Care for young facial skin. Facial treatment for young ladies Young skin care

What does it take to keep your facial skin clean and healthy? How to get rid of blackheads, pimples and oily shine? These questions are especially relevant at a young age. Your body is maturing, and hormones are raging in it. It would seem, what does facial skin have to do with it? The fact is that the sebaceous glands are sensitive to hormones. Under their influence, sebum begins to be intensively produced. It clogs pores, causing blackheads and rashes to appear. It is useless to fight hormonal changes, but it is possible and necessary to deal with its result - problematic facial skin.

10 rules of daily care for teenagers:

1. Follow the “Cleansing - Toning - Moisturizing” scheme, and in that order. Use products from the same cosmetic series. Now let's talk more about the stages themselves.

2. Cleanse your skin carefully. Use soft exfoliating products: gels and foams for washing - they do not cause irritation. A daily scrub will also work. Thanks to soothing ingredients and microgranules, it gently exfoliates dead cells without irritating the skin and gently caring for it.

3. Choose a toner based on your skin type. For example, for sensitive skin, dermatologists advise using a toner with a minimum amount of alcohol. It should be applied carefully, with light blotting movements.

4. Moisturizer should match your age, season and skin type. Manufacturers directly indicate the first two parameters on the packaging, but how do the seasons and care cosmetics relate? Everything is very simple: a “summer” cream should protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, and a “spring-autumn” cream should contain vitamins. Winter in Ukraine is cold, and this is additional stress for the skin. But you can protect her. To do this you need to buy nutritious cream and apply it every time before going out into the cold.

5. Squeezing pimples is a prohibited technique! Leave this activity to the professionals: deep facial cleansing should be carried out by a cosmetologist. And if you really can’t bear it, use a sterile napkin and don’t touch your face with your fingers. Don't forget to treat your skin with lotion before and after the procedure, otherwise the infection will get into neighboring pores. A deep cleansing lotion will remove impurities and oil from the surface of the skin and prevent the appearance of new acne.

6. Apply acne cream pointwise, without covering healthy areas of the skin, so as not to dry it out.

7. When masking imperfections with foundation, do not forget about preliminary disinfection, a sense of proportion and powder.

8. Regularly wash the sponges and brushes with which you apply foundation and powder.

9. Watch what you drink. Sweet soda, coffee and alcohol do not add beauty to your skin. Drink more clean water (1.5 - 2 liters per day) and add freshly squeezed juices and smoothies to your diet.

10. Watch what you eat. Sweets, fatty foods and fast food provoke acne. A chocolate bar eaten at night makes you happy for only 10 minutes, but makes you sad for several days.

And remember: facial skin care should be complete and systematic. You can’t just wipe your face with lotion occasionally and expect a miracle. Clean, glowing skin is the result of daily care.

Expert website cosmetologist Tatiana Shvets tells how to properly care for young skin, warns girls against common mistakes, and also shares simple but effective recipes that have been tested in practice.

Youthful skin problems not only have negative external manifestations, but can also cause depression. Today, girls try to start using cosmetics as early as possible, but at the same time they do not pay any attention to their quality, preferring bright and “fashionable” cosmetics.

Very often, teenage girls apply many layers to their skin. foundation, blush and powder - all this only clogs the pores and does not allow the skin to breathe. As a result, inflammation worsens. At this age, it is better not to use foundation at all. Pores clogged with dirt and foundation prevent the skin from breathing freely, resulting in an inflammatory process.

The most common mistake teenagers make is . Thus, they only injure the skin, and even risk introducing infection into it. As a result, squeezing pimples may leave unsightly scars and blemishes on the face.

It is necessary to take care of your skin correctly and comprehensively, then problems will not arise. Skin care for up to twenty years will determine its condition in mature age. Skin up to twenty-five years of age is considered young. Usually, up to this age, girls are worried about the same problems: oiliness in the T-zone, blackheads, clogged pores, acne.

