The financiers of the republic celebrated their professional holiday. Day of the financier in Russia: when is celebrated, how to congratulate When is the day of the financier in the year

Day of the financier - professional holiday in which everyone involved in economic activity takes part. Among them are officials of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, bankers, employees of commercial departments of enterprises of private and state ownership. The event is considered by teachers, students, graduate students, graduates of educational institutions, scientists in this field.

In Russia in 2020, the Day of the financier is celebrated on September 8 and takes place at the official level 10 times.

Meaning: the holiday is dedicated to the establishment of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Empire by Alexander I on 09/08/1802.

On this day, thematic lectures, seminars, scientific and practical conferences, “Financial Literacy Days” are held. Every year, the Reputation of the Year award is presented in various categories, diplomas, certificates, orders. Business games are arranged in educational institutions.

history of the holiday

Financier's Day in Russia is one of the youngest holidays. The holiday is fixed at the state level by the Decree of the President Russian Federation dated 19.08.2011 No. 1101 "On the Day of the financier". The document was signed by D. Medvedev.

For a long time it was celebrated unofficially on the same day, September 8th. The date has a symbolic meaning. It is timed to coincide with the publication in 1802 of the Supreme Manifesto by Emperor Alexander I. The document ordered the establishment of the Ministry of Finance.

Holiday traditions

The tradition involves festive feasts in the circle of colleagues, relatives, acquaintances, friends, loved ones. Congratulations, wishes of health and success in responsible work sound. Toasts are made, ending with the clink of glasses. Honors are transferred from offices to cafes and restaurants. The event is accompanied by a variety of activities. Public organizations, authorities, local self-government organize thematic lectures.

Educational institutions hold “Financial Literacy Days” and business games. On their example, the basic mechanisms of pricing and competition are mastered. The government awards diplomas, certificates of honor, orders, valuable gifts to the best specialists of the region. TV and radio stations mention the event. Programs are broadcast on the economic sector, its successes and difficulties.

On the eve of the memorable date, seminars, scientific and practical conferences on the problems of the sector, improvement of the legislative framework in the field of state regulation of entrepreneurial activity are held. Events in honor of the Day of the Financier in 2020 are accompanied by the "Reputation of the Year" award in various categories.

Task for the day

Remember what foreign currencies you had to use in your life. Have there been any difficulties with this?

  • Alexander the Great became the first ruler in the world whose face was minted on money. The rest of the rulers liked this idea, which subsequently spread throughout the world.
  • Many believe that electronic money appeared in the twentieth century, but this fact is a delusion. In 1918, the US Federal Bank made the world's first money transfer using the telegraph.
  • The first paper notes appeared several centuries BC. Such money was of great value, but they were used mainly for burning at the stake during funeral ceremonies.
  • Regardless of the issued bank, the cards have the same dimensions: length - 85.6 mm, width - 54 mm, thickness - 0.67-1mm. Most cards have a 16 digit number.
  • Bank cards have a certain period of storage, which in most cases is 3 years. This is due to the fact that due to frequent use, the magnetic stripe is erased.
  • After the advent of money, counterfeiters began to appear in the world. Counterfeiting money is considered a crime that carries responsibility before the law. In the Middle Ages, there were certain methods of punishment for counterfeiters. They were deprived of their right hand, thrown into cages with wild animals, burned at the stake, poured red-hot tin into their mouths.


“Best congratulations on the occasion of the professional holiday - Financier's Day! Let them accompany in the work: rich experience, high professionalism, responsible approach, decency, honesty, impartiality, accuracy. Energy, implementation of plans, stability, wealth, kindness, success, well-being, health for new projects. Sincere wishes for the accumulation of income, reasonable spending, harmonious working days.

“Happy holiday financier! May you be surrounded by: patience - to achieve financial peaks, wisdom - to make important decisions, first-class health - to overcome life's obstacles. I wish you well-being in life, stability at work, understanding with loved ones and achieving your plans!

“I congratulate you on the Day of the financier! I wish you to always be well versed in financial matters, never get confused in numbers and perceive your work as a pleasure! May you be lucky in life, and success and good mood do not cease to be present in your life! I wish you to enjoy every moment and believe in the best - then luck will be on your side!


