today it is advisable to stop washing your hair, as there is a risk of

dandruff. The moon in this zodiac sign has a negative effect on the scalp. The same applies to haircuts.

The quality of hair on this day leaves much to be desired. Any perm or color change can ruin them even more. The styling will not last long; you will have to adjust it all day. However, the lunar haircut horoscope advises those with naturally unimportant hair to carry out a set of procedures to improve their health today. The effect will not take long to appear.

September is just around the corner, and with it the Day of Knowledge, Teacher's Day and, of course, the beginning of a new one school year. The month is truly rich in holidays, so it’s time to take care of your hairstyle, and in some cases, cutting and coloring! Renew yourself this fall on safe and useful days for this, focusing on our calendar!

Favorable days for hair cutting in September 2016

Most favorable time for haircuts in July the following dates will be: 2, 3, 5, 10, 12, 19, 25, 28.

Unfavorable days for haircuts in September according to the lunar calendar 2016

Lunar calendar of haircuts by day in September 2016

September 1 (Thu)- 30th lunar day, Moon in the sign of Virgo. The influence of the sign on the condition of the hair is quite positive: hair grows faster, styling and curling last a long time, health procedures are effective. As for cutting your hair on the last day of the lunar day, it will give you strength for further work; We do not recommend dyeing your hair on this day.

September 2 (Fri)- cutting your hair this day will speed up the growth of your hair and improve the flow of health energy. Coloring them with natural dyes can affect the attraction of monetary profits into your life. Experiments with color, shape and length of hair are welcome on this day!

September 3 (Sat)- 3rd lunar day, Moon in Libra. The sign does not favor changing hair color or cutting haircuts, but it does affect the enhanced effectiveness of health procedures for hair. Judging by the lunar calendar, changing your hair length on this day will change your financial situation for the better.

September 4 (Sun)- it is best to refuse a haircut on this day, so that your planned goals do not suddenly fall through. Painting in natural shades will provide an opportunity to maintain financial and career stability. To gain energy and strength, style your hair as simply as possible; do not invent complex hairstyles.

September 5 (Mon)- get a haircut - and you will have new creative strength and inspiration! Are you planning to dye your hair blonde with natural dyes? Great, this will attract profitable business connections into your life. To attract energy, you should make a lush, voluminous hairstyle.

September 6 (Tue)- 6th lunar day, Moon in Scorpio. The sign favors the nutrition and health of hair, coloring natural ingredients, however, you should avoid perm. A haircut will give you the opportunity to get rid of a number of diseases and attract wealth.

September 7 (Wed)- cut your hair this way lunar day- and get rid of diseases, and also attract money. Hair coloring is not recommended, as it can lead to quarrels in the team or family. A strict, classic, low hairstyle will attract energy on this day.

September 8 (Thu)- 7th lunar day, Moon in Sagittarius. The mark makes the hair quite unruly after cutting, and its color can disappoint, quickly fading. On the other hand, lunar days indicate that coloring your hair will add sexuality to your image, and cutting your hair will enhance your intuition.

September 9 (Fri)- an unfavorable day for hair manipulation. Neither coloring nor cutting is recommended; they can attract troubles and adversity.

September 10 (Sat)- a haircut on these lunar days will protect you from illnesses and various kinds of inconveniences, it enhances hair growth. Painting in natural shades will be an excellent barrier for you from negative emotions. We recommend making your hairstyle modest and high.

September 11 (Sun)- 10th lunar day, Moon in Capricorn. The sign has a positive effect on the condition of the hair during this period: dyeing, perming and tinting are recommended. During these lunar days, it is better not to get your hair cut so that you do not feel worse.

September 12 (Mon)- a haircut today will give you the opportunity to maintain your health. Painting with herbal compositions will make it easier to solve business issues or help you cope with your work more easily.

September 13 (Tue)- 12th lunar day, Moon in Aquarius. A favorable time for experimental and extravagant haircuts and styling. Cutting your hair and coloring it with natural dyes will lead to material well-being.

September 14 (Wed)- Do you want to easily solve financial issues, strengthen your intuition, improve your health? A haircut on this day will affect all these aspects in a positive way. As for coloring, you should refrain from it.

