Online services for checking punctuation. Checking text punctuation online Seeks friendship "with privileges" not love

We live in a world today where people focus on things for a very short time. Thus, it is obvious that it is necessary to convince the visitor of your site that the product or service offered is really interesting, by attracting his attention as quickly as possible, and also by retaining it for as long as possible.

You most likely want potential customers to spend as much time as possible on your site, paying special attention to registration, purchases, etc. To do this, it is necessary to attract and hold their attention, this will significantly increase the chances of.

Filters in our brain or what our consciousness pays attention to

One of the key areas of our brain that focuses attention is the reticular activating system (RAS).

RAS works as a filter that sorts external stimuli into what carries important information (respectively, what should be paid attention to), as well as what does not matter (and, therefore, can be ignored). Without this filter, we would be constantly distracted by everything that is happening around us, not focusing on anything in particular.

Thanks to RAS, we subconsciously track information in the environment around us, filtering signals that can be divided into the following groups:

  • physiological needs. When you are hungry and you see food, it immediately grabs and holds attention.
  • Choice. You decide to buy a new BMW 325 and suddenly you see them everywhere. This strengthens your decision.
  • Your name. Noticing their name, people will certainly direct their attention to it.
  • Emotions. If something causes emotions, then you immediately concentrate your attention on it.
  • Contrast. You pay more attention to those things that contrast with others.
  • Something new. The brain pays a lot of attention to things that are new to it.
Next, let's talk about how to practically attract and retain the attention of visitors to your site.

1. New

Psychologists and neuroscientists argue that novelties help to intensify the exchange of information.

Our minds strive for novelty. This is due not only to the need to gain new experience, but is, apparently, an independent need of our brain. Everything new invariably attracts the attention of our brain. And as soon as something new is explored and becomes familiar, we will again go in search of something new.

Thus, it is obvious that in order to keep the attention of the site visitor, it is necessary to constantly present him with something new.

Compare 2 pages:

Page 1:

Page 2:

Which one was more interesting to watch? Which of them attracted attention the longest?

Without a doubt, the second image carries much more of the new, and, therefore, retains attention much longer.

Pages overloaded with text

If your site has text-heavy pages and you want visitors to read them, you need to use something new that will grab their attention.

Here is an example from the sales form text:

As soon as a visitor comes to this page and starts reading, the novelty factor disappears within seconds. It's like everywhere else. Boredom!

What can we do to increase the novelty factor in this case? How to revitalize the form so that it attracts and holds attention?

Fix the "makeover" page:

Small changes in the background color, text positioning, and added images will make the page more interesting, and thus increase the chances that the visitor will linger here and, perhaps, read the proposed text.

We use various trump cards

Our brains pay special attention to patterns (things, structures, behaviors, etc.) and quickly learn to ignore anything that is secondary, predictable, or boring.

The fact is that the constant search for changes in everything familiar is a mechanism that helps humans and animals fight for life. For example, an animal will easily spot a predator on its familiar horizon because its brain is constantly monitoring changes in its familiar environment. The same feature of the human brain provides the ability to attract and fix attention by offering something strikingly different from the usual or in contrast with something.

2. Show off the contrast

The brain pays a lot of attention to things that are different from what is familiar or what happened in the past. This is another evolutionary feature in humans. There is an area in the brain that looks for contrasts and differences in order to make quick decisions and avoid confusion.

You can use the features of this area of ​​the brain to get people to pay attention to the product by demonstrating its benefits in a “before-and-after format”:

You have certainly seen this technique before. It really works. Of course, contrast is effective not only when it comes to promoting something related to fitness, it can be any kind of transformation: material security, conversion, transportation, beauty, etc. In other words, anything can be advertised through contrast and comparison.

From book neuromarketing: "... the area of ​​the brain responsible for finding changes in the environment pays special attention to any disturbances or changes" eg before/after, dangerous/safe, with/without, fast/slow, etc. Therefore, in order to attract attention, it is necessary to offer the site visitor various contrasts and comparisons, but avoid the typical and ordinary.

It remains to figure out how to use contrasts and comparisons to prove the reality of all promises.

3. Emotional

By evoking emotions, you attract and hold attention.

