Interesting facts about men. All about men - Interesting facts that a woman should know! Interesting facts about men in relationships

Representatives of the fair sex will certainly be interested in interesting things. Of course, women already know a lot of things, but everyone has their own secrets. Maybe something will become a real discovery for you. In any case, this information will help you get to know the stronger sex better and find an approach to them.

Men don't give phone numbers

You've probably noticed that men like to take phone numbers from the girls they like. But try asking for the same in return? Surely 8 out of 10 men will come up with some excuse to leave their phone number a secret. This oddity is not difficult to explain. Representatives of the stronger sex love freedom, they like to take initiative and have the opportunity to choose. A man will feel comfortable having dozens of beauties’ numbers in his address book, but he will not be able to find a place for himself, knowing that one of them can call at any moment.

To interest a man, you need to move

One of the interesting facts about men concerns the characteristics of their visual apparatus. It turns out that the eyes of the stronger sex react faster to dynamic objects than to static ones. Thus, in order for a man to become interested in you in a club, you need to actively dance, and not languidly wait for him at the bar.

Dependence of fidelity on intelligence

After many years of research, sociologists announced statistics on their conclusions. It turned out that smart men are much less likely to cheat on their wives. On the contrary, the lower the IQ level of a representative of the stronger sex, the more often he goes “to the left”. But even without sociological research, it is possible to identify a relationship between intelligence and loyalty. Clever man with a high IQ, he thinks not only about his own pleasure, but also tries to anticipate the consequences that a passing hobby may turn out to have.

The secret of the first date

When going on a date, it doesn’t hurt for girls to know what men like. And, oddly enough, they love women’s chatter. It turns out that at the first meeting a man does not strive to make a stunning impression on the lady of his heart. On the contrary, he gives the initiative to female hands and wants to find out as much as possible about the person he likes. Knowing this trick, a woman can make a better impression on a man by conveying to him the most positive information about herself.

The way to the heart is through the eyes, not through the stomach

Many women mistakenly believe that men love with their stomach. But in fact, the culinary abilities of the fair sex do not have a decisive influence on the choice of a gentleman. According to survey results, most men will willingly eat store-bought dumplings, defrosted convenience foods and other “junk” food (common in modern world), if it is served by a well-groomed, slender woman in a seductive peignoir. At the same time, they will not pay attention to a housewife in curlers and a greasy robe, even if she serves them exquisite restaurant dishes.

Herd instinct

Men in the modern world face a lot of problems and difficulties. And they prefer to solve all questions according to a template, taking as a basis the example of more experienced or authoritative people. If there is no such example, most men will definitely consult with friends. Women, oddly enough, are more independent and creative in decision-making.

Your ex's number will come in handy

As a rule, women after a breakup try to get rid of everything that reminds them of their exes. They throw away gifts, tear up photos together, remove them from friends in social networks and erase phone numbers. But men are more practical and prudent in this matter. Most representatives of the stronger sex in the modern world prefer not to lose contact with their exes in case they need to pour out their souls or satisfy their sexual needs with a trusted partner.

A little about bachelors

When studying interesting facts about men, it is worth paying attention to bachelors, because they are the ones who are most interested in the fair sex. It is worth noting the following significant points:

  • Singles are three times less likely to feel happy than married men, which is directly related to the frequency of sexual intercourse.
  • Before marriage, the average bachelor has 4-15 partners.
  • Bachelors do piercings, tattoos and unusual hairstyles many times more often than married men.
  • 75% of confirmed bachelors secretly dream of starting a family.
  • Bachelors are more sensual and romantic than married men.

Physiology and health

Speaking about interesting facts about men, it is worth paying attention to physiological characteristics and health. Some points are of the greatest interest.

  • If a man is used to working with a laptop on his lap, the risk of infertility increases significantly.
  • The male body has 50% less fatty tissue than the female body.
  • Almost 90% of people with occupational diseases are men.
  • Visual acuity in men is much higher than in women. At the same time, representatives of the stronger sex are more susceptible to color blindness.
  • Men almost never suffer from varicose veins.
  • Representatives of the stronger half of humanity live less than women, due to the fact that testosterone increases cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Men age much more slowly as their bodies continue to produce collagen longer.