Excessive makeup can be forgiven for young Hollywood stars, but if you are not going to the Golden Globe or Oscar ceremony, but just to a club for a dance, you don’t need it / photo from Instagram of Mad Men star Kiernan Shipka, for whom makeup is part of the job

When caring for young skin, it is not recommended to get carried away with anti-acne creams. Undoubtedly, these products have some positive effect, but strongly, as a result of which after twenty years she will begin to fade, losing her youth and attractiveness. Therefore, such cosmetics should be used precisely.

Caring for any skin includes cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing. Washing with soap is harmful, regardless of age period . It is necessary twice a day, morning and evening, using a special gel (foam, mousse, lotion) for young skin.

When choosing cosmetics, pay attention to ingredients that are contraindicated for young skin: alcohol, eucalyptus. It is important to remove makeup from your face; you should not leave it on overnight as it promotes the growth of bacteria. If you have acne, use anti-inflammatory products.

After cleansing, the skin needs toning, for which it is recommended to use a refreshing tonic lotion, the action of which regulates the process of sebum production. After toning, young skin needs to be moisturized, for which you should use a cream suitable for your face type.

To remove eye and face makeup, it is better to use nourishing milk for young, dry skin; for those with oily and problematic skin, alcohol-free lotions are more suitable for removing makeup.

Blackheads especially bother young skin; to eliminate them, it is recommended to use steaming masks and gentle scrubs. It is also quite effective to prepare homemade scrubs to cleanse young skin, which eliminate the possibility of injury.

Until the age of twenty, it is better not to use foundation at all, but to give preference to light powders.

Now let's move from theory to practice. We offer you recipes for skin care products that can be prepared at home without much effort.

To moisturize normal skin you need to beat the yolk chicken egg and lubricate your face with it, after fifteen minutes wash your face warm water.

Refreshing white clay mask with mint Perfect for young and problematic skin. Thanks to the action of its ingredients, the mask tightens pores, reduces irritation and redness of the skin, eliminates oily sheen, and fights acne.

To prepare, take 1 tbsp. l. clay and dilute with a small amount of warm water (to the consistency of liquid sour cream). The mint must be washed well, chopped very finely and the leaves crushed until the juice is released.

Add 2 tbsp mint leaves to the clay. l. (mint leaves can replace 2 drops of mint essential oil) and 3 drops of juniper oil. Apply the mask to slightly damp facial skin in a thin layer and keep until dry.

Moisturizing yogurt mask for problem skin . To prepare the mask, take 2-3 tbsp. l. yogurt (better homemade) add 1 tsp. freshly squeezed aloe juice (or one ampoule of aloe extract) and 2-3 drops of rosemary essential oil. Apply the mask to the face for 10-15 minutes.

Helps for oily and problematic young skin mask with degreasing and soothing effect . To prepare it, you need to grind 1 tbsp until smooth. l. cottage cheese with 3 tbsp. l. kefir and add 1 tbsp. l. chopped sour apple pulp.

Apply the resulting mass to the face, rinse after 15 minutes with water at room temperature.

By taking proper care of your skin from a young age, you can prevent serious problems from occurring in the near future. Be healthy and beautiful!

Do you have a question for a cosmetologist? Set it in

8 539 0 20 years is the period when teenage acne gradually become a thing of the past, hormonal levels return to normal. And here the main thing is to understand that up to 25 years (before the period of skin aging), our face needs proper care. After all, this period determines how intensive the care will be in subsequent years and how quickly the aging process will begin. If you preserve the skin at this age, then senile or expression wrinkles, drooping cheeks and other troubles will slow down their advance.

Attention! If you cannot get rid of juvenile acne before the age of 25, then the problem lies deeper in your body. Contact a cosmetologist, gastroenterologist and/or gynecologist; they will help you cope with these problems by prescribing the necessary medications for you.

Ideally, a youthful face should be clean, smooth, with a healthy color, elastic and firm. But, alas, this is not always the case. And young skin has its own problems. And, as a rule, these problems are associated with puberty. Pimples, oiliness, enlarged pores, blackheads - and this is only part of what every second teenager suffers from. And the imprint from them accompanies us for many more years. Today we will talk about how to properly care for young facial skin from 20 to 25 years old.

