What a real lady should be like inside. Rules of etiquette. Refined manners for a real lady What a lady should be able to do

The laws of etiquette are quite simple once you understand them. And everyone can master these rules of behavior.

We have collected modern rules of etiquette that you need to know in order to earn the respect of society and make your life comfortable.

When guests come to you

  • If you have a guest for the first time, first show him where he can clean himself up, and then invite him to join the company.
  • If guests brought you drinks or treats as gifts, they must be placed on the table so that everyone can enjoy themselves.

When you come to visit

  • If you urgently need to leave the party, all you have to do is call the hosts of the party and apologize for having to leave. At the same time, you should not say goodbye to the rest of the guests - this way you will introduce discord into the general fun and hint to the others that it is time for them to leave too.

At the restaurant

  • If you feel stuffy, you shouldn't wave a napkin in front of your face. Just tell the waiter that you don't have enough air, and they will turn on the air conditioning.
  • Under no circumstances should you display your entire makeup bag in a public place.
  • If you need to comb your hair, this should also be done in the ladies' room. This is where the need to redo your hair will take you.
  • You can apply lipstick right at the table, but you should only use mascara or powder in the toilet.

Rules of communication

  • You should not contact by phone to a stranger to “you”, even if it seemed that the child answered: the impression may be wrong.
  • You should not forget about the rules of etiquette at home. For example, when communicating, it is very important not to shout from one room to another - this is at least indecent. In addition, this manner of communication can become a habit and create a bad impression of you.

At the table

  • It’s not nice to top up the bottle only for yourself. Taking a bottle or decanter, first offer it to your neighbor at the table.
  • It is impolite to choose the best from the portions on the platter. Take the piece that is closest to you.
  • A spoon from soup should not be placed on the table - neither during a meal nor after it. Leave the spoon in the plate so as not to stain the tablecloth.
  • The cup of tea should be held by squeezing the handle with your fingers. You can hold a cup of coffee with your finger behind the handle.

Are common

  • Remember that at work you should not put a handbag on the table, put a hat on it or lay out cosmetics on it. Find another place for all this.
  • If you are sitting in a low chair, do not cross your legs. Instead, press your knees together and tilt your legs to one side. You can cross your legs, placing one foot directly behind the other.

Wardrobe in a public place

  • If where you come to there is no wardrobe, outerwear must be hung on special hangers indoors.
  • At the wardrobe, you can straighten your hair in front of the mirror, but you cannot put on makeup or comb your hair, or re-tie your tie - there is a toilet for this.
  • In some cases, it is quite acceptable for a woman to sit in a raincoat, but this rule does not apply to men.
  • If there is a wardrobe, all bulky luggage is left in it: umbrellas, bulk bags, cases (if there is nothing important in them). However, the handbag must remain with the owner.

Etiquette in the car

  • When a woman gets into a car, she does not “step” into it. It is enough to sit on the edge of the seat and then “pull” your legs into the car. And, conversely, when getting out of the car, place your feet on the asphalt, and then get out of the car.

We suggest you study simple rules, which are strictly followed by true ladies all over the world.

Mom, of course, told you what you should and shouldn't do. good girls, but even following these rules, a real lady You won’t become like this right away. But you can try? All you need is desire, self-confidence and perseverance.

On this topic

First of all, a real lady is not characterized by laziness and a negligent attitude towards herself. Remember Jacqueline Kennedy, Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn. Hardly anyone doubts that they are real ladies. And if you want to be at least a little like them, you should listen to our advice. So, a true lady is a combination of external and internal qualities. A slender beauty with an impeccable hairstyle and shoemaker's grip is not a lady. Just like a well-read gray mouse with three honors diplomas. Therefore, to become a real lady, you should work not only on your manners, but also not forget about your appearance. So, a true lady should not:

Look defiant

On this topic

A real lady does not need to attract undue attention to herself with hair color, frilly jewelry and tight clothes. As for your hairstyle, naturalness and neatness are your choice. Don't skip visits to the hairdresser and watch what's on your head. Even a strict bun can be elegant if you use hairpins and not a funny children's elastic band. Massive flashy jewelry will make you look like a gypsy who has nothing in common with a sophisticated beauty. Choose classic solutions: small studs with diamonds or neat earrings with pearls will help you look luxurious under any circumstances. A black bra worn under a light chiffon blouse, the hem of underwear sticking out from under the trouser belt, or a tacky print on a dress will also not add elegance. Dress modestly and nobly: small black dress, a string of pearls and classic pumps are classics of the genre.

Treat yourself carelessly

Smooth white teeth, glowing skin, toned body, neat manicure, shiny hair - all this is evidence that you are taking care of your health. And this is an integral part of the image of a lady. Some might argue that it takes a fortune to keep yourself in order, but this is not true. Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing is a simple but very beneficial habit. As well as giving up fast food in favor of chicken breast and vegetables. Well, you can do a manicure yourself, the main thing is regularly.

