What parents should say to bless their daughter. Blessing of parents at a wedding: the right words for the young. Mother's prayer for her daughter to get married

The blessing of the young parents plays a very important role. Even in past centuries, children did not dare to disobey their parents, teachers and bosses. The parents blessed their children from the very morning until they went to bed. Even before the advent of Soviet power, almost all people lived with God and went to church. In church life, the tradition and rule of taking the priest’s blessing not only for communion, but also for serious matters, is preserved to this day. Probably due to the fact that in the modern Orthodox Church Christians approach the priest for a blessing, such a tradition still lives among non-church people.

About what a blessing is

IN modern world The relationships between children and parents, bosses and subordinates have become so simplified that everyone seems to be on an equal footing. Children do not obey their parents and consider themselves smarter, stronger, and after a while, when they mess things up, they do not correct themselves. In past centuries, relationships between people, and especially between parents and children, were completely different. Our grandparents, great-grandparents and great-grandfathers were raised in large families, where parents taught their children to be obedient and submissive from birth.

It is worth noting that the husband was the real head of the family, the mother taught the children to honor their father. Before the wedding of matured children, it was mandatory that the young parents of the bride and groom were blessed. In those days, children did not dare even run out of the house without their parents’ permission; they always approached their elders and asked to let them go. It is this request that is the blessing. Only such a request also has a spiritual meaning. A parent who believes in God must pray for the salvation of his children.

What role does blessing play in the life of a future family?

As stated earlier, a blessing is permission with prayer to the Lord. Many people know that future family life should exist until the death of one of the spouses. For a family to be strong and complete, the bride and groom must be similar in social status, faith, and views on marriage. The parents of the bride and groom most often know each other for a long time, communicate, good relations between
yourself. Blessing young parents for a future marriage is a very responsible event. Even the Church says that without the blessing of parents, marriage is not a real celebration of the birth of a new family. Only with the sincere permission of the parents and their wishes for a happy life together can a marriage be considered blessed. Pious and educated in Orthodox traditions Parents want to see their children satisfied in life. After all, they themselves once got married, they were also blessed. The closest people from the outside can always better see how the bride and groom treat each other. It is impossible for lovers to understand whether love is real, or so it seems. Often a mother’s heart and intuition tell her how to do the right thing.

What words do parents usually say when giving a blessing?

When a young man and a girl declare that they want to get married, the young couple should be blessed by their parents. The words of elders are special words, because they come from the heart, they can influence the future fate of a young family.

The speech may be different, but always with wishes of love and fidelity. Often parents who lived in marriage most life and won
all the troubles, quarrels, insults, they will advise their children to live in harmony and peace. It is important for young people to heed the advice not to enter into an argument with a loved one, not to get angry and not
get irritated. It is very important to remind parents that they need to be able to forgive all insults and love even in a state of grief. Parents will definitely want to be delighted with their grandchildren in old age. In the 21st century, young people do not want to put up with shortcomings, forgive, or give in. Selfishness takes its toll and wins. That's why there's such a flurry of divorces. Divorces often occur because children are not friends with their parents, the parents do not value the children or do it incorrectly. There is no talk of any blessing. They don't know about this ritual. No one knows that there is a blessing of young parents, and often they do not see the point in it.

How does the ceremony take place in the bride's house?

When a guy and a girl start talking seriously about marriage and marriage, then the time has come

get permission from your parents, or rather, as they say, ask for your hand in marriage. The couple comes to the bride's house and informs her parents that they want to get married. Modern parents react differently to such a statement and may become confused. It is advisable to treat this with understanding. The ceremony of blessing the bride's young parents takes place in a narrow circle. As a rule, only four people are present: the groom, the bride, the mother and father of the bride. Parents should have an icon of the Mother of God, with which they will sign the sign of the cross first on their daughter and then on her groom. Who exactly will bless the icon and how to hold it is not strictly important. It is preferable for the bride and groom to kneel in front of their parents. After uttering their wishes, and if the parents are deeply religious, then prayers, the parents baptize their daughter with the icon and let her kiss her, and do the same with the groom. Perhaps after drawing a cross in the air, the parents will apply the icon to the crown of their daughter and groom.

Blessing at the groom's house

Having received the blessing at the bride's house, the newlyweds head home to the groom.

