On what days do you not get pregnant? What days are dangerous for pregnancy? Menstrual periods and the possibility of conception


The birth of a baby is a great happiness for those who are expecting it. Which days are favorable for conception for some women is a pressing question, while others are interested in how to prevent an unplanned pregnancy. Simple, time-tested methods for determining the period for conception will help in both the first and second cases.

Chance of getting pregnant

Fertilization of the egg occurs if there was unprotected sexual intercourse and ovulation occurred in the current month. When planning a pregnancy, a woman should initially visit a gynecologist, undergo an examination and make sure that there are no health problems. Before taking it, you need to count your cycle and remember the date of the last menstruation. A 28-day cycle is considered ideal. High probability of pregnancy is especially high on the 14th day.

On what days of the cycle can you get pregnant?

Despite birth control methods and condoms, any day of the cycle is favorable for conception. The fertile period begins five days before ovulation - the maturation of the egg. This means that hormonal changes have begun in the cervical mucus. It creates favorable conditions for sperm, and the expansion of the uterine os facilitates the penetration of sperm into the egg.

Chances of getting pregnant during your period

On what days can you get pregnant? On all days. For example, in case of hormonal imbalance or prolonged nervous tension the egg matures until the middle of the menstrual cycle or does not mature at all. So if you are wondering what the probability of getting pregnant during your period is, then it is very high, especially in the last days. Heavy bleeding in the first menstrual days creates an unfavorable atmosphere for sperm, but with long, protracted menstruation, the risk of conceiving a baby increases.

Chances of getting pregnant after menstruation

Most girls believe that it is impossible to get pregnant after menstruation. Two days after the regulation are characterized by a low chance of pregnancy. However, it is worth considering that it is not zero. What is the probability of getting pregnant immediately after your period? In theory female body it works by the hour, but in practice there is no way to accurately calculate how many days after your period you can get pregnant.

Is it possible to get pregnant a few days before your period?

When menstruation occurs, this does not mean that a woman cannot become pregnant. Women with a stable menstrual cycle are just as likely to become mothers as those with an irregular cycle. The chances of conceiving a child are different on certain days of the cycle. The best time to get pregnant is a week before your period. . The days of the cycle can be divided into 4 phases:

  1. With follicular, the maturation of the follicle begins.
  2. Ovulatory accompanies the release of an egg.
  3. During the luteal phase, a change in hormonal levels occurs for conception.
  4. End: desquamation - the egg is released with the endometrium.

Ovulation calculation calculate

Gynecologists call a good time to become pregnant ovulation - the passage of an egg into the fallopian tube as a result of the rupture of a mature follicle. Some women can even feel it. You can feel that you are ovulating by the following signs:

  • breast enlarges;
  • sensations of stretching, heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • basal temperature increases;
  • increased desire to have sex;
  • the amount of transparent discharge increases.

At this moment, the body itself tells the woman what her main purpose is. How to correctly determine ovulation for conception if you do not have the signs described above? Online calculators are suitable for this purpose, where you need to enter the start date of the last menstruation and the duration of the entire cycle. You can calculate the days using a regular calendar: ovulation cannot occur earlier than 14 days before menstruation, but it all depends on the length of the cycle.

Safe days from pregnancy

There is a myth that there are safe days after menstruation during which you will not be able to get pregnant. But with unprotected sexual intercourse, there is always a chance of fertilization of the egg. So what day after your period can you get pregnant? Gynecologists say that in any case: without contraception, you will not be 100% protected from the likelihood of having a child. The likelihood of conception is lowest two days before and after bleeding.

Dangerous days for pregnancy

Pregnancy is always possible when a woman is healthy and ready to bear children. There are dangerous days that those who have not yet thought about procreation fear. You can determine your chances of getting pregnant using an online menstruation counter or doing it yourself. It’s easy to calculate which days are favorable for conception: you need to take your menstrual calendar for the last six months and calculate the average cycle (from the first days of regulation to the next):

  • 28 days – ovulation occurs on the 14th day.
  • 33 days, the lucky moment falls on the 17th day.