Symbols of wealth. A tree, a desktop composition or a picture made of coins will be an excellent thematic gift for the Day of the financier.

Monopoly game. The board game Monopoly will serve original idea financial gift. This game will allow you to spend your free time in an interesting and fun way, to show the potential of a strategist and economist.

Stationery. A folder for documents, a leather-bound notebook, an ink pen, an organizer for writing materials will become practical and useful gifts that will come in handy in daily work.

Piggy bank. A piggy bank for coins in an original design will serve as a thematic present and decorate the interior of your office or home.


Who is depicted on the banknote
The facilitator gives the contestants a task - to figure out whose image should be on the 100 dollar bill and why. After a little preparation, the contestants voice their ideas. The person with the most original story wins.

Start-up capital
Two teams with an equal number of participants take part in the competition. The task of the teams is to find a way to make money - to sell something or provide services to the guests of the holiday, for which you can get paid. Each team has the same amount of time at its disposal, after which the contestants calculate their capital. The team with the largest amount wins.

My first million
The host invites the guests of the competition to think and answer what they would like to spend their first million on. The one with the most creative idea wins.

About the profession

Experts in money management. Their tasks include the development of commercial projects, a feasibility study of investments, and risk assessment.

The most common and in demand profession in the banking sector. It is necessary to assess the solvency of the borrower, allocate resources, predict indicators. The job responsibilities of the financier include the management and control of commercial activities.

A career begins with education at a higher or secondary specialized educational institution. It masters the basic disciplines, obtains the necessary knowledge and skills for further activities. Graduates can work in the structures of the Ministry of Finance, in private and public enterprises. Work in leadership positions is associated with great responsibility, but at the same time, work is highly paid.

This holiday in other countries

In Belarus, on the first Sunday of January, the Day of Banking and Financial Workers is celebrated.

November 12 in Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of the national currency - tenge, a professional holiday for employees of the financial system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In Kyrgyzstan, on the last Sunday of November, the Day of Financial and Economic Workers of the Kyrgyz Republic is celebrated.

  • June 30th is Economist's Day in Russia.
  • November 12 is the Day of employees of Sberbank of Russia.
  • December 2 is Bank Worker's Day.
  • November 21 is Accountant's Day.


    Congratulations on the Day of the financier!
    You are the best in your business.
    I sincerely wish happiness
    And let success await you in your work.

    Let the debit and credit converge,
    And let all the hardships go away.
    Good luck wait for you
    And let there be comfort in the house.

    Exquisite, beautiful and eloquent
    I want to congratulate you on the Day of the financier.
    And wish you good investment,
    Financial graceful compositions.
    So that all projects in life are embodied,
    And everyone admired your talent.

What date is the Day of the financier in 2021, 2022, 2023

2021 2022 2023
8 September Wed8 September Thu8 september Fri

Date in 2019: September 8, Sunday.

Money needs to be managed effectively, not meekly served and worshiped. And the best way to cope with this task is obtained from financiers. No matter how they call people who communicate with any financial schemes on “you”, they will always be in demand both in business and at the state level. Therefore, on the Day of the financier, which is celebrated on September 8, everyone who is connected with them at work and personally tries to congratulate talented workers.

The day of the financier is relatively young, but quite an interesting holiday. After all, people who have devoted their professional activities to financial tricks are so extraordinary that they even approach the organization of their own celebration creatively.

Who celebrates the holiday?

No matter how humanity treats money, it has become the main tool of the economy. Great empires and personal budgets, successful enterprises and the well-being of entire peoples are built on the competent management of financial flows. Therefore, good financiers have always been valued, who, thanks to their knowledge and inner instinct, are able to carefully assess risks and manage all financial movements.

Until a certain time in our country, only economists and accountants dealt with finance issues at enterprises. But modern businessmen were able to appreciate the importance of concentrating all the processes related to money management in one hand.

In the face of fierce competition, it is possible to maintain a leading position and increase capital only by knowing all the pitfalls of the capitalist world. Therefore, for many business owners, directors and executives, governors and presidents, financiers have practically become the right hand in business.