The young man tells his parents that he intends to marry the girl he loves and politely asks for their blessing. The youth again kneel before their parents. To receive the blessing of the young groom's parents, you need to have an icon of Jesus Christ in your house. It is with this that the groom is blessed first, and then the bride. The groom's parents can also say parting words and pray mentally or out loud. Having received the blessing, the bride and groom can submit an application to the registry office with peace of mind. It is worth rightly noting that the blessing ceremony will be performed by Christians, which means, most likely, Orthodox families, and they know why they need to get married. After submitting an application to the registry office, you can decide when to hold the wedding.

What icons are needed for the blessing ceremony

Often young people and parents wonder what kind of icon of the Mother of God they need

prepare for blessing. According to tradition, they take the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God of any format. Icons in the house must be consecrated in a church or monastery. In the absence of Kazan, you can take any. There is one Mother of God, only the icons are different.

The bride's parents may have an icon in the house that is passed down by inheritance. The blessing of the young parents at the groom's house is carried out with the help of a consecrated icon of the Savior. Why do they do this? Why aren’t they blessed with an icon, for example, of Saints Peter and Fevronia? The Lord himself commanded that the head of the family (husband, father) submits to the Lord, and the Mother of God protects his wife, mother. The head of the family gives an answer before God, which means that the groom is blessed with the icon of the Lord.

Blessing a daughter before marriage - old tradition.

It is believed that parting words from parents will protect the young family from unnecessary adversity, strengthen the union and help with the addition to the family. Despite the fact that this tradition is quite ancient, most modern couples adhere to it.

Many years ago, weddings without the blessing of parents were considered doomed and, to some extent, forbidden.

But even now, marriage without parental approval brings with it many difficulties.

Supporting your own daughter on her wedding day, who seemed like just yesterday was running to school in pigtails with a ribbon, was a very touching moment. Parents it's hard to hold back my trembling voice, and the daughters are in tears. The spoken words will be remembered for a lifetime and will be passed on to the grandchildren.

According to the rule, the daughter's blessing happened twice. The first time was during matchmaking. The parents met the groom and, if the outcome of the matchmaking was positive, they gave the go-ahead for the further ceremony. The main attribute of the ceremony was a loaf of bread and handmade painted towel. Their presence symbolized the consent of the bride's parents to the wedding.

The second blessing was given before the wedding celebration itself. The ceremony consisted of instructing the daughter for the future family life. Both the bride and groom were blessed with icons.

There is no clear scenario for blessing in the modern way of life. As a rule, the words of the father and mother of the bride should come from the heart. What should I say, blessing?

  1. They start with the main wish for peace and mutual understanding in a young family; it was said that husband and wife are one whole. In their speech, parents wish love, kindness, healthy children.
  2. Based on their life experience, parents instruct the bride how she should behave with her husband and his parents. They instruct you to be modest, to listen to your husband, to listen to your mother-in-law.
  3. Parents gave advice on how to survive difficulties and stay together no matter what.
  4. A prayer is read.

Having given their consent to the union of the young, the bride’s parents not only approve of the choice of their daughter’s husband, but also undertake thereby to help and support new family in future. Support in difficult times and also share all the joys with children.

The blessing ceremony should usually take place on your wedding day or wedding at home, when a girl spends her last hours in her parents' house being unmarried. It will be better if the parents say the main words alone with their daughter, and more general wishes - when filming, in order to preserve this wonderful moment for a long memory.

Blessing Ritual before marriage is familiar to many peoples. Each of them had and now has its own special features of its implementation. It is typical for Christians to perform a ritual with an icon. Ideally, it would be good if the icon is an old family heirloom that is passed down from generation to generation.

Icon of the Kazan Mother of God has long been considered the patron saint of the family and was given as a gift from the bride. The parents blessed their daughter in the “red corner” of the house where the relic was kept. The girl faces the icon and her parents. It is necessary to cross the bride with the icon three times and let her kiss. After this, the icon was given to a young couple, where it protected the family hearth in a new home.

Looking at this feature of the ritual with a modern look, believers still should not abandon it. It is believed that blessing with an icon will be excellent the beginning of a happy family life. If there is no icon in the bride’s family, then it’s okay. You can simply buy it in advance and also give it to the newlyweds before the celebration.