September 15 (Thu)- 14th lunar day, Moon in Pisces. The sign indicates that coloring, cutting and perms will lead to complete disappointment, and washing your hair will leave unpleasant marks in the form of dandruff. On these lunar days, haircutting is strictly not recommended: it can lead to mental suffering and depression.

September 16 (Fri)- unfavorable day for haircuts. In order not to spoil your health, it is better to refuse to visit your master. Coloring in dark color today will allow you to become “invisible” to troubles and worries.

September 17 (Sat)- 16th lunar day, Moon in the sign of Aries. This is an unfavorable time for haircuts, as the condition of the hair may worsen, and they can also negatively affect the circulatory and endocrine systems.

September 18 (Sun)- if you want dramatic changes in your life, then a haircut on these lunar days will help bring your plans to life. Dyeing your hair light or red with natural ingredients will increase your importance in the eyes of relatives and colleagues.

September 19 (Mon)- 18th lunar day, Moon in Taurus. This is a great time to get a haircut, your hair will be in better condition, your charisma will be enhanced, and your health will be stronger. Especially good influence will be exerted on your lungs.

September 20 (Tue)- unfavorable day for haircuts. They drag health problems into your life. Dye your hair with natural ingredients if you need new business partners and contacts.

September 21 (Wed)- 20 lunar day, Moon in Gemini. The sign says that the hairstyle should be airy and light today. A haircut during this period will improve your mood and emotional background, coloring will not, so it is better to postpone it to another day.

September 22 (Thu)- you will get rid of many health problems if you schedule a haircut for this day. By dyeing your hair in light colors, you will attract the “right” and necessary people into your destiny.

September 23 (Fri)- 22nd lunar day, Moon in Cancer. Hair becomes less manageable, which makes styling it very difficult at this time. A new haircut increases your importance in the eyes of those around you and helps restore your health, especially your respiratory system.

September 24 (Sat)- don’t get your hair cut on this day if you don’t want to get into trouble. Curling your hair during this period will add joy, but coloring it should only be entrusted to someone close to you.

September 25 (Sun)- a favorable day for a haircut: you will feel a huge amount of energy. Dying your hair dark will help you impress your boss or find a job.

September 26 (Mon)- 25 lunar day, Moon in Leo. Almost all manipulations with hair are good; cutting them makes them thicker. However, the lunar day says that a haircut can negatively affect your psychological state, and coloring lead to conflicts.

September 27 (Tue)- haircuts today entail sadness and depression. If an important meeting is planned today, then painting it in natural shades will have a positive effect on its outcome. Today it is recommended to wear your hair high.

September 28 (Wed)- 27th lunar day, Moon in the sign of Virgo. A great time for various hair manipulations and haircuts. You will increase your charisma and become more popular!

September 29 (Thu)- cutting your hair on the 28th lunar day affects your life expectancy and physical activity. To strengthen your position in society, a slight change in hair color would be appropriate.

September 30 (Fri)- Moon in Libra. A haircut on these lunar days will make you more confident. Hair coloring can cause money problems and conflicts.

Before you go to the salon to change your hairstyle or hair color, take a look at the lunar calendar of haircuts for September 2016: perhaps the day you chose due to the unfortunate placement of the planets is completely unsuitable for bold experiments with your appearance.

So, we study favorable days for haircuts in September 2016:

The day of a solar eclipse is not the best time to change your image. When you decide to go to the salon, give preference to natural dyes with an organic composition, and it is better to refuse a haircut altogether, as it can negatively affect your health.

Feel free to go to a beauty salon for a new look. A new haircut will bring financial well-being into your life, and dyeing it a light shade will help you make useful connections. Light styling will lift your spirits and set you in a romantic mood.

The lunar haircut calendar does not recommend cutting your hair on the sixth lunar day. A haircut can have a negative impact on both your health and overall emotional state. Today, your hair should be tied up in a high ponytail or bun on top of your head.

Experiments with image today are unlikely to be successful. You will not be satisfied with the resulting shade, and your hairstyle will quickly lose its shape. In addition, even the smallest haircut today can negatively affect relationships with loved ones.

A haircut on this day will not only guarantee a great mood, but also a real opportunity to get a little rich in the near future. A new shade of hair will bring good luck and success in all endeavors, and high-quality styling will bring profitable business and commercial offers.