The effectiveness of emotional advertising is undeniable. If you can make people feel something (anything), they will not only pay attention to the received message (both textual and visual), but they will definitely remember it.

Remember last year. What do you remember the most? One hundred percent guarantee - those events and things that are associated with the strongest emotions and experiences. So with the effectiveness of emotion-inducing advertising and messages, everything is clear.

Of course, emotions must be evoked carefully: it is by no means always necessary to try to “hit” aspects of sex or strive to cause a strong shock, as was done, for example, in advertising. Tom Ford:

You can make almost any message much more effective by introducing a clear and meaningful emotional image.

Here is an example of such a message:

Make your messages more emotional and meaningful - and this will attract people's attention, as well as keep it for a long time.

4. Provide the visitor with information in a logical and structured way

John Medina, the author of the book Brain Rules says: "Our brain focuses on sequences". Thus, a lot depends on how logically the content of the pages is structured. Start with a clear introduction to explain what you are going to talk about, then follow directly with the presentation and conclusion to direct the audience to take a specific action. The sequence of the information flow makes it much easier for the audience to perceive. If the text is not clear and too complicated, people will have to spend time and energy trying to understand the essence of the message. And they probably don't want to do it.

In general, people are unable to focus on anything for more than 10 minutes. So you need to complete the deal with them before this time expires, or give them new emotions every 10 minutes until the deal is completed.

5. "There is no such thing as attention span. There is only the quality of what you read"

This quote Jerry Seinfeld, and its meaning in the end: "The idea of ​​​​attracting and focusing attention is not entirely correct. People have an infinite supply of attention if you entertain them."

Most likely, this is true. People, as a rule, are capable of long-term concentration of attention, if something motivates them to do so, or if they find this process interesting, - claims Wikipedia.

So the words of Jerry Seinfeld have a basis. Relevance is very important It is necessary that the proposal meets the needs and wishes of the audience. At the same time, the style of presentation should be interesting and emotional enough to hold attention. Everything else is secondary.

People don't pay attention to boring things.

6. People don't read, they browse

We know that people don't read everything on our site. And there is no way to change it.

All you can do is give them the opportunity to get as much interesting information as possible while they browse the pages, and also clearly highlight the most important things for them.

Research shows that people browse pages in an F-shape:

7. Show examples

The phrase "let me show you what I mean" is one of better ways assert your position when you want to explain or prove something. Such a phrase attracts attention in anticipation of a visual continuation of the sentence, which the brain really appreciates.

When evaluating a product or service, the brain works to analyze the information provided and draw conclusions to make a decision. Images are a great way to showcase something visually and provide answers to many of the questions the brain asks.

The brain “loves” visual stimuli because they are processed faster than words. That is why you should be sure to provide visual examples of what you are trying to explain in words.

8. Importance of site speed

Get your site as fast as possible. It is important.

If the page loading is insufficient, there is a high probability of losing a visitor. Even if he is interested in the content of the proposed pages, the slow speed of their loading will distract from reading. In addition, speed also affects search positions.

Usability Guru Jacob Nielsen claims that 0.1 seconds of loading a site is exactly the time that provides a sense of instantaneous response. 1 second still allows the user to feel no discomfort, but 10 seconds is almost a guarantee that the visitor will leave the site.

Use tools to measure website loading speed.

IN Firefox noticed that when their site started loading 1 second slower, it resulted in a 2.7% decrease in conversions.

IN bing and google found that loading faster by 0.4c ensured that users stayed on sites longer:

IN Amazon reported that a 100ms increase in site speed resulted in a 1% increase in revenue.

How to make a website faster:

  • Use Google PageSpeed to learn how you can improve site performance.
  • Use HTTP caching.
  • Use CDN.

Bonus Tip: Red Lips Will Draw the Attention of a Male Audience

A recent study claims that it is difficult to find something more effective in attracting the attention of men than red lips.

Employees Manchester University conducted a study in which 50 men viewed various images of women. As a result, it turned out that men looked at images of women whose lips were made up with red lipstick, on average, seven seconds longer. Studies also showed that men held their eyes for only 0.95 seconds and 0.85 for their hair.