They are "financially savvy". This is how the word "financier" is translated from French. And they are engaged in various financial transactions. And since financial management is an integral part of the economy of any commercial organization, employees in this area are found in almost every enterprise, in private companies. They work directly in investment funds and financial companies, in banks and stock exchanges, economic and financial services of enterprises, in state bodies of the municipal, territorial and federal levels.

Their activities are related to the tax-budgetary, normative-methodological, foreign economic, insurance, investment, strategic planning areas. And all this requires not only excellent knowledge, but an analytical mindset, excellent memory, and personal instinct.

Millions of people associated with financial instruments will accept congratulations on the Day of the financier of Russia in 2019 on the 8th of September. Both working employees and students, pensioners, teachers will celebrate.

Moreover, an important day will be celebrated both at the state level and in a narrow circle of colleagues.

history of the holiday

The history of the origin of the financial service itself is connected with the founding of the Ministry of Finance of Russia under Emperor Alexander I. An important event for the country's economy took place on September 8, 1802, which formed the basis for the subsequent holiday.

Even the ideas of socialism could not develop without competent financial management. But the official holiday with the status of a state holiday appeared only after the transition of the planned economy to a market economy.

Celebrating the holiday began in 2011, when the corresponding Decree was signed by the President.

Modern traditions of the Day of financiers

Despite the young age of the official holiday of financial workers, original traditions have already developed.

The most important event is the program implemented at the all-Russian level, called "Financial Literacy Days ...". Since 2011, specialized events in the form of lessons, seminars, lectures have been held in educational institutions in all regions of the country. More than 1 million applicants managed to take part in the program.

Traditionally, congratulations on the Day of the financier are received by the nominees of the Reputation award, which is considered the most significant for the financiers themselves. Moreover, any woman or man working in this area can become a participant, and both the employer and the team can act as the initiator.

Among young people, the contest "Financier of the Year" is popular. This is not the usual beauty contest, but an expanded event where young financiers can show off their erudition and intellectual abilities. The final of the competition takes place in Moscow with a fun and eventful entertainment program where you can have fun with like-minded people.

For creative financiers, exhibitions are held as part of the Financiers Create project, as well as informal meetings. Indeed, many women who have made a career in this field write beautiful poetry and prose, make crafts, and create masterpieces of culinary art.

All events are designed to show both the importance of the work of employees and the versatility of the profession, the professionals themselves.

Cool cards and pictures for the Day of the financier

Congratulations in verse

On the Day of the financier I want to tell you

Friends and colleagues to boot.

It's not easy for us to live, sometimes to decide

The most difficult supertasks.

Let our work be appreciated

And brings money

May you get more

What can you dream.

Wish SMS

To all financial colleagues

My congratulations

May this holiday give us more

Success, happiness and inspiration.

Larisa , September 1, 2017 . The city financial department was established under the executive committee of the Norilsk City Council of Workers' Deputies on October 26, 1953. Aleksey Egorovich Prokudin was in charge of the city financial department. Prokudin had 11 people under his command: Chief Accountant, senior inspectors - budget, state revenues, FNKh, states, taxes, state benefits, accountants - budget and taxes, clerk-typist. The first financial department of Norilsk was located in house number 7 on the street. Sevastopol, on the third floor, in room number 14. By the way, in the same building, only on the fourth floor, there was also the editorial office of Zapolyarnaya Pravda. Interestingly, today "Zapolyarka" and the financial department of the city administration are also located in the same building on B. Khmelnitsky Street, 18. uniform”, - we can conclude that at that time employees financial department walked in a special uniform. And from the report on the inventory of inventories of the Gorfo for December 15, 1954, one can imagine how their offices were equipped: “... The bedside table is large, under the bust; soft chair; soft sofa, sheathed with leatherette; table for telephones; portraits of leaders in simple frames, glazed; bust of Lenin; red tablecloth; a carpet 90 cm wide ... ". Leafing through the binder of the "Zapolyarnaya Pravda" for 1954, they found an article signed "A. Prokudin, head City Financial Department”, from which one can draw a conclusion about the peculiarities of taxation in Norilsk at that time.
“Inspections carried out in a number of enterprises and organizations of the city revealed the facts of incorrect withholding of taxes from the wages of workers and employees. There have been cases where chief and senior accountants have presented tax breaks to individuals without presenting required documents(Railway Department, Norilsksnab, Construction Department, House of Culture, City Department, etc.), and therefore significant amounts were not received by the state budget. Excessive tax withholdings were also allowed. There were also cases of short-calculation of workers and employees due to the inattention of the accountants of the settlement groups and weak control over their work by the chief accountants. in all seriousness, since the work of withholding taxes can only be put to the right height with the participation of the entire public.
Also in the old "Zapolyarka" advertisements were printed like "The Financial Department brings to the attention of all citizens ...", from which it becomes clear what crafts and private practice (now it is called "entrepreneurial activity") the Norilsk people were engaged in at that time and who and how controlled.