Other donated items and family values, like the icon, is one of the symbols of the daughter blessing ceremony. A memorable gift Jewelry belonging to the mother of the bride will serve: a ring, earrings or necklace. But the so-called “dowry,” ranging from kitchen utensils to a valuable property gift, can also serve the same role.

Parting words from the older generation to the young at the most important moments in life play a significant role. To some extent, they are also a talisman and determine one’s future fate. This needs to be taken seriously. It was not for nothing that our ancestors honored the ritual of blessing, seeing in it a special magical power.

Some useful tips to parents and daughters before the blessing ceremony:

  1. Parents need to take care in advance of purchasing the appropriate paraphernalia: icons, towels. Ready-made kits can be purchased at the church.
  2. The speech for the ritual can be either in free form or in poetry. If you wish, you can read a prayer for the blessing of your child.
  3. It is better to bless your daughter at home and before the registry office. After the wedding, parents can already turn to the groom with instructions.
  4. Nothing more is required from the daughter and bride herself except obedient silence.

Religious reading: prayer for the blessing of a daughter in marriage to help our readers.

Date of publication: 06.26.2016 00:00:00

A mother's blessing of her child has a very strong protective power, a kind of amulet. Mother's love protects against troubles and diseases. Blessing a daughter before a wedding is a special rite, a custom that has its roots in time immemorial. This tradition is used by people all over the world, regardless of skin color or religion. In addition, a blessing at a wedding is one of the most touching and exciting events for both the parents of the newlyweds and the newlyweds. This way the mother shows that she agrees with her child’s choice. Without the parents' disposition towards the bride or groom, their union is unlikely to be completely happy, because they will have to communicate with relatives, willy-nilly. They can either support a young family or interfere with its happiness. A wise mother will accept her daughter's choice, otherwise she risks being responsible for her daughter's future misfortunes.

In Slavic culture there are several stages and ways of receiving blessings. In ancient Rus', blessings were given during matchmaking, before the wedding. Today, at a classic wedding, the blessing is given before the official wedding ceremony. Blessing can be done only after the groom has passed all the tests and when he shows his chosen one to the guests and pays a ransom for her.

There are several ways to receive a blessing:

Before this, you should read the prayer “For your child.”

For the blessing, you will need an icon, which the mother transfers to the new family, where it will play the role of a relic. Although there are no clear canons of the church on this matter, it is customary to bless girls with the icon of the Mother of God. You can take any other icon that has been kept in your home for more than one generation.

When all the necessary conventions are met, the bride and groom stand opposite the mother. The words of the mother when blessing her daughter before the wedding are heard when she holds the icon in her hands, turning her face towards the newlyweds. There is no need to memorize special words, they must be sincere. Touching congratulations The newlyweds will remember the wedding from their parents for the rest of their lives. Wishes should not concern only the daughter, they also concern the groom. If, in addition to painting in the registry office, a wedding is planned, this icon should be taken with you to church.

Here are several options for a mother’s blessing for her daughter before the wedding:

“I am a believing mother, I pray to the Lord, I give blessings to my daughter. I bless my daughter for her life with her husband. God bless you from insults and quarrels, may St. Nicholas the Wonderworker pray for you. I give you my blessing from the bottom of my heart.”

“Here is my blessing to the bride and groom for their marriage. Live in harmony, kindness and peace. Remember, the Lord is crowning you, and Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is begging him. I give you my blessing."

“I wish you to live in harmony and happily. Be happy about your and other people's successes, understand and accept your soul mate for who she is. I wish you all the best that the Almighty can give.”

“I wish you to love each other and be generous with kindness. Be one and accept all God’s gifts with an open heart and gratitude.”

“My daughter, I bless you for a long life happy life, prosperity, family happiness. Be healthy and loved. Amen"

A “formal” blessing is not the only responsibility of the mother; she supports her daughter long before the wedding, helps dispel unnecessary doubts and worries, participates in organizing the event and supports her in every possible way, and can give advice. original ideas for a bachelorette party before the wedding.

Wedding gifts from parents to newlyweds are also a kind of wish for happiness, because they already know exactly what the newlyweds will need most in their family life.

IN modern life ancient traditions are used that have been improved over thousands of years. One thing remains unchanged - maternal blessing was and is still considered a powerful protection from all sorrows and troubles.


