Party in Russian style. Holiday in Russian style script. Entertainment program: games and competitions

Characters: two presenters (women) and a peddler (all in Russian national costumes).

(Decoration of the hall: in the corner of the hall on the table there is a samovar with tea cups and bagels, next to it on a chair there is a balalaika or accordion, on the walls there are several bundles of bagels, large painted spoons, rattles. If the hero of the day is interested in needlework, you can arrange a small exhibition of her works) .
(The phonogram of the Russian folk song “I’ll go out into the street” sounds, the presenters come out).

1 Presenter: Hello, good people! Daring fellows Russians and beautiful girls!
2 Presenter: Hello! We invite you to remember the treasured past!
1 Presenter: It was a long time ago: our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers gathered in the evening in a spacious upper room to take a break from their worries.
2 Presenter: Such gatherings were called “get-togethers.” Imagine a village hut: the stove is burning, a splinter is crackling, a cat is dozing in the corner...
1 Presenter: The moon peers through the small window, and the girls begin to get together to get down to work: spinning, sewing, knitting, embroidery. And with the arrival of the guys, leisurely girlish conversation and drawn-out, soulful songs are replaced by unbridled fun.
2 Presenter: At gatherings, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings were born. Not a single party would be complete without lively music, songs, ditties, games, cheerful dancing and round dances.
1 Presenter: This means there is no room for boredom at our gatherings! And all today's fun is dedicated to only one red maiden, sweet and beautiful... (name).
2 Presenter(addressing the hero of the day):
As the hostess of gatherings,
Please accept from us,
On the glorious holiday of the anniversary
Gift in Russian: bread and salt!

The presenters present the birthday girl with a festive loaf and salt.

1 Presenter: Loaf is not just bread, it is joy and festive mood. Share your feelings with everyone! (The birthday girl breaks the loaf and distributes it to the guests.)
2 Presenter:
Here are the glasses filled,
Treats - in plates,
We welcome guests
For fun get-togethers!
The birthday girl is like a rose.
And the guests are nice too!
There is no more beautiful anniversary
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
(Short pause.)
1 Presenter: How many fairy tales, legends, and epics were told at village gatherings! Their heroes still live in our memory. What characters can you remember, dear guests?


(Team game)
All guests are divided into two teams and take turns calling the names of various characters from Russian folklore. The team that gave the last answer wins; its participants are given the honorable right to congratulate the birthday girl on behalf of the named heroes (for example, Baba Yaga or Nightingale the Robber).
Sample team answers: Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich, Ivan Durak, Ivan Tsarevich, Ilya Muromets, Kashchei the Immortal, Morozko, Nikita Kozhemyaka, Sadko, Snegurochka, Nightingale the Robber, Baba Yaga, Finist-Yasny Falcon.

1 Presenter: Gatherings were often held the day before and during Orthodox holidays and traditional Russian festivities, which we will talk about now.
2 Presenter: Welcome to the educational quiz!


(Quiz) The presenters demonstrate the symbols of various holidays.
The guests' task is to guess what event it is about. we're talking about, name the time of its celebration, and also give short description folk traditions. The most active spectators receive souvenirs - symbols of the holidays.

1. Symbol - the sun (picture or toy); holiday - Maslenitsa.
Maslenitsa is celebrated in the last week before Lent; consumption is permitted. butter, dairy products and fish. Also on Maslenitsa days, pancakes are baked in honor of the sun.

2. Symbol - a doll wrapped in a blanket; holiday - Christmas. One of the main holidays Christendom(Orthodox and Catholics). Orthodox Christmas, unlike Catholic Christmas, is celebrated on January 7th.

3. Symbol - a painted egg; holiday - Easter. This holiday of the Bright Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is celebrated between March 22 and April 25. Orthodox believers greet each other with exclamations: “Christ is Risen!”, “Truly He is Risen!” and kiss three times. Festive food - Easter, Easter cakes, colored eggs.

4. Symbol - mirror, ring, candle (items for fortune telling), holiday - Kolyada (Christmas time). Christmastide (holy evenings) - the time from the Nativity of Christ to the feast of Epiphany, was considered the ideal time for fortune telling. One of the ancients Slavic traditions- carols.