Wearing inappropriate clothes

Throw away all the things that have become unusable: old jeans, faded and out of shape underwear, a sweater with pills. Even if no one notices a small line on your tights, it will undermine your self-esteem. A true woman will never wear a turtleneck with a stretched neck or a faded blouse. Clothes that don’t fit your figure are also unlikely to make you the queen of the evening. Therefore, when buying your next dress, pay attention to the cut: the new thing should fit perfectly. And no excuses like “well, there will be an incentive to lose weight.” If you lose weight, buy something new! And not just one.

Abuse alcohol

A true lady always thinks about how she looks from the outside. Crowded eyes, unclear speech and confused movements will definitely not add elegance to anyone. Therefore, whether at a get-together with friends in a bar or at an office party, watch what and in what quantities you drink. And since no one is immune from annoying mistakes, always have a snack before events. You’ll feel like you’ve had too much, -. But, be that as it may, do not impose it on others, listen to other people’s words: it will broaden your horizons. And don't get started! A loud, harsh voice will instantly turn you from a sophisticated woman into a market trader - watch your speech. Disrespectful behavior and rudeness are uncharacteristic of a true lady. Be modest, but maintain your dignity, no matter who you communicate with!

Text: Natalia Orekhova

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By definition, a lady is the wife of a lord, which means she belongs to the most privileged aristocratic stratum. But today we call a lady a woman who has a certain set of qualities, and blue blood has nothing to do with it.

  1. Style

A sense of style always distinguishes a real lady. Usually this quality is innate, but it can also be cultivated. If from childhood you instill in a girl a taste for high art, give her a comprehensive education and show her an example of elegance in everything, then there is hope that she will become a real lady.

Style is not only the ability to dress well. This is the presence of a special taste for life. This is the ability to surround yourself only with elegant things and chosen people, the ability to radiate a special charm and attract others to you. And being stylish does not always mean being fashionable. Today, being stylish means being yourself and not losing your dignity under any circumstances.

  1. Manners

One can hardly call a lady a woman who swears and behaves provocatively and cheekily. The lady knows how to hold herself correctly, moves gracefully and does not get lost in any situation. She will be at her best in any environment, and even when alone, she will not allow herself to relax.

The easiest way to recognize a lady is by the way she speaks: her accent and poor pronunciation give her away instantly. That is why in all boarding houses for noble maidens, pronunciation is given paramount importance.

  1. Education

A real lady speaks several languages. She is aware of all the news and can easily support a conversation on any topic. It is not true that a lady's destiny is home economics. Modern lady- an educated and intellectually developed woman.

She may not have scientific degrees, but she will be up to date with the latest advances in science. And she never stops on the path of improvement.

  1. Music

A real lady should not only be able to understand art. Music and dance accompany her all her life. Since childhood, the future lady has been taught music. She should be able to play musical instruments well and not be afraid to sing a couple of romances to her guests.

If you think that lack of hearing exempts her from this duty, you are mistaken. Hearing develops over time. And even if an elephant steps on a girl’s ear, as she learns, she can begin to hear and feel music.

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  1. Ability to dance

This skill is a must for a real lady. She must be confident while dancing, be graceful and rhythmic. Ballroom dancing is included in the compulsory program for future ladies. And it is at balls that a lady should be able to present herself with dignity in high society.

  1. Knowledge of etiquette

This is not only the ability to eat with a knife and fork, but also knowledge of all the subtleties of behavior at the table and in society. How to communicate with royalty how to receive guests, what to say and to whom, when to smile and when to show equanimity - a real lady knows all these secrets perfectly.

  1. Home Economics

Even if a lady lives in a house filled with servants, she is an unsurpassed housewife. Cooking, setting the table beautifully, managing the household - the lady does all this to perfection.

Cooking is an obligatory part of the educational program for ladies. She will always be able to pamper her guests with original and sophisticated dishes.

  1. Floriculture

The ability to grow flowers and make bouquets is one of the most important components of a lady’s aesthetic development. This is the ability to see and feel beauty, unsurpassed taste and subtlety of perception.

Flowers accompany a lady throughout her life, and a withered bouquet cannot be seen in her house. She composes her own compositions and decorates her home with them.

  1. Sewing skills

And even if the lady dresses in best stores and sews outfits from the most famous tailors, she must be able to sew and understand all the intricacies of styles, stitches and fabrics.

  1. INhorse riding

The ability to ride a horse, participate in hunting, and knowledge of all the intricacies of horse racing allow a lady to feel confident in high society.

Manners, etiquette, tact and self-control are eternal. Elegance always captivates, delights and inspires respect. Coming from a modest background and being forced to move in wealthy circles, it is easy to develop a lot of complexes admiring chic and sophisticated women with extraordinary manners. But natural elegance and self-confidence can be easily learned. The main thing is to approach the issue with all your heart.

In most cases this is due to social background. In rich families, girls are sent to ballet school, where they are taught to stand straight and move gracefully. And besides dance lessons, they go to special schools where they teach this, just like at home, everything is simply imbued with the spirit of refined behavior in society. Most often, of course, this is typical for royal families, of which there are not many left in the world today, or for upper-class families belonging to the elite of society. In Ukraine, unfortunately, due to certain historical events, there are practically no such families for a long time, as well as special requirements for behavior in high society, and, consequently, specialized educational institutions.