Ovulation schedule

The ovulation days table involves entering data basal temperature. This easy way find out when changes occur in the body and calculate the days for conception . Ovulation occurs in the second phase of the cycle and is characterized by an increase in basal temperature. The measurement procedure is carried out in the morning, using a regular thermometer, which is inserted into the vagina immediately after waking up. The ovulation schedule includes two phases of the cycle:

  • vertical line – basal temperature value from 35.7 to 37.2;
  • horizontal line – days of the menstrual cycle (normal limits from 28 to 32).

When is the best time to get pregnant?

If you can’t conceive a child, then you should increase your chances and calculate which days are best to get pregnant. First you need to visit a gynecologist, take vitamins, adhere to the diet prescribed by the doctor, refuse bad habits. Plan better days For pregnancy, fixing BT during the cycle will help. Its decrease or increase will tell you about the days that will contribute to conception (the day of egg maturation, ovulation).

When planning a pregnancy, a woman may need to take complexes of biologically active substances that normalize and support reproductive function. For example, a biologically active food supplement TIME-FACTOR®, which contains vitamins C and E, folic acid, rutin, minerals (iron, magnesium and zinc), indole-3-carbinol, glutamic acid, aucubin, gingerols, as well as standardized plant extracts of angelica root, ginger root and chasteberry fruit. The complex of biologically active substances included in the TIME-FACTOR® dietary supplement helps normalize the menstrual cycle and maintain hormonal balance

Video: what is the day of ovulation

Greetings, dear friends! I propose to consider an important topic for many married couples, namely, how to get pregnant and conceive a long-awaited child. Unfortunately, 30% of young people seek help from doctors to find out why they are unable to conceive a child. In the article I will talk in more detail about the causes of infertility, what position is best to have sex in order to get pregnant, is it possible to conceive during menstruation, how to get pregnant with twins.

The best age to have your first child is between 22 and 32 years old. After 33 years, a woman experiences a 4% decrease in fertility, so her chances of becoming pregnant and carrying a pregnancy to term are healthy baby are decreasing. A woman can safely carry and give birth to a child only if she the right image life and with the help of advice from a qualified physician.

Causes of infertility

Infertility in married couples occurs in 10–15% of cases. Doctors identify a number of reasons why they cannot conceive:

  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes due to individual anatomical features or inflammation;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • lack of ovulation;
  • abortions;
  • tumors;
  • low sperm count and poor sperm quality;
  • endometriosis;
  • spermatogenesis disorders;
  • unfavorable environmental factors;
  • chronic diseases of the reproductive system;
  • hereditary factors;
  • neurological diseases;
  • disorders at the gene, chromosomal level.

If conception does not occur due to the infertility of her husband or the woman is not married but wants to have children, she can solve this problem without a man by contacting a sperm bank, where donor material will be selected for her.

Infertility treatment

If the couple fails to conceive a child, the doctor, after making a diagnosis, prescribes conservative therapy. In more severe cases surgical intervention is necessary. If a woman is diagnosed with ovulation failure, she is prescribed hormonal drugs and stimulants.

To quickly conceive, artificial insemination is performed. To do this, you will need the sperm of your husband or donor. A mixture of eggs and sperm is placed into the fallopian tubes. It is possible to perform in vitro fertilization - the surgeon extracts and returns the egg to the uterus.

Sometimes people who have had their tonsils removed experience infertility. This is due to the fact that tonsils are an important part of the human immune system, protecting the body from various infections. In case of severe inflammation, they are removed to prevent joint disorders, kidney and heart diseases. Surgery reduces the production of immunoglobulins - substances responsible for protecting the maturation of germ cells from pathogenic microorganisms.

What to do to get pregnant

To get pregnant quickly, you should carefully study the factors influencing ovulation. The following actions of a woman can slow down the process of conception:

  • frequent stress - reduces ovarian resource;
  • fasting, dieting - lead to disruption of the female cycle;
  • reception hormonal pills– suppress ovulation;
  • abuse of alcohol, cigarettes, radiation and chemical therapy - lead to intoxication of the body.

Eliminating these factors normalizes ovarian function and helps restore ovulation. In addition, the body must fully receive vitamins and microelements.

Chronic stress can cause hormonal imbalances and sperm damage.

Decreased thyroid function can lead to ovarian dysfunction. Under the influence of iodine, which enters a woman’s body with food, the thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones. They regulate the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, are responsible for metabolic processes, mental state, reproductive and digestive systems.