1 Presenter: On Kolyada, there was a custom to dress up in animal dress and walk around the courtyards singing songs, begging the owners for food - caroling. People threw gifts into the carolers' bags: sausage, lard, gingerbread, cookies - whoever was rich in what.
2 Presenter: Here is an example of a carol: Kolyada, Kolyada, Give me a pie, Or a loaf of bread, Or half a dollar of money, Or a chicken with a crest, A cockerel with a comb! Open the chests, owners, take out the snouts! Give a penny to the Carolers! 1 Presenter: It was no coincidence that we performed a ritual song - this is an invitation to participate in a fun competition!


The hosts select two men from among the guests who are given a pair of large bast shoes (can be made from foam rubber). The task of the carolers is while a fragment of the Russian folk song “It was in the village, in Olkhovka” is playing, go around all the guests and collect as many different items as possible in the bast shoes (coins, scarves, candies, etc.)
The more successful caroler is rewarded with a huge bunch of bagels, and the contents of the bast shoes are given to the hero of the occasion as a good memory. (Musical pause, congratulations to the guests.)

1 Presenter: The traditional and most favorite activity at Russian gatherings is singing folk songs.
2 Presenter: In a Russian song - folk life, A ringing song is sung by the heart, Let the cheerful or sad motive respond gratefully in the soul!
1 Presenter: Our gatherings continue with a quiz for connoisseurs of Russian songs.


The presenters give a definition of a Russian folk song, and the audience, as an answer, sings the first 4 song lines (or the chorus of the song). All participants receive small songbooks or music CDs with Russian folk songs as prizes.

1. A song that mentions the non-residential part of a village house, adjacent to its residential part and used for household needs. (Oh you, canopy, my canopy)
2. Song about national Russian winter shoes, felted from sheep wool. (Felt boots)
3. Song of a flighty girl who seduced young man and preoccupied with a huge sense of guilt. (Am I to blame)
4. A song that mentions a large Russian city on the left, elevated bank of the Volga River. (Ah, Samara-town)
5. A song about a widespread forest-forming tree species in Russia with papery bark and thin, drooping branches. (There was a birch tree in the field)
6. A song about a pair of domestic long-necked birds of various colors, distinguished by their cheerful character. (Two cheerful geese)
7. Song, famous affectionate treatment to a felled tree trunk, performed by Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin. (Dubinushka)
8. Song - an appeal to the state atmospheric air, at which water freezes and the thermometer drops below zero. (Oh, frost, frost)
9. A song that mentions a garden building where a Russian person can wash himself while being actively exposed to heat and steam. (The bathhouse is heating, heating in the garden)
10. The song is an appeal to a common type of cart with runners, which the Russian peasant must prepare in the summer. (Oh, you sleigh, sleigh...)
11. Song of a girl who cannot find her way home, being in a state caused by the influence of ethyl alcohol on the central nervous system. (I got drunk and drunk)
12. A song that mentions the noise of a marsh, pipe-shaped, cranked plant. (The reeds rustled)
13. The song is about how a person engaged in horse-drawn transport freezes on a plain overgrown with grassy vegetation in the complete absence of trees. (Steppe and steppe all around)
14. A song about small traders who delivered various goods needed in peasant life to villages. (Peddlers) The sound of tambourines is heard.

1 Presenter: Dear guests! A real peddler came to our gathering! The phonogram of the song “Peddlers” sounds (words by N. Nekrasov, folk music). A peddler comes out, on his shoulder is a box (basket) containing items: a needle and thread, a thimble, a ball of yarn, a bag of sugar, a newspaper, mittens, a lock, a pencil, a book, a notepad and a pen, a gift wall calendar, a box for needlework , as well as lollipops according to the number of guests.

Meet the peddler!
I am a hero of Russian songs.
I will bring goods from overseas
To the house where the feast is going on!
My box is full today -
So that I can distribute the goods,
Need all my riddles
Very quick to solve!


The peddler asks riddles, and the audience who guesses them correctly receives the corresponding item from the box.

A pig of gold bristles, a flaxen tail, gallops around the world, colors the whole world. (Needle and thread)
Small, round, but you can’t lift it by the tail. (Clew)
White as snow, everyone honors him. It got into my mouth and disappeared there. (Sugar)
Uncle Nikon's bald spot is all worn out. (Thimble) I
He doesn’t speak a language, but anyone who visits knows a lot. (Newspaper)
Who can guess my riddle: Two fur coats are enough for ten brothers? (Mittens)
A small dog lies curled up - It doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, and doesn’t let it into the house. (Lock)
Black Ivashka, wooden shirt, Where he leads with his nose, he puts a note there. (Pencil)
Not a bush, but with leaves. Not a shirt, but a sewn one. Not a person, but a storyteller. (Book)
The seed is flat, the field is smooth, He who knows how, sows. The seed does not sprout, but bears fruit. (Paper and letter)

A riddle for the birthday girl
I want to make a wish now.
If he answers me correctly -
I'll give you the prize immediately!
Riddle for the birthday girl:
There is an oak tree, there are twelve nests on the oak tree,
There are four tits in each nest,
Each tit has seven eggs!
(Year, months, weeks, days)

The peddler presents the hero of the day with a gift calendar.

