October 29 is a motorist's day. When is the professional holiday of public transport workers? Where it all started

Date in 2019: October 27th, Sunday.

Every day, millions of cars rush to do human business. Cars are carrying cargo, dangerous and ordinary, rushing to deliver a doctor to a patient, and workers to their cozy offices or noisy factories. And the drivers tirelessly turn their wheels - people whose lives have become roads, where they feel like real heroes. Don't forget to congratulate drivers at the end of October, on Sunday, when Driver's Day is celebrated in Russia and other countries.

How does the morning begin? From the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves? Or maybe from the music of streams and wind songs? A resident of a metropolis can only dream of such an idyll. The daily roar of engines and screams of horns, the roar of traffic and the squeal of brakes - this is the usual soundtrack of modern cities. Our streets are simply filled with traffic. And even in the outback, all signs of civilization break through the pristine silence. After all, human activity has long become dependent on cars. As the number of vehicles increases, the number of drivers, professional and amateur, also increases. And they will all celebrate Motorist Day at the end of October.

Who celebrates the holiday?

The profession of a driver, which has become familiar and commonplace for us, was literally a rarity a century and a half ago. After all, if you look at it, the invention that turned the entire economy of the planet upside down was brought to life by historical standards not so long ago.

And it all started with the most global invention of humanity - an ordinary wheel. The wheel, which symbolizes infinity, and the desire for movement, that is, life.

For a long time, people were satisfied with transport in the form of carts, carts, and carriages, where an ordinary horse remained the traction force. But the constant desire for speed became the impetus for the invention of the internal combustion engine, which became the predetermining factor in the development of the future automotive industry.

And already in the 19th century, townspeople were frightened and surprised by eccentric carriages that moved through the streets without a horse. Unlike other unusual solutions of designers, which often meet staunch resistance from society, this particular invention was destined to become key in the future fate of all mankind.

Up to a certain point, private transportation was truly a luxury. And the purpose of the vehicles was exclusively related to the transportation of important cargo and high-ranking personalities. Cars have found their place in the military, industrial, and agricultural sectors. The high-speed movement of goods, information, and people has had an incredible impact on the development of the economy.

Of course, a car is not a carriage, and it does not need a horse. But to operate such a unique machine you still need a person. The first drivers were enthusiasts, full of curiosity and even heroism.

In the future, even women sit behind the wheel, surprising with their endurance and labor feats behind the wheel.

Drivers played an important role in the fight against fascism. They heroically scurried around in their trucks or cars under a hail of bullets, delivering ammunition or important dispatches. How many wounded did they save by transporting soldiers from the battlefield? How many lives were saved by delivering vital products to besieged cities.

It was thanks to the selfless work of the drivers that unique cultural values ​​and equipment from industrial enterprises that were evacuated to quieter regions were preserved.

The post-war years were associated with the restoration of industry, residential facilities, roads, communications, and transport and, definitely, drivers were needed everywhere.

Every year the number of transport increases significantly. The modern economy places high demands on the speed of cargo movement, logistics, and industrial support.

Freight and passenger transportation have become a separate sector of the economy with its own characteristics, requirements and laws. People involved in driving motor transport are the first contenders for congratulations on the driver’s professional holiday. After all, every driver’s day, when it snows or rains, the sun bakes or the heat dries up, passes behind the steering wheel, and kilometers of unfamiliar roads, beautiful fields and native forests, or familiar and familiar streets, stops and houses flash before his eyes.

On Motorist Day 2019, congratulations are also expected from people whose work is related to the creation, maintenance, and repair of cars. After all, it is thanks to their work and knowledge of their business that modern cars run on the roads at enormous speeds, without threatening the lives of passengers and pedestrians.

And, of course, all lovers, which probably include every second resident of cities and fifth rural areas, will not forget to raise their glasses on Driver’s Day in 2019 - what date will be determined by the holiday calendar and the history of the celebration.

history of the holiday

Despite the relative youth of the profession, the Motorist Day holiday itself has quite interesting story. Many sources report that the holiday takes its historical roots in the year 80. Such information can be found on many resources.

But in fact, for the first time they started talking about the importance of driving at the state level back in the USSR in the 70s.

The prerequisite was an appeal from workers, which focused attention on the absence of a corresponding holiday. And the decision was made. The Presidium of the Supreme Council established a holiday date in December 1976. The first name of the driver's day sounded like “Day of Road Transport Workers”.

The holiday really only applied to people whose work was involved in the automotive sector, no matter whether it was cargo or passenger. Lovers this professional holiday not noted. The idea was quickly picked up by both business leaders and the drivers themselves. Journalists, printing enterprises and even the post office did not lag behind. Markings about the new holiday appeared in all calendars, diaries and even on envelopes.