In order to know where in the text the presence of commas is necessary, it is not at all necessary to know all the rules of punctuation. Of course, we do not call anyone to be completely illiterate, but if you really need to see where the missing commas were, you can always use special online services, which you will now learn about. However, when talking about such services, you cannot be 100% sure that something will not be missed.

ORFO online

This service is one of the best on the Internet. ORFO works quickly and efficiently: a text of several paragraphs will be translated in a matter of seconds, and places where commas will be missed will be underlined in green by ORFO. In addition to punctuation, this service is good at finding errors in the words themselves (they are highlighted in red).

You can immediately change the structure of the text on the go: there are tools for changing the font and its color, text alignment and adding lists. May come in handy in some situations.


Another quality service for checking the correct spelling in general. Various errors are highlighted in different colors, and when you click on a word highlighted in some color, you can read about the error and see the correct spelling rule.

Language Tool

Weaker in quality service than the previous ones. The results here are, rather, for clarity, and they cannot be completely trusted. Different errors are highlighted in different colors: pink for misspelled words, orange for missing commas.

The only thing, in our opinion, that this service can hook on is the availability of downloadable versions, both independent and as an extension for the browser. Maybe it will be useful for someone.

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Family life is not an easy task, requiring flexibility, compliance and compromises. At the same time, the general mood and harmony in the house depend on both spouses. Wise people know how to maintain balance in relationships, overcome difficulties and resolve any family conflict. Moreover, if you choose the right behavior model, then you can gently direct the actions of your soul mate in the right direction.

website decided to take a look at some of the common weaknesses of partners and find out how real wisdom in family relationships can help make life together couples are better for both.

1. Does not help with housework, ignores cleaning and other household items

Solution: since housekeeping is a lot of work, you should not devalue it yourself and let your partner do it. It is important to emphasize what you have done around the house, how difficult it was and how tired you are. Then everyone will begin to appreciate your contribution to the common life.

Remember that cleanliness and order in the house are the responsibility of everyone who lives in it, so treat your partner not as a household helper, but as a full-fledged participant. Divide household chores, or if you don't have time to clean, try setting aside a separate amount in your budget for a cleaning service.

2. Little involved in the upbringing of children

Solution: often men shy away from parenthood, not because they are not interested, but because they simply do not know what to do with children. In addition, it happens that wives do not let their husbands near the child, because they think that they themselves can do better. Psychologists call this "mother protection". Therefore, the sooner the spouse is involved in the process of education, the better.

Try to keep him informed about what is happening with the child so that the husband does not fall out of your life cycle, assign roles and together choose the part of parental responsibility that he will take on.

3. Hangs in gadgets for hours

Solution: if your partner is literally obsessed with social networks or computer games, then this is not a reason to be angry with him, perhaps in this way a person compensates for the lack of something. For example, affection or attention. Also turning to video games or social media can be a way to cope with feelings of depression or anxiety. In this case, virtual reality can be replaced by something else, say, a gym, walking, swimming pool.

At the same time, it is better not to offer an alternative to computer games and gadgets during or immediately after another dispute on this topic. Look forward to some nice time together and note what a good day today was and how great it would be to repeat such moments more often.

4. Does not want to make important joint decisions

Solution: usually such problems are faced by families where one of the partners is an imperious and strong person who likes to lead. Often behind a person's reluctance to make a decision and be responsible for the consequences is the fear of failure and subsequent shame. And if he did not participate in solving the problem, he is, as it were, "in the house." Therefore, psychologists advise not to blame your partner for possible failures, but to say that you believe in him and are always ready to support.

Try to do as he decided, even if it seems wrong to you - after all, it is important for you to show that you will listen to him. Also in this case, the technique of positive reinforcement works well - do not forget to praise your soul mate for any perfect deed.

5. Compares to mom or dad

Remember that, as a rule, it is not you personally who are compared, but some of your skills and actions. Agree that your family lives by its own rules, which you set together. After another comparison with your parent, tell your partner that you are used to doing something or cooking this way, and ask him what exactly he does not like about the method you have chosen.