An additional prize - a birch bark tuesok - is given by the peddler to the one who can tell what the calendar was called in Rus' (Mesyatseslov).

1 Presenter: Very often Russian proverbs and sayings were heard at gatherings. These are real little works of art! They reflect all aspects of people’s lives: home, family, social.
2 Presenter: It's time to check whether our guests are familiar with this type of folk art.

The presenters and the peddler take turns saying the beginning of the proverb, and the audience - the ending.
A tree is valued by its fruits, but a person... (by deeds)
If you hurry, you’ll make people laugh... (you’ll make them laugh)
No wonder they say that the matter is... (he is afraid of the master)
The whole family is together, so is the soul... (in place)
What goes around comes around)
The sun paints the earth, but man... (labor)
Live without difficulty... (only smoke the sky)

1 Presenter: Proverbs and sayings contain folk wisdom, so you can safely use them as predictions for the future, friendly wishes and advice that you need to listen to carefully.
Peddler: Absolutely right! My box contains lollipops especially for your honest company, but not simple ones, but with a twist! Each candy comes with its own special proverb or saying. It is important to grasp its meaning, accept it as wise instruction and follow it.

The peddler opens the box and hands each guest a lollipop, while pronouncing proverbs, which can be written down (so as not to memorize) on the lid of the box, or can be attached in the form of notes to the lollipops.

Variants of proverbs and sayings:
Make jokes, but pay your debt.
If you are healthy, you will get everything.
Everything will pass, only the truth will remain.
Take care of your nose in the extreme cold.
Save bread for food, and money for trouble.
Save your fur coat for the cold, and save your money for the times when you need it.
Work with your mind, not your back.
I always carry it with me so as not to groan when walking.
Have bread for lunch, and a word for the answer.
Eat bread for food, and a penny for trouble.
God will give you health as a tribute, but get the money yourself!
Fear the slanderer as an evil heretic.
To be afraid of misfortune means you won't see happiness.
There will be a plow, but there will be no hands.
It will be quiet - it will be dashing.
If you stay ahead, lead others along with you.
If you're bad, God won't let you either.
Be true to your word.
Be happy with little - you'll get more.
Be not red, but be healthy.
If there was a hunt, there would be work.
If there was a back, there would be a whip.
Keep your head cold, your stomach hungry, and your feet warm.

Peddler: So my box is empty! The last thing left, especially for the birthday girl!

The peddler hands the celebrant a handicraft box with the words:

Your talents are endless:
My wife is super, a miracle mother,
You are capable in the blink of an eye
Create a kitchen masterpiece!
People's rumors will not deceive -
The world knows you as a craftswoman,
Having created only a couple of gizmos -
Instantly conquered abroad!
For new creative ideas,
We are presenting the box to you as a gift.
And fill with handicrafts
We ask for this casket more often!
The peddler says goodbye and leaves.

1 Presenter: Dear guests! I invite everyone to the dance floor to show themselves in dance! And our dance will not be simple, but an anniversary-ritual one! It is performed by the whole team, standing in a circle, which is a symbol of the sun.
2 Presenter: Previously, such a dance was accompanied by a song asking for a future harvest. And in our performance - sincere wishes for our birthday girl! Who can tell me the name of this once favorite entertainment of rural youth?
Guests' response: Round dance.
1 Presenter: By the way, our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers gladly took part in this collective dance, pursuing their own selfish goals - in a round dance you can choose the bride and look after the groom!

The guests form a round dance, the hosts and the birthday girl are in the center. The round dance begins to move, the hosts take turns pronouncing the line, and the guests repeat the last word twice.