And directly in 1980, the holiday was renamed and received the more familiar name Motorist Day. The basis for such changes was the Decree signed in October 1980, which regulates most holidays and memorable dates. But the day of celebration remained unchanged - the last Sunday in October.

With the collapse of the Union, the dates of many holidays changed. In each new country their own laws and decrees were adopted, on the basis of which new ones were established and old ones were transferred. Interestingly, the driver’s professional holiday in most post-Soviet countries has remained unchanged regarding the date of celebration. But the names can be found completely different. When Motorist Day will be celebrated in 2019, on what date, depends on the country.

Thus, Motorist Day in Russia is divided into more specialized holidays, which are celebrated by people of different professions. The “Day of Road and Urban Transport Workers” itself was established in 2012, but the date of celebration remains the same. and moved in 2000 to the third Sunday. In this way, the holidays of the drivers themselves and the people responsible for the condition and maintenance of the roads were divided. Born in 2000 new holiday concerning drivers. The initiator was the Ministry of Defense. It is customary to congratulate all military drivers on May 29th. The date is associated with a historical event - the formation of the first automobile company in 1910.

In Ukraine, the holiday is preserved under the name “Day of Motorists and Road Workers,” which is confirmed by the Decree of the first President Kravchuk, which was signed in 1993, on October 13. The date of the driving day also remains unchanged - the last Sunday in October. But what will happen in the future with pro-Soviet holidays in the country is unknown, and perhaps drivers will get used to the new date.

Belarus also did not come up with new dates and holidays. A presidential decree established the Motorist Day holiday in October 1995 with an unchanged name and date.

But in Kazakhstan they refuse the classic driver's holiday. Instead, Transport Workers Day was established in 1998 by Presidential Decree. Ceremonial events, dedicated to transport workers, take place not in October, but in August, on the first Sunday.

About the driver's profession

A driver is an interesting, but at the same time very responsible profession. Similar kind professional activity is in great demand today. Despite the emergence of new, faster modes of transport, road transport still remains relevant and in demand. People of this profession work in public, private, departmental organizations and enterprises.

Their responsibilities include not only managing passenger or cargo, special or departmental transport, but also responsibility for the technical condition of transport.

It is the driver who is obliged to make an emergency decision in order to avoid dangerous and emergency situations on the road. He must know the structure of the car well and, if necessary, repair any breakdowns that occur along the way.

Depending on the specifics and type of activity of the organization where the driver works, he can additionally play the role of a security guard, bodyguard, forwarder, loader, courier, taxi driver, international agent. Of course, the driver is responsible for the safety of the cargo, as well as the comfort and safety of passengers.

Undoubtedly, it is impossible to become a driver without having a driving license of a certain category. But this is not enough. A professional knows the rules of the road perfectly, improves his qualifications and constantly gets acquainted with updates to the legislative framework relating to his work.

Driving a car is not that difficult, and almost every second person in the street has similar skills. But not everyone can become a good driver. A person who decides to devote his life to such a business must be prepared for long hours of travel without rest, for the monotony of long trips, for the nervous strain associated with driving on roads filled with traffic, and for working in uncomfortable conditions.

Congratulations to the drivers

Today is your holiday, driver. And we say thank you for your responsibility and endurance, for your attention and patience. May your roads be smooth and without sharp turns, may your dear car not let you down when in a hurry, may your eyes not get tired of monotony, and may your heart always be happy with a good mood.

For those who are much more comfortable on four wheels than on their own two, we say congratulations. We wish the driver a variety of everyday life and good rest, good health and fortitude. And don’t forget to raise a glass if there is no road and a priceless car waiting for you tomorrow.

I know he doesn't see the point

Without your own steering wheel.

Therefore, on motorist day

I will congratulate him.

And don't let him be scared

Potholes, mud and ice.

And his eyes shine

From speed to takeoff.

The kilometer will show the counter,

The navigator will show the way.

Rest assured, trucker,

Your family is waiting for you on holiday.

May your angel help you

Always work safely

Let it not touch you

No sadness, no sadness, no trouble.

Larisa, August 14, 2016.

The professional holiday of Russian motorists has quite a long history - in 2018 it will turn 42 years old. Conceived as a holiday only for professional drivers, over time this day became truly national holiday, and it is now celebrated by all motorists, including amateurs. Motorist Day in 2018: what date is celebrated in Russia, when will there be a professional holiday for drivers.

What date is Motorist Day in 2018?