A lack of thyroid hormones in the body leads to menstrual irregularities, ovarian dysfunction, and prolonged and heavy bleeding during menstruation. A woman may complain of a number of symptoms:

  • increased drowsiness;
  • frequent colds;
  • poor appetite or its complete absence;
  • constipation;
  • hearing impairment;
  • heartbeat disturbance;
  • sudden weight gain;
  • chilliness;
  • pale skin;
  • brittleness and dullness of hair.

If such signs appear, you should be examined by an endocrinologist and undergo a course of treatment.

You can find out more about methods of conception in the video:

Is it possible to get pregnant from lubricant?

This question can often be found on forums, let's figure it out.

The lubricant does not contain genetic material, but when released from the urethral canals along with the lubricant, a small amount of sperm that was previously left there may be released. This may be due to recent masturbation or sex. In this case, it is possible to get pregnant from lubricant, but the probability is very low.

How to get pregnant faster

7 secrets will help speed up the pregnancy process.

healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle does not mean that a woman should exercise in the gym all day long. This, on the contrary, can lead to a lack of ovulation. It is enough to practice 45–50 daily and once every 2 days. Promotes pregnancy proper nutrition, walking or half-hour aerobics. It is also important to give up alcohol and smoking.

Proper nutrition

Flour products and fast food contain a lot of carbohydrates and the carcinogen acrylamide. They have a negative impact on nervous system and genes. Acrylamide is found in potato chips, store-bought muffins, pies, bread, and French fries.

In order to quickly become pregnant naturally, the body of a woman and a man should receive the following vitamins:

  • vitamin A – plays an important role in the functioning of the gonads;
  • vitamin E – if it is deficient, menstrual irregularities, nervous disorders, and rapid skin aging are observed;
  • Vitamin B12 – is responsible for fat and carbohydrate metabolism, participates in the formation of blood cells.

Important microelements include:

  • zinc – participates in the production of enzymes and protein synthesis, the production of testosterone and sperm, improves reproductive function;
  • potassium – effective for preventing cervical erosion, reduces the risk of miscarriage;
  • gold – prevents infertility and is useful for impotence;
  • copper – participates in the synthesis of female sex hormones, promotes rapid conception.

To compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and microelements, I recommend including the following products in your diet:

  • vitamin A: sweet potato, pumpkin, liver, dried apricots, bell peppers, avocado, cheese, mango, lettuce, eggs, beef, carrots, broccoli, fatty fish, potatoes, watermelon, melon;
  • vitamin E: spinach, vegetable oils, sunflower seeds, avocados, nuts, fish, shrimp, asparagus, broccoli, tomatoes, fruits, berries;
  • vitamin B12: beef, liver, lamb, pork, cod, milk, cheese, shrimp, mussels, turkey breast;
  • zinc: orange, apple, fig, currant, grapefruit, beans, buckwheat, peas, risk, beets, tomatoes, potatoes, garlic, ginger, nuts, cheese, meat, eggs, squid;
  • potassium: potatoes, beans, dried apricots, prunes, salmon, avocado, oranges, pumpkin, spinach;
  • gold: corn porridge, special preparations;
  • copper – liver, shrimp, rice, peas, pasta, peanuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, lentils, walnut, beans, octopus, oatmeal.

Folk remedies

To treat infertility, you can use folk remedies.

  1. Sage tea. Brew 5 g of sage in 250 ml of boiling water, add a little salt. Should be taken after menstruation for 11 days, 10 ml in the morning before meals and at night. Treatment lasts 3 months. If conception does not occur, repeat the course after 2 months.
  2. Linden flower tea. Take 20 g of raw material and pour 1 liter of boiling water, close the container with a lid and leave for 2 hours. You need to take 250 ml twice a day for six months.
  3. Ginger. Eliminates cramps during menstruation, normalizes the tone of the uterus, fights infertility and frigidity. It is useful for men to consume ginger in powder form in combination with honey. The mixture can be washed down with tea.
  4. Knotweed grass. Mix 250 ml of herb and 1 liter of boiling water. Drink like tea.
  5. Valerian rhizomes. Baths using a decoction based on valerian rhizomes help in the fight against male infertility. It is enough to take 60 g of crushed raw materials, pour 2 liters warm water and leave for 2 hours. Then you need to boil the product for 15 minutes, filter and pour into a bathtub with water. The course of treatment includes 10 procedures.
  6. Rowan. Rowan tincture treats inflammation of the uterus, appendages, urinary tract, and obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Take 40 drops three times a day.
  7. Natural juices. Normalize hormonal and sexual functions. I recommend taking 100 ml of juice from fresh nettle leaves. After half an hour, you can drink 100 ml of juice from parsley or celery leaves.