Earthling - black soil,
Black soil, oh, black soil!
Here... (name) grew up,
She has grown, oh, she has grown!
I tore... (name) flowers from the grass,
From the grass, oh, from the grass!
Weaved flower wreaths,
Wreaths, oh, wreaths
(the hosts present the birthday girl with a flower wreath)
I sowed... (name) lenok,
Lenok, oh, Lenok!
And having sowed, weeded,
Polola, oh, Polola
I pricked my white hands,
Pricked, oh, pricked!
She picked... (name) flax,
Lenok, oh, Lenok!
I sewed a festive scarf
Scarf, oh, scarf
(the presenters present the birthday girl with a scarf)
Guests... (name) gathered
Collected, oh, collected
I poured a full glass
Poured, oh, poured
Drink, guests, don't be bored!
Don't be bored, oh, don't be bored!
And... (name) congratulations!
Congratulations! Congratulations!

Until the guests open the circle, the hosts propose holding a competition.

1 Presenter: A bright, precise, concise, biting, unexpected, decisive, brave and perky girl dropped in on our gatherings! She loves the cheerful tune of a balalaika player or accordion player. Guess what her name is?

Guest options.
Correct answer: ditty.

Participants of the competition take turns in a circle and sing ditties to the accompaniment of an accordion or balalaika.
Winners are determined in several categories:
- The most naughty ditty;
- The most unexpected;
- A ditty with pepper;
- The best ditty is a clumsy one;
- The best love ditty;
- The funniest ditty about a hedgehog, etc.
(Dance program.)

Beautiful maidens and glorious heroes, let us remember the folk traditions? Let's rest so that the devils in hell will become unbearable? Noisy Russian folk-style parties mean general fun, loud songs, ditties, Slavic fun and revelry to the fullest! Let's compare our strength and wits, and arrange a feast for the whole world!

A peasant's yard, a Russian hut, a royal mansion or a boyar's mansion? The first option is ideal for an outdoor celebration - in nature or in the courtyard of a private house. To create an atmosphere, decorate the perimeter with a fake fence (a fence made of willow, dell or willow branches), sheaves of hay, figurines or images of livestock. In the distance or near the house there is an “exhibition” - a Russian party with a competition “Guess what it is and what it was used for?”. Tools (cardboard, scraper and adze, hoe, etc.) can be drawn and cut out of cardboard.

Peasant hut - clay and wooden rough dishes, linen or hemp fabrics, wild flowers, bast shoes and felt boots, barrels and tubs, rough uncouth furniture. The Queen of the House (Russian stove) can be drawn or made from cardboard. Boyarsky tower - Khokhloma, “bear” skins, wide long benches, feather beds in pyramids. A royal party in Russian folk style includes decoration rich in silver, gold and stones, thin cotton or silk tablecloths, carved furniture, and shelves with expensive dishes and clay figurines on the walls.

Suitable for decoration:

  • garlands of dried mushrooms, berries and fruits, onions and garlic. Bunches of fragrant herbs and sprigs of rowan, blooming apple tree, cherry;
  • painted nesting dolls, boxes, chests. A large chest can be left open with costume elements inside for guests to choose accessories to their taste;
  • wooden utensils, a stand or tub, baskets and tubs. Original decor– a cut plastic bottle with wildflowers, inserted into a felt boot or into a tub (if the tub is wide, the bottles are placed tightly so as not to wobble);
  • stylized scarves, shawls, ubrus (head cover).

Don't try to use as many decorative elements as possible. A few details are enough, but well thought out and consistent in the same style. For example, Gzhel and Khokhloma, rough wooden and finely crafted dishes, unbleached linen and fine fabrics do not go well together.


For theme party costumes in the Russian style include a peasant dress, a boyar caftan, a royal outfit, and a hero’s chain mail. Therefore, in the invitation, specify the dress code if you want good people to be from the same class. You can organize a fair or a folk festival, where all the honest people had fun equally:

We invite queens and kings,
Knights and heroes,
Funny buffoons,
Men and boyars,
Whether you are a prince or a milkmaid!

The simplest option women's suit consists of a white shirt with wide sleeves (tunic, ethnic ornament on the collar, hem and sleeves) and a long sundress (red, yellow, blue, green colors). There is a wreath, ribbon or kokoshnik on the head (can be made of cardboard, covered with fabric and decorated with beads), and bright shoes (shoes or boots) on the feet. Large jewelry made of stones, beads, beads, blackened silver.

Read also: Blood for Halloween: homemade recipes for “liquid horror”

For men– a wide, belted shirt with wide sleeves (don’t forget about the ornament), loose dark pants (plain or longitudinally striped). The pants were tucked into boots or gathered at the bottom with a braid of boots or bast shoes. So that the stronger half of humanity does not feel constrained at a Russian party, you can wear loose trousers of standard length and simple dark-colored shoes.