Shoe tailoring. 1950s
One of the main tasks of the city financial department of that time was to ensure that all revenue sources enter the city budget, analyze the financial and economic activities of enterprises, verify the correctness of withholding, completeness and timely transfer of taxes from the wages of workers and employees to the budget, and the like. In general, the financial department was primarily responsible for all financial transactions in the city at that time. And the documents found in the city archives allow us to conclude whether the department coped with the task in the first years of work or not. unsubscribed to Comrade Prokudin, we see from what sources the funds came to the city treasury and for what and how they were spent.
“To approve the local budget of the city for 1954 presented by the executive committee in terms of income in the amount of 11,682.0 thousand rubles, in terms of expenses in the amount of 11,041.0 thousand rubles. with working cash of budget funds as of January 1, 1955 in the amount of 200.0 tons. Agriculture, general minerals - 50.0.2. Deduction from profits (cinema) - 155.0.3. Miscellaneous small and accidental receipts - 400.0.4. Tuition fees in high schools, technical schools and higher educational institutions - 87.0.5. Building tax - 3313.0.6. Ground rent - 500.0.7. One-time fee on the collective farm market - 27.0.8. State duty - 500.0.9. Tax on non-commodity transactions - 2000.0.10. Tax on spectacles and film installations - 4650.0. Excess of income over expenses in the amount of 1,271.0 thousand rubles. are subject to withdrawal to the regional budget. Establish expenses for departments and activities in thousands of rubles: 1. National economy - 36.0. Including the content of the markets - 16.0.2. Social, theater (capital investment) - 20.0.3. Social and cultural activities, including education of all departments - 9559.0.4. Office of all departments - 812.0.5. Other expenses - 4.0.".