Consultation with a doctor

When planning a pregnancy, it is important to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. Married couple must be tested for various sexually transmitted infections. During the consultation, the doctor will tell you in detail what medications and vitamin complexes you need to take. A woman should pay attention to folic acid. It helps reduce the risk of neural tube pathologies in the fetus. Reception folic acid 3–5 months before pregnancy helps normalize hormonal levels.

Counting the days of your cycle

To conceive easily, you need to try on certain days of the menstrual cycle. The best time For fertilization, the first 5 days before ovulation, during it and for 5 days after ovulation are considered. During this period, even a virgin can become pregnant if she is deflowered.

To correctly determine the day of ovulation, special kits are available in pharmacies. But most women prefer to measure basal temperature during an irregular menstrual cycle. The thermometer should be inserted into the rectum in the morning. On the day of ovulation, there is a slight increase in temperature.

Many women want to know what day they can conceive during their period. Gynecologists unanimously believe that the likelihood of conception during menstruation is very low. Ovulation usually occurs after the 7th day of the cycle, so in most cases, conception does not occur during menstruation.

Lack of worries and worries

To conceive faster, you don’t need to worry and get hung up on the thought of pregnancy. If you failed to get pregnant the first or second time, this is a completely normal and common situation, and not a reason to panic.

Don't get up immediately after sex

What is the best position to have sex in to get pregnant?

During intimacy, partners must ensure maximum contact so that sperm does not flow out of the vagina and does not move vertically downwards. Scientists have compiled a list of the most successful positions for conception.

  1. Missionary. It may seem boring to many couples, but it is the one that can help you get pregnant faster. In this position, sperm penetrate directly into the uterus, and the chance of leakage is reduced to zero.
  2. On the side. Convenient position for sperm to enter the uterus. Some people used to believe that to conceive a girl you need to have sex on the left side, and for a boy - on the right.
  3. On all fours. The position is considered successful for conceiving a boy, as it will help the fastest sperm to enter the uterus. This position is suitable if the uterus is bent.

The cowgirl position is considered unsuitable for conception. Also, the likelihood of pregnancy decreases if a man sits or stands.

If the cervix is ​​slightly higher than usual, then the spouses need to choose a position where the woman lies on her back and the partner is on top.

You can learn more about how to have sex and what the best positions are in separate articles.

How to get pregnant with twins

If you want two children at once, pay attention to 5 tips.

  1. In vitro fertilization. During the procedure, two embryos may be implanted into the uterus. But no doctor can guarantee that both of them will survive.
  2. Cancellation of hormonal drugs. Taking such medications for a long time and then stopping them leads to the fact that the ovaries begin to work harder. Often, after women stop taking hormonal contraceptives, they become pregnant with twins.
  3. Age. The older a woman is, the higher the likelihood of conceiving two children. But after 40 years, the chances of having twins decrease.
  4. Time of conception. To conceive twins, you should have sex in late spring and summer, mainly during daylight hours, since it is during this period that the hormone gonadotropin, which is responsible for the functioning of the ovaries, is produced in the greatest volume.
  5. Number of births. After the birth of the second child, the probability of conceiving twins increases by 2 times, after the fifth birth – by 6 times.

How to get pregnant with a boy

Gender depends on the type of chromosome in the sperm. The Y chromosome is responsible for the birth of a boy, and the X chromosome is responsible for the birth of girls. The lifespan of germ cells with a Y chromosome in the female genital organs is 24 hours. They are much more active than sperm carrying the X chromosome. However, germ cells with an X chromosome live up to 72 hours. To conceive a boy, you should make love on the day of ovulation.