Stylized costumes for leading and most active guests:

Or even like this - modern, convenient and beautiful:


To maintain the atmosphere, set the table with the simplest dishes or plates-vases with recognizable patterns, plant motifs, farm animals (for example, roosters surrounded by flowers - Gorodets, Petrikov painting). The main decoration of the table is a shiny samovar, bursting with heat. If there is no place for a samovar on a common table, place it on a small table against the wall. Around the samovar there is jam and jam in pot-bellied jars, candied fruits and berries, dried cakes and gingerbread cookies, cockerels (lollipops).

At celebrations in Russian folk style, the table should be bursting with treats. The party can cost a pretty penny or turn out to be very economical, depending on which Slavic cuisine dishes you choose:

  • goose in apples, chickens, game, roast pig;

  • jellied or baked sturgeon, black and red game;

  • roast with mushrooms, porridge with meat or mushrooms, okroshka, casserole, cabbage soup;

  • salted milk mushrooms and buttermilk, tomatoes and cucumbers, soaked apples, sauerkraut with cranberries;

  • pies, rolls, cheesecakes, pies, pancakes and pancakes, carols, bagels;

  • baked or boiled potatoes, steamed turnips, herring;

  • “our” fruits and berries. You can put a dish with pineapples, bananas, kiwis, etc., with a comic sign “Gifts to the Holy Prince from the Byzantine Ambassador” or “Beware of foreign fruits!”

From drinks– traditional vodka and mead. Strong mash and hoppy beer can be poured with a ladle with a spout directly from an oak barrel! Contrary to popular belief, the Slavs drank “drunk” drinks only on these occasions: weddings, military victory, death of a family member, birth of a child. Therefore, the party does not have to turn into a banal drinking binge; add low-alcohol drinks to the menu - berezovitsa (fermented birch sap with sugar), kvass, syta (fermented honey water). Non-alcoholic ones include non-hopped kvass, compotes and juices from fruits, berries and vegetables, herbal teas.


In addition to a noisy feast, festivities in Russian traditions necessarily include games of ingenuity, courage and, of course, strength. We will not suggest hitting each other with a log or punching each other until one falls.

1. But dancing is a sacred thing! Yablochko, Cossack, Kamarinskaya, Barynya, Kalinka and Metelitsa - invite guests to repeat the movements of the host (animator) or dancer in the video. Don’t forget to prepare Russian music for the party, in its original or modernized version.

Read also: What to give a guy going into the army?

2. Invite guests to guess the next line of the folk song (prepare the text or audio clip in advance). Or let them guess the name of the musical instrument. Instead of real instruments, use drawings, photos or toy miniatures: horn and pipe, domra and balalaika, palms and rattle, ruble, bells, etc.

3. It fell to the snake Gorynych to taste the heroic power - beware, evil spirits, of Russian men! According to the party scenario, guests are divided into two teams. Tie to the back of a chair air balloons(how many people are in the team, so many balls). Prepare two wooden swords. Participants from each team must quickly “cut off Gorynych’s head” with a sword, i.e. burst one balloon. Happened? Pass the sword to the next participant (the team whose Gorynych fell faster wins). Guests will be swinging the stick quite actively, so place chairs at arm's length plus the length of the sword.

4. Invite the good fellows to surprise the people with their accuracy. The game “Pile” is a metal ring on the ground (or on a piece of foam plastic), a thin metal pointed rod 15 cm (you can just use a large nail or a heavy dart). The larger the ring, the farther you need to stand. The glorious knight must throw a “spear”, hitting the ring.

The games “Frying Pan” and “Drunken Carrier” are played to the accompaniment of cheerful Russian songs. For parties in a large room (with a dance floor) or outdoors.

5. “Frying pan” is a (semi) circle marked on the ground. You can draw with chalk or paint, draw in the soil, lay out with tape - whatever you like. The diameter of the circle is slightly smaller than the diameter of the round dance of participants. All guests are divided into two teams and form a round dance so that they stand through one (a member of the boyar team - a member of the peasant team, etc.). Music sounds and the round dance moves in a circle. Suddenly the music stops - team members try to “fry” their opponents by pulling them by the hands into the “frying pan” (into a circle). If you stepped on the frying pan, you were out of the game.