If you want to understand men, study psychology. Here's what's interesting to know about the stronger sex in the modern world:

  • Most men have a developed filial instinct. They look for a woman not only as a passionate lover, but also as a caring mother.
  • Men love compliments just like women. Flattering words add to their self-confidence.
  • Men love to be generous only with those women who show their delight with all their appearance, and do not take it for granted.
  • Representatives of the stronger half of humanity endure unrequited love much harder than representatives of the fair sex.
  • Men don't take hints. To avoid quarrels and hurt feelings, always speak directly to your date.
  • Men are no less sentimental than women. But they prefer to show emotions alone with themselves, rather than in front of people.
  • If your chosen one does not tell you about love, this does not mean that he does not love you. It's just that representatives of the stronger sex are afraid to talk about their feelings out loud.

Yesterday we celebrated Defender of the Fatherland Day. Today, continuing the male theme, we bring to your attention 15 very diverse facts about representatives of the stronger half of humanity.
Most men have sexual relations with 4 to 6 girls before becoming serious. So their stories about their hectic bachelor life are nothing more than fiction.
For more than half of the stronger sex Beautiful face women are more important than a perfect figure.
A third of men do not delete their numbers ex-girlfriends so that you have someone to call when you want to vent or have sex.
Most of bachelors under 27 years of age live under their parents' wing.
Everyone knows that men are terribly afraid of becoming impotent. In second place, oddly enough, is the fear of going bald.
96% of men dream of a non-smoking girl.
The average man eats 3 kg of lipstick in his entire life. From a woman's lips, of course.
80% of men are so afraid of going to the doctor that they put off these visits until the last minute.
30% of men who attended their wives' births experienced erection problems that lasted from two months to several years.
Most of the visitors to women's online stores underwear- men.
On average, men have a higher body temperature than women. If your apartment is cold in winter, it is recommended to sleep in the same bed with a man. Men are portable heaters who, however, snore.
If a man has prepared dinner for you and the salad contains more than three ingredients, consider that he has serious intentions.
It can be difficult to free yourself from a man without hurting his masculinity. Phrases like “Get away” and “I don’t want to see you again” can sound like a challenge. If you really want to get rid of a man, try telling him: “I love you….I want to marry you…. I want to have children from you.” Sometimes they leave a smoking trail on the parquet. Men forget everything, while women forget nothing. This is why replays are often shown when sports are broadcast.
Most men hate shopping. That is why the department men's clothing, typically located on the ground floor two inches from the front door.

“If a woman shows character, they say about her “Harmful woman!” If a man shows character, they say about him “He’s a good guy!”
Margaret Thatcher

What are men really like? Every woman and girl, meeting an attractive man, tries to discern in him that zest that attracts her so much.

Going through all his advantages, we conclude that he is special, not like everyone else. Yes, indeed, men are very different in appearance and temperament, but instincts are what unites them all. Sexologists undertook to study men, taking into account the psychological findings of scientists. Here are some interesting facts, based on surveys, about the habits, habits and attitudes of men towards women:

52% of men call love at first sight a chemistry of hormones;

ABOUT former relationship in the man’s memory there are memories that come down to their joint sexual experience;

60% of men are afraid of virgins;

63% of men think about sex when taking a warm shower; 32% - in work time; 15% - in the car; 9% - in the gym.