Basic mistakes in caring for young skin

It happens that a young girl who cares daily behind his face he cannot boast of its flawlessness and smoothness. In her opinion, she is doing everything right, but remember, the skin does not forgive the mistakes that we make, so it is better to know in advance about everything that can harm us.

Mistake #1 "It is too early"

A common myth among young girls is that if you apply creams to your face too early, wrinkles will quickly appear; cosmetic care is harmful to a young face. You will get this result if you choose the wrong cream for your face or choose a low-quality manufacturer. In other cases, it will only be beneficial.

Mistake #2 “Oh, this cream will do too!”

The most common mistake is using tools that do not match yours. Surely you have heard that the skin is divided into oily, dry, normal And combined. Such a classification was created for a reason. After all, what dry skin needs is categorically not recommended for oily skin. For example, a rich night cream perfectly nourishes and moisturizes dry skin that needs moisture. But it is not suitable for oily types, as it will clog the pores even worse. So before buying any cosmetic product, determine your skin type; for this, you can contact a specialist or conduct a test yourself.

Mistake #3 « Soap is cheaper and faster!”

There are people who prefer to simply wash their face with soap, and without using special products. This is fundamentally wrong. Soap dries out the skin greatly; this effect is harmful not only to dry skin, but also to oily skin. After all, oily skin can also suffer from lack of moisture. If we still haven’t convinced you, then at least buy soft soap with the addition of cream, as well as neutral acidity. This soap will not cause dryness and irritation.

Mistake #4 “I can do without cream”

Very often after cleansing there is a feeling of tightness. So, this cannot be ignored. You should definitely have a nourishing and moisturizing cream on your dressing table to lubricate dry areas of your face.

Mistake #5 “Why do I need cream? I want to get a stronger tan.”

The sun's rays are an ardent enemy for us, so not only in summer, but also in winter and in cloudy weather it is necessary to protect your face from these insidious rays. By purchasing daily cream or foundation, pay attention to such a parameter as SPF protection. The higher it is, the stronger the protection against ultraviolet radiation. Scientists have proven that annual active tanning during periods of increased solar activity (summer) ages the skin by six months.

Mistake #6 “I’d rather take it cheaper, but get more”

Have a large number of different cosmetics is not a guarantee that your face will be perfect. In this matter, it is not quantity that is important, but quality. Choose only high-quality products, and let you have one effective and expensive cream rather than many cheap and useless tubes.

Mistake #7 “I’ll take care of this in my old age.”

The health of our skin directly depends on our habits. For example, posture during sleep, those who are used to sleeping face down on a pillow will most likely begin to complain about the appearance of wrinkles earlier. Lack of sleep is also a cause of early aging. Leading an unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, alcohol and an unhealthy diet will negatively affect the skin of the face and body. Yes, and get into the habit of drinking daily. . After all, if the skin does not have enough moisture from the inside, it will begin to age faster.

Mistake #8 "Lack of systematicity"

How to keep your facial skin young? The answer is systematicity. Facial care should be systematic. Don't forget to wash off your makeup before going to bed, regularly moisturize your face, and be careful when sunbathing. Over time, this will bear fruit: you will save on expensive cosmetic procedures to get rid of wrinkles in adulthood. Don’t wait for acne to appear on your face, take care of your skin now (cleanse, moisturize and nourish the skin) and all the troubles such as oily shine, dryness and tightness, blackheads will bypass you.