6. To play the “drunk carter” you will need three ropes about two meters long. The ends of the ropes are tightly tied together. The loose ends are wrapped around the waists of three participants. At the command of the “drunk driver’s horse,” the rod is pulled in different directions. The winner is the one who pulls the other two participants to his side. There can be several “triples”; the winners of the “triples” compete with each other until the strongest “horse” is determined.

At the end of the party, distribute Russian-style gifts to the most active participants or memorable gifts to all invitees: nesting dolls, wooden spoons, for girls, scarves, beads and ribbons, carved figures, painted boxes.

7. To play "Turnip" you need a strong pole or something solid that you can hold onto tenaciously. “Repa” hugs the pole with her arms and legs, the rest of the participants line up in a chain, holding each other by the waist, and try to “pull out the turnip.” Each participant can be a “turnip”; the winner is determined by the presenter (who lasts longer, counts out loud or uses a stopwatch).

Any New Year's celebration It can be made fun and unforgettable if professionals get down to business. But there is a nuance. The problem is that all kinds of agencies offer diverse entertainment events with the same theme. And the broad Slavic soul, from time to time, requires a bright holiday with cheerful songs and dances in the best national cultural traditions. Full-time employees of a specialized agency for organizing events and business events offer to meet the upcoming New Year in Russian folk style.

Most modern fashion designers recommend comfortable and stylish things that will be useful for both a themed party and Everyday life. These are, first of all, loose embroidered shirts with a voluminous cut and sleeves. Lush sundresses and short, tight-fitting blouses are suitable for the fair half. In order to properly prepare and hold a New Year's themed corporate party, to have fun in the images of Russian beauties and brave guys, we have developed a creative scenario.

A distinctive feature of the New Year's party will be personalized invitations, decorated with Slavic ornaments, enclosed in souvenir nesting dolls with Gzhel or Khokhloma painting. Such festive New Year's souvenirs can put those present in the right mood. The colorful decoration of the New Year in the Russian style can recreate, undeservedly relegated to the background, various attributes of antiquity, slightly forgotten traditions of national culture.

The offers of event agencies are replete with all kinds of events, the themes of which relate to cultures and traditions unfamiliar to us. Russian folk style undeservedly relegated to the background. So why not recreate ancient traditions and have fun in the images of brave guys and Russian beauties?

How to invite guests in Russian style?

For any holiday whose theme is Russian traditions, the ideal invitation option would be a postcard decorated with Khokhloma and Gzhel painting. Or you can put text into a matryoshka doll - you’ll get both an unusual invitation and an excellent souvenir that can set your guests in the right mood.

Where and how to organize fun?

The basic rule for a Russian party is that the larger the room, the better. Ideally, such celebrations should take place outdoors in nature or on the territory of a country cottage.

To recreate the picture of past years and imbue the atmosphere with the real Russian spirit, you need to add a certain amount of details to the decor of the room: tufts of straw, bear skins on the floor and on the walls, beautifully arranged wicker baskets, nesting dolls and boxes. Dishes on the tables should be wooden and clay. Tables and chairs can be covered with burlap, canvas, and wooden lampshades can be hung from the ceiling.

Don't forget to highlight the style of your party with fabrics with patterns in the Russian folk style.

Chairs can be decorated with such patterns, festive table, the walls are decorated, even waiters can have uniforms with elements of such a pattern, however, do not overdo it with patterns! There should be one leader, the others can only partially complement him in the design details.

What outfit to choose for a Russian folk party?

There are two ways to decide the dress code for a Russian-style party. The first is an authentic outfit that belongs to folk costumes, recreated in its original form. The second is to dress in modern clothes, stylized as folk ones. Today, many fashion designers offer quite stylish and comfortable things that will be appropriate not only for a themed event, but also for everyday life.

Girls should pay attention to sundresses and shirts with puffy sleeves. The head is decorated with a kokoshnik or ribbon. It is imperative that you wear your hair in a braid short haircuts you might want to consider hair extensions.

The approximate composition of a suit for guys looks like this: wide loose pants, a satin shirt with embroidery and a scarlet sash. A cap with a flower on the head will complement the image.

What to serve on the table in Russian style?

Russian cuisine has always been distinguished not only by its unique flavor, but also by its delicious and hearty dishes. Serve baked poultry or roasted pig. You can cook potatoes and mushrooms with the meat. All kinds of pickles must be present on the table: tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage. Sweets: gingerbread, bagels, cranberries in sugar, jam.

Drinks that were popular in Rus': kvass, mead. The “stronger” option is vodka, of course. Organize a real tea party at the samovar.