Since 1976, when this holiday arose, the principle of determining its date has never changed. Motorist Day in the Soviet Union, and then in Russia, is celebrated on the last Sunday of October. Therefore, Motorist Day in 2018 will be October 28.

Please note that a number of sources do not quite correctly talk about the principle of determining exact date of this holiday. There is information that Motorist Day is celebrated not on the last, but on the fourth Sunday of November. Yes, this year there is no difference, but sometimes there are 5 Sundays in October, in which case there is a certain confusion.

Today, Motorist Day is celebrated in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 897 of June 25, 2012; it can be found on legal websites and you can verify the correct date of the holiday.

The full name of the holiday in 2018 is the Day of Automobile and Urban Passenger Transport Workers. Consequently, to the professional drivers driving cars, to whom this holiday was originally dedicated, today there are drivers of buses, trolleybuses, trams, subways and minibuses, whose involvement in the holiday was not so obvious before.

History of Motorist Day in Russia

Motorist Day, which arose in 1976 as a professional holiday for all drivers and chauffeurs, found confirmation of its place in the calendar in 1980 during the major reform of the country's holidays that took place that year.
In 1996, this day was slightly modified and became a holiday not only for drivers, but also for people responsible for the condition of roads in Russia - road workers.

In 2000, these holidays were separated. Road workers were assigned the third Sunday in October adjacent to Motorist Day in the calendar. The last Sunday of October was reserved for professional drivers.

Since 2012, the name of the holiday has been clarified, and it now also includes drivers of passenger transport.

Traditions of Motorist Day

Naturally, first of all, professionals - drivers driving trucks, dump trucks, taxis, special vehicles, etc. - can consider this day theirs.

Concerts are traditionally held in October in honor of these people; they are congratulated by their immediate management and even some politicians.

Often special events are dedicated to Motorist Day: exhibitions and parades of rare cars, car rallies and competitions.

It is logical that many fans consider Motorist Day to be theirs - people with a driver’s license who take part in traffic like drivers. And although various things may happen on the road conflict situations, it is still always clear that motorists are a special brotherhood, always ready to help in case of a breakdown or accident.

Motorist Day unites all motorists and gives them the opportunity not to forget that overall road safety depends on everyone.

Automobile transport has become an integral part of our lives, regardless of whether you live in a metropolis or a provincial town. It is not surprising that every car owner or person whose work is related to this type of transport annually celebrates Motorist Day, despite the fact that, by definition, this holiday is considered exclusively professional.

Today it seems that the motorist’s holiday has been around for centuries, but if you delve into history, it turns out that a similar date appeared just over 30 years ago. And yet, even in such a relatively short time, a lot of controversy arose about when to celebrate and what official name this holiday has.

Motorist Day: history of the holiday

The first mention of Motorist Day appeared more than 30 years ago. IN Soviet time it was a holiday for all road transport workers. It is worth noting that not only the drivers, but also all employees who were directly related to the road sector had a reason to celebrate.

The legislative body of the USSR issued a decree in which it was stated that from this moment (October 1, 1980), the last Sunday of October is a professional holiday for all drivers, which was named Motorist Day. Soviet citizens popularly called the holiday simply “Driver’s Day.” That is why there is currently a lot of controversy over what is the correct name for Motorist Day.

With the collapse of the USSR, many republics postponed certain holiday dates, while others abandoned Soviet holidays altogether. Motorist Day was also no exception - the holiday is officially celebrated today in only a few former republics of the USSR, including: the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus.

As for what date Driver’s Day is, it should be noted that only in the three above countries the date of celebration has not changed. At the same time, there is some difference in the celebration of Motorist Day in Russia from the same holiday in Ukraine and Belarus.

Celebrating Motorist Day in Russia

Many will agree that motorists and road workers are two completely different categories. In addition, representatives of the second industry in some cases have nothing to do with driving a car. To prevent any disputes from arising, the Russian government considered it advisable to create two completely different, but equal holidays.

Professional holiday "Driver's Day" in, and Russian Federation, as before, is celebrated on the last Sunday of October. There is only one difference - in the first two post-Soviet countries this holiday is combined with “Road Worker's Day”. While the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in the decree “On the Day of Road Workers”, issued on March 23, 2000, ordered to move “Road Worker’s Day” to the third Sunday in October.

Today, Driver's Day has practically lost its original meaning, becoming a holiday for everyone who owns a car. But it is always worth remembering that Motorist Day is not just another professional holiday, but a tribute to all workers in this industry, without whose work life in modern world would be impossible.