  • . This is important for selection cosmetics. For example, a drop of oil tea tree in day cream for the face - this is an excellent product to dry out oily skin.
  • Pimples. Never try to squeeze out pimples yourself, especially with dirty hands. Otherwise, you can get an infection and also contribute to the appearance of a mesh on your face, which is then difficult to get rid of. If your hands are itching, then at least carefully prepare for the procedure: steam your face and wash your hands. Be sure to use an antiseptic. Many acne creams or gels contain salicylic acid, which can dry out the skin, so don't apply the product all over your face, just the pimple.
  • Cleansing. It is necessary to cleanse your face daily, even if you do not use decorative cosmetics. After all, dust and dirt settle on the skin throughout the day, which is why black spots form on the skin. In addition, using only soap is not enough; it is better to purchase special cleansing foams and mousses.
  • Hydration. Skin of any type needs to be moisturized, if you don’t like greasy creams, choose a mousse that suits you.
  • Around eyes. At this age, this area does not yet require special care. Therefore, do not rush to buy a special product, and certainly do not apply daily cream to this area.
  • Diet. Review your diet. Avoid junk food and increase your consumption of fresh vegetables and herbs. Also refuse bad habits and drink enough water.
  • Healthy sleep. Don't forget about sleep. All health problems begin with lack of sleep or oversleeping. It's better to go to bed before midnight. And the duration of healthy sleep should be within 8 hours.
  • protection. Remember, tanning is beautiful, but there is no need to talk about its benefits. Always use products with UV protection. Remember not only about creams, but also about lip balm. It will protect you from premature wrinkles and...
  • Don't skimp on your face. Alas, not all foundations suitable for problematic skin, so choose high-quality products for the care of young skin that will not aggravate the situation. If you are trying to disguise pimples, then you do not need to apply a kilogram of foundation, it is better to use mousse, it does not clog the pores so much. Abundant and frequent use and application of foundation only favors the appearance of new acne. Don't forget about the quality of cosmetics. Systematic use of cheap cosmetics will come back to haunt you in adulthood.
  • Weekly deep clean. Use products regularly deep cleaning facials, for example, scrubs, peelings and modern sheets. Remember that scrubs are not recommended for use on inflamed areas. The main purpose of peeling at this age is to get rid of acne and blackheads. They will help you with this.
  • Simple hygiene. Don't forget about basic personal hygiene. Not only your body, but also your face needs cleansing, but also the devices that you use, do not forget to wash, clean and change more often: brushes, sponges, combs, towels.
  • Makeup brushes made from natural fibers They will last up to 5 years, but once a month with daily use they need to be washed. Possible in soap solution or in a special brush cleaner. Dry on a towel.
  • Sponges need to be changed at least once a month. They are not intended for long-term use.
  • It is recommended to change combs made from high-quality materials once a year. The rest as they wear out.
  • Cosmetology specialists and general practitioners recommend changing the face towel every day. For this, it is very convenient to buy small towels in a set of 10 pieces (for example, from IKEA). Hand towels should be changed every three days. And for the body - once every 5-7 days.

Basic stages of young skin care

As already mentioned, young skin most often suffers from acne. At this age, the main stages of care should be cleansing, humidification, well, mandatory UV protection. There is no point in using anti-aging creams, since at a young age the skin itself is able to renew itself and regenerate. Before you start caring for your facial skin, you need to determine its type. Each skin type needs an individual approach.

The first stage is cleansing

Cleansing the skin is the basis of everything! Without proper cleansing, you will not be able to achieve the desired result. Cleansing plays a key role at this age!

Fat and combination skin It is better to cleanse with foam or mousse, and dry cleansing with products with a creamy structure .

By the way, the Japanese are specialists in creating products for cleansing young skin. Today it has become popular.

  • The first step of cleansing is dissolving makeup using hydrophilic oil for young facial skin.
  • The second step is the use of foaming products, cream, mousse or foam.

Another cleansing option is to remove dead cells. Of course, no cleanser can remove dead cells; special products have been created for this.

Get into the habit of washing your face with a contrast rinse. To do this, alternately use cool and warm (not hot!) water. Hot water will only provoke the production of subcutaneous fat and the appearance of an oily sheen.

Stage two – hydration

After cleansing, it is imperative to moisturize the skin. Even oily skin needs hydration, let alone dry skin. For oily skin, it is better to choose lighter creams, and for dry skin, richer creams.