For table setting, tablecloths with Russian folklore patterns are perfect, the dishes can be wooden, and in the middle of the table there is a huge samovar, all this will certainly complete the interior decoration of your evening.

What music to dance to and how to have fun?

The musical accompaniment of the evening is Russian folk songs, which can be found in recordings (the Golden Ring ensemble, for example), or invite a folk group that will perform several numbers live. If the guests of the holiday are young people, then order a DJ who will make excellent dance hits based on folk songs.

Russian people love to have fun, so the entertainment should be appropriate. Organize a tug of war, and, despite the fact that this is a purely male entertainment, involve girls in the exciting action - it will be a lot of fun!

Another interesting competition about the bathhouse! To carry it out, you need to prepare all kinds of equipment that you need for going to the bathhouse: brooms, basins, sheets, hats for the steam room. Several players must dance to a fiery melody, but at the same time “steam” with a broom. At a certain moment, the music stops, and then the players must very quickly pull on their hats, wrap themselves in a sheet and plop down into the basin. Whoever is faster wins!

For quiet entertainment, a quiz on knowledge of Russian culture and traditions is suitable - an excellent break between music and dance marathons. In addition, guests will also enjoy competitions in which they need to remember Russian folk ditties and songs. Give prizes to the winners and let them be items of Russian folk art.

A party in the Russian style is not only fun, joy and dancing, it is a kind of tribute to the traditions and culture of our country. So let's popularize something that is so often forgotten. Our ancestors knew how to have fun, let's learn from them?

A short plan for preparing for a disco party

If after this article you feel that the party will definitely be in Russian style, we suggest moving from words to actions.

Answer yourself the first most important question: we will organize it ourselves or we will order it on a turnkey basis.

If you decide to order a turnkey party, the issue of choosing a quality performer is very pressing, use our services to greatly simplify your task.

If you are confident in your abilities, we offer you a short thesis plan to help you keep your finger on the pulse and not forget anything during preparation. Copy it, print it in Word and go! Disco-disco!

  1. If the decision about the party was made by the company, determine who will be responsible for preparing the party (one or more people, if several, determine who will be the coordinator) and distribute the tasks according to this list.
  2. Make a preliminary list of party participants.
  3. Call or meet with everyone to clarify the preliminary list of participants.
  4. Determine the date and time of the party.
  5. Determine the budget that you are willing to spend on the party (the solution to all subsequent issues will largely depend on this amount)
  6. Resolve the issue of financing (who, in what amount, when and how will pay all the costs of preparation and implementation)
  7. If you are planning a full party style, the question of Russian folk dress becomes one of the important preparation points on the list of each participant. Find costume rental companies and give each party participant a handout with addresses and phone numbers (this way you can avoid excuses like “I didn’t know where to find the right outfit...”)
  8. Decide where you intend to hold the party (restaurant, office, yacht, country complex, etc.). To solve this issue more easily, leave a request on the site indicating that you are planning a party in the Russian folk style. Surely, you will be answered by venues that not only have experience in organizing such a style, but were also originally conceived as establishments in the Russian style, and therefore in interior plan 100% meeting your requirements. Or maybe someone will organize a similar party in the near future, then from the entire to-do list you will only have to remember to come to the address on the day of the party.
  9. What dishes/drinks should be on your table? Who prefers what?
  10. Consider the issue of transport and delivery of participants home.
  11. Decide who will do the decoration of the room. If you plan to do everything yourself, decide on the decoration elements; it is best to have them ready at least 1 week before the event. If you rely on the experience of professionals, leave a request on the site; they will offer you not only design options, but will also demonstrate existing decoration elements. You can choose the best performer based on quality and price.
  12. Consider the entertainment part. Which contests and competitions attract your friends and which ones don’t? Use our competitions section to quickly solve this problem.

eventspro sincerely wishes you a super disco drive!


An invitation to a party is issued on a card stylized as birch bark or old paper, with text like “I am the king, I command you to appear...” or “All the boys and girls of the village are going to the party...”.

On the reverse side the time and place of the party a la Russe and the name and surname of the invitee are indicated. Be sure to include an appropriate dress code as your ticket to the party.

Russian national costumes

For men:

  • an untucked shirt-shirt, belted with a narrow belt;
  • trousers;
  • travel knives;
  • bast shoes with onuchas;
  • felt boots;
  • high black or red boots with pointed toes;
  • hats made of gray felt;
  • armyak, zipun from homemade cloth, fur coats, tafya, murmolki.