How to get pregnant with a girl

To conceive a girl, unprotected sex must occur 3 days before ovulation. Sperm with a Y chromosome will die before the egg is released, so there is a high chance of becoming pregnant with a girl.


We talked about how to get pregnant faster, found out what a woman and a man should do, what habits interfere with conceiving, on which days it is possible to conceive faster and what folk remedies the most effective. Do not believe in omens, myths, conspiracies and superstitions. It is better to consult a doctor who will help determine the reason why you cannot get pregnant and give the right recommendations.

Do you know other ways that help a woman get pregnant? Share your secrets in the comments!

Reading time: 6 minutes. Views 4.6k. Published 03/13/2019

Indeed, this helps to prepare for the birth of an heir and avoid many problems. But for planning you need to at least have a general understanding of the physiology of the conception process. On what days can you get pregnant is the topic of our article.

Physiology of conception

During a woman's reproductive age, each menstrual cycle an egg matures and is released into the fallopian tube. This process is called ovulation, occurs approximately in the middle of the period and lasts about 1-2 days.

If fertilization does not occur, then by the end of the cycle the endometrium of the uterus is shed and removed from the body during menstruation.

Logically, the middle of the cycle is the most favorable days for conception. But at the beginning and end you can have sex without protection without fear of getting pregnant. But nature is in no hurry to agree with our logic, and women become pregnant throughout the entire cycle.

You shouldn’t count on a guaranteed pregnancy during ovulation either.

First, determine exact date its onset is not so easy.

Secondly, successful conception depends on a number of other factors in addition to the maturation of the egg.

Are there any days safe from pregnancy?

Medicine knows cases of pregnancy occurring at almost any period of the cycle. Therefore, the term “safe days of the cycle” is incorrect. It would be more accurate to highlight days favorable for conception and days when its probability is low.

Such vagueness of formulations is associated, first of all, with the instability of the cycle. Even in women who have it stable, there is always a risk of failure. There are plenty of reasons for a cycle shift - illness, nervous or physical stress, climate change and others.

Probability of conception

With a stable cycle, it is not difficult to calculate what day ovulation occurs on - it is 2-3 days in the middle of the period. This period is optimal for pregnancy. If a couple seeks to avoid conception, 2-3 days before and after menstruation can be considered relatively safe.

There are many myths about menstruation. Quite often there is an opinion that conception is impossible during pregnancy. Let's look at this “bloody period” in more detail.

Before menstruation

By the beginning of the regulation, the egg dies. In addition, the beginning rejection of the endometrium of the uterus makes it impossible for it to attach, even if the egg is fertilized. The resulting discharge negatively affects sperm. Therefore, this period can be considered safe - conditionally.

However, conception is possible. If a woman rarely has sex, her reproductive system can react with unscheduled ovulation. The same result can be caused by exposure to certain substances that make up sperm. As a result, the egg, which has matured in 2-3 days, is fertilized by sperm that have retained their activity.

In addition, there is always the possibility of failure. Menstruation may begin later than a woman expected. Then, by the time of sexual intercourse, the egg will still be capable of fertilization and attachment to the endometrium of the uterus, which has not begun to exfoliate.

During menstruation

During this period, the vitality of sperm entering the vagina is greatly reduced. Reduces the likelihood of conception and the condition of the uterine walls, which are unable to accept a fertilized egg. Therefore, conception is unlikely - but possible.

How can you get pregnant during regulation:

  1. If the regula is delayed, then the sperm that enter the vagina closer to its end can wait for the egg to mature.
  2. Sometimes two eggs develop in the female body, maturing with a short interval. Then, at the moment the first cell is removed from the body, the second will be ready for fertilization.
  3. If the cycle has gone astray or is initially irregular, there is always the possibility of an error when determining the date of ovulation.

Therefore, it is not worth using the regulative period as a contraceptive. This is not only unreliable, but also dangerous. At this time, the likelihood of transmitting various diseases is especially high.

After menstruation

A few days after, the possibility of conception is extremely low. The egg is not yet mature, so fertilization is impossible.

But sperm can remain active for several days. Therefore, with long menstruation and a short cycle, they have a good chance of waiting for ovulation.

Methods for determining favorable periods

The first thing you need to do to get pregnant is to learn to determine the optimal days for conception.