Special attention It is worth paying attention to the area around the eyes. Care for young skin around the eyes will differ from the main one, since this area is more sensitive and thin, therefore, it ages faster. In order to prolong the youth of the skin around the eyes:

  • try not to rub it when you wash your face or wipe your face with a towel;
  • Do not use face cream on the eyelid area, and in general it is too early to moisturize this area. At a young age it is still in perfect condition;
  • Always wash off your makeup at night, since the skin of the eyelids is most susceptible to the effects of decorative cosmetics.

Home care for young skin

In addition to the steps listed, you can add additional care that can be done at home. Of course, this stage is not mandatory, but it will not be superfluous. What is caring for young facial skin at home? Home care consists of preparing masks and creams from simple and affordable products.

Young facial skin is characterized by an oily sheen, especially in the T-zone. To get rid of it, you don’t need to apply masks or cleansing gels all over your face, as you will dry out healthy areas of the skin. Apply cosmetics only to problem areas.

It’s not difficult to prepare masks for young skin at home, the main thing is to follow the recipe and recommendations. Here are some simple but effective recipes:

  1. Mask with cosmetic clay . Cosmetic clay rich in useful minerals and trace elements. Kaolin perfectly cleanses the skin, fights excess oil, eliminates flaking and redness. Evens out complexion and mattifies the skin. The recipe with clay is the simplest, you need to dilute the powder in glassware(in no case in metal or plastic), in clean water, follow the instructions on the package. Apply the creamy mixture to your face for 10 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Also, clay can be mixed not with water, but, for example, with honey. If desired, add an essential oil to which you are not allergic.
  2. Yeast mask. Brewer's yeast is used to treat skin from acne and blackheads. To prepare a yeast mask, take 1 tablespoon of yeast, dilute the yeast in warm water. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice and egg white. Apply the resulting mask to problem skin and leave for 15 minutes, then wash with cool water.
  3. Egg mask for dry skin . Egg yolk used in cosmetology to moisturize and soften the skin, which is very important for dry skin. To prepare the mask, add a spoonful of homemade high-fat sour cream and a little banana to the yolk, apply the resulting mass to the face and neck area and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash everything off.

Clean and youthful facial skin at home – it’s simple and affordable!

Salon treatments for young skin care

According to most people, only those who want to remove wrinkles go to a cosmetologist, but this is not so. And young girls, especially those who have problem skin, turn to specialists. So what do beauty salons offer us for young skin?

  1. Face cleaning - This is the most popular procedure in cosmetology clinics, which is indicated even for young people and teenagers under 20 years old. This procedure is safe and does not have any contraindications. Cleaning can be done manually or using special equipment. Manual or manual cleaning is very painful, and after the procedure you will not look good, but after a short time your face will become fresher and your pores will be cleaner. Ultrasound is usually used as a facial cleansing device. This type of cleansing is less traumatic, and after the procedure for young facial skin, recovery occurs faster.
  2. Peeling - This is another popular procedure for young skin up to 25 years old, which is aimed not only at cleansing, but also at removing dead epidermal cells. There are several types of peeling:
  • Surface
  • Median
  • Deep

Superficial peeling Can be done at home weekly. This peeling has a gentle effect, while deeply cleansing of dead cells.

Medium peeling already has an order of magnitude higher concentration of the products used, which allows it to have an effect on the deep layers of the skin, helping to narrow pores, smooth out wrinkles, eliminate scars and post-acne marks.

Deep peeling, this type of procedure is more likely to have a medical indication, for example, it is used after burns. Deep peeling is carried out under medical supervision and under anesthesia.

  1. Mesotherapy – these are vitamins for young skin. Conventional creams are not capable of deeply affecting the skin, but with the help of vitamin injections, all beneficial substances penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis. Mesotherapy can improve blood circulation and start the process of cell renewal.
  2. Biorevitalization usually used after 25 years, but also helps fight problems that are typical for teenage skin. Biorevitalization is a procedure by which cells are saturated with hyaluronic acid using injections. Until the age of 25, our cells themselves are capable of producing hyaluronic acid, but then this process decreases significantly and hyaluronic acid becomes insufficient. Biorevitalization helps cope with dry skin, wrinkles, age spots, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and tightens pores.