The most terrible men's fears are impotence, and in second place is baldness;

Men who were lucky enough to attend childbirth often experience erection problems that can last for years;

Men visit online stores of women's underwear more often than women;

Over the course of a lifetime, a man eats approximately 3 kg of a woman's lipstick;

It has been proven that men have higher body temperatures. So if the apartment is cold, sleep in the same bed with such a “heater”;

In a quarrel, the phrases “Get away!” or “I don’t want to see you!” are perceived by a man as a challenge. And the words “I want to become your wife!” and “Let’s have a baby” is exactly the opposite - they scare him;

When showing sports competitions, replays are often shown, and this is done specifically for men, since men are very poor at remembering what they see;

Everyone knows that men don’t like to go shopping, so men’s clothing departments are always located closer to the exit;

When a man holds on thumb by the belt, this means that he subconsciously wants to attract the attention of girls;

Before the first date with a new passion, many men change their bed “just in case”;

A half-naked woman excites men more than a naked woman;

In the morning, the man is in a hurry to be the first to know all the news. If he comes second, it will affect his mood for the whole day;

Men love phones with a lot of buttons. It helps them feel important;

When men watch football, they think that if they focus their attention on the game, they can help their favorite team;

Mongolian men were the first to wear heels. This is how they solved the problem of the leg jumping out of the stirrup when riding;

The world's first "geisha" were men until the mid-18th century!

The most disliked phrase for men is: “We need to talk!” If you start a conversation with her, then subsequent words become meaningless;

More than 62% of men will be happy if a girl takes the first initiative;

Most of all, men value accessibility in a woman, but only if she is for him alone;

30% of men regularly lie to their women;

Men love to cook shish kebab on coals. Any task (even cooking) becomes interesting for a man if it is associated with danger.

Men with earrings are better prepared for marriage. Firstly, they have already experienced pain, and secondly, they know what it’s like to buy jewelry.

Marrying a divorced man makes sense from an environmental point of view. In our world there are fewer men than women - and everyone knows that any resource that is not abundant should be reused.

Men are extremely arrogant people. Some of them are so confident that when they watch sports on TV, they think that if they concentrate hard enough, they can help their team.

Men love phones with a lot of buttons. This helps them feel important.

All men hate the phrase “We need to talk about our relationship.” These six words could terrify General Schwarzkopf himself.

Men are sensitive in a strange way. If a man lit a fireplace and the last log did not burn out, he may regard this as a personal insult.

On average, men have a higher body temperature than women. If your apartment is cold in winter, it is recommended to sleep in the same bed with a man. Men are portable heaters who snore.

Women take clothing much more seriously than men. No one has ever seen a man who would come to a party and say in despair: “Oh, God! I’m at a loss! It’s probably better to leave. I see another man wearing a black tuxedo!”

Most men hate shopping. This is why the men's clothing department is usually located on the ground floor, two inches from the front door.

If a man has prepared dinner for you and the salad contains more than three ingredients, consider that he has serious intentions.

If you are dating a man and you think he is the best for you because he:
a) got older
b) got a new job
c) consulted a psychiatrist
get ready for unpleasant surprises. The fact is that the cocoon and butterfly theory can only be applied to cocoons and butterflies.

When four or more men get together, they talk about sports. When four or more women get together, they talk about men.

Most women are interactive:
- Am I really in love?
- Am I emotionally and creatively satisfied?
Most men are extrospective:
- Will my team win?
- How is my car?

If a man says: “I'll call you” and doesn't call, it doesn't mean he forgot to do it, it doesn't mean he lost your phone number, it doesn't mean he died. This means he doesn't want to call you.

It can be difficult to free yourself from a man without hurting his masculinity. The phrases “Get away” and “I don’t want to see you again” can sound like a challenge. If you really want to get rid of a man, try telling him: "I love you....I want to marry you....I want to have children with you." Sometimes they leave a smoking trail on the parquet.

Men are self-confident because they identify with superheroes as children. Women tend to not have as much self-esteem because they identify with Barbie as children.

Menopause is much more funnier in men than in women. When a woman goes through menopause, she becomes fat and often gets feverish. When a man goes through menopause, he tries to meet young girls and ride a motorcycle.

Men forget everything, while women forget nothing. This is why replays are often shown when sports are broadcast.