Several methods are used for this:

  • calendar preparation;
  • temperature measurement;
  • ovulation tests;
  • folliculometry;
  • woman's well-being.

Making a calendar

With a regular cycle, a calendar will help determine when you can get pregnant. To do this, for several months, at least six months, you need to mark the period of menstruation on the calendar. Then the duration of each cycle is calculated - from the beginning of one menstruation to the beginning of the next.

If the cycles are regular, then the most favorable periods fall on the average 10-12 days.

Since minor disruptions are also observed during regular cycles, the calculations can be clarified. For this purpose, the longest and shortest menstrual periods are selected. Then from the number of days long cycle 11 is subtracted, from the short one 18.

For clarity, the calculation is presented in the table

This is not the most reliable way. It is not suitable for women with irregular periods.

Temperature chart

This method is based on the fact that ovulation causes an increase in basal temperature by approximately 0.25-0.5 0 C. Basal is the most low temperature achieved after a long rest. Therefore, it is measured daily after sleep, in the anus.

The readings are entered into the chart. About a day before ovulation, the temperature may drop slightly, but then rises and remains elevated until the end of the cycle.

The graph clearly shows how many days after menstruation optimal conditions for pregnancy occur.

But this method cannot be called absolutely reliable. The temperature is influenced by the duration and quality of sleep, well-being, alcohol consumed and other factors.

Ovulation tests

The principle is the same as in pregnancy tests - they determine the presence of a hormone in a woman’s urine, the result is reflected in the form of stripes.

Ovulation is determined by the presence of LH - luteinizing hormone, which begins to be synthesized 20-30 hours before the release of the egg.

Tests are carried out for several days in a row. This method does not provide a 100% guarantee of conception, but it is significantly superior in accuracy to the previous ones.


The gynecologist uses ultrasound to evaluate the growth of the follicle. For the egg to appear, it must reach a diameter of about 15-25 mm. An experienced doctor will use ultrasound to determine not only the maturation of the egg, but also monitor the readiness of the endometrium of the uterus for its attachment.

Ultrasound diagnostics provides full information about the state of the female reproductive system. This gives the doctor the opportunity to make an accurate diagnosis and determine what to do if you cannot get pregnant.

Woman's well-being

Sometimes women are able to sense the onset of ovulation by how they feel.

By carefully monitoring their sensations and noting their repetition in each cycle, they can focus on the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, discharge and other signs. But this method is not suitable for widespread use.


You can get pregnant on any day of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, to avoid unwanted pregnancy, it is better to use reliable contraception without relying on safe days. If conceiving a child is a dream that cannot yet be realized, you need to believe that everything will work out.

Modern gynecology can solve many problems. Have sex during favorable periods, follow all the doctor’s recommendations, and your dream will come true.

Have you ever used the methods described in the article? Or you can add something from own experience? We are waiting for your comments.

This is an important, happy and even solemn moment. The decision to get pregnant has been made, the examinations are over (and if not, it’s time to take the tests that are needed when planning a pregnancy). You refused contraceptives. Now we will create a conception calendar, and our service will help you.

Online conception calculator

You can calculate the day of ovulation and the best days to conceive a child without online services– with a piece of paper and a pen (formulas are given below). But the conception calculator will calculate everything faster and more clearly. Fill in the required fields and click “send”. If your monthly cycle fluctuates a little - sometimes 29, sometimes 30-31 days, then calculate the arithmetic average for the last three months (sum up the length of the MC and divide by three). It is this figure that needs to be inserted into the calculator.

Remember the date of ovulation, this is the day when the egg is released from the ovary and the likelihood of conception is highest. Women are not computers, their cycle can fluctuate, and the days of ovulation shift slightly, so the calendar shows not one, but three most likely days. These are the dates for which PA should be planned.

If the gender of your unborn child is important to you, then attempts to conceive a girl should be made 2-4 days before ovulation. Boys often turn out exactly on day X.

If you have an unstable cycle and the difference between the length of the MC can be 5-6 days, then the ovulation calculator will not suit you. Then you need to be examined and find out what is the reason for the irregularity. And if doctors don’t find anything critical, then it’s better to calculate the day the egg is released using ovulation tests or using folliculometry.