Also, the tax on buildings additionally assessed in 1954 was also subject to transfer to the regional budget. The fact is that in connection with the transfer of Norilsk enterprises to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry, whose enterprises are not exempt from the tax on buildings, the City Financial Department additionally assessed 5231 thousand rubles . And taking into account the difficult situation with the implementation of the budget of the region, these funds did not end up in the treasury of Norilsk, but were subject to withdrawal to the budget of the region. “Zapolyarnaya Pravda,” they differ. And it is not clear whether this is an unfortunate misunderstanding or a deliberate misleading of higher authorities or residents of the city. So, in some archival documents it is indicated that 11,682.0 were approved for the budget of 1954, and 14,097.0 were executed. The percentage of execution is 120.6. Some reports indicate the amount of budget revenues - 19,456.9 tons. The percentage of execution is 164.4. Expenses were allegedly supposed to be 10,411.0, executed - 11,281.0. The percentage of execution is 108.4. Some reports indicate the amount of expenses 12,894.9 thousand rubles. The percentage of execution is 107.7. In Zapolyarnaya Pravda for June 28, 1955, it was printed that the report on the execution of the budget for last year approved for income in the amount of 19,836.7 thousand rubles, for expenses - 19,717.7 thousand and executed for income by 166 percent, for expenses - by 123.8. In general, it is difficult to say what the first budget of the city actually was. But we found out that the financial department of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Council of Deputies, to which our city financial department sent reports on the execution of the local budget, was dissatisfied with the work of the Norilsk financiers. Also, the results of the activities of the city financial department in 1954 were discussed at the 4th session of the City Council. Deputy Prokopova criticized, the text of her speech was published in Zapolyarnaya Pravda on June 28, 1955. In fairness, we note that at this session, not only the city financial department and Prokudin, who, by the way, was himself a deputy of the City Council, got it, but also the city to the department of education - for the large number of lagging behind, for the incorrectly deployed network of schools for working youth and their branches; Norilsktorg - for the fact that if there are goods and products in warehouses in Dudinka, the department of trade does not deliver them to Norilsk in a timely manner, as a result of which the assortment in Norilsk stores is very poor and the turnover plan is not fulfilled. Norilsktorg got a bad rap for the fact that in the restaurant "Taimyr", canteens and shops of the city there are facts of cheating workers, illegal mark-ups on food and other goods. The deputies also mentioned the prosecutor's office in their angry speeches - they say that it does not exercise strict control over trade, does not hold violators severely accountable. In the city archive, we managed to find an explanatory note for the annual report on the local budget for 1954, prepared by Prokudin and transferred to the regional financial department and the executive committee of the city council. Let's see how the head of the gorfo explained the shortage of funds, and what measures were taken by the gorfin department to eliminate the shortcomings identified by higher authorities.
May Day 1954
“Two decisions were made by the Executive Committee of the City Council to eliminate the penetration of a private trader into state-owned enterprises. 13 budgetary institutions have been revamped. Audits established gross violations of financial and budget discipline. Overpayments detected - 157,613 rubles. 92 kopecks. In the personal use of school employees, school equipment was installed in the amount of 41.0 thousand rubles, for which depreciation was charged. A number of gross violations in the calculation of teachers' salaries were established in the city administration, the total overpayments amounted to 280.0 thousand rubles. “Compared to last year, the city's budget for the new year in terms of income increases by 83 percent. The main appropriations in the budget are for public education and only 10 per cent for the maintenance of the administrative apparatus and other expenses, that is, 8 per cent less than in 1954. At the enterprises and institutions of the city, the administrative and managerial apparatus was reduced by 1985 units, which gave the state significant savings. Checking the state of staffing and budget discipline revealed 60 supernumerary units, which were paid 271 thousand rubles. Any illegal spending of funds should be considered as direct damage to the state, and those responsible for this should be held strictly accountable. The struggle for economy and frugality in everything is the first duty of every leader. It is worth noting that the modern Zapolyarnaya Pravda also publishes in full both the annual budget of the city and the results of all sessions of the City Council. Not a single decision or resolution of the administration of Norilsk and the City Council of Deputies can enter into force without being published in the city newspaper. In general, today, as well as 63 years ago, everything is quite transparent. In the next issues of Zapolyarka, we will talk about the work of the modern financial department of the city administration.
Nadezhda SidorPhoto from the editorial archive

I wanted to see the first article of 2017 life-affirming, optimistic. We thought about it, and then decided: what is there to guess at? Friday the 13th Old New Year. Our Russian. And the New Year is always expectations, hopes, prospects.

Still, how accurate is the old Russian calendar! And the New Year's weather - frost, which is no, and snow. And the day is right.

What to expect in the new year, what it will bring, we will not guess here. But about what will certainly happen, and what dates and events to prepare for, let's say.

Firstly, 2017 is the year of the 100th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Epochal event of universal scale. It will be echoed all over the world. And, of course, in our country, where various forums, lectures and seminars take place on this occasion. Their topics, don’t go to a fortuneteller, will be approximately the same, like: “1917. Historical lessons”, “What was it?”, “Who needs it?” and "The Russia We Lost".

The intelligent cream of our society and fermentation products (following lactic acid terminology. - Ed.), will talk about totalitarianism, the shortage of sausages, jeans, and in general, how they toiled, oh, how they toiled. Moreover, these speakers, in the main, will themselves be from the Soviet era, which gave them free housing, medicine, the best education in the world, social justice, in a word - a start in life. The TV box will give out its stream of hot similar content. especially the central channels. How could it be without it.

How should you react to this? smart person?

A smart person won't fall for this. He just laughs and says: Here H good luck!". And then he will remember that “we all came from the people” and will celebrate the anniversary of the Great Revolution as his native holiday, as his second birthday. After all, that's the way it is.

Secondly. Military financiers in 2017 expect, as always, significant professional dates and events. Here are just a few of the main ones in chronological order.