Marriage is one of the most important events in the life of an Orthodox person. Walking down the aisle, believers must firmly understand that this step is taken only once and there is a long family life ahead, accompanied not only by the obligatory family joys, but also by various trials. After all Orthodox Church does not bless divorce, except in some exceptional cases, such as infidelity, mental illness, or a threat to the life and health of one of the spouses from the other. However, often young people, being in an enthusiastic state, do not understand all the responsibility they take upon themselves. But their parents understand all the consequences well. That is why in ancient times it was customary for parents to find a spouse for their children. It was believed that they were from above own experience, and also guided by a thorough knowledge of their own child, they will select the optimal life partner for him/her and protect him/her from a serious life mistake. If for some reason the chosen one of a son or daughter did not suit the older generation, then the threat of not giving blessings for the marriage called into question the existence of future family, because few of the children dared to violate their parental blessing.

Parental blessing for marriage

In modern Russia, even in Orthodox families that are accustomed to strictly adhere to customs and rituals, young people are given complete freedom of choice, and only the Orthodox custom of blessing young people for marriage remains unshakable. Previously, it was customary to give blessings for marriage to young people during matchmaking. Today, this ritual is usually performed after the bride ransom. If a young family adheres to strict Orthodox canons and does not want to celebrate a secular wedding, then the blessing of the newlyweds takes place before the wedding.

How to bless newlyweds for marriage?

During the blessing, parents baptize the newlyweds with icons: the groom with an icon of Christ, the bride with an icon of the Mother of God. Traditionally in Russia, for this purpose, the icons of Christ the Savior Pantocrator are chosen, and the Mother of God - Kazan, Vladimir, Tikhvin, Tenderness. When giving parting words to the young, parents can read a special prayer of blessing, or they can pray in their own words - the main thing is that the words come from the heart and are sincere. Icons for marriage blessings are ordered in advance; usually they try to keep them in the same style. It is best to order a wedding couple from an icon painting workshop, but you can also buy it from an Orthodox online store that offers a wide selection of exclusive icons, or even embroider it yourself with beads or a cross.

Listen to the video of the prayer of Ksenia of St. Petersburg

Orthodox text of prayer to Saint Xenia of Petersburg for the family

Oh, holy all-blessed mother Ksenia! Having lived under the shelter of the Most High, knowing and strengthened by the Mother of God, having endured hunger and thirst, cold and heat, reproach and persecution, you have received the gift of clairvoyance and miracles from God and are resting under the canopy of the Almighty. Now the Holy Church, like a fragrant flower, glorifies you: standing at the place of your burial, before your holy image, as if you were alive and present with us, we pray to you: accept our petitions and bring them to the Throne of the Merciful Heavenly Father, as you have boldness towards Him , ask for eternal salvation for those who flow to you, and for our good deeds and undertakings a generous blessing, deliverance from all troubles and sorrows, appear with your holy prayers before our All-Merciful Savior for us, unworthy and sinners, help, holy blessed mother Ksenia, babies with the light of the Holy Illuminate Baptism and seal the gift of the Holy Spirit, educate boys and girls in faith, honesty, fear of God and chastity and grant them success in learning; heal the sick and sick, family love and consent was sent down, with a monastic feat worthy to strive for good and protect from reproach, establish pastors in the strength of spirit, preserve our people and country in peace and tranquility, pray for those deprived of communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ in the dying hour: you are our hope and hope, speedy hearing and deliverance, we send thanks to you and with you we glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Text of the Orthodox prayer to Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom for a blessing for marriage

About the greatness of the saint of God and wonderful miracle workers, the good faith of Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, the intercessor and guardian of the city of Murom, and about all of us zealous prayer books for the Lord! We come running to you and pray to you with strong hope: offer up your holy prayers to the Lord God for us sinners, and ask from His goodness all that is useful to our souls and bodies: faith in justice, hope in goodness, unfeigned love, unshakable piety in good deeds prosperity, peace of peace, fruitfulness of the earth, prosperity of the air, health of the body and salvation of souls. Petition from the Heavenly King the Holy Church and the entire Russian Empire for peace, silence and prosperity, and for all of us a prosperous life and a good Christian death. Protect your Fatherland and all Russian cities from all evil; and all the faithful people who come to you and worship your holy relics, overshadow with the grace-filled effect of your God-pleasing prayers, and fulfill all their requests for good. Hey, holy wonderworkers! Do not despise our prayers, offered to you today with tenderness, but awaken for us to intercede with the Lord in your dreams, and with your help make us worthy to improve eternal salvation and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven: let us glorify the ineffable love for mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity we worship God, in forever and ever. Amen.