Unfortunately, today the masses have the idea that there is no need to take care of young skin until the age of 20-25, supposedly the skin will get used to the use of cosmetics and will age faster in the future. But all this is wrong. Yes, you can provoke early aging if you take care of your facial skin incorrectly, but after reading our article, you will know what mistakes you can avoid. So, when approaching the issue of skin care up to 25 years old, take it seriously, then you can be proud of yourself and your face. May you always have healthy and youthful facial skin!

Thank you for reading the article to the end. We always welcome your comments and advice from personal experience that will help other girls remain attractive and maintain youth for a long time.

Cosmetologist, director of 3 cosmetology clinics under her own brand “Lyudmila”. Author of articles for professional online publications and participant in many international symposiums.

Complete and systematic care for a girl’s face will help avoid the formation of acne, oiliness and other problems that arise in young ladies at this stage of life. An important condition is the competent choice of professional natural cosmetics, which must be selected according to skin type.

How to properly take care of your face

Most often, a child or teenager has mixed skin, so caring for it should consist of several stages:

  • Deep cleansing
  • Prolonged hydration
  • Reliable protection


So, in the morning you should immediately wash off the products of “night” cell metabolism and sebaceous secretions. Such care will help not only improve tone and make the cells breathe, but will also give a matte and peachy tint, avoiding matting during the day.

It is not recommended to use regular soap to cleanse your face. Antibacterial gels with extracts of plants and seaweed are suitable for these purposes. Salicylic acid has an antibacterial effect and can soothe the face.

At the final stage of cleansing, you need to wipe your face with a napkin.


Skin needs to be taken care of carefully, especially if we're talking about about the fat type. Even oily facial skin requires hydration. It is important to choose a light texture. Light fluids, lotions with flower extracts, and gels are ideal for oily types.

The main thing is that care is daily.


A girl’s skin needs to be looked after, so toning is also an important step. The facial care procedure is carried out using tonics, the main ingredients of which are aloe juice, chamomile, calendula, and salicylic acid.

A toner for young skin should not contain alcohol or other aggressive substances

This treatment will help even out the tone, get rid of excess oil, remove cleanser residue and refresh.

Read: Acne spots: clear skin again

Problematic skin of a teenager

Protection from sun and frost

It is important to take care of your face even when the sun is shining mercilessly outside the window, because a teenager’s skin reacts to it by secreting sebum, so acne cannot be avoided. So, you should take care of your skin - protect it with serums and creams, or lotions with UF filters.

Sunscreen should be washed off after sunbathing and then moisturize your face with a nourishing cream.

If you have to go out into the cold, then for your face you should choose denser textures with protective filters, honey, and propolis. You should also take care of the skin of your lips by applying a nourishing balm.

Professional help

You can take care of your face with dry and normal skin yourself. But combination and oily types need the help of a professional who can create an individual program that includes salon and home treatments to help cope with pimples, acne, and oily sheen. Today, there are many salon methods for caring for sensitive skin of teenagers.

Facial skin at any age has its own characteristics and requires certain care. Starting from the age of 13-14, teenagers begin to pay attention to some of its changes and look for solutions to the issues that have arisen. The main qualities in the period from adolescence up to 22-25 years are the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Under normal circumstances, she has a good natural color and noticeable tone. But the period of growing up leaves its mark: acne appears, unwanted oiliness appears on the face. How do you still react to these troubles?

Basic skin types and subtleties of skin care

  • Normal - without greasy shine, with an even healthy color, not prone to rashes. Requires washing and light moisturizing with appropriate cream.
  • Combined. Oiliness appears in the T-zone (affects the forehead, nose, chin), and some dryness on the cheeks. Care is the same as for normal skin. If you have acne in an oily area, they are ideal essential oils, acne creams (for spot use only), special cleansing lotions used only for oily areas.
  • Dry type is the most rare option for young skin. Such skin requires mandatory nourishment and hydration. In the morning, you should use a moisturizer for dry skin. In case of unfavorable weather (wind, frost) - nourishing cream. You can use it instead of cream vegetable oils. They are natural and give a wonderful effect. But you should select them specifically for your skin. Makeup removers are also suitable for this skin type.