Most likely, you will be satisfied with the result of your trip to the beauty salon. Even a slight trimming of the ends and toning will have a positive effect on the condition of the hair: it is guaranteed to become stronger and thicker.

A haircut today will help lift your mood and also attract an influx of positive energy into your life. By choosing light shades in coloring, you will strengthen your position in society, as well as bring new positive emotions to life.

Painting your hair in a new shade will lift your spirits and become a reason for an unplanned romantic date. It is not recommended to cut your hair today - changing your hairstyle can lower your immunity and negatively affect your concentration.

A great day to experiment with your look. Finally, you can decide to get a short haircut - the result will exceed all expectations. A new hair color will help attract attention from the opposite sex and solve problems in your personal life.

Also a good day for a haircut: after visiting the salon you will be in in a great mood and easily solve the problem that has been bothering you for the last few weeks. You can dye your hair if you go to a trusted hairdresser.

A haircut on the twenty-eighth lunar day will bring bright emotions and new acquaintances into your life. But it’s better to hold off on coloring for now - the new shade will not live up to expectations and will quickly fade.

Reschedule your visit to the salon until the first half of October - today the result of the stylist’s work will cause complete disappointment. Pamper your hair with restorative masks and oils: today, strands are more sensitive than ever to the absorption of beneficial nutritional components.

Useful tips

In September 2016 in the first half of the month the Moon will grow, which means that at this time it is good to get a haircut for those who want to see their hair fast growing. You can schedule hair coloring, curling, and hair straightening at this time. This is the most appropriate time for this.

In the second half of the month, the Moon will be waning, so it is better not to dye your hair at this time: the paint will wash off quickly. Nowadays it’s good to get a haircut for those who don’t like to visit hairdressers often and who want to keep their hairstyle longer.

If you want to sign up for a very complex procedure for hair restoration and treatment, perm or other complex manipulations, we advise you to avoid days when the Moon changes phase or when it follows signs unfavorable for working with hair Cancer and Pisces: 1, 9, 15, 16, 23, 24, 30 September 2016.

For most of the month, the beauty planet Venus will be in its native Libra sign (until September 23). That's why now is a good time to find a new one. feminine image , do beautiful hairstyle which will help you transform. Also at this time it will be easier for you to find your master.

Use the mostlucky daysfor working with hair:September 2, 11, 12, 19, 20, 26-29, 2016.


SEPTEMBER 1, Thursday. 30th lunar day,1st lunar day from 12:03. VIRGO

NEW MOON at 12:03. Annular SOLAR ECLIPSE at 12:07

This day is not particularly favorable for complex procedures, since it is the day of the lunar phase change, despite the successful day of Virgo. Especially today it is not recommended to sign up for any very complex procedures, like hair extensions. You can think about a new image, look for new images or a new hair color, but it is too early to take any specific actions.

The effect of cutting on hair : negative, better to postpone.

: Can attract fatal adverse events.

A great day to go to the hairdresser. Today you can curl, straighten, braid, different types hair coloring. After cutting, the hair will grow quickly, be healthy and strong. Don't miss this day if you want to improve the condition of your hair!

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth, strengthening hair, getting rid of hair loss and dandruff, hair changes for the better.

Psychological impact of haircut : will have an excellent effect on intellectual abilities.

Today it’s good to work with thin hair; you can make masks to increase volume. Okay too cut hair and do light air styling. Today it is also good to dye your hair, do highlights, coloring, etc. Good day for going to the hairdresser thanks to the connection Moons and Venus (until 14:30).

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut : will help you understand relationships and attract the right partner.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring

Good day for a haircut healthy hair, especially if you have Thin hair. A haircut will not have a special “therapeutic” effect on your hair, so if you have diseased hair, it is better to choose a better day for a haircut. It’s good to curl your hair with curlers and do light styling with a curling iron.

The effect of cutting on hair : Fast growth, but does not affect hair quality, hair may become more fluffy.

Psychological impact of haircut : will help in relationships with the opposite sex.

Moon without course until 15:38

We do not recommend planning for the first half of the day new procedures, especially medicinal ones. Today different things will turn out well nourishing masks based on oils, and masks for increasing volume. In the evening it is good to fight dandruff.