Christian prayer read at marriage

Lord our God, in Thy saving sight, who was deemed worthy in Cana of Galilee to show honorable marriage by Thy coming, Thy servants (names) Himself have now deigned to unite with each other, in peace and unanimity; Show them an honest marriage, observe their undefiled bed, bless their immaculate cohabitation and achieve the virtues of old age, doing Your commandments with a pure heart. For You are our God, the God of mercy and salvation, and we send up glory to You, with Your Originless Father, Your All-Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for blessing a mother at her daughter’s wedding, words to the bride

When it is your turn to speak the solemn words, say this:

Beloved daughter, let me bless you with marriage and destiny. With God's help, may your union be unbreakable. Matronushka will protect you from illness and give birth to strong children. I bless you.

You can say other words:

My maternal blessing for the marriage of the bride and groom. Live in peace, kindness and harmony. Remember that the Lord God married you, and Nicholas the Wonderworker belittled him. I bless you.

I am a believing mother, I often pray, so I bless my daughter for life together with her chosen one. God bless you from quarrels and insults, may Nicholas the Wonderworker defeat the enmity. I bless you from the bottom of my heart.

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Orthodox prayer for blessings on marriage.

If you or your children decide to get married, choose a free time to say a prayer for blessing the marriage.

Being under the protection of the Lord God, you can be sure that all misfortunes will be overthrown.

For a happy marriage, God's help is also necessary, saving the newlyweds not only from spoiled affairs at the wedding, but also from personal conflicts.

Holy Orthodoxy is a great power that allows us to cope with the difficulties of our lives through a sincere appeal to God.

Visit an Orthodox Church and submit a customized note about the health of the bride and groom.

Place 3 candles to the icon Holy Mother of God, Jesus Christ and the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow.

While standing near the image of the Blessed Lady, say these prayer lines to yourself:

Blessed Matrona, bless your servants (name the names of those who decide to get married) for a happy and righteous marriage. Amen."

Be baptized and leave God's palace.

At the end you buy 12 candles for home use.

Once you are alone in the room, light all the candles. Place the available icons nearby.

Begin fervent prayer addressed to the Lord God.

, ,Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Crown with your blessing those who agree to marriage and protect them from family troubles. Endow them with a strong spirit and sinless body. Send down healthy, strong children, not sick ones. Let human malice not touch them, and let everything that was lost come back. Thy will be done. Amen."

There is another prayer, but this time addressed to Matrona of Moscow.

It allows you to avoid envious and spoiled deeds performed right at the wedding.

Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Do not be angry at my request, and do not refuse Orthodox protection. Let nothing bad happen at the wedding (name the names of those who decided to get married), and let trouble not come to them because of anger. Protect them from illness and leprosy, from want and from the devil’s infection. Thy will be done. Amen."

Now you can rest assured that the marriage of your loved ones is under blessed protection.

Prayer for blessing a mother at her daughter’s wedding, words to the bride.

Your daughter is getting married. Be sure to say prayerful words of blessing at the bride's wedding ceremony. Even a toast can be said with the lips of prayer.

Of course, you have already blessed the bride and groom with your own words.

Was there any mention of the Lord God in them?

No one will judge you if you bless the newlyweds so that they live with true faith in their souls.

Then Jesus will give them happiness and healthy children.

When it is your turn to speak the solemn words, say this:

Beloved daughter, let me bless you with marriage and destiny. With God's help, may your union be unbreakable. Matronushka will protect you from illness and give birth to strong children. I bless you.”

You can say other words:

My maternal blessing for the marriage of the bride and groom. Live in peace, kindness and harmony. Remember that the Lord God married you, and Nicholas the Wonderworker belittled him. I bless you.

I am a believing mother, I often pray, so I bless my daughter for a life together with her chosen one. God bless you from quarrels and insults, may Nicholas the Wonderworker defeat the enmity. I bless you from the bottom of my heart.”

These are not even prayers for blessing the mother, but parting words filled with Orthodoxy, in which the emphasis is not on wedding fun, but on the patronage of the Lord God.