First date. 30 years ago - from January 1, 1987 - the "Instruction for conducting a documentary audit of the financial and economic activities of a military unit" was put into effect. The instruction played a major role in maintaining state discipline in the spending of funds, in the fight against plunderers of socialist property. Relevant to this day.

By the way, since we are talking about documents, let us recall that May 25 marks the 40th anniversary of the Order of the USSR Ministry of Defense of 1977 No. 5 “On the Enactment of the Regulations on the Financial Economy of the Military District and Connection.” And August 19 marks the 35th anniversary of Order No. 200 of the USSR Ministry of Defense of 1982, which announced the "Regulations on financial control in the Ministry of Defense."

Second date. February 19 marks the 110th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Nikolaevich Dutov, an outstanding Soviet military financier, colonel-general of the quartermaster service, Hero of Socialist Labor.

Dutov V.N. - the personality of the state scale.

During the Great Patriotic War, V.N. Dutov was the head of the financial department of six fronts (North-Western, South-Western, Stalingrad, Don, Central and 1st Belorussian Fronts). Subsequently, he headed the Central Financial Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Defense for 31 years (1955-1986). Under his leadership, the organization of the financial service and the system of financial support for the troops reached the highest level of compliance with the interests of the country's defense and security, and the development of the Armed Forces.

Third date. September 20 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Military Financial and Economic University (Moscow). A unique military educational institution that trained highly qualified specialists for the positions of senior officers for the financial and economic service of the Ministry of Defense, other federal executive bodies, the Department of Field Institutions of the Central Bank, and military missions. Authoritative scientific center for the study of economic and financial problems of the Armed Forces.

It was liquidated by the reformers of the financial service due to unreason in 2006.

We foresee that today's supreme authorities of the financial and economic bloc of the RF Ministry of Defense will also respond to these professional dates. Representatives of which, mostly non-military people, civilians, will speak and tell us, military financiers, about the past military affairs of our financial service, and about their current successes in economic work.

You yourself know how an intelligent person should react to this. Therefore, let's get ready to celebrate these events in our own way, for real.

And the last. What interesting things to expect for readers and members of the site.

Of course, articles will be published on the site for all the above and other memorable dates, significant events. Materials on military financial and economic topics and personalities will also be published. We will try to ensure that the articles contain rare, exclusive materials.

And of course, as before, in 2017 we will continue to cover various topical social and economic problems, the problems of ensuring the defense and security of the country.

Until new interesting meetings on the site!

Happy Russian New Year 2017!

Site administration

The Financial and Economic Service of the Russian Armed Forces performs the functions of financial support for all military command and control bodies, paramilitary formations. The organization has an old, complicated history and has been in existence for almost a century.


The training of new cadres of military financial officers is a very serious and fundamental task for the country. Employees of this structure are graduates of specialized higher and secondary educational institutions. But it was not always so. At first, personnel training was limited to preparatory courses or studies at military economic schools. At all times, the state treated the training of these specialists with particular attention.

The training of military financiers did not stop even in wartime, and the colossal experience of serving wartime financiers became the basis for training new personnel in peacetime. Graduates of military financial schools were very valuable specialists, especially in turbulent times, because only during the years of the Patriotic War a significant part of the country's total budget passed through the military financial and economic system. During the war years, employees of this sphere occupied high command positions.

The main educational institutions for training specialists are located in Moscow and Yaroslavl. In the 1990s, a proposal was published to create a basis for the training of this kind of financiers in civilian higher educational institutions, but this idea never materialized.


Employees of the organization often celebrate the holiday with their colleagues. Not infrequently, banquets or corporate events are organized with an official part, where political and senior government officials (Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Prime Minister of the country) congratulate employees. The best employees of the organization are awarded certificates of honor, awards, commendation lists and prizes, titles are awarded, gratitude is given for excellent service to the Fatherland with entry in personal files.

Veterans of the organization are congratulated with postcards and flowers, invited to a banquet and an official solemn part, where once again they are awarded Thanksgiving letters and pay tribute to their invaluable contribution to the development of the financial support of the Armed Forces of today's Russia. In honor of the heroes of the occasion, salutes of local significance are launched, national pop stars and comedians congratulate them with their songs and dances.