The effect of cutting on hair : neutral, no special influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : neutral.

It's good to take action today anti-dandruff, if you have such a problem. In addition to various masks and other remedies, you should also improve your lifestyle, switch to proper nutrition. Often the appearance of dandruff is associated not with some external reasons, but with internal ones. Therefore, before you start fighting the disease, you should find its reason and eliminate it.

The effect of cutting on hair : fast growth, shine.

Psychological impact of haircut : will attract money.

Today is also a good day to fight dandruff. In addition, various masks are allowed to strengthen hair and give it shine. Try to find exactly the tools that suit you best. For example, various vegetable oils , which are often used to restore damaged hair.

The effect of cutting on hair : fast growth, shine.

Psychological impact of haircut : will attract money.

Today neutral day For cutting and styling, however, we do not recommend using very hot styling tools. Use the hairdryer more carefully; it is better to set the most gentle drying mode. Be sure to use thermal protection.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut

Favorable days for haircuts according to the lunar calendar

Second phase of the moon from 14:50

Hair cutting is not prohibited, although it will not have a particular effect on the hair. Today it is better to refuse any complex hair procedures. We also do not recommend doing thermal haircuts or using hot styling tools.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth, but hair structure and appearance will not change.

Psychological impact of haircut : will help in moving towards a goal or in finding it.

Moon without course until 15:55

When the Moon is without a course, do not start anything new. For example, if you would like to try a new hair treatment, wait until the Moon is in Capricorn (after 16:00). Otherwise, the result may be zero, or you will remain dissatisfied.

The effect of cutting on hair : after 16:00 – rapid growth, improvement of hair structure, strengthening of hair follicles.

Psychological impact of haircut : after 16:00 - will help with career advancement.

A good day for hair care, cutting and styling. Choose this day if you prefer classic strict hairstyles, without asymmetry or new trends. Masks for strengthening hair will be effective.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut

Haircut days according to the lunar calendar

Moon without course from 13:00

After a haircut done today, your hair will be grow quickly, will be strong and obedient. Try to contact a trusted hairdresser whom you know well and who has already done your haircuts.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth, improvement of hair structure, strengthening of hair follicles.

Psychological impact of haircut : will help in career advancement.

Neutral day: you can get a haircut today, but if you don’t have any problems with your hair. Good to do masks for hair volume, light air styling. You can use hair crayons to find a new and unusual look.

The effect of cutting on hair : will have no effect.

Psychological impact of haircut : can help you become more free and relaxed.

Moon without course from 18:31

In the morning, it’s a good idea to go to hairdressers or salons (until 9:40), while Venus will be in a favorable aspect with the Moon. This day is good enough for experiments and choosing hairstyles using a computer. You can treat your hair using cutting-edge techniques ( until 18:30).

The effect of cutting on hair : will have no effect.

Psychological impact of haircut : will help expand your social circle, attract new friends.

An unfavorable day for working with hair, it is better not to go to hairdressers and salons today, not to make hair masks and not to wash your hair at all. Can be deleted unwanted hair in the bikini area, arms or armpits.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut : can lead to illness

Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring

Penumbral LUNAR ECLIPSE at 21:54. FULL MOON at 22:05

Unfavorable day: we recommend today in general don't do hair. Especially complex procedures using chemicals should not be prescribed on this day: you may be very disappointed with the result, or develop allergies and other unpleasant problems with the scalp and hair.

The effect of cutting on hair : negative: hair may fall out more and split faster.

Psychological impact of haircut : can attract illnesses and failures, a depressed state.


SEPTEMBER 17, Saturday, 16th lunar day.ARIES

In the coming 2 weeks The moon will be waning, so you can only go to the hairdresser if you do not want to grow your hair longer. Today we advise you to approach haircuts with caution. When styling, it is better not to use hot tools: you can easily dry out your hair.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut

SEPTEMBER 18, Sunday, 17th lunar day.ARIES

Pay special attention today hair ends. It is better not to use hair dryers, straighteners and other hot styling devices. Today, like yesterday, it is very easy to dry out your hair. You can only get a haircut as a last resort and if you know exactly what kind of hairstyle you want.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth, hair structure does not change.