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Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Icons for blessing the newlyweds, sons, daughters before the wedding and for marriage

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Since ancient times, it was customary in our country to receive a blessing with icons before the wedding for a long and happy life. This ritual is considered the most significant and exciting for both newlyweds and their parents.

It is worth noting that, in principle, the tradition of blessing has been slightly different since those times. If in those days blessings were asked from parents long before the wedding, today blessings of parents take place at the wedding.

How does the blessing ceremony take place?

Despite the fact that modern young people themselves decide who and when they want to marry, the ceremony of blessing remains a rather important and touching moment of the entire wedding. This is probably right, because nothing can cheer you up and give confident guidance for your future life like the kind and sincere words of your parents.

The blessing ceremony can be performed in two ways:

  1. Orthodox. It follows certain rules. In this ritual, if one of the participants (parents or young people) is not baptized, then you must first cross yourself, and only then carry out the blessing. There must also be icons here. We will look at what icons are used for these purposes below. The whole ritual takes place with the help of icons. But still, in order to conduct the ceremony accurately and correctly, you need to clarify all the nuances with the priest the day before.
  2. Modern. This type blessings are used quite often at modern weddings. It is used by young people who are not ready for a serious ceremony, and it has a purely formal look. It can also be performed by non-baptized people. To carry out the ceremony, it is enough to simply ask the parents to prepare a parting speech in advance.

After the blessing ceremony, parents ask the guests to bless their children for a happy life. After the words “God bless,” all guests escort the newlyweds to wedding procession and having settled into the cars, they go to the registry office.

Icon for blessing newlyweds

Today, the icon of the Mother of God of Kazan and Christ the Savior is most often used to bless the young. Let's take a closer look at the icons for wedding blessings:

  • And so, the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most revered images of the Mother of God. Since ancient times, she was considered the intercessor and patroness of the entire people.
  • Many different miracles and amazing salvations were attributed to her.
  • It is also worth noting that it is this icon that is used for weddings in the church. It is especially important for women.
  • Before her they pray for the birth of children, and ask for protection of the house from evil spirits.
  • The icon of the Temperance of the Savior is the second icon that is used to bless the young. Before this image they pray for need and joy. Contact her with requests for the well-being of the whole family.

Today you can bless with both icons or with one of them. You can also buy a fold of these images in the icon shop.

Blessing of daughter (son) before wedding

The blessing of the daughter is carried out with the help of the face of the Kazan Mother of God. The father must give the icons to the mother. Moreover, it is very important that the mother holds towels, because it is not customary to take holy images with bare hands. The father holds a loaf of bread during the ceremony.

Parents take turns saying their wishes without interrupting each other. The parting words should be succinct, concise and simple. After pronouncing the speech, the daughter must be crossed three times and the image brought to her. She must also cross the image and kiss it. If the young woman does not have parents, then the ceremony can be performed by godparents.

The blessing of a son before the wedding is carried out similarly to the ceremony with a daughter, only for this purpose the icon “Savior Temperance” is used.

Which parent holds the images of the saints and the loaf during the ceremony?

As a rule, when children decide to marry, parents are always unexpected. When planning a celebration and assigning “roles” for the blessing ceremony, it is always difficult. In fact, there is nothing complicated here. There are several options:

  • The groom's father holds the icon, the young mother holds the loaf.
  • Mothers of young people hold icons, and fathers hold champagne and a loaf of bread,
  • One of the mothers holds images of saints, the other a loaf, and the fathers simply stand on the sides.

All diagrams should be viewed from left to right. You can use a special prayer during the ceremony. It is pronounced before the wishes of the parents themselves. If it is better not to memorize the wish, so as not to forget during excitement, then you should try to learn the prayer.

Wedding blessing prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother

Hear me, Thy sinful and unworthy servant.

Lord, in the mercy of Your power my children (names), have mercy and save them for Your name’s sake.

Lord, forgive them all the sins, voluntary and involuntary, that they committed before You.

Lord, guide them on the true path of Your commandments and enlighten them and enlighten them with Your light of Christ, for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body.

Lord, bless them in the house, around the house, at school, in the field, at work and on the road, and in every place of Your possession.

Lord, protect them under the shelter of Your Saints from a flying bullet, arrow, knife, sword, poison, fire, flood, from a deadly plague (atomic rays) and from vain death.

Lord, protect them from visible and invisible enemies, from all troubles, evils and misfortunes. Lord, heal them from all diseases, cleanse them from all filth (wine, tobacco, drugs) and ease their mental suffering and sorrow.