It is worth noting that Motorist Day today can also be celebrated by those who were behind the wheel during the Second World War, supplying ammunition, transporting wounded soldiers from the front line, taking women and children from occupied cities.

Motorist Day 2018 is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of October. The official name of the professional holiday is “Day of the Automobile and Urban Passenger Transport Worker.” On what date will industry representatives be honored this year? The holiday falls on October 28th. The date was set by decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 2012.

How the holiday appeared

It was first established by decree of the PVS of the USSR dated January 15, 1976, and it was then called “Day of Road Transport Workers.” After 20 years, it began to be celebrated as “Day of Motor Transport and Road Workers.” Then, in 2000, road workers got their own holiday, and since 2012, all urban passenger transport workers have been added to motorists.

The holiday is celebrated:

  • drivers;
  • engineering and technical workers;
  • workers of motor transport enterprises;
  • employees of educational institutions.

Transport in Russia

The country uses everything modern views transport. Motor transport accounts for 8.6% of total freight turnover, 56% of cargo transportation volume and 44% of commercial transportation. The share of bus transportation in passenger traffic is 61%, and in the overall structure of passenger traffic, motor transport accounts for 28%.

Urban public transport is the main element of the transport system. It includes: tram, light rail, bus, trolleybus, taxi, metro, monorails, providing about 80% of the population's trips.

Holiday Events

As a rule, on the eve of Motorist Day, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation holds a meeting of the Organizing Committee, where regulations and festive events are discussed.

The ceremonial part of the holiday includes:

  • congratulations and awards to industry representatives;
  • honoring industry veterans;
  • awarding prizes to participants in professional skills competitions;
  • big holiday concert.

Thanks to motorists, plants and factories operate, shopping centers goods are replenished, people move freely within and between cities. Therefore, Motorist Day can safely be called a national day.

Automobile transport

This is the youngest type of transport, because the first cars appeared only at the end of the 19th century. Nowadays, road transport successfully competes with rail and water transport, transporting almost all types of cargo. Motor transport is universal, reliable and convenient. Its main advantage is door-to-door transportation. Road transport is the first competitor to railway transport. It is effective for transporting goods over short and long distances. Public transport uses trolleybuses and buses. Luxury buses have become indispensable in the tourism industry.

However, not everything is so rosy. Cars and buses need good roads, transport junctions. Construction of new routes and reconstruction of old ones is a long and costly process. In the meantime, vehicles are forced to sit in traffic jams for half a day, causing environmental damage.

Personal or public

Public transport began to develop from the beginning of the 20th century. But already from the middle of the century, personal cars began to compete with it. In some European countries, in the wake of automobile addiction, the tram was completely eliminated. It is clear that a personal car means speed, convenience, and the ability to travel “door to door.” But it should be borne in mind that cities literally suffer from overcrowded streets, and the lack of parking spaces irritates not only the motorists themselves, but also pedestrians who are forced to maneuver between cars parked at random and partially blocking the sidewalks. Paid entry into the central part of the city and improving the quality of public transport should help solve the problem.

On March 9, 2020, the deadline for submitting compositions for participation in the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 expired. Russian TV viewers waited all day in vain - on the official website of the competition in the “Participants” section, the song from the group “Little Big” representing our country did not appear. Instead of the title it says “No song yet” and “To be announced later”.

But there is no need to worry - the organizers reported that the song was received on time. And the delay can be explained simply - the Russian “sponsors” decided to “stir up” the public’s interest in the event and make a show out of the song’s premiere.

We tell you when, what time and on what channel will the presentation of the song “Little Big” for the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 take place?.

Very soon - on Thursday March 12, 2020, we will find out with which song the group "Little Big" will represent Russia at the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest.

It was announced that the presentation of the song "Little Big" will take place on Channel One V live transfers "Evening Urgant". The program is scheduled to start on 23:30 Moscow time March 12, 2020.

Previously, the broadcast with the group "Little Big" in the program "Evening Urgant" was planned by Channel One on Friday, March 13, 2020 (starting at 23:20 Moscow time).

That is, the presentation of the song “Little Big” for the Eurovision Song Contest 2020:
* When will it take place - March 12, 2020 (Thursday).
* On Channel One, in the program “Evening Urgant”.
* What time - at 23:30 Moscow time.

The band's frontman Ilya Pruskin announced that the song would be fun and with a "Brazilian touch." Perhaps the composition for the European song competition will be the song "Uno", a 15-second segment of which has already appeared on YouTube.

Updated 03/12/2020 at 23:45: The composition with which the band will perform at Eurovision was (as we expected) song "Uno". You can watch the clip on the Channel One website in the Music section.