For women:

  • bast shoes;
  • accordion boots;
  • knitted stockings;
  • necklaces made of pearls and beads, gaitana, colored wool, amber beads, crosses, icons, ribbons, blown glass beads;
  • braids;
  • headbands, hoops with pearls, beads;
  • colored sundresses and skirts;
  • aprons;
  • poneva, kokoshnik, fur coats.

Treats for dear guests

The first thing you need to pay attention to when creating a table is the naturalness and healthfulness of the food. Perfect for: boiled potatoes with a piece of butter, garlic and dill, pickled or salted sprat, herring, sauerkraut, homemade lard, pickles, porridge of all kinds, jellied meat.

Meat dishes:various varieties of cutlets, sausages, meatballs, as well as veal “Orlov”, beef Stroganoff, Pozharsky cutlets.

From soups:cabbage soup, borscht, rassolnik.

Dessert:rolls, gingerbread, jam, honey, baked apples, carrots and cucumbers, boiled in honey in a water bath; dried pieces of carrots or beets, pies with apples or cabbage.

Beverages:kvass, fruit drink, sbiten.

The image of a “Russian” table is completed with cooled vodka or mead.

It is worth considering that all of the listed dishes can be ordered through a delivery service, so as not to waste time preparing them.

It would be even more convenient to rent a cafe or bar and order a themed menu.

Tables are arranged in the letter “P”. At the head are the heroes of the occasion or the hosts of the evening.

Decoration of a Russian hut

The interior of the room where the party is planned should correspond to traditional color schemes and Russian traditions.

Russian huts are characterized by paintings depicting still lifes and national landscapes.

You can use painting on the walls (on sheets of whatman paper, of course, and not on wallpaper) in the form of floral patterns.

Irreplaceable interior details are “folk” objects: samovar, benches, washstands, chests, chests of drawers.

A distinctive national feature is variegated, bright, catchy colors (shawls, carpets, bedspreads, blankets, tablecloths).

Objects with wood carvings, painted plates, clay jugs, and utensils (cast iron handles, brooms, etc.) look original.

Naturally, stylization does not end with one set of items. You also need to take care of sound and olfactory effects. For example, a bouquet of wildflowers will give the room a hint of meadow aromas. In the middle of winter, the bouquet can be successfully replaced by air fresheners.

Russian folk songs (in authentic performance and modern arrangement) and “village” sounds (the cackling of geese, the bleating of goats and sheep, the mooing of cows) come to the fore in the musical organization of the evening. The more dance compositions there are, the better.


Guests can be greeted by the owner of the hut or the “king” who has come out to the people. The uniform of the “king” is Monomakh’s hat, furs, and mantle. The guest is welcomed to the feast and presented with a glass of mead.


Two guys are called. Everyone puts a hat on their head. The task is to use dexterity and resourcefulness, using various feints and tricks, to knock the hat off the enemy’s head. A hat falling to the ground marks victory in the game. During the competition, you cannot adjust or hold the hat with your hands.


To play you need to choose a flat area. Up to 10 people are invited. One of them is leading, the rest form a “wall”, sticking out their left leg and shoulder. The “wall” stands across the imaginary “road”, the driver stands a little further away.

The game begins with the words of the driver: “Can I walk along the path?” Others: “No one walks or drives along our path. Try it yourself!” Then the driver runs up and tries to break through the “wall.” If he succeeds, then the next one takes the place of the driver, the one who broke the chain, and so on.


Externally, the game resembles a round dance around a log. Three to ten participants join hands and create a circle. A log is placed in the center. The players’ task is to try not to drop the log and at the same time “drag” it onto other players. The participant who drops the log is eliminated. The number of players is gradually decreasing. During the game, it is forbidden to unclasp your hands. A pair of players who have separated their hands also leaves the circle. The game continues until one participant remains. He will be the winner. Sometimes the use of wrestling techniques is allowed: tapping, sweeping, hooking, jerking, tripping.


The Cossack team catches up, the bandit team runs away. First, the “robbers” come up with a word and run away, drawing arrows on fences with chalk, leaving marks on houses and asphalt, showing the “Cossacks” their trail (sometimes false). The “Cossacks” begin the chase after 10-20 minutes. They can capture the enemy. The game can last a long time until the word “robbers” is guessed. Of course, it is better to organize this game in an open space (for example, in a country house).

In addition, you can learn some types of traditional Russian dance with your guests: round dance, competition dances, improvisation dances, game dances, squat combat dance.