Lord, grant them the grace of Your Holy Spirit for many years of life, health and chastity.

Lord, multiply and strengthen them mental capacity and bodily strength.

Lord, give them Your blessing for a pious family life and

Lord, grant me, Thy unworthy and sinful servant, a parental blessing on my child at this time of morning, day, evening and night for the sake of Thy name, for Thy Kingdom is eternal, omnipotent and omnipotent.

How to store icons after the wedding

After the ceremony, the icons are necessarily handed over to the young. From the moment of transmission they are considered a family heirloom. If the family is a believer, then they are placed at home in the red corner (a specially designated place for icons in the house), with a napkin laid under them and covered with a towel.

In general, according to church rules, such images should be placed in the Eastern corner of the house. Next to them are wedding candles or a candle that was used during the ritual of “lighting the hearth candle.” By the way, there is a belief that in order for the family to live in peace and love, such candles should be lit every year on their wedding anniversary.

If the family is not deeply religious and for some reason there is no place in the house for holy images, then they should be carefully wrapped in towels and a special place should be allocated for their storage.

The Lord is always with you!

Watch the video on how to properly bless your daughter or son before the wedding.

Even in modern society, when the bustle of everyday life absorbs us completely and completely, and many religious rituals are simplified in order to save precious time, the tradition of blessing the young remains extremely important and revered throughout the world. This is not surprising, because it is believed that it is the parental instructions and the message they give along with approval that are the foundation for the future family happiness, well-being and mutual understanding of the newlyweds. We can say that the blessing ceremony is the most important stage in the series of pre-wedding events; you need to prepare for it with all responsibility and think through everything down to the smallest detail, especially such nuances as which icon to bless your daughter with before the wedding and what words to say before the girl will begin to build her own family.

According to Orthodox dogmas and traditions, when a girl has decided on her chosen one and decided to connect her life with him, she should notify her parents and closest relatives about this, who can evaluate and approve her choice. If the young man has proven that he has all the necessary qualities to start a family, the bride’s relatives begin discussions regarding the upcoming wedding. Before the celebration begins, the father and mother of the bride need to think over a speech for blessings, parting words and wishes for the newlyweds. It is considered very important to wish young people harmony and peace of mind in relationships, mutual respect, understanding and, of course, health, prosperity and well-being for them and their future children. It doesn’t matter how it will be said - in poetry, in prose or just a few sentences, the main thing is that all the words come from the heart, then, they say, they will become a real support and amulet of family well-being.

Icon selection

After preparing the speech, loved ones should focus on choosing an icon for the blessing ceremony. This stage is extremely important, because the holy image, donated by the parents, will enter with the young people into their new life and will serve as the guardian of their family hearth. You need to select an icon based on your personalities and needs. future couple– some need to take care of physical health and mental balance, others need to take care of wealth and prosperity, and for others it is important to have a shrine at home that helps in making important decisions, saving them from adversity and troubles.

To accept correct solution, we need to consider the appropriate options in more detail.

This image is considered to be the most suitable for the ritual of blessing a girl before the wedding, as it helps to find the right path and not stray from it. Also, the “Kazan Mother of God”, they say, acts as a true patroness, protector of women and children.

It is famous among the people for its miraculous properties:

  • helps to overcome physical and mental illnesses, gain spiritual insight, find the right path in life, restore lost faith;
  • supports in difficult times life situations, gives strength when they are no longer enough to overcome adversity and family conflicts;
  • protects against making rash decisions and making mistakes that can lead to serious consequences;
  • guards married couples from envious people and enemies, internal troubles, brings harmony, harmony and well-being to relationships;
  • protects children from illnesses, sorrows and misfortunes.

The image of the Savior Jesus Christ has always represented purity and sincere faith. Christians, turning their prayers to the Lord, find consolation, tranquility and salvation from many troubles.

This icon is the central object of any Orthodox church, because parishioners, turning to it, always pin their hopes on God’s mercy and forgiveness.

The image of the Savior helps:

  • find a way out of even the most difficult, seemingly insoluble situations;
  • recover from physical and mental illnesses, gain balance and vitality;
  • get rid of the torment, anxiety, anxiety that plagues the heart and soul;
  • protect yourself from harmful influence enemies, envious people and the forces they send to destroy well-being;
  • bring it into the house and family relationships warmth, comfort, harmony and prosperity;
  • regain lost faith and find like-minded people, people who can help and support.