Continuing the lessons of good manners and proper behavior in society, I would like to pay attention to the way we walk, stand and sit, and teach how to do it correctly and elegantly. There is nothing worse than a pretty girl who only uses her appearance, completely unable to behave properly. Sometimes you feel sorry for those women who spend a lot of time and money on care in order to achieve the perfect hairstyle, manicure and makeup, which are completely lost due to their total inability to behave and carry themselves with dignity.

Standing correctly

First of all, when you stand, stand straight, observing correct posture(read about this in another article).

  • Don't shift from foot to foot, even if your feet hurt or ache
  • Legs should be perpendicular to the floor. Do small steps, if this somehow helps relieve the stress on your legs. You can also stand in third position by placing one foot slightly in front of the other.
  • Don't lean against the wall. Stand straight on two legs, or find yourself a chair

Regarding movements, remember that a real lady, a seductress, is a discreet and tactful woman who amazes with her beauty, demeanor and tact.
  • Don't talk or laugh too loudly and avoid making too big gestures. Hands, and especially elbows, should always be close to the body. Don't cross your arms or place them on your hips.
  • If your legs really hurt and you can no longer stand, never complain or make faces. No one should know about your suffering. An exception can only be made for best friend, or a loved one, but only very quietly.

When walking, movements should be smooth, calm, harmonious and attractive. Exude confidence.
  • Don't forget to keep your chin up.
  • Try to walk straight. Imagine a straight line on the floor and try to place your foot as close to it as possible. Don't try to walk like a supermodel. This is not the effect you want.

  • Don't walk too fast as if you are in a hurry. Don't drag your feet. This will make you look tired and exhausted.
  • Don't put too much emphasis on the heel. Firstly, you become like a soldier, and secondly, the heel clicks too loudly, which annoys others.
  • Don't exaggerate the sway of your hips or the movement of your butt. It's unnatural and looks cheap.
  • Always carry a bag or clutch with you to keep your hands occupied. This makes you look more elegant than when your arms are just dangling back and forth.

  • Don't put your hands in your pockets. Pockets are for men only!
You also need to be able to sit elegantly.

  • Standing in front of a chair or armchair (or other object that you can sit on), lean forward a little and bend your knees.
  • Remember that your back must remain straight. Then slowly lower your buttocks onto the seat, as close to the back as possible. If the seat is too far away and you need to move it closer to your knees, do so while you slowly lower yourself. Never move a chair after you sit on it. This creates unnecessary noise and looks disgusting. Never slouch when you sit, no matter how comfortable the seat is.
  • Keep your feet together. You can tilt them slightly to the side, or cross your ankles. In some cases, or in some seats, such as a high stool at a bar, it is better to cross your knees. It looks more feminine this way. Just remember that when crossing your legs, you should do it as carefully as possible and keep them as close to each other as possible. (Forget Sharon Stone - not now...)
  • When you get up, do it also slowly, keeping your back as straight as possible.

To master these simple rules and apply them in society without the slightest feeling of embarrassment or inconvenience, it is best to practice at home in front of a mirror with different chairs and different outfits.

Many people believe that a real lady can only be born. But in fact, the ability to be one takes years to develop. In order to become a lady, you must not only remember the basic rules of behavior and appropriate lifestyle, but also fully follow them.

Manners of a real lady

A real lady will never allow herself even what an ordinary average girl with good upbringing. What should a real lady be like? Here are ten key behaviors:

  1. A lady will never allow herself to chew gum and swear.
  2. The lady doesn't fix her makeup in public. She will appear in public in impeccable form.
  3. The lady does not allow her emotions to get the better of her; she is always restrained and confident.
  4. The lady does not discuss other people, does not brag about her achievements and does not talk about intimate relationships in society.
  5. A lady does not communicate with people depending on their status. In communication she is equal with everyone.
  6. The lady is distinguished by her constancy, so one-night stands are not for her.
  7. The lady talks little and listens a lot. She does not allow herself a high tone of voice.
  8. The lady behaves with her man with dignity, without showing off her personality. She easily allows him to communicate with his friends.
  9. A lady is never interested in a man's salary on the first date.
  10. The lady is always proud, but not excessively. She never imposes her persona.

The true lady's code also includes features appearance girls:

  1. Too much short skirts And deep necklines for ladies it is taboo. It has exquisite taste.
  2. Smoking is something incompatible with the lifestyle of a real lady.
  3. A lady's gait is always graceful and light.
  4. Haste is not for ladies. She always does everything calmly and measuredly, but in a timely manner.

If you think that the rules of a real lady end with this list, then this is far from true. The lady is educated, she is an unrivaled mistress of her home. In addition, he is well versed in art and loves horse riding. She is musical - she loves music and dances wonderfully. How true woman, a real lady has a luxurious flower garden and takes care of it herself.