6. Closes in on himself, does not talk about problems

Solution: Spouses often copy each other's behavior. Try to tell your partner about your affairs more often, share details, ask questions. It is important for each person to be heard, so express your interest with clarifying phrases, gestures, let him see that his affairs are important to you. It also happens that due to the lack of information, we begin to think up problems for ourselves.

For example, one came home from work not in the mood, and the second, instead of asking about the reason, begins to wind himself up and speculate that the problems are related to him. You should not speculate, it is better to ask directly what the person is dissatisfied with.

7. Ignores the rules of decency and hygiene

Solution: many annoying habits are related to the fact that at home a person relaxes and forgets to follow the rules of good manners. In this case, the distraction technique works great.

For example, the next time you see your partner biting his nails or cracking his fingers, try not to be outraged. Instead, distract him - ask him to bring you water or just take his hand. Thus, you also show tenderness and affection.

8. Takes up the bathroom for a long time

Solution: First of all, it is important to understand the fact that if a person is locked in a room for a long time, then he wants to be alone. This is normal, because sometimes everyone needs personal space. And where can he relax and be alone with himself? Ideally, each family member should have their own room where they can close themselves, but, alas, this is not always possible.

Raise the issue of personal space, say that you understand that the partner wants to be alone, but at the same time stipulate that the bathroom is a shared space. Maybe walking alone will be the solution, or maybe in the course of a conversation you will come to the conclusion that you need a new apartment with an office.

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Have you also encountered strange behavior patterns in guys? They seem to have been specially developed in a secret male laboratory in order to confuse girls.

Disappears for months, and then appears as if nothing had happened

What's happened: He suddenly made himself felt after a long absence.

What do you think of it: He was too busy to write all this time. He was a prisoner and escaped this morning. Or wasted time on a false charge. But he certainly thought of me every minute.

I wonder if she's still alive there, does she love me?

Writes first, but does not keep up the conversation

What's happened: He starts talking and disappears.

What do you think of it: He had urgent business. Battery low. Aliens abducted. A seagull flew past and stole the phone. But he definitely wanted to talk to me.

What is actually happening: He wanted to remind himself of himself in case everything got better in your life and you began to forget about your past.

Does not try to transfer communication to real life

What's happened: You constantly communicate online, but there were no offers to meet.

What do you think of it: He is very humble and afraid of rejection. He is not yet ready to meet such an irresistible girl. He is afraid of his feelings. But he will definitely invite me on a date later.

What is actually happening: He doesn't want to ask you out. He just wants to chat. But not in real life.

Uses you in his dishonest games

What's happened: You had a great time, but he suddenly went underground.

What do you think of it: He needs time to accept the fact that he now has a treasure like me. He tests me. He has problems at work and is not yet up to love. But tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, or someday, we'll be all right again.

What is actually happening: You are not interested in him as a permanent partner.

Wants to be your fans' rival

What's happened: He appears only when another guy begins to be interested in you.

What do you think of it: He is jealous. From now on, everything will be different, because he finally realized that I have other fans, and now he will be afraid of losing me.

What is actually happening: He needs constant competition. Relationships that are not heated by hunting passion are simply not interesting to him.

Seeking friendship "with privileges", not love

What's happened: He offered to be friends, but he flirts desperately.

What do you think of it: He himself has not yet realized that he is in love with me. He is afraid that I will refuse him. He cannot resist my feminine charms. He believes that lovers should first become good friends.

What is actually happening: He perfectly sees that you are looking at him with loving eyes. And as long as it amuses him, he will play along. But soon he will get bored, and indeed, a permanent girl will appear.

Doesn't give you enough time, only runs on known cases

What's happened: You meet snatches after work.

What do you think of it: He's so busy. The only two hours of free time he spends on a romantic date with me is so sweet. He even sometimes stays overnight, although he could have gone home. He just physically does not have time for me, and I understand that.

What is actually happening: It is convenient for him to have a permanent partner in bed, and that's it. Soon he will have a relationship and an official girlfriend, and the work will miraculously go somewhere. And you will bite your elbows and ask "WHY ?!"

Doesn't meet family and friends

What's happened: You seem to date, but you don't often see his family and friends, or maybe you don't know them at all. You spend important holidays apart.