The two above-mentioned images are traditional for the blessing ceremony, however, if the family has an icon of the saint, which is inherited, it will also become an excellent amulet and guardian of the hearth. Therefore, when choosing which one to bless your daughter before the wedding, choose the shrine that will be closest to the inner state and needs of the bride and groom.

Without exaggeration, we can say that a wedding is a day that will be remembered for a lifetime. That is why it is so important to take the organization of the event very responsibly and with all your heart. However, a wedding is not only about guests, a beautifully decorated hall, rich food and dancing. For example, the bride’s parents should not forget that their daughter is starting a new part of her life’s journey; she will face many worries and difficulties. Today, not everyone decides to get married in a church, which is why a blessing before the wedding becomes so important. These are not just the words of the parents, but parting words containing positive energy that will give the newlywed self-confidence and success in family life. How to bless your daughter before the wedding? This is what we will talk about.

Proper preparation for the ceremony

If you don’t know how to bless your daughter for marriage, but you sincerely want to do it, start with preparations. You will need:

  • special words (think about them in advance, write them down and learn them);
  • a towel with which you will pick up the icon (rushnik);
  • the icon itself (read below about which one to take).

Take the blessing speech with special responsibility. It shouldn't be long. Wish your daughter and her chosen one family well-being, peace of mind and mutual understanding. Let there also be words about the need to support, understand each other, give in, and seek a compromise. Ideally, you should make several options so that you can then choose the most successful and sincere one.

Choosing an icon for blessing

Not every mother knows how to bless her daughter before the wedding, but this does not mean that you can go and buy any icon on the principle “because it’s necessary.” This is a fundamentally wrong approach. For example, in ancient times, young people could not get married without the correct blessing; this was considered a terrible sin. The icon was generally given great importance. It was believed that a mother should accompany her daughter on her family journey with the icon with which she herself was blessed at one time. Unfortunately, today not everyone has such an opportunity. But if you do something from the heart, then do it right. What icon is used to bless a daughter? The answer is simple - we need an image of the Kazan Mother of God. Go to church and buy it. It is advisable to keep the icon, because it will carry enormous power, and then your daughter can bless her children with it.

What else does the mother of the bride need to know?

The future mother-in-law can inquire from the priest about how to bless her daughter before the wedding. You will still go to church for the icon. What will he recommend? Approach the face of the Mother of God, light a candle, pray, ask for happiness for your daughter. The main thing is to sincerely believe that the mother is blessing her little girl, who has grown up so imperceptibly, for a good deed. At home, on your wedding day, take the purchased icon (only with a towel, never with your bare hands!), bless your daughter for a long marriage. We talked about what kind of speech to give above. There are no special words, everything should be prompted by your heart.

Father shouldn't be silent either

The future father-in-law should also know how to bless his daughter before the wedding, because without his words, the mother’s parting words do not have the necessary power. However, it is the mother of the bride who speaks first. And she holds the icon. Men, as a rule, are taciturn, but the father must still tell his daughter that he blesses her for this marriage, that he wishes her a happy family path. When the parents say their parting words, they need to kiss their daughter, then her chosen one. By this they make it clear that they accept him into the family as their own son.

A few more words about the ritual

As you already understand, the entire blessing process takes place directly on the wedding day, before going to the registry office, but after the groom has paid the ransom. This is all done in the bride’s home, because there, beyond the threshold, it will begin new life. After their parents’ speeches, the young people kneel on a towel (that is, at this moment you will need another such accessory). The mother must cross the couple three times with the icon, then the bride and groom kiss the icon in turn and cross themselves. It is advisable that during this process there is silence in the room, and only the persons mentioned are present.


As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this ritual. The main thing is sincerity in words, because more than anything in the world you want your daughter to be happy, so that the house, as they say, is a full cup. Don't worry, don't panic, you know everything. And if you suddenly forgot something, then your heart will definitely tell you, because you are giving your daughter away in marriage and wish her the best. And then be sure to give the icon to the home of the young people, let it bring them health, success and happiness, because it contains the energy of all your words and wishes. And later, when they bless their children for family life, they will certainly need it, but the energy of the image will be much stronger, because it also contains your parting words.