Calendar method for calculating favorable days

A woman is not always able to become pregnant, but only during a certain short period approximately in the middle of the cycle. This time is also called the fertile window. To find out how many days after your period you can get pregnant, use a simple calculation formula.


X is the day of the cycle on which ovulation is most likely. MC is the full length of the monthly cycle (from the first day of menstruation to the beginning of the next menstruation). The most favorable days for conception (those who do not want to get pregnant call them dangerous) are 3 days before the release of the egg, the date of ovulation and one day after it. Mark them on your calendar in advance so you don't forget.

Safe days (that is, unfavorable for conceiving a child) are all dates a week or more before ovulation and 4 days after it and until the end of the MC. The total number of safe dates in a cycle depends on its length. If the MC is short (21-25 days), then there are very few of them. This girl is easy. If the cycle is long, then the non-dangerous period is also quite long.

Most likely, your gynecologist will tell you that you cannot use the safe days method as a method of contraception if you have an irregular cycle. And to plan a pregnancy, it is better to use ovulation tests and ultrasound rather than calendar calculations.

How ovulation is related to the gender of the child

The sex of the child depends on the sperm that fertilizes the egg. There are two types of sperm: those with the X chromosome (girls) and Y chromosomes (boys). Sperm X behave slowly and thoroughly. At the same time, future girls are very hardy: such sperm can live in the female genital tract for several days and patiently wait for the egg to leave the follicle. Boy Y cells are much more mobile and faster, but do not live long.

The principle is based on these features of the behavior of male reproductive cells.

Sexual intercourse that took place 2-3 days before ovulation most often leads to the birth of a girl. X sperm will patiently wait for the egg and fertilize it. But the “boy” Y cells have much less chance.

If PA occurs on the day of ovulation, then the “boy” sprinters will overtake the “girls”. And a male child will be born.

Therefore, in the conception calendar, the dates before ovulation can be colored pink - in honor of the future girl. The day of ovulation will be blue - there is a greater chance of having a boy.

How to confirm the release of an egg

To be sure that the conception calendar was not mistaken, it is worth supporting the calculations with other methods and observations.

Discharge and sensations

On days suitable for conception, a woman’s discharge pattern changes. The whitish thick secretion gives way to transparent and viscous.

On an ideal day for conception, you can feel a surge of sexual energy, and you will look especially young and attractive. Smart nature itself pushes you to procreate.


The easiest way to find out the days for conception is with the help of special test strips. Ovulation tests are sold at pharmacies. The simplest and most inexpensive are disposable strips. There are reusable tests where only the cartridges and even a mini-device - a microscope - are changed.

You need to buy several disposable strips at once; you need at least five per cycle. Calculate the approximate day of ovulation using an online conception calculator, and start taking tests a week before it. It is better to use daytime urine rather than morning urine. The test must be repeated once or twice a day. Two clear stripes indicate a sharp increase in LH (luteinizing hormone). This means that the egg will be released in the next few hours.

Basal temperature

The BT method is now rarely used. It has its flaws. To get a reliable picture, the girl will have to measure her basal temperature every day for 3-4 months. Any deviation from the usual schedule (flights, lack of sleep, alcohol, night sex) and changes in health (cold) distort the results. This is a method for the meticulous.

But there are also advantages. Creating BT charts is easy and free.

Read more about the method of measuring basal temperature.

In short, every morning after waking up, without moving and getting out of bed, you need to measure the temperature in the anus. And build a graph from the results. Before ovulation (10-12 hours), the temperature drops slightly (by about 0.5 degrees), and then there is a sharp temperature jump (up to 37 degrees and above). An increase in basal temperature indicates that ovulation has occurred, and you have about a day for effective PA.


Sometimes, in order not to miss the ideal day for conception, doctors recommend doing an ultrasound during the cycle. This is called folliculometry. Usually 3-4 sessions of ultrasound examination are needed. The gynecologist will set ultrasound dates based on the length of the female cycle. The doctor will see the growth rate of the dominant follicle and predict the release of a mature egg with precision down to the day.


Analysis of hormone levels in different days cycle will help you find out day X. On the eve of ovulation, there is a sharp surge in LH levels, and in the second half of the ovulation cycle, progesterone increases. Based on these and other parameters, the doctor will help the woman create a conception calendar.