Interesting Facts about men. Men are strange people. Such a statement would be made almost unanimously by the majority of the female part of our society. Despite the fact that each of them is a unique and inimitable personality, there are factors that are inherent in the majority of representatives of the stronger half of humanity. So, check them out in this article " Interesting facts about men».

1. You cannot lecture a man in public. It's better to do this in private. In front of people, they KNOW what to do.

2. If the man liked the woman, then he can take her phone number, but he doesn’t really like to give his own. This is how the expression “I’ll call you” came about.

3. A quarter of men would rather lie to their loved one than hurt her.

4. If men could give birth to children, they would die from pain shock, since their pain threshold is much lower than that of women.

5. Men's body temperature is slightly higher than women's.

6. Many men don’t mind finding a girl a little older than themselves.

7. A third of men save the phone numbers of their ex-girlfriends - just in case.

8 . Men's vision actively reacts to moving objects. Therefore, the chance that he will pay attention to the girl sitting at the bar is very low.

9. Men hate losing.

10. Many people do not know about this interesting fact: visual appeal means much more to men than sexy body shapes and figures.

11. When men hold their thumb on the belt or pocket of their trousers, this may mean that they unconsciously want to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

12. Men don't like shopping and shopping.

13. Everything men don't like the phrase“We need to talk,” no matter what we talk about next.

14. Almost 2/3 of guys change their bed linen before the first date - but what if something happens...

15. If a man likes a girl, he will definitely call you within a few days.

16. Men perceive compliments more joyfully than ladies. Perhaps because they are told them less often.

17. Before the emergence of permanent romantic relationships, men, for the most part, have 4-15 sexual partners, and not 100-150.

18. The most active buyers of online stores are single men.

19. A disappointing fact for bachelors, but most of them live in their parents' house until they are 27 years old.

20. Single men much less likely to say they are happy. This is directly related to the number of sexual contacts per month.

21. It is interesting that almost half of the men are distrustful of the lady who initiated them when they met.

22. Men like it when a girl has your own opinion.

23. Men's immunity is weaker than women.

24. Single men listen to their friends more than married men.

25. The male brain reproduces emotional speech worse than the female brain, except for swearing.

26. If a girl feels confident and calm on the first date, 75% of guys would like to see her again.

27. About 50% of single men can wear yesterday's socks.

28. Tattoos, piercings, bright clothes and other elements of self-expression are more typical for single men.

29. While watching an interesting sporting event, the body of active fans produces much more adrenaline than usual.

30. How many conflicts could have been avoided if women had known this fact, if the man is busy and concentrated on some matter, he cannot pay attention to the things around him.

31. A half-naked person excites a man, more than naked.

32. The very thoughts that he is worse than others can have a bad effect on a man’s psyche.

33. If a man has a huge number of candles in his house, it is quite obvious that he is a romantic.

34. If a man invites a woman to have something to drink, this means that he hopes to continue the evening in an interesting way.

35. Less than 10% of men share their intimate details with friends.

36. For many men, an interesting and beautiful face may be more important than a beautiful figure.

37. Most men prefer to call than send SMS or letters.

38. Many men like to talk about their former passions and their own financial self-sufficiency.

39. More than 33% of single men believe that love at first sight exists.

40. 2/3 of single men admitted that they dream of finding a soul mate.

41 Men get married again after divorce much faster than their wives.

42. Approximately 10% of men are confident in their exclusivity for a girl after the first sex, 20% of men - after the first romantic date.

43. 2/3 of bachelors have a complex due to the lack of their own housing, and therefore do not get married.

44. Half of men get married before the age of 25, although the optimal age is 25-30 years old

45. A third of men regularly lie to their loved ones.

46. ​​Paradox but true: almost 70% of men are confident that serious relationship after the first sex are possible only after several dates.

47. The younger a man, the more impulsive he is.

48. If a man strokes his lady’s shoulder, it means that he wants to receive a sea of ​​tenderness and attention from her.

49. Despite the fact that half of men claim that they like blondes/brunettes, etc., in reality, they like almost everyone.

50. Almost 30% of bachelors sincerely believe in the love of their life.

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