Don't get carried away with scrubs at a young age!

They should be used maximum once every few weeks and are best prepared at home from natural ingredients. The action of such a remedy must be as gentle and gentle as possible.

According to many cosmetologists, if young skin does not require the use of creams and does not require additional nutrition, then until the age of 20 it is better to do without such products altogether. Otherwise, an addictive effect may well occur. And you will have to switch to regular skin care earlier than usual. She will simply lose her natural ability to cope with problems.

The procedure for applying products should be carried out clearly along the massage lines, where the skin is least susceptible to stretching:
  • on the lower jaw - from the middle of the chin to the ears,
  • on the cheeks - from the corners of the mouth, from the middle upper lip and from the wings of the nose to the ears.

Young skin care mistakes

  • Physical removal of pimples is squeezing them out.
    If the problem cannot be solved easily, it is better to contact a specialist. With a high degree of acne development, the problem may need to be solved even with the help of drug therapy. But there are more simple methods: peeling, ozone therapy, manual cleaning, necessarily in a special institution.
  • Constantly washing your face with soap can dry out your skin.
    Quite often, soap contains aggressive elements and destroys the protective layer on the skin. To cleanse dry skin, it is recommended to use hydrophilic oils, and to wash - gel, mousse or foam. In this case, the chosen product should not contain soap. Each type of skin is individual. Therefore, when selecting products, you should take into account that after use there should not be a feeling of dryness or tightness.

    The washing procedure is indicated every evening in order to cleanse the dirt accumulated during the day.

    It’s worth doing it even if you don’t wear makeup on your face during the day. You can wipe the skin with tonic or lotion. It is better that the product does not contain alcohol (or there is a minimal amount of it and this concerns the problematic oily skin). After wiping your face, wash with plain water and apply a layer of moisturizer.
    In the morning, it is ideal to wipe your face with non-alcoholic floral waters containing essential oils. This is better than poor quality tap water.
  • Applying inappropriate creams to the skin of the eyelids.
    This especially applies to acne cream, although it applies to anyone. There are light specialized products for the skin of the eyelids with a gentle effect.
  • Using milk and oil to remove makeup on problem skin.
    On normal, it’s possible. But then you need to again cleanse the skin of the remnants of these products and use flower water.
  • Abuse of sunbathing. They age the skin quickly.
  • Using creams from the regular market to kill acne.
    Their action is aimed only at destroying the rashes themselves. But what about the reason? It remains and the next wave of pimples is guaranteed. Even if the cream fulfilled its purpose, it certainly dried out the skin exposed to it. And this will certainly affect her condition already at the age of 20.
Acne itself is a temporary phenomenon and you should not spoil your skin because of it, because it will have to serve faithfully for all the subsequent years of your life. The reason for their occurrence is puberty of the young organism. Most often they go away on their own. But how to cope with the situation during the most romantic period of life? After all, they cause so much trouble!

You can use specialized creams, BUT only by targeting individual pimples. And the cream should be chosen good quality and a well-known manufacturer.

The ideal cream for young skin is a light moisturizing, specially created age cream.

What can replace special industrial production means?

  • Essential oils work well. They are used both spot on problem areas and as an addition to face care cream - mix it with a few drops of oil.
  • There are a lot folk recipes for the care of young skin, which work efficiently and give a positive effect. They are easy to prepare yourself and match your skin type.
  • An indispensable condition for good condition and preservation of the skin is healthy way life, balanced nutrition. Can't do without fresh air, walks, reasonable physical activity. Smoking, strong tea and coffee, and alcoholic drinks cause harm. These are enemies like good health and healthy skin.