What do you think of it: He doesn't want to embarrass me. He is very close to his family and friends, so he spends more time with them than with me. He's afraid that I won't like them.

What is actually happening: You are not as important to him as friends and family. He doesn't want you to be seen as his girlfriend, or worse, his fiancee. Because he doesn't think so either.

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Imagine the situation: you will be given a cake if you remember one of your most happy days, or ready to hand over as many as 3 cakes if you remember the most unpleasant event in your life. What would you choose?

Most people will prefer the second option. But the pleasure of eating sweets is overshadowed by unpleasant memories, and such people are by no means happier because they chose the option with more cakes. For the same reason, many people do not quit smoking: to enjoy the here and now is more important for them than the threat of unpleasant consequences in the future.

  • Advice: when making any decision, try to be guided not only by the immediate benefit, but also by the bonuses that it can bring you in the future. Buying a dress worth several of your salaries will bring short-term euphoria, followed by a month of living on bread and water. Do you need it?

2. Our brain loves to deceive us.

Optimism and faith in the best are, without a doubt, excellent qualities, but sometimes they play cruel jokes with people. In 2017, the US Census Bureau reported that 110 million people in the country were divorced or unmarried, which is more than 45% of all Americans over the age of 18. Almost half of marriages end in divorce, but at the time of the ceremony, everyone is sure: this is forever. Even those who go down the aisle is not the first time. Entrepreneurs who open their own business are also sure that they will certainly catch the bird of happiness by the tail.

Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein believe that the belief in our own invulnerability and exclusivity makes us look only in one direction, not to notice the pitfalls, not to look for alternatives and not to have a "airbag" in case everything does not go according to plan.

  • Advice: Before making an important decision, take a break and look at things realistically. Do not exclude the possibility of a complete failure and try to protect yourself in this case: draw up a marriage contract, open a small deposit, invest in various projects.

5. Pact of Odysseus

According to the ancient Greek myth, Odysseus, sailing on his ship past the island of the Sirens, ordered everyone to close their ears with wax, and ordered himself to be tied to the mast so as not to die at the hands of cruel marine inhabitants. And the plan worked: everyone survived.

The realtor is interested in you buying an apartment. Hairdresser - to get you a new haircut. The seller in the store - to buy products that are about to expire. Largely people incline you to actions and decisions that are beneficial to them.And the point here is not only the desire to earn more: for example, your friend can invest in bitcoins and advise you to do the same, so that if you really burn out, then at least not alone.

Avinash Dixit and Barry Nailbuff in their book Game Theory. The art of strategic thinking in business and life" says that people tend to use as many resources as possible, and often to the detriment of others. They cite global warming as an example: if everyone thinks only of themselves, then everyone will suffer.

  • Advice: do not blindly trust people, even if it seems that they came to you with the best of intentions. Think about what might be their motivation. Sometimes it is even useful to show the cards and honestly ask about it, showing that you are not so easily fooled.

Often our favorite book or song is one of the first ones we read or heard as a child. The thing is that when a person does something for the first time, neural connections are formed in the brain and the pleasure hormone dopamine is produced. The danger of this behavior is that we consider the former to be the best. Remember how hard it was for your parents to switch from feature phones to smartphones.

  • Advice: be more open to everything new, do not be afraid to experiment and do not rush to conclusions. Don't expect instant gratification - let your brain analyze something unusual and experience the joy of it. And do not limit yourself too much: sometimes you can afford a little weakness.

Bonus: appreciate the people and events that happen to you

Remember your student years, when even fried potatoes in the common kitchen pleased you and the opportunity to buy a new dress once a season? Many often remember this time because it was the very basic level of happiness from which people began to build their lives. This feature, which consists in returning to a relatively stable level of happiness even after major changes in life, is called hedonic adaptation.

But over time, people get used to everything stable: to their relatives, home, daily habits. And it is very important to make such decisions, thanks to which unexpected, pleasant and positive events occur in life. Meeting up with busy friends, a thrilling trip, having a baby - these are events that a person cannot get used to, and they bring a more long-term feeling of happiness into our lives.

Which of the tricks of our thinking seemed to you the most insidious? Have you ever done things that you later regretted?