Psychological impact of haircut : will help you become more decisive and active.

SEPTEMBER 19, Monday, 18th lunar day.CALF

A great day to cut your hair, but if you don't particularly dream of fast hair growth and want maintain the shape of the hairstyle as long as possible. You can cut your bangs, a good haircut for men. Use this day also for hair care treatments: various masks will be beneficial, especially those that cleanse and strengthen the hair roots.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut

Lunar calendar of haircuts 2016

SEPTEMBER 20, Tuesday, 19th lunar day.CALF

Another pretty good day for going to the hairdresser, for hair treatment and for procedures aimed at improving hair structure. You can use new ones cosmetical tools, styling products, various modern styling devices. Don't forget to use thermal protection every time you style your hair using hair dryers, straighteners and other devices. Also take care of the ends of your hair after drying so that they do not dry out and start splitting.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth, strengthening of hair follicles, shine, improvement of hair structure.

Psychological impact of haircut : will help attract money, improve relationships with the opposite sex, for single people: will attract your other half.

SEPTEMBER 21, Wednesday, 20th lunar day.TWINS

Moon without course from 06:32 to 08:53

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut

SEPTEMBER 22, Thursday, 21st lunar day.TWINS

Today you can cut bangs, do light air styling, and also make various masks to increase volume. In general, caring for thin and sparse hair will give a good effect today. You can use styling products and curl your hair with curlers.

The effect of cutting on hair : the structure and condition of the hair do not change, slow growth.

Psychological impact of haircut : can make you more sociable and attract new acquaintances.

Hair cutting according to the lunar calendar

SEPTEMBER 23, Friday, 22nd lunar day.TWINS , CANCER from 11:34

Moon without course from 10:57 to 11:33

Fourth phase of the moon from 12:57

Bad day for complex procedures and hair cutting. We also do not recommend making hair masks. In general, it is better not to wash your hair. You can remove unwanted hair from the legs and face at home (in the evening).

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut

SEPTEMBER 24, Saturday, 23rd lunar day.CANCER

Another unfavorable day for hair care and haircuts. It's better not to make an appointment at the hairdressers today. You can remove unwanted hair.

The effect of cutting on hair : negative: hair will quickly become oily, dull and weak, slow growth.

Psychological impact of haircut : can ruin family relationships.

SEPTEMBER 25, Sunday, 24th lunar day.CANCER , LEO from 16:49

Moon without course until 16:48

Until 17:00 It’s better not to take care of your hair or cut your hair. Towards evening it is good to do various procedures for hair strengthening, cleansing, scalp peelings will be effective. Peels are best done on the waning moon. Then the effectiveness of such a procedure will be many times greater. For example, you can easily prepare peeling mixtures from natural sea salt. The scalp, like other parts of the body, needs exfoliation to renew itself. In addition, you will stimulate new hair growth.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth

Psychological impact of haircut : After 5:00 p.m., getting a haircut will help you become more popular.

A good day for hair care treatments, haircuts and styling, but it is better to postpone coloring until the days of the waxing Moon. Can be done hair extension. Any mask that cleanses and strengthens your hair, including homemade ones, will also be beneficial.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth, strengthening, adding volume and shine.

Psychological impact of haircut

Moon without course from 11:52

Still good time for cutting hair if you don't grow it long hair. It is best to sign up for complex procedures until 12:00, until the Moon went into “idle mode”.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth, strengthening of bulbs.

Psychological impact of haircut : will give you self-confidence, help you achieve your goals, make you more popular, attract the opposite sex, make your appearance brighter and more attractive.

Not a bad day for hair cutting, curling, straightening. The day is also suitable for hair treatment, going to a trichologist in case of any problems. It’s good to do feminine classic haircuts, without trendy trends. Dyeing your hair is not recommended. You can cut your bangs.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut

Moon without course from 13:05

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth, hair strengthening.

Psychological impact of haircut : will help you understand yourself, make you more attractive to the opposite sex.

Moon without course until 10:52

Today it’s better not to worry too much about your hair and appearance, at least not new hairstyles, do not dye your hair, do not seek complex procedures. You can only get a haircut as a last resort.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth.

Psychological impact of haircut : Can bring depression, bad mood and disappointment.